#takami iroha
shewasverynice · 4 months
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Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS
Rating: Explicit 
Major Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Non-Consensual Drug Use
Additional Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Use
Categories: F/M, Multi 
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks/Original Female Character(s), Original Character/Other(s) 
Major Characters: Original Characters, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Hero Public Safety Commission, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
. . . . . ╰──╮꒰ Halcyon - Part 1 ꒱ ╭──╯ . . . . .
By the following week, Hawks had seamlessly settled into his new home at Nest. His fellow heroes had graciously given him the grandeur of the expansive suite nestled on the uppermost level. This apartment, meticulously crafted by the hero who had initially envisioned the building, boasted an open layout. From the moment one stepped foot inside, it was evident that every inch of this resplendent space had been thoughtfully curated for someone with wings. The entire residence comprised a single, sprawling chamber, with the exception of the bathroom, which was discreetly tucked away to ensure utmost privacy. Ascending to the lofted bedroom, one was greeted by a view that overlooked the entirety of the apartment below. The ceiling, adorned entirely with windows, had a mesmerizing vista of the sky above.
The shower was the biggest surprise though, and he couldn't deny that he was definitely going to be spoiled by it. A large enough space for him to stretch his wings and with shower heads from three different angles? Hell, he felt like he'd died and gone to heaven. He silently apologized to any entity that had heard him complain about it being a bird themed agency. Obviously fate knew better than he did.
Hawks spread his crimson wings out wide with his hands on his hips, scanning the space once again. He had acquired a few basic pieces of furniture for the living room, sufficient for hosting guests if he wanted to, along with a spacious bed where he could fully relax. Apart from that, the place remained quite bare, at least for the time being.
A gentle tap echoed through the door, and Hummingbird gracefully entered the room. Iroha Ukai, as he'd learned was her civilian name, appeared as rigid and uneasy as ever. Her vibrant emerald wings shimmered as she hovered towards him, extending a fabric tote bag.
"Here, I brought a few towels and linens from home." She said, "Enough to get you set up for now."
"Thank you, Ukai-san." Hawks said with a polite bow as he took the bag, "That's very kind of you."
It was surprising how tiny she appeared, especially when she wasn't wearing her hero outfit. She couldn't have been more than four feet tall, and her physique resembled that of a grade schooler. But despite her size, she made it clear that she was almost forty and despised being treated like a child. Hawks had already learned by watching Heron and Kiwi that one mistake could be taken as a huge insult to the small woman. Luckily his training had prepped him for all situations in dealing with people.
"If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask." She said, glancing around the apartment, "It's nice to see this place in use again. Kingfisher always had us up here when nights were calm."
Kingfisher. Hawks had heard that name a lot lately. Kingfisher was the elder hero who had retired from his position not long after the Halcyon group had arrived in town. He wasn't high on the top of the hero ranking charts, but he was decently popular. Flashy too, bright blue wings and a flowing orange tail.
Hummingbird sighed, a thoughtful smile on her face before she took on her usual stern expression once again. "Anyway, I'll be downstairs." She said, then promptly left.
"Thank you again!" He called after her, before looking down into the bag. 
He now had four towels that were a good size, along with some wash cloths. He also had a nice table cloth, even though he didn't have a table yet. And of course, he had some kitchen towels for cleaning up. As he thought about all of this, a small smile appeared on his face. Hummingbird reminded him a little bit of Madame President - they both seemed cold and serious on the outside, but deep down, they both had their own unique way of showing that they cared.
Following that, Kiwi charged into the room. "Hawks!" She cried happily, "You got your couch delivered!" 
Hawks grinned, watching Kiwi's little brown wings flutter on her back excitedly. She tossed herself onto the couch, landing with a big satisfied sigh. Behind her, Heron quietly followed.
"Damn, don't break his new couch already." He grunted, then gently nudged Hawks' shoulder, "We came to bring you this." He slung the backpack off his shoulder and unzipped it to show him some old but still decent pans and a coffee press, "It's not much but it should make things better."
"Thanks, I really appreciate it." Hawks said, "Ukai-san just gave me some towels too so I guess this is my housewarming, yeah?"
"Close enough." Ava laughed, "We can do something more fun another day when shit isn't so busy."
"Yeah, what exactly is going on?" Hawks asked, looking between Kiwi and Heron, "Owl is out doing some kind of training or...?"
"He's training with some interns from UA." Heron said, walking to the kitchen and unloading the pans, "Dad's the most senior hero here so it's his job to watch over them. I told him we were too busy to have interns but he didn't want to make us look bad."
"I mean, we made ourselves look worse though, yeah?" Kiwi shrugged, "We're just letting Halcyon beat us to all the shit going on lately."
Hawks out his hand to his chin, "They're so fast." He said aloud remembering that he'd asked Chickadee the same question, "Are all their members as fast as Tiger?"
"No," Kiwi sat up, looking over the back of the couch at him, "Dragon is pretty quick but Phoenix and Turtle aren't any faster than me."
"Honestly I think Phoenix is slow for a bird, but she doesn't really seem to fight much." Heron said, placing the kettle on the stovetop.
A more detailed answer was helpful at least, even though it wasn't much more information than Chickadee had given him. Heron and Kiwi definitely would have experienced more with Halcyon, so Hawks figured he might as well ask them while he had a chance.
"Do you know how they're getting to the scenes first?" He asked, setting the bag of towels down beside the couch before he sat down in the armchair beside it. "I'm assuming they must have a pretty serious network around town if they can be there even before a crime is reported to us."
"Well," Kiwi said, propping her arms up onto the backrest, "I've heard they work with the bums. Like, they pay them off for tips on any kind of crime around town."
"Ohhh!" Hawks pointed at her, "That would definitely do it. The homeless population would be keen to help for cash. That's smart."
Heron sighed, his wings adjusting on his back as he scowled, "I just can't believe they'd help with that robbery last week. Like, what the hell are they doing?"
"I still think it was just Tiger doin' his own thing." Kiwi said, looking over her shoulder at Heron, "That guy is the most nuts out of all of them. I'm sure he was gonna get a cut of the money."
Hawks' brows knit together, his fingers stroking his stubble. The whole situation was bugging him, but he didn't have enough information yet to understand what exactly was happening. Tipping his head back, he looked up at the sky through the ceiling. 
