#tag: Cipher’s Dark Phoenix
aries-rp-corner · 9 months
The week has passed for Cipher… and things didn’t get any better for Veda. The man’s condition grew worse by day and by hour, Kane was somewhat able to nullify Veda’s curse… unfortunately he had to be in the room with his once fellow commander.. walking up to his old friend one last time, seeing the man bound to prevent him from hurting himself or anyone…
“Veda…” Cobalt softly called the former Commander’s name. As the man looked up to his new leader of Cipher, Veda looked tired from the lack of sleep holding his anger upon seeing Kane.
“Kane… I think I know why you are here… is it already dawn out there?” Veda asked, making Kane nod. “I see… I believe you have done everything to save me, but looking at you…. Nothing. I have requests… I wish for Sage to finish me off properly…and for you to cast one final spell on me… it can be anything, but I’m not done just yet… turn my soul into a soul of vengeance and the ability to possess my brother…”
“I’m…not sure I’m able to do such thing, but I’ll figure something out. As for Sage… are you sure of such thing?” Kane worriedly asked his old comrade, as the man nodded. Making Cobalt take a deep breath and sighs out… he had to respect Veda’s wishes. “All right… I’ll be back quickly with-“
“No… I recommend you do the magic thing… I’m fine with anything…Think if it as a dark rebirth or something…” Veda spoke, making Kane surprised to hear that… which now got him thinking of a past spell he thought it could cure him…yet it sadly requires his death as his soul will be freed and form into a new body of sorts… he didn’t know if Veda will lose his humanity and permanently be gone…
“Kane. I can take anything… as my royalty will remain with you, Mira, my fellow Commanders, and all of Cipher. No matter what or who I am…” He sat down as he looked to see the ancient Trenya family, looking annoyed already. Making Kane quickly catch on as he got in front of Veda.
“Alright… Just… I thank you for everything you have done for us, I hold no grudge against you for what happened to me.” Kane spoke softly, as he now moved with his claw hands glowing… it still felt odd he quickly learned how to use his new powers. Putting the thought aside as his hands formed the spell, turning it into a blade. “For this to work, Sage will or may be the one who will use this. She’ll be okay… you however…well, we shall only see.” Kane spoke, hiding the blade away as he turned over to the door. “I’ll come back quickly, I promise.”
As he left, the spirits arrived back to Veda, making the man annoyed and on edge. “You are meeting your end here! You think you won’t see us again but shall remain on your soul!” One soul howled out.
“You will never be rid of us, Veda! Your sins ends here!” Another barked out angrily, making Veda chuckle coldly. Some did looked confused as they remained silent.
“You think it may happen, but you all will fade like a nightmare… mark my words, I will have my vengeance. No matter what or who I am. I shall return…” Veda coldly spoke, despite it being a week, the man still held strong. He looked over to see doors open up, and see his once student now Commander.
“Commander Veda… Sir, are you sure you WANT me to kill you?… I’m not declining, I wish to know if this is true…” Sage asked with worry, fixing her glasses in the process. The man himself looked over to her with a soft understanding look, he can see through her stoic expression she did feel sorrow.
“I believe it’s one of the proper ways to pass my torch to you… I’m sorry it had to come to this… Kane, did you give it to her?” Sage at first looked confused, until her leader presented her the cursed blade. She carefully held it as she now looked over to Veda. “I suggest the chest. Don’t hold back, something will come out from this… I don’t know what, but I promise you this: I will never leave until not only my vengeance is done, but the goal of Cipher is completed.” He huffed out, now looking over at Sage with tired eyes. “Whenever you are ready…. I’m proud you took my place… I wish it was different sadly…” He closed his eyes and exposed his chest, he knew Sage wouldn’t hesitate with any task… but this one she did. He didn’t blame her for it.
