#advs timeline: university
koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{Excerpts from Repeatverse Pt. 5} (KouxTai A.U.s Edition): {U n i v e r s i t y} A.U.
(Written by Me) (DO NOT Re-post) (DO NOT RE-PRODUCE MY WRITING Without My Permission UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE)
#koushirouizumi writes#koushirouizumi au#koushirouizumi koutai#koushirouizumi koutai aus#koushirouizumi taikou#koutai#koushiro x taichi#repeatverse#repeat: university au#ambassador taichi#diplomat taichi#advs timeline: university#taichis SpIns#(Chapter index says I posted this Apr 28 2k18 but it was actually finished written bit before that Tho)#(Because I usually didnt post on the Day of Finishing a piece)#(but often waited a few days to edit and plot extra parts out b u t A n y w a y)#(People who try to start up usual Taichi DiscoursingTM {Wank} with me again on these topics also get shown These Scenes of Fic)#(And yeah Taichis self esteem is at a Low here because)#(TAICHI ***HASNT ACTUALLY GOTTEN TO KNOW KOUSHIRO YET*** IN THIS UNIVERSE)#(THEYRE MEETING FOR THE *FIRST TIME*)#(TAICHI *NEVER WENT ON DIGITAL WORLD ADVENTURE* IN *THIS* UNIVERSE AND *NEVER WENT THROUGH ALL THOSE EXPERIENCES*)#(*NEVER MET AGUMON* *NEVER MET KOUSHIRO OR THE REST BESIDES YamaxSora who are d ATING* SO YES TAICHI IS Set Back A Little here but)#(A.U. Koushiro here helped Taichi realize 'HEY I MIGHT ACTUALLY *HAVE* A CHANCE' YEA THATS THE POINT OF THIS SCENE)#(Idek but also not long after posting this fic {like barely a year later??} I think I also saw *in the TaixKou tag{s}* like)#(Someone mentioning something like 'gD can you bELIEVE people think TAICHI WOULD WORRY ABT WHAT PEOPLE {+KOUSHIRO} THINK OF TAICHI')#(And idek it just Unnerved me Greatly at the time)#(Because im NOT the First person here to consider that Taichi Is In Fact Greatly Concerned About Koushiros Opinion{s} of Taichi)#({Even if Taichi I'll agree DOESNT make it OBVIOUS})#({Which is also vaguely represented in Novels-verse like... But More on That Later Anyway I also meant to post these earlier Too So Does})#(The third cap is from slightly later in scene after Koushiro begins explaining how much Koushiro needed for Koushiros choice)
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izzyizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile on DigiAdvs
PATAMON, agHAST Voice: You KICK Patamon??? You kICK PATAMON LIKE A FOOTBALL?!! Oh! Oh! Shut in the school at night for Takeru and Daisuke (and Miyako, and Yamato, aND--)! Shut in the school at night for One Million Years!!!! Takeru: ...Patamon, but we'd have graduated by--- Patamon: SHUT IN THE SCHOOL at NIGHT for ONE BILLION Years!!!!! DAISUKE: tAKErU---- YAMATO: Koushiro, mental sighing: (I'll just leave some extra keys by the doors and... other places.) Taichi, trying to keep from cracking up nearby: (pppFFFFT....) Tailmon: (It could have been me, but Hikari knows to not "kick me like a football", so I don't care.) Hikari: (... I'll have to be careful when I nudge Tailmon next time.)
#meanwhile on digiadvs#meanwhile on digiadvs 02#meanwhile with 02 chosen#izzyizumi hcs#advs takeru#izzyizumi koushiro#advs koushiro#advs timeline: post 02#advs timeline: post bnm#advs takeru and patamon#izzyizumi hikari#(This is probably A Thing That Happens)#(after 02 Chosen get to all enter into high school)#(alternatively University)#(if in the University A.U. I have)#(Yamato is ALLCAPS SILENT because Yamato Does Not Like School At Night Now & gets caught in bc Takeru Involvement)#(Taichis pfffftng because Taichi wasnt involved for a Change and actually gets to go home w Koushiro)#(Koushiros sighing because Koushiros usually the one to make sure computer rooms still in order regardless of how they travel)#(Everyone else is probs just Watching and Sighing)#(PATAMON @ ME ' YOU KICK PATAMON ????? LIKE A--- ')#(M E ' W E L L ')#digiadvs x miette#(I'm Not Sorry this suddenly came to mind and Im Cracking Up)#(Also because Im totally not Feeling for my old O.C. site today its totallyyyyy not around the Anniversary of when it Existed)#(I had a whole dang rp and TimelineTM going on with these guys!!!)#(But for real Takerus arc gave me so much dang trouble Ive just been hopping around Koushiros for ages until I go back to Finish the rest)#(I did have a lot of Big Ideas for it but maaaan putting those into action Yeah Kinda Doubt It'll Ever Happen Now)#(maybe I can Hint at things in future A.M.V.s though Sometime)#(but anyway so in the old fic Takeru had a Budding respectTM of Daisuke going on except Daisukes not really aware At First)#(because of reasons involving some O.C.s & also Ken so meanwhile Takerus kind of here like 'Oh. I DO care about ALL these people. Oh')
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digitalgate02 · 8 months
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The UPDATED (OG) Adventure universe’s Partnership double year math count
Updated Digimon Adventure OG Timeline’s Partnership Math Count List 
Not particularly spoilers from the movie, just stuff stated by the official timeline from the pre-release stream for the movie in Japan (Oct 26)
Early 80s - Oikawa Yukio & Hida Hiroki make the first contact with the Digital World, befriend Pipimon (no partnerships)
1995 - Hikari and Taichi find a Koromon egg* (no partnerships)
1996 - 2 (Rui; someone else gets a digimon later in that year*)
1997 - 4 (Menoa)
1998 - 8 (Possibly the previous 5 mentioned from Adv’99 anime/novels)
1999 - 16 (Adv Eight, Meiko*)
2000 - 32 (Ken*)
2001 - 64 (Michael)
2002 - 128 (Daisuke, Miyako, Iori)
2003 - 256
2004 - 512
2005 - 1,024
2006 - 2,048
2007 - 4,096
2008 - 8,192
2009 - 16,384
2010 - 32,768
2011 - 65,536
2012 - 131,072
2013 - 262,144
2014 - 524,288
2015 - 1.048,576
2016 - 2.097,152
2017 - 4.194,304
2018 - 8.388,608
2019 - 16.777,216
2020 - 33.554,432
2021 - 67.108,864
2022 - 134.217,728
2023 - 268.435,456
2024 - 536.870,912
2025 - 1.073.741,824
2026 - 2.147.483,648
2027 -  4.294.967,296
2028 (02 Epilogue) - 8.589.934,592
↓ Original notes + "Why there's still no retcon of the lore" below ↓
First, the OG notes from the outdated post:
→ This count is not about “which was the very first digimon-human contact”, and yes about people with a digivice. Because if we were going to count who was the first human to have contact with a digimon, it’s actually two and they’re Oikawa Yukio and Iori’s dad, Hida Hiroki.
→ I’m ignoring all the inconsistencies with other material (WS & ▽) because they seem to not match well with the original count. So, in this case, Ken’s statement in the anime (Aug 2000) is the one to be accounted for here. I don’t know if Ryo counts as Chosen (possibly yes, judging by 02 flashbacks) but I’m not sure where to place him here.
→ I’m only adding Michael to the count, even if he’s not a main character and yes a side character, because 02 ep 14 had this statement regarding him. And I like Michael too so, let me have him there :V
→ Menoa states in the movie she met Morphomon when she was nine, and according to the Dash X novel version, she’s the same age as Taichi. Which means she became a Chosen in 1997.