"I think I have an idea." Hawks said, a smile creeping onto his face.
"What do you mean?" Kiwi asked, reaching over to roll one of Heron's long feathers between her fingers, "Like, you're gonna try to beat them to the punch instead?"
"Exactly." Hawks nodded, "But that's only step one." 
Heron raised brow, then looked at Kiwi. She grinned at Hawks, then said, "Well! Sounds like you've got something cooking up then!"
"I do." Hawks nodded, "And if it works out, we should be able to figure out exactly how widespread Halcyon can reach."
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Hawks hovered above the city three days later, mentally mapping out his course. In order to figure out exactly how far Halcyon could reach, he'd been carefully tracking where the crimes were reported and then solved. This should have been enough to figure out some kind of range of influence.
However, there were two issues immediately. The first being that Kiwi had been corrected in her assumption that the homeless population was involved. However Hawks had discovered it was far more than just them alone. Lots of civilians seemed to have a way to contact Halcyon, and sometimes extremely quickly. 
The second issue, and the more frustrating of the two, was that Hawks learned that sometimes the civilians themselves were solving their own problems and crediting their win to Halcyon. With this realization Hawks knew that previous reports could potentially be false. It was quickly becoming obvious that a portion of the civilians seemed to both protect and also assist in whatever Halcyon was involved in.
It was taking all of his crime scene training, but he was quickly figuring out the signs of Halcyon's true involvement. At first it seemed obvious, each member left drastic signs like lighting burns or scorch marks or even claw marks, but he'd caught civilians faking those as well. With his keen observations, he'd learned to spot the differences and learned what the real signs were over time.
In the end unfortunately, this still made a large unexplainable range. For only four people they were able to get to places far faster than their Network should have been able to reach. Hawks had realized that it wasn't just taking one phone call either, it was multiple calls. After intercepting a civilian call, he traced it to just another civilian. This was far more complicated than he anticipated.
Hawks' wings flapped slowly, keeping him aloft as his golden eyes gazed at the crowd below. There had to be a connection in who it was that was reporting the crimes to Halcyon. That was the only lead he had to chase immediately. Halcyon themselves were too quick to escape, and the civilians actively helped them in evading the pro heroes. Focusing on finding the connection seemed like the most viable solution.
Chickadee had been quick to get him linked into the database back at Nest, and she'd been assisting him in sorting the suspects by their similarities. Still, even after three days there didn't seem to be enough matching evidence. Everything seemed so random, almost too random. Either the civilians were actively working this hard to make it impossible, or there was something else going on here. 
Spotting one of the civilians he recognized, he flew down and approached the man. Walking right up, Hawks held out his hand in greeting with a wide unassuming smile.
"Hey there, the name's Hawks." He said, "I got some questions for ya about Halcyon."
At first the man's expression flashed with worry, but Hawks' had been trained for situations like this.
"I'm new in town, new hero, and I was just trying to get a read on the public's opinion on these vigilantes." Hawks said casually, "Do you have some time to share your thoughts?"
Visibly relaxing, the man smiled before he said, "I think Halcyon is great! Sometimes you pros just don't make it in time because you're too busy doing "interviews" or something silly on TV. A lot of calls go unanswered by the pros."
"Really?" Hawks' eyes narrowed, "Is that what you think?"
The man shrugged, "Let's be honest, it's pretty common for Heros to be more of a celebrity than actual rescue oriented anyway."
Hawks nodded, "Interesting. What makes you say that? I think there are plenty of heroes that focus more on the Heroic side of things, like Endeavor for--"
"It doesn't matter." The man waved his hand, "Times are changing and we need more heroes like Halcyon who don't follow all these ridiculous fads."
"Well how can you be sure all heroes are that way?" Hawks asked, tilting his head to his shoulder, "Seems like that's assuming a lot."
The man scoffed, "I think you just have too much faith." 
"Well, maybe so." Hawks shrugged, before a smile eased onto his lips, "Thanks for your input." 
Hawks spread his wings and soared towards a nearby rooftop. With it perched delicately on a handful of his feathers, he effortlessly picked up the man's phone and started browsing through the contacts. It was surprisingly simple to swipe things like that. Honestly, he could have easily embraced his inner villain if he ever felt like going rogue. No one ever expected a couple of feathers falling from his wings would be capable of such a task.
He hummed as he flipped it over to most recent contacts, finding exactly what he was looking for. 
"Just gonna call it Halcyon too?" He chuckled, "Too easy."
Clearing his throat, he tapped the contact and waited until someone picked up. As soon as it connected, he stayed silent hoping they'd speak first. But they apparently had the same idea. After a pause, Hawks took the initiative.
"Robbery." He whispered, keeping his voice as low and unrecognizable as possible, "Bank. On 5th."
The other voice said nothing at first before they said, "Alright. Hang tight."
Hawks looked at the phone, his eyebrow raised. That seemed almost too easy. No password? No secret code? Copying the number into his own phone, he placed the man's phone back onto his feathers and sent them off to slide it back into his pocket.
As he timed how long it would take, he squatted down on the edge of the rooftop. It wasn't an odd opinion that Heroes should take things more seriously, but to Hawks that seemed a bit silly. There were so many heroes these days, and even more up and coming that it was inevitable that heroes would have more time to do other things, right? That was his dream after all, a world where heroes could take it easy?
Hawks' thoughts were interrupted by the crack of thunder as Tiger appeared and left smoking black tracks on the ground. He watched the large man gazing around, his dark eyes narrowed as he tried to understand the situation. Stifling a laugh, Hawks stood up and whistled loudly.
With a wave, he shouted, "What's up, big cat?"
Tiger raised his eyebrow, putting a hand on his hip, "Ah, so you lured me out here?" He shouted up, ignoring the crowd as they gasped and backed away.
"You got here pretty fast." Hawks said, "You must take the civilian calls pretty seriously."
"Someone should." Tiger growled, "You heroes won't respond unless the police call it in."
Hawks narrowed his eyes, "And?"
"Too slow." Tiger huffed, turning to leave.
"Bet I could do it better than you." Hawks called, a smirk pulling at his lips.
Tiger halted, then looked over his shoulder. "Is that so?"
Hawks slid his hands into his pockets, taking a step off the edge of the building and catching himself just in time with a heavy flap of his wings. Striding over to Tiger he looked up, the man was at least two feet taller than Hawks himself. Still, Hawks kept that defiant smile on.
