#give everyone a snap card for at least 100/person/week
ligbi · 1 year
is anyone else in a field that feels like climbing up a falling ladder?
went to school for MIS (computer science but less programming more business) graduated 14. First job 15-18, another 19-20, and then 21-23. every time I job hunt I see positions that I had seen before but the amount they offer seems so much lower than they had offered? sysadmin seems like a position I could have sword was averaging 120k/year in 18, and now I'm seeing a listing for not even 60k.
I know every job is working their employees to the bone for as little as they can get away with while the world burns down but god you do everything right- go to school, go local to keep loans low, get a degree in something that can pay you instead of something you like- and you still get screwed
we need universal healthcare, ubi, and a fix to the housing crisis, as well as making all jobs 30hours 1.5x for any hours post that, and capping maximum pay (15x the lowest paid employee's salary is extremely generous. 30k for employees? You still get almost half a mil a year you greedy fucks)
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jungshookz · 4 years
omg cee for a holiday drabble request can we get some shy!jungkook who’s had yn in his class all semester and is partnered up with her for a final project and he’s like !!!!!!!! AAAA!!!!!!!!!
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre; sfw!! university!au!! fluff!! jungkook is shy!! y/n is friendly!! pocky sticks and goldfish crackers are exchanged!!
➺ wordcount; 4.9k
➺ what to expect; if he thought the back of your head was pretty... did that mean that he thought the rest of you was pretty as well?
                                     »»————- ❅ ————-««
jungkook doesn’t like to say that he hates people because saying that makes him sound obnoxious and a little overdramatic, but if given the choice, he would 100% choose to be alone
and he doesn’t think that it’s a problem that he prefers his own company over the company of other people
it’s literally just a personal preference!
he likes to keep to himself mainly because he.,.,
to be honest, he just doesn’t like talking to people?? which he thinks is a pretty valid reason to roam campus as a lone wolf
it just takes so much effort maintaining a conversation and at the end of the day, he’s just here to learn and get his degree, you know?
and it’s not like he flat-out refuses to talk to people like a weirdo
he can talk to people, he just chooses not to initiate or engage in any type of conversation whatsoever unless he really has to
and don’t even get him started on those damn ice breakers that professors make everyone do at the beginning of every semester
it’s why he always sits in the very back of the auditorium where all the quiet people are
because quiet people understand each other and quiet people will nevER turn to start talking to each other when the professor tells the class to share two truths and a lie about yourself to the person sitting next to you!
there’s just a mutual understanding that everyone in the back of the room will sit in silence and keep to themselves all semester long which is very pleasant
not to mention, he hates having to deal with ‘semester friends’ aka the one friend that you make for the sake and convenience of having someone you know in the same class as you
you guys really don’t have that much in common and you can tell that they’re in a completely different social circle than you are (aka when you inevitably do a social media handle exchange you see that they have more than a thousand followers and you can immediately tell they were super popular in high school which intimidates you and your puny 250 follower count but you can’t back out of this friendship now without looking like a jerk) but the person is friendly enough that you can get along and kind of keep a conversation going
and then once the semester ends the two of you promise to keep in touch next semester even though both parties are fully intending to not stay in touch at all
and then when next semester rolls around no one makes any effort to reach out and be like hey, should we get coffee this week?? because you have conflicting schedules that would take so much reshuffling just to accommodate this acquaintance that you really don’t care that much about so then you end up hitting them with an ooh, i can’t make it this week! what about next week??
and then it just turns into a cycle of ugh, i’m swamped this week! next week? and can’t, sorry! next week?
and then you’ll see each other at the library one day and it’ll be a little bit awkward because you’ll do that awkward half-hug and your voice will go up like ten octaves when you greet them with that overly polite heyyyyyy!
and more promises will be made to get coffee and hang out soon even though everyone knows absolutely no coffee will be gotten
the point is: in the four years that jungkook’s been a university student, not onCe has he made a steady friend and not once has he been remotely interested in making a steady friend
and he doesn’t think that’s sad or anything - again, he prefers it that way!
...but you just had to come along and completely throw his plans out of whack, didn’t you??
unsurprisingly, you were the one who spoke to him at the beginning of the semester but he didn’t think too much of it because it wasn’t like the conversation the two of you had was very riveting
“hi, i’m sorry-” jungkook looks up from his notebook when you twist around in your seat to face him, “this is psychology 400, right? i lost a copy of my schedule and i think this is the lecture hall i’m supposed to be in but i can’t remember if it said auditorium 200 or 201-”
“yeah, you’re in the right place.” jungkook interrupts, offering you a stiff smile before looking back down at his planner
he was in the middle of compiling a grocery list for himself and now he doesn’t remember what that one thing he needed was…
chocolate pocky sticks
there we go
jungkook clicks his pen before tucking it back into his pencil case and shutting his planner
and… yeah!
that was the first conversation the two of you ever had
he doesn’t think he can really count it as a conversation because it lasted less than three seconds
the first exchange the two of you ever had?
the second exchange he had with you was actually the next class that same week
he was genuinely surprised that you sat in the same spot again because usually when someone realises that he isn’t willing to be their semester-friend, they move to another section of the auditorium the next time
but no
there you were in all your glory
“when’s the first assignment due?”
jungkook’s eyes flicker up from his laptop first before he looks up at you
“uh, in two weeks...?” he trails off, pulling up the calendar app on his screen before nodding affirmatively, “yeah, in two weeks. september sixteenth at midnight.”
“okay, sweet! and that’s a... thursday?”
“ah, okay. got it. thanks!
the weird thing was the fact that you never pulled out the “i don’t think i ever got your name! i’m ___” card because you just seemed like a very ‘i wanna be your friend!!!!!’ person
and he doesn’t know how you made him do it but one day he found himself asking for your name which he didn’t think he’d ever do
(admittedly, he was a little klutzy in doing so because he’d never willingly introduced himself to someone and asked for their name all in one go before)
“are you eating goldfish crackers and... chocolate chips?” jungkook blurts out, leaning forward a little to peer into the little snack box you’re holding in your hand
you pause and look down into the container before twisting around to look at him, “mhm! you know, you wouldn’t think the combination would work, but it totally does,” you smile, holding your box up, “wanna try?”
jungkook immediately shakes his head, “oh, no, that’s oka-”
“no, c’mon-” you pluck out a cracker and a chocolate chip and set your box down on your lap, “hold your hand out!”
jungkook hesitates for a second before holding his hand out and letting you plop the treats in his palm, “and you... eat them together?”
“uh-huh!” you nod, popping a cracker into your mouth before gesturing for him to eat, “don’t worry - if you don’t like it, i promise i won’t cry.”
jungkook brings his palm up and tosses them back into his mouth
that’s actually... not half-bad?
“see? what’d i tell you?” you beam, giving your box a little shake, “good, right?”
“yeah, i mean, i would never think to put the two together...” jungkook trails off, dusting the crumbs off his hands, “oh, um, by the way-” he clears his throat before swallowing nervously, “i, uh, i’m jungkook. by the way. yeah.”
“jungkook?” you say out loud, jungkook nodding in confirmation, “i will try to remember that. i’m pretty bad with names, so if i end up calling you, like, robert next week, don’t hate me.”
“i will try not to hold it against you if you call me robert next week,” jungkook laughs lightly before reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, “and you... um, your name is...?”
“i’m y/n! by the way.” you tease lightly, the apples of jungkook’s cheeks turning a little pink, “it’s nice to meet you! ...even though we met, like, a month ago.”
“jungkook, you dog-” you gasp lightly, and for a second jungkook’s heart drops to his stomach because he thinks he’s said something wrong- “at least take me out to dinner first before touchéing me.”
jungkook immediately snorts and shakes his head lightly as you giggle to yourself
with that being said, even after that exchange he still wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay friends with you or not
yeah, you were nice and kind of charming in your own way, but...
(he couldn’t come up with a reason as to why he shouldn’t be friends with you, so that train of thought is still chug-chug-chugging along.)
                                     »»————- ❅ ————-««
“are those pocky sticks?”
jungkook stops typing, his eyes flickering up from his screen to see you looking at him with a soft little smile, your arms folded over the top of your seat and your chin propped up on them
he looks down at the open package of pocky sticks sitting on top of his backpack next to him before looking over at you and nodding, “uh, yeah. do you... want one?”
“are they the chocolate ones?”
“obviously.” jungkook snorts, pulling one out of the plastic bag before holding it out for you, “nothing beats the original flavour.”
you pluck it from his fingers, inspecting it for a second before biting into it with a crisp snap!, “i personally like the strawberry ones better-”
“what??” jungkook gawks, “i mean, yeah, the strawberry ones are fine, but the chocolate ones-”
“the strawberry ones have a thicker coating! the chocolate coating is so thin and barely-there!” you hold the bottom half of your pocky out so that jungkook can look at the cross-section of it, “see?? barely any chocolate-”
“you don’t know what you’re talking about!” jungkook scoffs playfully, slapping his laptop shut before crossing his arms on his desk and leaning forward, “chocolate pocky sticks are clearly superior to the strawberry ones-”
“alright, robert, whatever helps you sleep at night-”
“wha-” jungkook gawks in mock offence, too distracted by the fact that you like the strawberry pocky sticks over the classic chocolate ones to notice the feeling of his heart skipping a beat at the sound of your laugh
strawberry over chocolate
                                    »»————- ❅ ————-««
now, jungkook isn’t particularly sure when it was that he started to notice how twinkly your eyes were or how sweet your voice sounded or how pretty your smile was or how nice your hair smelled
it kind of just dawned on him one morning??
he was just staring at the back of your head and found himself wondering how it was possible for the back of one’s head to be so pretty (you had your hair down that day and it just looked so soft and clean)
and then he thought to himself how weird it was that he just called the back of your head pretty
and then he thought to himself that if he thought the back of your head was pretty... did that mean that he thought the rest of you was pretty as well?
and then he thought to himself that yes, i suppose i would consider y/n to be pretty if i was ever asked for a list of people i considered to be pretty
and then he realized that oh, god. do i think that y/n’s pretty because i like y/n?!
and now it’s december meaning that it’s almost the end of the semester and he still hasn’t done anything about his crush on you because he?? literally has no idea how to handle it
his plan was to just ask you for your instagram and if you wanted to keep hanging out next semester and hope that it didn’t turn into a can’t what about next week can’t what about next week situation
and the fact that you guys are working together for the final project certainly doesn’t help with him suppressing his feelings at all
because you two have gone from spending time like three times a week in class to five or six times a week in and out of class
it was at the beginning of november that he discovered that you both had an hour and a half break after this class
so you guys usually go for lunch together (obviously, you were the one who asked first) and then go your separate ways
and then it was the second week of november that jungkook started walking you to your next class even though hiS next class is located at the opposite end of campus
he just????
literally has no idea how any of this happened
one minute he’s perfectly fine with being alone and the next minute he finds himself glancing towards the door every three seconds waiting for you to walk in because the best part of his morning is seeing you
because every time you walk in and see him in his usual spot your entire face lights up and your pace quickens and he just thinks it’s really cute how excited you are to see him even though you guys literally see each other so often
he always looks forward to hearing about what you did over the weekend even though he usually doesn’t care less about what anyone did over their weekend
he always looks forward to you bringing out your little snack box and offering him a couple pieces of whatever you have (you brought these sesame-glazed cashews the other day and they were really good)
he always looks forward to sharing his pocky sticks with you even though he’s usually very greedy with his pocky sticks
last week he let you eat like half the box and he wasn’t even mad
and yeah, he finds himself tossing a couple of the strawberry pocky sticks into his basket whenever he goes grocery shopping, but that doesn’t mean anything!
                                     »»————- ❅ ————-««
jungkook glances back towards the door as he taps his foot against the ground anxiously before checking his phone for the time or any texts from you  
where are you??
he booked one of the conference rooms in the library so that you guys could work on your project in peace
it’s much more quiet working here than in the general studying area because there’s always that one person who’s sniffling and coughing like a maniac
and you can speak at a normal volume in here which is good
you guys agreed to work on the project together at the end of the day and then you’d grab dinner together
and jungkook hasn’t been classifying these hangout working sessions as dates or anything but for some reason, this feels like a study date AND a dinner date rolled into one which is why his hands are so clammy right now
and on top of thAT he actually has a christmas present that he’s planning to give you but now he’s wondering if it’s too late to back out
you’re already like twenty minutes late
did you forget about him??
did you purposely bail on him??
is this your way of telling him that this friendship is over???
maybe he can text you and tell you that he had to go home because he has food poisoning or something
...but the image of him hunched over the toilet probably isn’t a very attractive one
is there like a.,., like a sexy way to talk about food poisoning?
jungkook paces back and forth as he looks down at his phone, typing a message to you and then immediately deleting it and retyping
hey! i’m gonna have to reschedule. i had a funky ass burrito for lu-
okay so there’s definitely no way to make food poisoning sound sexy
maybe he can come up with a... cool excuse of some kind?  
hey! can we reschedule? i have to save a baby from a burning building because i’m also a firefigh-
he’s terrified of heights and also he hates babies so that excuse would never work
hey! let’s reschedule! i have feelings for you and it’s overwhelming me and also i feel like maybe you kind of bailed on m-
jungkook jumps in his seat before whipping around to look at the door, feeling a sense of relief washing over him when he sees that it’s you
well noW he knows that you didn’t forget about him and that you definitely didn’t bail on him
“he-” his voice gives out halfway and he clears his throat quickly, “hey! i was, uh, i was wondering when you’d show up.”
“i know, sorry i’m late-” you smile sheepishly, shutting the door behind you with a gentle click, “it’s for a good reason, though! i got us hot chocolates!”
you raise the takeout tray in your hand before setting it down on the table, “i was going to get you a peppermint mocha because ‘tis the season and all of that, but i didn’t know if you would like it or not so hot chocolate was the safer option.”
“i like hot chocolate!” jungkook coughs, “peppermint mochas- i mean, i would’ve been fine with a peppermint mocha too, but i- i still appreciate the hot chocolate-” he rambles, nervously flipping his pen back and forth in between his fingers, “i mean, i, like, what i’m trying to say is that i would like anything you brought for me, you know?”
he’s spiralling
whY is this happening to him??
jungkook doesn’t know if he’s ever been this nervous for anything before
he wasn’t even this nervous when he had to do a solo presentation in front of two hundred people in his history course last semester and thaT was terrifying
“alright, well, i’ll definitely keep that in mind for next time!” you chirp, pulling out one of the wheely chairs before plopping down and turning to face him, “what else do we have to do for our report?”
jungkook feels his heart skip a beat when your knee bumps against his
oh god
he has to get it together  
just relax!
“oh, uh-” he turns to look through the checklist on his notebook, “we have to write up the conclusion... and also the annotated bibliography.”
“annotated bibliography?” you huff, scrolling through yours guys’ twenty page report, “oh, god... that’s going to take forever- we used, like, thirty different sources...”
“i told you not to go crazy with the scholarly articles...” jungkook teases lightly before taking a sip of his hot chocolate
there’s whipped cream on this as well!
“i just thought that it would make us look smarter if we used more sources-” you grumble, pushing your bottom lip out in a pathetic little pout, “and now we have to go through and annotate every single one...”
“hey, if it motivates you to work faster, i’ll get you an extra order of onion rings for dinner tonight.” jungkook hums, smiling fondly when you gasp excitedly and turn to face him
one thing that he’s learned about you is the fact that you are verY food motivated
one time you told him that you would be willing to rob a bank for a pack of oreos
...and he wholeheartedly believes that.
