#tagging milgram only because Es is here
waivyjellyfish · 7 months
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A distinctive feature of the Oni-Cyclops, apart from the three eyes, is a big jump in growth in puberty. One year they’re still looks like eight years old child, and the next they’re knocking on your window, which is a second floor.
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 11 months
I've been looking at all the MVs and decided to compile every explicit reference to the Milgram prison I could find in them, see if there's any pattern. Don't really know how meaningful it is but I find it interesting. Also, keep in mind it's very possible I'll miss some stuff, and I'll only point out visual references, not lyrics. (And also not the credits in all the videos, they all say Milgram obviously)
Undercover - Just the entire video, I don't think I need to add any examples. I'm not really going to take it into account for this, but it has all the references you could think of.
Weakness - Milgram logo on a perfume (?) bottle, at the beginning. Funnily enough, this is the only instance I could find of the logo itself beyond Undercover and the Es cameo in Backdraft. EDIT: Wrong, it’s also in Bring it On.
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Umbilical - Song name + cover song (Sticky Bug) thumbnail in the background. The song name shows up in other scenes as well, but I won't put anything redundant here.
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Bring it On - Song name, Milgram name drop, prisoner number. EDIT: And the logo on the upper left corner of the phone.
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After Pain - N/A
Throw Down - N/A
Ai Nan Desu Yo - Song + Milgram name drop on the magazine pages (in the image Milgram is name dropped to the right of Mahiru's picture)
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half - N/A
Magic - "Produced by Milgram" in the credits (in Hiragana). This is the only time Milgram is written in Japanese.
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MeMe - "Milgram [...] card" is written in Milgram runes in the tarot cards. I don't know what the middle word is, but it's not tarot. This is the only time apart from Undercover where 'Milgram' is written in runes.
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Harrow - N/A
Tear Drop - Song name drop + cover (Vampire) thumbnail in the background. Also Umbilical name drop because of the 'umbilical' skirt, making it the only video to visually reference the previous song title. Yuno is the only character to have a reference to her cover songs in the main MVs, and she has it in both.
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Backdraft - Prisoner + Es cameos, the latter implying the Milgram logo and runes also show up. The QR code in all the spray paint cans leads to the Judge website. There's also Milgram runes in the spray paint cans translating to "Pressure."
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(Also noticing now the only prisoner whose entire prisoner tag can be seen in the graffiti, and therefore their prisoner number, is Amane. 0308 nation we stay winning)
It's Not my Fault - N/A
Triage - QR codes that I assume lead to the Judge website, but I can't easily check because there's no clear shot of them. Also Milgram runes in the graves.
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I Love You - N/A
Cat - Milgram + song name drop + prisoner number in several spots.
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The Purge March - N/A, sort of, since at one point March Leader Amane's shadow is framed to sorta look like Es, but nothing else.
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If you want me to come to any conclusions, I'd say anything branded "Milgram" shows a degree of separation with reality, implying Milgram is more involved in bringing it to light than more direct memories. Fuuta's videogame, Mahiru's magazine, Magic and Cat as a whole, Mikoto's highly abstract and symbolic tarot cards. This is what separates, for example, Bring it On's title screen from Tear Drop's; Yuno's perception of reality is a bit more grounded than Fuuta's was in the first Trial. Meanwhile, the name "Milgram" doesn't show up in Backdraft (apart from possibly in Amane's tag), because Fuuta is a bit more realistic there, for example representing Killcheroy more like childishly than in Bring it On.
As for the other stuff, it's quite interesting Yuno is the only one to reference her covers, which can be interpreted in a few different ways. She's shown to be quite intelligent when it comes to some of the more supernatural elements of Milgram (see: "Am I really alive?"), so maybe that's hinting at some sort of higher awareness? Kind of? Sort of? Who knows.
Backdraft is the only video to show the other prisoners (more explicitly than Triage's "extract that fang" line), as well as Es. This fits Fuuta being highly concerned with others' perceptions of him, making him quite prone to peer pressure.
Muu is the only prisoner to have no reference to Milgram in either of her MVs so far, though Kotoko might join her when Deep Cover releases. Take that as you will, I don't know enough about Muu to come to a definitive conclusion.
Don't really know what to do about the QR codes. I guess Fuuta and Shidou both have asked for specific verdicts, but they're not the only ones, so.