"Let's race." Hawks suggested, "Best of five. You call where and we'll see who gets there first."
Tiger shook his head, "So you think I'm a fool? You're up to something, right?"
"Why would you say that?" Hawks said, his smile not faltering until he felt the grip of Tiger's hands on his feathers.
Holding up two loose feathers, Tiger looked over his shoulder at a few more that were floating near his pockets. Hawks pulled them back quickly, but Tiger still managed to catch another. 
Hawk winced as Tiger's sharp claws sank into the fluffy red feathers. Despite his extensive training, even the slightest touch on his plumage was difficult to overlook. It was as if someone was forcefully digging their nails into his back, sending an unpleasant tingling sensation down his spine. The sensation was so intense that he could almost feel it in his teeth, causing an unpleasant jolt.
"Sensitive feathers, huh?" Tiger said with a dark chuckle, "That sucks." 
Hawks watched as Tiger wrapped his fist around the feathers and crushed them. Holding back, Hawks managed not to make a sound despite the pain that shot through his body. The feathers shared their own senses with his body and the pain felt like having your fingers stepped on. As soon as Tiger let them fall to the ground he called them back and tucked them away into his wings.
"Nice try." Tiger grinned, "But I'm not gonna fall for that so easily."
But the moment Tiger dashed away, Hawks grinned. While Tiger was busy taunting him, a feather sneaked into the man's snowy hair, and all Hawks had to do was trail behind. Soaring through the air, he maintained a safe distance to avoid getting caught by mistake. As suspected, Tiger was heading right to the center of town, an excellent spot to react quickly from. That made sense. 
"Hawks!" Chickadee called over the comms, "We need assistance over on the east side. It's an emergency, over!"
Hawks hesitated. This was the best time, this was perfect. He was right there. He just needed to follow Tiger a little longer. 
"Hawks? You there, over?"
He gritted his teeth, "Is there anyone else on that side, over?"
"You're the closest." She answered, "I'm sorry, is this a bad time, over?"
"No it's--" he grumbled then shook his head, "No it's fine. What's the location, over?"
Arriving at the location however, Hawks swore loudly. It was a fake call. He knew it immediately, the citizens there were at least three he recognized as some of Halcyon's supporters and likely more. They snickered at him while trying to act nonchalant, but it was clear what had happened here.
"Damn." He gritted, then hit the comms, "Chickadee where did you get this call?"
"Uh, I'm sorry? Someone called it in to the hotline, over?" She replied, sounding out of breath.
He sighed. She was probably sprinting around the office again. It was far too much for on woman to take calls from both the police and civilians. Hummingbird helped where she could, but she also had to step in versus villains and criminals so it's not like she had much time to spare either. 
"Nevermind, over." He grunted, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
He wasn't foolish enough to think that that would be the end of it either, he wasn't naive. By the following week's end, every Nest member was feeling frustrated, as the false calls blended in with the genuine ones, resulting in the most humiliating situations. They were practically a joke, even though nobody dared to say it directly to their faces.
"This sucks ass." Heron grunted, slamming down his coffee cup, "It only got worse because you fucked with them!"
"Excuse me?" Hawks raised his brows, "Are you serious right now? I'm working on getting rid of them for you."
"At least before we could still work! This shit is so embarrassing!" Heron shouted, "We can't go anywhere without looking like idiots!"
"You already looked like idiots!" Hawks shouted back, "You're just letting four criminals have free reign of your fuckin' city!"
"It's not that easy!" Heron stood up, only for Kiwi to step in between the two men.
"Alright, cool it!" She snapped, "Both of you. Out. If you're just gonna fight, don't do it here."
Heron stormed out of the room, pushing his chair back and causing his wings to flutter with agitation. Meanwhile, Hawks remained seated, pushing his chair back slightly and casually crossing his feet on the table. Lost in thought, he folded his arms across his chest. Eventually, he glanced up at Owl, who sat quietly across from him.
Owl also had his arms folded, a frown etched on his face. He had a pile of the daytime reports in front of him, and it was clear that he had no interest in going through them. Taking off his sunglasses, he rubbed his temples briefly before glancing up at Hawks.
His piercing yellow eyes stared at Hawks before he sighed, "I agree with you, in this case. I just wish it wasn't going to make us look foolish to be rid of them."
"Sorry." Hawks mumbled, "I didn't think they'd hit back this hard."
Owl shook his head, "No, don't apologize. This was inevitable." He smiled gently at Hawks, "I knew it would be this way. I suppose it was just me being selfish and not initiating what needed to be done. I was afraid of the consequences, but it wouldn't have gotten this bad if I'd had us act sooner."
"It's honestly surprising to me how protective the civvies are of Halcyon." Hawks said, rubbing his fingers through his facial hair, "What's up with that?"
"It's complicated." Owl said, leaning back with his fingers linking together on his chest, "When Kingfisher was still here we sort of had a working relationship with them but once he retired it all went to hell."
"He must have made a deal or something." Hawks said, "Right?"
"I would assume so." Owl nodded then looked down at his hands, "I unfortunately wasn't lucky enough to get in good graces with any of them. I've tried in the past, but it's unfortunately not been in the cards."
Owl chuckled a little then continued, "Kingfisher had insisted that we try to get them to go pro and join us, but many of the heroes here at the time disagreed with that sentiment. Partially because only one of them was a bird and partially because Halcyon has been known to be quite heavy handed."
"Do you think it's worth a try? At least until we can figure out a more permanent solution?" Hawks asked. 
Owl shrugged, "Well, I suppose if anyone can do it, it'd probably have to be you."
"Yeah?" Hawks tilted his head, "Why do you say that?"
Owl chuckled, "I can already tell you're the kinda guy who won't give up on something no matter what."
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Luckily, fate smiled upon Hawks and he finally had the opportunity to have a conversation with a Halcyon member a few days later. Regrettably, the circumstances couldn't have been worse for him. Despite his previous bravery in the face of danger, this particular situation rattled him to the very depths of his being.
Hawks noticed the smoke way before the authorities even reported it to Nest. It was a bit strange, but he didn't have the luxury to dwell on it right away. His main priority was to reach the location as fast as he could, so he swiftly called for backup from his fellow heroes while soaring through the sky.
