#tafee paints
paint1117iny · 4 months
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smoked with my neighbour tonight but left after a few because i just wanted to get home to do some art and didn't want to be too stoned to paint or draw. turning down free weed to engage in my passions?? oh im sooo back
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kingyo-co · 9 months
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I'll be honest, I haven't done any substantial painting since I was still in TAFE 8 years ago- After I dropped out, I had no space in the tiny mouldy share house I was in & no money to buy my own stuff. Despite moving several times & Slowly getting to a better place in life I was always nervous to pick it back up, but with my fresh start I found some confidence, bought the basics and painted my first Canvas in close to a decade! Please look forward to more!
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arcadecarpet01 · 4 months
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I’m currently at TAFE studying art and here are my projects so far!! Please keep in mind they’re all only half way done so things will be altered and changed:)
((The two paintings on the bottom are done tho LOL))
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superlinguo · 2 years
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with an Artist
This month’s Linguistics Jobs interview is with Lucy Maddox, an artist based in  Melbourne, Australia. You may recognize Lucy’s work from Lingthusiasm, a podcast enthusiastic about linguistics. In this interview, Lucy shares how her training and a linguist influences her work as an artist (often in unexpected ways). You can find Lucy on Instagram at @lucymaddoxart or on her website. 
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What did you study at university?  I did a Bachelor of Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania (graduated in 2008), then did a Master of Applied Linguistics at the University of Melbourne in 2014. A few years later, I went back to school, but this time to a TAFE, Australia's version of technical or vocational school, to study visual arts. I felt like the workload was much higher for my visual arts program than for my undergrad or graduate studies! What is your job?  I'm an artist, which generally means I do about 5 different jobs. To pay the bills I write visual arts curriculum for TAFE institutes in Victoria, and I also teach painting and drawing at the Victorian Artists Society. I'm an exhibiting artist so I spend time creating work for exhibitions and applying for art prizes. I also create art and illustrations on commission, such as the work I do with Lauren Gawne and Gretchen McCulloch for the Lingthusiasm range of merch! How does your linguistics training help you in your job? It's been really exciting to see how two totally different worlds - linguistics and art - actually feed into one another. In terms of my own practice, my paintings are often related to gesture, body language and hands. More generally, art is influenced by linguistic studies in terms of understanding it as a series of symbols and communication devices. Who knew semiotics could be so artsy? I've also really enjoyed getting to create work that marries my two areas of study. In addition to the work with Lingthusiasm, I've also been working with Dr. Gawne on a series of hundreds of updated gesture illustrations to accompany her work at La Trobe University. It's shocking how old-fashioned, gendered, Euro-centric and downright ugly current gesture illustrations are. (For instance, see François Caradec's 2005 "Dictionary of Gestures.")
What was the transition from university to work like for you? I graduated in 2008 which was probably the worst time to look for a job. My first job out of college was working for a medical journal reading and editing manuscripts. It was a nice first place to work but it wasn't a topic I was passionate about. I ended up moving to Seoul to teach English for a year, then moved to Australia. I taught English as a Second Language for about 10 years before moving into art. Happily, this meant that I got to use my linguistics skills in my everyday life, writing the International Phonetic Alphabet on the board and even drawing my own anatomical mouth diagrams to illustrate the differences between sounds like /r/ and /l/ to struggling students. However, eventually I realised what I really enjoyed about the job was the teaching and connecting with students, rather than English itself, and I returned to my first love: art. 
Do you have any advice you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
I was away from uni for about 5 years between my bachelor's and master's degrees, and it took another 5 years to go back to art school. I really think that taking time away from school to actually work in the field is so crucial, and it helps you understand exactly what you want to do (or don't want to do!). Plus, the lack of structure outside of school is a real sink-or-swim moment. Related interviews:
Interview with a Performing Artiste and Freelance Editor
Interview with an Exhibition Content Manager
Interview with a Museum Curator
Interview with a Freelance Writer!
