#Pokémon rp story
aries-rp-corner · 10 months
As Baron drifted off to sleep, he felt himself floating in the air waking up to find himself facing a watery surface. Swimming up as he emerges and climbed out, looking around to see a familiar starry sky, a sea of trees, and orbs gliding in the sky…making him feel a deep longing to fly again… “Nasrin… Did I die in my sleep?” He asked as he turned over to face the woman, only to find she is not here….
“Nasrin? Nasrin!” He called out, looking around to see if he can find her… until spotting a figure in the distance. Walkng over closer and closer to see… “No…you can’t be… Cornelius?!” Baron began to shake and run to the figure, tears streaming down as he ran with his might. “Brother! Cornelius! I’m sorry! I know you told me to protect Mom and my family! But I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you!” Baron cried out, reaching out his hand to grab his brother for one final hug… only… now he found himself tripping and meeting the water again…only now it feels like mud as it was dragging him down. “No! No no no NO!! Not again! Let me speak to him!!” He cried out now fighting to run pass the Lake of Stars to reach his brother. “Please!… Let me speak to him! One last time! Please!!” He held out his hand to try to grab something…anything!…
Baron felt a hand holding his, looking to see his brother. Giving a supportive smile as it soon turned into a goofy grin. Yet…there was sadness within it as Cornelius’s face softened. “I left Aries a message for her, you, and Mah in it. I forgot to tell this to Hana, my fault there…which is I’m going to say it now. Baron, don’t stay earthbound forever. Use those wings of yours to fly once more! Go forth with no fear, and go forth with swift justice! Just like the old times! Show them and Aries why I, our family , and the rest of the Rangers called you The Silver Comet. Never be bound by sorrow, I did it so Aries won’t have the heartache of losing two people she loved dearly… Use those wings to soar in the sky once again. Morning is coming little brother…and so is my message. Take to the skies as a way to remember me. I love you.”
Baron had tears falling more, before he was about to question him Baron found himself sinking back down as his hand was freed. Falling into darkness once more… looking up to see the stars fading, yet he didn’t feel fear…but a desire to fly. Smiling warmly as he shut his eyes, feeling at peace after so long. Now awakened with a soft gasp as he looked at the ceiling, and looked over to see a sleeping Rina. “….Cornelius….” Baron whispered, looking over to the alarm clock to see its almost dawn. Feeling the determination to fly once again.
Quietly getting up as he grabbed his tools and equipment. After that, he quickly called his Uncle… “Hugo, you awake?” Baron softly asked as the Blacksmith barked out.
“BOY!! It’s 5 in the Morning!! Rina told me you were asleep! Go back to bed and wait for ya daughter!” Shouted the tired and angry Blacksmith, “And I thought my shift was coming up next week to make sure she’ll respond back!”
“I know! But there is something I want to ask! Would you like to help me fix my glider? I’ll explain everything when you get here! But please keep it down!” Baron sheepishly spoke in return. Keeping his voice down to not wake up his wife, but also covering his phone thanks to the outburst.
“….Fine. Let me grab my equipment and tools. And sorry for the shouting there…I’m tired lad…but honestly, I think we all are…including Aries. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” Hugo was honestly tired and angry he was waken up, but he know Baron long enough if something comes up…especially the stress and worry.
The two hanged up as Baron raced over to his barn, opening the doors to see something under the tarp. Carefully removing it to reveal his wind powered glider, now dusty and possibly some damage within it due to not using it anymore. “Alright Core, one last time in the sky… for you and everyone. Like the old days. The Silver Comet shall Sore the Skies once again.”
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poketeller · 3 months
(Modern Jenny)
Jenny walks through the stadium, Her mew floating over head. She is happily just walking around talking to anyone and any pokemon she finds.
but outside, a shiny Magmar, looked fascinated at the inside of the Stadium, careful not to bump into the people who were rushing inside, he didn't seem to have noticed the little girl, he just stood there, smiling, like If he wanted to be there one day...
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kittsu-and-company · 5 months
Were you doomed? Or did you doom yourself?
