#takashi aaito
spacedvance · 2 years
It seemed Takashi was always getting some kind of call about Percy. Often, it was never a bad thing. Usually, Percy wanted a second opinion or an actual friend to chat with. Despite knowing each other for years, it felt like he was always kept at an arm’s length. Other times Takashi felt like he was just something to be used and then tossed aside. Those times were so different from the usual calls. Lately, though, that feeling seemed to always linger. “Heyyy, ‘ashi!” Percy’s voice rang out on the other end of the phone, which made the man in question roll his eyes. “Hello, Percy.” He responded nonetheless, shifting to prop it onto his shoulder as he resumed fixing himself lunch. “What is it today?” At the greeting, the famed actor’s mouth shot off, speaking a mile a minute about some brand new project they were going to help produce.
That’s just how it had become. No, “How’s my favorite gayboy doing today?” or “How’s the cat?” Nothing. In the good days, he’d just show up, invite himself in with snacks and they’d talk for hours. That was when Percy was really getting over Marie and starting to put his foot down. He’d stopped traveling out of fear, stopped funneling money for her to leave them alone. Takashi was never more proud.
Then, Percy stopped connecting. Stopped texting as much. They were always so busy all of a sudden. Always had a script to write or a band to appear in. Takashi didn’t stop his support. He made sure to visit for any public appearances or plays that they did, buy any music they produced (their classical pieces were his favorite), anything to keep that form of closeness that the pair once had. 
Weeks passed and it just fell into routine. He’d carve time out of his job for the latest play that he was doing, find the latest album that they recorded, whatever it was that had Percy’s name on it. It just felt empty and hollow, no matter what Takashi listened to or watched, too. There was something about what Percy made that didn’t seem quite as meaningful. Something about them wasn’t as energetic; the scientist could feel it. But then, his suspicions were proven one night.
It was a later show than Takashi would have preferred, but it was the only time he could get before it was over and done with. Percy was one of the supporting cast, but he still wanted to show, even if comedy was one that he never quite enjoyed. Regardless, they performed splendidly, his mass amounts of talent shining through in spite of a lackluster script -which was a surefire way to know that Percy wasn’t a part of the editing. That thought felt so bittersweet, as he knew how much he would’ve wanted to at least edit a draft or two…Then again, it meant less on his plate, which lightened the idea a little. As the show was letting out, Takshi waited, avoiding the touchiness of the main crowd. It was then that he saw a different group waiting near the edge of the stage. A few cast members were chatting with them, all in character. One started to say their goodbyes as they stood, swaying before they caught themself. ‘Percy…’ Takashi thought to himself, watching his friend struggle to escape backstage, ‘What are you doing to yourself?’
He couldn’t sleep that night after watching that. Too many bad memories ran through his head. Arguments, really. Things that never should have been handled so horribly.
“Takashi, I don’t care what the hell you do,” Percy growled, glaring at the taller male, “Just don’t fuck with me or my work.” In response, Takashi huffed, struggling to keep his calm. “That was not the intention. I had no idea he was your manager!” An awfully dry laugh sounded from the actor, who crossed their arms. “Yuh-huh. Sure.” They pushed a finger into his chest, pressing with every harsh word that came out of their mouth. “Now you do. Since you broke his fucking heart I’m struggling with finding work!” That statement made Takashi’s blood boil as he smacked Percy’s hand away. “Listen here you spoiled, heartless brat,” he spat, looming over his friend, “you do not get to dictate the emotions of others.” 
The point was made. He knew he should have stopped, but he kept going, saying things he never ever wanted to say to them out loud. “I want your greed to devour you alive so you are forced to beg everyone that you have bothered with your insignificant existence for help that you will never receive.” Seeing that kind of pained expression in their eyes should have made him stop. There was so much anger that just built up for so long and Takashi continued to erupt. “I want you to understand pain. I want you to know what it means to truly lose someone. Max is not a character on stage, or some side character! You cannot just apply your own rules to everyone!” With every word, Takashi stepped forward, forcing Percy to step backward. Their back hit the scientist’s door, and their hand flew to the doorknob. They looked so scared and so hurt. He had never seen that look on his face when they weren’t acting. But, it was just suddenly washed away. That expression was shoved out of the way as Percy stood up straighter, leaning toward the other male. A tell that they were about to put on a show. “Really?” His voice started, dripping with venom. “Watch me.”
Remembering the slam of the door will always make his blood run cold. They did make up after that. It took a while, but they did. Nothing was said about the words mentioned, other than genuine apologies. Maxwell, after being Percy’s sole manager for so long and the only employee for the young actor, managed to get an assistant after that. But then, things continued as normal.
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spacedvance · 2 years
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Oh, and I don't wanna be the center of anything! Just apart of something bigger!
Here's the Takashi reference from Art Fight! It took a bit because I couldn't get the pose quite right. Still not particularly happy with how it came out but I'm just happy it got finished and done
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