→ I couldn’t think of how to include Maki & Daigo’s group in this because ▽ contradicts with the original lore’s math – The fact the Pt4 book released with the movie on Japanese theaters state them being in Elementary School the time they went to their adventure in the DW, and later the confession scene means they’re in University/College makes them possibly been Chosen Children way before 1995, and I’d take it granted that they were chosen by someone else IF weren’t for the Homeostasis being involved in the scene and the digivice being way too modern for that time (it was basically Taichi group’s model. If you look at Rui’s digivice in the leaked footage from DigiFes2022, his model seems to be different and an older version)
→ That said, Meiko is the only character in ▽ that does not fall into contradiction with the math count. Because in 1999 there was not only Taichi’s group, but also other 8 non-featured Chosen according to Kakudou’s notes. So we can consider Meiko one of those other 8 children.
→ When it comes to Wallace, I prefer to think he is game in the original math – Taichi and Hikari met that Koromon in 95, but they had no digivice until 1999. Which means it can be possible that Wallace had encountered Gummy-Choco’s egg before 1995 and only became an official Chosen Child later.
Now, the new notes:
→ To avoid spoiling any detail about the movie itself, I’ll make sure to tell you they might have changed how the math works only. It’s not like, “everyone gets a digimon at the same time” but rather… “A X number of people get partnered with a digimon in different periods of a year” – Which means yes, you can still count Rui and Ukkomon as the origins of the Digimon partnership, but that later in the same year someone else (or, say, Wallace in the main timeline) got a partner months later.
→ That said, I’m opting to update this list and work within the idea that various sources of partnership (Homeostasis, Holy Beasts, etc) can be counted in the math. Remember – Homeostasis (not referred to as this in the OG series but yes in the novels) had selected Taichi & co., but the Holy Beasts chose Dai-Miya-Iori. And some other entity probably chose Ken in August 2000. This could explain why there’s a higher number of partnerships happening at the same time in Adv’99 and 02.
→ As I mentioned before, and indirectly supported by the staff (check the official timeline at the top of the list), ▽ has violated the lore to the point it goes in direct conflict with the new 02 movie and the entire timeline. So I guess it’s better to consider ▽ as its own timeline/Alternate universe than forcing it into the main timeline.
→ That said, and since Meiko does exist in Kizuna/main timeline, I suppose Maki and Daigo also do exist, and maybe they got their “ages” retconned and down to something suitable to the universe’s math count. They can still be part of the previous five kids mentioned in Adv’99 anime/novels, but they are probably around their teen years, or even early 20s instead, not fully adults working for the government I suppose. Or alternatively, just not Chosen yet. Pick your favorite route, Maki/Daigo fans!!
→ Yes, the Koromon from the very first movie IS NOT THE SAME PARTNERED WITH TAICHI. This never was confirmed, and was just fandom's theory. Considering how ▽ also made this mistake and possibly was one of the lore's violation, I prefer to believe this means it's not the same Koromon/Agumon partnered with Taichi in Adv'99.
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galaxygermdraws · 1 month
So about your Mario's how are they different from each other?
mainline Mario is prolly the most talkative of the three, he does have bouts of silence, especially after pretty traumatizing events (TTYD n SPM are mainline canon I swear there’s a reason). He remembers the timeline before the dimension reset in Mario Galaxy, and also, his irises are blue with white pupils. Hes def not as talkative as Luigi tho I’ll tell you that, and he has grey hair from stress. His eyes can glow yellow when he’s mad or using a lotta magic. Also he was raised in New Donk.
SMRPG timeline Mario does talk, especially when he gets to know someone rlly well, but otherwise hes fairly silent and will either pantamime an answer, nod/shake his head, and he can use sign language. His pupils r actually dark blue, and he just has natural access to fire magic rather than obtaining the Firebrand. His overalls have cute lil star patches, color coded to the SMRPG crew. Oh also he’s the only Mario who’s on 100% good terms with Bowser in present day, after SMRPG n SM64, the Mushroom Kingdom n the Darklands made a peace treaty and are actually allies now. Is this bc I enjoy Geno/Mario/Bowser/Peach shipping? Mmmmmaybe. Also think his backstory is either more in line with old Mario media (so he was born in the kingdom i.e. Yoshi’s Island, left for Brooklyn on Earth, then came back) or the Super Mario Adv. lore where he is just a Mushroom Kingdom Plumber turned Hero
then you have Paper Mario, arguably the least talkative of the 3. He uh. He saw the horrors. TTYD and SPM back to back? Then 2 games later Bowser also gets possessed by evil sentient paint, and THEN there’s all the characters he’s watched DIE. Ignore if they came back or not but like. Luvbi, Tippi, Kersti, Huey, Olivia and Bobby, and his own brother died twice. Hes been thru it. His eyes r dots, and he does jus have a white border bc I like the white outline
They’d all get along I think though, Mainline and Paper have actually met, and for a while I headcanoned that SMRPG and Mainline’s timelines merged but after beating SMRPG again I could not bring myself to erase that universe n fuse it with the main one. I think Geno n Mallow still exist in the main timeline, albeit they’ve lead different lives than their RPG counterparts
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prpfs · 8 months
🚬 Hello everyone! I’ve recently re-fixated on The Last of Us, so I’ve developed a craving for an OC x OC rp! To start, I’m 23, a uni student, and I take on a literate-adv. literate style of writing, so I’m looking for someone who is 18+ and writes similarly! I also love communication, as it’s very difficult to be left in the dark for weeks on end, you know?
So, for plots, I was thinking something simple that follows the timeline of TLOU 2, or even our own plot within the universe! An entire plot can be discussed privately, as I’m very open to suggestions and such. I’m looking for an MxF OC x OC pairing, with myself playing as the F! I prefer well-developed characters, and I like to see how chemistry between our characters develops naturally. NSFW varies, as I do enjoy the usual TLOU blood and guts, but when it comes to sex I struggle writing it. However, I’m happy with a fade to black type of scene! For platforms that I write on, I usually stick to Discord, but use Tumblr to see how we click beforehand.
I think that’s about it for the basics! If this sounds even mildly interesting, please like this post and I’ll reach out! Thanks!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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peach-thekid · 2 years
hey, hi, hello internet! it's me, ya girl. i am deep in the stranger things brain rot. more specifically, i've found myself C R A V I N G some good ol' romance between our very own will byers and mike wheeler.
⚠️ i will say this now: i am NOT a huge fandom person. i don't like fanon and prefer to take our own creative liberties with what the canon provides us. please don't contact me if you're expecting me to know fanon. ALSO i do not double! i am open to different threads if we vibe but i'm not looking to double right off the bat with you ⚠️
chile anyways
🎨 about me:
- 23 years young
- EST timezone
- a very open book who loves to chat OOC and make friends with my rp partners
- unironically says "slay" and i can't stop please make it stop
- oh and my name is talia bahahaha
🛼 about my writing:
- 3rd person POV, past tense
- 2-4+ paragraphs per reply (but if you're looking for a little one-off to just pass the time, i'm open to a more rapid fire reply type story with less expectations!)
- literate-adv/semi-lit
- daily/semi-daily replies (i work 8-5 but i'm remote and try to keep in touch often!)
- NSFW friendly, and i have little to no real triggers. but i will respect any you have!!!
- i love character development, angst, exploring new themes, witty dialogue, and being on the same page about our hopes for the story!
- i write on discord and love aesthetic servers, but also open to google docs
🧇 the story:
- i would prefer to write will. HOWEVER i am open to writing mike if need be.
