#taichis SpIns
koushirouizumi · 8 months
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{Excerpts from Repeatverse Pt. 5} (KouxTai A.U.s Edition): {U n i v e r s i t y} A.U.
(Written by Me) (DO NOT Re-post) (DO NOT RE-PRODUCE MY WRITING Without My Permission UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE)
#koushirouizumi writes#koushirouizumi au#koushirouizumi koutai#koushirouizumi koutai aus#koushirouizumi taikou#koutai#koushiro x taichi#repeatverse#repeat: university au#ambassador taichi#diplomat taichi#advs timeline: university#taichis SpIns#(Chapter index says I posted this Apr 28 2k18 but it was actually finished written bit before that Tho)#(Because I usually didnt post on the Day of Finishing a piece)#(but often waited a few days to edit and plot extra parts out b u t A n y w a y)#(People who try to start up usual Taichi DiscoursingTM {Wank} with me again on these topics also get shown These Scenes of Fic)#(And yeah Taichis self esteem is at a Low here because)#(TAICHI ***HASNT ACTUALLY GOTTEN TO KNOW KOUSHIRO YET*** IN THIS UNIVERSE)#(THEYRE MEETING FOR THE *FIRST TIME*)#(TAICHI *NEVER WENT ON DIGITAL WORLD ADVENTURE* IN *THIS* UNIVERSE AND *NEVER WENT THROUGH ALL THOSE EXPERIENCES*)#(*NEVER MET AGUMON* *NEVER MET KOUSHIRO OR THE REST BESIDES YamaxSora who are d ATING* SO YES TAICHI IS Set Back A Little here but)#(A.U. Koushiro here helped Taichi realize 'HEY I MIGHT ACTUALLY *HAVE* A CHANCE' YEA THATS THE POINT OF THIS SCENE)#(Idek but also not long after posting this fic {like barely a year later??} I think I also saw *in the TaixKou tag{s}* like)#(Someone mentioning something like 'gD can you bELIEVE people think TAICHI WOULD WORRY ABT WHAT PEOPLE {+KOUSHIRO} THINK OF TAICHI')#(And idek it just Unnerved me Greatly at the time)#(Because im NOT the First person here to consider that Taichi Is In Fact Greatly Concerned About Koushiros Opinion{s} of Taichi)#({Even if Taichi I'll agree DOESNT make it OBVIOUS})#({Which is also vaguely represented in Novels-verse like... But More on That Later Anyway I also meant to post these earlier Too So Does})#(The third cap is from slightly later in scene after Koushiro begins explaining how much Koushiro needed for Koushiros choice)
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firedragon1321 · 7 months
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Tai's room as shown in a recent Digimon event, which I can stare at for fifteen hours.
(@ashxketchum originally posted this image, plus Matt/Davis/Ken's rooms! I think this was from DigiCon but I tapped out in the middle. If they could confirm the source that'd be cool.)
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lyraofthestarsss · 1 year
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mokkemusic · 2 years
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I would never fall In love again
until I found herrrr🎶
Added to my Arasumire playlist now
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bengiyo · 9 days
I Hear the Sunspot Wasted Taichi As a Character
I went off a bit in the tags of @lurkingshan's Japanese QL Corner earlier, but I’m still annoyed enough about this to make a proper post. I wanted to leave this show alone because I liked Kohei and Taichi in the early episodes enough, but this show wasted our time for 6-8 weeks in a way that I find unforgivable. They took a loudmouthed, forthright, and well-intentioned character and made him stare blandly for almost two months while actively avoiding his and Taichi’s feelings. I’m so disappointed.
I’m glad @twig-tea has been covering some of what she remembers from the source material, because her added context has kept me from feeling so confused about this show. It feels rather insidious that this show would cut out any of Taichi’s struggles with Kohei’s queerness, and what reciprocity within himself means in favor of Taichi just looking confused at the camera for two months. It feels like a cowardly choice, because they didn’t want their main character to be unlikeable. It’s like they knew, like many J-BL recently, that they would not spend time in what becoming a couple for these two friends would mean. They also got so precious about the physical intimacy at the end in a way that just doesn’t work for me. Substituting food for intimacy doesn’t always work. I don’t even think ending on a kiss fixes this, because no amount of soft intimacy fixes the years of avoidance Taichi subjected Kohei to. 
It really bothers me how this show was so much longer than the film adaptation we got years ago only to be fundamentally worse because it refused to complete the full arc of their story. With the entire story available, why focus only on this initial getting together portion, strip out characterization, and also merge two female characters to create a worse one as a result? This ended up making both Taichi and Maya so unlikeable. Taichi went from demanding that Kohei speak up for himself and make sure people hear him, to someone who actively avoided Kohei’s clear confessions multiple times for two years! This is terrible!
Maya was such a frustrating character, especially because I’d spent time with Nana in Silent (2022). Nana presented a far more nuanced set of grief about hearing people engaging in hard of hearing and deaf people that Maya sorely lacked. Beyond that, her personality shifted with each episode to suit whatever needs the narrative suddenly asked of her. It was not fair to her actress, who never feels like she’s dialed in properly, and it’s unfair to both characters she’s asked to cover. Moreover, it’s unfair to the Taichi character, because so much of his stilted characterization ends up blamed on her entry into the story when it’s not her fault. It’s the writers’ fault for abandoning anything resembling an arc for Taichi.
This really was just such a waste. I really liked the building relationship between our leads in the early episodes, and I thought the actors had good working chemistry. I did not enjoy the entire back half of this show, and it was so annoying to see this show spin its wheels until the very last minute, before changing a key reunion scene for a half-hearted hug to conclude this wobbly narrative. These characters deserved a better adaptation than this, and it’s yet another strange adaptation this year afraid of the story they’re telling. I’m over it.
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lurkingshan · 10 days
Japanese QL Corner
In which I cling to the last vestiges of two of my favorite shows of the year, write a eulogy for one of the most disappointing, and rejoice over the entry of a new fav. These shows are available for weekly streaming on Gaga unless otherwise noted.
Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding
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Farewell to a wonderful show. @isaksbestpillow has posted all seven episodes as of last week, so if you've been waiting for a binge, now is your chance. I already said a lot about why I loved this one, so I'll just use this space to urge you again to watch! This show is a goddamn delight.
Takara's Treasure
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The main narrative ended last week, but this week we got a sweet little epilogue and one more visit with Takara and Taishin. I enjoyed the brief glimpse into their near future and getting to see Taishin turn 20 with his very first fuzzy navel, though I was a bit sad we got a repeat of the finale's themes rather than treading new ground for their relationship (I could not have cared less about the fujoshi writing RPF). This was a lovely show and I will miss these characters.
Happy of the End
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CWs: Assault, child abandonment, child molestation, childhood sexual slavery, dubcon (including between the main characters), human trafficking, rape, sexual coercion and exploitation, suicidal ideation/possible attempt, unsafe S&M practices, violence
A very rough week for this show in terms of the content--please mind the triggers above because these are explicit depictions and it can be hard to stomach. I am waiting to see where this show is going with its themes before I make a final judgment, but watching the fourth episode in particular, some parts felt like crossing the line into gratuitous trauma porn that provided little additional illumination. We'll see how it shakes out in the end, but please take care with this one. I continue to find the characters and relationship dynamics compelling, and I am invested in Haoren and Chihiro's attempt to have a relationship despite the metric ton of baggage they are shouldering between them. Neither is equipped to even have any idea what a healthy relationship looks like, but they see something in each other and they want to try. That tiny bit of hopeful but likely doomed thinking may be all we have to cling to in this story.