Recent interviews:
Interview with a Research Scientist
Interview with a Language Engineer
Interview with a Natural Language Annotation Lead
Interview with an EMLS/Linguistics instructor & mother of four
The full Linguist Jobs Interview List 
The Linguist Jobs tag for the most recent interviews
The Linguistics Jobs slide deck (overview, resources and activities)
The Linguistics Jobs Interview series is edited by Martha Tsutsui Billins. Martha is a linguist whose research focuses on the Ryukyuan language Amami Oshima, specifically honourifics and politeness strategies in the context of language endangerment. Martha runs Field Notes, a podcast about linguistic fieldwork.
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How would the bbc ghosts excluding robin received their education? eg going to school
So the history of education isn't really something I know a whole lot about and there were many different ways to be educated in every period of history. However I will do my best to take a guess at how each ghost would have been educated. And of course anyone who has more knowledge on the topic is welcome to add or clarify.
Humphrey was likely educated by a private tutor. Schools for boys did exist during the 16th century (Shakespeare attended one) but for people of wealth or high class, such as Humphrey, private tutelage was the standard.
Mary was likely educated by her mother (and possibly father) on all the things she needed to know to run a household. Education for girls and the rural poor was not readily available during the late 16th century, and it was generally believed that it was improper for lower class women to be formally educated. During the mediaeval and early-modern periods it was also considered the duty of the church to educate adults and children on issues of morality and alike, but this would have been through regular church services rather than any formal classroom setting.
As we know, Kitty and her sister had a governess who would have been responsible, not only for their upbringing, but also for the education of both girls. This would have chiefly included reading, writing, and arithmetic, but also things like foreign languages, musical instruments, painting, and possibly even philosophy and science.
I think it's most likely that Thomas was one of the first ghosts to attend a school like the ones we have today. Education during this time was still more angled towards middle and upper classes but childhood schooling as a whole was becoming more prevalent following the enlightenment. He probably had a primary education at a boarding school or by possibly by private tutor as a child and went to either a grammar school or university in his later teen years for secondary education.
Private education was still very popular amongst the upper classes into the 19th century. Like Kitty, Fanny probably had a governess during her childhood. It's quite possible that she also attended a formal school as she got a bit older, probably an all girls school for the wealthy. By the time she would have been in her late teens and 20s, laws had changed to allow women to attend university and given her interest and ability in mathematics, it's very likely that she did, or at least wanted to, attend university.
By Captain's time, primary education was compulsory for all children. It's probable, given that he was basically in R&D for the military, that he also had a secondary education, somewhat like the equivalent to a modern high school, but this would not have been compulsory at the time. He may have also attended university, but the outbreak of WWI lines up with the time he was likely studying and may have been enlisted before he could complete his university education.
Julian would have had an education relatively similar to present schooling. He would probably have had primary and secondary schooling at private (UK: public, ie. Fee-paying) schools. And as we know, he attended Cambridge for university.
Similarly to Julian, Pat would have had a compulsory primary education, and would have also attended high school. Whilst it's most likely Pat finished his secondary schooling, many teens dropped out or finished early to begin apprenticeships or enter the workforce, especially as university education was not as necessary as it is today for high paying jobs. I think at some point it's mentioned that Pat worked in a bank, which probably required some form of tertiary education, such as university or TAFE (I'm not sure what they call it in the UK).
Bonus: Robin (but not really)
Surprisingly, we know a small amount about how pre-historic peoples were educated based on the debris found at tool knapping sites. One site, (I think was in coastal western Victoria, but I don't remember the name), had a stone tool knapping 'workshop' where there was a mix of high-skill and low-skill debris from the same depositional layer. This may indicate that there was more experienced stone tool knapper(s) working with other less experienced knapper(s) in the same workshop. This may demonstrate how pre-historic people passed on their practical knowledge in a teacher-student sort of way. But this is just one theory for explaining the debris pattern at this particular site, and also is in a context completely removed from Robin's time and place.