As he landed in front of the raging inferno, he noticed a police officer who seemed strangely composed. Despite the chaotic scene and the crowd's frantic shouts, the officer remained motionless, merely observing the three-story office building engulfed in flames. The building didn't seem to be occupied, the usual slum dwellings usually had more signs of life, but the officer's lack of action raised concerns in Hawks' mind.
"Sir?" Hawks said, "What's going on here?"
"Mm?" The officer turned to Hawks and shrugged, "Just another drug den. Probably some junkie passed out with a cigarette or pipe or something and the place lit up."
Hawks brows furrowed, "What if there are people inside?!" He asked, trying to keep calm.
The officer raised an eyebrow, "Don't you think that would be doing us both a favor?"
And then he saw her, but only for the briefest of moments. Huge flaming wings and large taloned feet, Phoenix crashed through the door and charged into the fire. The surprise was enough to shake Hawks from his stunned questioning and he darted in after her.
Keeping his wings tucked in close, Hawks whistled to catch her attention. "Going upstairs!" He shouted over the roar, pointing up as soon as she looked at him.
"'Kay!" She said with a bright cheerful smile, using her powerful legs to kick a door open, "Anyone insiiii~de? ⁠♪⁠♪"
Hawks charged up the stairs, each step a desperate lunge against the billowing smoke and searing heat. Flames licked the walls and ceiling, turning the narrow stairway into a gauntlet of fire. His eyes, stinging from the acrid smoke, scanned each door he passed, searching for signs of life. The roar of the inferno drowned out all other sounds, a deafening reminder of the urgency. 
He kicked open door after door, shouting through the choking haze, hoping to find someone, anyone, needing rescue. His breath came in ragged gasps, the air thick and blistering, but he pressed on, driven by the possibility of saving a life amidst the chaos.
The man burst into a room, eyes wide and searching through the thick, black smoke. There, huddled in a corner, he spotted an older looking woman. Without hesitation, he rushed to her, scooping her up in one arm. He moved quickly, navigating through the blazing corridor, the fire's heat scorching his skin and feathers. He jumped down the stairs, out of the burning building, and into the relative safety of the night air.
Barely pausing to catch his breath, he dashed back inside. Flames were now consuming the structure with ferocious intensity. In another room, he found an elderly man, disoriented and coughing violently. He hoisted the man over his shoulder, the weight pressing down on him, but he didn't falter. With determined steps, he made his way back through the inferno, emerging once more into the cool, smoke-free night.
As he turned to re-enter the building, he saw her again: Phoenix, her lithe figure moving with surprising agility through the blaze. She was guiding two frail looking men, her movements fluid and confident despite the chaos around her. He watched as she navigated the burning debris, her voice calm and reassuring. Phoenix led the men to safety, a brief nod of acknowledgment passing between her and Hawks before they both plunged back into the building.
In another room, he discovered a young woman unconscious on the floor. He crouched, scooping her up with a grunt, and staggered to his feet. The fire crackled ominously around him as he made his way back through the labyrinth of flames. Just as he stumbled out into the open air, he saw Phoenix again, this time helping a woman down the last few steps.
Hawks gapsed for breath, his lungs burning as he laid the woman with the other survivors. Looking around, he coughed as he shouted out, "Where the hell is the fire department?!"
Phoenix chuckled, a musical and light sound, "They won't come until the building is almost out silly Birdy!" She grinned, taking off for the top floor and smashing her way in through a window.
Hawks removed his flight jacket, using it to wipe the sweat off his forehead. What in the world did she mean by saying they wouldn't be coming? He glanced back at the officer, who was now talking to another man. They seemed so relaxed, as if they were just hanging out. It was like they were having a leisurely time, not caring about the situation at all. It was infuriating to think that they had no plans to help the civilians trapped inside, and even worse, they seemed to have purposely abandoned them to their fate. 
Phoenix landed again, dropping off one last person. She twittered happily then asked one of the more conscious survivors, "All done? Is that all? ⁠♪⁠♪" 
"Yeah," the man panted, "Yeah, we're good Phoenix. Thanks, girlie."
Kicking her feet a little she smiled at Hawks, "Thank you for the helpies, pretty bird! ⁠♪⁠♪"
Hawks blinked still trying to catch his breath, "Uh, yeah sure. Of course."
She grinned again, her eyes doing that bird thing where their pupils dilate at something they're interested in. Hawks stared at her, "Uhhh... Well I don't think we've met personally yet."
"Nope! Heard about you from Tiggy!" She laughed, "You seem nice. Thank youuu~! ⁠♪⁠♪"
"Sure. Yeah." He huffed, then felt his eyes growing heavy. 
"Oopsie! ⁠♪⁠♪"
The next time he was aware, he had been moved back to sit against the wall. Phoenix was carefully preening his burned feathers, plucking them out gently. He had a cold washcloth on his forehead and a kindly looking elderly woman was gently cleaning the ash off of his face. 
"Birdy!" Phoenix said, "You're awake! Welcome back!"
Hawks cleared his throat, taking a water bottle offered by the old woman. As he took a sip, he took in the sights once again. The building was almost nothing but foundation, the fire department barely in any rush to finish putting it out. There wasn't even a sign of any kind of ambulance for the survivors. The other people in the neighborhood seemed to have stepped in, taking care of their own.
"Why?" Hawks rasped, "What the hell is going on?"
"This is just how it is here, dear." The old woman sighed, "Down this side of town we're ain't really considered high priority, if ya understand my meanin'."
Phoenix nodded, "Mmhmm!" She plucked another of his dead feathers, "The city's run off! The leftovers!"
Hawks coughed again, the smoke burning in his lungs,  "That's... That's horrible!"
The old woman nodded solemnly, "Yeah, but it's the unfortunate reality for us." She gently wiped at his forehead again, "Now, you should git to a hospital. Yor lungs'll need a lookin' at."
Phoenix grinned, "Can fly, Birdy? I can help!"
Before Hawks could even answer, her talons were wrapped around his shoulders and her wings beating as she lifted him up. He coughed, his wings attempting to flap before she huffed at him.
"No no!" She chided, "Sit still Birdy!"
Resigning himself to his fate, he let his arms droop down as she carried him off towards the hospital. Nothing had felt this humiliating in years, honestly. The only thing that could make it worse was if...