I Hear the Sunspot
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Sigh. I am sad about what this show could have been. For me, the finale definitely did not succeed at sticking the landing and making the last six weeks of wheel spinning feel worth it, and this show is going down as one of the big disappointments of the year for me. As you know if you've been keeping up with this weekly post, I loved the first half of this show, and Taichi's original characterization, so much. And I don't understand what happened here. The second half has felt like a completely different, confused, demonstrably worse show. Taichi hasn't felt like himself in weeks, the plots with Maya and the job at Sign were poorly grounded, inconsistently executed, and offered little pay off either thematically or in terms of character development, and the romance writing was a complete failure. It was actually painful to see Kohei run after Taichi and confess to him again, and the directing and editing of that sequence was so muddled that I had no idea what I was supposed to understand about Taichi's emotional journey or why this was the moment he was suddenly able to reciprocate. After all that brooding and his big speech about communication, he did not communicate much of anything to Kohei in the end. And I'm supposed to be content with leaving them here? Deeply unsatisfying on just about every level.
I understand from @twig-tea that while the story followed the beats of the manga's first two volumes at a high level, this production chose to remove many of the contextual details that actually made sense of the characters' behavior. It also seems they didn't understand they were setting up character arcs that did not get resolved until a later volume the show will not cover, thus ensuring the story would end at the wrong place. Just a baffling set of adaptation choices, and so much wasted potential. It's a shame.
Love is Like a Poison
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But at least we have a new favorite coming in hot a week sooner than expected! I absolutely loved this first episode, in which we meet Shiba, our cold-hearted lawyer with delusions of grandeur and a sexually charged fixation on his house plants, and Haruto, our flirty scammer who has his number. This show is really well written and packed a ton of story, comedy, and deep characterization into its first episode. It's a promising start! For now it’s only available grey outside of Japan; I am hoping it will get picked up for proper international distribution soon.
Tagging @bengiyo to add this week's anime update.
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seventeenlovesthree · 4 months
Hey I thought I would you ask you something about the Digidestined that makes me really wonder about their relationships.
Minus any shipping,
Which Digidestined do you think brings out each Digidestined the best of themselves? It could be as a friend or a love interest.
The show seems to imply that DNA digivolving/jogress means they are matched together well, but is this really the case?
I think an analysis like this would be helpful.
I would agree that the idea of "brings out the best in the other/makes the other better" is not applicable to every single Jogress combination - and sometimes, it applies more to one side than the other, but it also really depends on the time and place the characters are currently at. While there is a certain theme of complementation going on between all existing Jogress pairs ("one is having something the other lacks"), they also don't make each other "perfect".
Personally, I would also always distinguish that Jogress compatibility doesn't equal romantic compatibility - it CAN be a factor, but is not the main theme in my opinion. But let me look at all individual cases... May be a looooong post!
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Taichi: For him, it REALLY depends on what timeframe we want to look at, because it's incredibly context-reliant. To nobody's surprise, I gotta name the 3 characters that - aside from Hikari - have the greatest interpersonal impact on him: Sora, Koushirou and Yamato. Sora's influence makes Taichi softer and, as we know, makes him question his cowardice - she is indirectly responsible for activating his Crest for a reason after all and I still maintain that, despite the miscommunication that goes on between them throughout the series (OWG, Tri), him caring for her is pushing him to do his best. Yamato can be seen as complementary here, because, while Omegamon was never formed BECAUSE of their bond, Yamato still challenges his sense of courage, he makes him more contemplative and considerate in times of emergency (Dark Master's Arc, Tri, Kizuna). Yamato also pushes him to rethink his strategies, pushing him to be better - the problem is that they sometimes have to get physically violent for it to happen and that's not necessarily the healthiest approach. Koushirou is here for the simple fact that he enables Taichi to make the right decisions and even if Taichi still has a tendency to do things himself, he knows he can rely on Koushirou's strengths to do so (Adventure, OWG). Similarly to how he relies on Yamato, even though it has less of an emotionally visible impact. Long story short - he can be his most COURAGEOUS self when his heart, his gut and his head are in the right place. (Hikari can be mentioned here because she gets him to try to be responsible and protective thanks to their past experiences, but that should be self-explanatory.)
Yamato: Jyou and Taichi. Similarly to how Yamato has an emotional impact on Taichi, the same goes the other way round - I'm still ranking him after Jyou, just give me a moment to explain. First of all, both Jyou and Taichi used to have their rocky moments with Yamato, some involving punching, others shouting and accusations. You can argue that, as adults, a.) they have overcome most of their arguments and quarrels and b.) Taichi and Yamato seem to be much, much closer than Jyou and Yamato. I still maintain that, personality wise, Jyou is more emotionally compatible to deal with Yamato's temper. As said, most of Taichi's and Yamato's quarrels have been solved by now, Yamato doesn't perceive Taichi as a threat of his own sense of leadership and ability to be a brother anymore; he may still see him as a mirror displaying his own worst qualities whenever he's at his lowest point though. They have become good, close friends, that will always be capable of saving the world together, trusting in each other blindly; as mentioned here, I think that they are not necessarily able to save each other outside of that though. We may spin this into a direction that, Jyou is more compatible with Yamato romantically in my book; because he could look through Yamato's insecurities and, by being inspired by him, inspired Yamato in return as well - and activated Yamato's Crest after all. I know, I know, I may be biased and it's been a while since they've smiled at each other softly like they did in the Dark Master's Arc - but at least the stageplay validated me in how Yamato was eventually able to open up thanks to Jyou's encouragement. Long story short, both Jyou and Taichi tickled Yamato's sense of FRIENDSHIP in very particular ways - and this is remarkable, because Yamato is good at "finding people" (as in, doing investigations and knowing whom to contact), but not necessarily good at maintaining bonds. (Takeru may be mentioned, because he nurtured Yamato's protective attitude, but just like with the Yagami siblings, this can be seen as a given.)
Sora: Mimi and Taichi. I am a big fan of the idea that Sora and Mimi complement each other in the best possible ways - while Sora used to be the mom/big sister friend to take Mimi under her wing, protect and guide her, she encourages Mimi to bloom into a confident flower that got enabled to support Sora in all the ways she needed for once. Granted, Sora still struggles to accept Mimi's help, even as an adult, but the analogy of Mimi being the flower who softens the thorns in Sora's heart is just too beautiful to me. Speaking of hearts, if there is any other character that reaches hers in character-defining ways, it's Taichi. The same Taichi who, after saving her, vanished, caused her to look for him on her own while still protecting everyone in the back, just to end up reunited, with everyone having gotten stronger than before, helping her to realize that she indeed knows how to LOVE. As pointed out here, they are continuously on each other's minds, almost telepathically connected (as implied in the novels) - and similarly to Mimi, Taichi has a very strong impact on how Sora defines herself. Starting off as his football buddy and partner in crime, regardless of her gender, I still maintain that it particularly confused her when she got that hairclip from him, challenging her own identity problems and issues with femininity even more. And while I already said that there is an ongoing theme of miscommunication between them, up until Kizuna, the care and connection between them does not fully vanish. Mimi is the one who tells her to spread her wings freely (To Sora), Taichi is the one who tells her that her caring attitude is not a flaw (Tri) - she still has to embrace both of that first though and since she currently prefers to take a bit time for herself, we gotta wait and see if and when that might be the case...