                                     »»————- ❅ ————-««
you try your hardest to hold back a grin when you notice that jungkook still hasn’t moved his leg from yours
the side of your thigh has been pressed right up against his for a good twenty minutes now and it seems like he doesn’t mind it at all
if anything, it’s safe to say that he’s comfortable being this close to you
that must mean that he likes you back, right?
because you know for a fact that he isn’t normally a touchy-feely person and you were fully expecting him to pull back the moment your leg touched his
this is!!!!
you don’t know when you started liking jungkook but the details really aren’t that important
you just know that you like him now and you’re like 80% sure that maybe he might?? like you back??
if he didn’t like you, why would he be willing to get coffee with you during your breaks and walk you to class?
you were actually a little put off by him the first time you spoke to him mainly because he seemed like he didn’t really want to talk to you
and usually you don’t do well with people who don’t want to talk to you because.,., you personally think you’re a greaT person to talk to and if the same vibes aren’t reciprocated then you immediately hightail it out of there
and you were actually going to switch seats the next class but it was pretty cozy in the back of the auditorium and you liked that your seat was near the exit so that you could be the first one out without getting trampled over by everyone else  
so you figured you’d just swallow your pride and try to work it out with mr. pretty boy (yes, part of the reason as to why you stayed was because of how handsome he is.,., you’re only human!!!)
and it looks like it worked out in your favour because here you are!! hanging out with him outside of class!!
with that being said, you haven’t really thought about what your next move is going to be because you’re..., not entirely sure how to ask him out without potentially freaking him out or something
because if on the off-chance that he tells you that he actually doesn’t like you back after you ask him out with full confidence,,..,
you don’t even want to think about how awkward that’s going to be
and you don’t even knoW how you’d play it off casually without letting your disappointment show (“oh! well, that’s- pft- that’s totally fine, it’s whatever- like, i’m so... like, i’m so cool. it’s totally fine! dates are- dates are so overrated, anyway- romance is so lame-”)
you were thinking of maybe asking him out after the final project because if he says no then you’ll never have to see him again!
that’s the beautiful part of being on such a big campus
it’s fine
you’ll figure something out
just focus on this damn bibliography and try not to think about how good jungkook smells and how pretty his hands look when he’s typing
                                     »»————- ❅ ————-««
it’s about an hour and a half into the session that jungkook suddenly remembers that he has a present for you
he turns his head slightly to look at you
there’s a divot in between your brows as your fingers practically fly across your keyboard
you must really want those onion rings
jungkook glances down at his backpack before pressing his lips together tightly
when would be a good time to give it to you without it being like.,,. awkward?
maybe after you guys are done?
or during dinner?
or after dinner?
or after he drives you hom-
“i have a present for you, by the way-!” jungkook blurts out a little louder than intended, shattering the serene silence of the atmosphere
okay never mind
“you do??” you ask, jungkook nodding quickly
“i... yeah. a christmas present! for you.” he clears his throat, leaning down to pull the neatly wrapped package out of his backpack, “it’s just a little something, it’s really not that big of a deal.”
“aw, that’s so nice of you... i didn’t know we were doing presents otherwise i totally would’ve gotten something for you...” you trail off, pursing your lips in disappointment
you weRE going to get jungkook something but you didn’t know if he’d find it weird or anything
and now you must look like a complete jerk!
“oh my god, don’t even worry about it-” jungkook flicks his wrist to dismiss your concerns, “you can count the hot chocolate as your gift to me! plus, you splurged on a venti just for me-”
“i did splurge on a venti just for you...” you joke along, instantly feeling a little better about the situation, “and i usually only treat people to tiny little talls!”
(for the record, you’re definitely going to get him a proper present over the weekend)
“also, it’s totally fine if you don’t like it-” jungkook swallows thickly when you start to rip open the packaging, “i can return it and get you something else-”
“oH MY GOD i love it!” you exclaim, feeling your serotonin levels shoot straight through the ceiling when you pull out a heart shaped snack box, “i don’t even know what to say, this is literally the greatest present i’ve ever received in my entire life-”
“oh, thank god-” jungkook flops back in his seat before placing his hand on his chest, “i was worried that maybe you wouldn’t like it because you already have a pretty extensive collection of snack boxes- oh, and!” he perks up, spinning around to pull something else out of his bag, “i also got you a box of strawberry pocky sticks even though i still think your opinion about them being better than the chocolate flavour is very wrong.”
he really knows the way to your heart :’)
“i don’t even know what to say, kook...” you smile, “thank you so much...”
jungkook beams, giving himself a mental pat on the back for a job well done, “ah, don’t worry about it. i’m just glad that you like your gifts...”
okay, you don’t have a gift for him so this is the next best thing
“can i-” you pause, trying to think of how to handle this, “can i- sorry, can you just close your eyes for a second?” you clear your throat
you’re suddenly feeling a lot more confident about jungkook’s feelings towards you than you were half an hour ago
(aka you are now 98% sure that he likes you back and if you’re wrong about this assumption then you’re definitely going to regret the thing that you’re about to do)  
“close my eyes?” jungkook snorts, “why?”
“it’ll make sense in a second. just close them!”
“this is the part of our friendship where you kill me, isn’t it?” he jokes, setting his laptop aside before turning his chair so he can fully face you
ha hA
very funny
“if i was planning to kill you, i would’ve poisoned your precious pocky sticks a long time ago-” you laugh lightly, wiping your clammy hands on your jeans before turning to face him as well
“speaking of pocky sticks, have you ever tried the cookies and creme flavoured ones?” jungkook hums, jolting in surprise when he feels you place your hands on his knees, “because i was thinking we could just buy a bunch of flavours and try them toge-”
jungkook’s eyes immediately pop open the moment he feels you kiss his cheek, his entire face going beet red and his mouth going dry
you smile innocently as you pull back, jungkook trying his best to noT melt into a giant puddle of goo
you just...
you kissed his cheek?
you kissed him?
maybe it was an accident??
maybe there was a bug on his cheek and you were just trying to kill it with your mouth
“you- i- heh-” he reaches up to scratch the back of his head, quickly averting his gaze when he notices you looking directly at him, “um, why... uh, what did you do that for?”
“to say thank you...” you shrug, biting back a smile, “and i guess it’s me trying to tell you that i... i like you too, by the way.”
jungkook feels his heart stop beating in his chest and his fingers dig into his thigh
you like him?
jungkook blinks owlishly at you, “you like me... too? r-really?”
“of course i do.” you hum, admiring your brand new snack box before looking back at him, “how could i not?”
(judging by his reaction, you are now 100% sure that jungkook likes you back so you now have nothing to worry about.)
“but how’d you know that i even liked you in the first place?” jungkook asks dumbly, still a little dazed from that kiss on the cheek
he can’t even think about how his body is going to react when he eventually gets to kiss you properly
“i mean...” you let out a little laugh before tilting your head slightly, “if the in-between class coffee runs and the walking me to class even though we both know it’d make you late for your class didn’t give it away, the fact that you let me eat half a box of pocky sticks without slicing my hands off certainly did.”
that’s fair
“you make a good point.” jungkook nods slowly, “touché-”
“-!” jungkook holds a finger out before the corners of his mouth tug up in a wide grin, “and i will definitely be taking you out to dinner first before even thinking about touchéing you. don’t worry.”
christmas with cee 2020 masterlist
🎁what would you like from ceenta this year? 🎁
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dailydaydreamings · 3 years
Best in the Worst Way, Part 13
The Reader has been having a love affair with two Avengers and gets caught in a sticky situation. She’s suddenly faced with life decisions she’s not prepared for, including who to love, what she wants, and is this all worth it?
Okay, this took way way too long to write. A couple of things. A) language warning. B) I’m not a doctor. C) I hope I tagged everyone who wanted to be tagged! I tried! Lmk if not! D) I am a total knob with technology and I don’t know how to comment on my own posts without using my main account, so I’m not ignoring you I swear!
Just a couple more chapters, do you think they’re having girls or boys (or both)?
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Bucky stood in the doorway of your bedroom, a bemused look across his face. His eyebrow twitched upward to say, are you okay with this?
Four weeks ago, the answer would have been a hard no. But you were four weeks into a strict bed rest. Steve spent the mornings at the compound and Bucky spent the mornings with you, and then they switched in the afternoons. You spent most of your time reading or learning to crochet, poorly. You were completely bored out of your mind.
So, you cracked a smile and shrugged a shoulder to let him know you weren’t 100% pleased with the situation.
Bucky’s mouth twitched into a slight smile, “Looks great, Steve.”
Steve looked up from where he sat at the end of the bed, painting your toenails. “You’re doing the other foot, this is a lot harder than it looks.”
You groaned, “How are you still on the first foot?” It had only been forty minutes.
Bucky laughed, “Let me get dinner started, okay? You two have fun.”
Your heart gave a small lurch. Bucky wasn’t okay. Not after your trip to the hospital.
He blamed himself.
You looked over at Steve, who had his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth he was concentrating so hard on your pinky toe. You kicked him in the chest with your other foot.
He blinked in surprise, “What was that for?”
You gave him an exasperated look, “Go talk to him.”
Steve looked down at your foot again, “Babe, he’s fine?”
You kicked him again. Harder. “He still blames himself for what happened, dumbass.”
It was no one’s fault really. If anyone was to blame it was your biology. But Steve had yelled at Bucky about the sex, blamed him for the bleeding, on the way to the hospital. Dr Lawrence had said the sex hadn’t caused it but nothing had been the same since. Bucky hadn’t slept in the same room as either of you since. He came in to check on you and Steve. He cracked jokes, made dinner, but kept his distance.
He was beating himself up for this and you weren’t going to take it anymore.
When Steve didn’t answer, you started to heave yourself up, “If you won’t go talk to him, I will.”
“No, no,” Steve put his hand on your shoulder, forcing you to sit. “I will okay. I’m sorry.”
An hour later, Bucky and Steve came in carrying food. Steve handed you a plate and settled in beside you, Bucky seemed to be hesitant to join. He stood beside the bed, ringing his hands nervously.
Your heart gave a little lurch, he did a really good job at making himself look small.
You opened your arm up to him, “Come sit with me, baby.”
He seemed to rock back and forth on his heels, “Every time I want to touch you, my head screams at me that you’re going to start bleeding again.”
You looked over at Steve, who hung his head slightly. He knew this and you’d beat his ass for it later.
“I’m okay, baby, I swear,” you lied through your fucking teeth. “Come sit with me, please.”
Bucky sat at the edge of the bed, not touching you. This would be a start tomorrow he would scoot an inch closer. In three days you’d be hip to hip. In a week he’d kiss your forehead. It would be okay.
But for now, you started with, “So can someone tell me something interesting please? Facebook can only keep me so entertained.”
Four Weeks Ago
Dr Laurence was wearing heels. At four am.
It was such an odd detail, but it was the first thing you noticed when you got to the hospital. You didn’t even make it to the compound. The hospital was closer.
Steve carried you into the ER, yelling frantically for help. You were placed on a gurney, and Dr Laurence was at your side a moment later. She was speaking quickly, but you weren’t sure what she way saying. She looked to Bucky and Steve for answers. She was putting gloves on, reaching for the ultrasound.
You were looking at her shoes. Valentino nude pumps, you’d seen them online two days ago and laughed at the price.
You were barely aware that the ultrasound probe had entered you.
Bucky was petting your hair.
You just stared at her shoes.
The moment you looked away, you would have to start to cope with Steve screaming at Bucky the whole way here. The way your sheets were stained with blood at home. The fact you had a house showing in the morning, and you were going to miss it. The fact you had a million unopened boxes of baby things in your apartment.
Your head just screamed the moment you looked away from Dr Laurence’s shoes, she would tell you your babies were dead.
Your ears rang.
Yesterday, they’d been so active. You were cursing their movements begging for a moment of reprieve. You’d do anything for a small kick right now.
“Y/n!” Dr Laurence looked up at you from between your legs.
You lifted your head from the bed, you tried to speak but no words came out.
She motioned at the ultrasound, “It looks like placenta previa. The bleeding seems to have stopped, but I’m going to get you a transfusion. We’re just looking for a heartbeat now...”
You frowned, placenta previa, that was something you’d read about. That was a normal risk, something that could happen to anyone. And the babies...
The familiar sound of their heartbeats filled your ears.
It was the most beautiful sound in the world.
That was it. The flood gates opened and you started to sob. Steve wrapped his arms around you first. Bucky was next, he embraced the two of you, kissing your forehead gently.
Their words filled your ears, setting a blanket of comfort over you.
“They’re okay, you’re okay.”
“It’ll be okay, you’ve got this.”
“Breathe, just breathe for now.”
“We love you so, so much.”
“Okay, we cannot be this unorganized, guys seriously?” You pinched the bridge of your nose.
Busy and Steve stood at the end of the bed, their arms crossed over their chest. You sat in bed, your hair in the messiest of buns, looking down at the mess they’d brought you to sort through.
“Well what do you propose?” Steve asked.
“For starters,” You motioned at the mountain of baby clothes in front of you, “Why do we have eight different outfits that were brining to the hospital. There’s two babies.” You held up two fingers for emphasis.
Bucky scratched his head, “This mommy blog said you need two outfits, in case one of them doesn’t fit. Plus, we don’t know if we’re having a boy or a girl.”
“They should look cute when coming home,” Steve asserted.
You only blinked. If someone had said this would be your life one year ago, you would have died laughing.
“Okay, fine,” you grabbed the nearest shirt. “We could go gender neutral, you know that right?”
It’s not like you had any shortage of gendered clothing though either. Tony had loaded you up with boy clothing, swearing you would be having two. Natasha had done the same for girl clothing. And Steve had managed to pick out the most extravagant outfits from each section.
“We can,” Steve conceded. “But I want us to have options. See what they look like when they come out.”
Your nose crinkled. You fucking hated that. Come out. Like they would just slide out of you, no issues.
You rubbed your temples, “Okay, but I refuse to have my kids dress matchy matchy their entire lives. They can if they want, but I will never make them wear the same outfit.”
Bucky chuckled, coming to sit on the bed beside you, “That’s going to go over well.”
You glared at him as he completely destroyed your pile of folded baby clothes.
Steve ran his hand through his hair aggressively, “But they’d look so cute.”
You shook your head, “Only if they want to. They need to have their own personalities.”
Steve looked ready to lose his mind, “But...pictures.”
You levelled him with your mom look. You’d been practicing. “I’ll give you Christmas cards. If the two of you also dress matchy matchy if we have a boys.”
“Deal,” Steve didn’t even hesitate.
You could picture it now. Two little boys in dorky ugly Christmas sweaters and beige khakis, their hair spiked up and Steve and Bucky marching to a tee. Oh it would be glorious, but you realized a moment too late you had forgotten yourself in that picture.
You cleared your throat, “Okay, names.”
Bucky reached over, rubbing his hand over where the babies were most active. A slight smile played on his lips as he leaned over to brush his lips over your bare skin.
You tried your best to ignore the shiver of pleasure that went down your spine.
“I don’t care,” Bucky murmured, “I think we should see what they look like when they come out.”
“No,” you ran your hand through his hair. “We pick now or at least get some options.”
Steve came to sit on your other side, disrupting the rest of your pile. You rolled your eyes, so much for nothing.
“Poppy?” He suggested.
You shook your head, “I like Penelope, not Poppy. I don’t believe in naming a kid a nickname. It feels final.”
They both looked at you funny, but you stood by it.
“What about Carter,” you suggested.
“No!” Both boys said in unison. You stopped, thinking about why that name wouldn’t work before bursting out laughing.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Steve!” You reached over to stroke his face. “Not Carter.”
He chuckled, “It’s not a bag suggestion. I’d love to honour Peggy, but Sharron might think I named them after her.”
You burst out laughing. What an awkward situation that would be. One you’d pay to see.
“Okay, guys,” you snapped your fingers a couple of times, “We need a couple more names. Some more ideas. Let’s go.”
The name started flowing, and you started feeling more comfortable. Aaron, Grace, Henry, Bonnie, Andrew, Katherine.
You relaxed into your pillows. Your babies would have names. No matter what happened.
The boys stayed awake at your side while you slept.
You woke a couple of hours, having only slept for what felt like a short moment to find the two of them drinking coffee and nibbling on muffins.
“You look like shit,” you commented, stretching an arm over your head.
Bucky raised an eyebrow, “Look in the mirror, sweetheart.”
You grasped your hand to you chest in mock hurt, “Oh, burn.” You said sarcastically.
Steve chuckled, getting up to come over and kiss your forehead, “We’re just glad you’re okay.”
