#tagatha christie
howlinchickhowl · 7 months
Picrwho??? I was tagged by some beauties to make my image in this picrew, thanks @heymrspatel @crossmydna @metalheadmickey @whatthebodygraspsnot @gallawitchxx and @heymacy here i am as a sort of forest fairy devil creature, can you trust her? who knows 😏
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(lipstick colour of my dreams btw)
tagging @whatwouldmickeydo @thisdivorce @captainjowl @sluttymickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @squidyyy23 @sam-loves-seb @palepinkgoat @arrowflier and @sgtmickeyslaughter to show their own faces!
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27koi · 4 years
So I’m like 95% sure I have aphantasia, which is a mental condition that makes it hard (if not impossible) for you to visualize images in your head voluntarily. Like, if you told me to think of an apple in my head, I simply cannot do it. I am trying right now very hard and the best I can get is a very blurry red ball. This shit is hard. I’ve asked multiple people if they could do it and they were like, “how can’t you do it?” It’s because I have aphantasia. Some of the associated traits of aphantasia are prosopagnosia (face blindness, where it’s hard for you to remember peoples’ faces), lack of reading comprehension, slow reading time, lack of ability to spell & an inability to remember past experiences in your life. I can read and spell just fine, but my memory is just awful when it pertains to my past. There have been times in high school when people have come up to me and addressed me by name and started talking about topics pertinent to my life, but I could not recognize their face or remember their name and I felt like an absolute dick. This is why I cannot remember celebrities unless they’re on the news all the time (ahem, the Kardashian-Jenners) or I personally like them (people like Snoop Dogg and Robert Pattinson). Who the hell is Angelina Jolie. Even though I can’t visualize stuff in my head, I draw a lot. And sometimes it comes out pretty good. Even when it’s “from memory.” That’s just because I’ve been drawing so long and I’ve developed a sense of anatomy and posing from studying people that I can piece together on paper what I think something would look like. When it comes to drawing specific people, I can remember that I drew them with a straight top eyelid, a wide nose and thick eyebrows, but I can’t see them in my head. This is why I like using references (so I don’t have to go through the mental and spatial gymnastics of posing a character and all that). When I read [fiction,] it’s difficult for me to see in my head what is going on. With some books, the images I get are spotty, like what you’d get from a Viewmaster reel. (God, I feel old for remembering those things.) That’s how I saw The Stranger. With some books, it’s like I’m watching a movie in my head. That’s how I saw Crime and Punishment. Even between two books with similar plots (main character kills a man, goes through ethical dilemma, reconciles with female love interest, goes to prison), there’s a huge disparity between my visualization of the two. 
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systemic-dreams · 8 years
Tagatha Christie here
just kidding, I’ve been tagged by @sgtjvorn  BASICS. (if you thought I was going to do this for Soren, you were right :P)
which of you is —older? muse / mun (haha not emotionally tho) taller? muse / mun richer? muse / mun   neater? muse / mun  nicer? muse / mun (he can be an asshole sometimes but I’m an asshole all the time) smarter? muse / mun funnier? muse / mun (I like to think I’m hilarious but I could be wrong and everyone is just laughing at me not with  me T.T)
ADVANCED. who is a better friend? muse / mun who lies the most? muse / mun who swears the most? muse / mun who reads more? muse / mun (he reads everything and I read nothing :/) who is more creative? muse / mun (fuckin mcguyver over here) who is more troubled? muse / mun (he is a troubled little blueberry but he dont show it T.T) who has better morals? muse / mun (however you define better?)
You know, looking back at this, it’s obvious why I have trouble writing him. He is the complete opposite of me XD
Alright well, time to tag some innocent folk, let’s see what tumblr autofill feels like: @ashesfromfrost @darth-brendol-hux @velvetsunset @lhunuial @theronsham @kengoa @notanotheralex
sorry if you’ve done it already and feel free to copy pasta if you just feel like doing it.
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howlinchickhowl · 3 months
Catching up on tag games?? moi??! inconceivable?!
