#tailoring station crab
viewsoftyria · 1 month
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Views of Tyria - Lion's arch - Tailoring station crab
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Hi! How about Chen Yuzhi protecting Yu Tangchun like he's his little brother? They have known each other for a long time and Yuzhi is always worried about Tangchun. Boss Yu is not used to such care, but he really likes it. When Yuzhi finds out that Tangchun is dating Zhan Junbai, he interrogates the poor director as if they are in a police station, and Junbai is a criminal /which is true/. Zhan Junbai is shocked by such a Yuzhi and a little scared, such a doctor Chen causes horror in him. Yu Tanchun saves the poor director and grumbles at his brother, saying, stop scaring my boyfriend. Chen Yuzhi promises Zhan Junbai that if he dares to hurt his brother, he will arrange a fun life for him. After all, doctors are very dangerous opponents. Director Zhan agrees with everything. Then he complains to Jian Yuelou that his boyfriend is creepy and how does he date him? Yuelou laughs and doesn't believe that Yuzhi could scare Junbai. Then the events of the canon, Tanchun is captured by Zhan Junbai, Yuelou may have died, Keing is also in the hands of the head of Jinma Hall. Chen Yuzhi's nerves are on edge. He manages to get into Zhan Junbai's mansion and when he sees Yu Tanchun in a serious condition after he ate crab meat, Wu Yuzhi breaks the last brakes. He becomes a fucking bersek and almost kills Junbai. Director Zhan is shocked by such rage. "I fucking warned you. If you dare to hurt him, I will destroy you. I keep my word," Yuzhi said in an icy tone. Will the brothers be able to escape or will they die?
An angry Chen Yuzhi is a scary Chen Yuzhi. And Zhan Junbai is going to know his wrath
Chen Yuzhi has known Yu Tangchun for years
Yu Tangchun was actually Chen Yuzhi’s first patient because when Chen Yuzhi found about Yu Tangchun’s throat disease, he declared that he would do his best to treat and maybe even cure his disease
Unfortunately, Yu Tangchun’s throat disease isn’t curable, but that doesn’t stop Chen Yuzhi from taking care of him and looking after him.  He’s very fond of Yu Tangchun and thinks of him as a friend and even as a taller, younger brother
He’s constantly worried about Yu Tangchun, so when he finds out that Zhan Junbai has taken a liking to him…he’s suspicious and on guard (you know, like a good brother)
Then the stabbing in the tailor’s happens and Chen Yuzhi is *this* close to absolutely losing his shit, until he sees Zhan Junbai’s face and realizes that Zhan Junbai is far more worried about Yu Tangchun than he is…the usually composed minister of finance looks close to tears
After Chen Yuzhi successfully stitches up Yu Tangchun, he takes Zhan Junbai aside, where neither Yu Tangchun or Qiu Ming can hear them, and looks him in the eyes
“You like Boss Yu, right?”
Zhan Junbai blinks before he nods
Chen Yuzhi nods
“Alright…I’ve known him for a very long time.  He’s my friend and almost like a little brother to me”
Zhan Junbai nods again, not entirely sure where this talk is going, until Chen Yuzhi pulls a scalpel from god knows where and points it at him, mainly his throat
“If you hurt him and I find out, I will break every god damn bone in your body and then dismember you before hiding your body where not even Jiang Yuelou can find you”
Zhan Junbai’s eyes widen and he’s so at a loss for words that Chen Yuzhi just chuckles softly as he quietly slips the scalpel back into his jacket (or wherever it came from) and looks at him  
“Have I made myself clear, Executive?”
Zhan Junbai nods and he feels a sense of fear (and he does not feel fear (other than when Yu Tangchun got stabbed but that’s different)) shoot down his spine as he looks at this seemingly harmless doctor
Chen Yuzhi then smiles and walks over to his kit, picking it up before he dips his head to Zhan Junbai
“I’ll come by to check on him tomorrow”
Zhan Junbai nods and Chen Yuzhi smiles before he heads out of the room. As soon as he’s gone, Zhan Junbai has to reach out and brace himself on a nearby wall because his legs suddenly feel like jelly and holy fuck what was that
He then turns to Qiu Ming and motions to Yu Tangchun
“Watch him.  I’m going out”
Qiu Ming nods and sits down in the chair beside Yu Tangchun’s bed as Zhan Junbai heads to the police department, heading to Jiang Yuelou’s office
He then knocks and Jiang Yuelou’s voice calls inside for him to enter, which he does.  When Jiang Yuelou sees him, he smiles
“Zhan-xiong.  What are you doing here?”
