#taeyeon waitress
yutafrita · 2 years
The Eternal Tragedy- CHAPTER ONE
⋆☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。°✩🪐°. ⋆ ・: ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆☾ ゚。⋆⋆。°✩⋆ ・:
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Pairing(s): Mafia!Yuta x Reader, Mafia!Sungchan x Reader Reader Pronouns: She/ Her Genre: Angst, Sci-Fi, Fantasy Chapter Word Count: 7.4K Warnings: Graphic violence, swearing, blood, alcohol, references to catastrophic sci-fi events Masterlist
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。°✩˖°.🪐°. ⋆ °. ⋆ ・: ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆☾ ゚。⋆⋆。
Goeun had spent the night at your apartment. While she didn’t live so far from the club, you lived closer enough for her to stay once a week at your place. You two had been friends since high school, so you loved the familiar company and she loved not having to take a subway to work.
“Those shoes are so cute,” Goeun gushed as she watched you jam your feet into a pair of platform sneakers. The platform sneakers were a good compromise between sneakers and heels. The patrons tipped just as well when you had them on as if you had on heels, and your feet weren’t swollen at the end of the night. 
“Thanks! I don’t know how Irene can get through an entire shift in heels,” you admitted. You stood up tall now by your front door, watching as Goeun rushed to finish her makeup and pack everything neatly into her backpack. As she did, she glanced above your head and stifled a laugh. You didn’t have to turn around to know that she was laughing at your diploma- she did it every time.
“Who would think that someone with a degree in accounting from the best school on Mars, would be a waitress?”
You frowned, “you know damn well I make more money at this job than I ever did as an accountant. I could even get accentors if I wanted to.”
Your job catered to the richest and strangest of Nuevo Seoul, so you had seen it all. From grotesque additions like tiger canines, to fierce additions- like Irene’s cat claws. You personally could never justify the expensive, painful procedure. People may be rich, but even they couldn’t avoid the pain that comes with requiring your nerves to attach themselves to a body part not meant for humans.
“All right, let’s get to work!” Goeun spoke in a sing-song voice as you opened your door to start the walk to The Garden. 
Your apartment was what your grandfather left for you when he died. It was in the only apartment complex on the block that wasn’t hundreds of floors high.
It was at the heart of Nuevo Seoul, Mars, and the sidewalk bustled with people. Most importantly for you though, it was a five minute walk to your job. The alleyway that held the club’s employee entrance was full of street vendors, and as per usual you handed the woman making coffee a five dollar bill.
“The usual for both of you?” Taeyeon asked, her silver face chain contrasting with the dirty wall her booth stood in front of.
“Please,” you and Goeun hummed, nodding at the other vendors and patrons that passed you.
“Irene just arrived a few minutes ago for her shift,” Taeyeon hummed, pouring your coffee slowly. “The new kid is here too.”
“New kid?”
Taeyeon nodded, “tall kid with little mouse ears,” her nail tapped the crown of her head as she sharply placed the lid on the coffee cup. “Try not to break him,” she teased, handing you and Goeun your coffees.
“If it were up to her, she wouldn’t even breathe near him. Thanks,” Goeun taunted before you both to Taeyeon. Walking further through the alleyway, you greeted the guard that stood at the back entrance of the club and where the waitstaff’s dressing room was set. Considering the sheer skimpyness of some of the waitstaffs outfits, most elected to arrive to work in comfortable clothes, only changing upon arrival into the dressing room.
“They’re here!” Chaein immediately cheered upon your entrance, looking away from her dressing mirror for a moment to fully see you two. 
The Garden was owned by the Dragon Syndicate. This you had never been outright told but was extremely obvious- from the Dragon tattoos on different men in the club, to the incredibly obvious illegal business dealings you would see, the Dragons had their mark all over the place. It was everything you didn’t want to directly work with, but they paid your bills, so you kept your head down, and worked as a waitress.
“Hello!” Goeun cheered as you quietly greeted your coworkers, moving past Irene and Seulgi as you went to your own tiny workstation. While you didn’t necessarily have to dress up for work, you all would be fools to not notice that you got better tips when you did. Sliding out of your sweatpants, the jean shorts you had on underneath came out in full force.
“Those shorts again?” Seulgi sighed, her own black bodysuit fully exposed.
“I need to do laundry,” you pouted. Seulgi was always encouraging you to try and dress as skimpy as she did, but you couldn’t ever do so. Looking past Seulgi, the beaded curtain that stood between you all and the club saw a clipboard attached to a familiar arm slide through it. The beads of the curtains clinked as the arms owners tried to gain everyone’s attention, earning chuckles from you all.
“Come in Shotaro!” Irene called as you quickly touched up your lipstick after chugging your coffee.
The beaded curtain parted and in walked the bar’s supervisor and the only member of the syndicate you actively spoke with. Despite him being in charge of the syndicate’s primary flow of barely legal money and having to help control the occasional unruly patrons, Shotaro always carried a boyish grin on his face.
“We open our doors in ten minutes! So, really quick- Seulgi and Irene, you’ll be bartending tonight,” the pair gave each other a high five, “Chaein, and Goeun will be managing the high tops and poker tables,” Shotaro marked something on his clipboard quickly, his eyes glancing up to you.
“Shit,” you muttered. There were only three areas in the tiny club to be maintained, and with only you left, you knew exactly where you were stuck.
“You, y/n, will be managing the Dragon’s Den tonight but also,” Shotaro lifted his free hand, and through the beaded wall a lanky young man was dragged into the room. You often tried to ignore the dragon tattoo on Shotaro’s wrist, but you couldn’t look past the one on this boy- it was fresh still, wrapped in shiny plastic and seared red. “Jisung will be training with you today. The boss wants him to learn all of the ropes so I want him working at the Dragon’s Den with you.”
“He looks like he could be in elementary school,” Irene snarled, her cat claws perfectly juxtaposing Jisung’s tiny mouse-like ears. 
 “I’m 21,” the young man countered, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.
The Garden Club and Lounge was an uncomfortable, tight space, although Shotaro insisted it was ‘intimate.’ It held two levels- the dimly lit balconies that housed the several illegal gambling games. They all were framed by open curtains that could quickly be shut if any cops swung by. The first level contained the bar that Irene and Seulgi were setting up behind with Shotaro making sure the pair had all they needed.
“Um… where is the Dragon’s Den?” Jisung snapped you out of your thoughts, and he watched Goeun and Chaein organize the high tops that sat around the bar. You sighed and looked at the small, curtained off hallway next to the bar, the stupid velvet curtain waiting to ensnare you.
“We’ll be going in and out of here,” you guided the mouse into the Dragon’s Den, opening the curtain and watching his eyes widen. This was where the members of the syndicate and other thick walleted businessmen were seated usually- with the extremely intimate three booth layout, large television screen, fireplace, and gold lining the walls and high (tinted) windows, Jisung’s starry eyes reminded you just how obscene the place was. 
“Will the boss be here?” Jisung asked you, watching as some staff finished fluffing the pillows in the room. 
You shrugged. “Shotaro’s my boss.”
“Oh, the boss of this place is-,” you shot Jisung a glare and he stopped speaking.
“I didn’t ask,” you silenced the young man.
The first hour of the night was as normal as it could be- you welcomed the VIPs, watched Jisung constantly trip over his feet, and kept the patrons smiling despite the pit of anxiety you felt. Speaking with more members of the syndicate meant that they knew you- and you feared sinking deeper and deeper into the syndicate’s clutches.
“How’s the kid?” Seulgi asked you as she expertly poured the drinks you needed. You shrugged.
“Because of him they’re talking to me even more.” Your customers had taken to asking you how Jisung was doing, if you liked working there, and you had done your best to politely answer each question- being rude wasn’t something you ever liked, especially when your money was on the line. “Jisung’s in the bathroom now.”
“Last time a new kid from the syndicate was shown the ropes he became our manager,” Irene interjected, reaching over Seulgi to pass a drink to another patron. “He runs this place well but dammit- Shotaro’s just too nice.”
“As far as we know he’s nice,” Seulgi corrected, handing you a serving tray filled with glasses. “Keep your tits out if you want tips,” she lightly scolded before you went on your way, catching Jisung’s eye as he waited for you by the velvet curtain.
“They were asking for you,” he noted as you entered, forcing a smile as you did.
“There she is!” your third booth cheered as you arrived with their second round for the night. Due to Jisung’s presence, you knew a few of their names already- the loud one reaching out for you now being Johnny (who was also the only one without any accentors). The one next to him had his cheeks flushed pink from the alcohol, his wolf ears twitching as he giggled- you heard someone call him Jaemin.
Moving away, your second booth hardly acknowledged you as you took their empty glasses and moved towards the first table. It was this first table that gave you pause. 
Jisung shot you a nervous look as you smiled at Shotaro and the man he was seated across from. You had seen the man with the fox ears and fox tail several times, but never did you speak directly with him. He simply hovered around the club as other syndicate members seemed to do on occasion.
“Hi Shotaro! Do you guys need anything?” you smiled, earning a surprised look from your boss. The other man looked up at you and your blood ran cold. Your eyes had never set on a face quite as handsome as his- his features perfectly complemented each other and his bleached blonde hair framed his face in an oddly angelic halo. 
“… water.”
“I’m sorry?” you brought yourself back down to Mars, hoping the dimmed lighting would hide the embarrassment you felt at missing his words.
“Just water,” he was curt and turned his attention back to Shotaro. Before you could turn back around, Jisung had appeared with a full glass in his shaky hands. He slid the glass over to the fox-man, earning a small smirk. “Looks like you’re teaching him well.”
You blinked. “This was the first time he hasn’t spilled something all night.” You widen your eyes in surprise. Did I just say that? You internally scolded yourself. At yours and Shotaro’s shock, the fox-eared man chuckled, his smile seeming to put you under a spell as you stared at him.
“You’re funny,” he patted the empty spot next to him, “take a seat.”
“Uhh… I should get back to work,” you looked with pleading eyes at Shotaro, hoping your boss would protest. Instead, Shotaro looked out of the tinted window next to him. 
