#Tag: Veda’s Curse
aries-rp-corner · 9 months
The week has passed for Cipher… and things didn’t get any better for Veda. The man’s condition grew worse by day and by hour, Kane was somewhat able to nullify Veda’s curse… unfortunately he had to be in the room with his once fellow commander.. walking up to his old friend one last time, seeing the man bound to prevent him from hurting himself or anyone…
“Veda…” Cobalt softly called the former Commander’s name. As the man looked up to his new leader of Cipher, Veda looked tired from the lack of sleep holding his anger upon seeing Kane.
“Kane… I think I know why you are here… is it already dawn out there?” Veda asked, making Kane nod. “I see… I believe you have done everything to save me, but looking at you…. Nothing. I have requests… I wish for Sage to finish me off properly…and for you to cast one final spell on me… it can be anything, but I’m not done just yet… turn my soul into a soul of vengeance and the ability to possess my brother…”
“I’m…not sure I’m able to do such thing, but I’ll figure something out. As for Sage… are you sure of such thing?” Kane worriedly asked his old comrade, as the man nodded. Making Cobalt take a deep breath and sighs out… he had to respect Veda’s wishes. “All right… I’ll be back quickly with-“
“No… I recommend you do the magic thing… I’m fine with anything…Think if it as a dark rebirth or something…” Veda spoke, making Kane surprised to hear that… which now got him thinking of a past spell he thought it could cure him…yet it sadly requires his death as his soul will be freed and form into a new body of sorts… he didn’t know if Veda will lose his humanity and permanently be gone…
“Kane. I can take anything… as my royalty will remain with you, Mira, my fellow Commanders, and all of Cipher. No matter what or who I am…” He sat down as he looked to see the ancient Trenya family, looking annoyed already. Making Kane quickly catch on as he got in front of Veda.
“Alright… Just… I thank you for everything you have done for us, I hold no grudge against you for what happened to me.” Kane spoke softly, as he now moved with his claw hands glowing… it still felt odd he quickly learned how to use his new powers. Putting the thought aside as his hands formed the spell, turning it into a blade. “For this to work, Sage will or may be the one who will use this. She’ll be okay… you however…well, we shall only see.” Kane spoke, hiding the blade away as he turned over to the door. “I’ll come back quickly, I promise.”
As he left, the spirits arrived back to Veda, making the man annoyed and on edge. “You are meeting your end here! You think you won’t see us again but shall remain on your soul!” One soul howled out.
“You will never be rid of us, Veda! Your sins ends here!” Another barked out angrily, making Veda chuckle coldly. Some did looked confused as they remained silent.
“You think it may happen, but you all will fade like a nightmare… mark my words, I will have my vengeance. No matter what or who I am. I shall return…” Veda coldly spoke, despite it being a week, the man still held strong. He looked over to see doors open up, and see his once student now Commander.
“Commander Veda… Sir, are you sure you WANT me to kill you?… I’m not declining, I wish to know if this is true…” Sage asked with worry, fixing her glasses in the process. The man himself looked over to her with a soft understanding look, he can see through her stoic expression she did feel sorrow.
“I believe it’s one of the proper ways to pass my torch to you… I’m sorry it had to come to this… Kane, did you give it to her?” Sage at first looked confused, until her leader presented her the cursed blade. She carefully held it as she now looked over to Veda. “I suggest the chest. Don’t hold back, something will come out from this… I don’t know what, but I promise you this: I will never leave until not only my vengeance is done, but the goal of Cipher is completed.” He huffed out, now looking over at Sage with tired eyes. “Whenever you are ready…. I’m proud you took my place… I wish it was different sadly…” He closed his eyes and exposed his chest, he knew Sage wouldn’t hesitate with any task… but this one she did. He didn’t blame her for it.
What felt like an eternity for Sage, she finally took a breath and made her move. In a blink of an eye, she found herself close to Veda as she felt something warm dripping down from her hands… it’s now in him. Grunting in pain as he coughed out blood, he knew two things were coming… Death or something much more… Collapsing to the ground as he was gasping for air, Sage quickly went to his side to comfort him one last time while Veda looked over to see the spirits. Some looked satisfied that he is dying, but other can feel something is forming… as they all glared at the blade. Understanding what is forming…
As Veda took his final breath, something came out from him. A small energy orb floating on top of his body, this orb…it felt familiar… “C-Commander?…” Sage questioned, as the blade now exited out from the body and formed into a living beast body. Almost like a hound?
