tahphrumduhbush · 6 years
Keep going. Just keep going. Do it for you. Love you for you. Feel yourself move. You are alive. The past is gone. The future is never coming. It will always be right now. Live every moment fully. YOU.ARE.AWESOME. I love you. What is most important is that YOU love you. #BeFree #tahkole #meetmeinthemirror #sweat #tabata #pushups #calisthenics #plankwalk #parkinglotworkout #fitness #exercise #expandtoexperience (at Austin, Texas)
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tahkole-blog · 6 years
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vioenkeli · 5 years
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#Repost @piazzatahko • • • • • • PIKKUJOULUT TAHKOLLA 2019⭐️ Piazzan pikkujoulukauden artistit on nyt julkaistu. Tsekkaa huippuartistit ja nappaa suositut pikkujoulupaketit nyt! Alk. 85 €/hlö/vrk sisältäen majoituksen, illallisbuffetin ja sisäänpääsyn Piazzaan. Varaukset & tiedustelut [email protected] / 017483200. Lisätiedot https://piazzatahko.fi/tapahtumat Pikkujoulupaketit https://www.goldenresort.fi/resort/tarjoukset ja https://www.ukkotahko.fi/tarjoukset/pikkujoulut Tervetuloa pikkujouluihin Tahkolle😊 #piazzatahko #pikkujoulut #danny #ressuredford #samuliedelmann #jonneaaron https://www.instagram.com/p/BzfF2xOoJ3PPiJtMT2IvDzVdy4DQ31ItQiQ_140/?igshid=88b4rahu99x2
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lovedalenovella · 8 years
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Tune in this Thursday while I interview @tahkole about #fitness and how it effects your spirituality! #salonradio #cityworldradio #internationalwomensartsalon #singersongwriter #workout #happiness #live #laugh #love
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ducaticlubfinland · 6 years
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Tahkolla turistaan kesän matkat saunan ylisillä 25.-26.8.
Vara paikkasi Tahkolle kaupassa! Paikat jaetaan     ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä, joten… 
Jaahas, koulut ovat alkamassa ja ilmat kylmenemässä, kesä kesä kohta mennyttä, mutta muistoja matkoilta on varmasti jäänyt vaikka muille kertoa. Tahkolla aloitetaan ja mikäli kesää riittää ajellaan vielä seuraava lauantai pieni lenkki vaikka museolle.
Vice Presidente Arno kävi WPM:n myötä suunnittelemassa tamperelaiseen tapaan klubiaskin kanteen vuoden 2020 uutuusmallia yhdessä CEO Claudion kanssa. Toisessa kuvassa kättä päälle sopimukselle, että ensimmäinen kappale tulee Suomeen. Ja kolmannessa punaiset pojat juhla-asuissaan. Mallista tiedotetaan enemmän pikkujoulun kohinassa.
Tänä kesänä ei montaa kertaa tarvinnut vettä kaadella ajosaappaista ja WDW2018 keräsi reilusti yli 20 suomalaista Ducatistia Misano Adriacon maisemiin. Moni teki jopa pidemmän matkan ajellen matkan omalla Ducatilla Suomesta edestakaisin. Ducatilippiksen nosto ainakin Minnalle, Pekalle ja Ludalle, jotka ajoivat yksin ja kaksin läpi Baltian ja Euroopan. Itse vietin läheisten kanssa toista kuukautta eri puolilla Italiaa. Erityisen mieluisaa oli tavata DCF:n väki, vaikka kaikki asuivat eri puolilla.
Syyskuun alussa lähetämme Survey Monkeyn kautta kyselyn jäsenistölle. Toivomme, että kaikki osallistuvat, sillä yhdistys on jäsenistön näköinen ja jokainen idea on tarpeen. Vatausaikaa on kuun loppuun ja tämän perusteella hallitus tekee ehdotuksen vuoden 2019 toimintasuunnitelmasta.
Muista myös laittaa kalenteriin 17.11. jolloin vietetään pikkujoulua, jaetaan vuoden Welcome Kitit, jotka voi myös tilata sähköpostilla porukkapostituksena pakettina, joten nimilista ja osoite kuka toimii jakelijana!
Mainitaanpa vielä, että 22.7., WDW:n viimeisenä päivänä DOC kerhoja oli kaikkiaan 284 ja näissä jäseniä kaikkiaan lähes 43 tuhatta. Sound of Passion – More than red!