- characters will be aged up to 18+ and i'd prefer to keep them younger so that we can explore them growing up together still
- can we pls keep max dead? thanks. i am open to including ALL the characters as side characters/cameos to help expand our universe
- let's keep some canon pls! we can start after s4, make our own lore for s5, and go from there! open to AUs but would like to keep it in the canon timeline cause i still love the nostalgia
- open to any and all story ideas and headcanons! let's have funnnnnn
❌ my no-no list: mpreg, a/b/o, furry erp, writing out non con, godmodding.
if you're interested, shoot me a DM with some info about yourself and what you're looking for. we can go from there!
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findroleplay · 8 months
🚬 Hello everyone! I’ve recently re-fixated on The Last of Us, so I’ve developed a craving for an OC x OC rp! To start, I’m 23, a uni student, and I take on a literate-adv. literate style of writing, so I’m looking for someone who is 18+ and writes similarly! I also love communication, as it’s very difficult to be left in the dark for weeks on end, you know?
So, for plots, I was thinking something simple that follows the timeline of TLOU 2, or even our own plot within the universe! An entire plot can be discussed privately, as I’m very open to suggestions and such. I’m looking for an MxF OC x OC pairing, with myself playing as the F! I prefer well-developed characters, and I like to see how chemistry between our characters develops naturally. NSFW varies, as I do enjoy the usual TLOU blood and guts, but when it comes to sex I struggle writing it. However, I’m happy with a fade to black type of scene! For platforms that I write on, I usually stick to Discord, but use Tumblr to see how we click beforehand.
I think that’s about it for the basics! If this sounds even mildly interesting, please like this post and I’ll reach out! Thanks!
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darkdoverpseeker · 8 months
🚬 Hello everyone! I’ve recently re-fixated on The Last of Us, so I’ve developed a craving for an OC x OC rp! To start, I’m 23, a uni student, and I take on a literate-adv. literate style of writing, so I’m looking for someone who is 18+ and writes similarly! I also love communication, as it’s very difficult to be left in the dark for weeks on end, you know?
So, for plots, I was thinking something simple that follows the timeline of TLOU 2, or even our own plot within the universe! An entire plot can be discussed privately, as I’m very open to suggestions and such. I’m looking for an MxF OC x OC pairing, with myself playing as the F! I prefer well-developed characters, and I like to see how chemistry between our characters develops naturally. NSFW varies, as I do enjoy the usual TLOU blood and guts, but when it comes to sex I struggle writing it. However, I’m happy with a fade to black type of scene! For platforms that I write on, I usually stick to Discord, but use Tumblr to see how we click beforehand.
I think that’s about it for the basics! If this sounds even mildly interesting, please like this post and I’ll reach out! Thanks!
like if interested!
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storytimewithnova · 10 months
The Luminary Voyager: Illuminating the Multiverse
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What would you say if Miya Shona the yongest miya Triplet learnt there is multiple versions of herself living a similar timeline but with a though key differences that could range she's a lover or a Loner to school to siblings multiple versions in multiple universes with multiple different out comes How would you react to the multiverse theory i mean seriously this shit only happens in movies right? Right Wrong i am shonna miya and i have lives through the multiverse theory Do you know how weird it is watching the male version of you die in-front of you and yet you feel nothing That AU was call the Dead AU 💀 you couldn’t even stop yourself
Once upon a time, in a world much like our own, lived Miya Shona, the youngest of the Miya triplets. Miya was an ordinary teenager, navigating the ups and downs of school, friends, and family. She had always believed that life was fairly straightforward and that each individual had only one life to live.
But one fateful day, everything changed. Miya stumbled upon the shocking revelation that there were multiple versions of herself living in different universes. In these alternate timelines, her life could take drastically different paths. Some versions of Miya were outgoing and carefree, while others were introverted and lonely. In some universes, Miya excelled in school and had a close bond with her siblings, while in others, she faced numerous challenges and was estranged from her family.
Initially, Miya couldn't help but question the validity of the multiverse theory. She insisted that such extraordinary occurrences only took place in movies, shaking her head in disbelief. However, her belief was shattered when she encountered Shonna Miya, a version of herself who had lived through these alternate realities.
Shonna shared her experiences with Miya, describing the strange sensation of witnessing the death of her male counterpart, all while feeling a sense of detachment. This specific universe, known as the Dead AU, was haunting and painful. Shonna couldn't even save herself from her own demise.
Miya's mind raced with a flurry of emotions. Confusion, curiosity, and astonishment mingled within her. She began to question her own identity and purpose in this vast, interconnected web of realities. What did it mean to be Miya Shona when there were so many versions of herself?
As time went on, Miya started to embrace the idea of the multiverse theory. She observed the subtle nuances that made each version of herself unique, appreciating the richness and complexity of human existence. Every decision, no matter how insignificant, had the potential to shape the course of her life in countless ways.
With this newfound understanding, Miya embarked on a journey of self-discovery, determined to explore the various versions of herself that existed across the multiverse. She sought to learn from each incarnation, appreciating the diverse perspectives and discovering new aspects of her own character.
Through the multiverse theory, Miya realized that life was not as linear as she once believed. It was an intricate tapestry of endless possibilities and outcomes. She understood that every individual had within them the capacity to love, to change, and to shape their own destiny.
And so, Miya embraced the multiverse theory, cherishing the remarkable journey that lay ahead. As she navigated through different realities and encountered versions of herself that ranged from lovers to loners, Miya discovered the true extent of her own potential. She understood that her existence was not confined to a single timeline but spanned across a multitude of universes, each holding its own wonders and challenges.
In the end, Miya learned to embrace the beauty of her multidimensional self, knowing that within her lay infinite possibilities waiting to be explored. And as she stepped into the unknown, a smile spread across her face, filled with excitement for the incredible adventure that lay ahead.
As Miya continued her journey through the multiverse, she encountered versions of herself that differed significantly in personality, appearance, and life experiences. In one timeline, she was a fiercely independent and successful entrepreneur, while in another, she discovered her hidden passion for the arts and became a renowned painter.
Each encounter provided Miya with valuable insights into the infinite ways her life could have unfolded. She started to appreciate the idea that there was no one right path and that she had the power to shape her own destiny, no matter which universe she found herself in.
One day, while exploring yet another alternate reality, Miya stumbled upon a version of herself who had not been as fortunate. This Miya, let's call her Mia, was living in a bleak and desolate world, devoid of hope and joy. Mia had faced numerous challenges and heartbreaks, and her spirit had been all but extinguished.
Filled with empathy, Miya reached out to Mia, determined to bring some light back into her life. She spent time with Mia, listening to her hopes and dreams, and offered her support and encouragement. Through their bond, Miya's own understanding of herself deepened. She came to appreciate the resilience that existed within her, witnessing how even in the face of adversity, she could rise above and overcome.
Together, Miya and Mia embarked on a mission to improve not only their lives but the lives of others in the multiverse. They discovered that their unique experiences and perspectives allowed them to connect with others in unimaginable ways. They formed a network of their alternate selves, sharing stories, ideas, and insights to bring positive change to their respective universes.
Miya's journey through the multiverse had a ripple effect on all the versions of herself she encountered. The more she embraced her own multidimensional self, the more she inspired others to do the same. Through their collective efforts, they shattered the barriers between universes, forging a profound connection that transcended time and space.
Miya realized that the purpose of her journey extended beyond her personal growth. It was about spreading love, understanding, and the immense power of self-acceptance. Through her interactions with her alternate selves, she encouraged others to explore their own potential and embrace the beauty of their multidimensional existence.
As the multiverse continued to reveal its wonders, Miya understood that her journey would never truly be complete. There were always more versions of herself to meet and learn from, each offering new lessons, challenges, and joys. And so, she ventured forth with an open heart, ready to embrace whatever the multiverse had in store for her.