I… I don’t know
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the-diving-bell · 10 months
Been fighting a hybrid recently like man do you need help or something??? Like they'll then escape and immediately start stealing stuff;-;
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How possible is it for you to turn someone into a pokemon?
Or do you know someone who can?
I am slowly realizing.... I want to stay here... HERE!
but they are still searching, for ME
But if not "Me" anymore
Then maybe I can stay
For me to do that, I would need to kill you and put your soul into a frame. And from the conversations we have had your soul seems different.
I can do my best.
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vulturevanity · 1 year
Thinking about what pokemon I'd have if I was a trainer irl and I'm torn between a team comprised of dachsbun, midday-lycanroc and boltund to signify my irl babies Delilah Lady and Prince, swapping the lycanroc for a smeargle because of my art stuff, or just being extremely self indulgent and giving myself a zweilous lol
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outcasting101 · 1 year
Day 3 Childhood friend
You were childhood of Ingo and Emmet, often enough you three love playing pretend. While more often than done that you play train conductor and you help lost customer, you like to play dragon and damsel in distress. However you have to partway to another region. Growing up look like pretending become a big factor of your life as it drive you to become a famous actor goes by the name of 'Mask'. While having rain of praise by all over the region, most belove by fan. You performance is by the Nimbasa City, with your manager contact the two famous Subway Bros in hope to popularize the performance you woudl reenact for the hundred of time, you can't complain must especially when the pay is too good, at the downside it never good to let a fan down not especially when the fan is close up to you by stage. That right; now you have to face crowd of fans and media when 'accidental' post made between you and the conductors
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areazeroresearcher · 2 years
got off work early today does anyone wanna hear about the time I think I met arceus lol
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danieyells · 4 months
I'm Danie! I'm your resident [1994 age], black, proship/profic/prokink/whatever you may call it Eevee 👍🏾99% of the contents of this blog are in things that caught my fancy that i shoved in the queue and the rest are scattered ramblings about whatever i'm doing or enjoying in that moment.
If you're looking for the Tokyo Debunker home screen voicelines, the masterpost for them is here.
Tokyo Debunker character stories masterpost is here(VERY INCOMPLETE)
Tokyo Debunker chibis' chatter is here.
Tokyo Debunker Ask/RP blogs list is here
As a warning, I'm into just about anything if it's fictional, although you won't see much of that here compared to my twitters. But if you're uncomfortable with someone who's into any sort of problematic fictional content(including but not limited to incest, underage characters, noncon, feral creatures, uh. . .probably anything else you can or can't think of), this is your notice to maybe block me or be careful when talking to me maybe! Consider muting certain words, perhaps!
My current interest is mostly Tokyo Debunker. Sometimes Tokyo Afterschool Summoners and Degrees of Lewdity pop up still. And I watch one or two streamers pretty regularly, namely AxialMatt. Also Pokémon, but that's one of those longterm hyperfocuses for many people my age that you can never escape.
Now and then I write, usually just headcanons, but sometimes fanfiction(although I'd like to get into writing out my original ideas. . .eventually.)
Much of my humor and interests are perverse in nature and this blog isn't recommended for anyone under the age of 18.
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skyedancer2006 · 7 months
We are proud to formally introduce the Pokémon ScarVi Bridged Toxicity AU!! (huge thanks to @the-new-pokespe-futures for the name idea!!)
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AU info under the cut! (Warning; its pretty long haha)
Background stuff first: Pecharunt uses they/it and can speak very limited English. We will be referring to the MC as Florian.
Pecharunt’s story is largely the same as in canon. They are a lonely pokemon who just wants to have a friend, but takes some less than moral approaches in doing so.
When Pecha first encountered the Loyal 3, they did not fully know what their Toxic Chains were capable of; they knew it granted power, but did not know about the controlling aspects of it. It was not until after they had chained the 3 against their wills and saw their reactions that Pecharunt realized what they could do. They prefer not to actively control people, and instead tend to leave them mostly alone or only passively influence them, unless necessary to defend themself or their chained. Pecha is not actively malicious in this AU, however, their actions still very much have a negative effect.
