#taerang tcf
mirktea · 9 months
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it’s been months but im still stuck on this.
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sourrattree · 2 years
Alberu with a gun agenda.
no bc im never forgetting how this mf is literally a magic spearman dark elf crown prince all that, and then they gave him a fucking gun
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birb-catto · 1 year
Alberu vs. WS, Endable Kingdom
I was reminded that Taerang's original form is a SPEAR. Not a gun.
We the fandom got so used to thinking that Taerang is a gun. We forgot WHY Taerang became a gun.
It went like this:
(Alberu used Spear!)
(It was not effective...)
(Alberu used Chains!)
(It was not effective...)
WS: You can't defeat me! As a reincarnator, I have mastered ALL the weapons of this world.
Alberu, remembers Earth 2 PJT: Is that so?
Alberu, turns Taerang into a gun and shoots mana bullets: How about now?
(Alberu used Gun!)
(White Star is confused!)
(It was super effective!)
Upon remembering the other world in the middle of a battle, the first person Alberu remembers is freaking Park Jin Tae. And his mf GUN.
Thank you PJT for injecting more chaos into our Crown Prince's life.
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
Yoo Ryeo Han is unmatched because what mad lad would think about giving the sophisticated crown prince who is also a stressed 25 yo a fucking glock and let him instill the fear of god upon his enemies with it? Absolute legend
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web-novel-polls · 6 months
WN Weapon Tournament
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[Please be courteous in the notes. Don’t make me block you.]
Chenqing - Wei Wuxian's dizi (MDZS)
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Hong Jing (TGCF)
Mod Propaganda: Snitch
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Jiangui / Ah! What the Hell - Mo Ran’s whip from 2ha
“There is only one person in this world who can open Ever-Yearning. This person is extremely important in your life; you must love this person dearly, and this person must also love you in return, and be wholly devoted to you.” - Ji Baihua regarding the Ever-Yearning box containing Jiangui
Mo Ran’s Holy weapon in his second life, Jiangui - which translates to “Ah! What the hell” due to Mo Ran accidentally exclaiming this when opening the Ever-Yearning box. 
Jiangzai - Xue Yang’s sword (MDZS)
i don't know shit about swords but jiangzai can split into two swords and that's Very Cool methinks
Little Palace Mistress’s Whip (SVSSS)
Submission: Shen Qingqiu is whipped, and not just for Luo Binghe?
Longcheng / Dragon City - Xue Meng’s sword from 2ha
Since Xue Meng could not receive a holy weapon from Jincheng Lake, he used Longcheng, a high-quality scimitar from Taxue Palace. From what I remember, Mo Ran gifted him the Wangshu Crystal from the Carp Essence that was requested by Song Qiutong to help him cultivate/add to his sword, making it something similar to a “heavenly weapon.”
Shuoyue - Lan Xichen's sword (MDZS)
Submission: The sword that stabbed through Lan Xichen's best friend, Jin Guangyao. Tragic sword.
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Suibian - Wei Wuxian's sword (MDZS)
Suibian is Wei Wuxian’s sword that sealed itself after his death. Its name translates to “Whatever” due to Wei Wuxian’s inability to think of a suitable name and telling Jiang Fengmian to name it “whatever.” This is, in my opinion, the funniest thing Jiang Fengmian has ever done in his life
Taerang - Alberu Crossman's divine item (Lout of the Count's Family / LCF)
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Fantasy gun rights
Xuan Su - Yue Qingyuan’s sword (SVSSS)
Mod Propaganda: Xuan Su is Yue Qingyuan’s iconic sword that is only drawn twice after he suffers from a qi deviation bonding his life force to Xuan Su. 
Yan Zhen (TGCF)
Jun Wu’s Virgin Detector sword
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he4d-banger · 2 years
Tasha: you don't like to admit it, but if anyone dare to be tough on Young Master Cale, you'd beat them up
Alberu: W-what? Of course not
Cale: someone stole my cookies
Alberu with Taerang already in shotgun form: WHO!???
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blueteller · 1 month
Hello, Blueteller-nim! I just want to ask what's happening rn in tcf part 2? Who are the new gods that have been introduced (and how many of those newly introduced gods became Cale's enemies)? How many hunters Cale already defeated (and how many more should he defeat)? Is there any news about the Fake Hilsman? Did Cale adopted a new kid? (Pls say yes I want him to adopt more lol)
Hi! I believe this exact question was sent to me before? Sorry it took me so long to reply! Every time I started writing, new lore got dropped and I ended up re-writing this reply from scratch. There's a lot to cover, so brace yourself for tons of SPOILERS
I made a post about TCF gods once already, but turns out, parts of it are outdated! Some new information got revealed that directly contradicts my old assumptions about several of them. But we'll get to it.
First of all, the Hunter families. The plot of Part 2 so far consists of Cale going to different dimensions to deal with them.
So there were originally seven, but by current time there were only five left to deal with. Let's quickly run by each of them one by one.