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cabaretofwords · 2 years
Things I want the finish before the end of the year:
- my Tafe course
-get my driver's licence
-the mural I'm painting
-the embroidery/art project I've been working on
- all the 2020 Brandon Sanderson lectures (I've got 9 left)
- at least 2 more novels read
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bradleymarshall · 8 months
There was a post that said
If you’re in a room
With everyone you ever met
I’d look for my love and friend Daniel who I miss so much
I haven’t seen him in so long
He punishes himself with isolation
He was never interested in girls
He held my hand on many occasions and I wondered why
Was it just innocence
Or was he gay
He wasn’t a child
He was two years younger than me and old enough to realise what he was doing
We swam together
I felt bad when I flirted with him
One time I laid on top of him
I just wanted to make it obvious that I was gay without saying it
He looked up to me but we never took it anywhere
I wonder who he is and why he isolates himself
He said to me
I’m not gay
And I was like neither
And winked and joked
I’d look for him though if I was in the room with everyone
I painted it like I was weird to him
We camped together
Shared a tent
It wasn’t like that at all
We both loved each other
And I miss him
That’s story I shared about meeting him by the dock of a lake
On a pier with our feet in the water
That I loved you
That was him
And no
He wasn’t my first Love
I remember when it was Christmas
And I wondered where he was at the Christmas party
I was DJing but I wanted to find him
So I put the Dj on auto
And left it
Even though the people complained that they couldn’t dance to the automatic selected songs picked by the computer
Where were you they said
I said
I had to
Help Daniel
It’s because I found him on my balcony sitting on my balcony chair staring over the flashing Christmas lights which reflected on his soft solemn complexion
I asked him what was wrong.
Why are you out here
He was crying
Just life
Is hard
Why is it hard
Your handsome
You could get any girl
You’re young
You have you’re whole life ahead of you
You’re even smart
You understand physics
He studied mechanical engineering at tafe
You have nothing to worry about
It seems like he was holding back and I wondered
He made fun of me and my eczema
He was harsher than the others
And I wondered if it was his defence mechanism
To attack or be attacked
Kill or be killed
He always seemed to light up when we met
That time you were on the cruise
You had that fling with that girl who loved you
You seemed so sad
As if you were just going along with it
Because you had to to prove a point
You broke up so soon and she was upset at you when the cruise was over and we returned to our lives
You stopped emailing she said
I always wondered
You were beautiful
I could date your sister because I thought I was closer to you in a way by being with her
When I touched her
I thought of you
I always thought I wasn’t present enough as I could be in every day interactions with people
I used to just zone out and be in my own world
Because I didn’t relate to what anyone was saying and I felt so inherently different as if no one could relate to me
Now I realise it was all nothing and my own mind
I could have been just as open but it led up to where I am today so I wouldn’t change a thing
Today I listen to peoples conversations and am present even if I don’t talk as much as the others
Unless I’m in a podcast that is
I share more than the others
When performing I noticed I always gave more than anyone else
Maybe because that was my way of reaching people
When I couldn’t everyone else
Introverts make the best performers as they notice all the subtitles and curate their performance where everyone else is lacking
But I realise my family are even worse
My dad just frankly dissociates from every interaction
He’s not even there
Like talking or spending time with a brick wall
My mum
She doesn’t speak
She’s present but avoidant
She has nothing to say
Only criticisms when I do something wrong
Never anything meaningful or constructive or loving
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qnewsau · 9 months
Championing Equality through Education
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/championing-equality-through-education/
Championing Equality through Education
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Change doesn’t just happen in courtrooms or in the halls of parliament. It happens in classrooms, lecture halls and in the minds of young people who are given the chance to learn and grow.
WORDS Nicholas Stewart
During my time heading up criminal and human rights legal teams, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of education.
Education isn’t just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about opening doors to a brighter and more inclusive future for everyone.
That’s why Dowson Turco Lawyers joined forces with The Pinnacle Foundation at its 2023 fundraiser in December to support LGBTQA+ students in higher education across Australia.
Higher education is a key factor in lifting Australia’s economic and social standards – it’s about empowering individuals to make meaningful contributions to society.
