#take in refugees help them you weird hateful fuckers
ligbi · 1 year
is anyone else in a field that feels like climbing up a falling ladder?
went to school for MIS (computer science but less programming more business) graduated 14. First job 15-18, another 19-20, and then 21-23. every time I job hunt I see positions that I had seen before but the amount they offer seems so much lower than they had offered? sysadmin seems like a position I could have sword was averaging 120k/year in 18, and now I'm seeing a listing for not even 60k.
I know every job is working their employees to the bone for as little as they can get away with while the world burns down but god you do everything right- go to school, go local to keep loans low, get a degree in something that can pay you instead of something you like- and you still get screwed
we need universal healthcare, ubi, and a fix to the housing crisis, as well as making all jobs 30hours 1.5x for any hours post that, and capping maximum pay (15x the lowest paid employee's salary is extremely generous. 30k for employees? You still get almost half a mil a year you greedy fucks)
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shaaknaa · 1 year
I finally am playing another ttrpg game. It's been a while. Usual DM (taking a break from Grad School) and, as per usual, this fucker can't leave well enough alone and he fiddles with the source system enough to make it Not The Same. His new target is Pathfinder 2.0.
However, he also hasn't finished building it so we started at lvl 0.
The PCs:
Me. Giant Mushroom. DM is annoyed because I randomly rolled my 2 ancestries and got "Underdark/Ogre" and he had to decide I'm a Mycenoid from Balders Gate 3. Yes I'm rolling with it. My strength as a playtester is using dice to find weird edge cases and rolling with them. My character would sneak into Drow settlements and watch the soap opera inherent in Drow Society.
Rouge: A barely pubescent half-elf. (We've had a time-skip to make her a barely adult). She worked for the Mafia to smuggle shit between the underdark and the surface.
Mage: Either a human that got turned into a frog shifter, or a frog that got turned into a human shifter. Idk. They're a Pacmen frog most the time.
Session 1: The Drow were having a war and made a giant explosion. 15 mile crater that goes to the surface. We go up and become refugees. One of the soldiers that helped us becomes rouge's guardian.
Session 2: "what have you been doing the last two years" "uh... people watching and experimenting with growing surface mushrooms." "We've been running a child gang!"
OK. So guardian npc is guarding the law library while congress is there. BTW, You're in fantasy Greece. The Tyrants show up and are amassing an Army. Your guardians is outnumbered. What do you do?
"Have I cultivated hallucinogenic mushrooms?" "Roll for it" "21" "sure" "hey... so you know how you're a giant frog?"
The full story is funnier, but we end up drugging the cavalry's horses. This meant our boi didn't have to worry about it and was only outnumbered 2-1. Until his dragon bro showed up to help.
Now Guardian is a magistrate. He hates it, but he needs a posse now and we're it. We half-level up and time-skip 3 years.
Anyway, he's kinda the head of police while his daughter is in charge of what's left of the Mafia (which is basically just the ragtag children who slipped through the cracks of the purge).
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henriiiii-1001old · 3 years
ramble time, go
ok, so i've been thinking abt putting some more symbolism and foreshadowing into my au, but i didn't really know how to do that
until i remembered there was supposedly a show that aired around 1983 in fnaf 4, so i made plot for it :]
(i'm just gonna put this under a "keep reading bc this fucker's gonna be l o n g)
just tl;dr: fredbear goes missing, freddy and friends + spring bonnie go out to look for him, find the funtimes, get kidnapped, villain gets revealed, spring bonnie escapes, comes back with new friends and beats main villain's ass
so, the show first started when an indie animation studio asked william and henry to make a kids show based off of their characters, and they gave the go ahead. the show was called "fazbear and friends", and here's kinda the general stuff:
your main character is spring bonnie, who is looking for their lost boyfriend best friend, fredbear. he had been kidnapped not too long ago along with some other people in their village by an unknown villain. they go to the fazbear crew-- freddy, bonnie, chica, and foxy -- for help. they accept bc fredbear is their friend too and they wanna help ppl
so they start heading out, and whenever they think they're a step closer to fredbear, they meet one of the funtimes. the first one they encounter is ballora, a ballerina mother who is looking for her daughter. they next meet funtime foxy and funtime freddy, who are star-crossed lovers who were banished from their village. they then meet circus baby, who at first was hostile towards the group but then saw ballora and calmed down.