Thanks @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @deedala for tagging me in this one :)
name: howl
age: gettin' up there
location: ingerlaaaaaand
and now...
what is your DJ name? dj ding dong ditch
if you were a genre of music, what would it be? 70s road trip dark academia hot girl walk
what would you title your biography? stone the crows, and other things my dad used to say
what are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? lie down for several hours, get on a train and sit in first class, stare at people on the tube for as long as i want.
what subject do you wish was taught in every school? how to have a productive and amicable conversation with someone who disagrees with you. also how to look good in photographs.
when was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? i licherally cannot tell you. i bought a new dress and tried that on? does that count?
what is the most underrated city you have ever visited? i'm gonna echo bee and say i was very happy in Zagreb! And also Ljubljana was a pretty cool surprise.
what day in your life would you like to relive? the first christmas I came home from uni, i went to do some shopping with my whole family and we went to my favourite pie shop and ate an amazing lunch and while we were sitting there it started snowing and it snowed so much we couldn't drive home so we walked home together in the snow and it was beautiful and magical and dark in that special snowy light way and everyone was together and happy and i loved it.
if you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? too many things i don't want to be doing to pick just one.
how long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? until the zombies found me i guess lol. I pretty much plan to sit in my home and read books until that happens.
what would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? being an asshole is hormonal
if you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? snowy forest, my office is in a treehouse <3
I feel like i missed the tag boat on this one but if you haven't yet and you want to, I tag you! <3
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howlinchickhowl · 3 months
joy, listed
Tagged by @whatwouldmickeydo and @gardenerian
Today is a great day to make a joy list actually. Here we go.
20-30 minutes every morning i pretend i'm a gym girlie in my bedroom and force-feed myself some endorphins for the day.
being validated on my journey as a fitness influencer 🤪
remembering my dad and how much people loved him
i finally finished a book i've been reading for a really long time and i am free from the guilt of not having finished it yet!
walks in the motherfucking sun which is finally fucking shining about fucking time jeezus christ
loving my friends and feeling loved
managing to write, despite the horrors
iced coffee season
my dog, best beloved little sasspot that she is
when i make a little joke because it amuses me, and it happens to amuse someone else as well.
That's my joys for now, i'd love to hear about yours!
@thirstyvampyr @sleepyfacetoughguy @energievie @y0itsbri @sluttymickey @abundanceofnots @deedala @vintagelacerosette @crossovereddie @thisdivorce and everyone who has tagged me in a tag game in the last six months that I have simply not done because of the overwhelm 🙃
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howlinchickhowl · 9 months
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I don't know what kind of creature she is, but she has an idea! Thank you @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @metalheadmickey for tagging me to make a creature, I am going to tag @thisdivorce @captainjowl @sleepyfacetoughguy @energievie and @ardent-fox ✌️
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howlinchickhowl · 1 year
It's tag game time! (hi i'm here) Thanks @celestialmickey @gallawitchxx and @metalheadmickey for tagging me :)
name: howl
age: 35
pronouns: she/her
tell me about one of your hobbies: i like to cook, and complementarily, I like to eat :)
what languages do you speak? English, enough French to order a croissant and get the boiler fixed, a tiny amount of Italian.
one of your comfort movies: You've Got Mail.
do you have any kids? do you want any? nope.
cold weather or hot weather? cold? cold. like, you can always add layers and make yourself warmer. But if it's too hot you're fucked.
you're at an amusement park. what ride are you going on first? If there is a log flume I am on it.
what's your go-to hairstyle/how do you wear your hair most days? however it demands to be worn.
who was your top artist in your spotify wrapped/apple music replay in 2022? Sabrina Carpenter
you've just been handed $1000 but you have to spend it on clothes. where are you shopping? Lucy and Yak. I will have ALL the dungarees.
wireless or corded headphones? I just ordered a pair that does both! it has bluetooth, AND a cord you can plug in. I am very excited.
finally, tell me something that sparks joy: Rest.
Thanks for reading pals! I don't know who has done this yet but here are some names if you are so inclined: @ewanroys @sleepyfacetoughguy @thisdivorce @y0itsbri @sluttymickey @energievie @squidyyy23 @vintagelacerosette @callivich @auds-and-evens @crossmydna
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howlinchickhowl · 1 year
Blast from the past music tag game I just invented friday????
I just got sideswiped by this song i had completely forgotten existed and I decided to build a little game around it. So here we go.