Upon the body’s completion, the orb entered its new shell and took root… the hound fell to the ground as nothing was happening at first, which caused Sage to go up to the new dark ghostly hound to inspect it… to now gasp for air and cough. Growling and groaning in pain as he curled up, soon an voice echoed in their ears as he groans. “Did this REALLY had to hurt?!” Veda huffed out, now looking up to see the two. “Am I gone?…”
“Huh… it really did work. Besides the pain, how are you feeling my friend?” Kane worryingly asked while Veda slowly got up.
“Uh…better? I guess? I need to know if this truly worked or not…” He looked over to his old body, ears flattened as he sees his old body still cursed thanks to Hana. Now looking at his now body, he felt more energy flowing through him, but more alive? “So…uh…I’m assuming this is permanent?…” He spoke as he looked at her new clawed paws.
“Yes, the notes left behind did say your form will be random… I could study more to find something better for you..” Cobalt spoke, until he sees Sage softly and carefully petting him. “Manners, but I also didn’t expect Veda to become a scary fluffy….hound?”
“Don’t get THAT use to it.” Veda huffed as he began to walk. Trying t get use to his new body. Only to find himself collapsing thanks to the wobbling legs. “I’m fine! I just need to properly train myself better in this body… also, I surprisingly feel a bit younger… for now I’ll ignore such thing and focus on how to use this new body…although, I want to learn more…”
“Of course, we’ll begin now… and put your original body in a proper burial… Welcome back Veda. I think there is something you may like about this new form. You just need to practice of course.” Kane some as the three exits, as a new Dark Phoenix has been reborn…
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wintersongstress · 5 years
You Haven’t Done This Tag Before, I Promise.
I was tagged by @a-shakespearean-in-paris to do the 11 Questions Tag! Sorry this took me awhile, I didn’t mean for this to get so long, although to be fair you brought up a mythology question so you kind of asked for this.
Rules: Answer 11 questions, make up your own 11 questions, and then tag 11 people to answer those. 
1. Favorite supernatural creature?
I had to visit some weird ass websites to find an extensive list of these. I’m gonna have to go with the phoenix. I had a lot of beautiful illustrated storybooks of the tale of the firebird when I was growing up. 
2. Favorite Folktale/myth?
*does the birdman hand rub* Mythology is my shit. It’s so rich in culture and ripe with inspiring story ideas. I could talk about it all day, but what I can really talk about is the curse of the Koh-i-Noor diamond.
Mysterious in origin and Ancient Persian for “mountain of light”, it’s one of the largest diamonds in the world and its journey throughout history is full of misfortune and violence.
There is a story in Vedas of the Syamantaka jewel, a gift from the Hindu sun-god Surya to his most devout follower, King Satrājit, as a blessing to his kingdom. It was a divine jewel, said to have magical powers and possessing a luminous glow, for it came from the heart of a fallen star.
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Surya warned Satrājit that while the jewel would produce 170 pounds of gold a day(around 3 million USD) and ward off famine and disease, he wasn’t to keep the jewel and all of its wealth and prosperity for himself. It would only reverse the effects and bring him bad luck if he did not share it. He did not heed this advice. Satrājit fashioned the diamond into a necklace and one day, his brother stole it for himself when the King refused to share. While Prasena was hunting and stalking his prey of a lion from a tree, a snake fell from the branch above and  Prasena fell. The chain caught him on the branch and strangled him to death, and the lion saw the gleam of the jewel and was ensorcelled. The lion brought the jewel back to his den, only for the King of the Bears to battle him for the stone. Its hard to pinpoint where the Syamantaka jewel enters historical record and becomes known as the Koh-i-Noor but from then on, it gets passed down throughout the Mughal Empire. Shah Jahan sets it in the Peacock Throne and is later imprisoned by his sons and usurped, and then the Persians invade and steal it. The Persian invader Nadir Shah is assassinated later in his life, and from there on the diamond falls through many hands and brings misfortune to all who keep it. What I find most interesting is how in the Vedas it is written “He who owns the Diamond will own the world, but will also know all its misfortunes. Only God, or a woman, can wear it with impunity."
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The Koh-i-Noor is currently part of the British Crown Jewels and rests in the Queen Mother’s Crown. Isn’t it interesting how only the Queen of England can wear it? Because all the men who possess it get some serious bad luck??? I’m sorry, didn’t mean to turn into a nerd but I think it’s cool. 