Many years later, after they go dormant in the wake of Ogerpon’s retaliation, Pecharunt is reawakened around the same time as the Loyal 3’s revivals. They wander Kitakami, and encounter Kieran after he runs from the confrontation with Florian where the Paldean catches Ogerpon.
The two talk and walk, and eventually it comes to Pecharunt offering Kieran a deal after hearing his situation. Pecharunt will give Kieran power in the form of a Toxic Chain, and in return Kieran will allow Pecharunt to remain with him and they will be “friends.” Kieran, in his desire for power to defeat Florian, eagerly accepts the deal and the chain.
Kieran’s willingness to become chained causes it to react much differently than it did with the 3 (who resisted its control). Rather than simply attaching itself to him, the chain became part of him; painfully burrowing under his skin and resting along his spine, with the end of it coming out like a tail of sorts. He can retract it, but it is very uncomfortable to do.
Over time, as Kieran embraces the chain’s effects, and him and Pecharunt grow closer, more and more physical changes develop, and they become more difficult and more uncomfortable to hide. Eventually, mental changes also develop, and Kieran sometimes finds himself feeling more Pokémon than human…
The main theme of the AU is a question: what is the border between human and nonhuman? What is the point at which someone is no longer considered to be “human?” Is it physical? Is it mental? Is it a mix? Or is it something else entirely? What does it mean to no longer be human and become something else? The AU’s name comes from Kieran being somewhere on that bridge between human and Pokémon; not truly on either side anymore.
It’s a complex idea that we have SO MANY thoughts about because of personal experiences, and a complex relationship with being “human.”
The ref sheet above is in the earlier stages of the AU, where Kieran’s physical changes haven’t become too drastic yet, and he is still mostly human. That will change though (still working on those designs)
The AU at the moment is mostly conceptual with little actual story. That may change, or it may not; story-writing isn’t exactly our strong suit. And some parts of the concept are still fluid (like Kieran and Pecharunt’s relationship being more genuinely friendly, or more toxic and deceptive).
Anyone who wants to write/draw something with the concept is free to, with credit of course! And questions are very much welcomed; we love talking about this!
We also have an ask/RP blog for the AU, @chained-champion, which follows a timeline where Kieran and Pecha are more genuine friends, and Kieran’s physical changes are still in the earlier stages, with minimal mental effects. That will change as the blog goes on though~
Thanks for reading this (very long) post! We have more planned for the AU (like working on designs for Kieran as the physical changes develop, and he becomes less and less human; very excited for those ones!)
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flowerandjewel · 2 months
Hello. I’m Florian, or Mod Flower I guess. My sister and I decided to set up this blog since we’re moving to Paldea soon. We wanted to make friends online at least, since making friends in person at a new school is probably going to be kinda hard. Uhhhh an about me… I like watching competetive battles on tv or mewtube. We’re from Galar so like, battling in general is kinda big culturally, yknow? I could never strategize like some of those gym leaders could though, have you seen Raihan’s weather team?
Okay okay we get it, you’re a nervous mess that likes to watch battles but not train Pokémon yourself. Okay. Hi, I’m mod Jewel, aka Juliana! Said the galarian way not the paldean way. I had to cut out like a paragraph of my brother going onnnnn and on nnnnn about gym leaders and the former champ Leon and strategies and like. Yeah that’s cool or whatever but we’re fifteen, we should be doing that ourselves now! Hopefully once we’re settled in paldea and the issue of school is dealt with, we can have our own exciting adventure!!! -Mod Jewel
This may not matter now, but for the future-
Mod Flower’s Pokémon: Sir Flatbread the Drowzee, Flint the Houndour
Mod Jewel’s Pokémon: Bowsette the Bounsweet, Lapis the Azumarill
Shared Pokémon: Koraidon, Miraidon
(OOC below the cut)
Howdy! I’m vesper, of @vespers-pokeblog-hub fame. This is a pokemon irl liveblog retelling of the events of Pokémon scarlet/violet, but with both protagonists and both versions of the story in one universe
Anyone can interact! I don’t know all the terms or anything, but I treat pokemon as sapient, if usually unable to speak with their trainers in most cases, anyways, and even if it’s other versions of Flori, Jul, their friends, etc, rotomblr is a multiverse imo. The twins are used to rotomblr at this point so they’re just like “oh ok might as well happen” about things.