Koushirou: Taichi and Mimi. I will try to keep this briefly, as you all may already be familiar with my stance on this anyway, but still: Without Taichi, Koushirou would not have gone to Summer Camp. Without Taichi relying on Koushirou's skills, enabling and encouraging him, the group would not have saved Sora, would not have been able to solve the card riddle and get back to the real world, would not have solved The Prophecy, would not have been able to find medicine for Hikari... You see where I am going with this. Koushirou, according to the novels, used to not think very highly of himself as a person who also didn't get along well with other people - and Taichi just naturally took him under his wing, invited him to camp, indirectly helped him to believe in his KNOWLEDGE and skills more and become more of a hands-on person, which naturally led to him become a guidance and eventually a mentor and teacher for his friends and especially the younger kids. Basically, he could open up and become more vocal due to his bond with Taichi (again, literal novel quote), being his best friend, right-hand-man and partner in crime, solving riddles and saving the world together. The other person who makes him get more vocal at times is Mimi - not only does she challenge him to question his own approaches by having a completely different priority system (positive!), but also makes him question his wardrobe (slightly less positive in my opinion and I still wish I could name Sora as honourable mention at this point, because fashion could have been a wonderful bonding and development theme for them, but they simply never got executed like that!). The fact that both Taichi and Mimi cause his polite attitude to fade at various points in the series is a clear indicator that they have an impact on him like nobody else - especially because he is very connected with a lot of people online and makes sure to keep everybody always up to date, but is not necessarily the most social butterfly outside of Chosen Children duty.
Mimi: Sora and Jyou. I'm not sure who deserves spot 1 and who gets spot 2 here, because both of them have such a vital influence on why Mimi is as confident in herself as she is. As already mentioned in Sora's part, Sora has been protecting and guiding Mimi ever since they have known one another and it's quite obvious that Mimi, despite not aspiring to be like Sora at all, still greatly admires her and all her qualities. When Mimi loses her way, she knows she can rely on Sora to pull her out of it - which is exactly why their bond, Sora's kindness and encouragement helped to make Mimi's Crest glow for the first time, making her admit her faults and wrong-doings. And Mimi, despite her outspoken, opinionated attitude, needs encouragement. Which is where Jyou comes into play - not only was he the one to accompany her on her pacifist path of self-discovery once, but he was also by her side when she needed to vent over her insecurities and self-esteem issues twice. Making her be her most SINCERE self. Which in both cases, was a mutual experience, as I will go into detail about down below. Long story short: Both Sora and Jyou are capable of making her open up in the most genuine way, she feels safe and loved by them in ways nobody else can. Because even if they (indirectly) scold her for things she does wrong - they still do so softly, signaling her that she is fine the way she is. (An honourable mention here goes out to Stageplay/Kizuna!Koushirou who inspires Mimi to try out "something with computers".)
Jyou: Mimi and Yamato. Due to the consistent trope between Jyou and Mimi, I am very inclined to put her before Yamato in this ranking, but in the end, the theme between them is very similar. As pointed out before, Jyou decides to join Mimi in the Dark Master's Arc, primarily to protect her - but through witnessing and admiring her for finding her way, he felt inspired by her AND Yamato to go search for his own path, approach and attitude towards basically everything. It's something that both of them trigger in him at various points; even when he ends up questioning his intentions and motivations again, Mimi's sincere way of opening up to him (Tri) is what brings him back on track himself as well, allowing him to be honest to her and to himself. Not only that, Yamato (stageplay) validates him in believing that it all comes down to choosing for yourself to stay on track. Yamato (Adventure) who had once left the group, leaving Jyou in particular with the wish to believe in himself and his qualities. It's just a wonderful theme that keeps coming up, that helps Jyou to develop such a strong aura of confidence, which in turn makes him the senpai others actually feel capable of opening up to freely and safely. Which is significant considering how busy (and/or absent) he is most of the time. He IS Mister RELIABLE for a reason, so his validation causing Yamato's Crest to glow and Mimi to be confident enough to reach Ultimate level does mean something...
Takeru: Hikari (and Iori as honourable mention). You may or may not personally be pleased by the fact that Takeru and Hikari took the longest to conduct here. This can technically be seen as a negative, since it may imply that Takeru's bond with other characters doesn't go deep enough. Don't get me wrong, he DOES have bonds with QUITE a few other characters, he's looking up to Taichi a LOT, he loves to quarrel with Daisuke, he seems to know what is going on in Sora's and Koushirou's lives, his path from despising to trusting Ken is incredibly interesting, we already know that he and Yamato would die for each other and so on and so on... But you get the sense that he's not letting anybody really in too closely - which, as I observed before, applies to his brother as well. On the other hand, it also means what I already said in previous analysis posts: That he and Hikari are too glued together by the hip to let anybody else really come in between. There may have been times when one could have called it codependency, but considering all their parallels, everything they have seen and have gone through together, it can at least be assumed that they overcame some of their communicative barriers by the time of The Beginning. As much of a fun little time-killing exercise it may have been, he still spent his time practicing his fanfiction world-building skills with her and while the viewer cannot tell how much they have been talking about and processing their trauma, their brother complexes, etc., you simply cannot deny that they have consistently been there for each other. So one can only hope that he has stopped projecting his own overprotective brother tendencies onto her (ever since Tailmon called him out on them in 02), taking off the masks he has been showing a lot of people. Allowing himself to be the HOPE to her Light so to speak. I still want to give Iori a small honourable mention, because while I maintain that Iori "profits" more off of their relationship, I do believe that there was a time in 02 when he was also capable of making Takeru softer, offering him a bit of a mirror to himself.
Hikari: Takeru and Miyako. While the same issues apply to Hikari that have been mentioned with Takeru, her case is still a little bit different. Of course she had been hyperfocusing and depending on her brother for big chunks of the series and while she doesn't seem good at letting others in too closely either, her kindness still attracts people around her - including Takeru, who, as described, is both parallel and sidekick to her. You may already refer to them as trolls and partners in crime - and Hikari intended to stop depending on Takeru for protection as well, wanting to be equals ever since 02. Which, by the looks of it, may actually be the case, considering how they have been fighting rampaging Digimon side by side in Kizuna almost in sync. Again, she is acting as the LIGHT to his Hope. On the other hand, there is also Miyako, who, in contrast to Hikari, is loud and brash and tells the world when she doesn't like something - which is a skill Hikari basically longed to develop herself. So her admiring Miyako to at least some degree - while also being admired and encouraged by her in return - may have been a trigger that allowed her to grow more and more confident, balanced and equal to Miyako. As well as to Takeru too. And they may only grow further from here...