Name: howl
Nation of birth: UK
Teen decade: noughties ✌️
Share a song that you once would have included on every playlist/mix cd/mix tape you made, but which hasn't travelled with you into 2023.
Where did you first hear this song?
There was an early fanfiction website that was exclusively screenplay fanfics of a TV show I was obsessed with and they always included songs in their screenplays as like, soundtracks. I downloaded and compiled all of the songs from napster so I could listen while I read 🤭 this was one of them.
How old were you when you first heard it?
Lord. 13? 14? We still had dial-up. I used to print off the screenplays from the family computer so i could read them in bed at night.
Being who you are now, how do you feel about the song?
It's kind of dull? But very fitting for the young me who used to play the dawson's creek soundtracks on repeat. I wouldn't hear it now and think , oh yeah, that's for me. I doubt it would even make a nostalgia playlist actually. They did have another song I liked which I feel like would still make a nostalgia cut. If I could remember what it was 😄
What is a song you love now that fills the same kind of vibe as this, but more befitting your current self?
Wow, tough question. Maybe The Most Beautiful Thing by Bruno Major? Same kind of slow indie stuff but much more musical and beautiful?
And that's the game! Who wants to play? @metalheadmickey @celestialmickey @gallawitchxx @whatwouldmickeydo @heymrspatel @gardenerian @whatthebodygraspsnot @sleepyfacetoughguy @thisdivorce @vintagelacerosette @iansfreckles @francesrose3 @energievie @sluttymickey @ardent-fox @lupeloto @dreamylyfe-x that ought to get us started!
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(tried to find iangallagher-music-kicks-ass.gif but you know how tumblr gif search can be 😔)
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howlinchickhowl · 1 year
It's Tag Game Tuesday and it's still Tuesday and I'm a little star who is missing all her friends! So let's play. Thanks @celestialmickey and @too-schoolforcool for tagging me.
name: howl
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home? wherever i lay my hat, and also sometime landan.
favorite animal: my best beloved the crappybarbra
cereal of choice: i like a boring bran flake, i'm partial to a honey cheerio, can't beat a cocopop when I am feeling baby.
are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? i don't really know? I feel like it is dependent on the type of thing I am learning? is that a thing? can you be more than one? idk!
first pet? black hamster, she was hilarious.
favorite scent? roses & oud
do you believe in astrology? ...no. I kind of have a very poorly formed half baked theory that patterns in the type of people you are corresponding with when you're born has to do with patterns of how you are socialised during your formative years relative to when you were born. I recognise that there are similarities between people born at similar times. And I think if I fit better into the archetype of my own star sign I might buy into it more, but as it stands it has never fit me so I never believed it call me self-centred lol.
how many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music? 26 not including shared ones.
sharpies or highlighters? sharpies
a song that makes you cry: I'll be home for christmas. can't get through it.
a song that makes you happy: I feel free by Cream
and finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself! I write stuff sometimes, maybe you've seen it. (ao3)
whomst to tag??? @captainjowl @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @lupeloto @mickmilks @milkmaidovich @ardent-fox @lesbiangallagher @thisdivorce @palepinkgoat
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howlinchickhowl · 1 year
Tagatha Christie Combonanza!!! @whatthebodygraspsnot @heymrspatel @metalheadmickey @whatwouldmickeydo and @celestialmickey all tagged me to do this picrew, and I'm taking a leaf out of Leah's book and combining it with this week's tag game tuesday (thank you to Macy for always having a great tag game up her sleeve, and to those above and @energievie who tagged me!)
here is my picrew, which is a pretty decent likeness of me in the summer, sunburnt and tired as hell at brunch the day after either a super long job or a swift pint that turned into a 3 hour trip home on the night bus. Except I never look this cute with it.