"Aww, well isn't that sweet." Kiwi said with a laugh, snapping multiple pictures as Phoenix landed with Hawks in front of the hospital.
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just-a-simple-otaku · 3 years
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YachiIro fans how are we feeling today? xD
After last episode with Yachiyo confronting her gaslighting ex-gf, she’s now reunited with her dear Iroha ^^
(also damn that ed is strong YachiIro)
Bonus pic:
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89 notes · View notes
shewasverynice · 3 months
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Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS
Rating: Explicit
Major Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Non-Consensual Drug Use
Additional Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Use
Categories: F/M, Multi
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks/Original Female Character(s), Original Character/Other(s)
Major Characters: Original Characters, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Hero Public Safety Commission, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
. . . . . ╰──╮꒰ Halcyon Part - 3꒱ ╭──╯ . . . . .
"Holy shit! Holy shit!" Kiwi was still buzzing as she ran into the conference room. She sat down in a chair, letting it spin as it slid across the floor with her arms up and little brown wings fluttering. "HOLY SHIT!"
"I literally... I cannot believe this." Heron said, following after her and taking a seat, "How is that even possible!? A quirk that strong is insane!"
"Calm down." Hummingbird grumbled as she flew into the room and gracefully took a seat, "Stop shouting."
Owl yawned as he joined the four of them, still dressed casually, "So, something interesting must have happened?"
"Owl holy shit!" Kiwi grinned, jumping out of her seat and running over to him, "You'll never believe it! Halcyon is-"
"Halcyon is one person Dad!" Heron cut her off, jumping up as well.
Owl blinked, lifting up his sunglasses, "Excuse me?"
"Halcyon is one person." Hummingbird repeated, "We all saw Dragon transform into Turtle, then Tiger and finally Phoenix."
Owl pinched the bridge of his nose before he pulled his sunglasses down again. He sighed, then sat down, "Okay. One more time?"
"Halcyon is-" Hummingbird stopped as Hawks came into the room and closed the door.
The other four heroes felt the tension immediately, Hawks furrowed brows and stern stare making their excitement about Halcyon fall away. He stepped forward, his wings practically twitching on his back as he removed his aviator glasses and set them on the table. Leaning forward on his hands he looked at each of them before he gathered himself and spoke. 
"What the fuck."
"Right?!" Kiwi shouted, only for Hawks to wave her down.
"No," he snapped, "Not about Halcyon. We can talk about that after. We need to talk about the state of this city.
The other four glanced between each other before looking at Hawks. He raised his eyebrow, then stood up straight, his wings flattening against his back. 
"You all know exactly what I'm talking about." He continued, controlling his anger, "Why haven't you been doing anything for the bad side of town? What makes those people any less deserving of our help?"
"I think you misunderstand-" Hummingbird started, but Hawks pointed at her.
"You were on the calls that afternoon while Chickadee rested." Hawks said calmly, "Wanna explain why none of us heard about the fire? Or why Kiwi had to find out about my injury from Phoenix and not you?"
Hummingbird opened her mouth, then shut it. She narrowed her eyes before she finally said, "Are you implying that I wanted those people to die?"
"Sounds like it, doesn't it?" Hawks gritted, leaning closer, "I mean, if you have a good reason why you didn't report it then by all means, tell us."
Hummingbird stood up, slamming her hands on the heavy table, "How dare you suggest that I-"
"Iroha." Owl said sharply, "Explain yourself. Now."
"B-but Seiya-san he--" "Iroha!" Owl repeated, cutting her off, "Now."
Hummingbird's jaw set, her lips pulled into a tight line. Her feathers trembled, her eyes full of rage, and she shook her head. With a short exhale, she cleared her lungs before she calmed her expression and sat back down.
"That building was a known drug den and also a place where quirk users were abusing their abilities to manufacture heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine. The people in that building are part of the drug problem that has silently plagued this city even before Kingfisher retired." Hummingbird calmly explained, "While I don't condone assassinations, if an accident occurred who's to say it would negatively impact the city for those individuals to disappear?"
"So you did want them to die." Hawks gritted, his wings fluttering with agitation, "I have a better question then," he leaned closer over the table towards her, "Why not step in and arrest them? Why not force them into some kind of rehab? There are other options, opportunities for them to better themselves. Instead you decided the answer was to condemn them to death?"
Hummingbird's eyes narrowed, "They certainly didn't take anyone else into consideration when they sold their tainted supply." She said, looking up defiantly at Hawks.
"That doesn't mean they should die!" Hawks shouted, only for Hummingbird's wings to spread wide and her stand on the chair. Her eyes blazed with rage, her feathers vibrating. 
"Did my daughter deserve to?! Did she deserve to die because they wanted to make quick cash?!" She roared.
Hawks was taken aback, his eyes scanning Hummingbird's face, "Your daughter?"
"She was only seventeen!" Hummingbird continued, "She was curious! She was innocent!"
Owl stood up, putting his hand on Hummingbird's shoulder. Her wings slowly relaxed, falling down to touch on the table. Her head dropped to her chest, her fists relaxing as tears dropped down onto her costume.
"They tried to make ecstasy. They didn't get the mixture right and she had a heart attack. It was nearly double the dose of amphetamines that such a small girl should ever have ingested." Owl explained quietly, "She was only half the size of all her friends who all managed to survive."
Hawks shook his head, his eyes falling to the floor. "That doesn't mean letting them die is the right answer." He muttered, "I'm sorry you lost your daughter, especially so young."
Hummingbird pushed her chair back, throwing Owl's hand off her shoulder. She left the room without a word, her tiny wings buzzing as she flew to her room. The tension in the room was thick and no one said a word as Owl pushed the chair back in and took his own seat once again.
"I apologize for her outburst." Owl said softly, "As the Senior hero here I'll take responsibility for her lapse in judgment. I should have considered that she would hold a grudge."
Hawks shook his head with a sigh as his wings relaxed once again, "You trusted her. You aren't fully to blame." He looked at Owl, "But you do hold fault in not calling out the blatant disregard for the slums."
Owl nodded, "Yes. You're correct." He looked over at Heron and Kiwi, "I apologize to you two as well. I should have been more forthcoming about this issue, but I chose to stay silent to keep the peace with Iroha. I should have been a better mentor."
"Dad." Heron whispered, "You're saying that... You and her really did just ignore those calls?"
