#taichihaya day 2021
otaku-shipper · 3 years
Taichihaya Relationship Headcanons
Chihaya confesses in the club room 30 minutes before their graduation ceremony.
Their first real kiss also happened there right after Chihaya’s confession.
Kana-chan caught them kissing. She, with the rest of the Mizusawa Club members, were stopping by the clubroom as they wait for the ceremony. When she was about to open the door, she saw them and her instinctual flight response was to pull everyone away from the clubroom hallway. Sumire immediately caught on her senpai’s embarrassed face and was about to stomped her way to the clubroom to confirm her gut feeling but Kana-chan was able to restrain her. Somehow.
There is a weird period of time when Taichi and Chihaya constantly run into Suo out of nowhere during their dates and they always end up eating in a sweets shop WITH Suo. Suo and Chihaya always force Taichi to eat their sweets. Taichi puts up with this for a while until he suspects Suo is probably stalking them so he can get free sweets. Suo is offended for how dare his favorite and only disciple accuse him, a “lonely, blind man who only wished to experience the dating world” for stalking? Taichi treats him to a sweets shop in order to placate his dramatics.  AND was forced to eat them. 
Taichi thinks helping Suo how to “date” girls seriously will get him out of his dates with his girlfriend. He believes this to be true for 3 months of not running into Suo during their dates. Not until he and Chihaya find out that Chitose is dating someone “obscure” and that someone turned out to be--Suo! They go on a double date once. Only Chihaya and Suo are happy about it.
“Of all the girls available in Tokyo, you had to choose my girlfriend’s sister? Really?” 
Reiko Mashima asked Chihaya if she had read “Pride and Prejudice”. Chihaya said no. “I see,” was all Reiko said but Chihaya thought she heard her say “You’re dumb”. 
Reiko and Chihaya has a tense relationship throughout the time Chihaya and Taichi are dating. It has something to do with Chihaya’s constant overthinking when it comes to Mrs. Pressure. Taichi learned that there is a dormant sadist residing in his mother and Chihaya had an effortlessly charming way of coaxing it out. They start a casual relationship during the engagement period. With a sprinkle of mother-in-law terrorizing here and there.
Chihaya and Taichi made the Mashima family (Oligoto, Reiko, and Rika) play karuta. Only Oligito finds it fun. He plays in Shiranami and loves Harada-sensei as the opponent. And Harada-sensei loves him for his Sun Tzu quotes in his game commentaries.
Taichi think it’s nice that Chihaya and Rika are getting along closely. It’s really nice until Chihaya becomes Rika’s accomplice in her pranks and the scenarios either end up with a) he helps them get out of it; b) he is mistaken as the culprit; c) he’s the victim. 
Taichi gets random invites from Chieko Ayase for meals. Or Chihaya becomes the errand-girl to send Taichi her mom’s homecooked food. 
“I sometimes think she loves you more than her own children. We only have *any fancy dish* on Christmas but she made this for you without a special occasion. Maybe…she has a crush on you too.” “Your Dad is going to kill me if he finds out.” "No, I think he has a crush on you too."
Chitose immediately made it clear to Taichi that she should to be married first and she doesn’t care if they have to wait 15 years until she can settle with a marriageable boyfriend. “Not all men are as committedly smitten as you, Mashima-kun.” It was non-negotiable.
Chihaya is never jealous of any girl because a) she’s an airhead who hasn’t caught up with how flirting works and b) Taichi ignores any girl who isn’t her or any of their friends. The first time jealousy came to her was when Taichi started as a junior clerk. One time when visiting the hospital, she caught him with a lot of female nurses and his “fellow junior clerks” as what he told her, in the pedia ward during a supposed “break time”. It was proven then and there that Chihaya has a female brain because she quickly came up with a hundred interpretations other than a friendly chit chat between her boyfriend and the members of the fair sex. It might also have something to do with the lesser time she got to spend with Taichi so how dare they have more time with him than her.
She had a crazy idea that in order to reinforce her place in his life above her fellow female species, she just had to cook him dinner. A surprise dinner. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” Sumire once told her. She might have forgotten that math is not her strongest suit and miscalculated her cooking exp. So she decided to cook Taichi’s favorite Turkey dish when her exp range is <<cooking instant food to frying eggs and fish>>. Of course it was a failure and Taichi came home panicking about the strong smell of burnt meat only to find Chihaya splayed on the floor, crying in front of the opened oven and picking at a big mount of charcoaled mater. And cried even more when she saw him. A cleaning lady cleaned up the mess and they ordered take out. It was still one of the best nights for both of them for they ended up sleeping together on the sofa until the next day. And Taichi held her close the entire time. 
It was also the first time she realized the bigger reality of being in a relationship with a (soon to be) doctor.