Also don't know what else to do with most of this, this was more to put the observation out there. Take care!
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sonobeunitsarecool · 8 months
Super random
Went through the Milgram channel, watched... most of the videos again, trying to see if there were any tiny details I missed All I got was: Haruka - enough for a seperate post/theory, though I think someone's already gone over it? (psych ward theory) Futa - all the cans in Backdraft say "pressure", the graffiti is too hard for me to interpret for the most part. Though, the words in bubble text around the victim's witch icon reads "killcheroy", and there's the words "pazuzu" and... SaP? SkP? Does anyone know what all the other graffiti text says, I can only read the "pressure, pressure" ones. Mu - in After Pain, when you see the time on her phone, it reads 17:20. Why was she at school at 5:20? Shidou - looking at how he holds the scissors and knife in Throw Down, and how he opens the door and holds the "promise card" in Triage, I think he's left-handed? Mahiru - in Ai nan desu yo, the clothes she wears at one point have the caption "winter style", though many of the other pictures don't seem to have been taken in winter. She's also reading a lot, which fits with her literature degree. Kazui - near the end of half, he's shown with all his different costumes, without any masks. Kotoko - in Harrow, she looks at a sign/thinks about a sign with text that's partially cut off, but reads "at around ----- on this street... ----a traffic accident occurred... if ---- , please report to the police". She also thinks back to a news report showing the location and aftermath of an accident outside a house. Was she impacted by this? Random cipher translations (using assets from laniemae's archiving)
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The text under the MW bit just says MARGLIM. The banner text says "lossitarelecste" on the top and "rutiro" on the bottom, or "et sceleratis sol oritur"/"light shines even upon the wicked".
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The text reads "innocent sheep" on repeat. For the goat one, it reads "guilty goat" on repeat. Text above doors for T2 is "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate", or "abandon all hope, ye who enter here". The quote is from Dante's Inferno, the words written into the gate to hell. For the T1 key visuals, the text individual to each prisoner simply gives basic info. For example, Yuno's would be "Milgram second prisoner, eighteen age, five foot (something or other) point (something or other) height, female", with the others being in the same format. The wall behind the prisoners in Undercover just has "ft" and "ft in", for measurement. The backgrounds that look like this:
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all read "every (s)aint has a past, and every sinner has a future." This is the same for some of the wallpapers, and whenever that kind of vertical text shows up (voice trailers and such). It's missing the "s" in "saint". Tags on the clothes and the tops of the cards from Undercover are all just their names. The prison jackets seem to repeat the text, "Milgram ---- prisoner (name)". The Undercover CD's cipher text just reads "Milgram prison guard Undercover Es. Es theme song CV Yurina Amami". Es's sashes read (backwards) "De omnibus dubitandum" and "Prison Officer". Are there any other ciphers that I've missed? Because I'd really like to try and translate those!
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Ok I'm gonna give a warning for this one : please check the TW in the tags before reading. Because I'm gonna go into some real life examples in relation to the first tw listed in the tags, and it's not something that's usually talked about in the Milgram fandom (at least as of late). I won't go too deep into the topic, but still, be aware of that.
Edit: since people reblog this without necessarily tagging the tw, here they are: TW for police brutality, abuse and torture.
The way I approach Milgram is : What the prisoners do inside the prison is their problem. The only thing we have power over is the vote and maybe the kind of voices the prisoners hear. That's it. We don't have power over the prisoners' actions. They are responsible for their actions inside the prison.
Sure, they may give us indications on what they intend to do and what they might be able to do depending on their verdict, but you know what? That's their responsibility, not mine. Kotoko is the one who chose to go around the prison with a bat to beat up guilty prisoners. Not Es. Not me. The prisoners are mature enough to make their own decisions and I'm not here to enact preventive punishment (because preventive punishment/policing is just fucked up).
So if Amane tries to hurt other prisoners or convert them if she's voted innocent? Her choice, not mine. Because that hasn't happened yet, you know? For all we know, an innocent verdict might make her reconsider things, or the way she approaches things. The only choice I can make is whether I inflict pain directly and with certainty by voting the prisoners guilty (psychological torture).
