#tagging christmas posts with 'christmas' for muting purposes
incorrect-malfoys · 9 months
Narcissa: What's the point of sending Christmas cards that arrive on Christmas eve? They'll get taken down in a few days
Bellatrix: ...
Narcissa: That's why I send all mine on November 1st. Gives people seven weeks to enjoy them
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giallos · 3 years
now that halloween is over i’ve loaded up my queue with christmas and hanukkah-themed posts (as i celebrate both)! 
tags for muting purposes: 
christmas decorations
christmas trees
christmas music
christmas ornaments
christmas presents
happy holidays!!!
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oneweekoneband · 4 years
I’m slightly nauseous already with knowing I’m going to say this, but what does “self-awareness”  even mean? In modern parlance, as a descriptive phrase, as a comment on art? I’m asking in earnest, like, I’ve been Googling lately, which for me is basically on par with doctoral study in terms of academic rigor. The self is king, anyway, tyrant, so where is the line of distinction between material that intentionally is nodding at some truth about the artist’s life and what’s just, like, all the rest of the regular navel-gazing bullshit. I mean, I’m all self, I am guilty here. I can’t get it out of my poems or even make it more quiet. This is the tenth time I’ve invoked “I” in the space of six sentences. Processing art has always necessitated a certain amount of grappling with the creator, but the busywork of it lately grows more and more tedious. Joy drains out of my body parsing marks left behind not just in stylistic tendencies and themes, but in literal, intentional tags like graffiti on a water tower. This feels an age old and moth-holed complaint, dull, and I am no historian, or really a serious thinker of any kind. I’ve now complained at some length about self-referential art, but didn’t I love how Martin Scorsese nodded to the famous Goodfellas Copacabana tracking shot with the opening frames of last year’s The Irishman? Didn’t I find that terribly fun and sort of sweet? So there’s distinctions. I’m only saying I don’t know with certainty what they even are. I’m unreliable, and someone smarter than me has likely already solved my quandary about why self-knowledge often transforms into overly precious self-reflexivity in such a way that the knowledge is diminished and obscured, leaving only cutesy Easter eggs behind. Postmodernism has birthed a moralizing culture where art exists to be termed either “self-aware Good” or “self-aware Bad”.  Self-referentiality in media is so commonplace, so much the standard, that what was once credited as metatextual inventiveness often feels lazy now. In 1996, Scream was revitalizing a genre. Today, two thirds of all horror movies spend half their running time making sure that you know that they know they’re a horror movie, which is fine, I guess, except sometimes you just wanna watch someone get butchered with an axe in peace. 
This is all to say that in 2020 Taylor Swift looked long and hard upon her image in the reflecting pool of her heart and has written yet another song about Gone Girl.
“mirrorball” is a very good piece of Gone Girl —feels insane to tell anyone reading a post on a blog what Gone Girl is but, you know, the extremely popular 2012 novel about a woman who pretends to have been murdered and frames her husband for it, and subsequently the 2014 film adaption where you kinda see Ben Affleck’s dick for a second—fanfiction. It would be a fine song, a good song, really, even if it weren’t that, if it were just something normal and not unhinged written by a chill person who behaves in a regular way, but we need to acknowledge the facts for what they are. When Taylor Swift watched Rosamund Pike toss her freshly self-bobbed hair out of her face and hiss, “You think you’d be happy with some nice Midwestern girl? No way, baby. I’m it!” her brain lit up like a Christmas tree, and she’s never been the same. If you Google “taylor swift gone girl” there waiting for you will be a medium sized lake’s worth of articles speculating about how Gone Girl influenced and is referenced in past Swift singles “Blank Space” and “Look What You Made Me Do”. This is not new behavior, and if anything it’s getting a bit troubling to think that it’s been this long since Taylor’s read another book. Still, while the prior offerings were a fair attempt at this particular feat of depravity, “mirrorball” has brought Taylor’s Amy Elliott Dunne deification to stunning new heights. And most importantly, Taylor has done a service to every person alive with more than six brain cells and a Internet connection by putting an end to the “Cool Girl” discourse once and for all. By the power invested in “mirrorball”, it is hereby decreed that the Cool Girl speech from Gone Girl is neither feminist or antifeminist, not ironic nor aspirational. No. It’s something much better than all that. It’s a threat. I ! Can ! Change ! Everything ! About ! Me ! To ! Fit ! In !
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Gone Girl (2012) by Gillian Flynn
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“mirrorball” (2020) by Taylor Swift
When the twinkly musical stylings of Jack Antonoff, a man I distinctly distrust, but for no one specific reason, whirl to life at the beginning of this song I feel instantly entranced, blurry-brained and pleasure-pickled like an infant beneath a light-up crib mobile or, I guess, myself in the old times, the outside times, three tequila sodas deep under the disco lights at The Short Stop. Under a mirrorball in my head. I know very little about music, as a craft, and I really don’t care to know more. I’m happy in a world of pure, dumb sensation. I’m not even sure what kind of instruments are making these jangly little sounds. I just like it. I am vibing. We may not ever be able to behave badly in a club again, but I can sway to my stupid Taylor Swift-and-the-brother-of-the-lady-who-makes-like-those-sweatshirts-with-little-sayings-or-like-vulvas-which-famous-white-women-wear-on-instagram-you-know-what-I-mean song, pressing up onto my tiptoes on the linoleum tile of our kitchen floor and can feel for a second or two something approaching bliss. “mirrorball” is a lush sound bath that I like a lot and then also it’s about being all things to all people, chameleoning at a second’s notice, doing Oscar worthy work on every Zoom call, performing the you who is good, performing the you who is funny, performing the you who draws a liter of your own blood and throws it around the kitchen then cleans it up badly all to get your husband sent to jail for sleeping with a college student... Too much talk about making and unmaking of the self is way too, like, 2012 Tumblr for me now, and I start hearing the word “praxis” ring threateningly in my head, but I’m not yet so evolved that I don’t feel a pull. Musings on the disorganized self—on how we are new all the time, and not just because of all the fresh skin coming up under the dead, personhood in the end so frighteningly flexible—are always going to compel me, I’m afraid, but that goes double for musings on the disorganized self which posit that Taylor Swift still thinks Amy Dunne made some points.
Because on “mirrorball” Taylor is for once not hamfistedly addressing some “hater”, in the quiet and the lack of embarrassing martyrdom it actually offers an interesting answer to the complaint that Taylor is insufficiently self-aware. This criticism emerges often in tandem with claiming to have discovered some crack in the chassis of Swift’s public self, revealing the sweetness to be insincere. My instinct is to dismiss this more or less out of hand as just a mutation of the school of thought that presumes all work by women must be autobiography. And, regardless, it is made altogether laughable by the fact that anyone actually paying attention has known since at least Speak Now, a delightful record populated by the most appalling, horrible characters imaginable, and all of them written by a twenty year old Taylor Swift, that this woman is a pure weirdo. To accuse Taylor Swift of lacking in self-awareness is a reductive misunderstanding, I think, of artifice. Being a fake bitch takes work. Which is to say, if we agree that her public self is a calculated performance—eliding the fact that all public selves are a performance to avoid getting too in the weeds yadda yadda— why, then, should it be presumed that performance is rooted in ignorance? Would it not make more sense that, in fact, someone able to contort themselves so ably into various shapes for public consumption would have a certain understanding of the basic materials they’re working with and concealing? Taylor Swift, in a decade and a half of fame, has presented herself from inside a number of distinct packages. The gangly teenager draped in long curls like climbing wisteria who wrote lyrics down her arms in glitter paint gave way to red lipstick, a Diet Coke campaign, and bad dancing at awards shows. There was the period where she was surrounded constantly by a gaggle of models, then suddenly wasn’t anymore, and that rough interlude with the bleached hair. The whole Polaroid thing. Last year she boldly revealed she’s a democrat. Now it’s the end of the world and she’s got frizzy bangs and flannels and muted little piano songs. Perhaps this endless shape-shifting contradicts or undermines, for some, the pose of tender authenticity which has remained static through each phase, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t been doing it all on purpose the entire time. I’ve never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try...