Black Bloods; residents of the planet Xiaolen – specifically Xiaolen 1 – named Huayans (Fayence in the first raw translations, just in case you've seen that version before), led by Redok. They were human Black Mages who specialized in "White Magic", meaning their variant of Black Magic was more powerful and it looked white. Pretty neat. They flooded Xiaolen with dead mana in order to sacrifice the world and gather its energy called "Karma". Still little detail on how Karma works exactly, but we know it can be gathered by either killing or saving tons of people – guess which method the Hunters use. Cale got a dramatic fire power boost because of some universal balance rules, and defeated them pretty easily. (Xiaolen citizens made Cale a statue in his honor, much to his despair lol)
Blue Bloods; residents of Central Plains, a pretty young world from what we know. They were known as the Blood Cult, lead by a female leader called Blood Demon. They created hundreds of thousands of zombies called Jiangshi and planned to cause a 3-way civil war in order to do the same thing Black Bloods were trying to do. Cale got a water power upgrade because of a dead Dragon and defeated a tsunami with a tsunami and got a splitting headache because of some third eye mumbo jumbo – long story. They were a little harder to defeat than Black Bloods, but they managed in the end. Choi Han got to personally slay the Blood Demon. (Central Plains citizens turned Cale into a folk story/legend and apparently there's already a cult for him hahaha)
Purple Bloods; resident of Aipotu – who consists entirely of Dragons and Dragon-bloods, led by Dragon Lord Neo (yes I'm pretty sure the name is a Matrix reference – love the irony of it so much). Purple Blood's specialty was getting to "inheriting" Dragon powers via some very questionable blood transfusions and heart transplants. Nasty stuff. Neo's Attribute was time, or something quite similar to it, and he used his time powers to mess up Aipotu and the World Tree, intending to transfer himself and all his followers/slaves into a Virtual Reality the Hunters planned to make their own new world. Cale had to use Instant to defeat Neo, turning his own broken plate into dust and eating it to survive (VERY questionable method, Cale!!). Dragon Half-Blood also had to sacrifice himself so Cale set him up as an NPC in the Virtual World and he gets to be reborn from an egg as a legit Half-Dragon named Eden Miru. These has been the most recent events in the story (also Aipotu residents built Cale a church under Clopeh and named it Five Colored Light religion HAHAHAHA). Speaking of Virtual Reality…
Transparent Bloods; residents of Earth 3 – the world where Anh Roh Man lives, the guy who made Alberu's Taerang; leader unknown so far. Apparently ARM's parents are the one who made the Virtual Reality, and the Hunters bought/stole it (and named it "Raising My Very Own Precious Omnipotent God!"??? Which is just hilarious…) So the game wasn't originally designed by them. That matters a lot, because it seems like not only VR is sentient like every other world so far, it has even created an AI specifically against the Hunters and their influence. It seems that VR is, in fact, a real world, capable of containing real people and their souls. So Cale will definitely be heading there next to save it from Transparent Bloods. But before we get to them…
Five-Colored Bloods; no apparent residence, but I have a suspicion… We found out very recently their leader is called the "Wanderer King". Which just screams to me of the whole "Mercenary King" invented by the White Star – the exact same brand of arrogance, really. Their specialty seems to be collecting and transferring power; that's how Dragon Lord Neo was able to get so much power to influence an entire world and the World Tree. They will be a pain to deal with, because they seem to be allied both with certain gods and demons. Which is why, btw, in the most recent chapters Cale went to the freaking Demon Realm. But more on that in a bit~!
White Bloods; all we know about them is from Choi Jung Gun in Sealed God's Temple Test of Sloth. To directly quote him, "The White Blood family betrayed the Hunters and escaped!" (chapter 730) – which I actually mixed up in the past, my bad; I thought it was the Red Blood family that betrayed them and escaped. Speaking of which:
Red Bloods; also known as Thames, last known member being Jour Thames (or is it Drew Thames in the EAP translation? Whatever, I prefer Jour…) and the "Fake Hilsman" who stole Cale's retirement fund. Judging from Jour mentioning her brother when Cale got the Annual Rings of Life Ancient Power, I think it's safe to assume it's that guy. CJG said to Cale that " The Red Blood family perished a long time ago", but he also said that "The Red Blood did not perish", so I think they also betrayed the Hunters and faked their death.
If you're still with me after ALL of that exposition, let me now actually address the actual question: the gods involved in the plot of in Part 2.
There are 5 gods we must talk about, and why I need the Hunter families context first will become clear in a moment.
God of Balance; apparently female, wears heels, and approaches people from behind for intimidation. I'd call her the "gentle in disposition yet extremely scary" grandma type. Basically forcefully summoned Cale to meet her after defeating the Blue Bloods on Central Plains (Cale did not see her face) and told/threatened Cale that he should become a god. One of the "Five Ancient Gods", which seem to be one of the if not THE oldest Gods around who did not retire yet for some reason. Seems like a real piece of work, though doesn't seem evil? More like a strict law enforced or corrupt politician. She did beat up the God of Death over giving Cale the dimension-transporting mirror Divine Item that one time. She also wrote a rulebook on universal balance, apparently. That's why most of Cales powers were sealed and weakened during the Central Plains arc.
God of Hope; I don't believe their gender was ever specified. I think some people assume she's female too, but I found no evidence for it so far? I might be wrong. Anyway – thanks to them visiting Cale to "scare away" the God of Balance, we got tons of info. The God of Hope said: "Including Balance, Chaos, and I, there are a total of five Ancient Gods. We have continued to protect these seats without ever handing it over to another existence. My my, we are all quite greedy. We all desire power as well." So the five Ancient Gods seem to be Balance, Chaos, Hope, and I think the last two are Fate and Blue Wolf? [EDIT: The last two were revealed to be Justice and Injustice in the most recent chapter. My mistake!] Anyway – the God of Hope is sometimes stronger than Balance and that pisses her off. They seem to be one of the most reasonable gods we've met so far, not only admitting that they did not wish to become a god at all but were forced to, but also sincerely cheering on Cale's dream, explaining that Balance wanted Cale to replace Hope and be her lackey. No thanks, Balance, that's never gonna happen. …I mean Cale might still end up a god, with how things are going, but. Definitely not working for Balance.
Blue Wolf; I'm also unsure if the gender ever got specified, though I got the impression that they're probably male so far? In any case, they showed up during the battle on Aipotu. One of the evil Hunter Dragons tried to summon them with a corrupt Divine Item and Lock ended up swallowing a blue flame (yes it was exactly as weird as it sounds). They seem to be the reason why Beast People are able to control their Berserk Transformations at all? Which is quite interesting. Little to no depth on this god's character so far, though, except for apparently liking Lock and making him a successor of some kind.
God of Chaos; we found out a couple of things about them so far in the Aipotu arc. One, their followers are complete freaks; like, Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist level of messed up.  Their followers experiment on people AND themselves, like re-sewing limbs and creating chimeras (which explains lots of Hunter experiments honestly). Two, their representatives are able to use some weird similar-to-Dominating-Aura power which involves creepy Eldritch Horror Eyes? And Cale's gonna try and replicate that with the Donating Aura himself?? Well okay then…? Three, that god's power seems to be characterized by grey color (Dragon Lord Neo intended to use grey stuff to kill Aipotu with. Also worth mentioning; Choi Jung Gun apparently got poisoned by it, so now he's unconscious, slowly turning gray and dying. We'll see if Cale finds a way to save him.) Which – plot twist!! Actually came up in Part 1!! Looks like Sky Eating Water herself was subdued by that very god's power?! Together with God of War, no less, which brings us to the final god on the list…
God of War; turns out they're a double agent, if not a triple agent!! It's quite difficult to figure out what their deal is. Before, I kinda assumed they had to have some good intentions, because they helped created shelters and Cotton was their Holy Maiden and stuff. But nope. God of War is either working FOR or WITH the Hunters, although I'm inclined to think the latter. There seems to be something going behind the scenes, some personal agenda we don't know of yet? We know from Part 1 that God of War gave the people of the north a river, which the Sekka family hoarded selfishly for themselves, turning it into a lake. The God of War emptied the lake in retribution and sent a Divine Item that was a watering can full of fury. However – despite apparently all that good stuff and "breaking the slave chains" from Sky Eater Water, they also forced her to work for them as a Judge, which she hated so much she ran off. We now found out in Part 2 that God of War must have wanted to control Sky Eating Water, because she was so powerful she probably could have defeated the Ancient White Star by herself!! So, God of War teamed up with God of Chaos and chained her down in the lake in the Eastern Continent where Cale eventually got the Ancient Power from. A tragic end for her, but shows how merciless God of War was for his very own chosen one, in the end. God of War was also involved in giving Neo the knowledge on how to control Aipotu's power and the World Tree. There seems to be a lot more going on with the God of War we EVER knew, and the fact that the grey color has been set up back when Cale got Sky Eating water is straight up thrilling for me. I can't wait to find out more!!