I have really strong opinions on preventive punishment/policing because of some stuff that has been happening in France lately. There has been a lot of protests for a bunch of different reasons and the way the police was instructed to "take care" of them is just alarming: a bunch of random kids being put in custody (even though we have the right to protest) just to dissuade further protests, or just sending a lot of police force because the protest might go violent (which in turn just increases the tension among the protesters. How effective./s). One of the reasons protests have been happening is that a cop shot a kid in the chest because he could have caused a car accident (I'm summing things up here but that's pretty much what happened). And if you don't see the problem in this kind of preventive law enforcement (which is simply not the role of the police, punishment must be decided in court, not before a trial has even started), well I'm afraid we just can't get along.
I know Milgram is different, but the latest events have made me especially cautious of arguments that go "we should do this violent thing to prevent another violent thing to potentially happen". It just irks me. I'm not mad at people who vote Amane (or other prisoners for that matter) guilty or whatever, it's just fiction and I realize those people wouldn't act the same in real life, but I do think we are going off too many assumptions about things that are not certain to happen and that aren't our responsibility anyway. And most importantly in my eyes, we think we have a bigger influence on Milgram than we actually do.
Sorry for the rant about the police. In this post, I'm talking about the situation in France specifically, and I realize it doesn't necessarily apply to other countries. I just wanted to explain where my aversion for preventing policing comes from and give examples of how it can really derail.
Anyway that's it. That's the post. Hope you're having a good day.
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I think that Kotoko could (hypothetically) become an older sibling figure for Es in canon. Here's why.
First, the voice dramas. This is a given, but she saves Es' life after they accidentally trigged Mikoto's protector, who tries to kill them.
Second, she is the only person who is acknowledging Es' humanity and age in a way that they don't find patronising, insulting, intrusive, or all three.
Shidou points out that Es is a child, but does so in a patronising, insulting way, resulting is Es trying to push him further away, making their relationship even more professional than it previously was.
Mahiru takes their age into account in an attempt to get to know Es, but Es finds this intrusive and puts more distance between the two, like they did with Shidou.
Kazui call Es a child, but does so in a fit of anger, pointing this out because (in his eyes) Es was acting like they were superior to him. Es then decides to start afresh with him, now that he was no longer treating Es as an equal.
So far, Kotoko is the only one who has treated Es as a child in a way that Es hasn't had a problem with.
Thirdly, when interrogating Muu, she asks Es who they are referring to when they talk about themselves, themself or Milgram. Es begins to panic, but Muu's reaction worsens the situation considerably. Keep in mind that due to their amnesia, Es' life literally revolves around Milgram. It's all they know.
When Kotoko points out that even Es doesn't know everything about Milgram and their thoughts begin to spiral, like in Muu's interrogation, Kotoko grounds them.
To put it simply, Kotoko is looking out for Es in a way that they are able to accept, and doesn't make them feel the need to put distance between them and her.
Also, I'm fairly sure that Es is being preyed upon and manipulated by Milgram. They are incredibly dedicated to their job, because it's all they remember - a suspiciously convenient result. I don't think Es' amnesia was a coincidence, and I believe they're being taken advantage of. To put it simply, Es is being groomed, though this grooming is (presumably) to prevent the people behind Milgram from discovery, and preventing their only warden from questioning what they know. Kotoko beat someone to death for grooming a child.
P.S, my ao3 account name is Hurricane_Garlic_Bread and my wattpad URL is ReallyJuniper so if anyone writes fics of anyone being a parental/older sibling figure to Es, please tag me!
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chilly-out-here · 6 months
an attempt
let's see if this works! hopefully by not tagging this it doesn't get recommended to anyone since. I feel like it reads as fucking insane without context (honestly even with context). but just in case if you're not reading the fic and somehow still ended up here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52369693/chapters/132478987
and before I say anything I’d like to first shout out this tumblr post for letting me link this in the chapter notes in the first place bc I Would Not Have figured it out myself:  https://www.tumblr.com/gentrychild/653404474056081408/ao3-how-to-insert-imageslinks-into-the-notes-of# 
so!! Milgram The Musical!! there’s a couple key parts to how I imagine the tech for this thing to work. I don’t know all the details for the format of the show (frankly it doesn’t matter a ton lol), but I’m imagining it to be like. for each prisoner, there’s interrogation (basically like their VDs, except on stage), then blackout for quick scene transition, and then they sing their song. then blackout and they move on to the next prisoner and rinse and repeat. except for 010 who Causes Problems, which would be the climax of the musical and leads into the theoretical resolution.