3. Favorite thing to wear?
On the opposite end of the spectrum of my sweatpants and lunar phase knee socks, in the summertime I love wearing long skirts with a shawl draped around my shoulders. 
4. What’s a piece of media (book, movie, game, etc.) that has had the greatest impact on you as a person?
Patricia A. McKillip’s books made me fall in love with the fantasy genre and hold a special place in my heart. Her stories kindled my love of reading and storytelling in the beginning. I first picked them up because her covers are gorgeously illustrated by Kinuko Y. Craft and they’re so detailed that every time I look at them I see something I never noticed before. 
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5. Favorite thing about yourself? Physical and Non physical.
Ehhh. You know, I think I’m very plain-looking. I suppose I like my eyes because they have some of green in them. Non-physically, I like my investigative personality. 
6. Favorite Disney movie? 
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7. What does your dream apartment/house look like?
Encompassed by bookshelves so tall I need a rolling ladder, filled with encyclopedias, spider plants, corals and crystals and terrariums. Turkish lanterns hang down from the ceiling and Audubon prints of cormorants decorate the wall, as well as an old map pinned with all the places I want to travel. An enormous Persian rug covers the wood floor and is strewn with lounging pillows.  A low coffee table rests in the center and holds a platter of fuzzy peaches and vase stuffed with white peacock feathers. The latticed windows are open to a mountain view, and the silvery notes of trickling wind-chimes drift inside with the breeze. A porcelain cup of tea steams in my sweater-paw hands as I sit on the sill and watch the sun rise. Trumpet vines swallow the balcony and offer their nectar to the hummingbirds. And all the while a black cat purrs beside me with its eyes closed. Yeah. 
8. What are your thoughts on marriage?
Well, that fantasy involves a person who doesn’t exist in my life...but I would like to get married someday. I’m just not that person yet and I’m far from it. 
9. Describe what makes a good ship to you.
Conflict, dichotomy, and dualism. One person falls in love way before the other. Changing their natures, Person A thinking Person B is too good for them when their good for each other. Enemies to lovers on opposites sides of a war. 
10. What does home feel like to you?
Home is the warmth of my bed at night, listening to the train horns in the distance and watching the familiar shadows of trees on my walls. Its a place with a crab-apple tree and a swing. A rose garden. 
The truest moments when I feel it is when I listen to my sister practice piano, when I lick the icing off my birthday candles after blowing them out, when I put my favorite ornaments on the christmas tree. Its having dirty feet and watermelon juice drip down my hand in the summertime, and having a lot of blankets and cats and tea in the winter. Home is my siblings and memories of good times. 
Home feels like a place that’s part of who I am and is safe to be.
11. Your favorite thing to eat?
I can’t tell you how happy häagen-dazs green tea ice cream makes me. Also, wood-fired pizza. OOf and aloo gobi masala curry hits the spot, too. 
Doing this tag is up to you and totally optional!! And you don’t have to tag 11 people. I’ll be tagging: @marvelousmorales // @connorshero // @shadows-echoes // @the-darklings // @deviantramblings // @anniesburg // @cirillasfiona // @dicax-asina // @miusmius-@selfships-in-spanish  // @0ik4wa  // @flawinthemachine 
Questions to answer:
What is one of your favorite memories?
What is the dumbest thing you have ever heard someone say?
What was the first movie you ever saw in theaters?
Tell a story about the biggest spider you have ever encountered. 
What color is your bedspread?
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Would you rather go to an art, history, or science museum? 
What’s one thing on your bucket list?
What is on your bedside table?
What is the most beautiful place you have ever been to? 
Have you ever broken a bone?
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apprentice-veda · 6 years
»  CHARACTER  INTERVIEW !   /   repost. don’t reblog.
NAME:  Veda (Una, Birth Name)
NICKNAME: V, Ved, Bitch
SPECIES: Oni/Human
MORALITY:     lawful   /   chaotic   /   good  /   neutral   /   evil   /   true
RELIGION: Veda doesn’t not have a specific religion. She has come to know most of the different types, but is confused by how they portray their gods as good. If this god was for justice, why has she been dealt this hand? What had she done wrong? Or is she reaping the sins of her mother? Veda is confused and doesn’t want to label her thoughts.