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And then the tag game!
name: howl
age: 35
how many hours of sleep did you get last night? 6ish?
which do you use more: mostly desktop, though during tag frenzies i use both simultaneously to cross-check taggers/taggees
a hobby you’d like to pick up: i been climbing a few times and i really like it but it is prohibitively expensive so as soon as I'm rich probably that.
if you were a crayon, what color would you be? coral
what was your average screen time last week? i refuse to look on the grounds that if i know i have to do something about it.
a song you put on every playlist: round of applause by the nextmen. which reminds me, I have to go add that to a playlist!
favorite holiday: christmas
something on your bucket list: i really do not have a bucket list. is that lame? there's like, not a lot of stuff I want? I'd like to meet a capybara.
you’re invited to a costume party, what are you dressing up as? john lennon in his sit-in era, comes with its own mattress. smort.
what show takes up the most space in your brain? I'm spending a lot of time right now trying to resist calling everyone i've known for more than a year 'cousin'. but asides from that, shamey wamey alcohamey.
and finally, share something you’re looking forward to: wedding of the century!!! and forging an unbreakable bond with a tiny cat.
Such fun to play as always, I am tagging the following folks to do either or both of these little diversionary delights <3 @sleepyfacetoughguy @7x10mickey @rereadanon @suzy-queued @thisdivorce @crossmydna @scurvgirl @arrowflier @good-then-dont
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howlinchickhowl · 2 years
Oh ho ho HO HOHO!! What's this? What's this?! I'm alive and well and doing tags on the day that I get tagged in them? Surely not! WELL IT'S HAPPENING FOLKS I am finished with school for the year and back being a clown on the internet, I do hope you all didn't forget about me.
I got tagged today by @gallawitchxx @celestialmickey and @metalheadmickey to do this cute pinterest tag game, so I made a pinterest account, and here we are!
Rules: go to pinterest, search {your name} + core aesthetic and create a mood board from the first nine images.
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I used my real name and you know what. It's a vibe.
tagging @sleepyfacetoughguy @whatwouldmickeydo @energievie @greggster @squidyyy23 @thisdivorce @abundanceofnots and @vintagelacerosette if you haven't done it yet, and if you have, hey! how you doing? <3
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howlinchickhowl · 1 year
Jumping in on the tag game tuesday EARLY because I have been hugely neglectful the last few tag times. Thank you @celestialmickey and @heymrspatel for tagging me. Here we go!
name: howl
age: late twenties (mid thirties)
pronouns: she/her
when is your birthday? september 4th
where do you call home? LANDAN TAAN
do you have any pets? 1 little angel doggo
current favorite musical artist: i’ve listened to Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter every day for the last like, 3 months. So her I guess? 🎶
what do you do for work? whatever someone will pay me to do honestly.
if you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? my dad.
what are you wearing right now? my comfy cords, tank top, crop top, coziest sweater known to man which I just got as a gift and haven't washed yet so the inside is still peak fleecy and soft and I never want to wash it except. I did already spill something on it so it is unavoidable. le sigh.
you’re going back to school, what’s your major? already doing that and it's theatre all the way baybee
last fanfic or book you read: second chapter second chapters! <3<3<3
and finally, share a happy memory with me: last week I ate a really amazing dinner at one of my favourite indian restaurants with some amazing folks and they forgave me for arriving drunk and promised to bring me to a real jewish deli when I visit their neck of the woods in july and it was just so cute and delightful and easy and fun and honestly a dream <3<3<3<3
WHOMST shall I tag?? let's see...@metalheadmickey @gallawitchxx @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @gardenerian @whatwouldmickeydo @whatthebodygraspsnot @energievie @y0itsbri @iansfreckles @squidyyy23 @captainjowl @abundanceofnots @7x10mickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @sluttymickey
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howlinchickhowl · 2 years
Oh we doin picrews today? FUN! @celestialmickey @heymrspatel @whatwouldmickeydo and @energievie tagged me to make this one and it is so hot, i love every single one I have seen so far.
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I can't help being dastardly, I was just drawn that way 😘
Thanks for the tags pals, I would like to see verions from @metalheadmickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @7x10mickey @squidyyy23 @gallawitchxx @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @thisdivorce @suzy-queued aaaaaaand @good-then-dont
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howlinchickhowl · 2 years
Joy list. It's definitely overdue. Thank you @whatwouldmickeydo, @gardenerian, @7x10mickey, @metalheadmickey, @sleepyfacetoughguy and @celestialmickey for holding my hand to the fire and forcing me to experience joy for a few moments. And especially to Macy for the tags on her own joy list. I felt those in my heart, Macy you are a fuckin treasure.
Coming up with a thought that I know will make a specific person laugh, and then getting to witness them laugh at it.