In the end, Miya discovered that the multiverse was not just a theory; it was a reality that existed beyond the limitations of her imagination. She learned that even in the midst of infinite possibilities, her true essence remained constant—a spark of light illuminating the vastness of the multiverse, an embodiment of love, resilience, and boundless potential. And with that understanding, she continued to navigate the multiverse with wonder, curiosity, and an unwavering belief in the power of her own existence.
As Miya journeyed through the multiverse, embracing her multidimensional self and spreading love and understanding, she finally reached the culmination of her adventure. In the midst of infinite possibilities and countless encounters with alternate versions of herself, she found a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.
The multiverse, once a place of infinite exploration, transformed into a vast network of interconnected souls striving for harmony and growth. Miya had become a beacon of light, inspiring others to unlock their true potential and embrace the beauty of their own existence.
With her newfound knowledge and wisdom, Miya returned to her own universe, armed with a deep understanding of her place in the grand tapestry of existence. She dedicated herself to making a positive impact on the lives of those around her, infusing her world with the lessons she had learned in her multi-universal journey.
Miya's efforts did not go unnoticed. The ripples of change spread far and wide, touching the hearts and minds of individuals from all walks of life. Communities began to rise together, embracing their multidimensional nature and seeking unity. The barriers that once separated them began to crumble, replaced by a shared understanding that their collective power could shape their reality.
In recognition of Miya's extraordinary journey and her transformative impact, the multiverse bestowed upon her a title: "The Luminary Voyager." This title captured her essence as a guiding light, illuminating the path for others to explore the intricacies of their own existence.
Embracing her newfound role, Miya pledged to continue her pursuit of unity, understanding, and self-acceptance. She understood that the journey through the multiverse is not just about personal growth or exploration, but a calling to be a catalyst for positive change in every realm.
And so, "The Luminary Voyager" embarked on a quest to bridge the divides between universes, to share her wisdom, and to ignite the flames of love and acceptance in every heart she encountered. Her name became synonymous with courage, compassion, and the unyielding belief that there is infinite beauty in the interconnectedness of all things.
As the ages passed, Miya's legacy resonated across the multiverse. Her story became a parable of hope and inspiration, reminding future generations of the power that lies within each individual to shape their reality and create a harmonious existence for all.
And thus, the multiverse transformed into a tapestry of unity, where versions of Miya, Mia, and countless others flourished in their own unique ways, connected by the eternal thread of love. It was an ever-evolving, vibrant portrait, with "The Luminary Voyager" as its guiding star, shining brightly, reminding everyone that in embracing our multidimensional selves, we can unlock the boundless potential within and illuminate the path toward a better world.
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turtlethon · 2 years
"Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers"
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Season 3, Episode 19
First US Airdate: November 14, 1989   First BBC UK broadcast: October 14, 1991  
Donatello and Rocksteady are captured by alien visitors.
Turtlethon continues with "Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers". This is the third episode of the series credited to Francis Moss, who previously brought us "Attack of the Big MACC".
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In the lair, the Turtles, April and Irma are holding a party to celebrate April’s first anniversary of joining Channel 6 as a reporter. This gives us a little bit of insight into the show’s timeline, as it suggests less than a year has passed since the first episode. April confides to the Turtles that she’s worried she won’t make it to her second anniversary unless she gets a big scoop soon, and that she’s on the verge of losing her job.
We’re only a few seconds into the first scene of the episode and already I have to take a step back to analyse this. I mentioned recently on Twitter that if you actually look at the things April has reported on up to this point in this series, she’s routinely broken stories that would make her the most accomplished journalist in history: mutant turtles that live under the sewers, aliens, time-travelling robots, dinosaurs living beneath New York and a multitude of near-apocalyptic events. No other reporter from any other station even bothers to show up for any of these things. Realistically the only threat to April’s job is Vernon. But okay, for the purposes of this episode let’s assume Burne is really boneheaded enough to fire her.
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Donatello sets out to lighten the mood. He tells Irma he needs her, and her look of deflation when he explains “it’s only to pick up a pizza” cracks me up.
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In the Technodrome, Krang reveals to Shredder that he’s detected energy spikes from the nuclear fission reactor “at the university”. Later, at a glue factory hideout, Shreds provides Rocksteady and Bebop with a tracker and orders them to go to the fission plant.
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After the dissolve we see Bebop and Rocksteady sitting at the end of a pier in front of a fish packing plant. They explain to Shredder via comlink that they’ve been fishing for three hours without success. The boss’s tirade (“I sent you out for FISSION, not FISHING!”) is interrupted when Rocksteady is pulled into the sky by a glowing beam of light.
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Bebop returns to the Technodrome and struggles to explain what happened. Not only did he lose Rocksteady, but they “didn’t catch a single fish”. In terms of comedy this episode probably has the strongest first three minutes of any that I’ve seen so far.
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At the pizzeria next to the cinema from “Beneath These Streets” - which now has a banner reading “KUNG FU COMING ATTRACTIONS CHAINSAW CHERRY HILL ADV[ENTURES?]” - Donatello is pulled into the air by the same glowing beam that captured Rocksteady, sending Irma fleeing in horror.
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Krang determines that the only explanation for Rocksteady’s disappearance is “visitors from outer space, who could make our wildest dreams come true!” Meanwhile in the lair, Irma recounts Donatello’s abduction to the others. Splinter reveals that he has sensed the presence of aliens because that’s one of the vague powers he has this week. April is thrilled at the possibility of reporting on aliens (again) and shows no concern at all for Donnie’s wellbeing.
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Donatello and Rocksteady run into each other in a barren, cavernous environment and after an initial scuffle begin working to find a way out. They’re pursued by an alien monster, who ultimately falls off a cliff edge and vanishes before hitting the ground.
In the most weirdly fluid scene to appear in the show up to this point, April finds out she’s effectively been demoted to camera operator and will be accompanying Vernon in that role as he investigates the strange energy readings emanating from the university.
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The other Turtles find Donatello’s Turtlecom outside the pizzeria where he was abducted. Back in the mysterious realm, Don and Rocksteady discover the entire environment is actually a virtual simulation as it vanishes around them. They’re actually on board a spaceship where an alien child called Nikto has been toying with them. He’s reprimanded by his father Klaatu, who ties Rocksteady up with an energy beam.
Klaatu goes on to introduce his wife Barada to Donatello. The aliens are from the Antares star system and have returned to Earth to recover a toy Nikto had left behind from their previous visit 4,000 years earlier. The university’s nuclear reactor is now causing the toy to approach meltdown. If it disintegrates, it’ll mean the end of the world. Donatello pledges to recover the toy with the help of the other Turtles.
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Shredder returns to the site of Rocksteady’s disappearance and confirms the energy readings match those from the power plant, confirming Krang’s theory that the incident was due to alien visitors. Krang orders Shredder to head to the plant, but after the conversation ends (bizarrely with Krang disappearing from his walker), Shredder reveals to Bebop he intends to beam aboard the alien ship and take it for himself.
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Rocksteady informs Shredder of the location of the ship via comlink until Donatello intervenes. Donnie goes on to modify the communicator to contact the other Turtles and tells them of Shredder’s plan.  A showdown soon takes place at the glue factory that culminates in Shredder and Splinter accidentally being transported onto the ship as we head into the second commercial break.
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Aboard the ship, Splinter meets up with Donatello, who is baking pizzas for the Antareans. At the same time Shredder reunites with Rocksteady and tries to grill him for information without much success.
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Krang learns of Shredder’s plans to double-cross him and take control of the ship. He provides Bebop with a tracking device and orders him to head to the fission plant, warning that this is his “last chance”.