Daisuke: Ken. Daiken are probably THE prime example on how a Jogress combination gets the best out of each other. Simply because them working on their bond, their friendship, drags them away from toxic or dangerous habits (playing roles, hiding behind masks to impress others, bragging, catastrophizing, self-sabotage, etc.) and instead helps them to focus on what's really important. Daisuke gets naturally more comfortable, confident, downright happier and more enthusiastic thanks to Ken; his wish to BEFRIEND Ken basically makes him discover his own sense of COURAGE... There simply isn't a better example than this, because nobody else makes him get as honest as Ken does, as he basically plays a role towards everyone else (Hikari, Takeru, Taichi - and especially with the latter, it's a shame, because he used to look up to him, but finds his own style along the way, which never got that much focus...).
Ken: Daisuke. It's the reverse situation as described above, Ken is being enabled to overcome or at least deal with a lot of his self-esteem issues thanks to Daisuke's encouragement. The best thing is that, as soon as he opens up thanks to Daisuke, literally letting all of his KINDNESS shine through, he is capable of forming (potentially beautiful) bonds with several other Chosen Children and may have the greatest growth with the members of his core group (Iori, Takeru, Hikari and Miyako) than any other 02 kid. And in contrast to what I've said at the beginning of the post, Ken and Daisuke may or may not also be romantically compatible after all...
Miyako: Mimi and Hikari. While there are other characters who have an impact on her behaviour, I would argue that these two may have the biggest influence on how Miyako defines herself. Her identity and self-image are basically challenged by how she perceives these two; Mimi is oozing freedom, self-expression and brazenness when Miyako meets her for the first time, which are not only things that make her look up to her, but also things she would like to possess herself. Hikari is on the other end of the spectrum, she appears to be more reserved, collected, lady-like - and still possesses a drive, confidence and courage that Miyako admires. Her bond with both of them makes her more confident and also more SINCERE and LOVING, more aware of herself, her flaws and limitations, while also making her softer. (I would LOVE to add names like Sora and Koushirou here too, but they did not have screentime nor long-lasting "revelation" appeal to her. Sure, they both basically made her see that it's okay not to jump if you don't feel up for the task, but overall, they didn't have too much effect on her in comparison.)
Iori: Jyou and Takeru. Koushirou gets an honourable mention here, because he doesn't get nearly as much opportunity to see Iori at his lower points or have meaningful emotional moments as the other two do. Jyou and Takeru get way more opportunities to get to know and bond with him - we all know he still gets the shortest end of the stick in terms of screentime and relationship development, but it's still interesting to see how he loosens up, softens thanks to what he experiences with and observes through them. Takeru and him both have a lot of pent-up anger, but Iori learns that lashing out for revenge may not be the right path. Likewise, Jyou used to be a lot more tense and stiff on rules when he was younger - and is now teaching Iori that it's okay to take things easier, to be kinder with oneself. Plus, neither of them treats him like "a child/the youngest" and so he gets the best of both worlds, making him become more resilient through the gained KNOWLEDGE and letting him take on tasks to show his own RELIABILITY.
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meenatranslates · 1 year
[SSR] Taichi | MANKAI Feature
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I really like Roy too! I'll go all out for my performance since everyone voted for him~!
Today's Star: Roy - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
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Taichi: Ah, Ban-chan!
Banri: Taichi?
Taichi: So you had class today. Are you heading home now?
Banri: Nah, I still got something to do.
Taichi: Huh, what’s in that bag?
Banri: Some cloth and accessories that can be used as props.
Taichi: Oh~ You’re using them for assignment?
Banri: ‘Course not, these are for you.
Taichi: For me...?
Banri: We have this spin-off project of the supporting role based on the fan survey, right?
It’s your turn next, so I bought all these to go with your outfit.
You’re not the same size as you were then now, so some adjustments are needed.
Taichi: Eh!? It’s already my turn...?
Banri: What, you didn’t know?
Taichi: I didn't~! I gotta ask Director-sensei immediately when I get home!
Banri: Oh, take these while you’re at it then.
Taichi: Woah-! What, this many?
Banri: I’m in a bit of pickle here ‘cause I’ve been tasked with lotsa stuff while I’m shopping.
Taichi: Okay, let’s go shopping together then!
I’m home~!
Izumi: Welcome home, Taichi-kun.
Taichi: D-Director-sensei!
Izumi: Y-yeah? What’s up?
Taichi: I wanna know which of my supporting role is for the spin-off project...!
Izumi: Well, what the fans chose in the survey is...
Taichi: *gulp*
Izumi: It’s Roy from “DEAD/UNDEAD”!
Taichi: ......
Izumi: Um, you okay?
Taichi: I felt both happiness and pressure simultaneously that I froze for a second!
I see, so it’s Roy~.
Izumi: You can leave the script to Tsuzuru-kun. Let him know if you have any requests.
Taichi: Understood!
(If Roy got chosen...)
―Courtyard (Night)―
Taichi: Can I come in, Tsuzuru-kun?
Tsuzuru: Taichi? Go ahead.
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―Room 102―
Taichi: Umm, it’s about the spin-off project...
Tsuzuru: That’s what I thought.
Taichi: Hehe, so you expected it.
Tsuzuru: ...So, what kind of story do you want?
Taichi: Well, when I heard that it’s Roy for the spin-off, I have just one request for the script.
You see, I was re-reading the script for our fourth performance in my room just now.
It was decided to be an undead story to put Achan’s make-up skill to good use, but reading it again reminds me that it’s a heavy story with many deaths.
Tsuzuru: Yeah, it is.
Taichi: Roy himself died twice, once when he was alive, and once when he turned into the undead...
That’s why...
I wanna see Roy’s happy scenes if we’re gonna make a spin-off for him, because it was such a sad story!
Tsuzuru: ...Hm, hm.
Thanks for the request. I’ll try writing with that for now.
Taichi: Ok, I’m looking forward to it!
Today's Star: Roy - Part 2
―Room 105 (Day)―
Taichi: (The script’s finally done. I’m excited to see how the story turns out.)
(Roy’s life with Ivan, before he turns into an undead...)
(He had such a small happiness in his life, although he died a sad death...)
(It’s so... heartbreaking.)
(Since I get to act as Roy once again, I gotta do my best to help him live a happy life...!)
―Practice Room―
Izumi: ...That’s enough for today.
Juza: Right.
Banri: It’s been a while since I last played Ivan, so I still can’t grasp the feeling yet.
Izumi: The spin-off is set before Roy turns into an undead, so the ambience might be slightly different from the main story.
Taichi: ......
Banri: What’s wrong? Something on your mind?
Taichi: It’s true, Roy from the main story is different from the Roy in the spin-off.
There wasn’t that much depiction of his daily life in the main story either...
I thought that, maybe the role study I’ve done for Roy is still not enough...
Izumi: In that case, why not try to think about what kind of person Roy was when he was still alive?
Taichi: Okay, I’ll try it!
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Banri: ...Even if that’s the case, you don’t need to cling to me around 24/7.
Taichi: I’m sure Roy loves Ivan a lot, so they must’ve been working together to hunt down the undead!