Owl smiled sadly, "I would never ignore a call, but I allowed the civilian law enforcement to let it go. I allowed them to do as they pleased because I didn't want to argue with Iroha about it." He clenched his fist, "I am at fault for not acting. Not speaking up and pretending not to see it is just the same as allowing it to happen."
"Dad..." Heron's voice wavered, "How could you?"
Owl said nothing, only looking towards the window. "Perhaps it's time for me to retire." He said softly.
"No." Hawks said firmly, "You can't just run away from this. You need to stay and right this wrong."
Owl looked back at Hawks, his eyes widening.
"You need to do your part in fixing this." Hawks said, then looked at Kiwi and Heron, "All of us do." He put his hand to his chest, "I'm honestly ashamed of myself for not noticing it sooner. This is what Halcyon is so angry about. This is why they're so aggressive."
Chickadee came into the room sheepishly, "I... I heard yelling." She said softly, "Is something wrong?"
"Yes." Hawks said, turning to face her, "Chickadee, why haven't you been reporting all of the crimes on the bad side of town?"
"Wh-what do you mean?" She stammered, "I report everything I can and I try to prioritize it by location. I... There's only five of you so I--"
Hawks sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Chickadee, did you receive any formal training on how to do this?"
She averted her gaze, embarrassment evident in her eyes, and he knew he had his answer. Letting out another sigh, he allowed his head to drop back. As he stared at the ceiling, he calmed himself once more and attempted to regain his composure. The situation was far more complicated than he had anticipated, and becoming entangled in the Halcyon investigation only added to the chaos.
"I'm going to call in some support." He said, keeping his tone even, "This isn't going to continue this way any longer. We're getting this place back in shape and we're going to take care of what we should have been doing from the beginning."
"What do you plan to do about Iroha?" Owl asked quietly.
"That depends on her." Hawks replied, "If she can see reason, then I will push for her punishment to be more lenient. But she can't get away with what she's done."
Owl's shoulders visibly relaxed, "I understand. Thank you."
Kiwi wiped at her eyes, "I should have seen it. I can't believe that it got this bad. This is so embarrassing..."
"It should be." Hawks said, crossing his arms, "You should be ashamed. All of you."
His back feathers ruffled as he spun around and left the conference room. He stomped heavily as he made his way to the atrium. Despite his intense anger, he resisted the urge to scream. Losing control wouldn't solve anything, and he'd already said what he needed to say. He spread his wings, soared directly upwards to his apartment, and forcefully slammed the door.
Sending out all the feathers he could, he set them in a neat pile behind him when he lay on the couch. He draped his arm over his eyes, just trying to ease the headache that was coming on. 
It wasn't just Nest. It was the whole damn city. The law enforcement, the fire departments, the hospitals, even the damn government itself seemed to have just decided it was easier to let the place rot. There might as well have been a physical barrier keeping that section of town separate from the rest. 
When he was a kid, things were rough and not just for him. He wasn't the only one stuck in a shabby house back then, and he definitely wasn't the last. But he never realized just how bad it really was. He never imagined it was that widespread, nor that it was such a blatant disregard for humanity.
He let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes behind his arm. Right now, he just needed some rest and to clear his mind. Tomorrow, he would take care of everything by making the necessary calls. He was determined to restore Nest's reputation and ensure that his agency was nothing short of exceptional. 
Hawks' mind couldn't help but drift to Halcyon. It was astonishing to him how it could have been one person this whole time. How on earth they were doing it, he didn't know, but it was truly incredible. They were getting to so many of the calls so fast and--
He sat up off the couch, his eyes wide.
"One of them is leaking our calls to Halcyon."
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
The following day, he wasted no time in contacting the HPSC to schedule a meeting promptly. Fortunately, the secretary appeared to be attentive, and he secured an appointment with the President just two days later. He also received approval for backup at Nest, and within four hours, the location was filled with temporary Heroes and aides.
"W-well." Chickadee said awkwardly as a very stern looking woman loomed over her chaotic desk, "I-I guess it was about time to reorganize."
Hawks couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as they watched the tough woman they had chosen to train Chickadee. She was incredibly strict and had a unique ability to multitask with her four arms. Chickadee seemed overwhelmed and scared as the woman meticulously pointed out every mistake in the office.
Hawks had failed to recognize Chickadee's incompetence at work. Despite her cuteness, it didn't justify the mess she created. Moreover, he remained wary of everyone at Nest, suspecting that someone was leaking their calls - and she could very well be the culprit.
The woman that the HPSC had dispatched was absolutely amazing, it seems, and she was also multitasking by gathering evidence. Hawks would require all the evidence he could gather, therefore accessing Chickadee's reports was an urgent matter. Any discrepancy could potentially be the key they were looking for.
He took a quick glance at her, noticing her chewed raw, coral-pink painted nails and the tired expression in her eyes. She was trembling intensely, her other hand nervously playing with the edge of her white blouse. It was something he had never paid attention to before, but her long eyelashes were truly remarkable, and the way her green eyes shone beneath them was...
"Hawks," One of the visiting heroes called, "We've gathered everyone together. Are you ready?"
Hawks nodded, "Ah, yeah. Be right there." Before leaving he put his hand on Chickadee's shoulder, "Don't worry, Chicky. It'll be alright."
She glanced at him and gave a slight nod, yet remained silent. His heart felt tight in his chest, but he knew it was necessary. It was the only way to fix things, even if it meant his innocent crush at work would also be affected.
Hawks followed the other hero towards the atrium. He cleared his throat before stepping out, that PR trained smile popping up just in time. With that same easy and laid-back demeanor, he spoke up over the crowd. 
"Hey, everyone! First I really want to thank all of you for your support!" He said loudly, catching their attention, "It's a great honor to have so many pros here today. We here at Nest are happy to have your assistance while we get things back under control."
He gestured behind him to the members of Nest, "Things here have gotten a bit wild since Kingfisher retired, but this help is exactly what we need while we re-establish ourselves!"
He made sure to outline their future plans. As the heroes from out of town handled the city's daily crimes and emergencies, Nest would concentrate on the neglected part of town. Without directly criticizing his colleagues, he subtly hinted at the need for improvement.
"So with that, let's head out and get this done!" He said, turning to the members of Nest, "Let's go clean up our mess."