SINS:     greed   /   gluttony   /   sloth  /   lust  /   pride   /   envy   /   wrath
VIRTUES:     chastity    /   charity   /   diligence   /   humility   /   kindness   /   patience   /  justice
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Vesuvian and Japanese.
SECRETS: Veda’s entire past is a secret from everyone. Some of it, even from herself. The people who know most about it are Asra and Muriel, she opened up to them before she died. Only they know her birth name and her past as a child.
BUILD:     scrawny   /   bony   /   slender  /   fit  /   athletic   /   curvy   /   herculean   /   pudgy   /   average   /    fat HEIGHT:  5′ 1″ SCARS   /   BIRTHMARKS:  Veda has gained many scars over her countless fights in the Coliseum that litter her whole body. Though, the most prominent are a gash across her right eyebrow, two scars across her left breast and a long laceration down her right thigh. As a young child, she was tormented for being half demon. Villagers held her down and demanded her horns be removed so she wouldn’t be so disgusting to look at. The officials complied and sawed off her left horn before she could escape. She has scars that start at her left eye and reach into her hairline. As a child, she was branded with the Japanese symbol for Oni on her upper back. ABILITIES   /   POWERS: Veda has gained a few powers from her father, that are amplified with her kanabo, such as Telekinesis, Terrakinesis, Sedation, Incredible Strength and Mental Manipulation. Her third eye appears after a certain amount of power is exuded, and only when she has her kanabo near. Veda has also picked up magic from Asra, her strong point is Water. RESTRICTIONS: Veda is very hard headed. When she has something set in her mind, that’s how it will stay and she does not back down. Even though Veda has a kind heart, she is not very good at expressing it. Her acts of kindness are often misconceived as something dangerous, which can cause tension with new relationships. She suffers from depression, which often causes her to push people away and be extremely lethargic, which can be conveyed as laziness. If Veda uses her powers excessively over a short amount of time, she becomes strained and can fall asleep for days or weeks to recover.
FOOD: Dumplins, Boar and lamb. She’s a meat eater. DRINK: Mead. Whiskey. She’s slightly a drunkard. When she doesn’t want to be drunk, she drinks hot tea. PIZZA TOPPING: Modern!AU: Meat Lovers. COLOR: Deep blues and Green. She hates red. MUSIC GENRE: Modern!AU: Rock/Heavy Metal/Hip Hop/Rap. AC/DC, Slayer, Metallica, Tyler the Creator, Rich Brian, etc. In the game, Veda loves typically all music. Though, she tries not to express it around strangers considering she thinks its out of character for a monster to dance and join merry making. In private, Veda will dance until she can’t breath. It makes her feel light and beautiful. BOOK GENRE: Murder Mysteries all the way MOVIE GENRE: Modern!AU: Horror, Romantic Comedies. In the game, Veda actually really likes the theatre. She likes immersing herself in realities other than her own. CURSE WORD: (All) Fuck. Shit. You nasty cunt. Piss off! Dumbass. Little bastard. Shut the fuck up. What in hell? SCENTS: Veda loves nature smells. She loves anything woodsy.
BOTTOM OR TOP: Always top unless she truly trusts the other person. SINGS IN THE SHOWER: Absolutely LIKES PUNS: She’ll cut a bitch.
Tagged by: 
Tagging: anyone that wants to do this.
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flo-nelja · 6 years
Femslash: how alone I am
A meme taken from @convenientalias and @fucktheg0ds. Basically, ranking all my femslash ships by percentage I’ve written. Only based on AO3. I tried to count the gen fics with femslash pairings too, since they appear in the tags.
Most ships I have written only one time, even if there are exceptions.
First, all the non-rare femslash pairings I have dabbled in!
Emma/Regina (Once upon a Time) : 0,01% (1/10368)
Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra) : 0,03% (1/3747)
Luna/Ginny (Harry Potter) : 0,1% (1/1047)
Willow/Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) : 0,1% (1/1027)
Pearl/Rose (Steven Universe) : 0,1% (1/908)
Cosette/Eponine (Les Misérables) : 0,2% (1/594)
Belle/Ruby (Once upon a Time) : 0,2% (1/492)
Homura/Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) : 0,2% (1/463)
Jasper/Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) : 0,2% (1/417)
Aurora/Mulan (Once upon a Time) : 0,3% (1/306)
Hermione/Luna (Harry Potter) : 0,3% (1/296)
Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar the Last Airbender) : 0,4% (1/263)
The comfortable ones by femslash standards, I don’t count the writers. Most of them are actually bigger, but they are old, and most of the fics aren’t on ffnet. I can usually find people to squee with me.