What felt like an eternity for Sage, she finally took a breath and made her move. In a blink of an eye, she found herself close to Veda as she felt something warm dripping down from her hands… it’s now in him. Grunting in pain as he coughed out blood, he knew two things were coming… Death or something much more… Collapsing to the ground as he was gasping for air, Sage quickly went to his side to comfort him one last time while Veda looked over to see the spirits. Some looked satisfied that he is dying, but other can feel something is forming… as they all glared at the blade. Understanding what is forming…
As Veda took his final breath, something came out from him. A small energy orb floating on top of his body, this orb…it felt familiar… “C-Commander?…” Sage questioned, as the blade now exited out from the body and formed into a living beast body. Almost like a hound?
Upon the body’s completion, the orb entered its new shell and took root… the hound fell to the ground as nothing was happening at first, which caused Sage to go up to the new dark ghostly hound to inspect it… to now gasp for air and cough. Growling and groaning in pain as he curled up, soon an voice echoed in their ears as he groans. “Did this REALLY had to hurt?!” Veda huffed out, now looking up to see the two. “Am I gone?…”
“Huh… it really did work. Besides the pain, how are you feeling my friend?” Kane worryingly asked while Veda slowly got up.
“Uh…better? I guess? I need to know if this truly worked or not…” He looked over to his old body, ears flattened as he sees his old body still cursed thanks to Hana. Now looking at his now body, he felt more energy flowing through him, but more alive? “So…uh…I’m assuming this is permanent?…” He spoke as he looked at her new clawed paws.
“Yes, the notes left behind did say your form will be random… I could study more to find something better for you..” Cobalt spoke, until he sees Sage softly and carefully petting him. “Manners, but I also didn’t expect Veda to become a scary fluffy….hound?”
“Don’t get THAT use to it.” Veda huffed as he began to walk. Trying t get use to his new body. Only to find himself collapsing thanks to the wobbling legs. “I’m fine! I just need to properly train myself better in this body… also, I surprisingly feel a bit younger… for now I’ll ignore such thing and focus on how to use this new body…although, I want to learn more…”
“Of course, we’ll begin now… and put your original body in a proper burial… Welcome back Veda. I think there is something you may like about this new form. You just need to practice of course.” Kane some as the three exits, as a new Dark Phoenix has been reborn…
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standfucker · 2 years
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names
Post a snippet from one of them.
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
Tagged by @nekomacheercaptain​. I’ve been wanting to share some WIP stuff so I’ll just post a snippet from all of them because fuck it we ball idk. Also I’m doing 6 instead of 5 because I want to. (Also my file names are usually the same or similar to the titles?)
Pls keep in mind they're wips and unpolished. 🙏
-(N.SFW under the cut for one of them)-
1. Rob Lucci / Bloodlust
[When they first meet you, you have the cold, distant eyes of a newly-graduated assassin. There is no emotion behind them and no hint as to what you think of the ones you’re now meeting, but that’s to be expected.
“Zel,” Spandam commands. “Come here and say hello. This is who you’ll be working with from now on.”
You step forward, regarding Cipher Pol 9 blankly, and nod your greeting.
“This is Weasel,” Spandam says, resting a hand on your shoulder. “Their birth name is Y/n, but hardly anyone calls them that anymore.”
At the touch, your dead gaze slides to Spandam, and he jerks his hand away when you make eye contact.
Coward, Rob Lucci thinks, disgusted.]
2. Izou / Gunplay
[Izou grabs you by the back of the neck and shoves your face into the mattress, increasing the strength behind his thrusts.
You moan into the sheets, gripping them so hard your knuckles turn white, bracing against his brutal hips.
“Izou,” you moan. “Izou, the gun.”
His pace ebbs, switching from relentless pistoning to slow, deep taps almost against your cervix.
“Are you sure?”
3. Scopper / Night Six
[“You know, Y/n,” almost every word is punctuated with a kiss, like he can’t bring himself to stop long enough to say a full sentence. “If you want–” kiss, “–to disappoint your parents–” kiss, “–I can think of some ideas.”