so yea! I figure there’s probably 12 songs? one for each prisoner, plus two group numbers at the beginning and end (Undercover ft. the prisoners singing their parts, plus an unspecified ending song lol). there’s only one trial bc that would be PLENTY enough content for a musical already, so the songs are probably some fusion of the t1 and t2 (and t3 when that comes out?) songs. idk the specifics of that don’t really matter. also just, note, none of the prisoners have names in the show bc even I have my limits lmao. so if I’m talking about the characters in the musical I refer to them by their number, if I’m talking about the characters in the fic they get their names.
but anyway the important thing is! I think the main tech objective for the show is to make sure the visuals and sound of every prisoner’s song feels distinct, both from the other songs and from the interrogation scenes. the secondary objective is that the songs should feel kinda surreal; they take place in the prisoner’s minds, so they should be very separate from “reality” (in quotes bc what even is Milgram). so most of my planning was done with that in mind :)
okay. so! most of the show’s tech is probably lighting/projection-based to accomplish all the different tones and aesthetic shifts, but there are some fun little things with the deck too, not least of which being the y’know!! rotating disc!! à la Les Mis or Hamilton. I think it’d at least be super cool for Undercover and 010’s song (which has some Deep Cover stuff fs), and definitely in other places too because the songs are all kinda wild lol. I found this tutorial and, in my humble opinion, Kazui and Hinako are indeed insane enough as directors to want this, and Kotoko and Kazui are indeed insane enough to build this: http://theaterdad.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-make-revolving-stage.html?m=1 
in terms of physical set pieces, there’s of course the interrogation table and chairs, which comes on for every interrogation and comes off after every “sing your sins.” there’s also the Warden’s chair (whatever the fuck Es is sitting on at the beginning of Undercover), and maybe some bonus pieces for the prisoners’ songs? like possibly school desks for 004, hospital bed for 005, round table for 010, that sort of stuff.
I don’t know a whole ton about sound, but I imagine Yuno’s trying to set it up so that the interrogation scenes feel like you’re watching two characters from the outside, and the songs feel like you’re immersed inside the character’s head (since yknow,,, that’s kinda the central conceit of the show lol). I’m envisioning that she’s gonna have the interrogation dialogue sound like it’s mostly coming from the stage (so like, the closer to the stage a speaker is, the louder it is), and the music sound like it’s kinda coming from everywhere at once (so all the speakers are similar volume). so that’s why she’s doing a ton of repatching to get the individual speaker control she wants to create that illusion. overall I think she’s just trying to have fun with the whole thing which. as she should!!
so!! like I said earlier a big goal for the tech of this show is to make everything feel distinct, and the projection would be a GIANT part of that. I’ve only worked one show with projection in it but there’s so many frickin possibilities you can do with it so,, here we go!
first of all—the INTERROGATIONS. most theaters have stage monitors (basically just security cameras pointed at the stage from the house, which can be viewed in dressing rooms so actors know where they are in the show and can keep track of their  entrances). and I think it’d be really cool to also project that in the background in real-time as the interrogation scenes are happening (probably in black and white). partly to just make those scenes a bit more visually interesting, and partly bc I think it would severely fit the aesthetic?? plus that way, except during the blackouts, the projection won’t disappear and reappear as much, which I think would look cleaner and more cohesive.
BUT still very distinct!! bc in contrast to the camera vibes in the interrogations, the songs have their own cool colorful background art and visuals and fuckinnn stock footage projected!! whatever fits the vibe lmao. I think Haruka basically Goes Off—like the designer roles were decided for the show before they went on break, so he’s been working on this for months. each song’s visuals have their own style and color palette (yknow,, like how Milgram MVs work lol).
I’m gonna go on a whole separate rant about lighting but projection-wise:
001’s visuals mostly resemble the Weakness MV—so very colorful and very much drawn with nice smooth water/bubble animations, but also plus some of the edgy writing and glitchy stuff in All Knowing and All Agony. I think Haruka does project (haha,, pun) a little bit onto 001 (wow I can’t imagine why), so the art for that song hITS. 
