otaku-shipper · 3 years
Taichihaya Relationship Headcanons
Chihaya confesses in the club room 30 minutes before their graduation ceremony.
Their first real kiss also happened there right after Chihaya’s confession.
Kana-chan caught them kissing. She, with the rest of the Mizusawa Club members, were stopping by the clubroom as they wait for the ceremony. When she was about to open the door, she saw them and her instinctual flight response was to pull everyone away from the clubroom hallway. Sumire immediately caught on her senpai’s embarrassed face and was about to stomped her way to the clubroom to confirm her gut feeling but Kana-chan was able to restrain her. Somehow.
There is a weird period of time when Taichi and Chihaya constantly run into Suo out of nowhere during their dates and they always end up eating in a sweets shop WITH Suo. Suo and Chihaya always force Taichi to eat their sweets. Taichi puts up with this for a while until he suspects Suo is probably stalking them so he can get free sweets. Suo is offended for how dare his favorite and only disciple accuse him, a “lonely, blind man who only wished to experience the dating world” for stalking? Taichi treats him to a sweets shop in order to placate his dramatics.  AND was forced to eat them. 
Taichi thinks helping Suo how to “date” girls seriously will get him out of his dates with his girlfriend. He believes this to be true for 3 months of not running into Suo during their dates. Not until he and Chihaya find out that Chitose is dating someone “obscure” and that someone turned out to be--Suo! They go on a double date once. Only Chihaya and Suo are happy about it.
“Of all the girls available in Tokyo, you had to choose my girlfriend’s sister? Really?” 
Reiko Mashima asked Chihaya if she had read “Pride and Prejudice”. Chihaya said no. “I see,” was all Reiko said but Chihaya thought she heard her say “You’re dumb”. 
Reiko and Chihaya has a tense relationship throughout the time Chihaya and Taichi are dating. It has something to do with Chihaya’s constant overthinking when it comes to Mrs. Pressure. Taichi learned that there is a dormant sadist residing in his mother and Chihaya had an effortlessly charming way of coaxing it out. They start a casual relationship during the engagement period. With a sprinkle of mother-in-law terrorizing here and there.
Chihaya and Taichi made the Mashima family (Oligoto, Reiko, and Rika) play karuta. Only Oligito finds it fun. He plays in Shiranami and loves Harada-sensei as the opponent. And Harada-sensei loves him for his Sun Tzu quotes in his game commentaries.
Taichi think it’s nice that Chihaya and Rika are getting along closely. It’s really nice until Chihaya becomes Rika’s accomplice in her pranks and the scenarios either end up with a) he helps them get out of it; b) he is mistaken as the culprit; c) he’s the victim. 
Taichi gets random invites from Chieko Ayase for meals. Or Chihaya becomes the errand-girl to send Taichi her mom’s homecooked food. 
“I sometimes think she loves you more than her own children. We only have *any fancy dish* on Christmas but she made this for you without a special occasion. Maybe…she has a crush on you too.” “Your Dad is going to kill me if he finds out.” "No, I think he has a crush on you too."
Chitose immediately made it clear to Taichi that she should to be married first and she doesn’t care if they have to wait 15 years until she can settle with a marriageable boyfriend. “Not all men are as committedly smitten as you, Mashima-kun.” It was non-negotiable.
Chihaya is never jealous of any girl because a) she’s an airhead who hasn’t caught up with how flirting works and b) Taichi ignores any girl who isn’t her or any of their friends. The first time jealousy came to her was when Taichi started as a junior clerk. One time when visiting the hospital, she caught him with a lot of female nurses and his “fellow junior clerks” as what he told her, in the pedia ward during a supposed “break time”. It was proven then and there that Chihaya has a female brain because she quickly came up with a hundred interpretations other than a friendly chit chat between her boyfriend and the members of the fair sex. It might also have something to do with the lesser time she got to spend with Taichi so how dare they have more time with him than her.