That’s why I think being with you will help my role study!
Banri: Haah... It’s good that you’re passionate about your study.
Taichi: I’m sure Roy also thinks this kind of happiness doesn’t last forever.
Banri: ......
Taichi: Just kidding- ...wait, huh?
That’s not the way to the dorm, Ban-chan!
Banri: I know, just follow me.
Taichi: ......?
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So yummy~! I was just thinking about trying out the new menu here.
Banri: I knew that.
Taichi: Huh, how come?
Banri: You wouldn’t shut up about it at the dorm.
Well, I was also interested from the ads.
Taichi: Hehe...Thank you, Ban-chan.
Banri: Oh right, about the script for the spin-off. Were you the one who requested for it?
Taichi: Yup. As soon as I know that Roy was chosen, I thought that the story theme would inevitably become serious.
I wanted to see Roy being happy before he became an undead, even if just slightly.
Banri: ......
Taichi: But, when I thought about Roy’s feelings while reading the script that Tsuzuru-kun wrote for me, I felt a different emotion.
I wonder if Roy, like Bill, gradually lost his rationality and became the undead.
I think his memories of everyday life with Ivan, will also gradually fade and be forgotten.
When I thought of that, no matter how happy the scenes are, my heart ached thinking about what happened afterwards.
It’s like, a bit different than I thought.
Banri: ...Ain’t that just fine?
Taichi: Eh?
Banri: That’s the kind of position Roy’s in.
The happier Roy and Ivan are depicted, the more believable it becomes that Ivan sought revenge after losing his younger brother.
So, what you felt is possibly one answer as a spin-off of “DEAD/UNDEAD”.
All that’s left to do is for you to accept Roy’s life.
Taichi: ......
...I’ll try to consult with Tsuzuru-kun about the script again.
Today's Star: Roy - Part 3
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Juza: ...So the conclusion’s like this.
Banri: Your lines doesn’t change much before and after the script’s revised, y’know.
Juza: Aah? It’s natural to understand the overall flow of the script.
Taichi: Haha! It’s nice to see you guys still at it today too!
Izumi: Are you ready, Taichi-kun?
Taichi: Yeah! I can start anytime!
Izumi: Okay then, everyone! Do your best!
―Performance starts―
(...This is a story that sets before Roy turns into an undead.)
(Ivan and Roy are raiding a hangout of the undead.)
(Just when he thought he’s winning, Ivan sees something that creates an opening.)
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Roy: “Watch out!”
Ivan: “Ah-!”
Roy: “Phew... It’s rare to see you screw up, Nii-chan.”
Ivan: “...My bad.”
Roy: “What did you pick up?”
Ivan: “Let’s move on.”
Roy: “H-hey! Wait for me...!”
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“Hear this out, Doggy~!”
Doggy: “Hm?”
Roy: “I asked Ivan what he picked up earlier, but he won’t show it to me at all.”
Doggy: “Hogging to himself? What a bad brother he is.”
Ivan: “Shut up.”
“Can’t be helped... This is what I picked up.”
Doggy: “Ohh, a tin of candy. That’s pretty rare. It’s been a while since I’ve seen this package.”
Ivan: “Right?”
Roy: “I didn’t know you like candy so much that you want it all to yourself.”
Ivan: “......”
Doggy: “Pfft-.”
Roy: “...?”
Doggy: “So you don’t remember it anymore. Y’see, this is your favorite when you were a lil’ kid.”
Roy: “Eh?”
Ivan: “...From what I see it’s still unopened, but it could be poisoned.”
“I just didn’t want to show you until I can confirm it’s safe to eat.”
Roy: “Even so, you didn’t need to hide it from me!”
Ivan: “You’d steal and eat it out of my sight otherwise.”
Doggy: “Haha, true that.”
Roy: “You guys are mean. I won’t do that, just so you know.”
Ivan: “...Alright. Seems like it’s fine inside.”
“Here, take out your hand.”
Roy: “Okay!”
Doggy: “What about me?”
Ivan: “Yeah, yeah.”
Roy: “...Mmm~ So sweet! Right, Nii-chan?”
Ivan: “Yeah, it is.”
Doggy: “Yum, I forgot this is what it tastes like.”
Ivan: “Here, take this.”
Roy: “Eh? Why...?”
Ivan: “The rest is yours. Savor them carefully.”
Roy: “You’re giving it to me? Thank you, Nii-chan!”
Doggy: “......”
Ivan: “Wipe off that creepy look on your face.”
Doggy: “Such a foul-mouth as usual.”
Izumi: (After receiving the tin of candy from Ivan, Roy eats the candies one by one with care.) 
Roy: “Oh man, I ate the last one.”
Ivan: “Doggy gave me the location of the undead hideout. We can go raid there.”
“You can buy candies or gum with the reward later.”
Roy: “Yeah! And then we’ll eat together with the three of us!”
Ivan: “I don’t really... Oh well, sure.”
Izumi: (And then three years had passed... Roy, who is now an undead, is wandering around being hungry.) 
(He then picks up a tin of candy rolling at his feet.)
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Roy: “...?”
*sniff sniff*
“...Smells bad.”
“...Only rocks. Empty.”
“...I want to eat humans.”
―Candy shop―
Taichi: (Is there a tin of candy here?)
...There it is!
Excuse me, I want to buy this please.
―Lounge (Evening)―
Taichi: ......
Izumi: Taichi-kun seems kinda down, is he okay?
Banri: Well, that guy’s always been the type to empathize with his role.
I’m sure he’s fine.
Izumi: I see...
Taichi: ...Even if Roy forgets, I won’t forget.
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Story Clear!
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pink-heart-jam · 2 months
Love triangles
Truth be told, I’ve never been into love triangles - in fact I used to actively avoid them in the past, and still do when I’m reading fic because I hate feeling conflicted between two love interests. But somehow these stories found their way into my heart and left me utterly obsessed entranced and invested in the trope (the amount of scorching sex definitely helps 😂). So I thought I’d share these in case anyone else is looking for great stories with hot, intense, well-written triangular dynamics. Some will make you pick favorites (tell me about yours!), some are properly polyamory which is fun and refreshing to see in manga. All works are E-rated. Enjoy!
Blue Flag by Kaito
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High school senior year, spring—one of life's important forks in the road. Taichi Ichinose finds himself in the same class as Futaba Kuze, who he feels strangely averse to, and his popular childhood friend, Touma Mita. One day, Futaba confides in him her love for Touma, and asks him for help.
Canis: The Speaker by Zakk
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A spin-off of the main series that follows some of Ryou's gang acquaintances.
From Points of Three by White Eared
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Jisuh is quiet, unassuming... observant. He’s suited to working behind the camera. But for reasons he’s not exactly quick to disclose, he’s run into some debt. Heejae, an actor who has worked with before, proposes he work with him exclusively on a private project of his...shooting himself and his partner having sex..
Love or Hate by Youngha, Bakdam
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Haesoo is a cynical writer of a romance column, while Joowon, his former stepbrother, is a famous actor. The two go way back - thrust together when their parents remarried, their relationship is far from simple. When the mysterious photographer “K” takes an interest in Haesoo, events begin to spiral out of control.