My sweet dog and her dumb little face and the way she smells behind her ears and the stupid little grunting noises she makes and the way she huffs at me SO indignantly when she has a demand that I have yet to acquiesce to. Truly, she is a creature.
Iced coffee season! It's february still but pals I am ready to have all of my drinks make that clinky ice sound and to not have to drink them on a timeline before they get cold. They're already cold!
Having experiences that galvanise my belief in my own abilities, having people respond to work that I have done in positive ways that are believable to me. (for context I am. bad at receiving compliments/praise.)
Dance parties at work when everyone has been in a grumpy mood all day and they need a shimmy seratonin shot.
Short and stupid text exchanges with beloveds that allow me to stay in contact during this truly ridiculous time in my life.
MAYO IN THE MORNING! And all the amazing work that Leigh @thisdivorce does to keep it going, and all the fun conversations that it brings up. Truly a bright spot in my life.
Pals that don't mind that I am being The Worst at communicating right now.
The tumblrinas, for continuing to tag me in shit and keep me in their hearts and minds while I am regrettably AFK <3
As usual I'm late to this so sorry if you have already done your own list but I am tagging the last five people in my notes <3
@ofalltheginjoints @katc87 @deathclassic @dreamylyfe-x @jewtism
Hello friends, some of whom I have never spoken with, what is bringing you joy just now? Make a little list if you're inclined, and then tag some people who might benefit from making their own little list.
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howlinchickhowl · 2 years
lol so a while ago when talking about posting wip wednesdays either @metalheadmickey or i, and I don't recall which of us it was so I'm giving us equal credit it for it, called it a wip snip, which remains to this day one of the funniest things I have heard. Jessie and also @whatwouldmickeydo tagged me to share a lil wip snip with you all and as ao3 is down and I can't read someone else's fic right now, here is something from my own, which I am still actively working on istg.
Mickey huffs, but it’s good natured, warm, and Ian’s breath catches when he sees Mickey’s index finger twitch in the direction of Ian’s where they are both resting on the counter top.
Of course, it is just at that moment when a chair scrapes across the room, and Ian is startled into standing up straight and looking straight into the eyes of a sheepish looking Jones, whom he had completely forgotten about the moment Mickey walked in. Whoops.
It’s an agonizingly slow seven seconds while Jones walks over with his belongings and his empty cup, and places it gently on the counter near to Mickey’s elbow.
wip snip. heh.
tagging @abundanceofnots @gardenerian @sunoficarus and literally anyone who wants to share something because I do not have a beat on who is writing stuff right now so consider this your invitation!
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howlinchickhowl · 2 years
A very 2023 tag game 😌 They say start the year as you mean to go on, so I am starting the year by responding to tag games the day I get tagged in them, in the hope that I can continue to do tag things in a timely fashion. Thank you @celestialmickey @metalheadmickey and @gallawitchxx for tagging me in this one.
hello, my name is: Howl 🐺 aroooo
i live in: a state of constant transition. i am a nomad. I have not slept in the same bed for more than two nights running for basically six weeks. but more generally, like, England.
in 2023 i’ll be turning: 36
describe your 2022 in 3 words: challenging, exhausting, invigorating
3 words you hope will describe your 2023: successful, fun, liberating
something you’re looking forward to this year: Becoming a master of arts, Sexy Oklahoma, spending time with my dearest pals
something you want to accomplish this year: be better at chatting? I started a new job recently and every time I start a new job I feel like it takes me so long to feel comfortable or make friends because I'm just. not blessed. at small talk. I'm a quiet guy and I would like to be better in social situations.
somewhere you’d like to travel to this year: I have one destination on the books! But maybe I would also like to go to like, the caribbean? or the maldives? be a sun baby for a few days? Sounds good, right?
something you’d like to do more of in 2023: write, read, video calls with beloveds, exercise, cooking, sleep, restaurant breakfast.
and finally, what’s your 2023 mantra? i am not so much a mantra person. or resolutions or whatever. Keep Going. Feels fitting.
Tagging...@you-are-so-much-better-than-that @suzy-queued @creepkinginc @sleepyfacetoughguy @y0itsbri @heymrspatel @7x10mickey and @friend-bear if you want :)
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