In the Disney+ documentary—which, in order to watch, I had to grudgingly give the vile mouse seven dollars, because the login information that I’d begged off of my little sister didn’t work and I was too embarrassed to bring it up a second time—Taylor referred to “mirrorball” as the first time on the album where she explicitly addressed the pandemic, referring to the lyrics that start, “And they called off the circus, Burned the disco down,” and end with “I’m still on that tightrope, I’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me,” which actually did made me laugh, feeling sort of warmly foolish and a little fond, because it never would have occurred to me that she was trying to be literal there. I suppose we really do all contain multitudes. Hate that.
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oharaslair · 4 years
i have xmas muted because i hate the influx of posts about it, right? but its not a trigger or anything, i just hate christmas.
one of my mutuals (who's my friend!) just tagged something as christmas. my filter caught it. somehow, i think its for this purpose
thanks bud!
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seenashwrite · 6 years
Cards Against Supernatural: The 2018 New Year’s Eve Party
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Got no plans tonight? Stuck at home? Or maybe you know you’re gonna be bored at party? The designated driver who’s waiting on all your hooligans to finish tying one on? 
We got you covered.
We’re gonna have a New Year’s Eve party of our own, and it’s gonna be a marathon. We’ll be ushering in the new year throughout the North American time zones - that’s four full hours of CASPN fun. Wander in-and-out as you please, or even just hop on to watch and/or listen to the hilarity. Amongst other things, we’re giving the Chrismakwanzhanukkah deck one final run, and of course throwing last year’s NYE deck into the mix.
If you see this? You’re invited. ALL SPN Family members who are at least 18 years & older are welcome!
We start at 8 p.m. CST and roll through 12 a.m. CST... 
....because that’s your honorable host’s time zone, and I’m selfish like that.
Whether veteran player or brand new, if you plan to participate in tonight’s event, then you need to:
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Below the standard CASPN image is the typical CASPN announcement post info, but there is one thing for veteran players and one thing for new players that needs to be emphasized quickly up front....
Vet Players: On Dramatic Readings
If you’re a vet, you know we’ve been having a blast with these, closing out our games with a dramatic reading of a Fic Wreck by yours truly. It would be great to break up the games happening tonight in our NYE party (say, every hour or every four or five rounds, depending on length) with some short dramatic readings, which people can take bathroom breaks/snack breaks/refill their drinks during if they so choose.
For our purposes, to be a Fic Wreck Dramatic Reading candidate, it means:
Features a heinously out-of-character Dean and/or Sam --> this is the core characteristic & is non-negotiable
No smut/kinks/Wincest/ABO --> this is non-negotiable
In the 500-700 word range or less (so, a Drabble)
Can be on Tumblr or from an outside site (FF.net, AO3, Wattpad, et al)
If on Tumblr, preferably at least a year old/not currently circulating on all our dashes with great fervor
Preferably not anyone’s BFF or whatever - and NEVER someone in our group, though y’all are certainly welcome to volunteer any of your own short fics if you just want to hear it read aloud in my crazy voices
Preferably features an immature/annoying/etc. “Y/N”
Preferably has an inexplicably high note/reblog/kudos/etc. count for what it is, which is a wreck
Preferably has a plot that is objectively ridiculous and/or plot points that are crazy confusing
......and for tonight specifically, bonus points if it’s NYE/Christmas-centric
DO NOT send this link to me via Discord chat - the writer is to be kept anonymous as the intent is not to make fun of them and hurt feelings. I also will not “out” you as the sender, if you wanna say you found it, that’s your call. 
Send this to me via Submit - I have the link function on (and of course, it won’t be published) by 7PM CST. I’ll also take them during the game if you suddenly think of one and can put your hands on it, but again, don’t put it in Discord chat, we’ll figure something out if that time comes.
New Players: On Being A New Player
—> This is a mobile-friendly page and contains tons of need-to-knows ---> This is NON-NEGOTIABLE FOR NEW PLAYERS 
🌟 Post with game link + password AND the links to the Discord room will go up closer to start of game 🌟
—> Make sure you are ready to go at Discord prior to game time so all you have to do is click-n’-chat! 👍 ---> At the game site and on Discord (if you do not already have one), make sure you use your Tumblr name or a variation thereof so we know who you are - this prevents unnecessary confusion. 😁
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⏰ As always, the start time given may not be *precisely* when the game starts - we take a little time for everybody to get logged in & settled in chat, so feel free to come & hang out while you wait!  ⏰
🃏 Find out ways you can contribute to the decks, the most recent CASPN updates, quick tips for players, & how to join the tag list below 🃏
Anytime you spot a great quote - and it will probably be on a gif! - that you think may work as a question/answer, shoot it my way and I’ll see if I can work it in.
Please include the season & episode number so I know which deck to put it in. FYI: We do not need any from seasons 3, 5, or 6 - those decks are complete or near completion.
On Dramatic Fic Readings...
If you’re a vet, you know we’ve been having a blast with these, closing out our games with a dramatic reading of a Fic Wreck by yours truly.
For our purposes, to be a Fic Wreck Dramatic Reading candidate, it means:
Features a heinously out-of-character Dean and/or Sam --> this is the core characteristic & is non-negotiable
No smut/kinks/Wincest/ABO --> this is non-negotiable
In the 500-700 word range or less (so, a Drabble)
Can be on Tumblr or from an outside site (FF.net, AO3, Wattpad, et al)
If on Tumblr, preferably at least a year old/not currently circulating on all our dashes with great fervor
Preferably not anyone’s BFF or whatever - and NEVER someone in our group, though y’all are certainly welcome to volunteer any of your own short fics if you just want to hear it read aloud in my crazy voices
Preferably features an immature/annoying/etc. “Y/N”
Preferably has an inexplicably high note/reblog/kudos/etc. count for what it is, which is a wreck
Preferably has a plot that is objectively ridiculous and/or plot points that are crazy confusing
New CASPN Perma Chat!
This is the permanent chat room for the CASPN Crew, the link is set to never expire. It will not be deleted like the weekly chats, so feel free to use this space to make suggestions or let your fellow CASPN buddies about things you may need (such as a beta) or things you’ve got planned (such as a challenge) or upcoming events (such as a convention).
New CASPN headquarters page!
It will be a permanent fixture up above the cut, and is also linked in the menu bar on my blog - it is a mobile friendly, all-in-one page for About, Warnings, How-Tos, FAQs, and the Tag List.
If you are going to participate in the voice chat over at Discord *PLEASE* make sure you are in a quiet place, and if you are unable to do so, kindly mute yourself and just listen until you are able.
Also, kindly mute yourself if you need to speak to someone on the phone/someone who is with you in person, and mute yourself if your environment becomes noisy - it happens! No worries! Just jump back in when that’s done/when it’s your turn to read
Have this set up and ready to go prior to game start, and ensure all other apps/messaging on your device of choice are muted.
If you are in voice chat just so you can listen because you can’t/don’t choose to read aloud, that of course is fine, but you need to have yourself muted, please, and communicate via chat that you need myself or someone else to read your hand.