“I insist,” the foxman smiled again, revealing a set of canines instead of molars. “Have Jisung manage on his own for a few minutes.”
You clenched your jaw, and quietly handed the young mouse the tray in your hands. Five minutes. You glanced at the clock above the mantel. Five minutes. 
“So, how long have you been working here for?” his finger traced the rim of his previously untouched glass. You avoided his gaze and looked at Shotaro who was still staring out at the window.
“Two years,” your voice hardly above a whisper, and with the loud tables behind you it was a wonder the fox could even hear you. A part of you- a part that you were ashamed of- wanted to know his name rather than just call him by his accentors. He was obviously high up in the syndicate if he managed to afford ears, a tail, and a set of canines on top of his already lavish clothes.
“Shotaro,” the fox called your boss’s attention, his eyes snapping back quickly. “What’s her name?”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “I’m right here.”
At this the fox man turned fully towards you and lifted an eyebrow, “would you have told me the truth if I asked?” He had a point, and you turned your gaze away as Shotaro told him your name.
“I’m Yuta,” he introduced himself, and you suppressed the cringe you felt within yourself. Tonight alone you had learned the identities of four more syndicate members- too many.
“Nice to meet you,” you were polite. You knew your safest option was to be polite despite how desperately you wanted to run out of that booth.
“Hmm, you’re a bad liar,” he hummed, and you couldn’t help the glare you shot up at him. He was intrigued, this was obvious by the way he had his gaze fixated on you.
“I feel like I interrupted something important,” you tried, looking towards Shotaro again.
“You didn’t,” your boss seemed to sigh as if he was defeated already, and you widened your eyes at this. You turned your wide eyes into a glare, and were so focused on mentally popping Shotaro’s head you almost didn’t notice the stack of bills placed on the table in front of you.
“I think this should cover my tab,” Yuta sounded content as he watched you lift the hundreds to count.
“You only got a shot of whiskey and glass of water,” you noted, already moving to remove the unnecessary bills and planning how you would get change out of the register. Yuta’s hand moved and covered both of yours.
“Keep it,” he watched your shocked face, and you could tell that he seemed to relish this. You noted the dragon tattoo wrapped around his wrist, its mouth turned towards you as his hand held both of yours.
“… Thank you sir,” you settled on a polite smile as you scooted out of the booth with the cash now tucked inside your small waist apron. 
The rest of the night was fine for the most part. A few other patrons with their accentors tried chatting you up, Jisung continuously tripped over his feet, and Seulgi would chastise you, but nothing you considered out of the ordinary. After work that night, you started your walk to your apartment with the rest of the wait staff. 
“I can’t believe you’ve been here for two years and you just met Yuta,” Irene was the most shocked when you spoke about your big tipper.
You shrugged. “I usually avoid working the booths.”
“I don’t know why, they usually tip the best,” Goeun noted, tightening her winter coat as they stopped outside of your apartment complex. Along with being at the heart of the city, you also had your apartment right by a train station which the rest of the team took to go home. You waved goodbye and entered your apartment complex, making your way up the short two flights of stairs and into your humble abode. 
The apartment probably was beautiful in 2060, but now, the wallpaper was peiling, your ceiling fan worked only if you tugged the cord just right, and the creaking of the wooden floorboards were loud enough to be heard through the walls. You quickly shut your three locks before you moved to the bathroom.
You lifted the lid from the back of your toilet and exposed the ziploc bag filled with cash you had there. Here, you shoved a good chunk of your tips for the night in, and smiled as you did so. Thanks to Yuta’s contribution, you were that much closer to your goal. 
It was nearing four in the morning and you sighed, placing the lid back where it belongs. Saturdays and Fridays were the clubs biggest money nights, and you were excited to have the day off tomorrow. After you showered and tucked yourself in, you found yourself that night dreaming of the same place your dreams usually took you to. 
Earth was declared uninhabitable decades before you were born, but every school in the solar system made sure to discuss the planet fully. The beauty of the vast oceans and a planet actually meant for humans was incredible to you. While Mars was often noted to be the next best thing, you wondered what it must be like to go to a park not filled with red dust. So every night, your dreams took you to earth.
You were in a field of sunflowers, staring up at the blue sky. It was a cloudless day, and you wandered the field with a smile on your face as your hands caressed the flowers.
Tick. Tick. Tick.
You stopped moving, your head jerking around in an attempt to locate the sound. For miles as far as the eye could see- it was just you in the field surrounded by sunflowers.
Tick-tock. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.
Trembling, you forced your gaze downward, eyes wide as you saw the large clock that was now at your feet. You clumsily bent down, picking up the clock and dusting off the dirt that somehow got on it. The arms of the clock were composed of two sets of golden keys, the face being a solid black. You stared at your reflection on the cover of the clock.
“What is this doing here?” you muttered. You glanced up at the sky, distraught to see the once cloudless sky was now filled with an endless gray, thunder broiling in the distance.
“How many times?” a voice asked. Panicked, you looked back at the clock, seeing a new reflection behind you.
“Yuta?” you cried out, turning around to see the fox man now covered in blood. “Oh my god, what happened?” Angrily, he grabbed your face, the blood soaking your cheeks.
“How many times do we all have to die before this suffering ends?” he shouted, his eyes wet with tears like the ones you were now crying.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” you shouted back, trying to break free from the man’s grasp. Yuta looked up, forcing your head to do the same.
“Sungchan! We’re here!” Yuta shouted, a maniacal laugh booming from him. That was the lightning struck, and you awoke in a cold sweat.
The red light of the sun was bleeding through the small window of your bedroom and you groaned, flipping onto your side in an attempt to fall back asleep. You may not have to work today, but you knew you had a plethora of errands you had been avoiding- and the thought of the ever growing list made it nearly impossible for you to fall back asleep.
“God dammit,” you huffed. Begrudgingly, you slinked out of bed. You slowly made your way to the bathroom, slogging through your standard morning routine. You weren’t much of a morning person, and knowing that your day would primarily be filled with errands didn’t make you want to get ready any faster. Luckily, you had your best friend to run them with today.
Goeun stood outside your apartment complex, her outfit relaxed despite still being incredibly fashionable.
“What’s first on the agenda?” she asked.
“Did you bring your goggles? There’s supposed to be a dust storm today,” you pointed out, showing her the plastic goggles you had in your own purse. Mars’ dust storms were more of a nuisance than anything to those like you who were born on the planet, but most citizens wouldn’t be caught outside without at least some form of eye protection.
“Of course,” Goeun soothed, showing her own pair. You two started towards the grocery store that sat a few blocks between your place and her own.
“Oh, do you remember Mark from high school?” Goeun asked. 
“The one in the baseball team?”
“Yeah, well he just got drafted for the Solar Major League.”
“Wow, good for him,” you whistled. “Two waitresses aren’t a topic that will be covered at our high school reunion, that’s for sure.”
“Oh please, we weren’t gonna go anyways,” she laughed. The bell to the grocery store chimed as you entered. Like most grocery stores you went to, it was just for normal citizens of Mars- no accentors or excessive displays of wealth to be seen. You and Goeun were the only ones in the waitstaff to not have any form for accentors, even Chaein recently got a set of cat claws. So, you both felt wonderfully average for once.
“It’s not like I liked my old job anyways,” you admitted.
“I knew you would hate accounting.”
“I was hoping to get a job in forensic accounting, though. That’s what my Masters’ is in,” you defended. You enjoyed a good puzzle, and forensic accounting, despite you hating accounting itself, acted as a fascinating puzzle for you. But, no police departments were hiring, you were miserable as an accountant, and Goeun kept reminding you that her job was hiring. It was a no-brainer for you to work at the Garden, at least at that point.
“Remember when you said you’d only work there for two months?” Goeun teased.
You rolled your eyes. “Excuse me for not wanting to be stared at like an object forever.”
“Hey, it pays your bills,” Goeun reminded you.
“True,” you muttered, packing up the dandelion you grabbed from the produce isle. When humans first colonized Mars, dandelions were the first crop that could not only grow, but grow in large droves. Your grandpa swore the weed was magic since not only could it feed the people of Mars, but every part of it was edible. You just liked that it was cheap, and didn’t taste like shit. “You know, the price of water went up again in my block.”
“Mine too,” Goeun sighed. The two of you lamented on your bills as you finished collecting your groceries, walking out of the store with wrists wrapped in bags filled with food.
Taeyeon noticed a drag in your step as you maneuvered through the back alley towards her stand. 
“What’s got you down?”
“Are any of us ever really up?”
“I’m sure you have many folks that are,” she teased as she handed you your coffee. You took a small sip and furrowed your eyebrows. “There’s another coffee bean shortage honey. The Neptune moons are still struggling with some of their greenhouse cities so the rest of the solar system is paying for it.”
“Did you at least add caffeine to the dandelion tea?” your voice was whiny. You could hardly get yourself to go to work. Tonight was a themed night, and you were dreading putting on your stupid costume. All you had to look forward to was Taeyeon’s coffee and even that the universe seemed to want to take away from you.
“Of course,” she smiled.
You took out the cash from your back pocket and handed it over to her, “thanks, Taeyeon.”
Entering the dressing room, you noted how you were the first one in. Quickly, you changed from your sweatpants into your costume for the night.
Shotaro swore that maid night was adorable, and with how he behaved, you knew he was sincere- especially since he too would dress in a colorful butler outfit to compliment you all. Yet, every few months when you’d have to slide on the stupid, short, frilly costume, you could feel the embarrassment rise in your cheeks. 
Tips will be great tonight. Tips will be great tonight… You repeated this mantra until every bit of the constricting costume was on.
You began to touch up your makeup, listening as the beaded curtain rustled. You didn’t move, thinking for a moment that it was Shotaro.
“I used to think these themed nights were silly,” your head spun quickly towards the man at the beaded curtain. Your mind reeled. This was a man you had never seen at the club before, yet he entered the backroom as if he owned the place. You glanced quickly at his wrist, seeing the red dragon tattoo. “But oh my, you are utterly enchanting.”