This is particularly important for LGBTQA+ students, who face unique challenges and barriers in their educational journey.
Current NSW and Commonwealth laws still permit discrimination of LGBTQA+ students and teachers on the basis of religious belief, underscoring the urgency of our mission.
The National LGBTIQ+ Health Alliance‘s research highlights alarming rates of self-harm and psychological distress among young LGBTQA+ individuals, often stemming from stigma and discrimination.
The Writing Themselves in 4 report likewise paints a stark picture of the experiences of LGBTQA+ youth in educational settings.
In the past year, 60.2% of secondary school students reported feeling unsafe or uncomfortable due to their sexuality or gender identity, along with 33.8% of those at TAFE and 29.2% of those at university.
Worse still, 40.8% of young LGBTQA+ people experienced verbal harassment, 22.8% sexuaL harassment or assault and 9.7% physical harassment or assault. An alarming 81% reported high or very high levels of psychological distress. These statistics prove that investing in educational support for LGBTQA+ students is a critical step towards a more equitable society.
At Dowson Turco, we’ve seen how legal advocacy, combined with educational support, can create lasting change.
Recently, we represented a non-binary student facing discrimination and harm in a regional NSW Catholic school. Our legal intervention and support led to significant policy changes, ensuring a safer and more inclusive environment.
As a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee at the Law Society of NSW, I have also seen the impact of initiatives that promote law reform and inclusion policies.
But meaningful change takes more than tokenistic gestures.
Beyond financial contributions, individuals and companies need to take an active role in raising awareness, engaging in meaningful dialogue and advocating for policy changes which support inclusive practices and year-round community engagement.
Through corporate donations and support of the Pinnacle Foundation, we can fund scholarships that address financial barriers facing many LGBTQA+ students, including tuition fees, books and living expenses.
By investing in LGBTQA+ education, we’re empowering future leaders and thinkers who will carry the banner of diversity and inclusion into every corner of society.
From government, to civil society, to the corporate sector, we want LGBTQA+ leaders qualified and experienced in business, economics, law, management, the arts, medicine and other disciplines, so that the organisations they lead become more inclusive.
As a proudly gay-owned and operated law firm, our partnership with the Pinnacle Foundation is more than just a philanthropic endeavour. It’s a reflection of our core values.
At Dowson Turco, we are advocates for change, champions of justice and supporters of those who are often marginalised.
We are committed to making a difference in the lives of LGBTQA+ students – unlocking potential, breaking down barriers and building bridges to a more diverse and inclusive society.
-Nicholas Stewart is a leading criminal and human rights lawyer and a partner at Dowson Turco Lawyers
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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paint1117iny · 4 months
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upscalepainting123 · 11 months
How are professional painters in Sydney trained?
Painting is one of the most sought-after trades in Sydney, and it’s easy to see why. Whether you’re a home decorator or a commercial painter, you’ve likely worked on countless projects that have changed the look and feel of your home or commercial space. But what about the training process?
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Many professional painters begin their career as apprentices, working under experienced painters and learning the basics of the trade through formal apprenticeships and TAFE (Technical and Further Education) courses. These courses cover topics such as paint types and their properties, as well as the right techniques to use for different applications like walls, ceilings or exteriors, as well as surface preparation, which includes cleaning and sanding surfaces, repairing imperfections, and more.
Safety protocols are also a key part of the training process, and professional painters are required to be aware of safety protocols such as heights, handling chemicals, and operating equipment safely. Professional painters learn to use a wide variety of tools and equipment, such as brushes, rollers, sprayers, ladders, etc. Choosing the right color is a skill in itself. Professional painters learn how to blend and match colors to match clients’ needs. Professional painters need to understand clients’ needs and provide suitable solutions. As experience increases, professional painters may learn more advanced techniques, including decorative painting and faux finishes, as well as murals.
Professional painters in Sydney are constantly learning new products and techniques in the painting industry. In certain cases, a professional painter may need a specific license or certification to work on a project that is subject to building codes or safety regulations. In Sydney, where quality is of the utmost importance, professional painters combine their education with their hands-on experience to produce beautiful, lasting, lasting results.