April watches as Vernon reports about the situation at the plant, and after promising to give Burne a piece of her mind ends up begging her boss for another chance. Burne isn’t receptive, scoffing at her “invasion from mars” story. Hey, remember when Krang took over all the TVs in New York and warned he was about to unleash an earthquake that would flatten the city? Remember when the Neutrinos buzzed right by the Channel 6 building in their flying cars? Remember when HE got abducted by aliens that looked like Elvis and went on TV to insist this was all very real? I guess that’s all out the window now.
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Meeting up with the Turtles, April sets out to prove her story. They head off in the Turtle van, which is launched via a big spring despite obviously having an engine.
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Shredder and Rocksteady use the weapons and technology stored on the ship to capture Donatello and Splinter. The villains head back to Earth, determined to get to the fission plant before Krang.
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The Turtles are battling Bebop and a group of Foot Soldiers when Shredder and Rocksteady arrive. They use the alien technology to restrain April and the Turtles before raising Nikto’s toy – a giant, ominous structure – from the ground. Their victory is interrupted by the return of Donatello and Splinter, who reveal the Antareans set them free. The aliens then teleport their items back to the ship.
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A stray energy blast from Bebop’s gun (mistakenly drawn as an Antarean weapon) hits the giant toy, accelerating the meltdown process. Shredder and the mutants escape via transport module, leaving the Turtles to save the world on their own. April intervenes, heading to the base of the structure and deactivating it. She returns holding the power source in her hands, explaining that “every kids’ toy needs batteries”, which plainly is not some great universal truth, but I guess her hunch paid off nevertheless.
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Krang gloats as Shredder and Bebop repair the transport module, pointing out that Saki tried to usurp him but is now left with nothing. Shredder retorts that Krang doesn’t even have hands to repair his own equipment, right before Bebop unwittingly slams the module door shut. As Shredder howls in pain, Krang responds that if he keeps that up, he won’t have hands either.
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The Turtles watch April’s pre-recorded report about the aliens with her on TV, and give her a round of applause (although Raphael inexplicably looks like he just heard someone died). She reveals that this scoop was enough to get her office back and secure a three-year contract, which if the passage of time in this episode is anything to go by will keep her employed for almost the entire remainder of the series.
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Donatello walks in and reveals to the other Turtles that he’s just had a conversation with Klaatu via “the interstellar transmitter”(?!) The aliens plan to return to Earth in 4989, an even three thousand years after the broadcast of this episode. Michaelangelo immediately heads back to the kitchen to start baking pizzas for them, reasoning that there’s no point in waiting until the last minute.
"Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers" has a very strong first few minutes, with almost golden era-Simpsons style rapid-fire gags. Once Donatello and Rocksteady are on board the alien ship it begins to feel like very standard TMNT fare from this era, where there’s always an alien, monster or robot that arrives to shake things up, as well as a power source for Shredder and the Turtles to fight over. Visually this one is... uneven. I’d love to know what the story was with the Channel 6 scenes looking like they’re from a different show entirely. There are some wonderful sequences with Rocksteady too, but just as much of the episode is merely adequate.
NEXT TIME: Aliens again, but this time it’s much, much worse.
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supermantv · 3 years
daxton + “is that my shirt?” requested from this prompt list. the timeline is murky-ish, but set sometime between episodes 2 and 3 of season 2. 
When Paxton arrives home that afternoon, Becca is already standing in the kitchen waiting for him. She looks annoyed, lips pressed into a thin and her brows furrowed, and Paxton is immediately on guard, racking his brain and trying to figure out what she could possibly be mad at him for this time. As far as he knows, he hasn't done anything. (He's only 70% sure though.)
When she notices him, she exhales loudly and if anything, she sounds relieved, and he relaxes. However, his internal celebration over having not been the one to piss her off is short-lived when she thrusts a blue plastic bag straight into the middle of his chest.
“What's this?” he asks, peering with interest into the bag when he notices a crumpled up pair of jeans and a dark sweater. His sister's next fashion endeavor? But if he squints a little, the daisies embroidered into the denim, and the designs stitched into the sweater look slightly familiar. 
“Not yours,” Becca replies snarkily and Paxton rolls his eyes. 
“You give me a mysterious bag with no explanation and expect me to not look or ask questions?” 
Becca tries her best to look exasperated but she can't fight the smile that plays at the corners of her mouth. “They're Devi’s.” And at the mention of his ex-girlfriend’s name, Paxton feels a strange and entirely unpleasant sensation churn low in his stomach. “She was doing me a favor and modeling again but something came up suddenly and she had to leave. Still wearing my designs.” 
“And you want me to..?” 
Becca blinks at him like she can't believe he's asking such a stupid question right now. Which makes sense, because he knows full and well what she wants from him, but the thought still makes him shift his weight restlessly from foot to foot. 
“Return her clothes?” Becca says slowly, and it comes out sounding like a question. “Get my clothes back from her?” 
Paxton wants to protest. Refuse to do it and fumble his way through a poorly thought-out excuse and half-assed apology, but he also knows with the way Becca’s looking at him right now, there's no getting out of it. His sister is not known for her easy-going nature or her ability to take no for an answer. So, Paxton sighs and accepts his fate and Becca thanks him with a bright smile and an affectionate squeeze to his forearm.
The next day at school, Paxton enters the building with an uncharacteristic vigor. He has a plan. A simple one, but a plan nevertheless. His plan is to find Devi as soon as possible and return her clothes with minimal conversation. He'd contemplated texting her this morning to agree on a spot and time to meet at, but as his thumb hovered over her name in his contacts, he thought against it and tucked his phone back into his pocket. Instead, he's going to park himself in front of her locker and wait until she shows up, so that he doesn't have to spend the rest of the day thinking about the clothes sitting in the bottom of his book bag that belong to her. 
Except she's not the only one at her locker when he rounds the corner. Fabiola and Eve stand on either side of her, and he knows they probably wouldn't say anything, but he also really does not want to do this in front of them. So he backtracks before he's spotted, accidentally knocking into a random freshman and sending them crashing into a locker in his haste to flee the scene. He throws an apology over his shoulder but he's not sure if it's heard because he's gone in a matter of seconds. 
Paxton tries not to stress over his first failed attempt to return Devi’s stuff. There's plenty of time left in the school day to get her alone and give her her clothes as painlessly as possible. And this would probably be true on any other day, but today the universe seems determined to put him through his paces, and every window of opportunity he spies is slammed brutally shut every time he tries to take advantage of it. 
And at the end of the day, when he's sitting alone in his jeep, Devi’s clothes still in his possession, his entire posture slumped and screaming defeat, he's able to laugh at himself and his stupidly cursed circumstances, eyes reluctantly sneaking a glance at his cast. He's literally chasing after the only girl he'd ever truly liked, after she’d caused him so much emotional turmoil she'd practically sent him running into oncoming traffic. He hadn't told his parents or Becca the whole story about that night. His sister had seen the video- how could she not? -but she hadn't known the part before- the reason he had been so worked up, upset enough to neglect to check for approaching vehicles. If she had known, Paxton's sure she wouldn't have asked him to do this. 
Paxton is so caught up in his self-pity party, lost in his thoughts, that he missed the knock on the passenger side window the first time. The second knock is louder, and he startles, his head lifting from where it had been resting against the steering wheel to look for the source of the noise. And of course, who should be standing there but the unwitting cause of his distress. Devi smiles tentatively and he rolls down the window, trying to ignore the way his palms have already become sticky with sweat from his sudden nerves. 
“Heeeeyyyy,” she says, drawing out the word in a way that makes it known to him she's also nervous. Which gives him a small feeling of satisfaction, but then her eyes are drifting downward, focused on something in the passenger seat and he follows her gaze to where his book bag sits, unzipped, her clothes inside on full display. “Is that my shirt?” 