“Sir, the sign says employees only,” you stayed calm, your hand moving slowly to behind the mirror where you stash your emergency knife. You all had one behind your mirror or under the counters, just in case something were to ever go awry.
“Hm, I would say being the owner of this club makes me an employee, no?”
You froze. “Owner?”
His tattoo. His dark wings that shimmered in the dim lighting. The deer antlers that stood like a crown on his head. The fact that the security guards seemed to just let him in with no questions asked.
There was a scuffle outside the door that was beyond the normal sound of the street vendors- it was the rest of the waitstaff arguing with the security guard. You could hear Seulgi threatening to kick his ass, and in most other circumstances, you’d chuckle. You looked back at the man a few feet in front of you, a chill racing up your spine as he surveyed you.
“I already told Shotaro- you’ll be assigned to my booth tonight,” he turned on his heel to leave.
“I am not working the dragon’s den tonight,” your fists were clenched as you spoke. You felt anger at your core. You refused to be dragged around like a doll by these men no matter their status, and you couldn’t even bring yourself to pretend to be polite this time.
He smiled, and you ignored the way his eyes beamed at you. It was as if he was proud that you spoke out against him. “You aren’t working the dragon’s den. You’re only working my booth that happens to be in the dragon’s den.”
You were dumbfounded, and watched as he knocked on the back door before exiting through the beaded curtain.
“Ugh! Finally!” Irene shouted as the door finally opened. Light spilled in along with the rest of the waitstaff, all now rushing to finish their makeup and costumes for the night.
“How come you were able to be here?” Goeun shuffled quickly in front of the mirror next to you.
“I… who’s the owner of the club? He was here.” Despite you keeping your voice low, a hush fell over the group. 
“Sungchan? Sungchan was here?” Seulgi hissed, her bunny tail twitching as she seemed to be too scared to turn back to look at you. You breathed in deeply, fighting the tightness of the dress and the panic welling inside you now.
“Yeah, he was here,” you confirmed. There was a jostle at the beaded curtain again, and there you all saw Shotaro’s clipboard.
“Ladies!” he cheered, walking in despite not getting a response. He paused upon seeing the silence that befell his team. “Geez, did someone die?”
“Sungchan swung by,” Irene snapped. This caught Shotaro’s attention as he flipped through his clipboard, muttering an obscenity as he yanked up a sticky note.
“Shit, okay. Irene, I’ll be working the bar with you tonight. Seulgi, you’re managing the second level with Chaein, and Goeun you’ll be with Jisung working the booths,” he spoke quickly, scrambling as he rearranged whatever plan he originally had. 
“Where’s y/n?” Goeun asked, her hand instinctively reaching back to grasp yours.
“She’ll be working only one of the VIP booths tonight, but I think she already knew this,” Shotaro shot you a knowing look. “Fifteen until opening, let’s get set up.”
You had a horrible feeling of dread. You stood by the velvet curtains, staring at the watch on your wrist slowly tick by. Irene moved from the counter towards you as the bar was set to open in five minutes, her hand moving to your shoulder.
“If he tries anything, leave. If you need help afterwards, I am here for you,” her eyes plead with you. Despite her sharp cat claws and her hard exterior, you knew her heart was made of gold- she wanted the best for those around her, and this moment you were never more grateful to her.
“Thank you,” you smiled, meaning it. She nodded, gliding back to her station as her small skirt bounced gracefully.
You smoothed your clammy hands over your skirt and pulled back the curtain. Goeun had two full booths, leaving Jisung to balance the less rowdy one as she easily handled the group of men you dealt with the other night. The third table sat Sungchan by himself, his fingers tracing over the menu he held.
“Good evening sir and welcome to the Garden,” you forced that same smile you always used on your customers. You were stuck serving this one table until he left, and your ziploc bag wasn’t going to be full enough for anything unless you got tipped well.
“I’m sure you know my name, no need to call me sir,” he set the menu down. You tightened your jaw.
“I’ll say yours if you say mine,” you knew he knew your name, but you didn’t know how beyond the fact that he seemed to sign off on your paycheck. He smiled, his eyes beaming again as he seemed to adore the almost taunting way you addressed him. It was strange- for the way people seemed to react to him, you did not anticipate the smile and doting way he watched you.
“You are quite funny,” he slid the menu towards you. “Whatever Irene feels like making is fine with me. Feel free to order anything you want, of course.” You paused on your writing of his tab.
“Your drink. You do drink, right?”
“Not while I’m working, sir.”
“Ah, responsible,” he chuckled. There was a small tumble beside you as Jisung appeared with a bottle of wine in his shaky hands, his elbows brushing up against yours.
“From the boys over there, sir,” Jisung kept his voice steady as he set the bottle and wine glass down. Sungchan didn’t turn to look at the men who were standing up in their seats to gain his thanks. Rather, Sungchan shot the young mouse a glaring look.
“One step to your right,” Sungchan’s voice was commanding. It was a complete shift from the tone he used with you. The nervous Jisung clumsily moved over, his elbow no longer brushing yours. “Good, that’s your only warning. Tell the boys thank you and please bring me another glass.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, but moved quickly away from the booth and into the club space, painfully aware of the brush of air your thighs were meeting thanks to your achingly short skirt. The club was alive with rich patrons flaunting their wealth and throwing money to their servers while others in the upper floors snuck money to each other in exchange for vials or small baggies.
“Get me a rum and coke plus a Shirley Martian, Shotaro,” you handed your boss the tab and leaned against the now busy bar top.
“Sungchan hates rum and coke,” Shotaro froze as he eyed the paper. “Just grab a bottle of Soju from the back and I’ll make that mocktail now.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” you shouted as you slid behind the bar top to the fridge, quickly snatching up a bottle of soju and a shot glass. After you collected the second drink, you maneuvered your way past the velvet curtain, only to be stunned by the sight in front of you.
The man on the floor was easily twice the muscle mass of Sungchan, but the deer held the buff man steadfast with simply the bottom of his dress shoe.
“Ah, there she is now. What is it you have to say for yourself?” Sungchan’s eyes were wild, his hands shoved into his pockets as if holding this man down was an easy feat.
“I… I’m sorry!” the man sobbed, and you noted the small pool of blood forming on the ground near his swollen lips. Your eyes were wide, horrified at not only the brutal display of aggression but the fact that the other patrons were turning their heads in fear, keeping quiet as to not meet the same fate.
Sungchan dug his heel deeper into the man’s neck, earning a grunt of pain. “For what? What are you fucking sorry for?” It was eerie to you just how volatile and angry Sungchan sounded, when moments ago he seemed to be doting on you.
“For calling her a slut for having her ass hanging out of that skirt!” The man was sobbing at this point, and you were too stunned still by the way Sungchan kept him pinned. You almost ignored the blatant assholery the man displayed. 
“What do you say? Should I let him go?” Sungchan’s eyes were wild still, his wide eyes turning up towards you as if you were more interesting than the groveling man under his heel. 
The velvet curtain behind you was pulled and a figure appeared next to you. “Boss, you said you weren’t going to beat any guests today.” Yuta sounded tired, his fox ears twitching as he looked sadly at the scene before him.
Sungchan frowned, glaring at the seemingly insubordinate fox. With another strong bout of pressure, Sungchan removed his foot from the sobbing patron. “Get him out of here, Yuta.”
“Of course, sir,” Yuta confirmed, and without sparing you another glance he whispered, “you look adorable.”
You moved to the side as Yuta yanked the man onto his feet, escorting him outside of the back lounge area. Sungchan did a number on him- both of his eyes were bruised and swollen, his nose was clearly broken, and it hurt to even spare a glance at his bleeding lip. Despite this, the man shot you a glare as he was forced past you.
The rest of the lounge began speaking again as if this was a normal occurrence, not at all bothered by the pool of blood you had to step over to set the drinks down. You squeezed the soju bottle as you attempted to hide your shaking hands.
“I hope the soju is fine. If not, here’s a Shirley Martian,” you set the glass down, avoiding his gaze and staring intently at the drinks. “Can I get you anything else, sir?”
He tsked, and you felt your anxiety rising with every breath you took. 
“Sorry I’m late, boss,” Yuta brushed past you, and you didn’t miss the glare that flashed across Sungchan’s eyes. Yuta sat in the booth across Sungchan and smiled your way. “Could you grab me some napkins?” 
You nodded, ignoring the blood he had on his hands as you handed him the napkins you kept in your waist apron.
Without turning his gaze from Yuta, Sungchan snapped, “sit.”
There was an awkward pause, and Yuta looked over at you with an expression that mirrored your confused one. Sungchan too turned to look at you, his gaze softening immediately. 
“Sit, please,” he repeated, visibly straining to be polite. You tightened your lips and looked at the pair sitting opposite each other, both seemingly fixated on where you were going to sit.
Reminding yourself of the fact that this was Sungchan’s club and he was the one who requested your assistance tonight, you sat on the same side as him, albeit as far away from him as you possibly could. Despite this, you didn’t miss the twinkle in Sungchan’s eyes as you did so.
“What’s up, boss?” Yuta turned his attention back to Sungchan. It was strange to you. Sungchan was visibly younger than the fox, yet Yuta observed and listened to Sungchan with an incredible amount of respect.
“You know how Kun requested to focus on our… legal areas rather than our financial area?” Sungchan leaned back in the booth, opening the bottle of wine and pouring a glass slowly. He slid the glass to Yuta who nodded. “That means we have quite a large gap in our accounting and finances department.”
Shit. You maintain your composure, having looked away from the pair and towards the ceiling as if the small golden details were the most interesting thing on the planet.
Yuta, however, didn’t seem to understand what the deer was getting at. “I thought you were considering Shotaro for the job? He has a finance background afterall.”
You didn’t see Sungchan, but you could imagine that he rolled his eyes judging by what his follow up was, “it’s in business. We need someone with a vast pool of knowledge in accounting.”
There was a lull in conversation again, and you could feel two sets of eyes on you. You gulped and looked back at the pair who were both focusing on you intently.
“Do you need more drinks?” you asked, failing to hide the bite in your tone.