(A kind reminder: most everything I/veteran players are asked in chat during games is covered at CASPN Headquarters)
Should your mic go out/no one can hear you in Discord, same thing applies as it does when you get duplicate cards/can’t choose a card over in the game - REFRESH! Just refresh the browser page for Discord, and give it a second, and it should remedy itself.
🏷️ Tag Me In The Future, Nash! 🏷️
TO BE TAGGED, YOU *MUST* SEND AN ASK! I will not tag you any other way, nor will I tag you if you’ve never played with us before. Them’s the breaks.
I AM UNABLE TO TAG ON THE DAY OF GAMES, suggest you look out for the post, come try the game on for size & if you enjoy it, kindly send an ask stating you’d like to be tagged after you know you like it & are able to participate in future games
IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR NAME, it is YOUR responsibility to send me an ask - I will not track you down or assume you want to stay tagged
FOR THOSE WITH SETTINGS THAT PREVENT TAGGING, you do not have to follow me in order to participate, however I will not follow you just so I can tag you - I am following some CASPN players, however it is only when I find their content of interest or I was already following them prior to the original deck’s conception -  if you want to be in the know about the game dates/times, I suggest you (a) follow me and/or #CASPN which is unique to the weekly games I run, or (b) make a side blog with standard settings that is purely for the purpose of being on this tag list (ex: “CASPN-[your handle])
Tag team, back again…
* The Cannot Tags! *
It either (1) looks like the blog under this name is inactive, (2) you’ve changed your name and not told me, or (3) there’s a setting on YOUR end that prevents it.
None presently as the list has been purged/updated as of 11/11/18
❓ WHY AM I NOT TAGGED? you may ask ❓
Reminder: I’m taking roll at games so I can keep up maintenance on the tag list - if you aren’t participating often [read: approx. every 6 wks/6 games] & you haven’t let me know to move you to my “Hiatus” list, then you won’t be tagged on posts, but I’ll keep you on the CASPN tags page, listed at the bottom under the time frame you were removed.
It is possible I made a mistake if I get busy and neglect to c/p the roster frequently throughout the game - all you have to do is speak up. The biggest issue I have with keeping up is when you use some rando name in game that neither I nor any of the other players recognize. If you want to stay on the tags, you need to use a name I’ll know. Otherwise, I couldn’t care less, call yourself whatever strikes your fancy! :)
Want to be back on “active” status?  Want to be removed altogether? No problem! Kindly communicate your wishes with me via Ask.
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archerwindsor · 4 years
Holiday Gift Guide 2020
Holiday gift guide
Strap in. It’s the holidays—and that means it’s time to get our shopping on! If you’re like most of us, we always seem to run out of time to get it all done. Did you just say, “A little help here?” We think you did. And we heard you loud and clear! Girl, this year, we’ve done all the – ahem — leg work for you with our quintessential holiday gift guide that has something for everyone on your list. And guess what, they’re almost all under $50 (Hey, we know everyone is all about the ‘peace and joy’ until their next credit card statement arrives). So, all that shopping stress? Relax. NBD.
Honestly, sometimes less expensive gifts are harder to find. I mean, we don’t want to be all scrooge-y with our friends – we’re just trying to stick to a budget and spread joy. So don’t even think about re-gifting elves on shelves, ugly sweaters or years-old fruitcake this year. Our LSF holiday gift guide includes all our faves in Fitness, Nutrition and Self Care. Your friends and family will love these gems — and because they are so awesome, no one will guess the (oh, so affordable) price tag! And that means we get to give you the gift of confidence!   
FITNESS Under $50
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LSF Foam Roller
We’ve been flexing on our LSF 2-in-1 Foam Roller a lot lately, and for good reason! Foam rolling is one of the best ways to maximize workout efforts and reenergize your muscles. The marble design on our roller is kinda dreamy and its multi-zone outer and soft inner layers will def improve post-workout recovery time. When you can give a roller that’s this insanely cute and effective, I mean, c’mon. What elf can you ask for?
Shorts + Tank Workout Sets
OK, so cute. They’ll step into this two-piece bra and workout short set and be prepared for their best work out in 5-ever! The stylish padded bra is both comfy and supportive, and the shorts are super flattering for any shape. We love the stretchy material because it controls our tummy and lifts our booty while we sleigh it!
LSF Heart Hoodie
Cozy, soft, and super chic.  This must-give cropped hoody is so on-trend, they’ll look fabulously hip while trimming the tree or playing Reindeer Hat Horseshoe. Made from high-quality combed & ring-spun cotton and poly fleece, this neutral-colored crop hoodie is cut longer than most and so versatile! We promise it will look ah-mazing with anything they pair with it. Oh, and best of all, it features our LSF heart logo, so every time they wear it, they’ll be reminded how much you love them. Awe!
Pants + Longsleeve Workout Sets
Even though the weather has taken a less than balmy turn, we’re all still waking up to crush those early morning workouts. With this lightweight long-sleeved compression workout set, they can kiss Jack Frost buh-bye.  The material is breathable and comfy, and the fit is so fire. Let’s just say it hugs all the right places. Yasss! They’ll thank you with a high-five and a warm-yet-bewitching smile.  
Step up box
You know they’re on your list.  Those friends who claim they can’t get past the infamous fitness “plateau.” Well, you can really help them step up their workouts by giving them a fitness box they can add to their regime. Step up boxes will work every inch of their legs and build stability, strength, and coordination!  This one’s really sturdy (there’s like a lot of steel and wood holding this bad boy together) and features a rubber top, so it’s super stable and there’s no fear of slippage! With this added oomph to their workout, they’ll crank through to the next level of fitness in no time!
Posture Corrector 
Serious. We’re kind of obsessed with this gift because of the 10,000 hours every dang day we are hunched over our computers working (except when we’re working out, of course). After a while, our shoulders droop and we get all hump back-y. We love this adjustable posture corrector gizmo because well, first of all, it’s pink.  And secondly, for a contraption, it’s super incognito and easy to wear. It fits under your clothes so no one will be the wiser as they secretly improve problems such as scoliosis, spinal side bend, lumbago, and just plain ol’ back pain. So be a hero to your co-workers who are always griping about their aching backs on Zoom calls and give them the gift of relief!
Ankle Weights
We know. Some peeps in your tribe think these are so extra. But these one-pound ankle and wrist weight sets on our holiday gift guide could be a game-changer for their fitness journey. Available in pink or blue, they are super styling with a soft silicone, skin-friendly texture. But most importantly, they increase exercise intensity (and badassery) while burning fat and building a cray amount of muscle strength and endurance. They also can be majorly beneficial for those whose fitness regiment consists of a simple daily walk.
NUTRITION Under $50 
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Uniquely You!
We could all use a good detox every now and then, especially coming out of the holidays. This gift of gluten-free Uniquely You! Daily Wellness Gummies supplements will give your loved ones the little extra push they need to stay healthy and help rid their bods of all that gook they ingested during the holidays. Chew on, my queens. Chew on.
Ah, the world of Instantpot-ting. If you aren’t yet familiar with the Instantpot, it’s a multi-purpose, customizable cooking machine with a cult-like following!  This magical pressure cooker-slash-steamer-slash-slow cooker will allow friends and family to whip up an endless array of simple healthy recipes, like yogurt, rice, pasta, soups, chicken, overnight oatmeal, steamed veggies… I mean, we can go on infinitum. The point is, this is an appliance worth giving (and getting if you still don’t have one!), and you’ll likely get invited to dinner that will be absolutely delish.