So we finally covered all the Hunters and all the gods so far – goodness I'm sorry there's so much, but in my defense, that's about 300 chapters of context for it.
I roughly covered what happened so far through the two lists, but I'll add a few more things:
Cale defeated 3 out of 5 Hunter families so far: Black, Blue and Purple (like beating someone up and leaving colored bruises lol), with Transparent and Five Colors left. Also the ever-mysterious Hunter Leader called "The King's Successor", no idea if that's the Wanderer King or not, but I kind of doubt it. We'll see… (I also totally hope Cale kicks the a** of the God of Chaos, because they're a creep and deserve to burn in hell)
There seems to be another faction aside from Hunters & their supporters, or anti-Hunter gods like God of Death and non-affiliated people – there's a group called "Arbitrators" (raw translation, EAP did not get so far yet), which include Demons?? We don't know what their exact deal is yet, they seem to be about specific Divine/Demonic politics maybe? And Cotton is one of them because she turned her back on God of War?? And now Cale is in the Demon Realm, meeting a middle-aged demon princess named Aurora (whose father got dethroned and another guy took his place so Cale's probably gonna dethrone yet another monarch soon), and it turns out that the Arbitrators are totally BROKE, which kinda explains why Fake Hilsman stole Cale's money if he's one of them… Now Cale is scared because they want him to sponsor them HAHAHA – Alberu is gonna love the irony
No Cale did not officially adopt more kids sadly, but there's been some adorable kid characters showing up, and there's DEFINITELY a ton of new loyal Caleism followers – much to Cale's despair, as they're starting to worship him across dimensions… And with the Virtual Reality apparently being able to connect worlds, it's only the matter of time before Cale's slacker life is utterly screwed by multi-dimensional religion starring him as their Lord and Savior LOL
…So anyway, I hope it's what you've been asking for? Thank for reading this freakishly long post about my rambling on Part 2!
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amarylliasky · 1 month
Number 6 is kind of a random post!
Random things that I frequently forget exist and are canon in Tcf/lcf
1. Choi Han canonically has three ancient powers.
2. The exact words Eruhaben used to describe Cale’s face are “a bit fancy.” What’s even better is, from that phrase alone, Alberu is immediately able to deduce that it is Cale he is talking about.
3. Rasheel beat the crap out of Dorph and the lion was never heard from again(not in any significance or that I remember anyway. It’s been a hot minute since I read the end of part 1).
4. Ron and Beacrox never had their housewarming party. Cale and Raon even said they would bring gifts.
5. Alberu has other half siblings aside from Robbit and the third prince(who still doesn’t have a name).
6. Lee Chul Min of Earth 1 became a guild leader.
7. Hubesha exists. Add onto that, Priest Gersey exists(I know, I know, they are major antagonists in the later parts of part 1, but it’s been a while ok?)
8. Cale left a priest robe for Clopeh to find, along with a note. Clopeh probably still has it. I’d wager that’s one of the first items on display in the future museum he establishes.
9. (Mentions part 2!!!!!!———>) So far the only person to hide in the ceiling without being uncovered(not undiscovered tho) was that random tail Imperial Prince Adin put on Cale when the Roan envoy arrived at the Empire. This includes xxxx xxxx xxx and Cale himself.
10. Hannah could technically be the youngest swordmaster. Choi Han is over 100 years old and Bud is in his mid thirties. (Of course, that also depends on how skilled Clopeh was at her age too).
11. Cale smacks Beacrox on the head. He then proceeds to dump water on him. He then pats Beacrox’s head with a ‘disgustingly gentle expression.’ Lol.
12. Cale plots his own demise at one point(I could never forget this gem, but every once in a while I just get so surprised that it’s canon and not some sort of crack fic. Not to mention Alberu feeling like he lost to WS because Cale said his cookies were better).
13. Alberu brews tea as a hobby.
14. During the test where Cale is invisible, when they meet Eruhaben but he’s been tricked by the WS/SG, Eruhaben and Raon are about to fight. Meanwhile Cale is, of all places, curled up in a ball between them. Like, why would you just sit there?! Ik he can’t be seen or touched, but still! Also Eruhaben called him a rat. :(
15. On and Cale go on a father-daughter undercover mission disguised as academy students. (I would actually really like to read a fic where they go undercover at an academy in their world, not a crossover or au.
16. Taerang came from Earth 3, right? So hypothetically, since there is a Kim Rok Soo on Earth 1 and 2, does that mean there’s also one on Earth 3? Just something I like to think about. Also, it’s supposedly a mashup of Earth and Cale’s current world, right? So hypothetically speaking, does that mean that both Kim Rok Soo and all of the characters from The Birth of a Hero could possibly exist in one world? I just think that’s cool. I’d like to see that.
17. Cale was gifted an evil sword/dagger from the former Emperor of Mogoru. According to Raon, it has an ‘evil aura.’ Though he does give it back, and I genuinely can’t remember it being of any significance since then.
18. They roleplay going on a walk/ having a picnic in front of the secret entrance to the basement of the Alchemist Bell Tower.
19. Canonically, members of the Penguin tribe apparently waddle around in black outfits and make the best butlers, as stated by Whitiria. Because if that doesn’t scream fantasy cliche I don’t know what does.
20. Cale has two different fears at the beginning and during the war with WS. One is to be the last one alive at the end of the battles, similar to his life as Kim Rok Soo; the other is for his life as Cale Henituse to be just a dream. Both are extremely sad and so like him. It’s not really something I forgot, but it’s also something I think the fandom just doesn’t talk about enough. Like, we all know(and love) to talk about the test on Wind Island, but what about the illusion Elisneh traps him in? To imagine himself waking up as Kim Rok Soo the day after; like all that he experienced, his entire family he built, was all just a dream? That’s heart wrenching. That for me is genuinely one of the most impactful moments in the novel.
Now spoilers for part 2 for those who don’t know what I was talking about on number 9.