Gathering up Owl, Kiwi and Heron he said quietly, "Let's go say our Goodbyes to Iroha-san. She's being taken in for questioning today. I asked them to keep it quiet. I don't want to ruin her reputation."
Hawks was strategic in how he presented the situation regarding Nest's reputation. He framed it as a case of overwhelmed Heroes unintentionally overlooking a certain area of town. However, this wasn't far from the truth, especially since Heron and Kiwi were simply inexperienced and unaware. Nest's reputation was going to take a hit either way, better to make it for being incompetent rather than cruel.
The four of them headed outside as some of the agents from the HPSC were explaining the situation to Hummingbird. She was coming willingly, no need to be cuffed or anything. Her eyes were darkened, her expression trying to hold on to some dignity.
"Iroha..." Owl said quietly as he approached, "I... I'm so sorry."
She shook her head, looking up at Owl, "No, Seiya-san this was my mistake. I let my anger cloud my judgment and did the unthinkable." With a somber smile she looked at Heron and Kiwi, "I'm sorry you two. I promise that if I can come back, I'll be better."
Lastly she looked at Hawks. She stared at him before she smiled a little, "Thank you. I won't take your lenience for granted."
Hawks smiled back, "Yeah, of course. We'll see you when you're back, alright?"
Her breath hitched for a moment, and she nodded, "Yes. When I'm back."
She climbed into the shadowy car. After waving goodbye one last time, she disappeared. Owl let out a deep sigh, shifting his wings on his back. Despite his discomfort, he straightened up and gazed at Hawks.
"Well, let's get to it then." Owl said, flicking the arms open on his sunglasses before he slid them on.
Under the bright morning sunshine, the four heroes made their way through the winding alleys of the slums. At the forefront was Hawks, his sharp eyes scanning every shadowy corner and dilapidated building with a mix of anger and sorrow. Behind him trailed Kiwi, Owl, and Heron, their expressions a blend of guilt and unease.
Hawks led them through narrow, garbage-strewn paths, his voice low but cutting as he pointed out the signs of neglect. "Look at these crumbling walls," he said, his tone hardening. "This was once a thriving part of our town. Now, it's nothing but ruins. And it's on us."
Kiwi's tiny wings seemed to droop with her spirits, and she hugged herself against the cold and the shame. She glanced at a group of children playing with makeshift toys in a filthy corner, their faces smeared with dirt. "I didn't know it was this bad," she whispered, her voice breaking.
Owl, his eyes wide and perpetually alert like his namesake, took in the scene with a sinking heart. The wisdom and knowledge he prided himself on felt hollow in the face of such stark reality. "We should have seen this coming," he murmured. "We should have done more."
Heron, visibly shaken, approached an elderly man sitting on the steps of a decaying building. The man's eyes were weary, his clothes tattered. "How long has it been like this?" Heron asked gently.
The man looked up, his gaze piercing. "Too long," he replied. "We were forgotten. Left to fend for ourselves while you fought your battles elsewhere."
As they moved deeper into the heart of the slums, the heroes saw more signs of despair—families huddled around small fires for warmth, sick and elderly with no access to care, makeshift shelters barely standing against the elements. The air was thick with the stench of decay and hopelessness.
Hawks stopped in front of a collapsed building, its rubble spilling into the street. "This was once a community center," he said, his voice tight with emotion. "A place where people came together, where hope was kindled. Now it's a symbol of our failure."
Kiwi, Owl, and Heron exchanged looks of regret and determination. They felt the weight of their past neglect heavy on their shoulders, but also a spark of resolve. They couldn't change the past, but they could fight for a better future.
As they continued their tour, Hawks made sure they understood every facet of their failure. He introduced them to the people they'd abandoned, ensuring they heard their stories and felt their pain. It was a harsh lesson, but a necessary one. For only by acknowledging their mistakes could they begin to make amends and rebuild what had been lost.
The four heroes gathered in a small, dimly lit room of an old, abandoned house. The walls were cracked and peeling, and a single, grimy window let in a faint glow of sunlight. They sat on broken pieces of furniture, their faces etched with determination.
Hawks leaned forward, his intense gaze fixed on his companions. "We're not letting this continue," he said firmly. "You understand now why it's so bad, yeah? Why Halcyon was so angry with us? And why you had no support from the civilians?"
Kiwi nodded, her brown eyes bright with resolve. "We need to start by addressing the immediate needs: food, clean water, and medical supplies. We can use our connections and resources to bring in what they need."
Owl spoke next. "We'll need to organize the community. Identify leaders among them who can help us distribute resources and coordinate efforts. We can't do this alone; we need their trust and cooperation."
Heron, his graceful demeanor now tinged with a fierce determination, added, "We have to help fix their houses and buildings. We can really make a positive impact, but we have to make sure that what we create can last and help them take care of it."
Hawks nodded in agreement. "We'll need to split up and tackle these tasks simultaneously. Kiwi, you focus on securing and distributing immediate supplies. Owl, work on organizing the community and identifying key leaders. Heron and I will start assessing the structural damage and planning the reconstruction."
They all nodded, a renewed sense of purpose filling the room. The guilt they felt had been transformed into a burning desire to make things right. They knew it would be a long and arduous journey, but they were committed to seeing it through.
Hawks spoke up, his voice steady. "We'll need to be transparent with them about what we're doing and why. They need to see that we're here to help, not to impose our will on them."
Owl agreed. "We should hold a town meeting, explain our plans, and invite their input. This is their home, and they should have a say in how we proceed."
Heron stood, his eyes shining with determination. "Then let's get started! We've seen the damage, we've felt the pain, and now it's time to act."
The four heroes stood together, a united front against the challenges ahead. They left the small room and stepped back into the streets of the slums, their hearts heavy but their spirits unbroken. They knew the road ahead would be tough, but they were ready to face it head-on, together.
They dispersed into the slums, each moving with a sense of purpose and urgency. Kiwi made her way to the marketplace, Owl to the central square, Heron to the residential areas, and Hawks remained at the heart of the slums, ready to convene a town meeting.
Kiwi approached the few vendors selling meager goods. She tried to strike up conversations, but the residents eyed her with suspicion and hostility. One vendor, a middle-aged woman with sharp eyes, snapped at her, "We don’t need your charity. Where were you when we were starving?"