Zhan Junbai shakes his head
“Your doctor is terrifying”
Jiang Yuelou blinks
Zhan Junbai nods
“He threatened to break every bone in my body and then dismember me and hide me where you’ll never be able to find me if I ever hurt Boss Yu”
Jiang Yuelou looks at him in shock before he laughs in disbelief
“Chen Yuzhi said that?  I doubt it. He’s so kind, he wouldn’t hurt a fly”
Zhan Junbai makes a face because he wasn’t on the receiving end of Chen Yuzhi’s scalpel and cold eyes
“How is Boss Yu, anyways?”
Zhan Junbai hums
“Yuzhi says he’ll pull through, but he’s going to need a lot of rest”
Jiang Yuelou hums
“Well, look after him, won’t you?”
Zhan Junbai nods, especially since Chen Yuzhi’s threat is looming in the back of his head
And then Zhan Junbai’s uncle Zhan Tianqing shows up and everything practically goes to shit
Zining dies, Yu Tangchun is held captive, Keying is gone, Jiang Yuelou gets fucking shot and Chen Yuzhi…he’s honestly on his last fucking nerve. He’s exhausted and angry and hurt and then…AND FUCKING THEN
Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun show up and Yu Tangchun looks absolutely fucking awful and it takes all of two seconds for Chen Yuzhi to understand what’s happening
He quickly does his best to make Yu Tangchun not sick anymore (i.e., make him throw up the crabs) and while Yu Tangchun is recovering, he goes to Zhan Junbai and grabs one of his scalpels, pressing it to his throat, particularly his carotid artery
Zhan Junbai looks at him with wide eyes as Chen Yuzhi snarls
“I warned you.  I fucking warned you what would happen if you hurt him…and you feed him fucking crabs?!  You’ve taken Jiang Yuelou and Keying from me and now you want to take Boss Yu too?!”
Zhan Junbai’s eyes widen and he’s doing his best not to move because one wrong move and Chen Yuzhi is slitting his throat right there.  And while he’s a soldier and could disarm Chen Yuzhi, he can tell that Chen Yuzhi is very close to snapping and he knows from being in the army that an unhinged/unstable person is more dangerous than a stable person…and since Chen Yuzhi is a doctor, he has the mind of a stable person with the body of an unstable person…and he’s dangerous
“I didn’t—”
“Don’t bullshit me and tell me you didn’t know. You’re fucking Zhan Junbai, how could you not know”
Zhan Junbai looks at him before he takes a shuddering breath
“Will he live?”
Chen Yuzhi looks at him before he pulls the scalpel away from his neck and takes a deep breath
“Yes, he will”
Zhan Junbai looks at him before he slowly stands to his feet, Chen Yuzhi gripping the scalpel tightly in his hand because if he needs to…he’ll take Zhan Junbai down.  For taking away his loved ones.  He’s not a violent man but you don’t touch his family
“As thanks…I will return something to you, Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi scoffs
“What can you return to me?”
Chen Yuzhi looks at him in shock
Zhan Junbai nods
“The girl that died in the car fire was not Keying, but in fact, a look alike.  The real Keying, your sister, is safe in one of my safe houses. I will return her to you”
Chen Yuzhi blinks, stunned
“Keying…Keying’s alive?”
Zhan Junbai nods as he walks over to Yu Tangchun, who’s asleep, and carefully scoops him into his arms, cradling him close before he walks back over to Chen Yuzhi
“Since you have returned Tangchun to me, I will return Keying to you…and knowing Jiang-xiong as long as I have…he’s probably not dead. Have some faith, Dr. Chen”
He then turns and heads out of the clinic, leaving Chen Yuzhi stunned with the information that he just received…Keying’s alive and safe and Jiang Yuelou might not be dead
He then sinks to the floor, the scalpel clattering out of his hand and as he looks at it, he huffs.  To think, if he had just acted on impulse…he would have never found out that Keying was alive and that Jiang Yuelou might not be dead
He will have to do something about Zhan Junbai, make him pay for making Yu Tangchun eat crabs, but for now…he needs to rest.  His brain and heart hurts
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salad-bolg · 1 year
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So walking into Lion's Arch for the first time was rad :)
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Glowing blue orbs? the architecture? Mosaics?? the bank is an OCTOPUS??? A freaking hermit crab tailoring station, glass sea jelly pavillion, and a lobster building too. Seriously?!