“Uhh.” His tongue is heavy and dry in his mouth, and he can't reply, but Devi doesn't seem that interested in his response anyway. Instead, she opens the door herself and is already leaning into the car to collect her clothes. 
“I left in such a rush yesterday I forgot to change,” she explains, laughing anxiously. “Did Rebecca ask you to give them to me? I'm sorry about that. I wouldn't have done it, but she'd asked me such a long time ago and she said you wouldn't be home.” 
“It's whatever,” Paxton tells her once he finds his voice again. Devi winces at his unintentionally harsh tone, and it's hard to ignore the guilt clawing away at his heart at the wounded expression on her face, but he does anyway. She's the one who hurt him. Not the other way around. 
She finishes getting her clothes out of his bag, the fabric bundled in her arms as she shuts the car door and backs up a few feet. He thinks she's going to leave, but she lingers, looking uncomfortable but determined, and when she opens her mouth Paxton already knows he won't like whatever she has to say, so he's rolling up the window and speeding out of the parking lot before she gets a chance to speak.
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
J.P.N fan I follow: "I was surprised {implied: in the good way, they're a Taichi fan} to hear that Taichi goes to Waseda University" Me: (*looks that up*) ME: ME: ... People truly thought Taichi and Koushiro WOULDN'T *possibly* BE at the same Tokyo university?!??!
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jaeminlore · 6 years
NCT Masterlist
☼ = author’s favorites ♚ = adventure universe  ☘  = seasons universe       
❂ = ribbon universe  ☤ = heartbeat universe  ✣ = freedom universe
⚛ = sounds of the summer universe   ⚜ = nothing happens universe
Chrysanthemums (fluff, royalty au) ☼
Glad I Could Help (fluff, blurb) ☼
All of Me (fluff, soulmate au)
Strings of Fate (fluff, soulmate au) ☼
Natural Disaster (angst, florist au)
Natural Disaster Part Two (fluff, florist au)
Not a Fan (fluff, not au)
Now a Fan (fluff, not au)
It’s a Date (fluff, TA au)
Ideal Type (blurb, not au)
Dreams of You (fluff, soulmate au)
Piplup Pride (fluff, pokémon au)
Friends to Lovers (bulleted au)
Prince Charming (fluff, royalty au) ☼
Pages of Life (fluff)
Happy Birthday (blurb, fluff)
How Would You Feel (song fic, angst, fluff) ☼
Queen of Disaster (song fic, biker au)
Sunshine (song fic, fluff)
Unfold (fluff, blurb)
I Just Wanna (song fic, fluff) ☼
Summer Days (fluff)
Anniversary (fluff)
Moon River (song fic, fluff) ☼
Immortal (angst, lotr elf au) ☼
Hope (angst, fluff, pirate au) ❂
His Thoughts at Midnight (angst)
Nothing to Prove (fluff)
Kissing Buddies (fluff)
Cat Boy (fluff, comedy, witch au)
Cat Boy Part Two (fluff, comedy, witch au)
Middle of The Night (song fic, angst)
In Short, I Like You (fluff, chubby!reader) 
Floor (bulleted scenario)
Kissing Yuta (bulleted au)
Finding Gilbert (fluff, soulmate au) ☼
Finding Gilbert Part Two (fluff, soulmate au)
Kun as Your Boyfriend (bulleted au)
Kissing Kun (bulleted au)
Till The End of Time (fluff, prince!kun)  ☼ ☘
Protect You (fluff, royalty au) ☼
Golden Snitch (fluff, hogwarts au) ☼
Girlfriend (GS pt 2, fluff)
Dance With Me (blurb, fluff)
LOL (fluff)
Snow Queen (fluff)
Kissing Doyoung (bulleted au)
Cheap Thrills (fluff, rebel!doyoung)
Illustrated Haiku (fluff, soulmate au) ☼
One Day (fluff) ☼
Stay With Me (fluff, angst, prince!au)
Secret Love Song (fluff, angst, not au)
Seven Minutes in Heaven (fluff, best friends au)
Rest (blurb, fluff)
Viridity (blurb, fluff) ☼
Friends to Lovers (bulleted au)
Break Down the Wall (royalty au) ☼
BDTW related drabbles: One
Two Houses (slice of life, fluff)
Universe (blurb, fluff) ☼
Grow (fluff)
Arsenal (superhero au)
Atlantis (fluff, mermaid au) ☼
Life’s Preperations (fluff, single dad!ten) ☼
Worlds Apart (angst, twd au) ⚜
Vice Versa (fluff)
Delusional (angst, slice of life) 
I’ll Be Waiting (fluff, neighbor au)
Nervous (fluff, angst, not au)
Goodbye Summer (angst, song fic)
Always (angst, song fic) ☤
Close to You (fluff, song fic, dad!jaehyun) ☼
Like a Princess (fluff, angst, chubby!reader) ☼
Relax (blurb, fluff)
Heartbeat (fluff, hospital au) ☼ ☤
Remember the Saints (fluff, racecar driver au)
Spontaneity (fluff) 
Win (single dad au, fluff)
Kissing Jungwoo (bulleted au)
Kissing Yukhei (bulleted scenario)
Come What May (fluff, prince!yukhei) ☼ ☘
Darlin’ (fluff, biker!yukhei) ☼ ⚛
Promise (fluff, royalty au)
Notice You (blurb, fluff)
Without a Car (fluff, socialite(?) au) ☼
Not Yet (fluff, aged up au) ☼
Turtles and Teasing (fluff)
Falling Apart (slice of life)
That’s My Girl (fluff, angst, insecure!reader)
Sleeping Beauty (fluff, sleepwalker au) ☼
Fight For You (fluff, knight au) ☼ ♚
Uniform (fluff, policeman au)
Kissing Mark (bulleted scenario) ☼
Seasons (fluff, prince!mark) ☼ ☘
Prom w Mark (bulleted au)
Little Surfer Girl (fluff, skater!mark) ⚛
Amor Libertatis (fisherman!mark, fluff) ☼☼ ✣
The World is Ending and I’m With You (isaewy!spinoff, soulmate!au) ☼
Deer in The Headlights (fluff, song fic)
An Artists’ Soulmate (fluff, soulmate au)
Kissing Renjun (bulleted scenario) ☼
La La Love (blurb, song fic)
Don’t Worry, Baby (angst, sand artist!renjun) ⚛
You and Me (fluff, angst)
Tonight (fluff, blurb)
Healing (fluff, healer!jeno) ♚
Knight in Distress (fluff, knight!jeno) 
Courage (KID part two, fluff, knight!jeno) ☼
It Starts and Ends With You (soulmate au, angst) ☼
Kissing Jeno (bulleted scenario)
High Hopes (fluff, baseball player!jeno) ☼
Prom w Jeno (bulleted au)
Vulcan and Venus (fluff, glassblower!jeno, fantasy au)
Catch a Wave (fluff, surfer!jeno) ⚛
Always Return (fluff, angst, pirate!au)  ☼☼ ☘
First Love (fluff, highschool au)
Thank You (blurb, fluff)
Impulse (blurb, fluff)
Maybe (blurb, fluff)
Friends to Lovers (bulleted au)
Funny (fluff)
Clingy Haechan (bulleted scenario)
Walk You Home (blurb, song fic)
All The Stars (blurb, fluff)
I Love You (blurb, fluff)
Kissing Haechan (bulleted scenario)
Fun, Fun, Fun (fluff, swimmer!hyuck) ⚛
I Will Be There (fluff, angst, prince!hyuck) ☼ ☘
Adventure (fluff, angst, royalty au) ☼ ♚
The Adventure Continues (ADV part two, royalty au) ☼ ♚
Better Than Medicine (fluff, friend au)
BTM Part Two
BTM Part Three
Vampire!Jaemin (bulleted au)
Kissing Jaemin (bulleted scenario) ☼
Do You Wanna Dance? (fluff, angst, lifeguard!jaemin) ⚛
Gardenias (fluff, angst, nurse!jaemin) ☼
Of Candy Coated Charges (fluff, avonlea!au, 1890s!jaemin)  ☼
Redamancy (blurb, fluff)
Sweet Surrender (fluff, angst, blurb)
Mine (blurb, fluff)
Tattooist!Jaemin (bulleted au) ☼
Leap of Faith (fluff, spider-man!jaemin)
Kissing Chenle (bulleted scenario)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice (fluff, snowcone vendor!chenle) ⚛
Kissing Jisung (bulleted scenario)
Wild Honey (fluff, biker!jisung) ⚛
How NCT Would Kiss You ☼
Jumanji Edit With Foreign Swaggers
NCT as Street Fighter Winning Quotes
NCT’s Favorite Type of Kisses ☼
Wrong Move (angst, fantasy au) ☼
Diagnosis (fluff, hospital au) ☼ ☤
Ribbons (fluff, angst, pirate au) ☼ ❂
Rêves (fluff, janitor au) 
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oldscarredlove · 7 years
AfterGone - Part 3/3
Part 1 - http://scarredlove.tumblr.com/post/158033060124/aftergone-part-13 Part 2 - http://scarredlove.tumblr.com/post/158033367624/aftergone-part-23 The Origins of AG
Swap > (Can’t remember) Fell > (Don’t know) Ink - @comyet Geno, Error > @loverofpiggies Mute > @sori4rt
—CONTINUE— According to Blueberry it’s been a lil over a month since I was first brought here to the Omega Timeline and believe me, it has been quite joyful. I enjoy hanging out with the other AUs and it’s funny to tease them, especially UnderFell since we tend to FIGHT a lot. They’d throw me a bone or I’d make one comment and then everyone stands back, at least it keeps me in shape.