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jovialss · 11 months
Short Term Accommodation in Melbourne
If you’re thinking of starting a short term rental business, you should know the rules and regulations that apply in Victoria. These laws include zoning regulations for vacation rentals. They also specify that the place to be rented out must be the operator’s primary residence.
The Greens have urged the state government to regulate short stays as they reduce the availability of long-term rental homes. A statewide registration system and a 180-day cap could help address this issue.
Private landlords
When looking for short term accommodation Melbourne, you can choose from a range of private rental options. These include vacation rentals, serviced apartments and rent by owner homes. These are typically located in the city's inner and bayside suburbs. They provide privacy, space and a range of amenities, such as a fully equipped kitchen and laundry. They also offer connectivity benefits, making them ideal for business and travel.
Houses, flats and apartments are usually found through newspaper, online and real estate agent listings. You can also check university or TAFE websites and noticeboards for student housing. If you're an international student, it's a good idea to arrive in Melbourne at least a month before your course starts to inspect offers from the student housing database and apply for rental properties. In addition, you can look for share housing or house mates in the local area. Many of these homes will require a bond, and some may require a deposit.
Hotels and motels
If you are looking for a hotel in Melbourne for short term accommodation, there are many options available. You can find luxury hotels with modern amenities or budget-friendly options for extended stays. The best hotel in Melbourne will suit your needs and provide you with all the conveniences that you need.
One of the newer hotels in the city, the Olsen, is a boutique hotel that features rooms inspired by local artists. It is located in the Box Hill area, which is becoming the city’s “new Chinatown.” Its sleek interiors showcase artist Zhong Chen’s pixel portraits and ink-brush paintings.
Another new hotel in the city is the Lancemore, which offers boutique accommodations for travellers. It is situated on Crossley Street in the heart of the city, near top-tier restaurants and theatres. It also has a rooftop pool and lounge, and it offers a variety of packages depending on your needs. The hotel has a minimalist, sleek style, and its rooms feature rain showers.
Caravan parks
Caravan parks are ideal for travellers looking for a family-friendly short term accommodation option. They offer a range of facilities, from kids activities to well-equipped camp kitchens. Some also feature self-contained cabins and powered caravan sites. Some even have a swimming pool and a playground.
A popular choice is the Big 4 Coburg Holiday Park, which is located less than an hour from Melbourne’s major attractions. It offers a large selection of modern and luxury villas, apartment-style rooms and cosy log cabins. The park has a number of kid-friendly activities and is close to the Melbourne Star, the aquarium and loads of trendy cafes.
Another great option is the Big 4 Bellarine Peninsula Holiday Park. Located near the Mornington Peninsula, this park has deluxe one- and two-bedroom villas, spa cottages and powered caravan sites with en-suites. It also has a flying fox, BMX track and adventure playground. The park is also a good base for exploring the nearby beaches and markets.
Serviced apartments
The best way to enjoy a short term stay in Melbourne is to book a serviced apartment. These luxury apartments are furnished with all the necessities for a comfortable stay, including modern appliances and Wi-Fi access. Most serviced apartments also offer regular cleaning and room services. Some even allow pets, although it is important to check with the provider before booking.
You can find a range of serviced apartments in central Melbourne, such as Treasury on Collins. It offers one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments with air conditioning and free Wi-Fi. It is located a few minutes from popular destinations, such as Southbank Promenade and Eureka Tower. It is also within walking distance of Federation Square, Flinders Street Station, and Melbourne Cricket Ground.
Another option is Quest Docklands, which provides a variety of fully furnished one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments. These apartments are ideal for both business and leisure travelers, with a five-night minimum stay. They are located near the Crown Casino and various iconic landmarks.
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mybestmeau · 1 year
Childcare Kogarah - Find the Best Childcare Centres in Kogarah
The new three-storey childcare centre in Kogarah Bay, NSW was designed to be as open as possible. A large glazed façade is flanked by an abundance of outdoor play spaces and a full height basement car park to minimise the building footprint, while maximising natural light to the interior.