“When you ran a background check, what is it you saw under her file?” Sungchan leaned his elbows on the table, fully turning so he could watch you squirm in your seat.
“The lady here has a Masters in Forensic Accounting,” Yuta chirped.
“I don’t know anything about accounting,” it was a bold move to lie especially when they knew better, but you didn’t care. “And why are you running background checks on me?”
“We need to be sure our employees don’t come from unsavory backgrounds,” Sungchan defended. “Your salary would double, of course.”
“Most of my income isn’t reliant on my salary. I work off of tips,” you clarified, annoyed by his arrogance. “Plus… I hate accounting,” you hissed. You excelled in your classes, but it didn’t mean you had any passion for it. You disliked your current job, but it paid you enough to not care about the fact that it was part of the body of the syndicate. Working as an accountant directly for the syndicate would become the embodiment of everything you detest.
“Fine, three times your salary,” Sungchan spoke nonchalantly, and even Yuta didn’t blink at the sudden increase. “And if you want you can work as a waitress here whenever you want extra cash.”
“Wow, I’d be allowed to do more work. How kind,” your voice was dripping with sarcasm, and you fully faced Sungchan with your arms crossed.
“She’s got a point,” Yuta chuckled before a small thud sound followed. Yuta’s face contorted in pain and he reached down to his leg, making Sungchan smirk. You almost couldn’t believe how childish they were. Sungchan was irritated and decided the best course of action was to just… kick Yuta under the table. Like a toddler. 
“Four times your base salary, and you only need to work 30 hours a week,” Sungchan offered. You pressed your lips tightly together. Now this was an enticing offer. You’d be making much more than you did even with tips, and you would have to work far less.
But, you still couldn’t stomach the thought of working for the syndicate. Especially handling their finances, you would be too entrenched to not be implicated should shit go south. As a waitress, you made sure to know as little as possible- you never asked for names, you left as soon as your shift was over and you stayed in your lane. You could easily cut ties. As their accountant though, you didn’t have that luxury. 
You were silent before you shook your head. “I don’t think that would be wise, sir.”
There was a silence that had fallen between the two of you, Yuta casually sipping his wine as he seemed to enjoy the scene before him. “He’s not used to people saying no to him.”
“I don’t want to be in this town forever, and I don’t want to be so tied to the syndicate,” you didn’t know why you felt so compelled to defend yourself. Maybe it was the fact that both of these men could easily kill you and get away with it, or just the way Sungchan was observing you.
“Interesting. Well, the offer will still stand and sooner or later,” Sungchan smiled, “you’ll take it.”
Taeyeon was fuming. She burst into the garden, ignoring the guards as she shoved her way through the crowd and into the dragon’s den. Taeyeon knew you had this particular day off. It was empty tonight sans for three members of the syndicate- the exact members Taeyeon needed to give an earful to. There wouldn’t be another day that Taeyeon would be able to chastise them that you wouldn’t be around, albeit as far as her brother could see.
The members however, stared back at her with a blank, confused expression. Johnny had traveled from Mercury to have a night out with Hendery, and Jaemin before the rest of their friends returned from their business trips and before they were to all meet with their boss.
“Who the fuck are you?” Jaemin asked, raising an eyebrow as he tried to study Taeyeon. Jaemin served as the syndicate’s medic and emergency surgeon.
“Don’t you sell coffee in the alley? Who let you in here?” Johnny was getting up from the booth, ready to scold the staff since Yuta wasn’t there that night to do it himself. Johnny ran the brothels on Mars as well as managed the syndicate’s bar on Mercury- him being able to recognize Taeyeon at all would be impressive if she was not so irritated.
“You will all always be idiots,” Taeyeon chided, rushing forward and raising her hands. She usually didn’t like having to cheat and return their memories- it is, after all, a part of the curse- but this was dire. The three men froze, their eyes rolling back as their memories from the past thousands of years returned in an instant. “She should be dead!” Taeyeon wasn’t necessarily angry about you not being dead, she was more confused above all else. Taeyeon was only able to see the past and its effect on the present- but at this point, you would typically have been killed. This was different.
“… you cursed us and you’re mad that your curse isn’t working perfectly?” Hendery glared at Taeyeon, his full memories now restored.
“I didn’t curse you- you assholes know it was my brother,” she snapped. 
“You’re all the fates, so it’s your fault too,” Johnny had lifted the spoon on the table, taking to combing his hair and admiring himself. Jaemin was silent, staring down at the table as he mulled through his shifting reality, his wolf-ears twitching.
“You are all imbeciles,” she moved closer to the table slowly, hissing as she did so, “if she doesn’t die soon, that leaves you with two options-.”
“Either the curse gets lifted or she just gets killed by him later and we stay trapped,” Jaemin finished. 
Taeyeon smirked at the wolf-eared man, “good to know that Mars still has his wits about him.”
⋆☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。°✩🪐°. ⋆ ・: ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆☾ ゚。⋆⋆。°✩⋆ ・:
Taglist! @nini0620 @maleegayuh @projectxdemons @deakyspuff
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misswoozi · 2 years
taeyeon watching early chef yuri videos where she’s a bit clumsy and messy: oh fuck i’m in love
reminds me of a cute fic where taeyeon is a baker who makes spooky themed cakes and yuri falls in love with one of her weird creations (and consequently with taeyeon)
BROOOO okay I'm amending my original AU concept. Instead consider Taeyeon who is a waitress BUT WITH A LOVE OF BAKING. She's broke but she hangs onto the idea of opening her own bakery someday. (Think Taeyeon in the video for I where she hates her job at the bar.) She watches Yuri's (very popular) videos to cheer up and maybe Yuri does a small tour and comes to Taeyeon's city to do a cooking show? 🤔
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fenrirswood-hq · 2 years
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NO WAY TO TURN BACK NOW. Welcome to Fenrir’s Wood BRU, you’ve been accepted for the role of KANG TAEYEON, please refer to the member checklist and send your account to the main in 24 hours.
[ bae suzy , cis woman, she/her ] Hey, isn’t that KANG TAEYEON. I thought they went away for the summer? Did you hear they might be a WEREWOLF? What I do know for certain is that they’re 28, and they’re DEDICATED and INSECURE. They’re originally from DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA, and have been in FENRIRSWOOD for TWO MONTHS living in FORK'S ROAD. I wonder if they still work at STARSTRUCK as a WAITRESS. Best if they stay safe for now. ( bru, gmt-3, she-her, 33, removed for discretion )
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mariesocuniverse · 3 years
12th Member of The Boyz: Melody
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English Name: Melody
Korean Name: Kim Minji
Birthday: February 16, 1998
Height: 169 cm
Nationality: Korean-American
Languages: Korean, English, learning Chinese and Japanese
Position: lead vocal and lead dancer
Fun facts:
born and raised in LA
has an older sister that’s older by five years
was scouted by Starship when she and her parents were visiting family in Korea but got cut
auditioned for Antenna Music but didn’t get in
scouted by Creker in 2016
related to Sam Kim
didn’t know Sam was gonna be Flower Snack
The members didn’t know she was related to Sam until Flower Snack
has her own room in the dorm
trained for a year
speaks English with Threerang
practices Chinese with Haknyeon
her role model is Taeyeon from Girls’ Generation
favorite color is red
has a collection of all the albums and photocards The Boyz have in her room on a display shelf
Summary: Melody was born and raised on August 21, 1998 to Sungho and Jinah Kim. She never had any interest in music until her sister showed her a Girls’ Generation and Taeyeon became her role model. She asked her parents about taking dance lessons when she was 10 and they agreed. She was not the best in her class, but that didn’t mean she was bad.
On the family’s annual trip to South Korea, someone from Starship Entertainment saw her walking around with her sister and asked if she wanted to become an idol. Despite their hesitation, Melody’s parents agreed to let her become a trainee and let her move into her aunt’s house in Seoul. She became a trainee in 2015 but got cut a year later because she wasn’t up to their standards. Her cousin, Sam Kim, suggested she audition for Antenna Music so they can work together but she got rejected.
After than, she took a break and decided to help her aunt in the restaurant she worked in as a waitress. In May 2016, someone from Creker Entertainment went to the restaurant and saw her singing quietly as she cleaned some tables. They gave her their business card. Melody almost didn’t join until she got convinced by her aunt and Sam. She officially became a trainee at Creker in July 2016.
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ggidolsmuts · 4 years
NSFW Tag Game - Your Life
I’ve been tagged by @nsfwflint​ and @closedafterdark​.
Sounds interesting, I’m not sure who to tag, because I think everyone that I follow has been tagged already. Some of these are interesting prompts, may use them for some stories.
Rules: Go to random.org. Click on Lists & More and click on List Randomizer. There, enter at least 20 idols you find attractive. Randomize and use the first 15 to remember your NSFW life.
You gave your virginity to your best friend: IU. The two of you were young and horny, and after giving your first times to each other the two of you experimented... a lot.
But your first real relationship was with: Twice Mina. The two of you were introverts, and that was perfect for both of you. Many quiet nights were spent making noise in the bedroom.
You met and become friends with benefits with: Lovelyz Jisoo. The two of you met at a beach. You were attracted to her banging body and she liked yours too. You suggested a no-strings-attached relationship and she’s been your enjoyable fuck buddy ever since.
Later, they suggested a threesome with: Binnie. Jisoo brought one of her dongsaengs over to one of your sessions for “observation”. The two of you aroused her enough to turn it into “participation”.
You didn’t care about receiving oral until: Arin. She learnt a lot from her unnies, and was eager to demonstrate them on you. She knew exactly where you liked to be teased, until you were begging her to let you cum. She deepthroats you as you cum, and you shoot your cum down her throat. You need to thank her unnies.
Your first anal experience was with: Sejeong. The two of you were unsure, until one day you slipped a finger in her butt and she liked it. Her tight butt squeezed your finger perfectly, and you knew you had to feel it with your dick. You teased her to the limit, eating her ass and not letting her cum until she begged you to fuck her there. You came in her almost instantly and that triggered her orgasm. She doesn’t prefer it, but get her horny enough and she’ll let you do it.