Cale and Choi Han were discovered in the ceiling by the WS when they sneak into the Dubori territory Capital. Funnily enough though, the only reason Choi Jung Soo was discovered was because he was so shocked by Cale coughing up blood that he was discovered by the Carnage Demon and then they fell through the ceiling.
Edit: I edited some of these cuz they’re not actually accurate. In case anyone’s wondering.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 1 month
So, I was writing this TCF fanfiction with multiple chapters centering Alberu, and I planned to include his mother in there. Since her name was never revealed, I actually named her Angelina. So like, I wanted more information about Taerang since I haven't reached those chapters and all (and I didn't wanted to skip to the part where he gets Taerang), and then in wiki fandom there was the name Angelina and I was like, wtf? Did my guess become right? Then I looked into it and found out Angelina was the Sun God (shouldn't it be Goddess then?). So I got the information I wanted, but then it became a hassle cause now I needed to change his mother's name in all the chapters (which are yet to be posted). Then I got this crazy idea of like, what if I make the Sun Godess his mother (she does seem to cherish/prefer him a lot, giving him somewhat a similar title in the game and all)? And then I couldn't make a sensible reason to how a creature of darkness could be the embodiment of the divinity whose nature is to condemn/purify/destroy darkness and dead mana. So I dropped it.
Still shocked at how of all names I chose the Sun God's name for Alberu's mom. And I'm still a little confused on how to write her character. And I also need a new name for her. Sigh
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lappel-du-vide83 · 1 year
Trash of the count's family has been living rent free in my head for the past month so here have me LOSING MY MIND OVER HIM <3
Warning this is quite long and has swears and only starts at around chapter 300
See if you can guess what was happening ;)
Tcf rants
And omg eruhaben picked him up LIKE A WET CAT WJWIOWQP
Like some point of record introduction is where the video call unbutton happens way before 350 why did I have to find calberu so late
OMG krs life is so sad " you were meant to die" 394
424 He and I are happy as well gahhhhhh cale crying stop QnQ
When you try to pay attention to the villains monologue but the voices in your head won't shut up 446
464  piggyback super funny bro gets carried like a haystack
485 self doubt is a bitch
BRO that one chapter pls just LET HIM Cook
OMG "Please. Hyung-nim. I trust my smart hyung-nim.’
What in the goofy fuck is this arc (naru von ellejan)
543 was kinda cute dkwhy
595 cale? Sparring? Training his physical body?? Impossible
602 ."God. You must have seen me die today." Holy fucking shit my dudes
"Cale had started at some point to caress Alberu’s mane whenever he had the time." kuxiydsljxkysiysitzjgzkyxou pls and thank you
Ws needs to STOP
605 ‘Even though he tells us to live, why?! Why?! Why does he push himself overboard each and every time?!’ WHY IS HE SO TRAGIC also choi han almost screaming cale instead of roksoo
"Choi Jung Soo looked as if he was about to cry as he responded to the weak voice." ubc am shakibg
Taerang is so funny omg
Let me see what you have
A gun
613 "brightly as young Cale used to smile." awwwww
623 "The Henituse household’s number one priority during that battle was-
‘To make sure that Cale survives.’" :OOOOOOOOO
The misunderstandings lmfaooo
628 did not know duke deruth was chill like that
Poor guy cale bruh new member to caleism
644 Excuse me noble sacrifice???? Bitch you better not
HE BETTER BE FINE "called the beginning and the end of everything." ISTG CALE IF YOU DIE
"Raon swore in the exact same manner as Cale before heading toward the terrace." RAON IS SO CUTE
OMG why are they so wholesome to each other???
His mom bro omfg I am tearing
669 damn he's cold. But ig it's war bruh you gotta cold through the mess
670 just stab yourself they said. It'll be easy they said. BRO WHAKANDA REQUIREMENT IS THAT
The absolute disregard “Man, you talk to me so disrespectfully.”
684 'cales in danger'? YOU FOOLS HE IS THE DANGER
And alberu spinning the gun??? How did he get so cool with it
687?? '“I finally think that my life is a bit precious.” CALE NO
He had an extremely useful worker BAHAHAHA
689 rasheel is so real
BRO got a taste of his own medicine sit yo ass down and rest mf
700 wait stop this is kinda sad
702 cale in his insane era
703 yo what is happening
705 foolishly thought there'll be angst but look at that potential
Alberu the og glib tongue
715 the sealed god better fucking stop before I beat yo ass
717 that gave me chills for some reason
720 shit not even cale is safe from the abusive childhood tragedy
BRO imma beat the ws up his stupid curse affecting krs
Also the plot thickens
723 clopeh is crazy in the best way
736 this entire arc bro cale is causing so much chaos
WTF why is krs life so sad bro
I love this arc wait they're supporting each other so much its so adorable
And omg reactions!!
Karma bro
Sidestory 2-1 OG CALE FULL OF CLASS????
2.3 raon: can I be nice
Cale : no
WHY he so ruthless
BRO I just realised that this man has not sat down wtf he just finished fighting the sealed god let him REST
2. 4 "No matter what happened, the Crown Prince’s biggest ally was the Duke’s House of Henituse which had his sworn brother and his sword art instructor." GUYS
Ahh he was so sweet to the kid
2.14 wow that's insanely convenient that you need exactly 3 more assistants
2. 23 Mary tryna copy cale and alberu is so cute
2.23 WHY IS HE HURT????
2. 40 "The rejuvenated ancient Dragon smiled a lot more these days." AWWW GOLDIE GRAMPS
Also omfg cale stronk
2.41 so wait fire of destruction did become a god? How else does he know about super rock
2.55 damn our cale is strong
2.58 cale proving that once again, he is the scammer
2.59 nah bro this shit too goofy they're just waiting for him to faint
2.64 can we appreciate how fast choi han and sui khan protected cale like omg
2.65 GoD is so real bro is funny af
2.68 caleism ftw
2.70 LMFAO what does alberu want??
2.71 "I’ll give you the title of Minister of Finance. Will you do it?”" BRO IS ON HIS LAST STARW
2.76 cale is too nice omg
2.79" H, human! I figured it out now! Clopeh has gone so crazy that he’s gone full circle and looks calm!" I FUCKING LOVE CLOPEH THIS CRAZY BASTARD
The foreshadowing here is nuts my dude
2.96" up.? Who is above me" OMFG HELL YEAH
2.101 aww choi han and raon supporting him
2.107 Jakqpqpq Ron using sneak attack to make cale rest
2.110 lmfao choi han is the best at knocking people unconscious
2.113  cale is coughing too much blood bro I know it doesn't hurt but godamn
2.116 I love dominating aura so much
2.120 omg toonka found his bff
In conclusion I love this story and everyone in it pls and thank you
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godza · 2 years
eughwugh i wanna write my new blog post but i cant i need to go beddybye...
anyway here are some of my fave tcf moments/things.