Holiday Survival Guide
It’s beginning to look a lot like… a big hot mess. Our Holiday Survival Guide is the perfect present for your friends who have a hard time doing Christmas: their tree lights are tangled, the stockings have gone missing, the dog ate the pfeffernusse, and all they really want is to do is yell, “Bah humbug.” Welp, it’s time to spark the joy again. With 62 pages of décor tips, healthy recipes, workouts, checklists, relaxation essentials, and much more, our LSF Holiday Survival Guide will help them let go of their holiday stress and get back on track in no time. We give a resounding holly jolly to that!
Storage Canisters (come in colors or white!)
It’s been a minute since we’ve been this excited about storage canisters. But these handy-dandy ceramic containers are soooo pretty that they landed a coveted position on our holiday gift guide!  Bam! We love the color selection on these beauties – white or muted green, dusty rose, and slate gray. The lids are acacia wood, making for quite the stylish display. Perfect for organizing and storing tea, coffee, sugar, flour, cereal, beans, rice, spices, herbs, and your favorite healthy snacks like nuts or dried coconut chips.
French Press
Some of us can get so aggro when we don’t have our coffee. And who needs moody friends? That’s why we say “oui” to this fabulous French Press. This eight-cup press will give you great flavorful brew in just four minutes. Made of glass with gold accents, it’s so elegant, their friends will assume they’re coffee connoisseurs, when in fact, they just need their caffeine like, now. Those in the know say that regular moderate coffee and tea intake reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease, as well as neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. We also say “oui, oui” to that!
Wine Opener 
You had them at Wine. And then Opener. And then Electric. OK, bottom line is that this miraculous tool is pretty dope because it gives the wine enthusiasts on your list the ability to easily pull the cork from the bottle and access the glorious grape. Need we say more? OK, alllllsoooo… drinking wine in moderation is good for you! Experts say it provides antioxidants, supports longevity, and helps protect against heart disease and harmful inflammation. OK, now we’re done. Oh, and cheers!
SELF CARE Under $50 
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LSF Planner
Well, it’s been a year. We think we can all agree that we’re happy to put the apocalypse that was 2020 behind us. Done and done. We’re excited to help all you busy babes set goals for next year with the LSF Planner. Our 2021 #GOALS Planner helps all the Reese Witherspoons on your holiday gift list design their dream life with vision board building and goal setting; organizing and daily planning; monthly and weekly overviews; fun stickers and artwork; motivational messages from Katie; healthy habit builder; and so much more. And all that comes in full-color pages with a pretty soft peach cover, bound with rose gold metal wire.  And Reese will especially appreciate that it also includes laminated, color-coded month tabs.
Mini fridge
Beyond adorable. Really. This retro pink mini fridge is so cute we just want to pinch its little handles. And it’s portable! In fact, when you gift it to your friends, they’re gonna want to carry it with them wherever they go. And who couldn’t use their own personalized fridge RN, what with all the jars and tubes of cosmetics, La Croix cans, and elixirs that we all use on the daily. This fridge even has a hot mode that allows you to warm things up if needed. So if ever there was a perfect gift for new moms on your holiday gift list (who may be stockpiling breast milk), this would be it.
Plush Fleece Indoor/Outdoor Slippers
The weather’s cold, and that means our little tootsies need some extra love. These premium fleece slippers with a cross band design are cozy, chic and elegant, making them the perfect gift for family and friends. They also have sturdy-yet-comfy waterproof foam soles so you can venture outside to grab the mail without your feet getting nippy!
Voluspa Candles
This gift is for all of your overscheduled rigorously organized friends who need to just RELAX for a hot minute and breathe in the amazing scents of this beautiful Voluspa candle selection. From Goji Torroco Orange, Santiago Huckleberry, and Panjore Lychee to Japanese Plum Bloom, Moso Bamboo and Baltic Amber, these glorious fragrances will gently waft by them, allowing them to wind down and transfix on the flickering flame. Aaaah.
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Silk Pillowcase Set
Newest obsession: silk pillowcases. Did you know these pillowcases provide less friction on skin and hair which prevents irritation or damage, they’re a way cleaner sleep surface AND they’re way less drying for your skin or hair. Overall, they’re a game changer and a perf gift for your bestie who wants to get her beauty sleep. Literally.
SMEG Toaster
Okay… HI. How cute is this SMEG toaster!!! Totally get that a toaster might seem like a pretty random gift, but we had to add it to our holiday gift guide. Can you image the kitchen glow-up with this toaster added to it? All you need next is a pink fridge and you’re set.
Cosori Air Fryer
I absolutely love my air fryer. I can cook veggies in minutes or make sweet potato fries totally guilt-free. It’s one of those appliances that you might not think is super necessary, but once you have one, you don’t know how your kitchen didn’t have one before. I love this one because it’s super easy to use, not too big and looks super sleek.
Olaplex Hair Set
All the hair self-care! Okay so I struggle with my hair sometimes (as you guys know, washing is kept v minimal) and overall I struggle with dryness cause from my hypo. I am absolutely loving Olaplex products, they keep my hair so soft and shiny and tbh I don’t think I’ll ever stop using it. This hair set is such a great gift for any babe in your life who wants to up their hair game!
Happy Holidays Babe!
The post Holiday Gift Guide 2020 appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.
Holiday Gift Guide 2020 published first on https://olimpsportnutritionuk.tumblr.com/
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What Russian Bots Wanted From Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Visit Now - http://zeroviral.com/what-russian-bots-wanted-from-star-wars-the-last-jedi/
What Russian Bots Wanted From Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Lucasfilm Ltd.
Lucasfilm Ltd.
What Russian Bots Wanted From Star Wars: The Last Jedi. A coordinated Twitter campaign was aimed at director Rian Johnson all through the production.
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Hollywood Sure Loves Cutting Women’s Heads Off. Oh, the heads are still there, they just aren’t a factor in many movies’ promotional materials.
Here’s a Playlist of Songs You Know But You Can’t Name. They’ve been used for advertising, movie soundtracks, and cartoons all your life.
How Psychopaths See the World. Psychopaths can and do put themselves in another person’s place, but that is a deliberate decision for them, while normal people do it automatically.
How Corner Drugstores are Fighting Back Against Amazon. They don’t want to suffer the same fate as independent bookstores.
Changing Your Pajamas: The Evolution of 7 Sleepwear Trends. No one wants to be out of fashion in their sleep!
Links Morning Cup of Links
Morning Cup of Links
7 Truly Odd Monuments. From weird modern art to those whose purpose has been lost in time.
What the Novelization of Star Wars: The Last Jedi Adds to the Movie. It includes a funeral and what Luke was doing during those lost years.
When Neighbors Were the Morality Police. If authorities wouldn’t enforce justice, sometimes a mob would take a stand.
Prom and Homecoming Royalty of the 1970s. When fashion was all about the hair.
Are Home Renovations Necessary? “Take a moment to consider this simple idea: There is nothing wrong with your house.”
These Photos Captured What Happened When the United States Started to Ration Shoes During WWII. Americans were only allowed three new pairs a year.
The 2018 All Hockey Hair Team has been Announced. The very Minnesotan presentation leads to a surprise #1.
15 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Airline Pilots. The job comes with plenty of restrictions as well as perks.
Links Morning Cup of Links
Morning Cup of Links
Ancient Humans Had the Same Dental Problems as We Do
Ancient Humans Had the Same Dental Problems as We Do. Luckily, we’ve become better at fixing them.
Enjoy a 1980 Disco Star Wars Christmas show on German TV. Starring Mark Hamill, who thought no one would ever see this again.
Why It’s So Important for Girls to Find Role Models in Female Scientists. There have been plenty of them, but their stories weren’t told.
Mary Patten, the First American Woman to Command a Ship. She was 19, pregnant, and had a sick husband to care for, but she pulled it in.