Nights Before Night by Kazuki Natsume
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It's been a long time since Haru, owner of the gay escort service "Rain," left his yakuza days behind. But when the Ichijo clan says he's the only civilian they can trust to hide the troublemaking Yukitaka in line, there seems to be no choice for him but to follow suit.
Momentum by Park ji-yeon
Stories with triangles: M’s Study | Phantom
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“Momentum” is a series of beautifully drawn vignettes that glimpse into the life-altering moments of several couples as they fall in and out of love. This BL features a series of characters learning how to love, understand, and forgive one another – and in some cases, the world – at different moments in their lives.
Ouroboros by Songhyel
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Woo Hyung’s life has hit rock bottom. He’s traumatized after several days of being imprisoned and abused by his brother-in-law, an event that eventually left him both wifeless and jobless. His only way of coping is sex, and two very different men who can provide exactly that show up in his life.
Wet Sand by Doyak
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Jo can't stop fantasizing about the tall, handsome stranger on the balcony, and he grabs any chance to get to know him better. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize that Ian does the dirty work for one of the region's largest, most unsavory gangs... and is the lover of one of their most powerful people.
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izzyizumi · 2 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure: [2020 Reboot/Spin-off] ~ Episode 02 (Japanese version) + D I G I T A L {P r o j e c t i o n}!Taichi's {A d v i s o r}!Koushiro + Yamato & Koushiro Interaction{s} {YamaKou} + (Bonus) Taichi & Koushiro {KouTai} / {TaiKou} / {Taishiro[u]}
"THAT's why Koushiro's {sugei}/{sugoi}!" - T A I C H I
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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- they must NOT be used to spread negativity for the canon/fandom! {INCLUDES: in regards to Adventures AS A WHOLE, Adventure (Original series), 02, Tri, Kizuna, Adventure & 02 movies, Drama CDs, any spinoff materials} - they must NOT be used to promote ship-warring within the fandom - they must NOT be used to attack any Adventures character focused on - IF I SEE YOU DOING THIS I WILL LIKELY BLOCK WITHOUT M E R C Y {usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.}
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | 5th Anniversary: The Way Back Home | Chapter 3 - Autumn Planet Story
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Banri: …Aight, looks like everyone’s here.
Banri: So let’s get this training camp location decided on.
Omi: I wonder what kind of place we should go with.
Juza: It’s gotta be somewhere where we can think of ideas for the spin-off performance.
Azami: Then it’s probably better to go with a place that’s different from the usual one. That way it’s somethin’ new to help us come up with more ideas.
Omi: I bet we could get some great ideas from seeing some beautiful scenery and experiencing things in person.
Taichi: If it’s possible, I wanna go somewhere with good food! And somewhere where we can all have fun too~.
Sakyo: I already have a place in mind.
*Papers being passed out*
Juza: A pamphlet…?
Omi: Oh, this place is close. It’s only about an hour or two away by car.
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Azami: What the hell is it?
Sakyo: Although we have a budget in place, we don’t want to put ourselves in debt. So I’m making cuts where I can. That’s why I looked for somewhere as close as possible.
Taichi: Eh! This is where we’re going for the Autumn Troupe training camp…!?
Banri: Already figured that with Sakyo-san around, there was no hope of having a luxury plan.
Sakyo: It ain’t the place that matters, it's what we get done there.
Banri: And what we get done is mostly just rehearsals and meetings.
Omi: I hope we can still get the training camp experience, even on a budget…
Taichi: Ah! Then how about wint-camping!?
Sakyo: Hah? The hell is wint-camping?
Taichi: Winter camping! I’ve seen a lot about it on social media lately and it seems to be pretty popular.
Taichi: They say the prices are cheaper than in the summer and the air is cleaner too, so the scenery is even prettier!
Taichi: Umm… Here! What about this place!?
Juza: There’s a special feature on winter camping in the pamphlet, huh.
Sakyo: I see. If the prices are cheap and the budget can afford it, let’s go with that.
Banri: Won’t campin’ in the middle of winter be cold as hell.
Omi: Well, there’s lots of physical activity in camping, so it’s something that’s perfect for Autumn Troupe.
Juza: And it’s gotta be better than campin’ on that deserted island.
Taichi: I’m sure it’ll be great! Let’s all go wint-camping!
Azami: Guess it’s a better change of pace than just rehearsing and discussing things than our usual training camps.
Banri: Guess you’re right. We can def probably get some good inspiration from there.
Banri: Aight, then Autumn Troupe’s training camp will be wint-camping.
Taichi: Woo! Now that that’s decided, we’ve gotta get ready! We’ve def gotta have curry when we’re camping.
Azami: We eat that all the time and you still want to have it while we’re camping.
Sakyo: The only thing that we “def” need to do is discuss the content of our spin-off performance.
Sakyo: We also need to express our gratitude to those who have supported us up until this point. And we need to make it clear that we’re going to continue to protect MANKAI Company.
Sakyo: Not to mention that this special performance is also to reaffirm our commitment to winning the Fleur Award.
Omi: Of course.
Juza: Yeah.
Banri: With the new theater, it might be a good idea to keep in mind our origins.
Banri: Sakuya said that his solo-trip was a good experience…
Banri: And it was a good experience for me to think about why it had to be our theater during the MANKAI performance.
Sakyo: Not bad. If it’s coming from our leader, guess we need to keep it in mind.
Omi: I agree.
Azami: No objections here.
Juza: Sure.
Taichi: Our origins… Well then we can’t forgot about our naked socializing!
Banri: No, that wasn’t what I was talkin’ about.
Azami: This pamphlet says there’s a lot of places to go sightseeing around there.
Taichi: Look, look! There’s a pirate ship there!
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Juza: Pirate ship?
Omi: The photos of the ship’s interior are beautiful.
Taichi: ANIMS are space pirates, so it’s perfect for us. Since we’re gonna be around there, we gotta head onboard!
Sakyo: True, we might be able to get some good inspiration for the spin-off’s content there.
Sakyo: We’ll try to go there.
Taichi: Yaaay! It’s settled then!
Sakyo: Tch… We’re not going to have fun.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Omi: I’ve got all the cooking stuff packed.
Juza: Got all the tent stuff packed too.
Izumi: There sure is a lotta stuff needed for camping, huh. Is every okay? Do you need any help?
Omi: Thanks. But we can handle this.
Izumi: By the way, where did all this authentic camping gear come from?
Juza: Borrowed it from Yosei’s camping club.
Taichi: It’s the perfect way to cut down on costs!
Izumi: I see.
Taichi: When I realized how fun camping is, I was invited to join the club.
Sakyo: All the luggage is packed. Time to head out.
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Omi: Got it.
Banri: No one forgettin’ anything? Then let’s head out…
Banri: Wait, oi! Why’s the driver’s seat empty? The hell, when did everyone get in?
Azami: Didn’t you hear when we said that you’re the one driving today, Banri-san?
Banri: Who the hell decided on that!?
Taichi: Don’t worry about it. C’mon, we’re all counting on you, Ban-chan!
Banri: Tch, whatever…
Banri: Aight, let’s go.
Azami: We’re off. Don’t stay up too late, Director.