Kaylee/River (Firefly) : 1% (1/114)
Mystique/Destiny (Marvel comics) : 1% (1/112)
Raven/Angel Salvadore (X-men movies) : 1% (1/88)
Yoruichi/Soifon (Bleach) : 1% (1/74)
Utena/Anthy (Utena) : 1% (4/259)
Sakura/Tomoyo (Card Captor Sakura) : 1% (1/65)
Dorothy/Relena (Gundam Wing) : 2% (1/56)
Karolina/Xavin (Marvel Comics) : 2% (1/56)
Wendy/Mabel (Gravity Falls) : 2% (1/48)
Marietta/Cho (Harry Potter) : 3% (1/36)
Juri/Shiori (Utena) : 3% (2/71)
Mina/Vanessa (Penny Dreadful) : 3% (1/35)
Winry/Sciezska (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 3% (1/31)
OK, getting into the rarer ones!
Mireille/Kirika (Noir) : 5% (1/21). This one was bigger, it’s an old one.
Phèdre/Mélisande (Kushiel’s Legacy) : 5% (1/21). Canon kinky foeyay ship! Quite big relative to the size of the fandom.
Reiko/Hinoe (Natsume Yuujinchou) : 5% (1/21). It is an old fic and it has gotten so much bigger now! I should read the new fics!
Pearl/Connie (Steven Universe) : 5% (1/21). An unwholesome ship that antis hate. ^^
Kitty/Illyana (Marvel) : 6% (6/107). Quite a big one, but also one of my favorites, so I’ve written quite a bit of it! I’m glad it got big, really (by femslash standards), it was not that much when I’ve started.
Brunnhilde/OFC (Thor movies) : 6% (1/16). I wish Brunnhilde’s dead girlfriend had a name. I’m sure it would make the ship bigger.
Artemis/Iphigenia (Greek myth) : 7% (1/15). Another creepy ship, that I love.
Retsu/Isane (Bleach) : 8% (1/13). I was deep in Bleach fandom once. I wrote a lot of combinations. Most of them were jossed.
Spinsters (Once upon a Time) : 9% (1/11). They were in only an episode, at the time I hoped we’d see more of them. I know in the fairy tale they’re sisters, but they’re also three, and I will stay persuaded that Rumplestiltskin, after him mother left, was raised by two lesbian spinsters fairies.
Mabel/Candy (Gravity Falls) : 10% (1/10). I’m honestly suprised it’s not bigger. There’s one femslash ship in Gravity Falls and it’s eating all the other possibilities.
Gamma/Zimmy (Gunnerkrigg Court) : 10% (1/10). Lots of people ship them but the fandom and the ship are not easy to write.
Gerda/Little Robber Girl (The Snow Queen) : 11% (1/9). Most people love it, but most fairy tales rewriting are published as original stories.
Te Fiti/Moana (Moana) : 12% (1/8). I’m glad it exists, even if it’s small.
Artemis/Callisto (Greek myth) : 12% (1/8). Canon sens unique, horrible ending canon aussi.
Dawn/Amanda (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) : 12% (1/8). I actually love this one a lot!
Dani/Rahne (Marvel comics) : 12% (1/8). I hope there will be potential in the movie.
Lain/Alice (Serial Ewperiments Lain) : 12% (1/8). It used to be bigger on ffnet, really.
Orihime/Tatsuki (Bleach) : 13% (7/53). Another ship where I didn’t just pass and actually stayed a lot
Leah/Illyana (Marvel Comics) : 14% (1/7). Canon in an AU!
Cassandra/Helen (Greek myth) : 14% (1/7). It was honestly for a challenge but greek myth is so easy for crack ships
Storm/Mystique (X-men movies) : 17% (1/6). The dynamics I like is AoA!Ororo crushing on Raven, and it’s very hard to find, most of these fics are FoeYay for the first timeline.
Natasha (Avengers movies)/Mystique (X-men movies) : 17% (1/6). Quite common for a crossover actually!
Cecile/Merteuil (Les liaisons dangereuses) : 17% (1/6). It’s a friend’s ship, it was nice to write!