This was achieved by a combination of curved structural steel framing, large floor-to-ceiling windows and the use of high quality external finishes including James Hardie Axon, James Hardie Exotec and timber look aluminium screens from Covet + Rendered paint finishes. Other features include a passenger lift, goods lift and car stackers as well as an extensive range of commercial-grade kitchen equipment. With 18 child care centres located in the suburb of Kogarah, Toddle has made it easy for you to discover and shortlist the best childcare Kogarah centre for your little one. You can view all of the centres and their facilities, read reviews, book tours and receive availability alerts directly from the child care providers.
St George TAFE Child Care Centre - Kameruka Cottage is located at 57 Montgomery Street, Kogarah and is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 26 children. It received service approval from ACECQA on 12 May 2009 and has a current KindiCare rating of 8.9. This is higher than the average rating for Childcare centres in the area.
Garrigarrang Early Education And Care Centre is located at 66 Premier Street, Kogarah and is licensed for 66 places. It has a current KindiCare rating under the National Quality Framework of Exceeding NQS and had its most recent NQS review, assessment and rating undertaken by ACECQA on 01 November 2022.
At My Best Me, we believe early childhood years are the most vital in a person’s life as it sets the foundation for lifelong learning, behaviour, and wellbeing. Therefore, we are committed to providing quality early learning that helps us ensure each child’s best start to life and empower them to be the best versions of themselves.
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uniquejobs · 1 year
Electrical Engineer Jobs in TAFE | B.E. Electrical Engineer | Chennai location
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Electrical Engineer Jobs in TAFE | B.E. Electrical Engineer | Chennai location
Company Name : TAFE
Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited (TAFE) is a part of the Chennai based Amalgamations group , a US$ 1 Billion light engineering group with diverse interests in Tractors and their aggregates, Diesel Engine, Automobile Components, Engineering Tools, Paints, Plantations etc.
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Electrical Engineer Jobs Our Latest YOUTUBE Videos Link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYt-jtPk975fMuI6tLpUEg Our Telegram Channel Link: https://t.me/employmentjobs Related Jobs : - Sharda Motors Company Jobs - Hyundai Supplier Company Jobs  -  Nissan Company Jobs In Chennai  Job Interview in Pegatron Company – Diploma & B. E. Engineers | Mahindra World City | Chengalpattu Designation: Engineer & Sr.Engineer                                 Educational Qualifications: B.E. Engineer & Diploma Role: Permanent                           Year of Experience: Min Experience             Job Location: Mahindra World City – Chengalpattu                                 Apply link - Click Here BEL Recruitment 2023 | BEL நிறுவனத்தில் Apprenticeship Training அறிவிப்பு Designation:  Apprenticeship Training                                 Educational Qualifications: B.E, B.Tech Engineers Role: Trainee                          Year of Experience: Fresher                  Job Location:  Bangalore                                 Salary Details: 17,500 /- Per month Apply link - Click Here Latest Jobs By :         Chennai JobsClick HereCoimbatore JobsClick HereBangalore JobsClick HereHyderabad JobsClick HereAndra Pradesh JobsClick HereSalem JobsClick HereMadurai JobsClick HereTrichy JobsClick HerePondicherry JobsClick HereAcross India JobsClick HereOther Cities JobsClick HereElectrical Engineer Jobs Designation: Electrical Engineer                                   Educational Qualifications: B.E. Electrical Engineer Role: Permanent                           Year of Experience: Min Experience                   Job Location: Chennai, Tamilnadu                                Salary Details: As per the Company Standard Mechanical JobsClick HereELE / ECE  JobsClick HereCivil JobsClick HereIT / Software JobsClick HereBPO / Call Centre  JobsClick HereH/W & Networking JobsClick HereHuman Resource Jobs  Click HereAcc/Fins JobsClick HereArts & Science  JobsClick HereElectrical Engineer Jobs Electrical Engineer Jobs Job Description : Experience in tractor electrical system / aggregate design and integration Work experience in modular concept generation and detailed design of electrical aggregates such as starting system, charging system, driver information system, lighting