See a compilation of dog and cat pictures taken during or after a veterinary visit. Some are sedated, some are angry, and all are adorable in their own way.
A Garage Sale Find of Rare Beatles Photos Took a Collector on a Magical Mystery Tour. The photographer was eventually identified, and his strange story involved Bob Dylan, Richard Avedon, and the Zodiac Killer.
Measuring a Pothole Goes Wrong. Cheshire West and Chester Council posted a now-deleted Tweet explaining how they determine which potholes will be fixed first.
9 Tax Breaks for Young Workers. Even if you’ve already filed, it’s never too early to prepare for next year.
9 Fuzzy Facts About the Komondor. That’s the dog that looks like a mop.
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drewebowden66 · 7 years
30 Cool Headphone Stands & Earphone Holders To Make a Feature of Your Beats
You’ve got the latest headphones. You’ve got the latest sounds. There’s one thing you’re missing: a unique stand to showcase them on. These headphone and earphone hangers, hooks and mannequins make more of your latest headgear than your bedside table or desk. Glass heads provide a crafted canvas for your headphones’ premium metallics. Wooden curved holders bear their owner’s names in block typographics. Specially-designed black skulls house both your VR and AR sets, sitting pretty for their next playtime. Make the most of your beats – and keep those earphone cords untangled – with our top 30 selection of stands and holders.
$20BUY IT Bluelounge Posto Headphone Stand: Don’t interfere with your headset’s beauty. This simple white stand is compatible with all types and brands, boasting a silicone headrest that moulds to their shape. At this size, it’s an easy addition to your bedside or worktable.
$42BUY IT Just Mobile HeadStand for Headphones: Prefer it in silver? This aluminium stand is simple to assemble, while it wraps your cables on its dual poles. Place any headband headphones upon its sturdy form.
$42BUY IT Just Mobile HeadStand for Headphones: After a slight twist? Make your holder’s front rectangular and place your cables underneath to create this aluminium dream. Also available in black or gold.
$35BUY IT Satechi Aluminum USB Headphone Stand Holder with Three USB 3.0 Ports: Get functionality and style out of your headphone stand. This golden beauty features three USB 3.0 ports, a cable organizer, rubberized grip (to keep your headphones and stand in place) and a 3.5mm port, which keeps your headphones charging while they’re not in reach.
$10BUY IT Metal Headphone Hanger with Crystal Acrylic Base: Blend your headphone stand to any surface. This universal holder lets the surface beneath it shine, by using a crystal acrylic base as its bottom. Easy to dis and re-assemble, its environmentally-friendly form can be your headphones’ friend for years to come.
$14BUY IT Monitor Headphone Clip: Don’t have room for a stand? This super-compact hook can adhere to your wall or your computer’s side. Take advantage of its 14-day money-back guarantee and free shipping.
$11BUY IT Anchor Under-Desk Headphone Stand: Gift you and your work-mate the perfect office accessory. This dual, under-desk hanger can hold both your beatboxes and remove the cords beneath your feet. Made of premium silicone with a steel pin inner, they’re built to reduce your office clutter.
$20BUY IT Wall Mount Hand Headphone Stand: Need a hand with your headphones? These nifty PLA-plastic hands, available in seven colours, provide five digits for your favourite headphones. Receive their handmade, UK-shipped forms in less than five working days.
$15BUY IT Typographic Wall Mount Headphone Holder: Live in a non-tech friendly home or workplace? Clearly mark your headphone holder, with this typographic, black nylon plastic find. It could be your first 3D-printed accessory!
$62BUY IT AmazonBasics Over-Ear Wireless RF Headphones with Charging Dock: Don’t like the look of hangers? Choose this nifty dock instead, a smart alternative that charges your headset while you’re not using it. A pair of black headphones would settle in quite nicely.
From $69BUY IT Woo Audio Universal Adjustable Height Aluminium Dual Headphone Stands: Get a headphone holder for two. Available in shiny aluminium or a black-painted version, it fits any over-the-ear headphones you, your partner, colleague, friend or child may need. Adjust its height from 11 to 14 inches.
$12BUY IT AmoVee Black Acrylic Gaming Headset Holder: After a more minimalist find? This one-curve stand in black acrylic has a thicker, more ergonomic base that won’t wobble or tip over. Universally-sized for headphones of all shapes and sizes, it comes with a 12-month warranty for added protection.
$25BUY IT Curved Wooden Headphone Stand: Match the more natural tones of your office or bedroom. This beautiful walnut stand mimics the shape of a head, providing the most reliable shape for your headphones to relax upon. A cloth cover is included for headsets not in use everyday.
$26BUY IT Custom Personalized Headphone Stand: Need the perfect present for your music aficionado? These custom, hand-made holders may just do the trick. Choose from more than 15 colours and materials, and get their name printed at the holder’s top.
$449BUY IT Twig Wooden Headphone Stand: What makes these stands so expensive? Made with a range of exotic African veneers, their wooden and copper forms hold headphones or tablets atop slate or granite stone. Treat yourself to their custom-made beauty during your next splurge.
$45BUY IT Industrial-Style Pipe Headphone Stand: Want to add to your industrial home decor? This headphone hook made out of iron piping, a lightbulb and 80’s-look wood keeps your music fresh and your bright ideas coming.
$18BUY IT Musical Note-Shaped Headphone Stand: Want to hear and visualise music – at the same time? This wooden quaver note, compatible with all AR systems, hangs your latest headpiece off its back.
$74BUY IT Lamp With Headphone Stand: Combine your bedroom furniture in one innovative piece. Handmade with Baltic birch plywood and finished with a zebrawood veneer, these Bulgarian lamps with inbuilt headphone hangers are made to order.
$40BUY IT Walnut Finish Wooden Headstand: Want the wooden look in a more realistic shape? Crafted from three slabs of black walnut, these 10-inch heads are timeless enough to pass through the generations.
$149BUY IT Pink Floyd’s Division Bell-Inspired Headphone Stand: “Say yeah!” to this handmade, Pink Floyd-esque polyresin head. Shipping from the Ukraine, its oak base boasts a most unusual visage on which to hang your headphones.
$89BUY IT Cybust VR/AR/Headphone Stand: Want a built-for-purpose gaming mannequin? The first ever specifically-crafted holder for both VR and AR headsets, these premium fibre and steel base models come in black, white and grey. Handy black felt pads beneath ensure your surfaces won’t be scratched.
$30BUY IT Snakebyte Head-Shaped Headphone Stand: Can’t afford the premium price tag? The black curves of this AR/VR stand are just one of many cheaper, head-shaped options available.
$35BUY IT Female Glass Head Headphone Stand: Craving a more feminine energy? These universal glass heads provide the artistic – with or without your headphones upon them.
$40BUY IT AMP3 Luxury Glass Skull Headphones Stand (Bronze Finish): Dare to be different with your headphone stand. Crafted in coloured glass, these skulls in clear, black, red, charcoal, white and bronze tones are a stylish accessory for your work desk or bedroom.
$119BUY IT Wooden Mannequin Head Headphone Stand: Why not have a multi-functional holder? These smooth mannequin heads can hold your headphones or your hats. Get them in natural wood or black.
$31BUY IT Abstract Head Headset Stand: Want to show off your jewellery instead? At 16 inches tall, the long neck and décolletage of this white plastic mannequin can hold your both headphones and heirloom jewels.
$2BUY IT Cute Earphone Cord Manager: Can’t afford the latest Beats? Wrap your earphones around these colourful keys, a five-piece steal for a two dollar bill.
$7BUY IT Earphone Cord Manager: Get something a little snazzier for your everyday. Easy to tuck into pockets or handbags, these tan leather pouches make untangling cords easy.