Nancy/Yomiko (Read or Die) : 20% (1/5). Another old one.
Dante/Rose (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 20% (1/5). Very visible but so creepy!
Lust/Martel (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 20% (1/5). This one was a random generator.
Maria/Saki (Shin Sekai Yori) : 20% (1/5). Canon but not endgame.
Yuzu/Ururu (Bleach) : 20% (1/5). Bleach phase again. I loved this one for absolutely no reason.
Cinderella/Cinderella’s stepmother (Fairy tales) : 20% (1/5). For an exchange!
Basira Hussain/Daisy Tonner (The Magnus Archives) : 20% (1/5). The fandom is growing and this ship too!
Souma/Kendappa (Rg Veda) : 22% (2/9). Another of the very old ships! It was my first femslash fic, but I found only recently the courage to write it!
Suzie/Gwen (Torchwood) : 22% (2/9). Used to be a bit bigger, bu never as much as I wished. I have only one fic, but in French and English.
Gyokumen/Hwang (Saiyuki) : 25% (1/4).  For a kink meme!
Kushana/Nausicaä (Ghibli) : 25% (1/4). I actually really love this one and have another in progress
Chizuru/Rika (Yami no matsuei) : 25% (1/4). Characters of the tome; I’m almost surprised not to be the only one.
Kumi/Yuri (Alien 9) : 25% (1/4). Another ship I really love. I wish they ended together.
Sarah/Lavinia (A Little Princess) : 25% (1/4). For an exchange, a very good prompt asking for power games.
Rei/Nanako (Oniisama e) : 25% (2/8). Yeah, love this one too!
Storm/Yukio (X-men comics) : 25% (2/8). I will ship them forever. But they haven’t been that shippy recently. Greg Pak disappointed me.
Kotoko/Sumomo (Chobits) : 25% (2/8). It’s so cute. ^^
Acolyte/Radiant Goddess (Lady of the Shard) : 33% (1/3). The main ship! They’re so cute, but cute is not what I write easily
Chloe/Kirika (Noir) : 33% (1/3). Used to be bigger, even if it was not the main ship.
Dante/Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 33% (1/3). I’m just kinky. ^^
Emma/Firestar (Marvel Comics) : 33% (1/3). Same.
Emma/Selene (Marvel Comics) : 33% (1/3). Same.
Claudine/Luce (Colette) : 33% (2/6). Oh yes, another of my favorite ones! And formative too, I was a teenager!
Gwen/Carys (Torchwood) : 40% (2/5). Whoniverse1000! Only one fic, but an English version and a French one.
Atsuko/Michiko (Michiko e Hatchin) : 50% (1/2). Should be far bigger. It’s Foeyay, and so obvious! (small fadoms curse)
Acolyte/Old God (Lady of the Shard) : 50% (1/2). The creepy mind control one ^^
Cristo Canyon/Tomie Katana (Lastman) : 50% (1/2). I’m alone with a friend.
Ozen/Lyza (Made in Abyss) : 50% (1/2). Yeah, not alone! I was surprised going back in the tag and finding another fic, actually!
Hi’iaka/Hopoe (Hawaiian mythology) : 50% (1/2). Same!
Marnie/Anna (When Marnie was here) : 50% (1/2). It is was not incest, if could be big ^^
Sistah Spooky/Mindf**k (Empowered) : 50% (1/2). Alone with another friend. This one should be huge, I’m so annoyed it doesn’t even exist. It has all the tropes I love (except that I wanted a good ending, but why are people not writing fix-it?)
Nemu/Kuna (Bleach) : 50% (1/2). I’m alone with the same friend.
Chizuru/Misato (Bleach) : 50% (1/2). Still the same friend
Cora/Anastasia (Once upon a Time in Wonderland) : 50% (1/2). Yeah, rare mentor/protegee ship! I with the only other fic was not so gen-ish, otherwise it’s good.
Mikuru/Haruhi (Haruhi Suzumiya) : 50% (1/2). It’s actually big outside of AO3?
Akira/Shiina (Naru Taru) : 50% (1/2). Very dark fandom, dark ship, I’m still so sad it’s not a Thing.
Rei/Fukiko (Oniisama e) : 50% (2/4). Romantic canon one-sided incest!
Callisto/Karima (X-men comics) : 67% (2/3). It was just so shippy in Excalibur. With tentacles. But well, obscure like all the Marvel pairings with a few brilliant scenes but no long history.