When they have movie nights together in either of their apartment, Taichi and Chihaya wears a Daddy Bear and Mommy Bear onesie respectively. Tacihi made her swear to secrecy not to tell anyone. Chihaya only agreed because she discovered there’s so much power in being the sole person who has knowledge about it. Her teasing and “blackmailing” (both of them knew there were empty words but it always make Taichi tense just the same) percentage of effectiveness sky-rocketed with this weapon on hand. Besides, she finds it cute and hilarious when he blushes and panics over a Daddy Bear onesie. In Taichi’s defense, the onesie is very comfortable and Chihaya loves it when he wears it. Can you blame him?
Taichi’s internship is somewhere in the province and it is their first time dealing with being apart for months. What’s more, karuta is a forgotten game there after people graduated elementary.
Chihaya makes a surprise visit to the province and on her way to the hospital, she catches sight of a group of high school kids with a single adult man playing soccer in a field near the hospital. She recognizes Taichi who has clearly just gotten out of duty based on the rolled up sleeves of his polo, without a necktie. She silently watches them and is happy to see that Taichi doesn’t look sad or lonely at all. He looked bright, and was laughing and smiling too much...so well-adjusted. Suddenly Chihaya panicks over this because what if...Taichi has abandoned karuta for soccer and decides to stay here forever?
“Have you ever thought that I stole you away from soccer?” she asks him one day. 
“I can’t believe you came to this place and started an affair.” “What makes you think I’m cheating on you?” “Not me--KARUTA! God, it’s like you don’t know me.” 
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akkalafuru · 4 years
Happy Valentine's day!!!!
Chihaya is such a bunny! And Taichi, I originally thought about him as a cat, but a friend suggested that he's a fox (I kinda like it a lot! 😆) What do you think?
They both are put on a picnic date during spring! 💖🌸💮💖
Materials: Bee Artist Marker paper 110lb; Sakura Pigma Micron, Copic Multiliner; Sakura Gelly Roll; Copic markers.
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taichi12 · 3 years
Happy Taichihaya day and Happy birthday to Taichi 😊
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margarethelstone-2 · 3 years
payback chocolates | taichihaya one-shot
A little something snatched from a bigger something I’ve been working on but can’t post yet. Written for Valentine's Day 2021, reposted now due to the blog migration :)
PS The setting is their college lives. They’re friends. And that’s all you need to know.
Read on AO3!
Taichi's gaze shifted from Chihaya's face to the package in her hands, only to go back to her eyes again.
He blinked, still not able to guess what all of this meant.
What could he possibly have done to deserve Goudi pralines from her?
And on Valentine's day, no less.
"Just to make it clear, these are payback chocolates," Chihaya mumbled with conviction, looking away and crossing her arms the moment Taichi took the bag from her hands. "Nothing to make a fuss about. They're long overdue, anyway."
"Wait. Payback chocolates? Not even friendship chocolates? My, Chihaya, you're colder than I thought you could be."
She glanced up at him, irked.
If looks could kill, Taichi would have dropped dead at the spot.
"Of course they are friendship chocolates," she parried. "But that's obvious, right? It's the payback part that needs mentioning."
"What on earth are you paying me back for?"
"What do you mean: what? That's obvious, too."
"Not to me, it isn't."
"How so?" she asked. "You're the one with a freaky memory here. I was sure you'd remember this, if only so you could tease me. You have teased me about this. Have you really forgotten?"
Suddenly, she was looking straight at him, her eyes round with astonishment, as if all of her irritation and embarrassment alike had evaporated completely. More than a little taken aback himself, Taichi could do little more than stare back, brow raised and mind reeling, as he tried to think of any situation to which she could be referring to.
Just what could she be repaying him for?
"I give up," was what he said out loud. "Unless you mean it's some kind of retribution for my coming here, then I have no idea what you might be talking about here. Not that the fact that I've been coming is enough to explain it, either. If anything, it's probably something I should be compensating you. Heavens know half the time you look like you want me gone the moment you see me at the door. So, what is it for?"
Chihaya didn't respond immediately. Instead, she looked away from him again, the arms that she had somewhat loosened in her surprise now folding back tightly again. Just like with her earlier declaration, Taichi had no idea what went through her mind; yet, that was precisely why he was determined to make her tell him herself.
Whether that meant waiting patiently or pushing her with his taunting, he was not going to retreat now.
After all, it was not her answers that he had given up on.
"Chihaya? Tell me what it is."
She didn't look back at him like he hoped she would. She didn't relax, didn't roll her eyes or waved her hand at him with a laugh or even a smile showing on her face.
She was...
Really, what was all that about?
"The Shinami Society Tournament in our first year of high school," she said eventually. "You'd stepped away from karuta at the time, so you weren't playing in that one. But you still came to watch and after I'd passed out after a match, Harada-sensei made you rush to buy chocolates for me. And you brought these," she added, nodding towards the package in his hands. As if it was completely regardless of her will, a small, weak smile blossomed on her lips then, a fact of which Chihaya probably wasn't aware herself but which Taichi couldn't ignore. "I never would have won that tournament if you hadn't done that. I really appreciated it. But since I probably failed to thank you properly back then, I thought it's high time to let you know now."