His fingers dig into your hips, and then he grinds your crotch directly on his bulge, already growing hard, eliciting a gasp from you.
“What do you think, Y/n?” His pupils are blown wide. “Does the child of Marines want to fuck a pirate?”]
4. Marco / Weak
[Marco’s eyes darted over your form, scanning for any sign of injury. There was nothing visible on the outside, nor any dark spots on your clothing indicating you had bled. But your eyes were swollen, your face streaked with tear tracks, and he had never seen you shake so badly.
Skinner cut through the ropes binding your wrists, and the moment they came undone, you started to run, only to be abruptly stopped by the pirate grabbing you by the hair. At your pained cry, Marco couldn’t take it anymore. He lunged forward, blue flames erupting from his arms, but Vista grabbed him, the swordsman's’ arms dark with haki to keep Marco subdued.
“I know–I know, Marco,” Vista muttered, “but she’s still in his range. We can’t risk it.”
“Y/n,” Skinner purred, and Marco hated the way you flinched in response, “I could have tortured you. You should be grateful… So, before I release you, I want you to thank me. Nice and loud, so your friends can hear it.”
One last degradation before freedom. Your lower lip trembled. “Thank you,” you said, the whimper in your voice making Marco see red.
Skinner’s lip curled, and he let go. You sprinted, covering the distance between the two crews in seconds, and all but threw yourself into Marco’s arms. Marco hugged you so tightly it was hard to breathe, but you didn’t care, clinging to him with equal desperation while you trembled.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here,” Marco said, reassuring himself as much as you. “Did he hurt you, yoi?”
“I kept my promise, Phoenix,” Skinner said. “She’s fine."]
5. Marco / Morning Sun
[So you stowed away and waited. It was early enough to still be dark out when you snuck onto the ship. Hours passed. You sensed and heard people moving outside the door, but no one came in. Only later that afternoon did the door finally swing open. You tensed as heavy footsteps thudded into the room, praying your stomach didn’t growl and give you away. You should have eaten before you left, but you were too nervous to have an appetite.
You leaned forward and peaked around the edge of the crate. The man standing there was big–taller than the average human, but not a monster like Whitebeard. He wore all white, accentuated with a yellow scarf around his shoulders. His brown hair was styled into an impressive pompadour. He was carrying a bowl of fruit. 
You pulled back into your hiding spot before he noticed you.
You could hear him opening one of the crates, humming to himself. Then you heard a soft impact, then a series of thuds and what sounded like objects rolling across the floor.
“Oops. I seem to have dropped all these apples,” the man said to himself. You heard the sound of his footsteps as he went around picking up the fruit. Then he walked to the door.
Right before he left, he said out loud, “I sure hope I got all of them. Don’t want to attract rodents.”
The door closed. You peered out from behind the crate. On the floor in front of your hiding spot were three apples, lined up neatly.
He knows I’m here! you thought, heart leaping.]
6. Shanks+Ben / Kenophobe
[A young woman named Makino took you in, employing you at her bar in exchange for meals, a place to sleep, and a small but fair stipend. She was only a year older than you, but you rapidly came to see her as a parental figure, as you did to whoever took care of you while your parents were away.
The work was mostly boring, but you took great interest in the making of cocktails. Mixing spirits and modifiers carefully to turn a bitter alcohol into something far tastier was a fun challenge, and you liked to experiment with your own creations.
You were contemplating your next concoction, sipping the gin and thinking about what would go best with it, when one of the men sitting on the other side of the counter raised his brow.
“You old enough to drink, girl?”
Correction–one of the pirates. You had been nervous about their patronizing the bar, but Makino assured you that they weren’t aggressive. You supposed if there were good smugglers, like your parents, then there could be good pirates, too. Still, you kept your guard up, even while you shrugged.
“What are you gonna do? Tell my parents?” You said, looking between different bottles of flavored syrups.