$4BUY IT Earbud Pouch: Prefer a pocket instead? Available in muted orange, black or electric blue, they’re an easy way to pull out clean earphones and chargers on a whim.
$47BUY IT Earphone Buddy: Splash out on something a little cooler. 3D-printed in white nylon plastic, this little guy can wear your earphones like clothes, or hide them niftily inside his bendable form.
Recommended Reading: Music Themed Home Decor Accessories
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0 notes
jeremystrele · 7 years
30 Cool Headphone Stands & Earphone Holders To Make a Feature of Your Beats
You’ve got the latest headphones. You’ve got the latest sounds. There’s one thing you’re missing: a unique stand to showcase them on. These headphone and earphone hangers, hooks and mannequins make more of your latest headgear than your bedside table or desk. Glass heads provide a crafted canvas for your headphones’ premium metallics. Wooden curved holders bear their owner’s names in block typographics. Specially-designed black skulls house both your VR and AR sets, sitting pretty for their next playtime. Make the most of your beats – and keep those earphone cords untangled – with our top 30 selection of stands and holders.
$20BUY IT Bluelounge Posto Headphone Stand: Don’t interfere with your headset’s beauty. This simple white stand is compatible with all types and brands, boasting a silicone headrest that moulds to their shape. At this size, it’s an easy addition to your bedside or worktable.
$42BUY IT Just Mobile HeadStand for Headphones: Prefer it in silver? This aluminium stand is simple to assemble, while it wraps your cables on its dual poles. Place any headband headphones upon its sturdy form.
$42BUY IT Just Mobile HeadStand for Headphones: After a slight twist? Make your holder’s front rectangular and place your cables underneath to create this aluminium dream. Also available in black or gold.
$35BUY IT Satechi Aluminum USB Headphone Stand Holder with Three USB 3.0 Ports: Get functionality and style out of your headphone stand. This golden beauty features three USB 3.0 ports, a cable organizer, rubberized grip (to keep your headphones and stand in place) and a 3.5mm port, which keeps your headphones charging while they’re not in reach.
$10BUY IT Metal Headphone Hanger with Crystal Acrylic Base: Blend your headphone stand to any surface. This universal holder lets the surface beneath it shine, by using a crystal acrylic base as its bottom. Easy to dis and re-assemble, its environmentally-friendly form can be your headphones’ friend for years to come.
$14BUY IT Monitor Headphone Clip: Don’t have room for a stand? This super-compact hook can adhere to your wall or your computer’s side. Take advantage of its 14-day money-back guarantee and free shipping.
$11BUY IT Anchor Under-Desk Headphone Stand: Gift you and your work-mate the perfect office accessory. This dual, under-desk hanger can hold both your beatboxes and remove the cords beneath your feet. Made of premium silicone with a steel pin inner, they’re built to reduce your office clutter.
$20BUY IT Wall Mount Hand Headphone Stand: Need a hand with your headphones? These nifty PLA-plastic hands, available in seven colours, provide five digits for your favourite headphones. Receive their handmade, UK-shipped forms in less than five working days.
$15BUY IT Typographic Wall Mount Headphone Holder: Live in a non-tech friendly home or workplace? Clearly mark your headphone holder, with this typographic, black nylon plastic find. It could be your first 3D-printed accessory!
$62BUY IT AmazonBasics Over-Ear Wireless RF Headphones with Charging Dock: Don’t like the look of hangers? Choose this nifty dock instead, a smart alternative that charges your headset while you’re not using it. A pair of black headphones would settle in quite nicely.
From $69BUY IT Woo Audio Universal Adjustable Height Aluminium Dual Headphone Stands: Get a headphone holder for two. Available in shiny aluminium or a black-painted version, it fits any over-the-ear headphones you, your partner, colleague, friend or child may need. Adjust its height from 11 to 14 inches.
$12BUY IT AmoVee Black Acrylic Gaming Headset Holder: After a more minimalist find? This one-curve stand in black acrylic has a thicker, more ergonomic base that won’t wobble or tip over. Universally-sized for headphones of all shapes and sizes, it comes with a 12-month warranty for added protection.
$25BUY IT Curved Wooden Headphone Stand: Match the more natural tones of your office or bedroom. This beautiful walnut stand mimics the shape of a head, providing the most reliable shape for your headphones to relax upon. A cloth cover is included for headsets not in use everyday.
$26BUY IT Custom Personalized Headphone Stand: Need the perfect present for your music aficionado? These custom, hand-made holders may just do the trick. Choose from more than 15 colours and materials, and get their name printed at the holder’s top.
$449BUY IT Twig Wooden Headphone Stand: What makes these stands so expensive? Made with a range of exotic African veneers, their wooden and copper forms hold headphones or tablets atop slate or granite stone. Treat yourself to their custom-made beauty during your next splurge.
$45BUY IT Industrial-Style Pipe Headphone Stand: Want to add to your industrial home decor? This headphone hook made out of iron piping, a lightbulb and 80’s-look wood keeps your music fresh and your bright ideas coming.
$18BUY IT Musical Note-Shaped Headphone Stand: Want to hear and visualise music – at the same time? This wooden quaver note, compatible with all AR systems, hangs your latest headpiece off its back.
$74BUY IT Lamp With Headphone Stand: Combine your bedroom furniture in one innovative piece. Handmade with Baltic birch plywood and finished with a zebrawood veneer, these Bulgarian lamps with inbuilt headphone hangers are made to order.
$40BUY IT Walnut Finish Wooden Headstand: Want the wooden look in a more realistic shape? Crafted from three slabs of black walnut, these 10-inch heads are timeless enough to pass through the generations.
$149BUY IT Pink Floyd’s Division Bell-Inspired Headphone Stand: “Say yeah!” to this handmade, Pink Floyd-esque polyresin head. Shipping from the Ukraine, its oak base boasts a most unusual visage on which to hang your headphones.
$89BUY IT Cybust VR/AR/Headphone Stand: Want a built-for-purpose gaming mannequin? The first ever specifically-crafted holder for both VR and AR headsets, these premium fibre and steel base models come in black, white and grey. Handy black felt pads beneath ensure your surfaces won’t be scratched.
$30BUY IT Snakebyte Head-Shaped Headphone Stand: Can’t afford the premium price tag? The black curves of this AR/VR stand are just one of many cheaper, head-shaped options available.
$35BUY IT Female Glass Head Headphone Stand: Craving a more feminine energy? These universal glass heads provide the artistic – with or without your headphones upon them.
$40BUY IT AMP3 Luxury Glass Skull Headphones Stand (Bronze Finish): Dare to be different with your headphone stand. Crafted in coloured glass, these skulls in clear, black, red, charcoal, white and bronze tones are a stylish accessory for your work desk or bedroom.
$119BUY IT Wooden Mannequin Head Headphone Stand: Why not have a multi-functional holder? These smooth mannequin heads can hold your headphones or your hats. Get them in natural wood or black.
$31BUY IT Abstract Head Headset Stand: Want to show off your jewellery instead? At 16 inches tall, the long neck and décolletage of this white plastic mannequin can hold your both headphones and heirloom jewels.
$2BUY IT Cute Earphone Cord Manager: Can’t afford the latest Beats? Wrap your earphones around these colourful keys, a five-piece steal for a two dollar bill.
$7BUY IT Earphone Cord Manager: Get something a little snazzier for your everyday. Easy to tuck into pockets or handbags, these tan leather pouches make untangling cords easy.
$4BUY IT Earbud Pouch: Prefer a pocket instead? Available in muted orange, black or electric blue, they’re an easy way to pull out clean earphones and chargers on a whim.