Right now? I was drifting in and out of sleep one of the many love-seats, having one of my own now (or one I prefer to use at least). I’ve been sleeping a lot more, slowly trusting the others and losing the bags under my eyes, the nightmares have also been vanishing also or at least not been as terrifying as they used to be.
During my time here, I’ve gotten to know quite a bit of each AU whilst also gaining information from Blueberry. Turns out I’m the only Sans who has a claw instead of telekinesis like the rest, well, for now anyway. The main people I tend to speak more to, however, are probably UnderSwap Papyrus, Ink Sans and Mute Sans, each are quite unique to hang out with and I talk to them about different stuff.
With US Paps, we discuss my sister and my friends -and yes, it still is a touchy subject for me and I think it always will be.I do get emotional whilst talking about it, who wouldn’t? But it has kept me sane, lifting a weight off my shoulders which I never knew was there. Pap is the only one who truly knows about my AU, everyone else only knows that Chara killed everyone, they tricked me and killed themself to stop RESETS.
Ink makes me laugh, he’s been teaching me how to draw so I can put all my negativity and depression into something that isn’t self-loathing. I have to say I’m doing pretty good if I do say so myself although Ink is a master at art, welp, can’t control that. But when we’re not drawing, he talks about how he doesn’t have an AU like Error and Geno and how he’s kept himself sane. I look up to him for his humanity (although we’re the same height, heh).
Mute is a different case, since he doesn’t talk, Ink provided him with a pen and some paper, allowing him to communicate. It’s a slow conversation but I enjoy it, its rather peaceful to sit back and take a breather with a nice cup of either tea or ketchup. We talk about the other AUs and what ifs really, it’s kinda funny. CRASH I jolted up from my seat and scouted around, seeing SwapFell Sans and UnderSwap Pap in fighting stances with Blueberry looking upset. I groaned and rolled my eyes. This is getting ridiculous, I can already guess what was going on. Blueberry and Sourberry (yes, that’s his nickname) bumped into each other and Blueberry’s tacos had gotten all over Sour’s ‘battle body’, I could see the sause running down his armour and onto the floor with the rest.
I stood up and walked off, heading back to the corridor full of grey doors, to my AU. I basically spend half my time here in the Omega Timeline now, it keeps me from going mad and trust me, there have been several times when I’ve gone off the bend…
Thanks to a certain child… — I bet some of you are wondering:
“Hey, what’ja do with the souls?” “Hey, why haven’t you left the Underground?” Welp, first of all, I never left because I don’t deserve it, everyone’s dream was to go to the Human world and make peace and live among with them, I didn’t really care back then since I didn’t really care much about the humans in the first place. If we came up it was a 50-50 chance of making peace or another war would occur.
So now, with everyone dead and unable to come back when it’s now possible? I don’t think I should be allowed to go and live with them, besides, time has frozen down here so why should it be any different up there? This whole universe is basically dead now.
As for the souls… That’s much more complicated. During the…’incident’, the human and I found the souls. Since humans couldn’t absorb other human souls, they figured they’d destroy them instead rather than hand them to me. They were smarter than that because if I did have them? They’d either RESET or I’d kill them before they do anything. I would’ve been a god, or close enough to one. But there is one question I know you’re wanting to ask… “What happened to Chara’s soul?” …Fun fact: They’re still alive and kicking.
Just not in the way you think… —PAUSE— I shook the body of the human, screaming and begging them to RESET the timeline. To bring all the monsters back. To bring my friends back. My sister back.
After my voice had become a whisper and my movements became slow, I stopped and saw everything flash before my eyes, haunting me, taunting me. My thoughts only repeated one thing: what have I done?
I closed my eyes and covered my blood-coated hands over my jaw-hinges, trying to block out the image and sounds of the monsters, begging for their lives. Tears slithered and slipped over my cheekbones, my face hot from anger but my chest cold with sadness. I never should’ve gave the human what they wanted. I should’ve been more DETERMINED.
Instead I was weak. A coward.
I opened my eyes and gasped, falling off my knees and backing away in fear. The human I didn’t know, wearing blue, magenta and brown, their neck red with blood, was glowing.
I didn’t get what was going on until the light grew smaller and smaller, ending up being a circle in the middle of their chest. Their soul. A red heart came into view and floated up slowly, peacefully. I was shaking and I couldn’t stop. As soon as I saw the soul I had to make a quick decision: Capture it and lock it away somewhere or….
My movements however were quicker, I teleported to it and grabbed it, my own soul glowing weakly. I didn’t know what to do, I had the soul in my literal grip and all I could do was stare. I pulled the collar of my T-shirt lowere so my white, upside-down heart was in view and hesitantly brought it closer to my own soul, my skull sweaty with nervousness.
I fell completely onto my back and screamed, louder then I ever had and thought that my own jaw was going to break off. It felt like my chest was burning, being scolded by the lava at Hotland. I couldn’t breathe and during my agony I couldn’t think clearly but I may or may not have screamed for my sister and everyone’s forgiveness.
The pain was something I deserved though, I’d killed everyone, believing it was for the best of everyone so the human would stop. I was wrong of course but I couldn’t turn back time. Then suddenly it all stopped, the pain quickly faded and left me gasping for air although I had no lungs like humans or some monsters.
My skull was wet with tears and sweat, my whole body was twitching and unsure if I should move, risking the chance of going through the pain again. I sat up slowly after what seemed like ten minutes, happy to discover the pain really was gone. Groaning with the achy feeling, I rubbed in between my eye-sockets and scratched my skull, yelping in pain.
What the…?
I ran my hand over the left side of my skull and felt it, a crack going around my entire head. I was unsure of why it was still in place and hadn’t fallen to the ground but I was glad it was still in it’s rightful position, I took a peak at my soul too and was again shocked.