“Maybe I will,” the pirate teased.
You glanced at him. He was tan, with dreadlocks bleached blond, dark eyes hazy with inebriation. “Good luck with that. They’ve been gone for months.”
“Yasopp, don’t be a dick,” said the pirate sitting next to him. Triple scars over one eye, hair as red as blood, and a straw hat defined Red-Haired Shanks back then. You had expected him to be scary, given that he was the captain, but he was always so upbeat and grinning, even polite.
Even someone like you, who took a while to warm up to people, found it hard not to like him right away. It didn’t help that you thought he was incredibly attractive. He was just so cheerful, no matter what happened. You envied that trait, finding it hard to be positive while your parents were gone.
“It’s fine. That’s normal for them,” you picked out a syrup and started thinking about the next ingredient. Fruit juice? Bitters? The possibilities were endless–that’s why you liked making drinks.
Makino expertly refilled Shanks’ cup with one hand, the other briefly alighting on your shoulder. “They’re supposed to come back soon though, aren’t they?”
A rare smile tugged at your lips at the thought. “Yeah. Any day now.”
Shanks watched you, his own smile wide at the sight of yours. You noticed a minute later, tensing once you made eye contact, heart thumping hard in your chest. You quickly returned your focus to your cocktail-in-progress, cheeks growing warm.
The pirate on Yasopp’s other side–you’d later learn he was the first mate, a man named Ben Beckman–leaned forward in interest. “What do they do that keeps them away so long? They Marines?”
You snorted. Your parents didn’t have a fond opinion of the Navy, nor the World Government, and had no problem passing that on to you. “No. They’re couriers. Super cool ones who’ll deliver anywhere, no matter how dangerous.”
“You think highly of them.”
The statement made your face get even warmer. Ben was also very handsome, all chiseled edges and curved muscle. You had no idea why someone like him gave a shit about your business. Maybe he was just being polite, or maybe it was the alcohol. Regardless, you weren’t used to the attention, and you looked away shyly while responding. “That’s right.”
“Hm, aren’t you kind of attached for your age, though?” Yasopp asked.
It was a fair question–you were 18, far past the age most kids would still be so clingy. But most kids got to see their parents every day.
Shanks chugged his drink, then used the empty cup to whack Yasopp on the head.
“Ow! The fuck, Shanks?”
“I said don’t be a dick.”]
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monocytogenes · 1 year
✨Unusual OC Associations✨
Tagged by @nirikeehan--gonna do both versions of my boi Pravin cause his answers are actually different lol
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Pravin Winscliff II (Cipher Nine)
Seasoning: Cardamom
Weather: Tropical, warm and breezy (ideally he is lounging on a beach on Rishi with a cocktail in hand, shades on and his shirt open ok)
Color: Violet, red or orange
Sky: Blue, clear and sunny
House Plant: I'd say something tropical and flowerless like a fern but his actual living situation probably has like 'bouquet of flowers he got from a fwb that is slowly rotting in its vase'
Weapon: Vibroknife
Subject: Drama!
Social Media: 100% he'd be a redditor. He's got like several different alts and goes on a bunch of extremely specific subreddits for art films and other cult media and gets into debates with people. Every now and again he posts angry opinions in r/worldnews or tells heavily edited stories of the crazier shit that's happened to him in r/askreddit to make people laugh. One of the alts becomes a meme at some point a la this dude and people regularly ping him in threads to get him to drop some dry, debatably truthful tale about something.
Make Up Product: Nail polish. Like the clear kind or a metallic shade with appropriate bisexual energy
Candy: Nougat
Fear: /gestures broadly at IA story Chapter 2
Ice Cube Shape: Shaved ice. Like in a blended margarita
Method of Long Distance Travel: Flying a ship! (Someday he's going to buy himself a yacht. He misses his cool James Bond car of a ship.)