You stroked his beard lovingly, “I’m okay, and now I’m worried about you two. I’m fine, go home and shower and sleep. Please.”
Steve pressed another kiss to your forehead before moving to sit down beside Bucky, “Not gonna happen, baby.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not going to have the babies today. You’re useless to me tired. Go home. Please.”
Bucky shook his head, “We’ll take turns, how about that?”
You rolled your eyes, “You two need to talk and go get me some stuff. Please, let me worry about you two right now instead of myself. Just for a moment. It would make me feel better if you just got some rest at home.”
It took some more convincing, but they finally left. And you were left in peaceful silence. You looked down at your belly. One of the babies gave a swift kick. You smoothed over the spot gently, “I love you, please stay in there a while longer, okay?”
“We’re going to do everything in our power to do so,” Dr Laurence stood in the door way.
You smiled, “I can’t thank you enough for being here last night.”
She nodded, coming to sit on the stool by your bed. She didn’t look happy. You braced a hand protectively over your belly.
She tapped her tablet with a manicured nail, “I’m concerned.”
“I’m not going to be gentle. Your blood pressure is through the roof,” she clarified. “You’re at risk for preeclampsia, your labs suggest that this half of your pregnancy is going to be hard. You’re in for a world of hurt. And I don’t think delivery is going to be any easier. I don’t think a vaginal delivery will be an option. You will be on bed rest until you give birth, and I doubt you’ll make it to thirty five weeks. In all honestly, I’ll be impressed if you make it to thirty. But your medical history and labs also suggests a c-section is also not a good option.”
You let out a little laugh, leaning back against the headboard. “The last time I saw you, you were singing praises for how well things were going.”
Her mouth tightened into a thin line, “I also said you should be taking it easy and lowering your stress levels.”
You narrowed your eyes at her, “Are you suggesting I did something wrong?”
Dr Laurence raked a hand through her hair, “I’m not saying you did, but I’m saying we need to start taking this seriously now because I’m not sure how to get the three of you through a safe delivery.”
Your mouth went dry. ‘The three of you,’ had always been you, Bucky, and Steve. It took on a whole new meaning when it was in reference to you and your children.
You may not have lost them last night, but you were well on your way.
“You’ll be on strict bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy,” Dr Laurences’ voice softened. “The good news is, the bleeding has stopped and you’ll be able to go home soon for a couple of weeks at least. We’ll do everything we can to get your blood pressure under control.”
Your hands shook as you reached up to wipe away a tear. “Not of a word of this to the boys.”
Her eyesbrows rose to her hairline, “They need to know so they can take care of you.”
You shook your head, “I have one who is a stiffling mother hen. If he’s worked up, so am I. And the other one is recovering from a major head trauma. He doesn’t remember everything in the last eighteen months. The only thing I can do for him now is to help him get back to where he was.”
“No,” Dr Laurence shook her head. “You need to take this seriously now or you will not make it through delivery. If they think you’re fine and brush it off as a little blood, you will end up in a much worse situation.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “We’re not going to play this game, doctor. I will take this seriously and if you put me on bed rest, I will follow it. I just don’t want the risks exposed to my boyfriends. And, you do get to tell them without my consent.”
Dr Laurence looked like she was ready to throw her tablet. “Fine, but the moment things start going south, you will end up in hospital supervised bed rest.”
You glared right back at her, “Looking forward to it.”
You sat between your boys watching TV when it happened.
You paused, your food halfway to your face as you felt another tightening in your stomach. They had been happening all day, but all of the sudden you were aware of one thing, it was far too painful for it not to be a contraction.
You dropped your fork onto the duvet.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked jumping to his feet.
You quirked your head to the side, looking down at your belly, “I think I’m in labour.”
“Shit!” Steve was suddenly gone.
Bucky calmly took your plate and fork and put them on the side table, “You sure?”
“Mmhmmm,” you hummed, as you let out a long breath. “We probably have hours to go though.”
Bucky nodded, “Let me call Dr Laurence.”
Your mouth tightened. She was the last person you wanted to see. You especially didn’t want to hear her gloat that she was right, you’d only made it to thirty-two weeks. Damn her.
Steve’s head popped in the room, “But it’s too early!” And he was gone again.
Your eyebrows rose to your hair line, he was taking this as well as you expected.
On your other side, Bucky put his phone to his chest and said, “Dr Laurence wants you to come in right away.”
You pinched your nose, “I don’t want to labour for the next twelve hours there when I can do it from home.”
Bucky relayed that information to her. And then asked, “Has your water broken?”
You shook your head.
Steve walked through the bedroom, going into the bathroom, talking a mile a minute. “—and we don’t have enough nipple cream!” Was all you caught. You could hear drawers being rummaged through in the bathroom.
“She says to come in anyways,” Bucky relayed to you. “And she says you’re clearly not taking this seriously.”
You rolled your eyes, of course she did.
“And we need another bathroom,” Steve murmured as he walked out of the room again.
“Fine,” you snapped. “And go calm Steve down.”
Another contraction hit hard. Your breath hitched.
Your birth plan, if you were having a vaginal delivery, was to go all natural, but now you were thinking an epidural sounded wonderful.
“You okay?” Bucky rubbed your back.
You took deep breaths, but nodded weakly. “Let’s go, please.”
He nodded, leaving the room to get Steve and your bags, but Steve stood at the door, bags in hand and simply said, “We need to go, guys.”
Bucky came around the bed to help you up. His arms around you, you barely made it out the bedroom before you felt a rush of fluids.
“Well, fuck.” Bucky mumbled.
@booktease21 @sexyvixen7 @just-the-hiddles @fading-mentality-bouquet @a--1--1--3 @broco8 @yougottalovefandoms @hailqueenconquer @tazzi-baby @imaginebeinlovedbyme @amiets2 @prettyblueskylark @spookyparadisesheep @bloodbrink @holl2712
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Hello! I really fall in love with your blog! Thank you very much for those Vorpal Swords headcanons! Can I ask headcanons about being Rakuzan manager? For example, how she cares about boys and they care about her; how Rakuzan protects her; How she supports them at games. And Akashi likes her. Good luck to your blog!
A/N: Hello there! I’m glad to know that you’re enjoying these, so I hope that this one will be to your liking as well! Also to those who don’t know what a ‘bokken’ is: it’s basically a wooden sword, Japanese swordswomen and men use for training! 
Tags: Akashi x reader ✅  Rakuzan x reader ✅  SFW ✅  fluff ✅  friendship ✅  
image/art source: Zerochan (art by Tousaku) [I sadly couldn't find the corresponding post where they uploaded it, since that artist seems to be inactive atm, but if you happen to stumble upon it, please make sure to tell me!]
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so first of all how did you even become Rakuzan’s manager?
well you were actually taking care of the team BEFORE Akashi joined the club
back then you guys were a wholesome team, but the moment the redhead was pronounced captain it all went downhill...
your former teammates began dropping out with the same complaints
“He’s too strict”, “I can’t train like this anymore”, “When he’s on the court, basketball loses its fun factor!”
even if you hated to admit it...they were right
Akashi was a REALLY strict leader who always wanted his team members to give it their all
100%? Not enough, make it a 110 and then you might be chosen as a substitute
during the first half of the school year, you put up with everything he threw at you, whether it were insults or commands
at one point you weren’t even the manager anymore but became his loyal puppy that did everything he instructed you to do
the things he requested weren’t even worthy to your title...unless you like standing in front of the gym door, acting like a bodyguard at the disco
and of course, even you had your limits
after Akashi had once again decided to give you an unreasonable task, you finally snapped
“I’ve had enough! Just who do you think you are, ordering me around as if I was your subordinate!”
“Listen. You either fix that emperor like attitude of yours, or you end up losing one of Japan’s strongest team...including me.”
in your state of anger, you had shoved the clipboard you were using against his chest and had stormed off the gym
a whole week had passed and you didn’t visit the club even once, that’s how pissed off you were
one day just when you thought about filling up a club withdrawal paper, there was a letter in your locker
Dear (Y/N)...I know that the way I’ve been acting up until now has upset you, but the reasoning behind my behavior is a simple one. All I desire is to see whom of these ‘star players’ everybody (including you) praises, can actually live up to their title. Sadly, I’ve come to the conclusion that none of them were able to, so I’ve decided to build up a new team in which you as well are going to be needed. I sincerely hope that you are willing to help the new Rakuzan basketball club reach even greater heights than ever before. Yours faithfully, Akashi Seijuro
P.S: We need you manager.
the first half of the letter had made your blood boil, but the further you read the more your curiosity got peaked
but you didn’t want to give in that easily, so you decided to visit the club one day to see what Akashi’s idea of an absolute basketball team looked like
“So (Y/N)..what do you think?“, Akashi asked after practice had ended
you had just looked at him with one of your ‘are you kidding me?’ faces and shook your head
these boys...
a) looked like full-fledged men to you
b) could easily snap you in half if they wanted to (especially Nebuya)
and finally
c) were probably all legendary NBA players in their past life
all in all they were amazing
watching them play gave you the impression of an actual and professional basketball game...that’s just how good they were
two months passed and you had taken the role of the manager once again
you hated to admit it, but Akashi was once again right..this team was absolutely amazing and worthy of any title you could think of
luckily these boys turned out to be more wholesome than you had ever anticipated
knowing that all of them had their struggles and own problems to deal with, despite their flawless appearance made you realize that that they were indeed your typical high school boys and not some basketball machines
sadly they couldn’t - or better said - weren’t allowed to show any weakness during training...these were Akashi’s orders
much to your surprise, they had accepted it with much less resistance than the members before them, but you were a little anxious that they might end up quitting the team so you took it upon yourself to prevent that scenario from arriving  
from that day forward you began spending more and more time with all the members (except Akashi) …
as the vice-captain he was to ensure that everybody followed the training regimen they were given by the redhead (in case of his absence)
sadly due to his laid-back nature and feminine speech, almost no one took him seriously
that’s where you come in…
“Come on now guys! Listen to Reo or I’ll get the bokken! And if that doesn’t get you guys moving then I’m sure a short phone call with Akashi certainly will...”
the second line always worked and even managed to make Reo giggle
after that, he’d always thank you several times and while the others ran laps/were stretching the two of you would always talk about that day’s schedule
by the end of practice, Reo and you would actually go out and do some shopping while talking about different topics
and thanks to his talented eye for the beautiful, your wardrobe was full with clothes that complimented your figure just perfectly, which only boosted your ego      
a certain topic you guys started talking about only recently was romance
at first you were extremely careful to not touch upon any touchy subject since there were a lot of rumors amongst your classmates, concerning Reo’s sexual orientation
but the more you got to know him, the easier it was for you to talk to him and in no time the two of you had become best friends
whenever someone either came up to you or him and wanted to just mess around, the two of you got each other’s backs at all time and would either intervene directly or call for backup (mainly Nebuya)
thanks to Reo’s ‘big sister’ personality you luckily never felt alone or at a loss, since you knew that he’d always be there for you and help you out
this boy seriously makes you run for your money
he’d always arrive almost half an hour earlier than the others just cause he wants to mess around with you (he’d for example take your clipboard and make you literally chase him for it)
at first it upset you quite a bit, but as time passed you eventually got used to it and evolved your strategy
you chase him?
hell NO
you’d instead sit down on one of the benches and wait for him to bring it back to you
your strategy for that was to remain silent and show no reaction whatsoever whenever he asked if you weren’t going to chase him like the ‘good old times’
he’d then get so worried that he’s upset you that he gives up, brings you your clipboard and starts either poking your cheeks, playing with your hair or straight out embrace you
the latter always broke your façade
his warm hugs accompanied by the glistening puppy eyes and his snaggletooth always made you pity him and wonder if you’ve perhaps gone too far
the moment you’d give in, his cheerful attitude was back in an instant
and that routine became pretty much a daily ritual between the two of you
what perhaps surprised you the most was when you actually witnessed Kotarou’s other side of his bubbly personality
he was surprisingly the ‘holding a grudge’ type (especially on the court)
Rakuzan had a practice match once and when a player of the opposing team made it past the blond boy seconds later he was fuming, glaring at everyone who even looked his way and screamed more as well as louder than usual
the others around you weren’t even faced by his sudden tantrum so it was up to you to calm him down before the referee gave him a yellow card
since then his mood-swings became your responsibility
outside of the gym, you guys spent a good amount of time together
you mostly helped him out with his homework since he really wasn’t the brightest out of the bunch (and as some of you might know in Japan your grades play a major role when you’re a part of a club. Depending on your test results you might get excluded from some of the activities as far as I know) and you weren’t going to leave on any activity without this ball of sunshine
to pay you back for your help he’d go skateboarding with you on the weekend
in case you forgot or couldn’t skate he’d help you remember or teach it to you
much to your surprise, he was quite a good teacher, so it was easy for you to understand the basics and even learn some of the simplest tricks on the way
but in case you were some kind of a pro (or simply good) at it, he’d challenge you to a small contest and by the end of it the two of you would actually come up with a small choreography
to be frank, he intimidated the heck out of you (at first) and he was actually the most difficult for you to approach
the main reason for your reluctance was mainly because of his appearance, but just a day after you were first introduced to him made you change your mind
on your way to school you took the train and as commonly known the trains in Japan were the majority of the time extremely filled with people and some of them just couldn’t keep their hands by themselves and just had to go ahead and start feeling people up
in that case, the victim was unfortunately you  
the typical reaction of your other female classmates would’ve been to stand there and do nothing about it, but you were different
“Excuse me, but could you stop touching me?“, you asked in a loud voice making sure that at least some people witnessed what was happening
you couldn’t care less if you guys became the center of attention, all you wanted was to get this creep’s hands away from your body...and you did
what you didn’t know/notice was that Nebuya had actually seen all of it and wanted to come and help, but you were quicker
when you got out of the train he caught up to you and directly asked if you were ok
he even went ahead and bowed his head to you apologizing multiple times for not reacting quick enough
it surprised and scared you at the same time, but this was kind of a chance to finally talk to him, so you made sure to not let that opportunity slip away
and trust me when I say this, but this man turned out to be a bigger softie than you anticipated
since that day he became the person you’d call upon first in case of trouble you couldn’t solve on your own
Nebuya even volunteered to be your bodyguard, but you weren’t really a damsel in distress so you refused at first
and after many arguments, pouts and pleas you finally gave in and agreed to go to school together every day
additionally during training he’d make sure to be the first one to save you from any flying ball
much to his dismay, you managed to dodge or even to catch the majority of them which made his attempts completely futile
so in order for him to stop sulking about how he had ‘failed to show you his muscles in action’, you’d go out and help him with his workout
sometimes you’d even be his motivational right hand during his own eating contests
and when he decided to show his ‘manly’ side and either burps or lets out gas, your bokken was on him just some seconds later
this boy seriously hated you in the beginning
in his eyes you were nothing but a loud girl who wanted some attention and tried to gain it by acting as the manager
much to his surprise you figured him out pretty quickly
you somehow knew when he became irritated on the court and immediately took action to prevent any outbursts from him or someone else
furthermore, you supported his hobby without asking questions and when he expressed the wish to go to the rooftop and read a chapter or maybe even two from his light novel, you’d just let him go
one afternoon he came to the gym to excuse himself from training and found only you and how you had fallen asleep on the referee table
his first thought was to leave before you even noticed that he’d been there, but then he saw a small notebook with the title ‘RAKUZAN BB CLUB’ so he got curious and started reading your handwritten entries about all of the members
each member had a few pages worth of information you had either gathered yourself or looked up
he found it a tad adorable that you reserved the last page for a personal comment on a player since it reminded him of how some of his authors wrote an afterword at the end of their story
as soon as he read his name though he suddenly became really reluctant to proceed
for some reason, he was afraid of what you might have written/researched about him
he started to read it anyways
“Has a low presence...well yeah I guess”
“Seems to be prouder than he lets on? W-Wha? That’s not even...true”  
“Probably swears at his teammates internally...how did she know?!”