-they put bombs in him (clopeh)
-raon shoving tear stained pie into cales bloody mouth
-cale protecting raon like a little baby during that battle
-badass women forever. every main girl can fight for herself and i love it
-when mary and choi han team up. they will beat the shit out of anything if cale tells them to
-choi han knocking cale out and carrying him like a sack of potatoes after
-calebab. self explanatory. everybody likes that
-roksoo why the fuck are you calling that giant space tiger hyung
-teatime with space tiger (entire arc was so funny. cintamani forever)
-when cale cosplays as a priest to trick people. it happens so often
-the plate surgery. its funny when hes in pain. see calebab
-when raon swears and eruhaben blames cale as if he isnt saying fuck daily too
-TAERANG. worlds first glock. alberu went out there guns blazing in his pjs and no shoes
-alberu being always done with cales shit. dongsaeng moment
-cale sewed up shitty cloaks and makes everybody wear them for secret missions despite everyone hating them
-whats her name. sh. raons mom. i like her
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polpoka · 3 years
Neighbor Au
Characters- Kim Rok Soo, Alberu Crossman, Lee Soo Hyuk, Choi  Jung Soo, Tasha
Ratings- K+
Shippings- Kimrokberu
Type- (Fluff)
Part 5
((CW. mentioned racism))
The tray made a harsh clink as Alberu set it in front of Taerang, who was sitting on the lignum vitae chair, on the coffee table which formed a complete set with the said chair.
“So, sir, in the end,” Taerang took a pause to sip on the tea the host had provided, though he was the junior, “Did you tell him your name?”
Alberu averted his eyes, before answering in a low voice, “...Yes.”
Taerang sighed. He cared about his employer a lot, especially because of the fact that they had known each other for quite some time, and in that time, he had come to realize rather early on, that Alberu was rather soft on the inside, despite his harsh mannerisms and stern appearance. He cared far too deeply for people and always hesitated to let a connection go. It would be bad in their line of work, but well, sometimes it was necessary. 
He remembered the way the younger college student had always shook his hand rather than barking at him and treating him like a meagre guard. Even though he was one, who had been given to him as a present for his achievements by his former ‘owner’, Angelica and right before Choi Jung Gun, and before that his guardian, Ahn Mon Ran. 
He was always viewed as a tool, almost always at least, Ahn Mon Ran had no other option but to give him to Choi Jung Gun because of the hand the man had on him.
He asked once again, “Did you say anything that even remotely points out the fact that made the person think that you’re part of the elite Crossman family, and not your average joe?”
Alberu still didn’t meet Taerang’s eyes. Taerang knew what that meant and unfortunately Alberu did too. 
Alberu struggled to meet Taerang’s eyes, “I’m sorry, hyung-”
“Don’t call me that right now, sir. You know you’re in trouble. Big time.”
Taerang took a sip of his lavender tea which had been poured til the brim of the teacup, “You were the one who originally asked for these rules to be made, and we can’t break them, since you specifically gave us instructions not to. No matter what you say at the time.”
Taerang looked at the man who was fidgeting anxiously. He knew why these rules were a safety precaution, and he didn’t want Alberu to go through that experience again. Well, technically speaking, he wasn’t there but he was told the story, and he didn’t like it either way, not one bit. 
Alberu also knew the reasons, and the repercussions, and yet it felt horrible. He knew why this had happened, and he didn’t want it to happen again but still. He looked at the table silently for a moment, thinking about the various possibilities which seemed to end with his heartbreak. 
Kim Rok Soo didn’t seem like the guy who would take advantage of him, he just didn’t. Not to mention, the connection- the connection felt as if he was a gust of wind that had finally found his tree, but he knew that in the end, this was the best move he could play. If he stayed, he had no idea what to do. 
Would he confront Kim Rok Soo? 
Would he pretend never to see him again, despite knowing that his heart longed for the other? 
That would just be running away, but Alberu wasn’t even sure what Kim Rok Soo would want. He thought that Kim Rok Soo was free, and that he, a caged bird could never compare, even if he liquidised all his assets he couldn’t compare with that man, and so, he might as well not trouble the other. 
Alberu was determined, yet this time he felt like he couldn’t win. A feeling he hadn’t felt for a long time. It reminded him of the time he had to deal with his dad, and those were memories he would rather not recall, but he was sure a broken person like him didn’t deserve Kim Rok Soo. 
After this short exchange with himself, he looked at Taerang, his eyes looked soulless, and his voice was brittle as he spoke, “So let’s go through with it.”
Taerang felt something inside of him break, he couldn’t do anything but agree, “...Yes, let’s go through, sir.”
Alberu took a short sip of the liquid that had been sitting in front of him untouched, “Ah look, it’s gone cold.”
Kim Rok Soo’s apartment was in an overly pristine condition, despite it normally being clean, Choi Jung Soo could tell that he had cleaned the place intensely a couple of hours earlier. The yellow evening lights had been switched on a few hours ago and the three men were sitting on the floor on a neatly maintained rug, with more than an average number of bottles that three men should consume in a single night being kept on the table. It seemed that they had all acknowledged that the only function of the table right now was to act as storage. 
“Rok Soo-ya?” Choi Jung Soo asked, waving his hand over the other’s face.
“Ah,” Kim Rok Soo blinked, adjusting his eyes to the light, before replying to the call of this man, “Yes?”
Choi Jung Soo took a seat next to him and could easily notice a couple of things that were odd off the bat. For example, the eyebags were deeper, he wasn’t paying attention at all, which even when separated from these discrepancies was odd. Not to mention he was drinking a lot, almost as if he was trying to get drunk. Even though Choi Jung Soo knew that Kim Rok Soo was aware of his own tolerance, which was inhumanly high, something must have happened and it was definitely not a good thing, seeing as the way Kim Rok Soo looked and acted. 
Choi Jung Soo patted the other’s head gently, you could hear the tease in his tone, “What’s wrong?” 
“Don’t really want to talk about it…Could you pour another one?” the other responded with a burnt out tone, letting the hand rest there. 
‘I guess it didn’t go well.’ Choi Jung Soo poured another cup for himself, using the nearest half filled bottle, before filling Kim Rok Soo’s cup. 
Lee Soo Hyuk on the other hand, was drinking a little too much than what a forty year old liver could take. He’d drunk two bottles. Downing them like they’re soup, well not like his dongsaeng hadn’t drunk about three bottles of the same type of strong alcohol in one sitting. 
‘Really, the people around me really don’t take care of themselves,’ thought Choi Jung Soo drinking down his seventh cup of scotch. He sighed and looked at Kim Rok Soo, he was sure it was a rejection. 