Owl faced similar resistance in the central square. He attempted to gather a group, but they shouted him down, their voices filled with anger. "You left us to rot!" one man yelled. "You think you can just waltz in and fix everything?"
Heron moved through the narrow alleys, his heart heavy as he saw the suffering up close. He offered his help to an elderly woman struggling to carry water, but the woman spat at his feet. "Your help is too little, too late."
Back at the heart of the slums, Hawks was preparing for the meeting. As people reluctantly gathered, their expressions were hard and unwelcoming. He could feel the tension, the barely contained anger, and he knew this would be the hardest part.
When his coworkers returned, their efforts having been met with hostility, Hawks stepped forward. The crowd murmured, their distrust palpable.
"Listen to us," Hawks began, his voice firm but calm. "I know you're angry. I know you have every right to be. We failed you. But we're here to make things right. We want to help rebuild what was lost, to restore what was taken from you."
A man in the crowd, his face lined with hardship, shouted, "Why should we believe you? You heroes are all the same—only here when it suits you!"
The crowd echoed his sentiment, their voices rising in a wave of anger. Hawks raised his hands and spread his wings, trying to calm them. "I understand your distrust. We've made mistakes. But we're here now, and we're not leaving until this place is better for all of you."
Kiwi stepped forward, her voice trembling but resolute. "We'll be bringing in food, water, and medical supplies. This is just the beginning. We want to work with you, not over you."
Owl added, "We need your help to do this right. We need your knowledge, your skills. Together, we can make this a community again."
Heron, his voice clear and strong, said, "We're not asking for forgiveness. We're asking for a chance to prove ourselves. Let us show you that we're committed to making a difference."
The crowd was still wary, their eyes hard and distrustful. But Hawks took a step forward, his eyes meeting theirs. "Give us one chance," he implored. "One chance to make amends. If we fail you again, we'll leave for good. But let us try. Let us show you that we can be better."
There was a long, tense silence. Then, the elderly woman who had spurned Heron's help stepped forward. "One chance," she said, her voice rough but steady. "You get one chance."
Slowly, others nodded in agreement, their expressions softening just a fraction. Hawks breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "We won't let you down."
As the tentative trust began to form, the heroes met the citizens in the central square for an open discussion. The crowd, still wary but willing to speak, began to voice their concerns. Hawks addressed the crowd first, his voice carrying the weight of their commitment. "We need your input to prioritize our efforts. What are the most pressing issues you face?"
A young woman stepped forward, her eyes tired but determined. "The drug problem is out of control. Dealers and addicts are everywhere, and it's destroying lives. We need help to clean up the streets."
Another voice chimed in, this time an older man with a weathered face. "Our infrastructure is falling apart. Buildings are collapsing, the sewage system is failing, and there's no safe drinking water. We can't rebuild our lives if we don't have a foundation."
A shopkeeper, his face lined with stress, spoke next. "We have to hire thugs to protect our businesses. We can't afford real security, and the police don’t come here. We need a safe place to work and live."
A chorus of agreement followed, voices overlapping as they shared their struggles. "The homeless have nowhere to go," a woman added. "We need shelters, places where people can feel safe."
Throughout the meeting, the name they expected kept coming up. Halcyon. The citizens spoke of them with admiration and gratitude. "Halcyon is the only one who ever stood up for us," a young man said. "They take on the drug dealers, protects the vulnerable. They've done more for us than anyone."
Kiwi, Owl, Heron, and Hawks exchanged glances. It wasn't exactly a secret that Halcyon was well liked, but it was clear that they would need to work with them in order to get full support in their efforts.
Hawks nodded, acknowledging the crowd's concerns. "Thank you for sharing this with us. We'll tackle these issues one by one, but we also need to find and speak with Halcyon. They've been helping you and we need to learn more from them and work together."
A murmur of approval rippled through the crowd. One of the shopkeepers stepped forward. "I know where Halcyon usually operates. I'll take you to them."
As the crowd dispersed, the heroes followed the shopkeeper through the winding alleys. They arrived at an old warehouse on the outskirts of the slums. The shopkeeper knocked in a specific pattern on a rusted door. After a tense moment, the door creaked open, revealing a tall figure dressed in dark, worn clothes, a dark mask obscuring his face. His eyes, however, were sharp and assessing.
"Halcyon," the shopkeeper said, gesturing to the heroes. "These are the heroes from Nest. They're trying to help us now. They need to talk to you."
Halcyon stepped out, his presence commanding respect. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice calm but wary.
Hawks stepped forward. "We're here to make things right, to fix what we've neglected. The people here hold you in high regard. We want to work with you, learn from you. Help us understand what needs to be done."
Halcyon studied them for a long moment before nodding slowly. "If you’re serious about this, you’ll need to earn their trust, and mine. Actions speak louder than words."
Kiwi stepped forward, her voice earnest. "We’ve started gathering resources and organizing the community. We want to tackle it all. But we need your guidance."
Halcyon nodded again, this time with a hint of approval. "Alright. But know this: it's going to be a long, hard fight. You need to be ready for that."
The heroes nodded, their determination unwavering, but Hawks couldn't shake his uneasy feeling. As Kiwi and Heron talked with Halcyon, Hawks glanced at Owl. He too had a look of suspicion on his face, and his eyes met Hawks' after a moment.
"Excuse us for a moment." Hawks said, "Got a call from Nest." He gestured to Heron and Kiwi, "You two stay here for just a moment."
Owl and Hawks stepped outside of the warehouse, Owl shutting the heavy metal door behind them. As soon as they were out of earshot, Hawks couldn't wait any longer.
"I'm pretty sure that's not Halcyon." He said, his crimson wings twitching with agitation, "Like, he doesn't seem genuine at all."
Owl nodded in agreement, "Plus, it seems awfully convenient that they just know exactly where Halcyon apparently lives and operates. I don't like it."
"It just seemed kind of rehearsed, right?" Hawks said, his hand rubbing his chin, "Like this fake is ready to come in and cover when he needs to?"
"Exactly." Owl nodded, "I doubt the real Halcyon would accept our help so readily. They would at least be more wary about accepting us."
"Well," Hawks sighed, stretching his wings out to release some tension before folding them back down, "Whoever this is may be connected to the real Halcyon. We can play along for now until the real one shows up."
"I agree." Owl said, "Let's get the others and get to work. We have a lot to do."
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