It was Taichi's turn to act flabbergasted this time. Surprised not only by the remoteness of the event Chihaya had referred to, but also (if not mostly) by the amount of details she'd brought up on that occasion, he gazed at her for more than a little while – until he realised that she was not going to add anything else to her tale, and instead awaited his response this time.
And she wasn't wrong to expect that.
"You did thank me, though," he said awkwardly, unable to come with a better reply. Then he chuckled, reminded of another detail from that time so very long ago. "You were so surprised by getting fancy chocolates like these, and you even commented on it, and still, it didn't stop you from gobbling them down one after another in an instant. They really were nothing but fuel at the time, were they?"
He sighed, smiling fondly at the sight of Chihaya's blushing cheeks and a frown that pursed her brow. There sure were things in this world that didn't change – and it looked like his all-time friend's puzzled expression was one of them, too.
No wonder his old feelings were taking over him again so easily.
"Winning that tournament was your condition, right?" he added somewhat absently after a moment. "If I win and make Class A, you'll help me start the karuta club,'' was what you said. I must say, I didn't think you'd pull it off. You did, though. Splendidly."
"As I said, I wouldn't have if you hadn't got me that energy boost."
"All the more reason not to regret it. Not that I would have opposed to making the club if you had lost, really."
"You wouldn't?"
"Well, I did make that decision after our visit to Fukui, which wouldn't have happened if you hadn't called Arata first, which wouldn't have happened had you not won that tournament. Still, I'd rather think even without all that, you'd still repeat your request. And I know I would have agreed if you had."
"Really?" she asked, her voice strangely hopeful. Taichi couldn't help but smile wider, even if a little wistfully.
"Yes, really," he replied. "After all, so many great things have come from creating that club. I don't think the universe would have left it to a single karuta tournament like this. And I did agree to pretty much everything you suggested those days."
Chihaya didn't reply to this, not with words, anyway. Instead, she laughed, shortly but enthusiastically, quietly but sincerely, shaking her head as if she was trying to say that she couldn't disagree more with that last addition of his. He didn't care to correct her, glad that this was what had caught her attention; didn't care to think of all the hardship that his times in the club had brought to him as well, happy that Chihaya's mind didn't guide her that way.
And so they stood, careless and content, with a bag of Goudi chocolates like a talisman of good luck between them.
A little 'thank you for the past', a shy 'I'm glad we've got the present'.
Maybe it was all in Taichi's mind, but thinking of it like this, he couldn't help but grow some hope for the future as well.
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taichihaya-day · 3 years
Thank you to everyone who participated or supported this event! It was a blast running it and seeing all the beautiful creations on tumblr and Twitter. I couldn't more pleased with how it turned out, and I think it's safe to say it was a success!
Taichihaya means a lot to me, not just because I love the characters and their growth in the series, but because I've made so many good friends in the fandom. There really is a great community of fans here: supportive, smart, genuine, and hungry for content, which is always nice for a content creator haha. I've never had this sense of community in any other fandom, so I wanted to take a moment to thank them for being so welcoming and supportive, and I hope we can continue to read manga together, even after Chihayafuru has ended. ❤❤
As for future events, if I could get a team together, we could run a longer event next year (or maybe at the end of 2021?), but I know I can't handle that by myself. If you're interested, let's chat. DM on my main blog @franniebanana
This blog will stay up, but I won't be posting anything, unless there are any late entries over the weekend. But keep following for any updates on a future event, since we'll likely use this again.
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taichihaya-day · 4 years
Taichihaya Day will run for 24 hours on 2 April 2021. Throughout the day, we will be reblogging all things Taichihaya. To participate, all you need to do is use #taichihayaday within the first 5 tags of your post and @taichihaya-day within the body of the post. This event is open to anyone as long as you have Taichihaya content to submit!
Content can be any of the following:
Fanfiction, fanart, AMVs, MMVs, mood boards, gif sets, playlists, etc. Anything is acceptable as long as it’s original to you, the original poster, and it’s centered around Taichihaya!
Event Date
As of right now, the event will be held on 2 April 2021, Taichi's birthday. The plan is to do one day, but if there is enough interest, we could extend to a weekend or maybe even a week! Rules | Prompts
Feel free to reach out to us via DM if you have any questions or want to get involved! The team behind this is currently just me @franniebanana!
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taichihaya-day · 4 years
Date Announcement?
All right, guys. I think hosting Taichihaya Day on Taichi’s birthday, 2 April 2021, might be the best bet. That gives everyone lots of time to complete their content, because I know a lot of us are working adults, college students, etc.
Let me know your thoughts!
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taichihaya-day · 4 years
This blog will eventually host a Taichihaya event (most likely a day, but possibly a longer event). Currently I will be reblogging Taichihaya content.
Stay tuned for more information on the event, tentatively slated for 2021.
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