#tagging him because he has so little content I know us Mason lovers sometimes be hunting for scraps…
redemptionbaby · 2 years
WAIT HANG ON HOW WOULD THE GANG REACT TO THE GOOD OL' "would u still love me if I was a worm🥺" QUESTION LMAO
GOOD QUESTION. Here are the select results.
Charles would not only still love you, he would make you an ornate terrarium out of a large glass jug and fill it with only the healthiest forest ferns, the most polite pillbugs and woodlice, the most nutrient rich soil, and the most tasty of fruit and vegetable compost scraps for you. Every day he writes a tiny love note message on a piece of eggshell for you (baby worm needs calcium)
Sean, John, and Javier get too tied down by the realistic aspects of this scenario. Why did you become a worm? Did a witch curse you? Because then I’d just kill the witch and break the curse. Would you still be able to talk as a worm? Could we still do…. Like…. Intimate things….?
Mary Beth is trying sooooooo hard to be nice and say “Yes, of course,” but in truth she thinks worms are gross. She could never live being married to a worm. But if it makes you feel better, I as the writer think that if it really happened, that she would learn to adjust because she wouldn’t have the heart to abandon you.
“Yes, of course!” Reply Kieran, Bill, and Karen, a little too loudly and a little too immediately.
Dutch would spout some poetic nonsense as his way of avoiding the question so you don’t get mad at him. “Are all men not worms themselves, at the end of the day?”
Arthur would say yes, but he does so with hesitation, not because he doesn’t like worms, but because he doesn’t know how to look after a worm. What if you got stepped on or something? He doesn’t know how to bandage a worm. Asking this question is more stressful to him than you could ever have predicted.
Micah: “Honestly, I would probably step on ya before I even realized it was you, sugar.”
Hosea and Sadie think that if you became a worm you should return to the earth, not because they couldn’t love you, but because they don’t think you could ever be happy as a worm if you had to live alongside humans
Abigail says “yes” automatically and without even hearing you because this is the exact brand of dumb question John comes up with when it’s just the two of them on a long trip or something.
Little Jack would say yes but it’s followed by about 1000000 questions about worms (because he’s trying to be educated so he’s be able to keep you alive in this hypothetical scenario)
Molly immediately grimaces, but she at least does you the curtesy of hesitating before she says no.
BONUS Albert Mason: almost disturbingly enthusiastic about the idea. Promises he would start a calendar series about you. A magazine. Make postcards of you. That’s how beautiful you would still be to him even if you were a worm. He’d have a travel sized terrarium he guarded with his life so he could take you to see all the natural wonders of North America and let you taste all of the soils.
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