Kim Rok Soo felt like throwing up. He wanted to throw up all his feelings related to his former neighbor. It had only been a day, he wasn’t that close- So it wouldn’t be hard at all, if that was the case, right? 
“Who am I kidding, of course not.” he murmured. 
“Hmm?” the one beside him asked, “Is something wron-” Before Choi Jung Soo could finish his question, he was tackled with  a hug from the one he had presumed to be on the other end of the table. 
“Rok Soo yaaaaa~ Don’t worry, these kinds of things will always happen.” 
Choi Jung Soo struggled to escape the bear hug he had, without his knowledge, stepped into. “Hyung- Kim Rok Soo is there- There-” he tried to point to the clearly dispirited Kim Rok Soo, failing and being pinned to the floor, while Lee Soo Hyuk fell asleep on him. 
Gradually, Choi Jung Soo too, started losing consciousness, albeit something he did not sign up for, and drifting to sleep, while Kim Rok Soo was sitting in the end of the line of drunkards, well two pass outs and one drunk. 
Kim Rok Soo shuffled to get the two blankets to cover his hyungs before getting his own to join in on the pile of corpses. He shifted the table a bit, and tucked himself to make the rug a little more comfortable to lie on.  He tried to close his eyes, but he simply couldn’t. His mind was haunted by the brunette, and not in a good way. He turned to a couch, which brought back the incident that occured day before yesterday. He shifted once more, this time to look at the faces of his hyungs, this again reminded him of the time they were so excited about the whole soulmate jamboree. 
Everything reminded Kim Rok Soo of Alberu, and he didn’t like it. No matter how hard he tried he could simply not forget the man. He had a striking appearance and a discernable mark on his life, despite them knowing each other for a day. 
They hadn’t met each other since Kim Rok Soo had moved here, which was 6 years ago. Well, that was partly Kim Rok Soo’s fault for thinking that it was too much work to meet his neighbours, and he just ended it with seeing his then 24-year-old neighbour, who was too busy with his work once. 
Now, he regretted his decision. If only he had met him earlier. If only he hadn’t ignored his neighbour. These thoughts were the only ones going through his head that night, as he kept on twisting and turning, before finally finding a comfortable position to sleep in.
Alberu got up to an undesired nostalgia of mahogany furniture and neatly lined bookshelves along with the scent of cookies permeating the room. It wasn’t dense but rather a soft scent, being accompanied by a denser scent of black coffee. 
What was strange, was the fact that there was no coffee in the vicinity, and he knew his aunt, much like him, leaned towards tea. He was a bit curious about the fragrance but didn’t want to give it much thought as his brain was more preoccupied with other means- Kim Rok Soo. 
How would he deal with him? 
Alberu was fully aware of what a jerk he was being. He knew that it had been very unfair of him to just straight up leave.
“Aunt Tasha-” he called out to the similar looking black haired woman, her eyes glistened. Her hair was cut short which gave her a gentle look. 
“Yes?” she answered with a hum.
“So…” he couldn’t help but fidget in worry, was he allowed to ask such a thing in the first place? He knew fully well that what his aunt was doing was for his best interests, for his sake. 
Yet, it bugged him. 
He wanted to see the other man desperately. 
It nagged at him. 
Like a gnawing frostbite that never seemed to go away. 
“Speak up, Alberu. You know I’m willing to listen so take your time.” 
Alberu looked at her, always supportive of him no matter what he wanted to do. Always watching, and he felt guilty about that.
Alberu gripped his arm, he told himself that he had to remain firm. This was just a simple and easy task, so what was he getting all anxious about?
“I think I found my soulmate,” Alberu blurted out, wanting to get it over with. It made him feel a bit too bizarre, a feeling he didn't enjoy. He thought a little about the man, his calming, and sarcastic attitude. It made him smile lovingly and softly, it was almost invisible.
When he saw Tasha’s eyes, his smile fell apart, she didn’t meet his eyes with the same gaze he did. Her face was instead painted with a base of shock, and another which was an even more unfavourable expression on it; outrage. 
One glance is all it took for Tasha to assess the situation. She had already been informed by Taerang about his leaked identity, which in itself had been surprising. Tasha could smell the coffee and cookies off her nephew. She didn’t know how it got there since they had no coffee at home, and she knew her nephew didn’t drink coffee, and buttered chocolate cookies. It would have been plausible if he hadn’t come out of the bedroom.
She knew what this meant, the boy had found his soulmate, but she also knew one thing– you could have problems with your past lover. It was like any relationship, simply adding in the strong connection. It wasn’t that big of a deal as people made it up to be.
After all, her sister had also been in a similar kind of relationship and she easily got replaced. Zed had simply thrown her away when he realized that his soul mark had appeared again. It was plausible that the bad luck might have carried from the mother to the son. Even though deep down, she was sure that wasn’t the case. She was worried, and terribly, terribly protective of her nephew, for he was the only one part of her sister that had remained in the world of the living. Being a soulmate had led to her sister’s heartbreak and eventual death, and perhaps it wouldn’t be as severe in Alberu’s case, but he had suffered enough after his mother’s death, she concluded. 
“You found a soulmate?” she asked, her expression now a bit less animated than her previous one, but Alberu could tell that she was not pleased one bit. 
He had a rough idea why but he wasn’t all that into the details. He was young when his mother and ‘father’ divorced, and he knew how his mother had committed suicide after a weeks of the unusual event. After that, he knew how his life had spiralled down to. She died without gaining custody of her child because Alberu’s talents had been noteworthy and rather eye-catching and Zed thought the boy would fetch a pretty price as a showpiece. 
He wasn’t wrong per se, but the exposure to the life of adults had dimmed his young eyes that had been previously filled with life. He had gotten used to going days without proper food and water, and that he wasn’t allowed anything as an emotional support. He wasn’t allowed to have a weakness, if he wanted to stay with his worth.
He had been locked, neglected, even abused if his scores or position went a bit under than perfect. Well, that was at first, then it escalated to him being the outsider of the ‘family’. 
Alberu had noted at the ripe age of eighteen, the people he lived with were hypocrites. In private they would always say the opposite of what they said under the public eye.
‘The shame of this house.’
‘The joy of our family.’
‘You dirty leech. Shouldn’t you be working non-stop? You live here rent free anyway.’
‘He’s always such a darling brother of mine. I simply worry that he works too hard for his own good.’
‘Disgusting. That skin of yours looks so ugly, maybe it’d be better if we got rid of it’
‘He looks so handsome too! He looks just like father, well his skin tone doesn’t matter.’
‘Don’t you get it? You don’t have a place here.’