But anal was the preference of you and: Yooa. She had an ass to die for and she knew it. She would tease you endlessly when the two of you are in public, shaking and shoving her ass in your face. You paid her back for it in the bedroom, putting all sorts of vibrators, dildos, and toys up her butt, before finally taking it yourself. Yooa loved nothing more than to feel you cum in her ass.
You were asked if they could watch you masturbate by: Gugudan Mina. She was young and had a crush on you. Wanting to learn more about the world she asked if you could show her what you do. After showing her what you do to yourself, she let you show her what you could do to her.
While masturbating, you were thinking of: Taeyeon. You wonder how loud she gets when she cums, and how she’ll just take you for her own pleasure. Taeyeon always gets what she wants.
Blindfolds and handcuffs became synonymous with: Yeji. ITZY’s leader is two-sided, she leads her group but also gets pushed around by her members. In the bedroom she is the same with you - sometimes she loves ceding control to you, letting you have her way with her body. You love watching her struggle against her handcuffs as she cums. Other times she loves blindfolding you, allowing only your dick to feel her. On crazier occasions it isn’t her pussy that is fucking you, but you definitely don’t mind that either.
You never got caught having public sex with: Lia. She loved dressing rooms backstage, constantly pulling you into them as she always wanted a quickie before performances. The danger of getting caught always escalates with Lia, as she gets louder whenever the excitement of being caught goes up. She particularly likes fucking in moving vehicles, the vibrations gives her added pleasure - car sex, train sex, mile high club, you name it.
But you got caught the first time you tried giving oral in a restaurant to: Saerom. She was teasing you under the table with her feet. You returned the favor by dropping your fork and ducking under the table covers, burrowing yourself underneath her dress and licking her through her panties. Soon you see a wet spot form and pulling her panties aside you go straight to the source. She places her hand on your head, and you misinterpret it as a sign to keep going. Soon she cums with a sharp buck of her legs, knocking the table aside, revealing you between her legs, your face covered with her juices. Standing over you is one very flushed waitress - apparently your slurping was heard throughout the restaurant. The two of you are banned for life.
The person you proposed to was: Irene. She was your perfect life partner, ever competitive, and the two of you push each other to be better constantly. This carried over to the bedroom, where the sex gets so intense both of you are left limp by the end of it. You know for sure you won at life when she said yes.
You met them when your best friend got married to: Nayeon. The two of you had a whirlwind relationship before you went your separate ways, only to run into one another again years later. You met her when your best friend introduced her to you as his girlfriend. The two of you agree to keep your past a secret, since there was no point digging it up. Knowing what you like she introduces you to her friend Irene at the wedding, and the rest is history.
On your honeymoon, you took turns watching as the other had sex with: Jiho. When you and Irene run into her friend and rival Jiho while on your honeymoon, their natural rivalry flares up as they want you to decide who is better in bed. After fucking both of them to orgasms, Irene ends up winning as you blow your load in her. The two of you spend the rest of the night taking turns having your way with Jiho. Everyone is drained of cum by the end as Irene fucks her with a strap-on while you shoot your last climax in Jiho’s mouth.
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krisjcarreon · 4 years
TAEYEON 태연 'I (feat. Verbal Jint)' MV
gosh i love everything about this. Waitress Taeyeon, nature, wind, voice, backing track and the electric guitar.
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kpopaeipathy · 5 years
Send me a Profession + an artist/idol of your choice for me to make a moodboard.
Feel free to ask as many as you want. I need some inspiration and making moodboards always help ^^ You can also choose professions that aren’t on the list as this is just for us to keep track of what was already asked (the struck-out or the linked ones).
Actor /Actress
Astronomer (Choi San - Ateez)
Bodyguard (Jimin - BTS)
CEO (Jimin - BTS)
Doctor (Baekhyun - EXO)
Fashion Designer (Taeyeon)
Fireman/Fire fighter
Lifeguard (Taehyung - BTS)
MMA Fighter (Jungkook - BTS)
Nurse (Yoongi - BTS)
Painter (Wonwoo - Seventeen)
Policeman/Policewoman (Jimin - BTS)
Real estate agent
Secretary (Hwasa - Mamamoo)
Shop assistant
Soldier (Jimin - BTS)
Travel agent
Veterinary doctor (Vet)
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YukoTaeyeon (request)
“Miss Kim, you have a company.”
Taeyeon leaned back when she saw a person sitting behind her. She was always curious to the people around her and especially ones who snitched. However, she was out of the element of the home but in the confines of the foreign country she had visited many times before.
Her life was that and now with the mixed groups she was irked by it and now delved into her own career that was a simple stop to perform and now hiding in the shadows of a hostess bar to the girls with buxom in the deep cut dresses.
“I didn’t know you like breasts.” The voice asked behind her when a smile came upon the Korean’s face.
“I called you out here so you get the view. You’re former friend was pretty hefty on top and now you have a boyfriend.” Taeyeon jeered towards her. “Oshima Yuko. The ace of AKB.”
“You know well while you continued after that spat.” Yuko hummed.
“For one, when an American gets in your way, I had to fight. She knew her limits and she ran away. I did what was needed to gain my spot and luckily it wasn’t total war.” Taeyeon growled with her eyes upon the crowd.
“I had them but too much battles to pick and once Acchan decided to leave, I had to take up the role until I felt ready myself. I could do whatever I want yet I felt empty to grind in the industry.” Yuko admitted softly when she received a drink from the hostess.
“Let’s go face to face.” Taeyeon suggested when Yuko walked over to sit across of the Korean. “I needed dick so badly.”
“I wasn’t one like that. I was aggressive and groped the others as much as I want. Made the younger ones cover their eyes because I liked to be naked. It felt free however it was a ploy to compare. Size and shape.” Yuko grinned. “You never felt curious?”
Taeyeon nodded, “Problem was mainly to compare. We were all separated from the start. Perform together but we had our times to communicate however limited on checking each other out.”
“Tough I say. How do you like the members in the group?” Yuko asked in reference to the Produce group.
“They are polished for now but the Koreans hold the power. It’ll never change.” She shot her opinion.
“I see. You really tend to scan them as much as the others.” Yuko sipped from the glass.
“No. I had to aim for them as a group to determine the future.” She sighed. “Best thing was always to concentrate on the people.”
“I have been away from the scene for a while. My friend was wondering into the group to cheer them on but the only one was Sakura since I scarred her.” Yuko chuckled.
“I guess. These women are quite active on the floor.” Taeyeon noted with the booths around them filling up.
“They want their share. Lower their tops and smash the men’s face into their soft chests. Natural pairs.” Yuko explained.
“I don’t want to deal with them. I thought it would be nice to hang out with a fellow peer.” The Korean grinned as the women were only passing glances.
“Well I guess not many people would choose here to find musicians yet you’re not drinking?” Yuko raised her eyebrow.
“I had to get out alive first and just to meet you without trying to feel overwhelmed by the atmosphere. The waitresses were pretty irritated until you came.” Taeyeon spelled out her concerns. “There are a few things to do on my end.”
“What are you considering?” Yuko inquired as she leaned in.
“A little adventure.” The Korean winked. “You feel comfortable naked, right?”
Yuko glared at her when the thought simmered in her mind. It was a character trait around the other members but not in private or other people she did know. Taeyeon smirked back as she placed an item on the table and sat back in her seat.
“Nice bra.” Yuko clicked her tongue. “I don’t wear fancy ones.”
The Korean laughed, “I have to keep the image. The cheap ones at home and away to get the custom fitted and expensive ones.”
“What’s the plan? You want to go braless.” Yuko leaned in.
“That’s a start. Your boyfriend probably would be wondering as well.” Taeyeon sneered. “Let’s go to Roppongi.”
Yuko was familiar to the area. It wasn’t much to consider in her status however to be with another idol had been rare and unclasped her bra before pulling it out from her shirt as her nipples were protruding from the shirt.
Following Taeyeon out the club, she gave a wink and got a taxi to come within seconds. Yuko pondered over it as a private driver would have been better but as they drove off, she glanced out at the window with the cold touch attracting her back to Taeyeon.
“So, you must have been anxious since you left.” The Korean snickered.
“I was drained and went to America. It was difficult to fit in but knowing the people helped although I wasn’t ready for it until I met him and we hit it off.” Yuko explained.
“I see. What about your former partner?” Taeyeon pondered.
“Her... she was done. I told her to get it over with especially with the offers. She built a brand of herself through the endorsements and in the end, just do what you can.” Yuko answered. “Since I left, only a few times I have talked to her but nothing much like before.”
“I guess that’s the case. It feels warm.” Taeyeon tugged on the shirt.
“Usually it is. I guess it’ll feel worse without it.” Yuko laughed.
“A little. Maybe a chance to enjoy the outside atmosphere.” Taeyeon smirked.
“Okay. We are here.” The driver called.
“Thanks, you can go home.” Taeyeon announces as the two exited to a tall building.
Yuko followed her closely behind. It felt unusual to be behind someone but she glanced down upon her black skirt before scanning up upon reaching the elevator.
“I rented this place out for myself. It has a nice garden outside with the view of the city in the background. I had pondered over it and see who I could ask for tonight being the only free night I had. So I decided to contact you.” Taeyeon laid out the thoughts.
“I guess so... but I’m not the one to have the accolades.” Yuko chuckles.
“You were the original one.” She mentioned when the doors closed. “It was difficult to understand it but those are the fans. However, the two pawns in the game were pushed by her.”
“What do you mean?” Yuko asked with the thoughts upon the statement.
“Sakura and Nako are the future. She pushed them to go into it because of the situation at hand. I questioned it to have their best going forward but Sashihara was quite adamant about giving them up.” Taeyeon grinned as they exited the car. “The gondola should be suffice.”
Being away, Yuko shrugged. She knew Sashihara more than anyone and to hear it wasn’t surprising yet under attack, Yuko kept her peace. There were a few select things that bothered her most and those were beyond the fact of the people who she had trusted.
“In your opinion, was it the correct move?” Yuko asked.