Old God/Radiant Goddess (Lady of the Shard) : 75% (3/4). Yeah! Enemies with a past, and it’s totally canon! So much my kind of ships! It could be so big if the fandom was bigger!
Dani/Hela (Marvel Comics) : 100% (1/1)
Luna/Valeria (Marvel Comics) : 100% (1/1)
Psylocke/Selene (Marvel Comics) : 100% (1/1)
Karima/Monet (Marvel Comics) : 100% (1/1). All Marvel pairings where I like an interaction once and had to write about it (for Luna and Valeria, it’s even only the potential of an interaction)
Tracy Zenkova/Annabelle Chang (Lastman) : 100% (1/1). I had to write it once, it’s canon after all, even if Annabelle isn’t my favorite.
Anlise/Renge (Namesake) : 100% (1/1). Canon mind control! But secondary characters in a small fandom. I still wish I were not alone.
Agathe/Nagîna ( Mesdemoiselles de la Vengeance) : 100% (1/1). Very small fandom, French historical children’s book. THe ending is a bit too heterosexual for my tastes.
Phoenix/Acolyte/Radiant Goddess/Old God (Lady of the Shard) : 100% (1/1). It’s the canon ending, but quite hard to write, especially when you’re more interested in a specific relationship. Small fandom anyway.
Malen/Rue (Princess Tutu) : 100% (1/1). Character of the week with a crush on the dark magical girl!
Nemu/Rangiku (Bleach) : 100% (1/1)
Chizuru/Lisa (Bleach) : 100% (1/1)
Chizuru/Rangiku (Bleach) : 100% (1/1). Bleach crack ships!
Dante/Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 100% (1/1). Just because it was super-hot
Empowered/Ninjette (Empowered) : 100% (1/1). More crack.
Amber/Bai (Darker than Black) : 100% (1/1). This one I really love, and I wish it would be bigger! To me, Amber is as shippable with Bai as she is with Hei, though in different ways. But it’s almost unheard of.
Jheselbraum/Pyronica (Gravity Falls) : 100% (1/1)
Darlene/Shandra (Gravity Falls) : 100% (1/1). These two are crack pairings written for a personal challenge. I’m nor surprised I’m the only one.
Harriet Jones/Astrid Peth (Doctor Who) : 100% (2/2). From whoniverse1000. Once again it’s only one fic, but I translated it, so two versions.
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yogaadvise · 5 years
Is the Ego Your Friend or Foe?
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It's common to listen to people on a spiritual path saying that you require to damage or remove the ego. Nonetheless, while you have a physique, it's required to have a vanity equally as long as you have a mind and intelligence. Instead than concentrating on getting rid of the vanity, your goal must be to balance it so it acts attuned to all your other layers of life.
In regards to advancement, the non-local Outright manifests the Jiva or specific spirit. The private heart brings with it the fate for this lifetime and develops the ego to help facilitate this. From the vanity emerge the intelligence, the mind, and your real world as estimates of your karmic tendencies. The karmic curse is that we have forgotten who we really are and also rather, the vanity creates all the tales, tags, and also duties of who we think we are. Thus the ego knows us totally and, if entrusted to its very own devices, becomes the director of our life story.
A Closer Look at the Ego
Up until the age of concerning 2, the vanity is relatively inactive. All of an abrupt the word "mine" is found. Also though this may be testing for those around you, you enter the duration when the vanity plays an essential role in your life. As you expand, the vanity supports you in your education and learning, profession, beginning a family, and also usually developing your life. The vanity enjoys to organize things, but unfortunately, it also likes to control not just your life yet additionally the globe around you.
If not managed, this unfavorable side of the ego manifests as arrogance, pride, vanity, judgements, as well as prejudices. In the much more severe cases, it arises as the need to manage, the lust for power, fanaticism, or an obsession with materialism. Unfortunately, many people bypass an even more spiritual method to life and end up being stuck with these sexy high qualities of the vanity. This brings about one meaning of vanity as being Edging God Out!
Those of us that have begun to realize that there is even more to life than materialism will eventually start a spiritual trip that will ultimately take us "home." Nevertheless, this is a time when the vanity can be most troublesome. The ego suches as to be in cost to manage, whereas your spiritual practices are to break you out of borders as well as live in freedom. When you initially start your sadhana (spiritual practice), the vanity doesn't take much notice. It thinks, "It was that new diet regimen last month and also the workout program the month previously, this won't last either." However, as you proceed and become routine with your meditation, yoga exercise asana, and so on, the vanity starts to grow nervous.