She had a crazy idea that in order to reinforce her place in his life above her fellow female species, she just had to cook him dinner. A surprise dinner. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” Sumire once told her. She might have forgotten that math is not her strongest suit and miscalculated her cooking exp. So she decided to cook Taichi’s favorite Turkey dish when her exp range is <<cooking instant food to frying eggs and fish>>. Of course it was a failure and Taichi came home panicking about the strong smell of burnt meat only to find Chihaya splayed on the floor, crying in front of the opened oven and picking at a big mount of charcoaled mater. And cried even more when she saw him. A cleaning lady cleaned up the mess and they ordered take out. It was still one of the best nights for both of them for they ended up sleeping together on the sofa until the next day. And Taichi held her close the entire time. 
It was also the first time she realized the bigger reality of being in a relationship with a (soon to be) doctor.
When they have movie nights together in either of their apartment, Taichi and Chihaya wears a Daddy Bear and Mommy Bear onesie respectively. Tacihi made her swear to secrecy not to tell anyone. Chihaya only agreed because she discovered there’s so much power in being the sole person who has knowledge about it. Her teasing and “blackmailing” (both of them knew there were empty words but it always make Taichi tense just the same) percentage of effectiveness sky-rocketed with this weapon on hand. Besides, she finds it cute and hilarious when he blushes and panics over a Daddy Bear onesie. In Taichi’s defense, the onesie is very comfortable and Chihaya loves it when he wears it. Can you blame him?
Taichi’s internship is somewhere in the province and it is their first time dealing with being apart for months. What’s more, karuta is a forgotten game there after people graduated elementary.
Chihaya makes a surprise visit to the province and on her way to the hospital, she catches sight of a group of high school kids with a single adult man playing soccer in a field near the hospital. She recognizes Taichi who has clearly just gotten out of duty based on the rolled up sleeves of his polo, without a necktie. She silently watches them and is happy to see that Taichi doesn’t look sad or lonely at all. He looked bright, and was laughing and smiling too much...so well-adjusted. Suddenly Chihaya panicks over this because what if...Taichi has abandoned karuta for soccer and decides to stay here forever?
“Have you ever thought that I stole you away from soccer?” she asks him one day. 
“I can’t believe you came to this place and started an affair.” “What makes you think I’m cheating on you?” “Not me--KARUTA! God, it’s like you don’t know me.” 
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margarethelstone-2 · 3 years
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just a little something for today’s @taichihaya-day.
happy birthday, taichi!
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animepoint · 3 years
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franniebanana · 3 years
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The course of TRUE LOVE never did run smooth.
- William Shakespeare
for @taichihaya-day
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taichihaya-day · 3 years
If anyone wants to help with a Taichihaya Day for 2022, please DM me here or @franniebanana. I won't be able to run it alone. I'm particularly looking for someone to help run the Twitter account.
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akkalafuru · 3 years
As long as I'm with you...
“She’s late. Very late.” an impatient young man mumbled while looking at his watch. What was meant to be a lunch meeting turned into a late-afternoon event, and on top of that, he’s been at the station waiting for his friend for more than one hour. He was visibly restless, and nobody, not even himself, could tell if he was irritated by her delay or nervous for not meeting each other for so many months. Maybe it was both.
After a few minutes, a train with green stripes on its side emerged from between the buildings and turned towards the station, reflecting a blinding 6 p.m. orange sunset. “Finally...” He sighed, visibly more apprehensive than before. “You couldn’t be more troublesome than this…” continued his inner voice in an annoyed tone.
Multiple passengers were leaving the station when suddenly amongst them, he spotted a tall young woman seemingly lost. Chihaya was finally there! He couldn’t help but feel a rush of warmness running throughout his whole body. It’s futile to lie to himself and deny the fact that he still loves her. Deeply. Helplessly. And he probably always will . . .
Continue at AO3
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taichi12 · 3 years
Happy Taichihaya day and Happy birthday to Taichi 😊
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rainbowreflects · 3 years
A relationship based on mutual support, complicity, friendship growing into a deep love, the kind you cry for the other person's happiness, is most beautiful. That's Taichihaya for me. @TaichihayaD #taichimashima #chihayaayase #Chihayafuru #taichihayaday #ちはやふる #taichi mashima
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mrsgojosatoru · 3 years
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taichihaya moments in season 1 
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margarethelstone-2 · 3 years
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2nd piece for @taichihaya-day! (this time a slightly messier one ;))
seriously though, i am so grateful for this event. nothing better to motivate an artist, i’m telling you!