002’s aesthetic is probably closest to Umbilical with like. pink void, balloons, the DNA staircases (possibly Haruka’s first venture into 3D modeling? which he uses later for Undercover and stuff), and the photographs (provided by the actress), but I really like the water ripples from Tear Drop so there’s some of that in there too. 
003 is most like Bring It On with all the video game aesthetic glitchy stuff going on, except add in a bit of spray paint imagery bc I think that’s really cool. 
004 is probably mostly It’s Not My Fault? I mean BUGS,, and honey and stuff. some classroom things like in After Pain (specifically the chalkboard has some stuff on it?) and a few real-life shots, but a lot of weird bug things yknow. 
005 is mainly Throw Down for all the flower symbolism (this is where flower stock footage comes in lmao), plus elements from Triage like the hospital bed, heart monitor, and of course the many many surgery receipts. 
006 is based mostly on This Is How To Be In Love With You (magazine vibes, again photos provided by the actress), but with a bit of the angsty stuff in I Love You (the fucked up carousel is good shit). 
007. is. interesting. since half and Cat are so different it’s a little hard to picture how the combined version would work (current idea is it starts slow and ballad-y for like. a couple lines, and then launches into jazzy vibes—perhaps something a bit like Theater by natori (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3rDLizb4sI)). but I’m imagining that 007 is a PERFORMER during his song. by that I mean when it gets jazzy he straight up walks down from the stage into the audience and has a whole Moment prancing around in the house with spotlights (aren’t we glad Fuuta set up the movers??). so my idea for the projection is that it’s mostly abstract and collage-y kinda like the instrumental break in Cat, and it does reflect the instruments (like the dancing saxophone lol), but it’s also got things like the apple, the glass, cigarettes, all the magic trick stuff, and the ring, and occasional cut-ins of irl stock photos of things like the bar. just little hints up there that are easy to miss if you’re focusing on all the Extremely Distracting actor in the audience and crazy dancing collage happening. also, color palette is probably warmer/red-er just to lean into the whole theater thing a bit more.
008!! I love the feltboard look at the end of Magic and I think that’s the main aesthetic the visuals would have, but with occasional cuts to irl photos of disturbing stuff like the taser. kinda like how Purge March does it? I almost feel like it’d be a bit like one of those analog horror things based on kids’ content, where the scary parts are 1) mostly just implied and 2) don’t last long but the juxtaposition is really jarring.
009 my beloved,, I really like the filming/camera vibes from MeMe, so the visuals probably involve a lot of that, and also the trains and glitch effects like in Double. ALSO. the MANNEQUINS. I have a mental image of Haruka sitting there debating what to do for 009, and then he looks up from his desk and sees his little pose reference mannequin and he’s like. Oh Yeah. so he takes pictures of it and photoshops it over/into some stuff, basically just turning it into like a whole mixed media art project thing (like this sort of vibe—Tatsuya Kitani MVs are frickin insane /pos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymtNhd_3CB8). and THEN. TAROT CARDS. after their pokémon battle Yuno lets Haruka borrow them, so he takes photos and uses them too (and uses the mannequins with them). the complicated disjointed mildly unsettling mixed media video collage aesthetic is *chef’s kiss* and I think it’d fit well with 009 and the film look.
010!! home stretch!! I don’t have much to say other than I think it mainly follows the Deep Cover vibes (bc seriously that MV is GORGEOUS), so plenty of chess piece imagery to go around. but also,,, wolves,,, more stock footage lmao. 
and fINALLY!! UNDERCOVER!! very geometric and following the general Milgram aesthetic. definitely the projection design closest to the MV it’s based on. not to spoil anything but there might be a bit more detail on it next chapter? didn’t hear that from me tho ;)
and now!! hilariously short thing to finish this section off. after each prisoner’s song, there’s a blackout for them to exit and for the deck crew to set the interrogation table up for the next scene. during that transition I think it’d be fun if there was a pre-recorded video of them answering some of their interrogation questions as a little sendoff yknow? plus that helps not completely kill the momentum after each song.