Omi: There’s leftovers in the fridge for you to eat.
Sakyo: Make sure to call if you need anything. We’ll be keeping in touch too.
Taichi: We’ll get you lotsa souvenirs!
Juza: See ya.
Izumi: Bye! Stay safe.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Azami: We’re finally here…
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Taichi: S-So cold…!
Sakyo: You’re the one who said winter camping was a good idea.
Banri: Yeah, it was your idea, don’t act so surprised.
Taichi: But~…
Omi: Well, the air really is clear and the scenery is beautiful.
Azami: True. The wind is pretty cold, though.
Juza: So, what should we do first?
Banri: Can’t get anything else done until we get the tent set up.
Omi: Right. Alright, let’s get to work.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Omi: Put this here and… There.
Azami: Nice that we got a high-tech tent that stays warm in the winter, it’s a pain in the ass to set up though.
Banri: Oi, I told you that goes there!
Juza: Haah? Don’t tell me what to do.
Banri: The hell!? You’re the one fuckin’ things up in the first place--!
Taichi: Aah, they’ve started already.
Azami: So this is them camping, huh.
Banri: Wanna try me? I’ll drop you in that lake in a heartbeat.
Juza: I’d like to see ya try.
Banri: Bastard…!
Taichi: Oh, no, no, no, they’ve grabbed onto each other! They haven’t been this bad in a while…!
Omi: This might not end well.
Azami: Chill out!
Sakyo: Tch, didn’t think I’d have to use this again, but…
Omi: Hm? Sakyo-san, what are you…?
Taichi: Aah! Those handcuffs look familiar!
Banri: !?
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Juza: --.
Sakyo: You’re the one who said we should keep our origins in mind… Right? I’d be happy to bring you closer like I did back then.
Banri: That ain’t what I meant!
Juza: …Sorry.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Citron - Translation [SSR] Curtain Among Cherry Blossoms (1/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Tangerine: Wow, I’ve never seen any of these tools before!
Taichi: These are items used in traditional Japanese games! These are just some examples though.
Kumon: This one’s called a top and you play it by spinning it! This one’s a kendama. You either set the ball on a cup or stab it.
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Tangerine: What is this one? It looks like simply a rope tied in a loop.
Kumon: You use that in a game called cat’s cradle. You wrap the string around your wrist or fingers and make various shapes.
Tangerine: Cat’s cradle… that sounds fun!
Kumon: Are you interested? Alright, I’ll show you how it’s done!
Taichi: Kyu-chan’s a pro at cat’s cradle~.
Kumon: Lemme see. Loop this string on my thumb and remove this other string… Look, I made a tower!
Tangerine: Amazing. A simple piece of string became an art piece! You’re a genius, Kumon!
Kumon: Hehe, thanks! You know, Sakyo-san is awesome at cat’s cradle too.
Tangerine: I can’t imagine someone making beautiful art with that look. People are not always what they seem~!
Taichi: That’s surprisingly harsh!
Kumon: Would you like to give it a try, Prince Tangerine? I know a trick that’s a little easier.
Tangerine: Really? I would certainly love to.
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Kumon: Okay! First, wrap the string on your thumb and little finger. Then twist it and take it with your middle finger…
Tangerine: Middle finger… like this? Um, I think my fingers are going to get caught.
Izumi: …It looks like Tangerine-kun is enjoying the traditional Japanese games.
Tsuzuru: His teachers Taichi and Kumon look like they’re having fun too.
Citron: I’m full of great attitude that everyone is getting along well with Tangerine~.
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Tsuzuru: It’s gratitude, not great attitude.
Kumon: There, the broom is complete!
Tangerine: Wow. I can do it too!
Taichi: You made it perfectly the first time! You have a knack for this, Prince Tangerine~.
Tangerine: I am full of graptitude.
Taichi: It’s gratitude!
Kumon: Hey, let’s play another game! Which one do you like, Prince Tangerine?
Tangerine: Hm… I am curious about this round block. Is this a Japanese-style building block?
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Kumon: Oh, the daruma otoshi! Nice choice!
Taichi: This is a game where you hit and slide the block on the bottom of the stack out while being careful not to make the top blocks fall. If you hit it sideways quickly with this little hammer, the blocks on top of it will fall straight down.
Tangerine: I see! I do not fully understand, but it sounds fun!
Kumon: It’s faster to actually do it than explain it, so let’s give it a shot! Here, take this mallet~.
Taichi: Give the block on the bottom a big ol’ smack to the side!
Tangerine: I got it. I will try. …Here I go!
| next
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thebarefootking · 8 months
hiromu or despe for the wrestler ask?
My first impulse is to call this a cruel choice to force on me, nonny, but there can really only ever be one I pick. I was -- not exactly slow to warm up on El Desperado; it isn't like with Taichi, where it took a stunningly long time (years!) for me to appreciate him for what he is, but I was still relatively engaged by Taichi's presence. No, for the first few months I spent watching, as far as my interest was concerned, Desperado may as well have been invisible. (As you might imagine, I never had this issue with Hiromu. He had my heart in his hands from the first match I saw him in.)
I don't know what clicked or when, but it was like being slapped in the face. It was like this famous video. Honestly, if Hiromu hadn't been there to point out the guy in the damn gorilla suit, I might still be in the pitiable state of not appreciating the one who has come to be one of my favorite wrestlers ever.
I'm not sure I really consider the tempered and unobtrusive quality of his presentation to be a flaw. There's a subtlety (almost, but not quite, a delicacy) to the way Despe conveys himself that allows the characterisation to operate on several levels at once without being overwhelming or tacky. He can turn up the intensity or dial things back with a seeming effortlessness I have witnessed from few wrestlers, and this is vital to what I think might be his most valuable skill set. New Japan's junior heavyweight scene as it currently exists and as it is likely to exist in the near future would be completely intractable without the work of El Desperado. I have never seen a wrestler with a greater skill for helping others tell their stories -- not just generically 'putting them over', though he is certainly good at that, but giving them a solid place from which to spin new story threads, beyond the reach of what plain old booking would typically account for. He does nearly all the narrative legwork of an ace, and he does it with a fraction of the attention. And (with one very obvious exception I have already thoroughly bitched about in answering these asks) he's booked to milk this skill for all it's worth. It's Desperado's other skills that make him exceptional. There simply isn't, to my knowledge, a masked wrestler as capable of expressing emotion to the same degree with the same precision as Despe. His attention to character portrayal and development at every possible moment (again, with some unfortunate exceptions) has, over the years, created a powerhouse of narrative potential. His in-ring skill is substantial, though I feel as if we rarely get to see him in situations that show his best. But as for his functional value as a wrestler in the grand scheme of the promotion? None of these are as valuable as what he can put them together to do, and what he does is, in my opinion, of the highest artistic merit.
Even if it's half-invisible by design.
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dutchforstrangers · 10 months
Enjoy and dance - Chapter 4 Sway With Me
"Sway me smooth, sway me now"
So "pirating" my way out of @taioraweek's day 6 (prompt = pirates) and instead using this day to post the newest installment of my TaichixSora and KoushiroxHikari multi chapter dance fanfiction Sway With Me! (One day early, but pirating myself out that as well haha)
Here's a little excerpt, the whole thing can be read on both AO3.org and Fanfiction.net. Enjoy the reading and I'd love to hear what you guys think <3
Taichi shrugged his shoulders and took one of her hands without waiting for her definite answer, smoothly lifting her out of her seat and onto her feet.