$47BUY IT Earphone Buddy: Splash out on something a little cooler. 3D-printed in white nylon plastic, this little guy can wear your earphones like clothes, or hide them niftily inside his bendable form.
Recommended Reading: Music Themed Home Decor Accessories
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0 notes
30 Cool Headphone Stands & Earphone Holders To Make a Feature of Your Beats
You’ve got the latest headphones. You’ve got the latest sounds. There’s one thing you’re missing: a unique stand to showcase them on. These headphone and earphone hangers, hooks and mannequins make more of your latest headgear than your bedside table or desk. Glass heads provide a crafted canvas for your headphones’ premium metallics. Wooden curved holders bear their owner’s names in block typographics. Specially-designed black skulls house both your VR and AR sets, sitting pretty for their next playtime. Make the most of your beats – and keep those earphone cords untangled – with our top 30 selection of stands and holders.
$20BUY IT Bluelounge Posto Headphone Stand: Don’t interfere with your headset’s beauty. This simple white stand is compatible with all types and brands, boasting a silicone headrest that moulds to their shape. At this size, it’s an easy addition to your bedside or worktable.
$42BUY IT Just Mobile HeadStand for Headphones: Prefer it in silver? This aluminium stand is simple to assemble, while it wraps your cables on its dual poles. Place any headband headphones upon its sturdy form.
$42BUY IT Just Mobile HeadStand for Headphones: After a slight twist? Make your holder’s front rectangular and place your cables underneath to create this aluminium dream. Also available in black or gold.
$35BUY IT Satechi Aluminum USB Headphone Stand Holder with Three USB 3.0 Ports: Get functionality and style out of your headphone stand. This golden beauty features three USB 3.0 ports, a cable organizer, rubberized grip (to keep your headphones and stand in place) and a 3.5mm port, which keeps your headphones charging while they’re not in reach.
$10BUY IT Metal Headphone Hanger with Crystal Acrylic Base: Blend your headphone stand to any surface. This universal holder lets the surface beneath it shine, by using a crystal acrylic base as its bottom. Easy to dis and re-assemble, its environmentally-friendly form can be your headphones’ friend for years to come.
$14BUY IT Monitor Headphone Clip: Don’t have room for a stand? This super-compact hook can adhere to your wall or your computer’s side. Take advantage of its 14-day money-back guarantee and free shipping.
$11BUY IT Anchor Under-Desk Headphone Stand: Gift you and your work-mate the perfect office accessory. This dual, under-desk hanger can hold both your beatboxes and remove the cords beneath your feet. Made of premium silicone with a steel pin inner, they’re built to reduce your office clutter.
$20BUY IT Wall Mount Hand Headphone Stand: Need a hand with your headphones? These nifty PLA-plastic hands, available in seven colours, provide five digits for your favourite headphones. Receive their handmade, UK-shipped forms in less than five working days.
$15BUY IT Typographic Wall Mount Headphone Holder: Live in a non-tech friendly home or workplace? Clearly mark your headphone holder, with this typographic, black nylon plastic find. It could be your first 3D-printed accessory!
$62BUY IT AmazonBasics Over-Ear Wireless RF Headphones with Charging Dock: Don’t like the look of hangers? Choose this nifty dock instead, a smart alternative that charges your headset while you’re not using it. A pair of black headphones would settle in quite nicely.
From $69BUY IT Woo Audio Universal Adjustable Height Aluminium Dual Headphone Stands: Get a headphone holder for two. Available in shiny aluminium or a black-painted version, it fits any over-the-ear headphones you, your partner, colleague, friend or child may need. Adjust its height from 11 to 14 inches.
$12BUY IT AmoVee Black Acrylic Gaming Headset Holder: After a more minimalist find? This one-curve stand in black acrylic has a thicker, more ergonomic base that won’t wobble or tip over. Universally-sized for headphones of all shapes and sizes, it comes with a 12-month warranty for added protection.
$25BUY IT Curved Wooden Headphone Stand: Match the more natural tones of your office or bedroom. This beautiful walnut stand mimics the shape of a head, providing the most reliable shape for your headphones to relax upon. A cloth cover is included for headsets not in use everyday.
$26BUY IT Custom Personalized Headphone Stand: Need the perfect present for your music aficionado? These custom, hand-made holders may just do the trick. Choose from more than 15 colours and materials, and get their name printed at the holder’s top.
$449BUY IT Twig Wooden Headphone Stand: What makes these stands so expensive? Made with a range of exotic African veneers, their wooden and copper forms hold headphones or tablets atop slate or granite stone. Treat yourself to their custom-made beauty during your next splurge.
$45BUY IT Industrial-Style Pipe Headphone Stand: Want to add to your industrial home decor? This headphone hook made out of iron piping, a lightbulb and 80’s-look wood keeps your music fresh and your bright ideas coming.
$18BUY IT Musical Note-Shaped Headphone Stand: Want to hear and visualise music – at the same time? This wooden quaver note, compatible with all AR systems, hangs your latest headpiece off its back.
$74BUY IT Lamp With Headphone Stand: Combine your bedroom furniture in one innovative piece. Handmade with Baltic birch plywood and finished with a zebrawood veneer, these Bulgarian lamps with inbuilt headphone hangers are made to order.
$40BUY IT Walnut Finish Wooden Headstand: Want the wooden look in a more realistic shape? Crafted from three slabs of black walnut, these 10-inch heads are timeless enough to pass through the generations.
$149BUY IT Pink Floyd’s Division Bell-Inspired Headphone Stand: “Say yeah!” to this handmade, Pink Floyd-esque polyresin head. Shipping from the Ukraine, its oak base boasts a most unusual visage on which to hang your headphones.
$89BUY IT Cybust VR/AR/Headphone Stand: Want a built-for-purpose gaming mannequin? The first ever specifically-crafted holder for both VR and AR headsets, these premium fibre and steel base models come in black, white and grey. Handy black felt pads beneath ensure your surfaces won’t be scratched.
$30BUY IT Snakebyte Head-Shaped Headphone Stand: Can’t afford the premium price tag? The black curves of this AR/VR stand are just one of many cheaper, head-shaped options available.
$35BUY IT Female Glass Head Headphone Stand: Craving a more feminine energy? These universal glass heads provide the artistic – with or without your headphones upon them.
$40BUY IT AMP3 Luxury Glass Skull Headphones Stand (Bronze Finish): Dare to be different with your headphone stand. Crafted in coloured glass, these skulls in clear, black, red, charcoal, white and bronze tones are a stylish accessory for your work desk or bedroom.
$119BUY IT Wooden Mannequin Head Headphone Stand: Why not have a multi-functional holder? These smooth mannequin heads can hold your headphones or your hats. Get them in natural wood or black.
$31BUY IT Abstract Head Headset Stand: Want to show off your jewellery instead? At 16 inches tall, the long neck and décolletage of this white plastic mannequin can hold your both headphones and heirloom jewels.
$2BUY IT Cute Earphone Cord Manager: Can’t afford the latest Beats? Wrap your earphones around these colourful keys, a five-piece steal for a two dollar bill.
$7BUY IT Earphone Cord Manager: Get something a little snazzier for your everyday. Easy to tuck into pockets or handbags, these tan leather pouches make untangling cords easy.
$4BUY IT Earbud Pouch: Prefer a pocket instead? Available in muted orange, black or electric blue, they’re an easy way to pull out clean earphones and chargers on a whim.
$47BUY IT Earphone Buddy: Splash out on something a little cooler. 3D-printed in white nylon plastic, this little guy can wear your earphones like clothes, or hide them niftily inside his bendable form.