The driving force within the vanity is fear and also, if you allow it, the ego will mount anxiety into all areas of your life. Any kind of greed, desire, intolerance, as well as rage are based in anxiety, and assumption who lags everything? The vanity. The ego understands all your weaknesses, your quelched needs, as well as your areas of denial, as well as it will use them versus you, to knock you off your spiritual path.
Most of the doubts as well as worries you come across are ego-based:
“Am I doing it correctly?”
“Am I on the right path?”
" Does this instructor recognize what he/she is speaking about?"
Even easy thoughts like, "I do not have adequate time" or "When will the meditation be over" have been subtly insinuated by the ego
Now this doesn't suggest you shouldn't use your sound judgment however, when these types of thoughts or questions emerge, ask yourself, "Is this my Greater Self or my vanity chatting?" Maharishi Mahesh Yogi utilized to claim, "When doubts develop, first question the unbeliever." The unbeliever is typically the ego.
While your strategies themselves are effortless, as you advance on your course, it is necessary to continue to be focused, cautious, and disciplined in your method to them. As long as you have a physique, a vanity will be with you. When the fate for this life time has actually been tired, the body disappears as well as with it the vanity. A new ego will be birthed with a brand-new manifestation, once again as a representation of the karmic contract for that lifetime.
Even after Enlightenment, some trace of vanity still stays. In the Vedas, this is called Lesha-Vidya or the "left over seeds of bad practices." An enlightened teacher needs to be very knowledgeable about this so he/she does not drop prey to spiritual satisfaction as well as arrogance. In the early stages of Samadhi, the yogi might gain new and exciting qualities and also yogic powers. If these are recognized as just a part of the journey and treated with humility, he/she will advance to the greater degrees of Samadhi. Nevertheless, if they are used to manage and also adjust, the ego takes control of becoming like a "starving ghost." Such a yogi might gain short-term power and also fame but won't progress emotionally as well as will eventually plant the seeds of his/her own downfall. This is why Vedanta informs us to, "Seek the firm of those who seek enlightenment yet run from those that claim to have actually located it."
How to Manage the Ego
To take care of the ego, after that, you require to live your life knowingly. Recognize your selections as well as why you are making them. Recognize the results your options have on others. There's an Arab saying which says:
The words of the tongue should have three gatekeepers.
Before words get past the lips, the initial gatekeeper asks, "Is this real?" That quits a great deal of website traffic instantly. If the words get past the initial gatekeeper, there is a second that asks, "Is it kind?" And for those words that qualify below too, the last gatekeeper asks, "Is it necessary?"
You may have heard the expression that somebody has a "big vanity." In fact, it's the opposite. Individuals who stamp about with their chests puffed out have very tiny vanities that are defending their lives, like a cornered wild pet. Love your vanity, have fun with it, have a good time with it, make it your close friend as well as do not take it seriously. Seriousness is the ego playing the target. Instruct your ego humbleness with selfless service and also compassion. When you love your ego, it will certainly broaden as well as discontinue to really feel endangered. When the fear is eliminated, the vanity will certainly take its rightful place and become your most significant advocate on the course to enlightenment.
Make meditation a conventional practice in your life as well as discover just how to handle your vanity in a favorable way with The Chopra's Center Primordial Audio Meditation Online Program. Learn More.
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theislandgurl-blog · 5 years
Chapters: 7/9 Fandom: Fate/stay night - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Cú Chulainn | Lancer/Emiya Shirou/Heroic Spirit EMIYA | Archer Characters: Medea | Caster, fergus/saber, Heroic Spirit EMIYA | Archer, Cú Chulainn | Lancer, veda/master Additional Tags: Fanfiction, End of the World, Fate, Extinction, Alternate Universe - Fate/ Fusion, Master/Servant, Demon Summoning, Zombies, Zombie Apocalypse, Future Fic, Biological Warfare, Gun Violence, Blood, Witch Curses, Curses Summary:
With mankind at the brink of extinction, Cu Chullain has been summoned into the depths of hell with a mission, to choose a worthy master, find the rest of the servants, and bring them to the Holy Grail. In hopes of uplifting the curse that had wiped out civilization and to reset the balance of the Holy Grail War.
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