“It was probably the best.” She smiled. “One did quit to go to Korea, talent is one thing and the other is grit.”
“True.” Yuko grunted. “Now you dragged me here for something...”
“I’m curious. Does the dick work for you?” Taeyeon scoffed.
“You could be blunt about it. Just the problem is... you seem ready.” Yuko hummed.
“I have a wireless wand.” Taeyeon pointed to the container in the corner. “One thing to learn is to buy stuff incognito.”
Taeyeon was an after thought for her since passing by at Kouhaku. She wasn’t open as she was now but Yuko had an eye out for her for the charm and leadership ability. Now, her sex appeal was grabbing at her when she conceded her defense and slipped the shirt and jeans off to her black underwear with the Korean leaning in.
“Conservative, aren’t you?” She laughed.
“Being naked and being sexy are two different things. I can wear items but not for meeting friends. I was cautious to be with others I’m not too familiar with.” Yuko elaborated.
“I see... well let’s see what you think of me.” Taeyeon smirked, lowering her skirt and pulling the shirt off her body.
“T-back and a bra.” Yuko snickered, walking to the container. “You want to share?”
“Why not?”
Taeyeon eyed the lounge chair as Yuko brought the toy over and straddled over the feet end while Taeyeon had leaned back and ran her fingers along the material. Yuko scooted forward and pulled her partner back up when she flicked the switch between the two, aiming upon the sensitive area as both let out and audible cry.
Taeyeon pulled Yuko into the embrace with the vibrations rubbing between the two woman as Yuko adjusted often to get the head to stimulate her drive.
Slipping away to allow a moan to escape, Yuko withdrew the toy and pushed the Korean back to the seat. She leaned in, pushing up the bra from her chest to the pale colored orbs and pecked upon the canvas to admire her tiny nipples.
The loud cry escaped into the area with Yuko grasping the other side. She wasn’t Haruna by any means. It was small even compared to hers but her instincts were always in play when in the mood and pulled the body to unclasp the back and pulled it off, placing it to the side.
Her mouth rounded the orb swiftly as the hands cupped behind Yuko’s head. She had a few partners which even for the tiniest of bosoms, Yuko had a way around it but Taeyeon was quite full on her chest as the soft pillows filled the hands.
The cries were audible but Taeyeon was quick to concede to the pleasure when Yuko slid the free hand down to the core with the fingers sliding up and down the area.
“The teasing is a bit overwhelming.” Taeyeon murmured.
“I guess it’s up to you now.” Yuko withdrew her body and took to the seat.
Taeyeon reaches behind and snapped off the clasps to pull forward upon the large bosom. They were about the norm she had seen before among the group yet her hands were consumed by the masses as she rolled them around in her grip.
Yuko’s voice shriller upon the touch. The effort was suffice for herself when Taeyeon tugged on the bottom and slid down the chair as her partner was at the feet.
Taeyeon climbed upon the incline and latched her body on with her face into the crease. Yuko reminded herself that it was only once that her boyfriend had pleaded her this way with her blessing but her active tongue kept the lust flowing out from her woman. She clenched onto the chair when she heard a grunt.
“I think the pool is better.” The Korean smirked.
“There’s a pool?” Yuko pondered.
“Indoor. Follow me.”
She grabbed her clothes and traced behind Taeyeon to the pool in the room nearby. It was square that would fit about five and a shower opposite of the pool when they entered inside. Yuko dropped her pile onto a bench as Taeyeon removed the last piece and stepped into the water. Yuko tracked behind her to the warmth of the water as she felt the lips pressed upon her again.
The waist deep water was the depth they got up to as they saw the ledges and Taeyeon swiftly pulled her body up onto it and sat with her legs parted. The forest was short but covered the crotch when Yuko rubbed the clit slowly before planting her fingers into the canal to the loud groan from her partner.
Despite the truth, Taeyeon was still squeezing the fingers within her body. Thrusting then back and forth, it was different to perform acts on others with the fit and form yet the lone constant was restriction. Being a virgin, was a challenge yet upon the seal breaking, it was still tight to feel the fingers wiggle often within the canal.
The Korean spilt swiftly into the wading waters with Yuko’s assistance to taste her partner’s juices flowing into the pool below.
“The warmth is way too much for me, let’s switch.” Yuko suggested as Taeyeon jumped back in and sunk a little with Yuko holding her her head above water. “Was it that good?”
“That’s why the rumor was true with Haruna when she told me about you.” She laughed.
“Okay hold onto the ledge and I’ll get on.”
Yuko presented the gift to her partner as the finger was shoved into the canal. She felt the digit move within her body. The suddenly jolts were moderate as she kept her mouth open with a few inaudible cries into the room. Taeyeon worked the length of her finger into the depths as the moan escaped promptly. The jerk of her hips brought a torrent with the partner quickly moving her mouth over.
The work of her partner seemed exciting for her yet the finger was replaced again with another set of piston like thrusts as the cry came out louder into the room. Yuko acknowledged the effects before sliding down and dipping her head into the water below before popping back up.
“I guess thanks for the night.” Yuko laughed.
“Stay for now. It’ll be our secret.” Taeyeon smirked.
“Sure. One more thing. Our way of cementing this.” Yuko murmured as they walked out of the pool when the wind dried out their bodies upon the sight of the Tokyo evening.
Yuko liked the freedom while Taeyeon gripped the bar with the sight of the lights below. The few minutes were a good sight of the two above in the hills before retreating back to the pool to warm up.
The skin pruned to their indication of the limits and showered off. The clothes were just the shield for the night upon the morning to have the visitor skip out before the sun. For both it was a chance encounter yet the bodies understood what it meant to sense a different partner from another country.
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sunsethillshq · 2 years
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welcome  home  evan & taeyon !   we’re  so  excited  to  have  you  here  at  sunset  hills  !  before  we  give  you  the  keys  to  your  new  place  ,  make  sure  you  go  over  this  checklist  to  make  sure  everything’s  all  squared  away  —  we’ll  give  you  24  hours  to  come  by  the  leasing  office  ,  please  let  us  know  if  you you  need  anything  at  all  !
✿ * · (  lee dohyun  ,  cismale  ,  he/him   )   a  little  birdy  told  me  EMERY SEO  just  moved  to  sunset  hills  .  have  you  met  them  yet  ? they  look  somewhere  around  TWENTY THREE  ,   if  i  had  to  guess  !  pretty  sure  i  heard  them  driving  down  the  street  playing  HEARTBEAT  by  WHAM  ,  they  sounded  a  little  pitchy  but  they  had  the  spirit  !  must  be  their  favorite  or  something  .  hey  …  it  looks  like  they  just  moved  into  SUNSET VILLAGE  .  have  you  heard  about  what  they  do  for  a  living  ?  someone  told  me  they’re  a  PERFORMING ARTS MAJOR  ,  but  who  knows  if  that’s  even  true  .  guess  we’re  just  gonna  have  to  wait  and  see  .  nervous  ? maybe  you  should  be  .  sunset  speaks  just  posted  about  them  …  apparently  they're  RESIDENT  ID  017  ?  between  you  and  me  ,  i  think  that  might  spark  some  things  in  the  community  …  but  what  do  i  know  !  you  guys  might  get  along  just  fine  !  (  yuna ,  she/her  ,  22  ,  est  .  )
please answer at least two of the following in character :
* what was the last song you listened to on spotify ?
“ spotify?  no no no, apple music. don’t knock it til you try it. anyway - it’s either last christmas by wham or out of touch by daryl hall and john oates. you probably never heard of them. i mean, their songs came out in the 80s sooo … “
* who’s a celebrity you hate ?
“ ryan gosling. does anyone even know what he looks like cause i don’t. you hear him on the radio, you hear him on talk shows but does anyone even KNOW him? probably taylor swift … if you know what i mean. anyway, i’m too lazy and not interested to search him up so i guess this mystery will always stay a mystery to me. “
* what is something you love about yourself and something you wish you could change about yourself ?
“ i guess i’m hitting two birds with one stone with this one but, maybe staying out of touch with reality. it’s a good thing to just stray away from all the negatives but then if you stray away from it all you kinda forget about everything else. i’m in my world a little bit too much that i tend to forget everything else around me. my friends, my family but … never my dog. sometimes i think i’m gonna suffer from dementia when i’m older. i’m quite forgetful, but i just know i won’t ever forget roco. that’s my dog, by the way. rocky but i call him roco. ”
* tell us two truths and a lie !
“ i peed my friends bed at a sleepover when i was 10, my family comes from a long list of writers and poets, and i own over every single watercolor paint you can imagine. are you suppose to guess or .. ? okay well the first two are truths. i feel bad for riley but it was deserved. and the last one is a lie .. i own over every single watercolor and OIL Paints you can imagine. so, half lie? “
extras :
songs that plays when the camera pans to emery as he gets his 30 seconds of screentime cue the slow mo too .
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✿ * · (  park  chaeyoung  ,  cis  woman  ,  she / her   )   a  little  birdy  told  me  TAEYEON  YOON  just  moved  to  sunset  hills  .  have  you  met  them  yet  ?  they  look  somewhere  around  TWENTY  FIVE  ,   if  i  had  to  guess  !  pretty  sure  i  heard  them  driving  down  the  street  playing  HER  by  MEGAN  THEE  STALLION  ,  they  sounded  a  little  pitchy  but  they  had  the  spirit  !  must  be  their  favorite  or  something  .  hey  …  it  looks  like  they  just  moved  into  DUSK  DRIVE  .  have  you  heard  about  what  they  do  for  a  living  ?  someone  told  me  they’re  a  COCKTAIL  WAITRESS  ,  but  who  knows  if  that’s  even  true  .  guess  we’re  just  gonna  have  to  wait  and  see  .  nervous  ?  maybe  you  should  be  .  sunset  speaks  just  posted  about  them  …  apparently  they're  RESIDENT  ID  024  ?  between  you  and  me  ,  i  think  that  might  spark  some  things  in  the  community  …  but  what  do  i  know  !  you  guys  might  get  along  just  fine  !  (  miu  ,  she/they  ,  25  ,  est  .  )
in  character  questionnaire  :
what  is  the  last  song  you  listened  to  on  spotify  ?