“It would make me happy if we talked more to each other, but he probably hates me... ”  
Mayuzumi would’ve never told you, but that last line hurt him quite a bit
that day he decided to join practice and when you called for a timeout you’d always leave his towel and water bottle on the bench next to you and he’d normally just take it, but this time he murmured a barely audible ‘thank you’
you almost fainted then and there, but somehow managed to keep up your serious facial expression (which he very much appreciated)
the two of you would almost never go out/spend time together, but instead, you began exchanging small gestures like you buying him a new volume of his favorite author or him hiding a small ‘thank you’ note in your notebook
Akashi (finally):
since you and he know each other from way back, you didn’t have that much contact in the beginning since you wanted to take your time to get to know the new members, but Akashi’s eyes were always on you
if someone out of the other members even dared to ask him if he harbored feelings for you...then let us just pray that he doesn’t have Midorima’s scissors with him
but if one of his main players (most likely Kotarou) asked him about it, he’d just cut him off quickly and shut the conversation down
Rakuzan’s captain cares for you in his own kind of way
he’d support you from afar and make sure that no one who he doesn’t deem as worthy comes even remotely close to you
you weren’t aware, but since you had once again become the manager of the reformed Rakuzan you became quite popular
a lot of people admired you, some were even impressed or jealous and some even began having feelings for you
“I’m thinking about asking (Y/N) out...what do you think?”
as soon as Akashi heard your name in such a conversation he instantly made his move
don’t ask how he did it, but within a week you had gained the reputation of being ‘out of limits’ for everyone except for the club and your friends and just in case someone felt the need to be adventurous, there was no way they’d be let into the gym (thanks to Akashi’s orders and Nebuya’s muscular body)
the redhead had first noticed his feelings for you when you snapped at him back then
for him it was the first time someone even dared to speak up against him and even insult him
he was surprised and very annoyed at first, but as the days passed by him and his incomplete team he figured that it would be the best to start anew
so he scouted three of the uncrowned kings and a 3rd-year student who basically was a future version of Kuroko
when the stage was set all he needed was for the main star to appear, so he sent you that letter where he invited you to watch the new team
as far as the confession goes...
Akashi is a very strategic person, so he’d most likely wait for his promise to come true (the promise of Rakuzan reaching greater heights) and then confess saying something like:
“See? I’ve kept my promise...now it’s your turn.”      
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thebaddie96-blog · 3 years
Once In A Life Time
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~Chapter 5~
“ He can’t think I’m wearing that”
“What? I think it's cute. He knows you well; red is definitely your color.”  
“I personally think she would look good in anything.”  
“Of course you would.” So-eun whispers under her breath.
Yesterday was filled with nothing but greatness. After my victory beer in the park I met up with So-eun and Min-oh for lunch to fill them in on the big news, not that they had any doubts in my abilities. They too had invitations to the black tie gala.  Z met up with us later at a pool house near my air bnb. So-eun to say the least was not a fan of Z from jump. The first moment she met her, her face immediately went cold. Z, who I've come to learn a lot about in the 20 hours I’ve known her, is childhood best friends with Jay’s little sister and a recent college graduate. She's a psychology major per her parents request with a passion for photography. She says she's working for Jay till she can make a name for herself and travel the world snapping pictures. 
We were currently sitting in my living room studying the dress Jay picked out for me. It was beautiful, gorgeous but I'd be lying if I said I didn’t think Jay was tryna show me off.   
“You're sure this is the dress, you didn’t pick up the wrong one?” I ask Z.
“Honey, when you walk into a boutique that houses dresses like this, and say you're here to pick up for Jay Park, you don’t get it wrong.”
“It pains me to say, but I agree”
“Well thank you, to the both of you, and Jay I guess. I’ve got the contract over here, let me get it to you before you go.” I grab the contract and walk her to the door.
“We’ll send a car to pick you up around 7. Will there be others traveling with you?” She trails off peeking behind me.
“Haha yeah So-eun and Min-oh will both be with me. You should ride with us.”
“I don’t think So-eun would like that very much.”
“Don’t worry about her, she's just grumpy and old.”
“Ok, well I’ll see you tonight.”
Shutting the door I walk back in to see So-eun scanning a magazine.
“Really So-eun?”
“What?” She doesn’t even look up from the magazine. I roll my eyes sitting next to her on the couch
“You know what. Why are you so mean to Z?”
“I don’t know what you're talking about. I have nothing against her”  
“Ok sure and what about last night.”
“What about it?”
“I’m serious So-eun, you wouldn’t let her get a word in, in any conversation we had. Not to mention your intense pool energy whenever she went up to pot a hole.”
“Ok, so I get a little competitive.”
“What about just now ‘Of course you would’, it ‘pains’ you to agree with her.” 
“I was joking.” Deflection from the real problem.
“Don’t you think that after all these years I would know when you're joking or when you're being hostile?”
“Stop gilling me, I don’t have a problem with Z.”
“Mmhmm well she’s coming with us to the event tonight.” She shoots me a tight smile obviously fake. 
“Great. Enough about me and your suspicions. How are you feeling, really?”
“Honestly, it all feels so surreal. None of it has sunk in yet. I mean I just got off a plane 5 days ago, I'm out here for a completely different project I just-- I just don’t wanna fuck it up you know.
“You’ve always done your best when you follow your heart. Don’t let the fear of chasing your dreams stop them from coming true because of self doubt. You are one of the most talented people I know; next to Min-oh, and if anyone deserves this opportunity it you 100%”
“Thanks So-eun.”
I pull her in for a hug. as we pull away she notices a small piece of paper on the coffee table.
“What's this?” she asked as she picked it up.
“Oh it's the business card of the guy I met when I first got in. Mr. Yo? I think his name was.”
“Yu? Christan Yu? Christan Yu was the fuckboy who splashed you with his car?”
“Well I don’t think he meant to.” 
“Did you call him yet?”
“No, why would I?”
“He gave you his card. He obviously wants you to.”
“ No he doesn't, his driver gave it to me.”
“ He gave it to you, told his driver to give it to you, it's the same thing. No?”
“Absolutely not, and it's been damn near a week, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t remember who I am or the situation that happened.”
“How could he not? Imma call the number.”
“What? So-eun no stop.” 
She quickly punches in the number, throwing the phone at me after she presses speaker. It rings 3 times before a deep voice answers.”
I just sit there staring at the phone. 
Say something. So-eun mouths.
Like what.
I don’t know anything.
“안요?” He asked again but in Korean.
I hesitate, rushing out a quick “Sorry wrong number.” then hanging up.
“Smooth babe smooth.”
“Shut up. No one told you to do that.”
“I was just tryna help you out. You could get some good Korean Dick while you're in town. And knowing your sex drive we will need to find someone soon.”
“ I have traveled in preparation thank you very much. And how would you know if his dick game was good?” She looks at me surprised then guilty. “Oh my god. Did you sleep with Christian?”
“Let's get ready for the Gala. We only have six hours till the event starts and if you're still the same girl from college it's gonna take you forever to get ready. What time are we supposed to be leaving?”
“Oh this is great. Does Min-oh know?” She’s stuck in it and she knows it.
“No, it was before we started dating.”
“Oh this is great.” I get up heading to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?”
“ To shower.”
“You won't tell Min-oh right?” I just continue walking to the bathroom whistling a tune “Right B?!?!”
This dress was tight as fuck, my feet hurt, everyone who's anyone in South Korea is here, and oh, I’m the only one in a bright red dress. The fact that I don’t like big events like this isn’t helping my mood. I need to smoke ASAP. Lucky for me I smuggled a blunt in my bra at the airport. I just have to find the right time to sneak out. I scan the room from the corner I was standing in near the stage. A perfect view of everyone in the event but still hidden in the shadows.
When we arrived Jay swooped me away from So-eun, Min-oh, and Z. We spent almost an hour working the room. He introduced me to some of the label's top artists, producers, and stylists. Even some artists from H1GHER music. Don't get me wrong, it's been fun getting to know the people I'm gonna get to work with but this is all new experiences that I'm just gonna have to get used to.
"So here is where you're hiding" So-eun sneaks up next to me leaning on the wall.
"Ha, yeah I just need a break. So Many 'hellos' 'nice to meet you' and 'the pleasure is mine'. Did Min-oh talk to his guy?"
"Yeah we can pick up after the Gala."
"Ugh, ok I'm gonna head outside for some air."
"So you sneak away, leaving me to deal with Loopy and Nafla's drunk asses on my own. And you--" Min-oh turns to me, shaking his finger. " Why are you in a corner in the dark all alone?" 
He was clearly tipsy, he gets a little clingy and bossy when he's under the influence.
" You guys were only talking to each other. What was I post to do, stand there like a deer in the headlights?"
"Yeah and I was just going to get some air, I'll leave you two to talk. Where is Z."
" With her people." "With the AOMG guys'' They both said at the same time. I shoot So-eun a look for her comment and start to walk off.
" Ok, cool. I'll be right back."
Heading off toward the exit, I clutch my bag housing my soon to be smoked blunt. I'm close. I can see the exit in the clear, bodies start dividing, allowing me to pass. I've got one hand on the door ready to open. At the same time I push, the door is swung open and I come stumbling out colliding with the feeling of soft velvet against a firm chest. 
"Sorry I didn't know someone was on the other side." That voice. 
I look up, stepping back. It's him, the guy from the airport, I mean Christian Yu, and he was looking good. Fashionably late but fashionable he was. He was wearing a slim fit crimson velvet blazer jacket with silk black slacks and crimson velvet loafers to match, his hair was styled back making his jaw line pop. I stood there just staring at him.
" Are you ok?" No realization is present in his voice. He doesn't remember me. I mean I was covered in street water, but this is the second time we've had a forced interaction and I'd be lying if I say it didn't hurt my ego a bit.
" Yeah, sorry I was in a bit of a rush. Thanks for breaking my fall tho’ I don't think this dress would have survived." He scans my body taking in the silhouette of my dress lingering a little longer than need be. "Excuse me." 
I step to the left, walking past him and heading out the door. Yeah, that blunt will be nice right about now.
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yoadrianiblogedit · 3 years
Idiot’s guide to Walmart shopping
Based on what I have witnessed, I put down a few thoughts; from July 2017.
1. Wait until 5 pm or when working people will likely go after their day at work.
2. Take as many family members as possible, especially if you have children in strollers and before you or any of them has bathed or showered for the week.
3. If you have more than one child in a stroller, ensure they are in the model where they sit side-by- side, not tandem.
4. When entering the parking lot, drive down the middle of the row forcing others to pull over to avoid a collision with your uninsured vehicle.
5. When exiting the vehicle one or more family member(s) will immediately exit the vehicle and stand where they block other cars trying to park or leave.
6. During this time, begin to look and see if you have your EBT and or SNAP card, check book or 100 dollar bills in purse/wallet.
7. After everyone has exited the vehicle, the whole group will walk abreast as they enter the store to ensure no traffic can pass you.
8. Collect your cart, if you have a child in a soiled diaper ensure it is placed in the seating area of the shopping cart so it can leak onto the plastic flap area where the next shopper using the cart will likely place their vegetables. (Note; These are Walmart vegetables so the term fresh is inappropriate)
9. Ensure somebody else is pushing the stroller (if brought) with the crying children at your side and walk very slowly to hinder or delay any other shoppers from going around you.
10. When buying clothing, ensure the garment(s) has no tag, so once you are at the register, the checker will be forced to call for assistance and have somebody go find the price. Ignore the other people in the line.
11. When going down an aisle, if you see an item you want, pass it by many, many feet. Then, stop, turn the cart sideways to partially block the aisle and have family members use their bodies to obstruct the rest of the aisle from allowing other shoppers to pass, until they reluctantly move aside.
12. Walk over and get your item after taking an appropriate amount of time to ensure it is either not priced or the one you really, really want. Slowly, walk back and place it in your cart, acting oblivious to the many people you are delaying.
13. People may say, “Excuse me” in order to get by. Though spoken clearly and politely, wait until they ask at least twice in English or only once in your native foreign language so you know they are sincere.
14. If utilizing the pharmacy, make completely senseless and distracting conversation with the Pharmacy Technician while collecting your item(s). If you have to pay, use a $100 dollar bill so they will have to find the pen used to check it and or have a Manager bring sufficient change for their cash drawer. Continue the conversation for a minute or so, even after you are done and completely ignore the line of people behind you.
15. Despite how many dozens of items in your cart, go to the express check out, or the line farthest from the area where clothing is stocked. (Reference #10)
16. If not using an EBT, SNAP Card or cash wait, for all of the items to be checked, bagged and placed into the cart. Only then, begin the process of looking and locating your check-book. Ask the cashier for a pen and verbally confirm every detail (Date, price, who the check is made to) on the check is correct.
17. During this process, stop at least once to loudly scold, threaten or discipline one or more of the children, before completing the check.
18. After signing and handing over the check to the cashier, begin the process of finding your identification. Repeat #17.
19. Go over the receipt to ensure it is correct, before leaving the check stand.
20. Place the sales receipt into a special place where it will be difficult to quickly retrieve. Exit from the check stand is now in reverse as entry. (See 5,4,3)
21. Just before leaving, be the person who the Greeter wants to check the receipt. All family members will immediately stand abreast of the cart and or stroller to block all other exiting shoppers and watch as you dig into your special place to slowly retrieve the receipt.
22. Begin to engage the Greeter with conversation and continue in the same manner as the Pharmacy Technician.
23. After returning to your vehicle and unloading the items, leave the cart in the nearest empty parking slot to the entrance of the store to ensure the space is blocked until someone else moves it.
24. Family members will watch (#5) from the middle of the lane (obliviously blocking traffic) while you load every bag and ditch the cart.
25. Load the folks to leave, but engage in senseless conversation or activity in the car until the driver of the car who saw you finish loading and thinks they are going to park when you leave gives up waiting and parks somewhere else.
There may be (I'm sure there are) more.
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hiddendreamer67 · 4 years
Gilded Cage- The Witcher
What’s that? Peter Pan Witcher AU, you say??
Summary: Geralt has been watching Yennefer through her window for weeks now. Jaskier flew ahead to scope it out tonight, and now Geralt’s fairy is doing time behind golden bars.
Word Count: 1,623
(In which young Geralt is Peter Pan, the lost boys are all witchers, fairy!Jaskier is his chattering Tinkerbell, and young Yennefer is the mysterious Wendy.)
Feel free to send in more prompts from my bingo card below! Also check out my writing blog @hiddendreamerwriting for more of my work!
“You are one insane little girl.” Jaskier huffed, his wings twittering irritably on his back as the fairy fluttered about, trying to find a weak spot within his new prison. The golden bird cage seemed perfectly sturdy, unfortunately. “Mentally deranged, in fact. Completely off your rocker!”
“Hmm.” Yennefer gave him a predatory grin, for an eerie moment sounding like Geralt. “Could an insane person do this?” She pushed the side of the cage with her finger, making it sway.
“Yes! Indubitably- indefinitely?” Jaskier cursed his own lack of focus. “You cannot lock me up. Young lady, if you’re even a lady at all, I demand you release me at once!”
Yennefer huffed. “And why on earth would I, pixie, when all you’ve done in chant school yard insults in my direction?”
Jaskier felt his face turning very, very red, and forced himself to try and calm down. He couldn’t let his temper get the best of him, not when this child was holding all the cards.
“Now now, let’s be reasonable.” Jaskier hovered to the middle of the cage, crossing his arms to look stern. It never worked on the lost boys, but perhaps girls were different. “I am a very important fairy, darling. Without me, the very essence of nature would be thrown entirely off balance. Centuries in the making, gone! Poof! I certainly wouldn’t want that to rest on your young conscience, knowing you single-handedly destroyed the world.”
“I don’t have a conscience.” She teased.
“Of course you don’t.” Jaskier muttered. He fluttered up closer to her end of the cage again, glaring. “I’m serious, you know. 100%, total collapse of the earth, entirely in your hands. Ooooor, you open this measly little door, let one harmless fairy go free, and BAM! Savior of the world, right before me. Oh, wouldn’t that be wonderful? You could save everyone, wow, what an honor!”