oh my god. hi. me. HI. this is my SHIT. okay. so. LIGHTS. starting with a fun little aside about LEDs and incandescents—imo incandescent stage lights are the prettiest and most natural looking, buut they’re also less versatile than LEDs (for example, you need physical gels to change the color of incandescents, but a lot of LED light fixtures can have colors changed from the lightboard). there’s pros and cons to both and there’s pros and cons to having a mixed lights grid (currently working in a place with both—I actually like it personally but it is hard to match the colors/tones a lot of the time). most of the theater world is moving towards LEDs in general (partly for convenience, partly as regulations are shifting away from incandescents) but Kazui is a stubborn mf who’s held onto an incandescent grid for THIS long and he’s gonna keep it as long he possibly can lmao. Fuuta convinced him to let him overhaul the whole thing and mix in some LEDs over the summer (mostly a bunch of moving lights), so he’s got a bit of both to work with.
for the Milgram aesthetic, unnatural white LEDs is lowkey the vibe?? I think just a couple white spotlights on the interrogation table would kinda be all they need. Fuuta is definitely getting a shit ton of use out of his movers for that since they can be pointed in good angles as needed. and for UNDERCOVER,,, oh boy he has some FUN with that one. if you program them right white movers make really good searchlight lookin things let me tell you!! I did them for a show recently and they looked AWESOME but I didn’t get to keep them in the final version (“it’s not a light show” which. fair but ok) so I’m vicariously living my mover searchlight dreams through Fuuta <3 and also, the Undercover MV has a ton of cool white spotlight type things going on?? like spotlights pointed through bars which casts cool dramatic shadows. definitely he gets to play around a lot with that :D
and then on the flip side~!! for the prisoner songs!! I think the general lighting for those is mostly done with differently-gelled incandescents, since they just look much prettier and smoother in general. I think the more natural look would also help to make the songs more immersive, especially in comparison to the interrogations—Fuuta’s definitely the type of guy to take something like a hybrid grid and really use it to his advantage to emphasize that contrast in overall feel.
each prisoner song definitely has its own lighting scheme too, which are all set up to look cohesive in conjunction with the projections in each song, so now all those are getting balanced for color and intensity so it looks like it all flows together with the visuals.
001’s general wash color is like a bluish white? so like R#051 (Surprise Pink (it looks mostly white in practice)) plus a bit of blue. not a ton of color bc the projections here are so colorful.
002’s lights are actually probably cooler tones for the most part to contrast with the pink projection. largely based on Tear Drop since the lighting there is super blue and it’s so PRETTY.
003…R#003 Dark Bastard Amber my beloved <3 (nah but fr DBA looks so good on red hair, it’s also kinda golden-ish which I think would look good with the saturated video game color tones on the projection).
for 004 like. literally all of After Pain is so Surprise Pink it’s ridiculous (plus a bit of Dark Bastard Amber for like,, yknow the murder at sunset). I like Surprise Pink for the color contrast with the green honey, might also want to test some purple?
005! I’m thinking of this one gel color that’s a really nice soft light blue, I believe it’s R#60 No Color Blue? again not too much color for the lights here since the projection will have a lot of flowers.
006 is very much a pink wash. probably Surprise Pink mixed and contrasted with a darker purple? I haven’t worked with a ton of purple but it’s a pretty versatile color and I think it could be good for the angsty I Love You type projections.
007 would start in a special light, and then when he goes into the audience that’s all a person with a followspot lol. at that point there’d only be enough light on stage to keep the projection looking natural (very low DBA wash perhaps).
008 is another Surprise Pink-based lights wash without too much color since the visuals would be pretty vibrant on their own, but much darker and bluer for the grimmer projections. I feel like purple would be nice as an undertone for her for some reason?
009 is. interesting. I could see Fuuta having to rack his brain a little for this one (since I’m racking my brain over here lol), but. if I remember correctly No Color Blue plus a tiny tiny bit of Surprise Pink can kinda make a semi-convincing white white? I think that, plus some bright RGB Color Moments in the visuals, could hopefully do the job okay.