             ‘  it’s  been  in  my  morning  playlist  for  a  while  now  ,  but  it  was  woman  by  doja  cat  .  ’
who’s  a  celebrity  you  hate  ?
              ‘  am  i  allowed  to  say  bella  hadid  ?  there’s  so  much  about  her  that  makes  me  cringe  whenever  i  see  her  on  instagram—  the  constant  change  of  aesthetic  and  that  damn  sneaker  shopping  video  gets  on  my  nerves  !  ’  
what  is  something  you  love  about  yourself  and  something  you  wish  you  could  change  about  yourself  ?
              ‘  most  won’t  admit  liking  their  own  personality  ,  but  i  like  my  own  !  i  think  there’s  nothing  wrong  with  having  opinions  or  openly  speaking  about  how  pretty  i  am  .  as  much  as  i  hate  talking  about  the  things  i  don’t  like  about  myself  ...  i  guess  i’d  have  to  go  with  the  way  i  push  people  away  without  meaning  to  .  i  let  them  in  until  a  certain  point  ,  and  then  i  find  a  way  to  keep  them  at  a  distance—  it’s  a  pattern  i  can’t  seem  to  break  .  ’
tell  us  two  truths  and  a  lie  !
‘  i  was  born  and  raised  in  paris  ,  i’ve  been  playing  the  piano  since  i  was  five  ,  and  i  don’t  have  a  driver’s  license  .  ’
extras :
add  an  alternative  faceclaim  here  ,  this  is  mandatory  !  (  in  case  we  get  apps  with  the  same  fc  at  the  same  time  )  jennie  kim  .
please  add  any  edits  /  pinterest  boards  /  playlists  for  your  muse  here  if  you  have  any  to  share  !  pinterest  .
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solarsunhae · 5 years
url tag game~
thanks to @daharte for tagging me :D
Starry night - Mamamoo
Opening Up - Waitress 
Lie - Jimin (BTS)
Applause - Lady Gaga
Rain - Taeyeon
Show Me How You Burlesque - Christina Aguilera
Um oh ah yeh - Mamamoo
Never Enough - Lorren Allred (The Greatest Showman)
Heartbreak Hotel - Tiffany Young
As Long As You’re Mine - Wicked
Emperor’s New Clothes - Panic! at the Disco
tagging: @braeldranix @mykindofkpop @allislex-a @but-bangtan @hanimeco
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hiddenwashington · 5 years
Hey guys! Do you have any fc suggestions for Jenna from Waitress? Also do you have any suggestions for an alternate fc for Cosette? I think I want to change her fc. Thanks!
sure thing babes! we could suggest, for jenna ; sarah drew, rose leslie, maggie geha, stella maeve, jemima west, holliday grainger, troian bellisario or hannah simone! and then for cosette ; amanda seyfried, freya mavor, penelope mitchell, billie lourd, josefine frida pettersen, taeyeon, camila queiroz, or willa fitzgerald would all work!
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0 notes
pastel-rosed-blog · 8 years
The Best Birthday Gift
Genre: Slight angst/Fluff
Words: 2755
Pairing: Tiffany (SNSD) x Reader (F) ft a couple other members
A/N: My first fic ever. It is lacking, but I'm glad I still finished it. ^^ Words in italic are my (your) thoughts and you talking to yourself.
Of all the birthdays that I’ve celebrated in my life thus far, this one had the hugest disappointments.
 This year’s downhill birthday started at work. I was chewed out this morning by my supervisor for some missing reports that I have been working overtime for the last two weeks to complete. I surely submitted them to her desk yesterday, yet she devoured my soul in front of everyone; I had no choice but to take the beating. Talking back would only make it worse. Before the day ended however, a sympathetic co-worker told me that she has discovered that the supervisor’s assistant has placed those files in the wrong drawer and the papers really were with the boss all along. The damage was done, though, I was already embarrassed in public and the whole office overheard the reprimand. Man, this wasn't good, especially since I was aiming for a promotion...word will get around quickly in the office. What a nice birthday gift from the universe.
 After getting off work, I figured I needed a break from all the things that aren't working out at the moment: my tiring job, fatigue and stress, my general loneliness from my need to be with a significant other. The thoughts in my head responded all at once.
Where did that last one come from? I'm fine...
I had one before, though. I just had to let her go.
Why am I thinking this? I don’t really need her, I can’t….or do I?...
Get it together, Y/N, it's probably just the Valentine's blues kicking in.
It’s one of the things I hate most about having a birthday in February, right before the 14th. This fact is probably the icing on the cake of this tragedy of a birthday.
I figured that a dinner out with the girls in a classy bar-restaurant on the mezzanine of the nearby mall plaza will be just what I need to unload everything and try to start fresh. Luckily, Sunny, Sooyoung, Yoona, Taeyeon and Hyoyeon had no schedules, and I was able to call them over.
Our little dinner get-together went smoothly, even though they all (shamelessly) ordered steak and a bottle of fine wine. Sooyoung signaled “one round of champagne over here, please” to the waitress while they all huddled around as I narrated all the things that were bothering me. They shared my sentiment about being publicly humiliated in the office, understanding how difficult it can be to project and maintain an image of pleasing everybody then having it crumble by small mistakes, and the frustration becomes even more real when nothing wrong was done on my part. I felt my spirit lift, discussing these things with them. I was about to tackle the last issue on my mind, the feeling of single-blessedness on my birthday-which-is-also-before-Valentine's. Now that the day of hearts is drawing near, I get reminded of her, and regret filled my mind. Oh how I wished I still had her around…
 Why does it bother me so when it was only a little push-and-pull “some” relationship? It wasn't that serious, but it did feel real. Or at least for the eight months I spent with this certain person.
She was the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. Actually, she was the first existent crush who liked me back, yet it ended abruptly without much explanation. Although the other girls knew who she was, a fellow member who they shipped me with and fully supported, they never really knew what went down between the two of us and the sudden decision to call it quits. And tonight, with perfect timing, she just had to be inevitably brought up.
 “Yah, neo, Y/N-ah, are you really not going to patch things up with Tiffany?”  Sooyoung bluntly asked, making me nearly choke on my last bite of meat.
Sunny thoughtfully patted my back until the coughing subsided. “Calm down kids, let’s give her a chance to explain.”
 Taeyeon handed me a glass of water and asked me again calmly, “Y/N, can’t things be the way they were between the two of you? You were both really happy then. Why did you stop seeing each other? You guys really matched, you know? I thought you were meant to be...” Hearing this, Yoona and Hyoyeon cringed and giggled.  That last thing Taeyeon said echoed through my mind and launched about a million thoughts, searching for the right way to answer. “We all thought that you two would go the distance.”
Heol, those words stung. I thought so too...
How do I answer them?
We just lost feelings for each other. Honestly, I wanted to put all the blame on her. When I think about what went wrong, I blame her inconsistency. One day she would get all over me, lovey-dovey and clingy, bombarding me with texts while I’m at work and then getting mad when I don’t reply at once. Then, the next day, she would give me radio silence and no sign of life or of what she’s doing. I would be the one to contact her and she wouldn't even respond. I would be worried for days wondering about where she could be, only to find out from the other members or through her SNS posts that they had back-to-back schedules and that she was having fun with the other SMtown artists, acting only a bit wild with the male idols, perhaps her stint to provoke and make me jealous. It still hurt me a lot deep inside and pissed me off, this trait of hers. I would then try anything and make an effort to get her to talk to me again. I’d send her favorite food over to the dorm she shares with the members, or go see them in person. Other times, I would wait outside their door in the late hours of the night (the longest I waited was about an hour and a half or so), until she comes out, being persuaded by the other girls to go and see me. After fights like this, we’d be okay again. Then the cycle repeats. Though there are different reasons for our fights, some petty and some serious ones, mostly it all boiled down to this characteristic of hers.
Then again, I guess some of it was my fault too. I simply got tired of dealing with it all. I felt pressured to excel at work; a promotion is something I needed, mainly for the pay raise out of necessity. I also felt obliged to try and please Tiffany always, her being both my happy pill and, as it goes with drugs: the more you take, the more dangerous it gets. I should know very well by now how to define what happened, it’s already been three months since we were apart. I guess my fault was that I lacked effort. I put more importance on work than on her, and perhaps her clinginess was her way of reaching out to me, and it didn't bother me as much as it should have, how I ignore her once we're not together. Letting my work-driven mind take control, it naturally let me drift away from her. During the last fight, instead of making up, we silently agreed to end our relationship. Walking all the way home at about two in the morning, all teary-eyed, with make-up all smeared, that was the last I heard from her.
[end of flashback]
I uttered the first words I can get out. “It just…didn’t work out. And I guess it can’t anymore.” Hyoyeon responded this time. “Ey, but this time, you’d want it to, would you? If we tell you that Tiffany wants in again too, would you give it another shot?” The girls all huddled a little closer. I was confined to my thoughts again.
That would be the greatest birthday gift to end all gifts. Does she really want me back? Is this finally my chance?
Yes, that’s it. Three months of missing her is enough torture. I really want her back. I guess I really do love her. I’ll do better this time. I'm ready to start again. Gathering my composure, I opened my mouth to say just that, but suddenly their manager, the short guy with glasses, stormed in the restaurant, looking all frantic.
“Ladies, I’m sorry to ruin the dinner like this. The brand just called me, there was an emergency and they were forced to reschedule the photoshoot to tomorrow instead of next week. We have to go now and get some rest. They send their apologies for the inconvenience.”