It still had the shape of a regular monster soul but it was now red with a crack that looks similar to the one on my face on the left side of it. Tears rose up again but after closing my eyes for a minute, they were gone. I stood up and looked back at where I came from… deciding I needed to clean this whole place up from its filth.
I bet Papyrus would be proud of my cleaning. — It’s been a week or something since that dreadful day. I hated thinking about it but what else was there to do now? All I could do was pace the whole
UnderGround, watch replays and old videos of Mettaton’s shows, Alphys’ anime collection and read his manga or train with Undyne’s non-magical weapons. I felt awful to even touch any of that stuff but I might as well make myself suffer some more. Who am I without my guilt and hatred? I can’t even remember what I was like when I was cheerful anymore.
After a few episodes of  the MTT Quiz Show, my soul started to beat rapidly and before I realised it, I was on the floor, curled into a ball of pain and struggling to breathe. I heard imaginary laughter, toying with me and my sanity, I knew who it belonged to and tried to see if the human was here, my eyes landed on a being but it wasn’t a human.
It was myself.
Their cheekbones were blushing pink, their eye-sockets completely soulless and had black tear-marks running down their face and their grin… It was the scariest thing I ever saw.
My reflection giggled and crouched down to me, I scrambled to sit up and moved away, hitting the wall with a bump, they laughed harder. “This is a great show! I never thought I’d see a more pathetic look of you Sans but you proved me wrong! Congrats!” They started to clap and winked at me, I growled in anger.
“Heya par’ner! See, I do keep my promises, unlike a certain someone!” They stood straight and walked toward the window. “It’s so quiet down here, so boring.
“If it’s boring, why end it?”
“Because!” They glanced at me and winked again, “it’s hilarious to see you in such a state!” They walked up to me and knelt, I pressed against the wall as much as I could. “How did it feel Sans? Killing everyone you loved? Killing everyone who depended on you to get their revenge in the previous resets?”
Those words… They were the ones that made me go off the edge… I was going mad, all my guilt and shame was making me insane. I couldn’t live on like this, I just couldn’t. What was the point anymore? I had nothing left and my life has no meaning…
Using my weakest moment to their advantage, they fully possessed me, taking over my body for an entire…. month? I had no clue how long, it seemed live forever. They sliced down the trees of the forest, they destroyed every puzzle, they tore up all the plants, wrecked Hotland and the Core and made the castle crumble to the ground, the barrier vanishing from sight.
I couldn’t wake up, didn’t wanna, what could I do to stop them? They were stronger than me and I’d always fall for their tricks.. but then we came across the Graveyard, they took pleasure at looking over the reminders of all the monsters that were slain. Then they looked at Papyrus’ grave… and their own.
I felt them weaken, like some small part of them acknowledges the fact that they are no longer alive. They never were. They materialized my claw and were ready to slice this place to nothing but rubble and splinters. It was then when I woke up, somewhere in the back of my skull, I kept telling myself to stay alive.
That I had to be DETERMINED to defeat the human.
Stay determined to defeat the human… The one thing I never did…. It felt like I was drowning, the human’s hatred was as thick and black as tar. I struggled to escape, I had to protect Papyrus and everyone! Even if it’s only their graves, their spirits must live on!
“WhAT arE YoU DoInG?” No way was I ever letting them control me again! Not after everything that had happened. We split apart, both gasping for air and balance, when I looked back at them they were staring at me with daggers. I sensed magic in use so I made sure I was quicker than them. I summoned a Gaster Blaster
I only had to hit them once. —CONTINUE— From then one, they never came back, sure I’d have my moments of anxiety and what not but that day was one I could never forget. They’re now one with me, their soul and mine are now finally in sync,and that’s why I’m happy with deciding to come back to the Omega Timeline, because they help me stay in control of my emotions, not the human.
After going to Alphys’ Lab, I’d accidentally hit a button or something and turned on his old monitor that showed footage from the cameras. I ended up watching them and found out that they were never there, it was my own mind screwing with me, meaning I’d basically went on a rampage in my own despair.
Time makes fools out of us all.
I stopped in front of Papyrus’ grave and knelt down, lifting her scarf up and over her tombstone. Whilst turning around and going back to the grey door to the Omega Timeline, I slipped on the blood-red scarf and opened the door, taking in the scene one last time. As soon as I returned, Error stood there looking both annoyed and arrogant whilst Ink looked unsure.
“AG, are you sure you wanna do this? You can’t ever-”
“Shut up, she’s letting me do my thing! Don’t spoil it for me!” Error glared at Ink. I sighed. “I’m sure Ink, I’ve thought about this for a while and this is the best solution I can think of, staying in my AU is making me ill and not to mention that it’s basically dead already.”
He groaned out of frustration. “Fine…” he leaned toward me and whispered. “Hey, how’d you even persuade Error to do this for free?”
I giggled and placed a finger over my mouth. “I don’t know what you mean!” Error’s blue threads wrapped around the door to my world, I lost my smiled instantly and watched it all unfold before me. Error looked like a child at a sweet shop, taking pleasure at destroying things.
The door shattered at the pressure of his threads, leaving a blank wall behind, he immediately walked off with a grin on his face and humming something. Ink rolled his eyes and the both of us cleaned up the mess he’d left.
I had tears going down my face, but this time it was tears of joy. I was at peace, I was finally able to move on, I shall live on for everyone. For Papyrus. —GAME OVER—
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{repeat?_-verse} dated 04-15-18
(The first full chapter I actually wrote, aside from the opening two) {Posted when rest completed here}
#repeatverse#repeat koushiro#repeat adv koushiro#repeat taichi#repeat advs taichi#verse: tri spinoff#verse: aware koushiro#verse: original koushiro#verse: aware digivillains#verse: ryo cannot interfere#verse: fallen 02 chosen#verse: timeline reset#verse: memory wiped#verse: college au#university au taichi#verse: alphamon won#advs timeline: university#(for prosperity)#(its basically a combo of all possible timeline ideas above)#(I'm negl the only reason I tried a written A.U. to begin with was)#(I WANTED TO POST THIS D*MN CHAPTEr AND!! S C E N E Where Taichi FINDS OUT)#(I must have written this in like a Night ?? ?)#(but I was planning it all week long)#(I had draft outlines because I wanted to see if I could make it a 'One Week' length like story for the in-joke of it all)#(I was not expecting what this fan base would turn into post Kyousei and B.N.M What Even Was All That ?!??!?!)#(Anyway this Koushiro was originally COFTFF Koushiro having already been through multiple original timeline resets but back then)#(it was like x3 of them or so because 1. Clones 2. The Clones Become Aware 3. Clone!Koushiro resets the failed royalty A.U. Timeline)#(This was a similar idea I had in mind for my oldest 02 story when they finished Koushiros arc in middle of it and then Taichis last)#(Koushiro in original form was going to appear to COFTFF Taichi and Chosen by the end and do The Info-Dump on What Happened To Them)#(AND THEN MY 02 SITE DIED BECAUSE GEO-CITIES DID AAAAAAA And NOW TOEI USES THIS T rOPE CANONICALLY)
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
By the eighteenth day, Koushiro dropped {Koushiro}'s “e”s. Tentomon no longer had a name.
Although {Tentomon} welcomed whatever made Koushiro happy, Tentomon felt somewhat uneasy about the entire thing. There was no mistake that Koushiro's face grew more serene with each passing day. But {Koushiro's} eyes… {Koushiro's} eyes looked so blank. Nowhere in them could {Tentomon} find that bright sparkle they once had, like at Andromon's factory, when Koushiro was typing into his laptop with engrossed excitement, or within the empty well in the desert. Before it had met Koushiro, Tentomon had always thought that "thinking" was a pain. But meeting Koushiro made {Tentomon} come to feel that thinking wasn't so bad after all.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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