Yennefer didn’t seem keen to take his deal. Even worse, she didn’t seem to be paying any attention to Jaskier, instead staring out the window.
The music-talent fairy couldn’t make sense of it; here was a child who has successfully caught a fairy, possibly the first to do so, and she wasn’t even interested in the actual fairy? What? Jaskier knew it couldn’t be about him personally, after all he was a sight to behold. A wonderful conversationalist as well (when not trapped in a cage), and though Geralt would never admit it Jaskier knew he made a delightful companion.
“...alright.” Jaskier sighed, knowing his curiosity could get him into trouble. “I’ll bear this burden, address the elephant in the room. What is it you want with me, hmm? I can’t grant wishes, not really my specialty, music’s really my passion but you don’t seem like the lullaby type-”
“You’re with the flying boy.” Yennefer cut him off, once again glancing his way.
It wasn’t a question, but Jaskier answered anyway. “Well I’m certainly not with anyone now.” He laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Strictly speaking, Geralt was meant to be a secret. Of course, so was all of fairy kind, but clearly that ship had sailed.
“Don’t play coy.” Yennefer rolled her eyes. “It’s unbefitting. He’ll come for you, of that I’m certain.”
And- well, she had a point. Jaskier had to hand it to her, it wasn’t a bad plan. Geralt may take pleasure in telling Jaskier off, but Jaskier knew the boy cared for him deep down in that stone heart of his. After all, it was Jaskier who had first found Geralt, the first lost boy, helping him settle on the island before they both discovered more abandoned children to bring to neverland. Jaskier was constantly flitting by his side, ever since Geralt first united the boys under one name: The Witchers.
But, sadly, despite their history, Jaskier knew when Geralt came it wouldn’t be for him.
“And if he doesn’t?” Jaskier asked bitterly. “Plan on keeping me behind golden bars until I starve to death? I won’t make it easy on you, mind you, my death will be slow and painful and vocal, I assure you.”
Yennefer considered this for a moment. “I suppose I’ll just have to transfer you to a jar, then. Put you out of your misery when the air runs out.”
Despite the teasing glint in her eye, her blatant comment made Jaskier turn furious. His chittering rose to such a high pitch that to Yennefer’s ears his swearing sounded more like tinkling bells. The young girl laughed, amused at his plight.
In all the commotion, a light breeze at the window went unnoticed, a figure with glowing eyes floating in to stand on the windowsill. He cleared his throat, immediately pulling all attention to himself. The young boy was dressed in dark rags, white hair tugged out of his face.
Yennefer let out a gasp in awe, appearing almost reverent. “You’re here.”
“You took my fairy.” Geralt jutted his chin towards the cage, and Jaskier ignored the pleased warmth that came with that title.
“True.” Yennefer admitted. “But I assure you, your firefly is unharmed.”
“Hmm.” Geralt’s face betrayed no emotion as Jaskier’s voice went too high to hear again.
“Mouthy, isn’t he?” Yennefer tilted her head, glancing at the fairy. “Don’t know how you haven’t gone deaf.”
Geralt’s lip twitched, clearly torn on how to respond. “...I’ve no idea.”
Geralt sighed at Jaskier’s indignant response. “Release him.”
The girl stood up, crossing her arms and coming closer to Geralt. “No manners? Perhaps think you can give me orders because I’m a little girl?”
Geralt wisely said nothing.
“Or perhaps you think it’s alright to come peer into my window when I’m sleeping.” Yennefer squinted at him with a knowing eye. “How long have you been watching me sleep, witcher?”
“Mmm.” Geralt looked displeased with where this was going.
“Hope you enjoyed the view.” Yennefer moved her hands to her hips. “But I think it’s only fair I get some repayment, I know fathers who have beat boys for doing less to their daughters. Not that mine would give a damn, of course, but a lady deserves her secrets.”
“I hardly think it’s fair recompensation, my life for his adolescent tendencies!” Jaskier called out, completely neglecting all the times Geralt had to save him after Jaskier’s own wandering eyes got them in trouble.
Geralt growled in his direction, clearly embarrassed.
“I won’t keep your fairy, boy, not to worry.” Yennefer patted Geralt’s cheek, making the lost boy flinch away from the unexpected contact. It had been years since someone had touched him so, even in jest. “I only ask for one favor.”
“What’s the favor?” Geralt asked.
“Teach me to fly.” Yennefer glanced out the window. “So I can escape this life.”
Jaskier and Geralt shared a look, glancing around the elegant nursery. They had met plenty of abandoned or neglected children on the streets, but in such a lavish home?
“You’d miss this life.” Geralt murmured.
“Don’t speak for me as if you know a thing about my life.” Yennefer snapped. “My choices are my own. I won’t stay where I’m not wanted, no matter the golden trim. My parents play a charade I want no part of and they’ve made it clear my less vocal siblings are preferred. I will start anew on my own terms.”
“Or you’ll die on the streets.” Jaskier piped up. “Starving, freezing, perhaps abandoned on a bench. Only so much pixie dust to go around, really, before you end up in the middle of nowhere. At least here it’s safe with a luxury pillow beneath your head.”
“Jaskier.” Geralt issued in a warning tone.
Yennefer ignored the musician’s squabblings, narrowing in on one fact in particular. “Pixie dust?” She glanced between them. “Is that the secret to how you fly?”
Geralt let out a long sigh. “No. And yes. It’s … complicated.”
“Then perhaps you should un-complicate it.” Yennefer challenged. “Or I’ll simply push you off and learn by observation.”
Geralt raised an eyebrow in a gesture that clearly stated ‘I’d like to see you try.’ Yennefer stared him down, the two clearly caught in a silent match for dominance.
“Let Jaskier out.” Geralt was the one to break their silence. “Only then.”
“Say please.” Yennefer challenged.
Geralt stayed quiet.
“Oh Geralt, come on!” Jaskier threw his arms out. “It’s one word, we’re so close- give the crazy child what she wants?”
Geralt’s jaw tensed, his teeth gritted. “...please.”
Yennefer smirked in triumph, sauntering over to the cage. “And I thought manners killed witchers. Perhaps you’re not all uncivilized urchins.”
The moment Jaskier was free he zoomed over to Geralt’s side, tugging at the boy’s hair. “Alright, we did it, time to go!”
Geralt looked at him as though he’d gone mad. “Jaskier, she let you go. I need to help her.”
“She also kidnapped me.” Jaskier hissed, clearly still peeved to be in the nursery at all.
“And you both spied on me first.” Yennefer frowned. “We can play the blame game all night.”
“No need.” Geralt brushed Jaskier to the side, easily stepping towards Yennefer. “I’ll teach you to fly.”
Jaskier felt his heart shattering, watching Geralt so casually pass him by. This was his big fear, the reason he had flown ahead to try and lock the nursery window. Geralt had fallen head over heels for Yennefer the past few nights and that was before she was even awake. Now Geralt continued to take her side, even when she proved herself to be a dangerous fairy-napper.
The music fairy huffed, sliding down to sulk atop the bookshelf. With his luck, Geralt would want to do something reckless like invite the girl back to neverland.
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rhysismydaddy · 5 years
My Little Brawler - Feysand Headcannon 2
I’ll just go ahead and preface this by saying it’s long as SHIT. I went a little crazy. But here’s the second headcannon for Feysand. Thank you for the love on the last one! Next one out tomorrow. 
Synopsis: Feyre Archeron is a 31 year old researcher who has devoted her entire life to her work. Her dating history is a mess, from an ex-husband to one night stands. A serious relationship? Hell no. 
Rhysand Turner is a Virginia-born quarterback living it up in a football-crazy city. He doesn’t date and sticks to dumb blondes who look good on his arm and think how far he can throw a football is better than sex. Marriage? Not in a million years. 
Feyre swung the lab door closed, locked it behind her, and headed toward the hospital exit. 
“Calling it a night?” Howie, the night-shift security guard asked from behind his desk. 
She glanced at her watch and winced. “More like a morning now, but yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
He laughed and went back to his crossword puzzle. Nothing interesting happened in the hospital this late at night outside of the ER, so Howie was basically only there for her. Feyre frequently was the last staff member to leave the place, something her coworkers never understood. 
She came in early, left late, and worked holidays. To say she was married to her job would be an understatement. 
Grabbing her keys and walking out to her car, she had to admit they had a point. She’d given up her entire life for her work, but she had no regrets. 
She’d made countless breakthroughs in nuclear medicine and had changed the face of chemotherapy and radiation. It payed off every day when she heard from the oncologists that one of their patients was cancer free. 
As she drove to her townhouse--only four minutes from the hospital--she wondered if it was strange she preferred to be alone.
Then she remembered how she’d ended up when she committed herself to a relationship and shook her head. If you can’t trust the man you’re married to, who can you trust? No one. 
She didn’t miss being married. At all. She didn’t miss having to come home from a long day at work and muster up the energy to talk about whatever was bothering him. 
She did miss sex, though. She never went out, never invited anyone over. It’d been so long since she’d been with a man, she was pretty sure she had cobwebs down there.
Ignoring that thought, Feyre walked through her front door, threw her keys on the kitchen table, and went to bed. She had to be in the hospital in four hours if she wanted to get ahead of her schedule. 
Rhysand jogged off the field, grinning at the look on his coach’s face. 
“If you’re in love with me, I don’t want to know,” he joked. 
Coach Matthews was at least five inches shorter than Rhys, but he reached up and smacked the back of his head anyway. He wasn’t actually mad, though. There were about three people in the world who could get away with talking trash to Adrian Matthews, and Rhys happened to be one of them. 
“Shut up, smartass. I’m just excited. If you play like this tomorrow, we’ll wi-”
Rhys cut him off. “Don’t jinx me.”
A raised eyebrow. “After all this time, you’re superstitious?”
“It could be my last game,” he said, ignoring the look on the man’s face. “I don’t need any bad luck.”
He’d never admit it, but losing tomorrow’s game was easily the scariest thing in Rhys’s life. 
Talent wise, there was no one better than him. He wasn’t cocky, but he knew it. He had better stats, better knowledge of the game, better everything. 
But, according to sports, Rhys was old as dirt. 
No matter how good you are, football isn’t a lifetime sport. Even though thirty-eight would be young to almost anyone’s standards, network channels and reporters were all wondering how long he would push on. 
The guys he was competing against were all in their twenties, young and fresh and without back pain. And knee pain. And-
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself, idiot. No matter what happens tomorrow, you’ve had the most impressive career as a NFL quarterback in history. So get your head out of your old ass and play the game you know how to play.” 
Rhys just laughed. “My old ass? What about you? When did you even sneak out of the retirement home?”
Before Matthews could attempt to kick his ass, a beefy hand smacked into Rhys’s back and Cassian--the other person allowed to talk shit to coach--said, “Oh, I see. You made a few good passes out there and now you’re over here drinking water and gossiping with coach like a couple old ladies. Cute.”
“Both of you, get your asses home and in bed,” the coach ordered, rolling his eyes. “I cannot believe I let myself draft two hard-headed, pain in the ass hillbillies,” he muttered, walking toward the other players. 
“He’s just mad because he’s in love with you,” Cassian said, throwing a thick arm around Rhysand’s shoulders, and dragging him to the locker room.  
Rhys pushed him off and laughed. “That’s exactly what I said.”
“So about tomorrow-”
“I swear to god if you mention the game one more time, I’ll tell everyone you wear women’s underwear when you play,” Rhys threatened, then ducked to avoid the helmet flying towards his head. 
“Shut the fuck up, man! That was one time! And I wouldn’t have done it, but you made me watch Bull Durham and it seemed like a decent idea at the time. And I wasn’t even gonna talk about the game.”
Rhysand raised an eyebrow. If Cassian wasn’t talking about football, he was droning on about women, booze, or hunting. Sometimes a mixture. Before he could continue, Rhys made a bet it was women on his best friend’s mind this time.
“Anyway, me and Az were thinking we could go somewhere new tomorrow night. Regardless of how the score turns out.” 
That caught his attention. The three of them had been friends since high school and had all played together till Azriel blew his knee out two years ago. They all lived in the same apartment complex still and got together almost every weekend. In all their time of friendship, they’d maybe gone to five bars. Once Cassian found a place and racked up enough of a tab, he stayed until they wouldn’t let him through the door anymore. 
“There’s bar about twenty minutes from here. Az apparently knows the owner or something.” It made sense. After his injury, Azriel had gone into broadcasting and had made a ton of connections in the PR world. 
“I don’t want to go anywhere crow-”
Cass cut him off. “He said it’s a small bar. No crowds.”
The one negative aspect of his life was the never-leaving pack of fans and paparazzi following him around. After the game tomorrow, it’d be hectic. He didn’t want to deal with that if they won, let alone if they lost. 
Rhys shrugged. “Fine by me. Either way, I’ll be needing a lot of booze.”
“You’re so fucking dramatic man,” Cassian laughed. “It’s just a game.”
Rolling his eyes, “It’s the Super Bowl, idiot. It’s not just a game.”
“Okay,” his best friend and defensive tight end said lightly. “It’s a big game.”
As he thought about how a loss tomorrow could be the end of his career, Rhys could only nod and agree. 
Feyre walked through the front doors of the cancer wing and halted. John Weatherly, the Chief of Staff of the hospital--and not to mention a huge pain in her ass--stood at the threshold. 
“You look annoyed,” she stated, ready for whatever lecture he was about to give her. 
After all the time she’d worked for him, she’d never really gotten past her dislike of her boss. Or his misogynistic rants. Or the fact that he smelled like cigarettes. They worked in the cancer wing of the hospital, for crying out loud. And he had the nerve to smoke a cigarette every chance he got. 
“I am,” he said, equally as blunt. “Are you aware you’ve worked at least 120 hours a week for the past two months?”
“Considering I log my own hours, yes.”
“That is a huge waste-”
“Are you aware that I’ve published three research articles during the past two months? Generating publicity, not to mention patients, for the hospital?”
“Considering I’m not an idiot, yes,” John snapped sourly. “But this isn’t about me. The board is implementing a new rule this week. No more work weeks over 100 hours.”
She opened her mouth to retort, but he held up a hand in annoyance. “Don’t bother. I already tried to tell them you practically live here. It’s not flexible for anyone.”
Feyre allowed herself to steam for a few moments before muttering, “Fine.” She tried to walk around him to the lab, but he stepped in her path. 
“Since you’ve already worked over the limit, you’ll have to go home. Come back Tuesday.” 
“Tuesday?!” she practically shouted. “Why not tomorrow? The time cards reset every week.”
“You’ve worked 115 hours this week. They told me to tell you specifically that if you want to continue to receive a paycheck from them, you will come back Tuesday.”
“This is so-”
“Have a nice two days off, Dr. Archeron.”
She couldn’t not work for two days. “What am I supposed to do all day? Just let me go get my paperwork, and I’ll work from home.”
“Feyre, I have specific orders from the hospital’s board to have the security guard escort you out if you try to go in the lab.”
Her mouth dropped open, but before she could tell him how ridiculous this was, he said, “Go home. Sleep. Watch the game.”
“Game? What game?”
It was his John’s turn to look shocked. “The Super Bowl is tonight. Did you really not know?”
“No, of course not. I don’t care about football.”
Her boss was silent, stuttered a few words, then said, “How do you not like football? You live in Boston! Rhysand Turner is practically a celebrity around here.”
She didn’t know why any medical professional would encourage grown men to smash into each other for sport, but kept that to herself. “Who is Rhysand Turner, exactly?”
“For a genius, you’re such an idiot,” he said bitterly. “He’s the quarterback about to win us the Super Bowl tonight. You should watch the game in your time off. Speaking of, leave. Now.”
“Nope. Now.” 
The urge to call him a jackass was so strong, she left before it slipped out. How ridiculous was this? She worked her ass off every day researching nuclear chemistry and the effects of chemotherapy in the body. It was important. Her work changed lives. 
And they were telling her to go home and twiddle her thumbs. Or watch football. 
She drove home angrily, wondering what on earth she would do with 48 hours of uninterrupted free time. 
After finishing two loads of laundry, scrubbing her entire bathroom and kitchen, and grocery shopping, Feyre was bored. She tried to sit down and watch TV, but there was nothing on that interested her. 