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franniebanana · 3 years
Fic: Four Rings, a Foot Race, and a Surprise Honeymoon
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Title: Four Rings, a Foor Race, and a Surprise Honeymoon Author: fmpsimon (on AO3) Fandom: Chihayafuru Relationship: Mashima Taichi/Ayase Chihaya Rating: G Summary: An evening that starts out as a dinner between friends leads to a series of events that neither Taichi nor Chihaya imagined.
               It was always like this. They hadn’t been on time for a single thing since they’d started going out. “Chihaya!” Taichi called, knocking on the bathroom door. “Are you almost finished?” He opened the door a crack and peeked inside, only to find her leaning over the sink, one knee up on the counter, while the opposite foot was on tip-toes, her face about an inch from the mirror. He stifled a laugh, before letting himself in. “Why don’t you just use that little mirror I got you?” he asked, rifling through the drawers at the sink.
               “Because,” she said, straining, “it’s too…small….There!” She fell back onto her feet, wobbling a little before steadying herself. “All done. How do I look?” She put her hands on her hips, striking a pose.
               He cocked his head. The truth was, she wasn’t any more dolled up than a normal work day, but there was something about them going to meet Arata that made Taichi a little skeptical of the amount of effort she was putting in. “Too good,” he said at length.
Read it on AO3!
Written for @taichihaya-day​
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taichihaya-day · 4 years
Less than a month to go until Taichihaya Day! Are you all busily preparing your creations yet? I can't wait to see everything!
Reminder to not share your original works until 2 April and to tag this blog @taichihaya-day and #taichihayaday when you post. It's very important to tag the blog because that ensures I'll see it (since tumblr tag tracking is not always reliable).
Obviously time zones exist (this blog is in CST), so just post whenever it is 2 April for you. I will monitor for the whole weekend in case any late entries show up, but I won't start queuing your posts until it's 4/2 for me.
Please let me know if you have questions! Happy creating! 🥰
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taichihaya-day · 3 years
Thank you to everyone who participated or supported this event! It was a blast running it and seeing all the beautiful creations on tumblr and Twitter. I couldn't more pleased with how it turned out, and I think it's safe to say it was a success!
Taichihaya means a lot to me, not just because I love the characters and their growth in the series, but because I've made so many good friends in the fandom. There really is a great community of fans here: supportive, smart, genuine, and hungry for content, which is always nice for a content creator haha. I've never had this sense of community in any other fandom, so I wanted to take a moment to thank them for being so welcoming and supportive, and I hope we can continue to read manga together, even after Chihayafuru has ended. ❤❤
As for future events, if I could get a team together, we could run a longer event next year (or maybe at the end of 2021?), but I know I can't handle that by myself. If you're interested, let's chat. DM on my main blog @franniebanana
This blog will stay up, but I won't be posting anything, unless there are any late entries over the weekend. But keep following for any updates on a future event, since we'll likely use this again.
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taichihaya-day · 4 years
Taichihaya Day will run for 24 hours on 2 April 2021. Throughout the day, we will be reblogging all things Taichihaya. To participate, all you need to do is use #taichihayaday within the first 5 tags of your post and @taichihaya-day within the body of the post. This event is open to anyone as long as you have Taichihaya content to submit!
Content can be any of the following:
Fanfiction, fanart, AMVs, MMVs, mood boards, gif sets, playlists, etc. Anything is acceptable as long as it’s original to you, the original poster, and it’s centered around Taichihaya!
Event Date
As of right now, the event will be held on 2 April 2021, Taichi's birthday. The plan is to do one day, but if there is enough interest, we could extend to a weekend or maybe even a week! Rules | Prompts
Feel free to reach out to us via DM if you have any questions or want to get involved! The team behind this is currently just me @franniebanana!
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margarethelstone-2 · 3 years
pray tell me how is it that i can draw hands and crazy poses but as soon as it’s my favourite male character’s hair i want to throw my tablet through a window
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taichihaya-day · 4 years
Date Announcement?
All right, guys. I think hosting Taichihaya Day on Taichi’s birthday, 2 April 2021, might be the best bet. That gives everyone lots of time to complete their content, because I know a lot of us are working adults, college students, etc.
Let me know your thoughts!
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