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I heard a lot about old LA, I'm looking forward to checking that out (once I achievement hunt, that is (⌒_⌒;) but I can safely say new Lion's Arch will always be special to me!
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plantrichcatering · 23 days
Elevate Your Event with Finger Food Catering: A Guide to Delightful Bites
When it comes to hosting an event, whether it’s a corporate gathering, a wedding reception, or a casual get-together, the food you serve can make a lasting impression. Finger food catering has become a popular choice for many, offering a variety of benefits that can enhance any occasion. In this blog, we'll explore the allure of finger food catering, provide tips for planning your menu, and highlight some delicious options that are sure to impress your guests.
Why Choose Finger Food Catering?
Convenience and Versatility
Finger foods are incredibly versatile and can be tailored to suit any event theme or dietary requirement. They’re easy to eat while mingling, making them perfect for standing receptions and social gatherings.
Variety and Appeal
With Finger Food Catering, you can offer a diverse selection of dishes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. From savory to sweet, hot to cold, the possibilities are endless.
Finger foods can be a more affordable option compared to a full sit-down meal. They allow for creative presentation and portion control, helping you manage your budget while still providing high-quality cuisine.
Interactive Experience
Finger foods often encourage guests to try different flavors and combinations, creating a more interactive and engaging dining experience.
Planning Your Finger Food Menu
Consider Your Event Theme
Your menu should reflect the theme and style of your event. For a sophisticated affair, opt for elegant canapés and gourmet bites. For a casual gathering, consider hearty sliders and flavorful dips.
Balance Flavors and Textures
Aim for a balance of flavors and textures. Combine crunchy and creamy, sweet and savory, to keep your guests' palates entertained.
Accommodate Dietary Restrictions
Ensure you have options for guests with dietary restrictions or preferences. Include vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free choices to make everyone feel included.
Seasonal Ingredients
Utilize seasonal ingredients to enhance the flavor and freshness of your dishes. This not only supports local producers but also adds a touch of seasonality to your menu.
Presentation Matters
Finger foods should not only taste good but also look appealing. Use attractive platters, garnishes, and creative arrangements to elevate the presentation.
Delicious Finger Food Ideas
Savory Bites
Mini Quiches: Bite-sized quiches with a variety of fillings such as spinach and feta, ham and cheese, or mushroom and truffle.
Stuffed Mushrooms: Mushrooms filled with a savory mix of cheese, herbs, and breadcrumbs.
Chicken Satay Skewers: Tender chicken skewers served with a flavorful peanut dipping sauce.
Gourmet Sliders: Mini burgers with gourmet toppings like caramelized onions, blue cheese, and arugula.
Seafood Delights
Shrimp Cocktail Shots: Individual servings of shrimp with a zesty cocktail sauce.
Smoked Salmon Canapés: Smoked salmon on rye bread with cream cheese and dill.
Crab Cakes: Mini crab cakes with a tangy remoulade sauce.
Vegetarian Options
Caprese Skewers: Cherry tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil drizzled with balsamic glaze.
Falafel Balls: Crispy falafel served with a side of tzatziki or hummus.
Stuffed Mini Peppers: Sweet mini peppers stuffed with a creamy cheese mixture.
Sweet Treats
Mini Cheesecakes: Individual cheesecakes topped with fresh berries or chocolate drizzle.
Fruit Skewers: Colorful skewers of fresh fruit with a honey-yogurt dipping sauce.
Macarons: Delicate French macarons in assorted flavors.
Final Tips for a Successful Finger Food Event
Hire Professional Caterers: If possible, hire a professional catering service to handle the preparation and presentation. This ensures high-quality food and allows you to focus on enjoying your event.
Create a Flow: Arrange your food stations in a way that encourages movement and social interaction among guests.