She flipped to the news, thinking she’d distract herself with politics. But no, everyone was talking about the game. Apparently, John was right. No one cared about anything except football today. 
An idea popped in her head, and she smiled and picked up the phone. 
“Finally!” her best friend shouted happily as she answered on the first ring. “I’ve been waiting for you to call; I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“Hi, Mor,” she laughed. “I’m sorry it’s been so long. Work is-”
“-crazy, I know,” she finished her sentence. “What’s up?”
Trying not to sound bitter, Feyre said, “Well, I actually have today and tomorrow off, so I was wondering what you were doing tonight.”
A pause.
“You know I own a bar, right?” Mor asked, as if Feyre were dense. 
“Yes, of course.”
Another pause, then, “And you know it’s Super Bowl Sunday, right? It’s a busy night for us. Well, as busy as a tiny ass bar in the suburbs can be.”
Feyre laughed. “Oh, no worries, I’ll see you some other-”
“Wait! Why don’t you come?” 
“Oh... uh...” How could she get out of this? Fake illness?
A knowing town crept into Mor’s voice as she said, “Don’t even think about telling me you’re sick, bitch. You already said you don’t have anything to do tonight. Or tomorrow. Which means you can get drunk! Ooh, or laid!”
Feyre sighed. “Mor, I don’t want to watch a football game. And I definitely don’t want to get drunk.”
She could tell her friend was smiling as she said, “Just laid, then.”
Feyre rolled her eyes and stayed silent, trying not to think about how true that statement was. 
“Fine. Come at like 11. It’ll be pretty empty by then. But you’re definitely drinking.”
She debated arguing, but Mor would likely show up and drag her out herself if she tried. “Fine. One drink.”
Rhys couldn’t stop smiling as he drove himself and Cassian through the city in his truck. 
“You know you’re a millionaire, right, Rhysie?” his best friend asked with a laugh. 
He just rolled his eyes, having heard this argument at least 20 times. “Don’t hate on the truck. I’ve had her since senior year.”
“It’s rusting. You’re a millionaire. Buy a new one.”
Cassian groaned. “Why not?”
“She’s been with me through every win, every loss, everything. You know I lost my-”
“Stop! You already told me, and I almost throw up every time I get in this ass-mobile.” 
Rhys laughed and punched his shoulder, then said thoughtfully, “You know, I think it was right where you’re sitting.”
Cassian swore and scooted as close as he could get to the door. 
“Don’t worry, you can get out. We’re here.” 
As soon as he put the truck in park, Cassian jumped out of the cab and wiped the seat of his jeans off with his hand, making Rhys laugh. 
He climbed out of the truck, his body still lined with adrenaline. He’d played his ass off, crushed the opponent, and carried his team to victory. 
He supposed he had Cassian to thank, too, considering he’d also played his ass off and kept Rhys from getting pummeled. 
Their success was echoing through the city on excited whispers. Both of them had already turned their phones off they were getting so many calls from team managers. 
They walked into the wonderfully slow bar, nodded to the few people still around who luckily didn’t ask for pictures, and went to find Azriel. 
He was sitting at the bar, chatting to the bartender. Even though the bartender was hands-down one of the most attractive women he’d ever seen, it was the woman near Azriel that gave Rhys pause. 
Cassian saw the look on his face, smirked, and nodded toward the empty chair between Az and the girl. 
A good end to a good night.
He winked, then slid in the chair, nodded to Az--who rolled his eyes--, and turned to the woman. 
She had clear blue-gray eyes, dark blonde hair, and full lips. She was... exotic. Different. 
He smiled confidently and said, “Hey. How you doing?” 
It was a simple line, but one that worked countless times when paired with a southern accent. 
He couldn’t tell if the look on her face was amusement or shock. “Where the hell are you from?”
That reaction was one he was used to, so he grinned and said, “Virginia.”
“What are you doing in Boston, then?”
He couldn’t stop his eyebrows from pulling together. She was in a sports bar, where his face had just been plastered on every TV for four hours, but she didn’t know who he was? “Work,” he said simply. 
Rhys could feel his best friends’ eyes on him, but he ignored them. “So, what’s your-”
The girl turned to the bartender, ignoring him completely, and said, “Mor, I’m going to make a call.” She cut her eyes toward the men around her and murmured, “Watch my drink.”
Every single one of their eyebrows shot up. Did they look that much like criminals? Sure, they wore a lot of black, but every one of them were multi-millionaires. Did he come off like a date-raper or something?
The bartender, Mor apparently, rolled her eyes and said, “Don’t take it personally. Even balls to the wall drunk, she’s cautious.”
Rhys could tell there was more to that story but shrugged and asked for a beer. 
Mor slid it across the counter and smiled knowingly. “She’s pretty, right?”
He just turned to Azriel and asked, “How have you been, man? Did you report the game?”
“Yeah, they had me follow your stats the whole time. Boring shit,” he replied, laughing. 
“I bet you could hardly talk fast enough.”
“Cocky bastard,” Cassian muttered. 
Azriel nodded to the bartender and said, “This is Mor, by the way. I’ve known her since I left the NFL. Mor, this--as I’m sure you know--is Rhysand and Cassian, although I call them Dumbass 1 and 2.”
“You’re a funny, funny man,” Rhys muttered. 
Mor’s friend came back and slid into her seat. Mor put another drink on the counter. The woman raised an eyebrow. “I said one drink, Morrigan.”
“Morrigan? Jesus, you’re already drunk aren’t you?” 
Before she could respond, Az said, “Mor, perhaps you’d like to introduce the guys to your friend?”
She smiled and said, “Guys, this is Feyre Archeron, my very best friend who loves me so much she’ll stay and have another drink.”
“Since you’re buying,” Feyre said sweetly, picking the drink up. “And because I know you’ll make me feel bad about leaving so soon.”
Cassian asked, his accent even thicker than Rhys’s, “Why the bad mood, gorgeous?”
She turned and leveled a look at him. “I’d rather be doing something else.”
Rhys rolled his eyes as his best friend leaned down towards the woman and smiled slowly. “Well, you should’ve told me sooner. I’d be glad to do something else with you, baby.”
Azriel and Rhys both looked at each other and shook their heads. Cassian flirted with everyone. It drove them insane, but it was at least predictable. 
The woman unlucky enough to have his current affections set her drink down with a little too much aggression, making Rhys chuckle. “What’s your name?”
“Cassian,” he replied confidently. 
“Cassian, believe me when I tell you I have absolutely no interest in having sex with you. Leave me alone and go shook a chicken or something.” 
The look on Cassian’s face was priceless, and Rhys bit his lip to keep his laugh in. Like Rhys, he was used to women being very... open to his suggestions. 
Before Cass could even retort, the woman looked to her friend and asked, “Who the hell are these guys? Your friends?”
Mor pointed to Azriel and responded, “He is my friend. Those two rednecks,” she jerked her head toward Rhys and Cassian, “I don’t vouch for.”
Rhys put a hand to his chest in mock hurt. “We’re Azriel’s friends, which makes us pre-vouched.” He turned to Feyre and smiled. “You single?” 
“No,” Feyre said at the exact same time Mor yelled, “Yes!”
The man next to her smiled smugly. “Since you’re single, let me buy you another drink.” She opened her mouth, but he said quickly, “Say yes. It’s just one drink, darling.”
His accent was so ridiculous, it sounded like he should be riding on the back of a horse in cowboy boots and a hat. 
“I said I’d have one drink,” she stated to Mor. “I’ve had two. I’m going home.”
“Of course you are.” Her best friend sighed dramatically. “You don’t care about me at all, do you? I haven’t seen you in a month, and you come to my bar and stay for all of ten minutes-”
“Then try to leave, and I probably won’t see you for another-”
Feyre gave in with a huff. “Oh, my god, fine! I’ll stay. You’re so damn dramatic.” 
Her best friend jumped up and down like a toddler, clapping her hands stupidly. 
“Now I don’t have an excuse, do I?” She tried not to roll her eyes at how big Rhysand’s smile grin grew.
“Don’t get so excited. I’m just using you for liquor.”
“Fine by me,” he replied smoothly. “I’m trying to get you drunk.”
Despite herself, she laughed. She wasn’t used to such honesty. She definitely wasn’t going home with the guy, but she couldn’t deny how insanely attractive he was to her. The kind of attractive that drove women crazy. 
He was so tall, he towered over her even sitting down. He had dark hair, tan skin, and the most unique shade of eye color. They seemed almost purple and practically glowed as they raked over her. 
She turned to Mor and gestured for another drink. “You associate yourself with the strangest people.”
Mor just shrugged. 
“So, what do all do for work?” she asked the men around her, trying to make conversation. 
Rhys quickly said, “We’re- uh- in sports.”
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, but he didn’t give her a chance to ask any more questions. “What about you?”
She saw Mor roll her eyes, but she kept it simple as she said, “I’m a scientist.”
“That explains it,” Cassian said with a laugh. 
This man had a special talent for pushing peoples’ buttons, it seemed. 
She turned to him and narrowed her eyes. “I’m going to go ahead and guess that you ‘being in sports’ means you’re a football player, since everyone in this city is so obsessed with the sport. And you know what? Between the constant head trauma and the accent...” She looked him up and down with narrowed eyes, then said sweetly, “It explains a lot.”
Rhysand launched into a coughing fit. She saw Azriel glance towards Mor, but her best friend just shrugged and said, “Not a big football fan.”
“We can tell,” Cassian muttered. 
“What kind of scientist are you?” Rhys asked, ignoring his friend. 
Mor sighed, but Feyre said, “It’s complicated, but I’m basically a nuclear chemistry-”
“It is boring as hell, I assure you all,” Mor cut in. 
Feyre rolled her eyes and sipped her drink. 
Mor got a strange look on her face, bent down, and grabbed a bottle of tequila. “Who wants a shot?” 
All three men at the bar raised their hand. Feyre just rolled her eyes.  Looks like it was going to be a long night.
As Feyre got up to use the bathroom, ignoring all of their taunts about having a small bladder, the bartender looked at Rhys and waggled her eyebrows. 
“Oh, we’re going to act like you weren’t just eyeing my best-friend’s ass?” She laughed, then said, “Feyre.”
“What about Feyre?” he said, keeping his voice neutral. 
He liked her, sure. Over the past couple hours, she’d loosened up around him. She was... funny. And smart. And sarcastic. 
And yeah, she was beautiful as all hell. He’d love to take her home, but... he wasn’t a relationship guy. Football took all of his time, and he traveled practically every weekend. The women he slept with were all young and didn’t care about anything other than his latest game. 
Feyre was different. 
“You like her, don’t you?” The bartender was nosy, that was for sure. 
“She’s... serious.” 
Mor raised her eyebrows, clearly waiting for him to continue, so he said, “I don’t date. And Feyre is... serious. She probably wants a relationship and marriage and all sorts of shit-”
“You know,” Mor interrupted, “I thought people were crazy for saying a southern accent makes people stupid. But you have got to be one of the biggest idiots I’ve ever met if you think that girl wants a relationship.”
“She works over fifteen hours a day. Spends all her time in a hospital with nerds looking in a microscope. She wants nothing to do with a relationship, let alone marriage. Trust me.”
The woman rolled her eyes and nodded to where Feyre was walking back to them. 
Before she made it to the bar, he turned to Cassian and said quietly, “Get a ride back with Az.”
“Gladly. I hate that truck.”
He glanced toward Feyre and muttered, “Now, idiot.”
Cassian, brilliant actor he was, yawned obnoxiously and said, “Well. I’m gonna hit the hay.” He winked at Feyre. “It was nice meeting you, honey. Call me if you ever need some southern hospitality.”
She shook her head but a smile ghosted on her lips. 
“I’ll refrain from the innuendo, but it was nice meeting you, too,” Azriel said to Feyre.
Mor followed the two of them toward the exit to say goodbye.
“You’ve had too much to drink to drive home,” Rhys stated as soon as they were alone. Feyre laughed, clearly onto his game. 
He rose and extended a hand. “Come on. I’ll drive you back. I only had one drink.”
“Is this your version of southern hospitality?” she asked.
She seemed to consider this, then murmured, “It��s very different from Cassian’s.” 
Rhys smiled. “I’d be happy to show you that version. Let me drive you home.”
“I live close to here,” she laughed. “I’m walking.”
He tried not to be too disappointed. The odds of her taking him home were slim anyway-
She slid off the stool and put a hand on his arm. “But Boston can be a dangerous city. Come with?”
Rhysand got up from his seat and threw an arm around her shoulders. “Lead the way, darling.”
“You really have to stop calling me that. You sound ridiculous.”
She didn’t really mean it, though. His accent was... different. Sexy. He was sexy. Something he was most definitely aware of, but Feyre currently didn’t care. 
He was funny and seemed nice enough and... 
She ignored Mor’s knowing smile as they left, telling her she’d call her later.
“I have a feeling you’ll be busy,” she said knowingly. 
She ignored that, too. 
As they started the short walk toward Feyre’s townhouse, his arm still slung across her shoulders, she asked, “So, did you win tonight?”
She could feel his chest rumble as he laughed. “Yeah, we won.”
“And you played the...”
“Right. Congratulations, then.”
He seemed to think her lack of football-knowledge was amusing. “Why the hell do you live in Boston?” he asked with a smile.
She froze. 
“What do you mean?” she said, trying to be casual. 
She led them around a corner that led to her block. 
“You hate football. You don’t like crowds. You could probably work anywhere. Why not live somewhere else?” 
They walked up to her house, and she answered simply, “I moved here to do my PhD at Harvard, and they offered me a job. Made sense.” 
“And do you like it here?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
She smiled, unlocked her door, and replied, “Ask me in an hour.”
He mirrored her grin, then pushed her by the shoulders through the door. “Give me two, and it’ll be your favorite place in the world.” 
Feyre laughed, locked the door, then turned to him. Leaning against the door, she looked him up and down and muttered, “Clocks ticking, Rhysand.”
As Rhys opened his eyes, he was wonderfully aware of the weight atop him. 
The naked weight.
Blowing Feyre’s hair out of his face, he smiled as she murmured something in her sleep. She was probably tired. 
They hadn’t gotten much sleep. 
Given how cautious she was when they’d first met, he’d half expected her to kick him out pretty early. Needless to say, he’d been pleasantly surprised. 
When the feeling of her on top of him grew to be too tempting, he ran his fingers through her hair and murmured her name.
She shook her head, making him grin. 
His fingers drifted over her back and he loved the way she felt in his arms. After a minute, she turned her head, chin resting on his chest, and looked up at him. 
“Good morning,” she said simply. 
He just pulled her up to him, pressing his lips to hers. She smiled against him, legs coming up to straddle his waist. 
Rhys took in their position and smiled, leaning up to kiss his way up her neck. His lips brushed her ear as he whispered, “Cowgirl’s your favorite position isn’t it? And you say I’m country.” 
He snickered, proud of his joke, then practically choked on the sound as she slid herself onto him. “Shit, Feyre.”
"No more jokes, Rhysand?” she murmured, rocking her hips slowly. 
“Just Rhys,” he panted. He leaned forward to take one of her breasts into his mouth, and she gasped, the sound music to his ears. 
“Rhys,” she moaned, fingers digging into his back. 
“Yes, Feyre?” He gripped her hips to keep her still as he asked, “Do you need something?”
She narrowed her eyes at him, and he tried not to grin. 
“I said ‘Good morning.’ Don’t make me liar.” 
This woman would be the death of him. He laughed and released her hips, reveling in how she responded to every movement, every touch. 
She picked up the pace, and Rhys just sat there with his teeth gritted and tried not to ruin the moment for both of them. 
He could tell when she was close, her legs tightening around him, voice shaking as she called out his name. He pulled her hair, kissing up her exposed neck and across her jaw to her ear. 
“Come for me, Feyre darling,” he whispered, pulling on the shell with his teeth. 
She moaned, falling apart in his arms, and Rhys had to use sheer will to wait until she was done to finish. 