Recommended Reading: Music Themed Home Decor Accessories
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from Interior Design Ideas http://www.home-designing.com/cool-unique-headphone-vr-gaming-headset-holders-and-stands-for-sale-online
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drewebowden66 · 7 years
30 Cool Headphone Stands & Earphone Holders To Make a Feature of Your Beats
You’ve got the latest headphones. You’ve got the latest sounds. There’s one thing you’re missing: a unique stand to showcase them on. These headphone and earphone hangers, hooks and mannequins make more of your latest headgear than your bedside table or desk. Glass heads provide a crafted canvas for your headphones’ premium metallics. Wooden curved holders bear their owner’s names in block typographics. Specially-designed black skulls house both your VR and AR sets, sitting pretty for their next playtime. Make the most of your beats – and keep those earphone cords untangled – with our top 30 selection of stands and holders.
$20BUY IT Bluelounge Posto Headphone Stand: Don’t interfere with your headset’s beauty. This simple white stand is compatible with all types and brands, boasting a silicone headrest that moulds to their shape. At this size, it’s an easy addition to your bedside or worktable.
$42BUY IT Just Mobile HeadStand for Headphones: Prefer it in silver? This aluminium stand is simple to assemble, while it wraps your cables on its dual poles. Place any headband headphones upon its sturdy form.
$42BUY IT Just Mobile HeadStand for Headphones: After a slight twist? Make your holder’s front rectangular and place your cables underneath to create this aluminium dream. Also available in black or gold.
$35BUY IT Satechi Aluminum USB Headphone Stand Holder with Three USB 3.0 Ports: Get functionality and style out of your headphone stand. This golden beauty features three USB 3.0 ports, a cable organizer, rubberized grip (to keep your headphones and stand in place) and a 3.5mm port, which keeps your headphones charging while they’re not in reach.
$10BUY IT Metal Headphone Hanger with Crystal Acrylic Base: Blend your headphone stand to any surface. This universal holder lets the surface beneath it shine, by using a crystal acrylic base as its bottom. Easy to dis and re-assemble, its environmentally-friendly form can be your headphones’ friend for years to come.
$14BUY IT Monitor Headphone Clip: Don’t have room for a stand? This super-compact hook can adhere to your wall or your computer’s side. Take advantage of its 14-day money-back guarantee and free shipping.
$11BUY IT Anchor Under-Desk Headphone Stand: Gift you and your work-mate the perfect office accessory. This dual, under-desk hanger can hold both your beatboxes and remove the cords beneath your feet. Made of premium silicone with a steel pin inner, they’re built to reduce your office clutter.
$20BUY IT Wall Mount Hand Headphone Stand: Need a hand with your headphones? These nifty PLA-plastic hands, available in seven colours, provide five digits for your favourite headphones. Receive their handmade, UK-shipped forms in less than five working days.
$15BUY IT Typographic Wall Mount Headphone Holder: Live in a non-tech friendly home or workplace? Clearly mark your headphone holder, with this typographic, black nylon plastic find. It could be your first 3D-printed accessory!
$62BUY IT AmazonBasics Over-Ear Wireless RF Headphones with Charging Dock: Don’t like the look of hangers? Choose this nifty dock instead, a smart alternative that charges your headset while you’re not using it. A pair of black headphones would settle in quite nicely.
From $69BUY IT Woo Audio Universal Adjustable Height Aluminium Dual Headphone Stands: Get a headphone holder for two. Available in shiny aluminium or a black-painted version, it fits any over-the-ear headphones you, your partner, colleague, friend or child may need. Adjust its height from 11 to 14 inches.
$12BUY IT AmoVee Black Acrylic Gaming Headset Holder: After a more minimalist find? This one-curve stand in black acrylic has a thicker, more ergonomic base that won’t wobble or tip over. Universally-sized for headphones of all shapes and sizes, it comes with a 12-month warranty for added protection.
$25BUY IT Curved Wooden Headphone Stand: Match the more natural tones of your office or bedroom. This beautiful walnut stand mimics the shape of a head, providing the most reliable shape for your headphones to relax upon. A cloth cover is included for headsets not in use everyday.
$26BUY IT Custom Personalized Headphone Stand: Need the perfect present for your music aficionado? These custom, hand-made holders may just do the trick. Choose from more than 15 colours and materials, and get their name printed at the holder’s top.
$449BUY IT Twig Wooden Headphone Stand: What makes these stands so expensive? Made with a range of exotic African veneers, their wooden and copper forms hold headphones or tablets atop slate or granite stone. Treat yourself to their custom-made beauty during your next splurge.
$45BUY IT Industrial-Style Pipe Headphone Stand: Want to add to your industrial home decor? This headphone hook made out of iron piping, a lightbulb and 80’s-look wood keeps your music fresh and your bright ideas coming.
$18BUY IT Musical Note-Shaped Headphone Stand: Want to hear and visualise music – at the same time? This wooden quaver note, compatible with all AR systems, hangs your latest headpiece off its back.
$74BUY IT Lamp With Headphone Stand: Combine your bedroom furniture in one innovative piece. Handmade with Baltic birch plywood and finished with a zebrawood veneer, these Bulgarian lamps with inbuilt headphone hangers are made to order.
$40BUY IT Walnut Finish Wooden Headstand: Want the wooden look in a more realistic shape? Crafted from three slabs of black walnut, these 10-inch heads are timeless enough to pass through the generations.
$149BUY IT Pink Floyd’s Division Bell-Inspired Headphone Stand: “Say yeah!” to this handmade, Pink Floyd-esque polyresin head. Shipping from the Ukraine, its oak base boasts a most unusual visage on which to hang your headphones.
$89BUY IT Cybust VR/AR/Headphone Stand: Want a built-for-purpose gaming mannequin? The first ever specifically-crafted holder for both VR and AR headsets, these premium fibre and steel base models come in black, white and grey. Handy black felt pads beneath ensure your surfaces won’t be scratched.
$30BUY IT Snakebyte Head-Shaped Headphone Stand: Can’t afford the premium price tag? The black curves of this AR/VR stand are just one of many cheaper, head-shaped options available.
$35BUY IT Female Glass Head Headphone Stand: Craving a more feminine energy? These universal glass heads provide the artistic – with or without your headphones upon them.
$40BUY IT AMP3 Luxury Glass Skull Headphones Stand (Bronze Finish): Dare to be different with your headphone stand. Crafted in coloured glass, these skulls in clear, black, red, charcoal, white and bronze tones are a stylish accessory for your work desk or bedroom.
$119BUY IT Wooden Mannequin Head Headphone Stand: Why not have a multi-functional holder? These smooth mannequin heads can hold your headphones or your hats. Get them in natural wood or black.
$31BUY IT Abstract Head Headset Stand: Want to show off your jewellery instead? At 16 inches tall, the long neck and décolletage of this white plastic mannequin can hold your both headphones and heirloom jewels.
$2BUY IT Cute Earphone Cord Manager: Can’t afford the latest Beats? Wrap your earphones around these colourful keys, a five-piece steal for a two dollar bill.
$7BUY IT Earphone Cord Manager: Get something a little snazzier for your everyday. Easy to tuck into pockets or handbags, these tan leather pouches make untangling cords easy.
$4BUY IT Earbud Pouch: Prefer a pocket instead? Available in muted orange, black or electric blue, they’re an easy way to pull out clean earphones and chargers on a whim.
$47BUY IT Earphone Buddy: Splash out on something a little cooler. 3D-printed in white nylon plastic, this little guy can wear your earphones like clothes, or hide them niftily inside his bendable form.
Recommended Reading: Music Themed Home Decor Accessories
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