now, all of these characters have special abilities:
freddy: an enchanting, really good singing voice. it's able to scare away enemies because they hate positivity (this is a kids' show may i remind you lmao) bonnie: really good at playing guitar. he often accompanies freddy's singing. chica: amazing drummer and also accompanies freddy and bonnie. when she's not doing that, she's making pizza for everyone. she also has a magic rainbow as a pet, but no one knows where it came from foxy: really good storyteller and a cool pirate man with good skills with his sword. he needs work on sailing a ship though fredbear: the ability to communicate with people from far away as well as spirits spring bonnie: the ability to disguise as anyone they want, but they have to do the voice impressions themself (which they're pretty good at) circus baby: can turn her arms into claws to fight people. she can also make ice cream from her stomach ballora: she can dance fight. and she's very flexible and can walk around like a spider funtime freddy: really good magician and can actually use magic to make things appear and reappear. also can make anyone laugh by telling a joke (stand up comedian shit) funtime foxy: very jazzy dance man and can dodge most attacks with ease
they all become somewhat good friends and get along!
anyways, so they all finally stumble upon what seems to be an abandoned palace. they find fredbear inside what seems to be a throne room. fredbear and spring bonnie rekindle, but then all of a sudden, their magic is taken away. fredbear's magic seems to be different as he was able to cuff everyone's hands with a weird magic and he introduces someone he's been working for this entire time: the pink peril.
so pink peril explains that he was the one kidnapping people because he wanted to take all the magic in the world and take it over for himself because evil reasons. and he found out that you can take someone's magic away when they are at their most vulnerable (for example, spring bonnie is most vulnerable around fredbear). he then explains that he had kidnapped fredbear but promised him a small fraction of pink peril's power if he joined him. so fredbear did just that. plus, he wanted to ensure that pink peril didn't hurt spring bonnie or any of the others.
spring bonnie and the rest of the gang are of course hurt, and spring bonnie declares their romantic relationship friendship over. before everyone is locked away so they can get their powers taken away, pink peril notices chica's pet magic rainbow and says something about it being connected to someone called the white rabbit. so he tries taking it away from the gang, but spring bonnie manages to escape the magic binding their arms, takes the rainbow, and escapes. everyone else is cheering them on, and they promise that they'll come back to rescue everyone.
[end of season 1]
now, this is representative of william's first travel through fnaf world, but it's a little different. so william burns in the ffps fire and wakes up in fnaf world. he meets fredbear and is told that if he wants his punishment suspended for a bit, he's gonna have to go and gather all the other souls he burned with. and fredbear also sends the missing children with him so he doesn't try anything funny. so they find kathryn, mike schmidt, fritz smith, charlie, and elizabeth while on their travels. they also meet up with carol and chris bc they were sent by fredbear to help. the group then meets up with fredbear again but they then get transported to a weird dimension where they meet someone who calls himself "king mikah" (who is really king michael but michael decided to be an identity thief for 2.2 seconds). so "king mikah" explains that he had taken over fnaf world to indulge in experiments with remnant and also to give william a "proper punishment", so they all fight, the group succeeds, and "king mikah" escapes and goes into hiding. william then goes and finds that "king mikah" had been building a place for himself, and as he was being chased bc he broke into the place, he found a room full of portals to different dimensions. he jumped into one and was never seen again. unfortunately though, that portal led to the vr game fazbear ent was developing, which starts the rest of act 3
SO now onto season 2 of fazbear and friends! so spring bonnie had escaped pink peril's clutches and comes upon a forest of glowing trees. here, he follows a mysterious figure to someone called the white rabbit. the white rabbit explains that she has been trapped in this realm for years because of an unknown force stripping her of her magic and sealing her there. she then recognizes chica's magic rainbow, and they merge to form the white princess, who is just the white rabbit but her powers have been restored. she gives thanks to spring bonnie by telling them she will help them with whatever they want. so they then explain the stuff with pink peril, and white princess is really sad bc they used to know each other in a positive way :'( but they were also granted some magic to help fight.