Cordiali Saluti
Jouni Heikola
DCF Presidente
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kangaske · 7 years
Savon Sanomat: Tahkolle avataan uusi huoneistohotelli (Karjalainen)
Source: http://ift.tt/2fw0Kev
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malaandmental · 10 years
Happy born day to Kole. Much love to tah and kole this super powered couple have helped me shed weight and be more healthy. #Inspiration #bornday #tahkole
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tahphrumduhbush · 7 years
Innovation or just plain ol’ exploration? I love challenging myself to see if I can do things that pop into my imagination. Unconventional is my conventional. These @skulfit rings are becoming A-list on my tools to play with. Give these a go. See if you can keep your feet off the floor the entire time and do your best to NOT touch the rings with your feet and lower legs at all. Also extending your arms out as far as you can! Mid section is on FIRE🔥🔥🔥🔥 Let’s get it! #TahKole #bodyintelligence #meetmeinthemirror #befree #gymnasticrings #coreworkout #abworkout #exercise #fitness #skulfit #skulboy #teamskulfit (at Del Rey, Los Angeles)
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tahphrumduhbush · 7 years
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My L-sit game has softened. Time to start working on it again. Was up to 30 seconds... now back to around 10 seconds... The awesome thing is... I know I can do it and more! I used two park benches on the pier at Marina Del Rey. My face tells the whole story. Glad to be out of the cold and into some sunshine. Let’s get it y’all. You can do anything! #TahKole #expandtoexperience #calisthenics #calisthenicsmovement #lsit #la #losangeles #california #marinadelrey #murse #nurseswholift (at Marina del Rey, California)
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tahphrumduhbush · 7 years
Been out and abroad. Have you missed me? There are zero excuses when you really want to do something... you will find a way. I want these muscle ups so much it is ridiculous... so I scoured Cusco, Peru to find these bars... down from thick green band... then the purple and red and now just the purple... wanted to be band free by October... not there yet but respecting my process and my progress! Look for inspiration in the mirror. It is there if you want it to be. Thanks for rocking with me! Will be posting more! #BeFree Follow my team! ⤵⤵⤵⤵⤵⤵⤵ 💥ALLCORE Squad💥 @gio_allcore @kally_d @johancalisth @shade_company @isitafox_allcore @joosartori @albincalisth @aarpfitness @nilgun__mansuri @calisthenath #muscleup #muscleups #calisthenics #bodyweight #workout #strength #TahKole #exercise #fitness #ExpandToExperience #allcorecalisthenics #sweat #cusco #peru #streetworkoutperu #supertramphostel #supertramp
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tahphrumduhbush · 7 years
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Throwback??! 1989... I was that geek... 2017... I'm a different geek... yet a geek nonetheless and all the more. So much has shifted. I have let go of so much. In order to grow... we must let go! I love you all so much! #expandtoexperience #ownyourimagination #ifuckingloveyou #befree #belove #classof89 #geek #fitnessgeek #tahkole #throwbackthursdays #throwback
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tahphrumduhbush · 7 years
Q. How can I be free when the ceiling is too low? A. Bust through that shit or go outside! ... My third day training for muscle ups. Not looking too shabby so far. I plan to be off of the bands completely by October. ... There is nothing that I cannot do. ... We are all one... so that means there is nothing that YOU cannot do either! Believe in yourself! I believe in you. Why not join me in believing and actually manifesting that we are limitless? #BeFree #TahKole #MuscleUps #MuscleUpProgression #MuscleUpTraining #Calisthenics #FitOver40 #FitDad #FitGrandpa #MeetMeInTheMirror #ExpandToExperience #Fitness #FitnessIsEasierThanCollege
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tahphrumduhbush · 7 years
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There are so many gifts I have been blessed with and so many skills I have nurtured. . Why keep myself limited to one profession, trade, ability or talent? . We are so expansive. Let's choose to be LIMITLESS. . So honored to be at the #redhookfest for the 4th year in a row. Spinning with @djmtri and @djleecyt. @mikeypalms we missed you this year but we held it down for you! . Create a life you love. I know I am! #befree #dj #vinyldj #tahkole #expandtoexperience #Highground #tahkole #livelife #redhook (at P.S. 15 Patrick F. Daly School)
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tahphrumduhbush · 7 years
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I live to experience life with this woman. . Knowing she can feel safe and completely fall into me is such a joy. . I curate my body to maximize my experiences of and with her. . My diet, my movement are reflective of my desire to interact with her physically, mentally and emotionally. . I shift my body to maximize my experience of her and my experiences with her. By choice not by obligation. . She is in not obligated by me to reciprocate. I don't need it. Her experience is her own and not mine to govern. . This makes our relationship free and AWESOME! . Let your partner be free and be free yourself. . Craft your life how you envision it. . This is a Huge Part of what I show people in my #TotalFredomImmersion System. #BeFree #freedommonger #Freedom #freedomislove #tahkole #fitnesscouple #expandtoexperience #Highground #sleep #safe
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tahphrumduhbush · 7 years
Inversion... interesting stuff. Seeing. The world "upside down" or spinning in an abnormal fashion is awesome! This skin the cat/ inversion pull up complex just felt right so I did it. Imagination and creativity are important to me for crafting my body and my experiences. . When you expand yourself outside of the norm, you become more accepting of the things you may not have allowed space for in your life. Different Cultures. Different languages. Different people. Different food. Different countries. Different religions. When you are expansive in your experiences you can be more expansive in your body leading you to a place where you will be more expansive in your mind and in your heart. . Closemindedness is one of the greatest banes of our society. So is close-bodiedness. When your body is allowed to expand, your mind can expand and vice versa. . The revolution starts with the individual. . Expand yourself and the world and people around you will shift. . Let's take it to the #Highground #BeFree #ExpandToExperience #tahkole #skinthecat #inversion #calisthenics #bodyweight #fitness #workout #dragondoor #bodyweightmaster (at TahKole)
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tahphrumduhbush · 7 years
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Look in the mirror. All you need is right there. We are in the mirror waiting for you, standing with you. We are filled with love, consideration, passion, empathy and camaraderie. We are your reflections. Those who can relate to you. The ones you truly connect with. You are NOT alone. Our current society is so externally-based. . We look to the outside for love. We look to the outside for answers. We look to the outside for healing. We look for the outside for support. . What we may really need to do more of is reach inside. Everything we truly need is right there. . When we can see ourselves with brutal honestly from the inside we can show that true self outwardly and those who can truly connect with us and fortify our individuality will be able to spot us a mile away! . Join us in the mirror. We are here for you. Waiting with open arms, ears, eyes and hearts. . #MeetMeInTheMirror #BeFree #ReachInside #TahKole #ExpandToExperience #loveisyou #loveyourself #relflection #lookinthemirror #BahSamba #youarenotalone #cureforloneliness #lonely #idontwantobealone
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