I would like to ask you guys to not tell them how the story of scavio goes, unless it’s really vague like “the professor thing” or “is Mabosstif ok” or something like that- if you “spoil” their story to them I’m probably just going to ignore the ask.
Mails are okay, magic anons aren’t, I don’t know much about all the other stuff, but I’ll take it on a case by case basis, and I withhold the right to ignore anything that I don’t want to incorporate. Mystery gift is open!
This is really just an excuse to replay scarlet and violet, and a way to dip my toes in the Pokémon irl rp scene with a story I don’t have to completely make up since it’s just the canon story but my version haha.
I don’t really do DNIs because they don’t work imo, but I do block if I don’t like something. This probably won’t matter so long as everyone is normal, but this is tumblr, so like. It is what it is. I’m an adult but flori and Juli are kids so be normal, I’m autistic and might misinterpret things but I’m open to (good faith) correction so be normal, just treat me like you’d wanna be treated and we’ll be chill.
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aries-rp-corner · 9 months
Christmas Day has arrived for the Trenya family, yet all felt saddened as three people will not be with them… Baron, Aries… and Cornelius. Lupa visited her eldest son’s grave as she dropped off a small container full of his favorite sweets… she missed her sons deeply, especially Aries… the only granddaughter she has that represents both of her sons in one person.
“My dear boy, I hope you are doing well now. I’m honestly relieved you are doing okay, and you are looking after everyone as well… especially me. Yet I feel pain to this very day, even when my time comes I hope it will finally heal when I see you again. For now, I must play my role…” The Matriarch spoken, leaving the metal container behind for her son. Now walking over to clear pools and fountains, looking into the water to see her reflection. “If I do go so soon, my final gift will be sent to Aries… something to help her boost her magic abilities… I’m glad her father is with her, so she wouldn’t celebrate alone anymore.” Lupa smiled, until she noticed mist approaching; engulfing the whole area in fog.. yet the stars above shined through, allowing some light through. The old woman heard footsteps as she looked up to see a blue aura approaching her, digging into her pocket to pull out her Capture Styler. “Pokémon of the undead, if you are going to trick me in getting my soul I will fight to keep it!”
“Wah! Mah! Calm down!” A voice yelped out, as that made the old woman freeze upon hearing this voice again. Now the figure fully placed itself into view, Lupa felt her heart skip as she sees her son… Cornelius. “Hey mah… I’m sorry… I don’t have much time… but I want to see you again as well.” The ghostly starry man smiled warmly, as he sees his mother slowly walking up to him. “I grew sad, because I know everyone is facing the big bad… but I also came here to wish you a Merry Christmas… I’m glad to see you are doing great too, my only regret I have is not helping you through it all.” He continued, until he sees his mother held his hand close as tears fell.
“You and everyone made me stronger, no matter how painful that day was, I have to keep going for you… your brother and niece picked it up so well… Rina is heading to Unova to aid the Rangers as well, even she is holding the torch for you… so please don’t hold such regret. You did what was right, and you did it well.” She smiled warmly with tears falling, making the man cry as he held his mother tightly. Now sobbing in relief and joy, his message and sacrifice truly stayed alive, even when he isn’t physically there with them all.
“Mah… I…. Thank you… I’ll continue to play part, and I know you guys will continue to play yours. Thank you for keeping me alive in your heart… all of you…” Cornelius cried, until feeling his mother’s hands cleaning his face. Despite being a ghost now, it felt good to be embraced by his mother again while she is comforting him.
“My boy, that’s what we all do. Keep yours and out ancestors’ memories alive, as we’ll look up to all of you for guidance.. please keep being the guide that Aries needs.” She requested, as her son nodded and cleaned himself up a bit.
“Will do Mah… I need to let her know that something big is coming, but knowing her and my bro, and now with everyone… you all can handle it well.” Cornelius smiled warmly, but looking up to see the fog began to fade. “Times up… Mah, I promise to look out for Baron, Rina, and Aries… once I see the nightmare is done, that’s when I’ll know they’re finally okay. Especially you… Goodbye Mah, and tell everyone I with them a Merry Christmas.” Cornelius smiled warmly as he and the fog faded away.