That was it.
Any feeling of doubt and annoyance she had felt only seconds ago were gone with that simple act. Nervousness had stayed, because taking his hand and following his hand meant nothing more than to move between the dancers she had admired in a probably very amateurish way. However, when Taichi radiated this kind of nonchalant confidence, for once more setting aside that pride of his, it didn’t matter.
As if they had done this a thousand times already, his hands found their way to her body, touching and holding her so he could manipulate her body to dance with him. The heat that had arrived on her cheeks earlier intensified, her face feeling like a burning fire. And before Sora knew it, her hands were already placed on him and feet were doing all the steps they had learnt that last class and more.
Taichi had his ways with her, her mind knew. Her body hyper aware. Every step on the floor was one closer to the other. Every beat creating less and less space between their chests, hands in hands, on shoulders and hips relaxing yet feeling tensed and sweaty. It was all leading up to them swaying together, exactly knowing what to do while being as inexperienced as they were.
It was how Sora had felt those few times. It was exactly how Sora had wanted to feel again. And now she had it, dancing her feet sore and throat dry, being all close to him and that damn face of his.
Without any effort, Taichi let her spin, catching Sora in his tight grip yet with just enough looseness to end the music and dance with Sora in a deep dip, his own body lightly bending over hers and their eyes locked.
“Don’t you think this is so much easier if we both stop thinking and just follow whatever we feel without someone telling us what to do?” Taichi said. His voice sounded sultry, his eyes holding her in an even tighter grip as he brought her body back up straight. Even though she was standing up straight, feet on the ground, she felt like flying, her heart racing.
Sora swallowed, nodding to his little reflection and conclusion.
“I think he’s right.”
Both Sora and Taichi looked to their side to find the dance teacher.  
“This is how you make tension work, you two have a very interesting chemistry.”
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mokkemusic · 3 months
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I had to save this here so I don’t lose it. Sensei talking about how Taichi would be a sappy drunk I can’t 😭. Ah can we please see them in university more please 😭🩷
I am happy we continued the legacy of Mizuzawa with the spin off. But I need more Taichi and Chihaya I really do. I am great full for the tiny crumbs though and tweets like this 🥹
I feel like Chihaya would be like me if I was drunk (and could drink alcohol) she’d be a mix of a huge fit of the giggles but at the end her and Taichi would just be blubbering babies. My blubbering babies 😭😭 I MISS THEM
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applepi-1 · 1 year
Aoba Johsai.
Toru Oikawa-  
Make things right
Spin the bottle
Issei Matsukawa-
coming soon
Takahiro Hanamaki-
coming soon
Hajime Iwaizumi-
Photographer- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12- Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 -
Just Cramps
Your friend likes him
shigeru Yahaba-
coming soon
Shinji Watari-
coming soon
Yutaro Kindaichi-
coming soon
Akira Kunimi-
Kentaro Kyotani-
Kaneo Yuda-
coming soon
Motomu Sawauchi-
coming soon
Heisuke Shido-
coming soon
Wakatoshi Ushijima- 
Friends to lovers
Jin Soekawa-
coming soon
Eita Semi-
Movie night with Shiratorizawa team? And confession with Semi...?
Reon Ohira-
coming soon
Satori Tendo-
Brothers insecure best friend
Enemies to Lovers
coming soon
Tsutomu Goshiki-
coming soon
Yu Shibata-
coming soon
Kenjiro Shirabu-
coming soon
Taichi Kawanishi-
Kei Akakura-
coming soon
Hayato Yamagata-
coming soon
Yusho Sagae-
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
Tetsuro Kuroo-
I missed you
Brothers best friend
Nobuyuki Kai-
coming soon
Morisuke Yaku-
coming soon
Taketora Yamamoto-
coming soon
Kenma Kozume-
according to you
Shohei Fukunaga-
New girl
So Inuoka-
coming soon
Tamahiko Teshiro-
coming soon
Lev Haiba-
coming soon
Yuki Shibayama-
coming soon
Daichi Sawamura- 
coming soon
Koshi Sugawara-
can I sleep with you?
the girl who wants your boyfriend
need and wants
Asahi Azumane- 
coming soon
Yu Nishinoya- 
Ryunosuke Tanaka-
What in the-
Tobio Kageyama-
school shooting
Like shes mine
rained in
Shoyo Hinata-
coming soon
Kei Tsukishima- 
He cheated?! ft. Kageyama
surprised party
asking to kiss
you get jealous
Dreams or reality
The Texts
Tadashi Yamaguchi-
coming soon
Keishin Ukai-
Old friend
Shinsuke Kita-
coming soon
Ren Omimi-
coming soon
Aran Ojiro-
coming soon
Hitoshi Ginjima-
coming soon
Atsumu Miya-
friends into lovers
drunk confessions get the girl
Rintaro Suna-
Work wife
Osamu Miya-
creepy ex
Yuto Kosaku-
coming soon
Heisuke Riseki-
coming soon
Michinari Akagi-
coming soon
Tatsuki Washio-
coming soon
Yamatu Sarukui-
coming soon
Kotaro Bokuto-
Never too late
It’s always been you
Keiji Akaashi-
you have a panic attack
Secrets out
Akinori Konoha-
coming soon
Shuichi Anahori-
coming soon
Haruki Komi-
coming soon
Wataru Onaga-
coming soon
Friends into lovers
Seven minutes in heaven
Unfriendly friend
Bumping into an ex or old friend
Kenma, Ushijima, Kuroo
They have a nightmare
Daichi, Nishinoya, Semi, Tendo
Comforting Haikyuu boys who aren't use to being loved
Iwaizumi, Kenma, Tsukishima, Akaashi
He gets defensive of you when your parents treat you badly
Kuroo, Tsukishima
truth or dare
Iwaizumi, Daichi
Protecting their girlfriends
Tsukishima, Bokuto, osamu, Sugawara
Saving their crushes
Tsukishima, Akira, Akagi, suna
Morning after
Tsukishima, Bokuto, Sugawara, Sakusa
The team finds out they have a girlfriend
Kissing you in front of your ex
Tsukishima, Hinata, Kenma
Someone flirts with you- you use it on them
Sakusa, Asahi, Atsumu
He's afraid of hurting you
Tsukishima, terushima, atsumu
They comfort you after a break up
Sugawara, Kenma, Suna
They hear someone say something bad about them
Bokuto, Akaashi
Caught making out
Tsukishima, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Suna
Kissing them for the first time in front of another girl
Kageyama, Tsukishima
You flinch
Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi
Ushijima, Tsukishima, Iwaizumi
Calling them 'babe'
Akaashi, Bokuto, Osamu, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma
Accidental confessions
Yamaguchi, Ushijima, Iwaizumi
My hero academia:
Confessions with Bakugo
He hears someone say something bad about him
Car rides
Bakugou, Todoroki, Denki
First I love yous
Bakugou, Denki, Kirishima
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