‘Even though he looks different, he fits right in. Exactly, it's petty to not care about someone who shares the same blood as your sons just because they have a different skin tone.’
They weren’t memories he would want to remember at all, even though they constantly played on his mind like a broken record player. Constantly. 
That’s why he trusted his Aunt’s judgement, for she was the only one who had helped him get out of that hellhole. It was her acceptance that Alberu wanted the most.
Alberu nodded, in return to which Tasha’s unamusement became even more apparent with a long sigh. She was very reluctant to entrust her nephew in anyone’s hand, and the thought of him getting used made her boil over with rage, and so she simply cut off the communication between the two, by a few words, “Alberu, I don’t approve.”
Kim Rok Soo grumbled at the white noise that was playing on repeat in the background. He could hear the chattering that was going on between the two other men in the house. He laid on the makeshift bed until he heard a ringtone. A particular ringtone which made him sure of the person on the other line. 
He stretched his hand out to reach his phone, still remaining tucked in his blanket and refusing to move. By the third ring of the phone, he had successfully maneuvered himself in a way that he could stay comfortable and pick up the phone. He finally received it.
“Hello?” The voice on the other end greeted Kim Rok Soo. 
Kim Rok Soo, still groggy and voice still unsettled, spoke in a lower tone than his usual. It sounded synonymous to the croak of a frog, “Good morning Basen. What makes you call this early?”
Basen knew that tone belonged to his uncle, and he also knew that this was the tone of voice he had in the morning before he had even gotten up from bed. He’d found out so from the several sleepovers he had with him. Still it was odd to hear his voice this deep. Had his Ahjussi been drinking? “Uncle Rok Soo, how much did you drink last night?”
“Why do you ask?” Kim Rok Soo said, shuffling in the sheets, shifting his movements ever so slightly to stay within the warmth of the blanket that covered him up completely like a cocoon.
“Have you still not gotten up?” Basen asked, his tone a bit shocked.
Kim Rok Soo hummed to give an affirmative response.
Basen sighed, “Do you know what time it is?”
“It’s...” He slurred while reordering his position to face the clock. “Three.”
Basen sighed, his voice then went low as he turned his face away from his phone “Haaaa... What’s that Pen?” 
Kim Rok Soo’s ears perked up, “Pen’s there?”
He could hear Basen crack up a bit, “Uncle Rok Soo, you attended the wedding, didn’t you? We’re married, so of course we’re living together.”
Kim Rok Soo relaxed again remembering the joyous event that had taken place a month ago, “Ah, yeah yeah.”
Basen slid the phone between his ear and shoulder, “Uncle, are you still out of it?”
Kim Rok Soo twisted his head, cocking it out of the blanket. “Maybe,” he yawned. 
“Rok Soo-ya? You’re finally up?” Kim Rok Soo saw Lee Soo Hyuk standing in front of him. 
“Um, yeah.” Kim Rok Soo lazily replied. 
“Ah,” Basen said from the other end, “If Lee Soo Hyuk Ahjussi is there, why not give him the phone, and probably freshen up.”
Kim Rok Soo nodded and handed the phone to Lee Soo Hyuk, while informing the other person about his nephew, “It’s Basen, he wants to talk to you.”
Lee Soo Hyuk’s face quirked up to form a grin, “It’s been a long time since he’s talked to me, has he been busy with his lover?”
Kim Rok Soo looked over and casually answered,“Their honeymoon did get over a few weeks earlier. So it is a  possibility.”
Lee Soo Hyuk sighed while taking the phone from Kim Rok Soo, “Aiya, I really am getting old. Everyone around me is getting married or starting to date someone. Ah, the woes of an old man.”
He heard an annoyed voice from the far side of the kitchen, “Did you forget that you’ve been with your lover for over 15 years, Mr. old man?”
The mention of Lee Soo Hyuk’s lover made Kim Rok Soo think about his friend, “Ah, I need to talk about the details about the meeting with Beacrox.”
Lee Soo Hyuk turned to him, his head tilted to the right, “He has been talking about that too. Do you have something in mind for the day?”
Kim Rok Soo could feel the headache rushing over him like a tidal wave, “I'll talk later, I need to wash my face and brush.” 
“Oh wait, before you go-” Lee Soo Hyuk stopped him, causing Kim Rok Soo to turn, “You kinda smell like aloe vera? I didn’t know you kept any plants here?”
Kim Rok Soo pulled his t-shirt to sniff it, indeed, it smelled like the said succulent. He furrowed his eyebrows. It was odd, but it was too much for his woozy head to think about. 
He pulled himself out of the mattress and walked to the bathroom, lazily scratching his hay-like hair. His eyes lazily lolled around, scanning the surroundings of his own apartment as if it was something foreign. He sighed, standing there for a moment facing his reflection in the mirror. 
He ran his fingers through the messy strands that gently lay on the shoulder, remembering Alberu’s fingers cold touch. They were hardened and felt like they had been holding a pen their entire life, never wanting to try anything else, though Kim Rok Soo thought that Alberu merely never got the time to engage in hobbies. 
‘That’s not how hair gel works, hyung.’ 
He remembered the annoyed tone the man could endlessly fill his voice with. He splashed some water on his eyes, still wondering where the other had gone. It would be quite foolish to disappear if he were fearing rejection, if that is the reason the dark man had disappeared, he would think of the said man to be quite dense to not recognize Kim Rok Soo’s feelings towards himself.
Alberu tried to keep the volume down as he washed the dishes in the empty and eerily huge villa’s secluded kitchen. To be fair, it wasn’t empty, there were servants and Aunt Tasha was lounging in the living room. 
His mind was currently occupied with his aunt’s reaction.
He didn’t expect such a strong rejection since he believed his aunt would be a little more liberal towards this aspect. 
However, Alberu knew the reason why his aunt was overprotective since he was well aware of what happened to his mother. Sure, he understood why she didn’t want him to date Kim Rok Soo, but she also refused to acknowledge that his soulmate was different than his mother’s and it wasn’t fair to not give him a chance. Or at least give him the benefit of the doubt.
‘Bitten once, twice as shy, I guess.’ He thought, sighing. 
He simply wanted to meet Kim Rok Soo, simply wanted to check something, a simple gut feeling. 
An instinct. 
Normally, he would have ignored it, but it was a sensation that he couldn’t help but dwell upon. It wasn’t gripping, more like a mild fever that had come over him. He thought that it was something that would easily go away and not bother him anymore, yet it stuck persistently, that it can’t help but get noticed no matter how much he tried to look the other way. 
It felt real and that scared Alberu. 
He didn’t hate the feeling of love. 