This woman... was the definition of seduction. Even after a whole night together, he couldn’t get enough. 
As they came down together, he looked at her and smirked. “Good morning.”
She smiled and kissed him, biting his lips gently. Even though he’d just had her, his body was ready for more. 
He was about to flip them over when she ruined the moment and said, “You have to leave.”
She climbed off him, and he watched with amusement as she sprung from the bed, ripped the sheet off of him, and started pacing around the room. 
She found his pants at him and threw them at him. “I’m serious, Rhys. I have to... do stuff.”
He ignored the clothes on his chest. They were both completely naked, and if he had anything to say about it, they’d stay that way for a while. “Like what? You told Mor you have the day off.” 
“I do, but-”
“Then come here.”
She crossed her arms. “Rhysand.”
He sat up and extended a hand. “Just shut up and come here. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” 
Oh, I’m sure you will, Feyre thought as she rolled her eyes and took his hand. 
Then gasped as he used the other hand to rip the sheet off her and throw her on her bed. 
She barely had time to process before he was on top of her, pressing kisses across her chest, down her stomach. Further. 
Sweet Jesus, she thought. The man hadn’t let her sleep more than two hours last night. Not that she was complaining. The cobwebs were completely gone, that was for sure. 
A moan escaped her lips as his teeth scraped her thigh, and he chuckled. She was about to flick his shoulder, but then his lips slid higher, and every thought emptied our of her head. 
She couldn’t keep herself still as he kissed her, so he held her hips with both hands. 
Hers found themselves in his hair and she pulled as he ran his tongue up her center. 
“Rhys, baby,” she panted. She didn’t care how she sounded. Didn’t care about anything but the sight of his head buried between her legs. 
She didn’t know if it was because she was out of practice or because he was some sort of sex god, but she was already close. Again.
By the time she came, her entire body was limp with pleasure and she was close to seeing stars. 
When she opened her eyes, he was above her, smirking like a cat. 
He leaned down to kiss her, but she flicked his nose in annoyance. 
“If you try and fuck me again before I get some food, I’ll strangle you.” 
Ignoring the warning, he buried his head in her neck and tugged on her earlobe with his teeth. “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Feyre darling.”
She laughed against her better judgement, but pushed his shoulders until he let her up. If she didn’t eat something, she might pass out when they went again. 
She grabbed his t-shirt from last night and threw it on as she walked to her kitchen. It came down to practically her knees, making her look ridiculous, but she didn’t care. It was soft and big and smelled like him. 
“Pancakes?” she asked, turning around to catch him looking at her in amusement. At what she was wearing. 
She raised an eyebrow, daring him to say something. 
“Pancakes would be great.”
Feyre ignored the look in his eyes and started cooking. And kept ignoring it as he watched. 
Every time she looked at him, he looked like he was five seconds away from throwing her over his shoulder and dragging her back to bed. 
The idea of messing with him a little more was too tempting to ignore. 
“Close your eyes,” she ordered secretively, reaching into her fridge. 
He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but gave in when she raised her eyebrows. 
She used a finger to tip his head backward, then whispered, “Open your mouth.”
His lips curved into a smile, then opened. She took the can of Ready Whip and sprayed some whip cream in his mouth, laughing as his purple eyes shot open, full of amusement. 
“Cute,” he muttered, swallowing the whip cream. 
She leaned in and licked some of the remainder off his bottom lip. He froze, then reached for her. Before he could get those arms around her, she walked to the stove and took the pancakes off. 
Sliding an unhealthy amount toward him, she said, “Eat your breakfast, dear.”
Rhys gave her an annoyingly perfect smile and devoured the food. She looked at him as he ate, wondering how he looked like a Greek god when he ate like... that. 
He looked up as he finished and laughed at the look on her face. “Baby, don’t invite a football player over if you don’t expect him to eat all your food.”
She took their plates and stuck them in the sink. When she turned around, he immediately strode over and grabbed her face, pulling her lips to his. 
He kissed her thoroughly, then pulled back far enough to say, “Meet me in your bedroom.” Another kiss. “And Feyre? Bring that whip cream.”
By the time Rhysand left, Feyre could hardly stand up. She had no idea how she was going to make it through her shift tomorrow, given that she was so exhausted she could sleep probably for a day straight. 
That’s when she realized that for the first time in her career, she didn’t want to go to work. She wanted to call Rhysand and tell him to come back. 
That’s not an option.
A relationship was out of the question. It’d be cruel to him to invite him back, knowing it would never go anywhere. For all she knew, he was trying to settle down. With a nice girl who’d give up her life to have his babies and be a football wife. 
Hell no. 
As she got out of the shower, giggling at how shaky her legs were, she told herself to forget him. 
But when the phone rang, she was surprisingly disappointed when she looked at the caller id and saw it wasn’t him. 
As soon as she picked up, Mor practically yelled, “How was it?!”
“How was what, Mor?”
“The sex last night, idiot. Was it good? I bet it was good. You don’t look like that and not have a seriously huge-”
“Mor! Calm down.”
She could tell her best friend was enjoying this way too much. “I’ll calm down when you tell me. Everything.”
Feyre laughed, then gave in and asked, “What do you want to know?”
“How long did he stay? Oh, you made him walk back to his truck in the middle of the night, didn’t you? Mean woman.” 
When she didn’t respond, Mor pushed, “Unless you didn’t. When did he leave, Feyre? Hm?”
“An hour ago,” she admitted. 
The howl that Mor let out was practically inhuman. “Oh my god! You nasty bitch! Or, wait. Is he the nasty bitch?”
Feyre laughed. “You have no idea.”
“I cannot believe you let him stay all day. He must be good. He’s good isn’t he?”
She didn’t have to think back to remember the answer to that question. “You have no idea,” she repeated. 
Mor laughed. “I’m so happy for you. Are you seeing him again?”
“No, probably not.”
She stopped laughing. “And why the hell not?”
“I don’t date. It wouldn’t be fair to him to keep sleeping with him and lead him on-”
“You’re both idiots.”
That stopped her. “What?”
Mor sighed on the other end of the call. “He doesn’t date. At all. He’s seen with 20 year old blondes who probably don’t know their head from their ass. You don’t have to worry about him trying to tie you down.”
“Oh,” she said stupidly. 
Of course he wasn’t the dating type. He was a professional athlete. Women probably threw themselves at him. 
“For someone so smart, you really are an idiot.”
“You have a point. Look, I have to go. I’ll call you later.” It was only eight PM, but she could hardly keep her eyes open. 
“Worn out, aren’t you?” Mor asked in a knowing voice.
“Good night, Morrigan.”
Rhys wasn’t surprised to see Azriel and Cassian in his apartment when he got back the next day. 
“You dirty dog,” Cassian said smugly, throwing a pillow at his head.
Rhys smiled and told him to shut his fat mouth. “What are you idiots doing here? Get evicted?”
“Waiting on your ass,” Azriel said. “We’re going out.”
“Not everyone got laid last night,” Cassian said sourly. “Ruined a good win.”
Az and Rhys both ignored him. “Wanna come?” 
“I’m gonna crash, actually. I have an early meeting tomorrow with coach.” It was an excuse; he’d barely made it home without falling asleep at the wheel. 
“Mmhm, an early meeting with coach,” Cassian said knowingly. “More like a late night with a pretty blonde.”
Rhysand just winked and said, “We made sure to avoid your seat in the truck.”
“Disgusting,” his best friend said bitterly as the pair walked toward the door. “I hate that truck.” 
As soon as the door swung close behind them, Rhys showered and passed out. 
Three days later, Rhys was watching highlights from the game when his phone rang. He smiled as he saw the caller ID. 
“Unless the hospital is calling to tell me I’m dying,” he said as he picked up, “I’m going to assume this is Miss Feyre Archeron.”
“Wow, an athlete with a brain,” the sarcasm flowed through the line clearly.  
“I’m a package deal, baby. So, what’s up?” If this was a booty call, he’d make her say it. He’d definitely give in, but he’d make her ask first. 
“I don’t date,” she blurted suddenly. 
He paused, then said, “Me either.”
He didn’t know what to say, so he just mimicked, “Okay.”
“Then come over.” 
Rhysand smiled, looking at his watch. “I’ll be there in twenty.”
Two months later, they’d spent practically every night together. Either he’d stay at her house and get kicked out at the ass crack of dawn when she left for work, or she’d stay with him and he’d wake up alone.
On the rare days her boss forbade her from working, they’d spend all day together, running errands, cooking, fooling around. Hell, she’d even come to one of his football practices. “Out of pure boredom,” she’d claimed. 
He’d never tell her, but seeing her had become the best part of his day.
Sure, he’d resigned his contract for the next year to keep his dream job, but even that paled in comparison to her coming over. He’d started to depend on her. He’d started to care about her. 
Only Cassian--who gave him shit about it daily--knew. And had been told to keep his mouth shut about it. 
Because he knew that as soon as he told Feyre, she’d bolt. He just had no idea why. 
Sure, he’d said he didn’t date. He was thirty-eight and had a terrible relationship track record, having only had a handful of serious ones. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t try, right? 
He’d never felt like this before... never been so desperate to spend time with someone. And it wasn’t just the sex like he’d thought for the first few weeks. 
Because even when they weren’t having sex, he wanted to be around her. Wanted to hear her laugh, the one she let out when he surprised her or she made fun of his accent. Wanted to see her smile. Wanted to see her asleep in his bed, wearing his t-shirt. 
He wanted her. 
The first woman to openly not want a relationship with him, he can’t get out of his mind. 
Snapping out of his thoughts, he noticed her staring up at him. “What?” he asked, worried everything he’d been thinking was written on his face.
“Nothing,” she said for the fifth time, stifling a giggle. 
He rolled his eyes. “Just say it.” 
“I cannot believe Dirty Dancing is your favorite movie!” She exploded, gesturing to the screen as if he were blind. “You’re a football player.” 
“Which means I can’t have a good taste in movies?”
She shrugged. “It’s just not what I was expecting when you suggested we watch a movie. I figured you just wanted to come out here and have sex again.”
He grinned. “I did that for your sake. I figured if we stayed in bed any longer, you wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
With her head on a pillow in his lap, she looked completely adorable as she looked up and stuck her tongue out at him. “How considerate.” 
“Southern hospitality knows no limits.” 
As they watched the movie, Rhys couldn’t help but sneak glances at her. She was... distracting. The ocean eyes, full mouth, and delicate features were pretty much a constant distraction for him. 
When the final scene started playing out, Rhys grinned like an idiot and said, “Dance with me, Feyre Archeron.”
“Come on. I wanna show you something.” He took her hand, hauled her off the couch, and took her to the biggest open space in his apartment. 
He put his hands on her shoulders and told her to stay put, then walked to the other side of the room. 
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” she said immediately, realizing what he had planned. “Absolutely not.”
Rhysand laughed and said, “Run and jump.”
“Hell no! You’ll drop me.” She crossed her arms and stayed put.
He rolled his eyes. “I promise I won’t drop you. You’re about a hundred pounds soaking wet.” 
“Excuse me?” she asked incredulously. “You seriously think that’s going to work on me?”
“You’re right,” she admitted, barely giving him any time to prepare as she ran toward him, yelped, and jumped.
His hands wrapped around her waist as he lifted her up above his shoulders. She hollered like a wounded cat, but she stayed in the air and lifted her legs as he spun her around slowly. 
She giggled as he held her up, and the sound was so adorable that as he let her down, he slowly dipped her. Her hair brushed the floor as he held her, wrapped his arms around her, and pressed a kiss to her lips. 
He could tell she was surprised when she froze, but then she melted into him. 
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him close and opened her mouth for him. It was like it was the first time they’d kissed, and he couldn’t get enough. He kissed her like his life depended on it, and she responded to every movement. She sighed into his mouth and he drank the sound in. 
When he finally brought her back up and pulled away, she had tears in her eyes. 
“What?” he asked, concerned. 
Feyre’s brow was creased as she brought a hand to her mouth. “I have to go,” she whispered. 
She paced around his apartment, picking up her clothes and throwing them on as she went. “I have an early morning tomorrow.”
“You always have an early morning. What’s wrong?”
She pulled her boots on, zipped her jacket, and smiled tightly. “Nothing’s wrong. I’ll... see you later.” 
He didn’t have time to say anything before she sped out the door. 
“He kissed me,” she said as soon as Mor answered the phone.
A pause. “He hasn’t kissed you before?” 
Feyre sped down the road to her house, explaining, “Of course he’s kissed me. But this was different. He dipped me, Mor. Like actual dipping. And he kissed me. Not to get in my pants, but just because. Like he couldn’t stop himself.”
“Oh. You think he has feelings for you?” 
“I don’t know, but I don’t want to find out.” This was the last thing she needed. The past month had been good. So good. 
But it had to end. She didn’t want a relationship... even if the idea of never seeing him again hurt so much she couldn’t breathe. 
He’d become someone to her in the two months they’d spent together. And even though it’d hurt like hell, she had to cut it off. Before it got worse. 
“Don’t ‘Feyre’ me. I’m fine.”
Her best friend didn’t let up. “No, you’re not. Ever since Tamlin, ever since that night, you haven’t been fine.”
“Stop talking. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Of course you don’t.”
“He hurt you, and now you don’t trust men. You got freaked out tonight because this thing with Rhysand could be real, and you’re scared. You’re scared if you let yourself love him, he’ll hurt you.”
Feyre suddenly yelled, “Wouldn’t you be?”
The line went silent, so she continued, “Yeah, I’m fucked up because of my marriage. It’s pretty easy to figure out. But wouldn’t you be? I was with Tamlin for eight years! Did you know that after hearing your worthless and pathetic and that you deserve what happens to you for so long, you start to believe it? So unless you’ve dealt with that for eight years and been trapped in a marriage to someone like that for eight years, don’t you dare bring it up to me. I have to go.”
She didn’t give Mor a chance to respond as she hung up. 
She pulled into her driveway, took a deep breath and told herself the tears flowing down her cheeks were from her fight with Mor. 
“We’re closed,” Mor yelled as Rhys walked in the bar, then looked up and froze. “Oh.”
“Tell me, Mor. Tell me what happened to her.” He knew there was a reason she’d been freaked out after he kissed her. He just didn’t know what it was. 
“To who?”
He came and sat in one of the bar stools, leveling a look at her. “To Feyre. Why did me kissing her send her running for the hills? I know she told you. She hasn’t answered my calls in six days.”
She shrugged, trying to make herself look casual. “Maybe she’s just not into you.”
“She’s into me.”
Mor snapped, “Maybe she’s not.”
His eyes softened, and she knew he saw it for the lie it was. “What happened to her?”
He could tell she was struggling with not telling him. She might not. But he wanted to fight for her. Wanted to make her happy. He just had to know how. 
She took a deep breath and said, “Feyre and I used to live in New York, you know. That’s where we’re from. And Feyre was married.”
He nodded for her to continue.
“They got married young, and he... changed. He... just.. he was so angry. All the time.” She took a shaky breath. 
“At first, I didn’t notice it. I didn’t see that anything was wrong. But one night, about five years into their marriage, I went to their apartment for dinner, and I saw that she had makeup on her cheek. Not a lot, but... like she was covering something up.” A tear that rolled down her cheek. 
“And he saw. That bastard saw me notice it.” She wiped her cheeks, trying to compose herself. “And I didn’t see her for three years. He wouldn’t let her go anywhere besides work. And he hardly let that happen.”
Rhys closed his eyes sadly, but she continued. “I didn’t see my best friend for three years. Until she showed up in the emergency room.”
His eyes snapped open. 
“I’m her emergency contact. I don’t know why she never changed it when she got married, but she didn’t. So I got the call, and drove to the hospital, and she was-”
She swallowed a sob. “She was in a coma for two days.” 
Mor cleared her throat. “When she woke up, I don’t know how to describe it. She was... different. I helped her divorce him and get a restraining order, but it wasn’t easy. He controlled all her shit. Bank accounts, everything. She was never the same. We left, packed up, and moved to Boston together. She didn’t want him to know where she lived. I think... sometime I think she’s still scared he’ll track her down.” 