Art Style: Whatever the fuck was going on in 70s interior design tbh
Mythological Creature: Something that can shapeshift, like a werewolf or kitsune
Piece of Stationary: Slightly stained hotel stationary from some moderately upscale but still sketchy place on Nar Shaddaa
Celestial Body: Mercury
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Fidencio Frye (Pravin Talavera)
Seasoning: Nutmeg
Weather: Sunny and temperate, coastal Orlais in spring
Color: Red, blue, violet
Sky: A colorful sunset
House Plant: Something with long, dark leaves that have streaks of color, like this puppy.
Weapon: Stiletto dagger
Subject: Drama!
Social Media: Twitter. He's got a flattering review of a show he was in pinned at the top, which sports a photo of him singing to a woman during a romantic scene. Most of his feed is supportive retweets of other actors and questions from fans. There's a persistent rumor that he has a secret alt account that he uses to bait other users into saying shit that'll get them banned but no one's been able to verify that. He regularly links to his Instagram, which consists of backstage shots, rehearsal pics and the occasional candid selfie with friends. He follows Thalia and leaves her admiring comments on occasion. :)
Make Up Product: White foundation! As someone running around in Orlais pretending to be a commoner, he can't wear a mask, so he just does his face to popular beauty standards (which winds up looking pretty mask-like given his skin tone.)
Candy: Caramel
Fear: The mortifying ordeal of being knownnnnn
Ice Cube Shape: Whatever the current weird trend is in Orlais, really
Method of Long Distance Travel: In a carriage, preferably with an attractive companion to pass the time with ;)
Art Style: I place him aesthetics-wise around the 1630s, so Baroque art
Mythological Creature: I'm gonna be basic af and say phoenix on account of his whole 'killed my old self and made up a new identity' thing
Piece of Stationary: A nice piece of vellum with some rich noblewoman's heraldry on it
Celestial Body: Mercury
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Thank You Patron
Thank you dear Patron! I hope you enjoy <3
Usopp x GN Reader Prompt: Monster AU [Siren] Word Count: 387
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Not all sirens lured sailors to their death and not all sirens used their beautiful voices to sing songs of promises to lure them across the world. Every night you’d lean on the ship’s railings and stare across the dark ocean. You’d watch the stars twinkle; the waves chase the moonlight across its vast surface.
Every night you would hear fantastic stories in a voice you didn’t recognise nor could find the source of. You’d listen to those tall tales, stories of giants, ancient civilisations, pirates and marines battling to the death in worlds far from your own.
The voice would tell you of brave men ready to lay their lives down for their friends. The joys of found family, the woes of lovers parted by time and destiny. Stories of Gods who could wield lightning, legends that ruled the ocean, the tears of a phoenix.
You sighed as you closed your eyes listening to another late-night story, this one about the pirate king. These were your favourite, how passionate the voice who told you the story was, how it was coming from his heart.
No one else ever heard the strange voice and its fantastical fiction. Your crew would laugh and asked if you’d drank from the bottom of the barrel again or taken too many hits to the head. One night when the ocean was calm you got into a rowboat.
You followed the voice. A princess and a group of pirates saving a country from ruin echoed through the otherwise peaceful night. The voice got louder as you came across a small island. You jumped out of the little rowboat, water to your knees, grabbing the boat’s rope, tying it up, tugging to make sure it was tightly secured.
Following the words only you could hear you jumped over some rocks, kicking one into the water with a satisfying ‘plop’ sound. You smiled as you held your lantern in front of you, stepping over the rockpools dotted around at your feet.
It wasn’t long before you came face to face with the siren. Your eyes widened as the dark-haired man blinked, laughing awkwardly, and adjusted where he sat on a large smooth rock, waving his hand.
No, not all sirens called you to your death. Some sirens called to sailors because they were lonely.
TAG LIST: @gonuclear @cipher-p0 @ztarvokwrites @rosiinante @undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold @sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart @sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings @bepoprotectionsquad @iloveportgasdace @thatsprettycoolbro
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