system, switches, sensors & electronic modules, wiring harness, etc. Working knowledge in advanced electronics such as CRDi engine electrical, infotainment system, Body control units, ECU, CAN systems, etc. Knowledge on tractor electrical aggregate material requirements, testing requirements, homologation requirements and statutory & regulatory requirements. Working experience on system level & part level EMI & EMC requirements, testing and certification. Work experience in Benchmarking, VA/VE of electrical system. Work experience in Creation and management of electrical system layout, detailed design, DVP&R, design verification using appropriate design tools, release of drawings and other design documents and engineering bill of materials Work experience in Electrical load calculations / simulations, GD&T, Stack-up analysis, DFMEA, Design for assembly, Design for manufacturing considering safety, serviceability, ergonomics and aesthetics How to Apply for this Job?           Details & Apply link : Click Here Titan Company Jobs | Hosur Location Designation: Mechanical Engineer                                 Educational Qualifications: B.E.Mechanical Engineer Role: Permanent                           Year of Experience: Min 2 Years                  Job Location: Hosur , Tamilnadu     Apply link - https://myemploymentjobs.com/titan-company-jobs-hosur-location-b-e-mechanical-engineer/ Foxconn Company Off Campus Drive 2023 Designation: Trainee                                  Educational Qualifications: Mechanical , EEE , ECE & Arts and Science Role: Permanent                           Year of Experience: Fresher                    Job Location: Sriperumbudur , Chennai                   Apply link : https://myemploymentjobs.com/foxconn-company-off-campus-drive-2023/ TATA Auto Jobs | டாடா நிறுவன நிரந்தர வேலை வாய்ப்புகள்  Designation: Engineers                                  Educational Qualifications: B.E , B.Tech , M.E, M. Tech Role: Permanent         Year of Experience: 1 – 8 Years Experience                   Job Location: Chennai , Bangalore & Pune                Apply link : https://myemploymentjobs.com/tata-auto-jobs-permanent-job-openings-2023/ For more Job info, subscribe to our website & and check our website daily. Join Our youtube ChannelClick HereJoin Our Telegram ChannelClick HereOur linkedin PageClick HereOur Quora PageClick Here Read the full article
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mpaskills · 1 year
Plumbing and painting education for high school students by Mpa skills
In recent years, vocational education and training (VET) has become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional university pathways for high school students in Australia. One popular option within VET is apprenticeships, which offer on-the-job training and education in a specific trade. In this blog, we will discuss the plumbing and painting apprenticeship programs available for high school students in Australia, and the benefits of pursuing these paths.
Plumbing Apprenticeships:
Plumbing is a crucial trade in Australia, as it is responsible for maintaining and installing the water and gas systems in homes, buildings, and infrastructure. To become a licensed plumber in Australia, one must complete a four-year apprenticeship, which includes on-the-job training and classroom learning.
High school students interested in pursuing a plumbing apprenticeship can start by completing a pre-apprenticeship course in plumbing. This course typically takes one year to complete and provides students with the basic skills and knowledge needed to work in the plumbing industry.
After completing the pre-apprenticeship course, students can apply for a plumbing apprenticeship, which typically lasts four years. During this time, apprentices work under the supervision of a licensed plumber, gaining hands-on experience in the trade. Apprentices also attend TAFE (Technical and Further Education) classes, where they learn the theory behind plumbing and gain additional skills and knowledge.
Painting Apprenticeships:
Painting is another important trade in Australia, as it is responsible for maintaining and restoring the aesthetic appearance of homes, buildings, and infrastructure. To become a licensed painter in Australia, one must complete a three-year apprenticeship, which includes on-the-job training and classroom learning.
High school students interested in pursuing a painting apprenticeship can start by completing a pre-apprenticeship course in painting and decorating. This course typically takes one year to complete and provides students with the basic skills and knowledge needed to work in the painting industry.