Have Ample Napkins and Plates: Make sure there are plenty of napkins and small plates available for guests to use.
Finger food catering is a fantastic way to make any event memorable and enjoyable. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a menu that not only satisfies the taste buds but also enhances the overall experience for your guests. So next time you’re planning an event, consider the charm and convenience of finger foods – they’re sure to be a hit!
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yashsinha499 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to House Party Catering: Tips, Tricks, and Menu Ideas for Every Occasion 
Everyone knows hosting a house party is equal parts exciting and stressful. You want your guests to have a blast, but the thought of working in the kitchen all night can dampen the fun. That's where the magic of house party catering comes in. 
Home catering services are your secret weapon for stress-free entertainment. They take the burden off your shoulders, allowing you to be the social butterfly you were meant to be. But with so many house party caterers, how do you choose the right one and create a menu that wows your guests? No worries; this guide is your one-stop shop for conquering home catering for small parties.  
Know Your Crowd 
Before finalizing menus, consider your guest list. Are you hosting a casual get-together with close friends, a fancy soiree with colleagues, or a wild pool party? Knowing the vibe will help you tailor the house party catering to their preferences.   
Guest count is also crucial. Home catering services typically have minimum order amounts, so ensure you have a realistic estimate to avoid overspending or getting stuck with a mountain of leftovers.  
Decide Party Theme 
Level up your party with a theme. It can be anything from a luau with Hawaiian treats to a murder mystery dinner with a gourmet spread. A theme helps guide your house party caterer in menu suggestions and can spark conversation among your guests.  
Menu Magic - Crowd-Pleasing Ideas for Every Occasion  
When it comes to food, here are some crowd-pleasing ideas for different party themes, keeping in mind options for both home catering for small parties and larger gatherings.  
I. Casual Get-Together 
Finger Foods 
Mini pizzas, skewers with veggies and grilled meats, bite-sized quiches, spring rolls, and samosas are perfect for grazing. Consider offering vegetarian and gluten-free options for dietary restrictions.  
Big Batch Delights 
A crowd-pleasing pasta dish, a hearty chilli with cornbread, or a platter of assorted dips with crudités are budget-friendly choices for a small gathering.  
II. Pool Party Extravaganza 
Light and Refreshing 
Opt for a variety of salads, grilled chicken or fish tacos, and fresh fruit skewers. Don't forget the crowd favorites - hot dogs and hamburgers!  
Sweet Treats 
Keep it cool with popsicles, ice cream sundaes, or a DIY shaved ice station.  
III. Elegant Soiree 
Passed Hors d'oeuvres 
Fancy finger foods like mini crab cakes, cucumber canapés with smoked salmon, and bruschetta with goat cheese are perfect for a sophisticated gathering.  
Plated Dinner 
Consider a home catering service specializing in gourmet cuisine. They can create a multi-course meal with dishes like herb-roasted chicken, roasted vegetables, and a decadent chocolate mousse for dessert.  
Pro Tip: Be sure to discuss any dietary restrictions with your house party caterer beforehand. They can easily accommodate vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and other needs to ensure everyone enjoys the delicious spread.  
Beyond the Food - Drinks and Service  
House party catering goes beyond just food. Many caterers offer beverage packages with alcoholic and non-alcoholic options. You should discuss your preferences and budget with them to create a drink list that complements the food and keeps your guests hydrated. 
Home catering services can also provide staff for serving and cleanup. This lets you focus on mingling and enjoying your party, leaving the dirty dishes to the professionals.  
The Final Touches - Setting the Stage for Fun  
While the food is a highlight, don't forget the ambience. Set the mood with music, decorations, and comfortable seating. Consider the theme when choosing these elements.  
Bonus Tip: Delegate! Assign tasks to a trusted friend or family member, like helping with decorations or keeping the drinks flowing. This will ensure a smooth-running party and allow you to relax and have fun.  
House party catering is a game-changer for stress-free entertainment. With some planning and the help of a skilled home catering service, you can throw a bash that your guests will love. If you are looking for house party catering services, choose Soul Chef. Being one of the renowned event caterers in Mumbai, they provide catering services for weddings, corporate events, sundowners, birthday parties, outdoor events, house parties, and many more. The culinary professionals understand your requirements and curate a delicious menu that suits the purpose of your event.  
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