“Merry Christmas Cornelius, thank you for visiting… my sweet boy.” She smiled warmly as tears fell, looking over to the tombstone, the container remained but with a small note left behind.
“Ya welcome Mah, and thanks for the sweets! Love you a bunch! Stay strong!
“Oh you, that never changes.” Lupa chuckled warmly, as she now walked away to return to her family. Now properly celebrating the Holiday with all, while calling Aries and her parents as they are reunited again.
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poketeller · 3 months
meeting friends!
In Kanto, our heroes are preparing for an extraordinary journey, Maga, the Shiny Magmar, Electa, the Electabuzz, and an omnipotent being called Poketeller (or the blog administrator, me!)
"where are we going today, boss?"
"I hope it's worth it, I was resting in a good way, here comes the masked plague to make me hell!"
"Relax, it's going to be really cool! Today you're going to meet my friends from another dimension! Or rather, other dimensions!"
"what a cool, boss!! I bet the staff must be all cool and radical, hehe yeah!"
"you woke me up to this... okay, how do we go to another dimension?"
"like this" with a simple touch, slowly a portal opened, it wasn't very big, but it was enough for everyone to go through one by one, Electa widened he eyes and tried to sneak away.
"my original real version has an easier time doing this, but as I'm an exception to the rule, this becomes a little easier for me"
Maga approached the portal "that's cool!! One more thing, are there other Pokémon in your friends' dimension?"
"well yes, but I don't remember talking to them-"
she didn't even finish and Maga pulled Electa by the arm towards the portal, you could hear Electa saying "LET ME GO!!! I WANT TO GO BACK!!!"
"oh Arceus and God, may everything go well" she entered the portal that quickly closed...
@formerchaoslord Can we go for a visit? 😊
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kittsu-and-company · 8 months
... I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry... It left me.... @darkplanetobservatory
Oh the,, the soul?
I’m not mad at you but
Please try to be more careful if you can
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profchamomile · 2 months
Hello everyone!
Hi Rotomblr; I'm one of your newest members! I'm not much the blogging type, so sorry if this intro seems a bit awkward, haha!
You can call me Chamomile (they/them). I'm a newly certified Pokémon Professor, I grew up in the Orre region and very recently moved to Paldea for work. Someone recommended I try blogging about some of my research and observations on this website, but based on what I've been seeing so far since making my account, I'm... A *little* skeptical. But I'm going in with an open mind and giving it a chance, nonetheless!
I specialize in Pokemon Biology, Pokemon Behavior, and Ecology. My research is centered around finding easier ways to care for Pokemon while still giving them the best quality of life possible. In short, I aim to find more accessible ways to care for Pokemon, for people who may find themselves in situations that make it harder to care for Pokemon the way they used to (or at all for that matter).
I do have a pokemon team; though they're not really for battle. My team is:
1. Belle (Banette - my first Pokemon)
2. Queenie (Slowking - service pokemon #1)
3. Ignis (Arcanine - service pokenon #2)
4. Putty (Ditto - my #1 field research assistant)
5. Nurse (Blissey - I didn't name her that but it makes for a good pun when I got my PhD)
6. Circuit (Rotom - The silliest little ball of energy!)
Aside from Ignis (and technically Belle), all of my pokemon are rescues, and I love them to bits! They help me a lot in many aspects of my life and they're absolutely wonderful!
I believe that's all I've got to say for now. So I'll leave you with a picture of Belle! (She's still adjusting to the timezone change; hence why she's outside in the daytime).
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// OOC note: Chamamomile's story starts post-core game story of SV, and pre-DLCs. In my version of canon they're basically the new regional professor after Turo and Sada was confirmed to be dead. Regarding boundaries: I'm pretty chill with anything, just no NSFW stuff. Never done tumblr RP though so like... that might change as I get a feel for this.