After completing the pre-apprenticeship course, students can apply for a painting apprenticeship, which typically lasts three years. During this time, apprentices work under the supervision of a licensed painter, gaining hands-on experience in the trade. Apprentices also attend TAFE classes, where they learn the theory behind painting and gain additional skills and knowledge.
Benefits of Apprenticeships:
One of the main benefits of pursuing an apprenticeship in plumbing or painting is that it provides students with a direct pathway into the industry. Unlike university degrees, which often require graduates to search for jobs in their field after completing their studies, apprenticeships lead directly to employment in trade.
Another benefit of apprenticeships is that they provide students with hands-on experience and practical skills. Rather than learning in a classroom, apprentices learn by doing, which can be a more effective way of learning for some students.
Apprenticeships also provide students with the opportunity to earn while they learn. Apprentices are paid a wage while they work, which can help to offset the cost of their education.
Finally, apprenticeships can lead to rewarding and lucrative careers. Plumbers and painters are in high demand in Australia, and both trades offer opportunities for career advancement and entrepreneurship.
In conclusion, plumbing and painting apprenticeships are excellent options for high school students interested in pursuing a trade. By completing a pre-apprenticeship course and an apprenticeship program, students can gain the skills and knowledge needed to work in the plumbing or painting industry. With hands-on experience, practical skills, and a direct pathway into the industry, apprenticeships offer an excellent alternative to traditional university pathways.
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apsleycolllege · 2 years
Get Certified: Certificate III in Painting and Decorating Training
Are you someone who loves to add a splash of color and creativity to any space? Do you want to turn your passion into a profession or advance your career in painting and decorating? Look no further than the Certificate III in Painting and Decorating Training! This certification offers comprehensive training that will equip you with the skills needed to excel as a professional painter and decorator. Whether you're just starting out or looking to upskill, read on to discover how this certification can take your career to new heights.
What is the Certificate III in Painting and Decorating Training?
Certificate III in Painting and Decorating Training is a nationally recognised qualification that will provide you with the skills and knowledge to become a qualified painter and decorator. The training covers all aspects of painting and decorating, from surface preparation to final finishes. You will learn how to select and use the right tools and materials for each job, how to safely work with hazardous substances, and how to correctly apply paint and other finishes. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to confidently undertake any painting or decorating project, big or small.
What Will You Learn With This Certificate III in Painting and Decorating Training?
If you're looking to start a career in painting and decorating, or simply want to brush up on your skills, then this Certificate III in Painting and Decorating Training is perfect for you. You'll learn everything from how to mix paint colours, to preparing surfaces and using different painting techniques. By the end of the course you'll be able to confidently tackle any painting and decorating project, whether it's a small room or an entire house.
How Long Does the Course Take to Complete?
The Certificate III in Painting and Decorating takes between four and six weeks to complete. The course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to become a qualified painter and decorator. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to find employment as a painter or decorator in a variety of industries.
How Can I Enrol in the Certificate III in Painting and Decorating Training Course?
If you want to enrol in the Certificate III in Painting and Decorating Training Course, there are a few things you need to do. First, check with your local TAFE or Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to see if they offer the course. If they do, they will be able to tell you what the entry requirements are. Once you have checked with your local TAFE or RTO, you can then start the process of enrolling in the course. This usually involves filling out an application form and providing some documentation, such as proof of identity and qualifications. Once you have been accepted into the course, you will then need to complete it. This usually involves attending classes and completing assessments. Upon completion, you will receive your Certificate III in Painting and Decorating.
Training and certification in the painting and decorating industry is an important stepping stone to help you gain a competitive edge over other professionals. With Certificate III in Painting and Decorating Training, you will develop valuable knowledge and skills that employers are looking for when hiring new painters. Additionally, it also prepares you for further specialization in the field or to explore other career paths within this highly lucrative sector. So if you’re ready to take your career aspirations to the next level, start now with a Certificate III in Painting and Decorating training!
For More Info:-
Certificate III In Painting And Decorating
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