as they go on their way to pink peril's palace, they meet up with a refugee from the palace, the marvelous marionette, who gives them shelter to hide from pink peril and plan out their attack. sadly though, they are eventually found by pink peril, and white princess is kidnapped. behind the scenes though, pink peril had brainwashed her into becoming pink peril's own magic rainbow, and now that he has her on his side, he can take over the world.
spring bonnie finds themself in the glowing forest again, but this time they meet the white king, who is white princess's father. spring bonnie notices there's a seal placed on him so he can't escape, but spring bonnie, using the magic white princess had bestowed them, frees the king and they face pink peril once and for all.
they first free the fazbear gang and the funtimes. then, they face the evil magic rainbow. as they face pink peril one-on-one, they use the power of friendship to defeat him, and peace is finally restored to the land. fredbear tries rekindling his and spring bonnie's relationship, but they reject him and he gets put in jail.
[end of season 2/show]
now this one is a bit more complicated to explain. so william and vannie fight and they die together in a fire vannie had caused. they wake up together and face "king mikah" immediately. they are taken to his palace where he explains what he's gonna do to them. vannie then exposes him as michael and not mikah, and he gets mad. william and vannie escape together before anything happens.
as they're running from king michael as far as they can, they meet up with spring bonnie, who helps them on their journey to stop king michael. they explain that they're not working with king michael because they and fredbear had a really bad falling out. spring bonnie didn't want to work with a cruel king who took the land by force, but fredbear ensured they'd have great power. william knew that was familiar, but couldn't put is tongue on it >:/o
then, they meet up with charlie, and she offers them shelter to plan out how to defeat king michael. she and cassidy also had a falling out of their own, but charlie still loved her with all her heart and wanted to save her. but then vannie gets kidnapped and brainwashed into becoming chica's/michael's magic rainbow.
william them stumbles upon the lord scott, who was the old ruler of the land before michael had taken over. he agrees to help william if william can accept his fate of punishment. william accepts and then they go face michael.
they fight for a bit and as michael is about to serve the final blow, vannie comes up behind him and stabs him in the chest, leaving him fatally injured. scott becomes ruler of fnaf world again, everyone's happy, and michael and william get sent to their respective levels to be punished.
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The first meeting
Tw: mentions of burning alive, food mention, blood, injury (minor)
Julian made sure that his cloak was secured around his shoulders and his cape wouldn’t fall and pulled a scarf over his mouth and nose before he even stepped foot into the city. He certainly wasn’t in the mood for running from guards today. For fucks sake, he just wanted to buy some bread. How did he manage getting himself in the mess that insued half an hour later, he had no idea. He got past the guards near the gate with no problems and went straight to the marketplace. It was never too hard to find it, just follow the biggest noise. He would usually think about stoping in one of the local taverns and having a drink or two, but this was a dangerous town to get caught in. His plan didn’t actually include even stoping near, not to say in, the town he just walked in, but, of course, something had to go wrong. Looking back on it, he thought it might’ve been fate. Then he laughs at himself. No thing such as ‘fate’ exists and even if it did, why would it be so kind to make him step right into Tenzin’s path. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. At this point, Julian doesn’t even know that Tenzin exists, so we should change that. He bought his long desired bread and was about to leave, when a cloth stand caught his eye. More specificaly, a cloak. He was wearing his old one for like a year now and with his lifestyle, the cloak was in a really bad condition. He checked the cloak out, turning it in and rubbing the cloth between his fingers. Yes, this would do. He payed the clerk and was about to leave.