The girls reluctantly stood up one by one. "Y/N-ah, we’re really sorry to leave you like this, especially tonight” Yoona sulked.  I answered reassuringly, “It’s fine, I wasn’t in that much of a celebratory mood anyway. I’ll head home and go watch some series. If anything, it really means a lot that you all came tonight and heard me out.” Yoona gave me one final hug, and so did Taeyeon. Hyoyeon patted my shoulder and said “Y/N, we’ll continue this talk next time okay?” while Sunny sang “saeng-il chukhahamnida” in her aegyo voice in an attempt to cheer me up. I smiled weakly and waved them off, as their manager was frantically answering calls from the agency. Sooyoung was busy sending texts on her phone so she didn’t hug me goodbye, but she waved back from afar as she rejoined the group. That friend is rarely glued to her phone, you noticed. Whoever she's talking to, it must've been really urgent as to not give a final proper birthday hug. It must be the brand. They better have a sponsored watch as a gift for cutting my birthday dinner short! Ehh, it's a long shot.
After paying the pricey bill (darn, these girls just had to eat expensive meat), I walked out of the restaurant to the mezzanine and enjoyed the chilly breeze. I descended and joined the crowd at the center of the plaza, enjoying the late night food stalls. I noticed that there were mostly couples in the area tonight, feeling a pre-Valentines fever in the air. Walking around alone in this kind of crowd was slightly depressing.
I was wandering mindlessly among the stalls for a few minutes when I decided to sit down on the edge of the fountain at the center of the plaza to clear my head. My mind went back to what Hyoyeon said, about Tiffany wanting to fix things as well. Has she forgiven me already? Will I be the first one to move or will she come to me? Will she really accept me again?
My contemplation was interrupted when I felt a person's hand brush against my right hand which was resting on the fountain for support. I did not mind it that much. Next thing I knew, the same hand took mine, gripping it tightly but tenderly, and as I looked up to confront this very forward stranger, my heart skipped a beat. I could not believe who it was, sitting right next to me, in the middle of the late night romantic plaza, making this night even more special. Who else would I want to be here with more than her?
 "How are you, Y/N?" Tiffany spoke softly. She was dressed in a simple maroon hoodie and jeans, wearing a black cap and a mask to hide herself from peering eyes and to conceal her bare face. She began to fiddle with my fingers rather nervously. "I've missed you more than I can tell. I hope I'm not too late, but...happy birthday". She greeted with the most gorgeous eyesmile. I felt my heart melting, suddenly being filled with a burning sensation: the same I felt the first time I fell for her. Experiencing that rush all over again is more than what I could have asked for.
"F-Fany? When did you....H..How did you know I was here?" I could feel my cheeks burning as she then started to intertwine her slender fingers with mine.
She chuckled and showed me her phone, displaying her thread with Sooyoung. Turns out she was updating/spamming Tiffany throughout the dinner, urging her to come and surprise me while we were all still eating. I read one that went "PABO, YOU BOTH STILL WANT EACH OTHER SO WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WAITING FOR? YOU'LL LOSE HER AGAIN IF YOU'LL BE LIKE THIS".
Ah, so Choi Sooyoung was playing Cupid huh. I guess I owe her a proper thanks with more meat now.
"I was in the recording studio so I didn't read them right away," she explained. "As soon as I got out I rushed here. Too bad I missed the girls," her gaze went from me to the other couples in the plaza. "But at least I got a hold of the most important person tonight" she declares while raising our joined hands, a perfect fit, and settling them on her lap, pulling me closer to her side.
"Fany, don't you guys have a photoshoot tomorrow? You all haven't gotten me a gift yet y'know, I was thinking a sponsored timepiece will be enough," I snickered. She answered, "Shhh, I'd rather not skip this night." She winked at me, her brown eyes sparkling in the starlight, and it made me feel all fuzzy inside despite the chilly breeze. She got up, still holding my hand, and asked "Wanna walk?"
 Now here I was, finally walking in the plaza with someone linked to my arm, a daydream that finally came true after years of looking in from the outside.
 So this is what it feels like....it's exhilirating. It's like screaming "HEY WORLD, THIS PERSON ON MY ARM RIGHT NOW, SHE'S MY VALENTINE; SHE'S MINE AND I'M HERS!!"
Wait, are things okay between us again?
 I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't have time to think. I suddenly felt dread. We have to talk about this. This is my chance to fix this lest be rejected again later...
 "Fany..." She looked back at me with that adorable puppy-like gaze that stopped my heart a second time tonight. "Does this mean we are okay again?" Silence filled the space between us. I continued my speech.
"Having you here like this really makes me miss what we used to have, and I know I screwed up big time, and I thought I can manage without you but I really can't. You are the one bright and special thing in my life that I'd love to keep by my side and I don't want to lose you again. If I get another chance with you, I'll really do better to take care of you. I'm really sorry for what I did...I really...."
She put an index finger on my lips, effectively hushing the rest of my apology away. "Y/N, it's also my fault for treating you like some plaything and toying with your feelings when I feel like it, and I realize that now, how wrong I was to act like that. The girls and I talked about this, so now I know how to be mature in an actual relationship. I truly felt comfortable with you. I'd love it if you'd always be by my side too."
 After we circled the fountain once, we both stopped in our tracks. She stood facing me this time, and held both of my hands in hers. I took a good long look at her, taking in her simple, no make-up face. Could she be any more beautiful?
Still hand-in-hand I slightly lifted her black cap  to get a better view of her adorable, heart-stopping eyesmile.
"Y/N, I want another shot with this relationship. Can we date, for real this time?"
A smile spread across my face as I felt my cheeks burn. "I feel relieved to hear that, I was about to ask the same thing." When her grasp on my hands loosened, I pulled her in for a tender embrace, my arms wrapping around her waist, and my face snuggling on her shoulder. She had a hint of a sweet strawberry scent on her, and it etched into my memory as I inhaled more of her in. Her arms wrapped around my neck, her free hands going through my hair gently. This hug told me that from now on, like in this moment, someone will be there to catch me, and I know, I just know, it will definitely be her, always.
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aegyotrashcan · 8 years
SNSD Reaction to: Blind, Mute or Deaf Girlfriend
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Other Versions: mmm | rv | aoa | 4Minute | f(x)
Taeyeon (deaf gf): Apparently, Taeyeon had a beautiful singing voice. She brought you to MAMA 2016 with her, leaving you backstage to watch her performance in her dressing room (since having you in the audience would be scandalous.) She looked so beautiful, eyes falling shut as she sang her heart out, sounding most likely beautiful. You didn’t even realise that you were crying until one of the staff handed you a tissue. Being deaf had never been a problem for you before. It was all you’d ever known. But now ... now you wished you weren’t, even for just a moment, to be able to hear her sing.
Jessica (blind gf): Sees you as her muse, even asking you to be a model for her brand. Not just because she loves you but bc she thinks you’re inspirational. “So many people, blind or not blind, will look up to you, I just know it. So what do you say?”
Sunny (mute gf): You being mute was no issue in this relationship. Sunny knew how to read people, could always tell what you were trying to say. She often lead the conversation in social gatherings but was quiet and reserved at home, using her actions more than words to show her love.
Tiffany (blind gf): “Mom, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” She smiles her eye smile at you before gesturing to a gravestone, her mother’s name carved in spiral letters, not that you could see. “Y/N, this is my mom. I’m sure she would have loved you.” Although you can’t see Tiffany, you know she is crying, so you reach out to pull her into a hug. “And I’m sure I would have loved her too.”
Hyoyeon (deaf gf): Maybe you can’t hear but you can feel. She often brings you to dance practice, cranking the volume up so you can feel the beat she’s dancing to. She feels so smug, watching your reactions through the mirror, as you gape in awe at her talent.
Yuri (mute gf): Can be protective sometimes, especially in certain situations. Once, a waitress cursed you out for not thanking her when she brought you water. And Yuri ripped her a new one. She’s not afraid to stand up for you, being your voice and speaking up when you can’t.
Sooyoung (blind gf): “I know you can’t see but just know that my legs look so good in this dress.” Doesn’t see your disability as something negative. She likes to look on the positive side, feeling inspired by you. She no longer complains or thinks “Why me?” because in the grand scheme of life, she’s well off: her career is going well and she’s found the love of her life.
“Maybe I can’t see,” you tell her, “But I can sure as hell feel.”
Yoona (deaf gf): Although you can’t hear her laugh, just watching her face light up and her body shake from laughter is enough for you. You’re not a greedy person or think that you’re somehow less for not being able to hear. You have your health and the love and support of a beautiful woman, what more could you ask for?
Seohyun (blind gf): Takes charge in public places, making sure no one’s in your way or bumping into you. And if anyone even thinks of kicking you out of their restaurant for having a seeing eye dog then they better say their prayers. She’s not aggressive or anything, but she’s blunt: “You’re really going to be this ignorant to someone who’s done more in their life than you, unappreciative of the working eyes you have? How pathetic.”
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bubblegcms-blog · 7 years
( so, this is a list of all of my muses. i think this is a neccesary thing, considering there are always people who don’t read muse pages.
WENDY; 19 years old; lesbian; musician; played by seulgi; ACTIVE ANGEL; 21 years old; bi; barista; played by bona; ACTIVE YUMI; 20 years old; bi; artist; played by iu; ACTIVE YOURA; 23 years old; lesbian; doctor; played by jihyo; ACTIVE AE CHA; 22 years old; lesbian; professional gamer; played by chaeyoung; ACTIVE MARIA; 21 years old; lesbian; dancer; played by pinky*; ACTIVE  MINA; 25 years old; bi; waitress; played by nayeon; ACTIVE HANA; 23 years old; lesbian; actress; played by wendy; ACTIVE HYO; 26 years old; lesbian; model; played by taeyeon; ACTIVE JOO; 18 years old; bi; baker; played by suhyun; ACTIVE SUN; 24 years old; lesbian; chef; played by rosé; INACTIVE JI SU; 18 years old; bi; dancer; played by yeri; INACTIVE ACHARA; 24 years old; lesbian; computer engineer; played by lisa*; INACTIVE  HIRO; 23 years old; lesbian; animator; played by momo*; INACTIVE
*this person is played by someone who isn’t korean, so of course, they aren’t either. they have moved to korea. i don’t want to receive any criticism for this.
p.s. always remember to specify which muse you want when sending an ask !! )
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taeyeonyurifany · 9 years
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That FML look <3 <3 <3
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