It was just that, he was so scared of being involved with it, that it felt like he couldn’t breathe. 
The so-called love he knew was only based on the last sole affection he’s gotten from his mother. 
He believed that Kim Rok Soo wouldn’t be the kind of person to ‘love’ him. Alberu wasn’t the type to have gotten everything in his life in a neatly packaged bow, and that included his relationships all the more. 
Love? He couldn't trust it nor did he have the guts to risk letting the feeling take over him.
Any relationship he tried to maintain didn’t end on a good note, for numerous reasons. Even though his face wasn’t shown and he had a fake surname, his previous partners always knew he was rich. His arranged marriage partners thought of him as a mere money milking tool or someone who would just settle for just a crumb of bread. 
The idea of that appalled Alberu. Somehow he couldn’t think of it in a good light. He didn’t want to be the sort of person who would force someone to be with him just for his money.
If that was the case he was better off without anyone. 
But why was it that he couldn’t forget about him?
That man, who had seen him in his most vulnerable state had simply accepted it. Had waved off the thought that he was odd or unbelonging. He had given him the chance to feel these new sets of emotions he thought he would never experience in his lifetime.
Unbeknownst to Alberu, his hands were working fast and intensely out of all the stress. Only when he heard a loud clang was he snapped back to reality. His eyes immediately darted to the cause of the noise, which was a plate that had slipped from his hands and had fallen into the sink. 
Alberu stared at it for a bit, sighed and washed it. 
It was a good thing it didn’t break.
After neatly placing it in the dryer, he walked out of the kitchen and took a seat in the hall on the coach facing his aunt’s. 
She tore her eyes away from the book she was reading to face him. Tasha noticed the lost look in his eyes, and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Alberu blinked, turning his gaze away from the table and meeting his aunt’s, “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” He said, picking up a book lying on the Pacini e Cappellini coffee table to read. 
Tasha sighed, sticking a bookmark between her copy of ‘War and Peace’, marking her progress in rereading the classic, “Are you still bothered by it?”
Alberu tried to feign ignorance, “By what?”
“We both know what you’re thinking about.” Tasha knew that he wouldn’t outright address the topic. He was far too self constricted with her for that.
Alberu met her eyes, but still had his eyes glazed over, it was as if he actually had no idea of what his aunt was talking about, “Like I said, what?”
Tasha however, was having none of that, she knew Alberu since he was a baby albeit she was young during those turbulent times. She motioned her hand as if she was pointing to the person in question, “Your soulmate, whoever that may be.” 
“Huh.” Alberu mused, making it painfully obvious for Tasha to tell he was unimpressed, “What about my soulmate?” 
Tasha, also aware of his current ‘yearnings’ spoke without batting an eye, “You want to meet them.”
“I sure do, but there’s someone who's preventing that, isn’t there?” He said, finally keeping his book down and sending his aunt a glare that was trying very hard not to reveal its true intentions.
Tasha got annoyed at the misconception Alberu had of her. She was doing this for him. How couldn’t he not get it?“ You know that I’m doing this for your sake. Your mother died because–”
“–Of her soulmate.” Alberu completed her sentence. He had heard it for so many times he was sure that was what the next few words entailed. He sighed.
“Aunt,” He said in a chilling voice, he was the closest to his aunt but there was definitely a line that shouldn’t be crossed. 
Not everything was about his mother. He was well aware how his mother’s death had unfolded but not everyone was like his father, not everyone was as egregious as that man. 
“I understand your concerns but do remember.” He paused to take a good look at his aunt, “I am not my mother,” he took another pause “and I never will be.” 
Alberu could never be his mother. His mother was pure, and charismatic, not to mention she was the incarnation of beauty itself. Never attempting any foul means, she tried hard. She died protecting him. 
And he could never be, not even an inch close to being as great as her. Or so he believed.
Tasha looked the other way, “I know that…but it still scares me. What if they lose interest in you and desert you–”
Alberu sighed again. The next few words he had said out of the simple motivation to prove Tasha wrong about soulmates, and snag a lover in one quick move. “Alright, since you are so bothered by the fact that they’ll cheat on me or lose interest. Let me put forward the idea of a bet. I’ll not visit my soulmate for two months and after those two months, let’s see whether they get over me in that period of time.” ‘–well formally, I won’t be meeting him.’
Alberu thought about it for a moment. He would use himself and Kim Rok Soo as an experiment. He set a bet like that out of impulse to prove her wrong. Even though he wouldn’t mind if he had really moved on, a part of him wanted to know the outcome to all this as well.
If fate would really allow them to be together, or would it be another curse that had befallen since his mother’s time? 
Would things be different?
He didn’t know the answer to that. That was why he did this. That was why he made this stupid bet to at least convince himself that it was alright for him to love, or just have believed in his Aunt’s words in the first place.
Alberu was not the type to easily trust people but this time he wanted to try.
He wanted to try and place a bit of his faith on that man.  
Tasha, who was also right at the end of her wits from this conversation, agreed in a fit of confusion and annoyance with the flow of the conversation, wanting it to end, “Ok, fine. Let’s do just that. When should we start?”
Alberu asked, also getting riled up, “How about right this second?”
Tasha leaned back, “Alright then. For 2 months which start at 5pm December 8th, 2XXX until 5pm February 8th, 2XXX(+1). Deal?”
“Ok then. Taerang, write this down.” Tasha crossed her arms together, her eyes still lingering at her nephew who broke eye contact.
“Yes ma’am.” The mostly stationary man, who had been sitting on the chair beside Alberu finally spoke.
‘Now that this was sorted,’ thought Alberu, ‘I have to contact him, I guess. Hoo boy, this is gonna be a whole different game to play.’
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annerisk · 3 years
Is it just me or do people normally hear Taerang’s voice in a British accent.
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murasaki-cha · 2 years
I think Alberu with a gun may be my artistic calling, my muse if you will.
I literally have so many drafts ready to be finished and started of Alberu with Taerang and I’m just waiting for final season to finish so I can do them all. It just brings me so much inspiration
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web-novel-polls · 7 months
Web Novel Weapon Tournament
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[Please be courteous in the notes. Don’t make me block you.]
Taerang - Alberu Crossman's divine item (Lout of the Count's Family)
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Fantasy gun rights
Xue Zhengyong’s fan (The Husky and His White Cat Shizun)
“Xue is beautiful, others are ugly.” - Chapter 31
While this fan is never named, Xue Zhengyong’s fan is well-known due to the writing on it - “Xue is beautiful” (which faces others) and “others are ugly” (which faces him). It really is iconic
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hajidumps · 2 years
so uhh @cale-alberu readt the teareng x alberu fanfic...
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I regret 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜
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