Suddenly, drums sounded and guards pulled someone onto the podium made from hay and tied them to a wooden pillar in the middle. The head guard started reading the ‘commited crimes’ of the person standing there and as soon as Julian heard the first sentence, he turned around completely and started to make his way through the gathering crowd towards the podium. The fucking guard was accusing them of ‘feeding the city’s strays’ and ‘giving them medical care’. They were being burned for feeding some street kids and treating a scraped knee of one of them. Oh how much Julian hated this fucking city. He was almost in front of the podium when the guard jumped down and grabbed the torch. Julian wouldn’t make it in time. So he did the best thing he could: distracted the guy holding the torch. He threw his newly bought cloak on the guard’s head and then pulled on it when he got close enough, succesfuly making him fall to the ground, lighting the cloak on fire with the torch as he did so. “Fuck!” Julian exclaimed, he really wanted that cloak and he didn’t even steal it! ‘Welp, no time to mourn the loss now’ he thought and jumped up on the podium while the guards tried to smother the flames currently consuming their captain. Julian cut the ropes holding the person to the pillar and pulled the sack off of their head as well. “I hope you have a plan unless your goal was to just hold my hand while I burn,” said the stranger, quickly sliding the remaining rope off their wrists and shooting Julian a pointed look. “Eh, not really, but I’ll think of something. Know this city like the back of my hand. Going or stayin’?” he asked and grinned at them. Instead of answering, they ducked in between Julian’s legs and kicked a guard who just climbed up on the podium in the ankles, sending him back to the ground and then jumped off their stage on the other end. Julian followed, his grin even wider now.
He got in front of the stranger near a back alley, grabbing them by the upper arm and dragging them through. Using a series of smaller and less crowded streets and alleys they got to a point of the city where the walls weren’t as high and the houses were just low enough to climb on, so Julian let go of their arm and climbed onto the roof of one of the houses, leaning back down to help them up. They didn’t hesitate a second, jumping up and getting a hold of his hand, proping themself up on the roof next to him and standing up. Just when Julian was about to jump up on the city wall, a few of the guards ran up to the house and while two of them jumped up and grabbed the edge of the roof, the rest stood down and pulled out their bows, aiming at the two refugees on the roof. He decided in a second and didn’t jump, instead, he found the stranger’s waist, picked them up and threw them onto the wall screaming: “Grab it!” They did and they jumped on the edge and so Julian turned his attention to the guards and their arrows, quickly dodging them and simultaneously trying to get past the two on the roof with him. He probably would’ve died and he almost did, since he got scraped by one of the arrows on the shoulder and those fuckers on the roof cornered him right above one of the city canals, but suddenly the rest of the arrows turned into raindrops and the two guards were yanked off the roof by some weird glowing ropes. He instinctively looked up and saw the stranger standing on the wall with their eyes glowing and...looking distinctively different then before. He didn’t have the time to wonder about that though, so he took a running start and jumped right over wall and noticed the stranger falling alongside him.
After they fell into the pile of hay that Julian knew was there to cushion a fall of off the wall (he escaped this city like five times before), they ran towards the cover of the forest only a few yards away. Once they got under the colorful branches of the forest, they hid behind a wide trunk and ducked down, breathing heavily. “Thanks,” said the stranger in between gasps. “I don’t know who I’m thanking though, mind sharing your name or shall I call you sir misterious cloak?” they asked, a hint of mischief in their voice. “Julian,” he said with a small amused huff, “and who did I save? Oh, but if you don’t tell me, I’d much rather call you...good-looking.” The stranger laughed at this and replied: “Tenzin. But please, I wouldn’t mind being called good-looking by such a handsome guy...” they chuckled at the blush that painted Julian’s cheeks and added, “Seems like you’re the type of guy who flirts but can’t take flirting. Good to know.” The grin on their face made it’s way into the words and so they sounded friendly and not ill-intended. “Now, would you mind spending another half an hour with me? I noticed you tossed a much nicer looking cloak on the bitch that was trying to light me on fire and I do happen to have one nice cloak in my saddle bag.” they said. “Oh, would you be so kind as to give me your cloak? I swear, I’m never buying anything again, hadn’t had this much bad luck whenever I stole something...” he grumbled. Tenzin laughed and patted his back. “You know, I do sell charms for good luck, but seeing todays events, they aren’t effective on such a scale. Hope I didn’t cause too much trouble for you.”| “No, this is my normal day. You actually made it better. I love excitment and you provided it. Thank you for that.”| “Oh, that was no problem, if you want excitement, hanging around a witch is one of the certified ways to get it.” they said and laughed, bowing a little. He spent two more hours with them, grabbing their stuff and engaging in small talk, until they eventually gave him the cloak and bid him goodbye with the sentence “I sincerely hope to see you again, Julian.” As they jumped on their horse and rode off. And Julian couldn’t help but smile after them and silently wish the same thing.
This was the request of @bewaretheidesofmarchyall
Tagging: @definietlynotsatan @exhaustedauthor @nyamafriend
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