010 HI OKAY LET ME LIGHT THIS SONG PLEASE. fuckin BACKLIGHTS DUDE the SATURATED COLORS the PINK?!? THAT is R#039 SKELTON EXOTIC SANGRIA if I’ve EVER fuckin seen it (bro just trust me, the color itself looks hella dark but when there’s light shining through it it’s so VIVID and PRETTY okay I just. yes). that mixed with some kind of really saturated indigo (part of me is even wondering about black lights??) would be so good.
okay costumes!! so!! as we have seen Mikoto’s been very busy lol. he’s not the main costume designer but he’s like. assistant costume designer and the guy in charge of Making Stuff (lead craftsperson I think it’s technically called?), which in this case are the prisoner harnesses and the Warden costumes.
costume breakdown! each prisoner has their actual clothes, plus “jumpsuit” (whichever white jacket thing they have), and a harness. everything except the harnesses seems like it could probably just be bought/sourced from somewhere (which is still, I can say from experience, A Lot Of Work lmao,, so the rest of the costume team has been similarly busy). I’ve gone back and forth about whether they should change costumes for their songs, but I think everything’s smoother if they just keep the jumpsuit. 
the exception is 010, who gets to do a quick change in the blackout before her song bc the Deep Cover drip is too good?? her harness and jumpsuit are probably attached somehow to be easy to remove at once. I’m imagining the way it works is that right at the blackout, the actress takes off the jumpsuit/harness setup, Mikoto goes on with deck crew for the scene transition with the coat, hat, and gloves (not enough time for a pants change so let’s just say she’s already wearing black pants and combat boots). he helps her get those on (let me tell you gloves are hARD in quick changes) and then he walks off with the jumpsuit/harness.
and finally the Warden! so Mikoto’s in charge of making the cape and the hat, and everything else can probably be sourced and modified as needed. someone’s probably having a lot of fun making the key necklace/props though!
well that was fun!! aren’t we glad I didn’t try to put all this in the notes?? I sure am lmao. the inherent slapdash-ness of the whole thing was kinda freeing actually and I had a blast just Saying Stuff, bc tech for Milgram The Musical has been living in my head rent-free for MONTHS and I’m glad I got to just put it all in words!! maybe I’ll do another one of these in the future if I need it lol. but anyway if you actually read to the end of this then 1) kudos <3 and 2) I hope it was at least moderately interesting, or at least enjoyable!
I don’t really know how to end this so. hope you have a nice day :D
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dearmahiru-archive · 1 year
cinnamon!! im so curious abt 12 & 14!
for reference here is the ask game! (i didn't expect to be linking it so much ack)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
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seb toykogruel!!! ah once again i'm not quite sure who'd be "unpopular" amongst the main cast because everyone seems to like everyone... but i'll shill for kotoko!!
honestly it's so frustrating how kotoko's character has been reduced to how she'll hurt the prisoners. there's other characters who've threatened to harm other/themselves but she's uniquely been sidelined as a menace.
and this reduction goes even further with new yt comments completely twisting her story in order to paint her as a one-sided villain. "you see, she took down this child kidnapper for completely selfish and immoral reasons!!!" yeah sure jan.
kotoko's completely shrouded in mystery but, from the clues we've been given, she has the most "pure" murder out everyone. all of the victims in milgram have been innocent people except for kotoko's who're all criminals. she's a very intelligent person who's dedicated their life to protecting those weaker than her. there's little evidence of this but... i think her protection extends to es too.
Kotoko: "I did kill someone. This is the only reason why I believe in the power of Milgram. But, the murder is only to protect the weak ones being bullied from the extremely evil ones. I became a shield for the weak, the result of becoming a fang for the weak. Even though there is a person blaming me, like you, Es, for my actions... I don't have a single regret."
Good morning, Es. I’m Yuzuriha Kotoko. I’m your fangs.
its very interesting to me!
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i haven't read much milgram fanfiction! 💃 i'm sure there's some lovely work out there but immediately upon opening ao3 i was greeted with an amane/shidou fic so... out of sight out of mind. i am not dealing with anymore of that <3
although i do find it funny whenever i see people complain about the absurd amount of 0309 fics. you entered a fandom with two attractive young guys and you're surprised people want them to kiss? truly? (i say this as someone who's extremely lukewarm about 0309. it's there.)
i remember i really liked this fic featuring mahiru and yuno but upon searching for it again i saw that mahiru/es is a tag so uhm. out of sight out of mind i am not dealing with anymore of that <3
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waivyjellyfish · 7 months
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Ka-Lun has been with you for 36 generations, he’s quite a grandfather. You should give him tech-diagnostics, and grease him, clanging is not a good sign.
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