//everything is on; magic anons are on but lightweight only
//Canon's a mix of games, the anime, and some personal headcanons. Also orre region is based on where I live irl so headcanons on that are based on personal experiences.
//I also run @porygon-supremacy , @anomaly-sanctum , and @kidresearcherindigo , and lores are all connected
//Little bit of ic hate is fine. But don't be too much of a dick yeah? No slurs or discrimination. Also, like... I'm trying my best with the science and pokemon care headcanon stuff, but I'm not the best at that kinda thing; if it sounds off, that's on me, not a reflection of the character's competence
//this blog is low stakes for the time being; may become drama stakes down the road, but I portray all the characters involved in the plots that may fit under that category. If you WANT to be involved, though, feel free to ask!
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ravenrune · 2 years
Simple idea my brain presented me with a couple of weeks ago. Actually decided to write the thing.
No warnings. Word count only about 680. Chris, Leon, and Carlos.
Gaming With The Guys Headcanons
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Chris isn't much of a gamer, but he doesn't mind playing something every once in a while. 
He'll mostly play with you, though. He doesn't enjoy doing it alone, so you'll never find him hogging your consoles or PC. 
He likes fighting games like Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat is probably his favourite game because he thinks the fatalities are great. 
He was extremely amused when you showed him there is such a thing as a 'babality' too, and he wouldn't stop practising the button combos until he could execute a babality every time he managed to win from you. 
Aside from the fighting games, Chris will also play First Person Shooters with you, but he doesn't enjoy them as much. He spends too much time firing guns in everyday life, so he prefers to avoid things that have to do with shooting when he's home.
He may not be much of a gamer, but he does like it when you play online with other people. He'll sometimes watch and cheer you on. It's cute, but he can occasionally turn into a backseat gamer. You can just kick him out of the room whenever he does that.
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Leon loves story-driven games. He will happily play any story-driven game with you, even if the games are very long. 
He enjoys games that are like Final Fantasy and The Witcher, but he also doesn't mind more chill games like Stardew Valley. 
He actually bought the game himself, so you can play Stardew Valley together. Sometimes all the man needs after a long day at work is to just grow crops, milk cows and redecorate your house when you're out mining for ores. 
When it comes to games like the Witcher, he enjoys watching you play it and solving the puzzles together. He does get really invested in the stories, though, so every once in a while he'll be cranky if he has to write a report when he could be spending time with you and your video games instead. 
If you write fanfiction or make fanart of the games you love, he'll want to read and see all of it. He absolutely loves it when his S/O is creative.
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Carlos just wants to play older games. He has a preference for anything put out by Sega and Nintendo and insisted you both get a couple of Pokémon games. He really likes to battle you, and he's pretty damn good at it, too. 
When Pokémon Go comes out he will practically beg you to install it so you can go on lovely walks together while simultaneously catching some Pokémon. 
He also loves playing Mario games with you. It could be Mario Kart or Mario Tennis, but he's also happy to take turns while playing the original Super Mario Bros Games. 
The same goes for Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic makes him feel nostalgic, and every time you fire up a game, he will happily yell 'Seeegaaaaaa' at the television. It's cute as heck, really. 
Carlos isn't patient enough to play games like the Legend of Zelda, but he does love the way the newer Zelda games look. He will beg you to play them so he can watch without having to make an effort himself. Weirdly, he doesn't grow impatient if you get stuck in a game; it's only when he plays them himself that his impatience becomes a problem. 
When you're not around and he's at home alone, he may play some games by himself. Mainly stuff like Donkey Kong or Double Dragon. But he prefers gaming with you, so it won't happen that often. 
When it comes to more violent games, he mainly plays a lot of GTA. He's not too violent in the games, but he does think it's fun to murder people, steal a bicycle and try to escape the police while having a 5-star wanted level. 
If you're willing, he will roleplay with you in GTA 5 as he thinks it's hilarious. He's great at coming up with funny stories, and doing some GTA RP with him is bound to make you laugh for a long time.
I'm kidding. Wesker is absolutely not interested in video games and will just leave you alone whenever you feel like playing them. He doesn't hate them, he just doesn't want to play or watch them himself. Sorry. I really couldn't write anything for him this time.
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