“It took her three years to even go on a date. Another to have sex. She says she’s fine, but ever since that night, she won’t let herself actually let anyone in her life. She’s always been a workaholic, but after what happened... I don’t know. It’s like moving on, having a life, makes her remember her life before.” 
Mor sobbed, “And I don’t know how to help her. Because he’s a cop, you know. That’s why it was so hard for her to leave him. We had to go to the freaking governor to get the restraining order.”
A sob wracked her body, so Rhys leaned across the bar and pulled her into a hug. It made sense. Why him showing any sort of feelings freaked her out. Why she’d been cautious around him, Cassian, and Az when they’d first met. Why she didn’t want a relationship with him. 
But it didn’t mean he couldn’t fight for her. That he couldn’t tell her that he’d never hurt her. 
“Mor,” he said softly. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
She pulled back and wiped her eyes. “Well, now you do.”
“I want to be with her.”
She nodded, and smiled sadly. “I know.”
“And she wants to be with me, too.” 
Mor nodded again. “Go get your girl, Rhysand. But, just be careful. And I swear to God, if you’re anything like him-”
“I’m not,” he interjected. 
“-I’ll shoot you. I’m not making the same mistake twice.”
“I’m never going to hurt her. You can count on that. Do you think she’s still at the hospital? If she’s not going to answer the phone, I’m gonna track her ass down.”
Feyre scribbled down her note, then peered back into the microscope. She knew it was late, but it’s not like she had anywhere to be. The thought sent a pang through her chest, but she ignored it.
She was so distracted thinking about how big of a mess she was that she didn’t hear him come in the lab.
“Feyre,” a familiar male voice said from behind her. 
She spun around and opened her mouth to scream, but he was faster. She cried out as his fist connected with her ribs, but he stifled the noise when he slapped a hand over her mouth and shoved her against the door. 
She tried to swing a fist toward him, but he pinned her arms against the door. 
“It’s been a long time,” Tamlin said, smiling. “It took me a long time to track you down. You know how I found you? Paparazzi posted a picture of you leaving some football player’s apartment at three in the morning. Little whore.”
She whimpered as he squeezed her jaw. 
“So I came to see you. At first, I wanted to punish you. You were my wife. Mine. And then you go and divorce me. For no reason. I wanted to know why.”
Howie, she thought desperately. If she could signal Howie, he’d come and save her. 
She ignored what he was saying, blocked it out, and bit his hand as hard as she could. 
Tamlin jumped back with a surprised yelp and she barely had a chance to scream before his fist connected with her eye. She fell to the ground and he kicked her in the side, making her curl into a ball. 
“You bitch! Why are you screaming? If you’re trying to get that fat security guard, he can’t hear you.” 
No one’s coming. A tear ran down her cheek onto the floor. 
“Now, as I was saying,” he continued as if nothing had happened. “At first, I wanted to punish you. I had it all planned out.”
He knelt on the floor, brushing the hair off her cheek. 
“But then I realized something. I realized you ruined my life. You told everyone I worked with, hell you told the governor, that I abused you. You got me kicked off the force.” 
“Why are you here? What do you want?” 
Please leave please leave me alone-
“I want you to suffer for what you did-”
“I do-” 
Her cheek stung as a palm connected with it, making her cry out. 
“Do not interrupt me again.” His voice was so cold, so calculating. “I want you to suffer. I want you to lose everything, like I did. But the only thing you ever cared about is work. And I couldn’t get you fired. No, you’re too good at your job.”
She shook with fear as he smiled down at her.
“But then I thought, if the job won’t lose you, you can lose the job.”
He ran a thumb over her lip, and she was paralyzed with fear when she realized the bitter taste in her mouth was gas. 
“What did you do?” she asked softly.
His fist closed around her throat. She clawed at his hand, kicked at him, tried everything, but she was stuck. It had never mattered how hard she fought. 
When her vision started to fade, he let go. 
“Don’t question me,” he snapped as Feyre hauled oxygen into her burning lungs. 
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a lighter, grinning down at her.
Feyre’s stomach bottomed out. 
She had to think, had to do something. Or else she was going to die in here. 
“You were so consumed by your work, you didn’t even smell the gas I lined this fucking room with. Always so distracted by your work.” 
He laughed softly, “And now you’ll burn with it.”
He flicked the lighter open, and time seemed to stand still. Feyre didn’t let herself hesitate as she reached onto the counter, grabbed the beaker she knew was sitting there, and broke it over Tamlin’s head. 
He swore and closed the lighter, then swung at her. She rolled away from him, placing a kick in between his legs that had him gasping for air. 
She got up and sprinted for the door. Her fingers were closing around the handle when he caught up to her, grabbing her head and slamming her face into the metal door frame. 
Feyre sank to the floor, and Tamlin knelt in front of her. She tasted blood, felt it running down her face, and knew from experience her nose was broken. 
As he punched her in the stomach, she could tell she’d have a ruptured spleen. 
He was still dripping wet from the beaker, but he leaned close and laughed. 
He opened the lighter close to her face, the heat warming her skin. 
“You always were a fighter.” 
This is it. If she didn’t fight now, it was over. He’d drop that lighter, and they’d both go up in flames. Together at last. 
Gritting her teeth, she told herself she wasn’t going to die here tonight. She was going to live. 
She was going to kill her ex-husband. 
Bringing her knees close, she rallied her strength and kicked his chest as hard as she could. As he fell backward, she jumped to her feet. 
Before he could react, she grabbed the lighter out of his hand, threw it on his chest, and rushed out the door. 
What Tamlin hadn’t realized when he’d lined the room with gas was that there were more chemicals in there than anywhere else in the hospital. He didn’t even have to use gasoline. But now that he had, one open flame, and the whole place was going to blow.
She ignored the growing flames on the other side of the glass as she engaged the door’s security lock. Ignored Tamlin’s screams as the petrol from the beaker reacted with the oxygen in the air and the present flame, erupting in flames twenty times hotter than usual. 
She ignored everything happening around her except Rhysand. 
Rhysand, who was running toward her, a confused and terrified look on his face. 
She had no idea what he was doing here, but she sprinted full force at him, also ignoring the fact that he was a professional football player. She wrapped her arms around him and tackled him to the ground as the room behind her erupted. 
Glass and debris and pieces of paper still on fire rained down on them as she looked down at him. 
She laid on top of him, shielding him as best she could, and grabbed his face. Please be alive, please be alive.
His eyes shot open, arms coming around her to brush debris off her back. 
“Feyre, are you all right? What the hell happened?” His voice was fuzzy, like she was underwater. 
She probably had a concussion from where Tamlin had slammed her against the door. 
Tamlin was dead. She’d killed Tamlin. 
“He’s dead,” she whispered. “He’s dead.”
Rhys was shaking her, telling her to stay awake. Alarms were going off, the sprinkler system sensing the fire and raining a flood down on them. 
He was screaming her name. 
She just looked at him and smiled softly. “I love you, by the way,” she whispered. Like it was the easiest thing she’d ever said. Like she’d been waiting to say it. 
“I love you,” she whispered again.
Then passed out. 
There was something warm and heavy on her lap. And it had hair. 
She opened her eyes and looked down at Rhys, peacefully sleeping with his head resting on her legs. 
Gently, she ran a hand through his hair. 
She was in a hospital bed, that much was obvious. There were probably police men outside waiting for a statement from her about why her much-beloved lab had been blown to pieces under her watch. 
She knew from experience that as soon as she officially woke up, she’d be surrounded be nurses and police officers and doctors asking how she felt and... 
She ran a finger down Rhys’s cheek. 
She knew he was awake when his mouth twisted into a smile and he murmured, “Do that again.”
She did. 
His eyes opened to meet hers, full of worry and passion and anger. 
“Hi,” she whispered. 
“Hi.” He picked his head up and put a hand on her cheek. “You’re so beautiful. This gown suits you.”
She knew he said it to distract her, and smile tugged at her lips, even as tears sprung to her eyes. 
She was in the hospital. Again. Because of her ex-husband. And Rhys was here. He’d probably never look at her the same after this. Would probably pity her now. 
He leaned in, and she thought he was about to kiss her, but his mouth landed on her cheek instead. As he licked her tear off her face. 
“That’s disgusting,” she murmured, not pushing him away as he moved to the other cheek. 
He pulled back and grinned. 
“Mor told me about your ex-husband,” he said softly. 
Before she could reply, he surprised her by murmuring, “And I honestly don’t know why you say you don’t have any country in you.”
Had he hit his head when she’d tackled him?
“Considering you barbecued his ass,” he finished with a laugh.
Despite how awful and wrong that was, a giggle escaped her. And another. And another, until she was laughing along with him. 
“That’s so fucked up,” she said, still smiling. 
“Yeah, it is, but it’s all I’ve been able to think for the past four hours.” 
Then his smile faded and his eyes grew serious. He put both hands on her face and pulled her close to him. “Feyre.”
“It’s over now. He’s never going to hurt you again. No ones ever going to hurt you again. I’m so proud of you.” He said it all in the softest tone possible, and it made her chest hurt with how much she needed those words. 
“I killed him,” she whispered, the reality of it crashing into her. 
He shook his head. “You defended yourself. He was going to kill you. You fought like hell, and you won.”
Feyre nodded, pulling him closer until his weight was on top of her and his arms were around her. 
“You kicked his ass,” he murmured through her hair. “My little brawler.” 
She smiled, running her hands over his back. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered to her. 
She pulled back far enough to say, “What do you possibly have to be sorry for?” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t get here faster and I didn’t protect you-”
She shook her head and flicked his nose. “Shut up.”
He hugged her again. “You should know,” he said a moment later, pulling back to give her a smile, “that Mor is outside with Azriel and Cassian.”
“Oh, God.” 
“Yeah. I think they had to give Mor a sedative to calm her down. I’ll go get her if you want.”
Feyre shook her head, deciding to give herself another moment before dealing with that brand of crazy. 
“Do you remember what you said to me? After you tackled me? Which, by the way, was insanely sexy.” 
She knew under the humor was a twinge of anxiety, so she said, “I could talk about the homo-eroticism of what you just said, but I’ll give you a break. You’re under a lot of stress.”
Rhysand grinned and raised an eyebrow. 
“I love you,” she murmured. “You know I do.”
“I do,” he replied smugly, smirking like a cat. “I love you, too.” 
He leaned down and kissed her softly, ignoring the probably nasty black eye and bruised jaw. He kissed her, and she didn’t care about anything in the world. 
Until the door banged open. 
“You’re awake and you didn’t tell me!” Mor screeched, running in the room and throwing herself on Feyre, bruises be dammed. “Of course you didn’t because you wanted a chance to make out with your boyfriend before you did. Selfish, Feyre! Selfish!”
“Mor,” she muttered, hugging her back tightly. “I’m awake.”
“You’re such a bitch,” he best friend laughed.
“I love you, too.”
Rhys laughed and got out of his chair, probably going to talk to his friends and update them. 
For the first time in years, everything felt right. It felt good. She was excited for tomorrow, not because of work, but because for the first time in a long time, she had people in her life she was going to fight to keep there. 
For the first time in a long time, she wasn’t afraid. 
FUCK sorry this is so long! I literally had no intention of taking this route when I started writing it, but shit happens when it’s 2 am and you’ve had a long week. 
As always, feel free to send me requests/asks/whatever. I love hearing from yall. 
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drunklander · 4 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 508
I mean, shame on me for allowing myself to get my hopes up that the show might have turned a corner last week. I should know better by now.
At least Young Ian’s back. And Marsali had a nice moment. And that’s about all I have to say about this episode that’s positive. I swear to fuck, this show hates Claire as much as the author of the books does. Where the fuck is the lead protagonist, show? Can she come back? Can she get a story line of her own that’s more than just a random scene every few episodes, please? And can Bree please be given something to fucking do that doesn’t involve Roger, Jemmy or rape? Does Fergus still even live on the Ridge?
But yeah, I guess let’s just all watch the episode twice so our dumb lady!brains can understand that Matt’s stupid silent movie gimmick was actually ~ArT~ and not, you know, a stupidly bad creative choice. Seriously, fuck that guy.
I can’t tell you how much idgaf about watching Roger teach. Also, Bree’s like his students’ age since she was in college too. So really all this bit is doing is to make me skeeved out about their age difference.
“Can you tell me why anyone would go to the trouble of burying one?” he said, condescendingly, like the doucherocket he is. Do not disrespect Young Ian like that, asshat.
“People live and die by their words.” *gestures to the beautiful shitposts on this hellsite* sure jan dot gif.
I already want to fastforward.
Would 100% rather sit through a lecture on suspension bridges than watch silent movies, tbh.
Hate the title card. Hate this whole gimmick.
Roger got hanged. Roger was dumb, Buck was an abusive and toxic fuckwad. But still, Roger got hanged and this is how we find out he’s alive and how he was saved?
It should be this big emotional moment. It should make me feel a thing in spite of myself. But nope! Gotta do this fucking silent movie thing. Which is hilariously terrible. And I laughed at it the whole time. In a mean and judgey fashion. What a craptastic creative choice. Whoever’s idea that was is a fucking idiot. *stares at a certain pompous af showrunner*
Ok but for real though, does LJG just like live in North Carolina now? Why is he always around, besides, you know, so we don’t forget he’s a character who exists.
For real though, he lives in Virginia and gets more screen time than fucking Fergus and Marsali who live fucking next door.
At least writing this recap is gonnna be quick and easy since they waste so much time re-showing the stupid silent movie footage.
Yes, I know, they’re trying to show Roger’s PTSD. Which involves flashbacks. And gradually turn it to color once he’s like come to terms with what happened and starts to move forward. But the execution is so bad that the whole arc is wasted because it’s just so poorly done.
Oh hey! A Claire and Bree scene! I love those. Except oh wait, it aggressively fails the Bechdel Test.
Jocasta singing at Murtz’s cairn is a reminder that everyone should check out MDK’s music.
And her wearing the necklace Murtz gave her makes the existence of show!Duncan even dumber. Like oh hey, new husband, don’t mind me, just mourning my dead boyfriend and wearing his jewelry. But it’s totally normal since my niece-in-law still wears her abusive ex-husband’s ring.
Sorry, show!Duncan, but a more pointless character was never included. Show!Duncan wins the prize for most BeCaUsE tHe BoOk dumbassery.
Repeatedly showing what’s basically a snuff film is...a choice.
LJG has no sense of personal space when it comes to the Frasers. And it’s fucking creepy.
Oh look, another scene where all Claire gets to do is comfort someone about a man.
Jemmy aged like 3 years in the 3 month time jump.
Ok, I totally get why Roger hadn’t spoken yet. But once he did, the seal was broken. Not talking after he yelled to stop Jemmy, even a little bit, is just a dick move. Not that he’d be magically better. But he like refuses to even take baby steps.
So glad he’s back. So fucking glad. Yes, it means one more character to dilute how much time we can spend with any given person, but it’s a character that I like so hopefully he takes away from some of the time given to ones I don’t like?
Aaand Roger can’t even bring himself to try to talk to the guy who gave himself up in his place. Fuck Roger.
Claire does a better job at first than Jamie at picking up the vibes Young Ian is putting off, but like, for two people who are supposed to be emotionally intelligence, neither of them do a good job at first of really *seeing* Ian.
John Bell is really good in this episode.
Omfg Marsali has tarot cards. She’s like leaning full on into being the white witch’s apprentice and I fucking love her so much.
Also, the Hanged Man card is representative of self-sacrifice and martyrdom rather than like being actually hanged as a punishment. But whatevs.
Ok I think the reason Jenny yelling at Jamie to snap out of it in S3 bugged me where this scene with Bree yelling at Roger doesn’t is because sibling dynamic is completely different than spouses where both of them have gone through something unimaginable.
That he can’t even say anything here. Or give her any kind of sign that he’s still in there is a dick move. He *can* speak. He knows that now. So does everyone else. He’s actively choosing not to. Even to say that he just needs more time to work through his shit. No one’s asking him to be a chatterbox and totally back to normal.
Young Ian just sitting there while everyone else does grace is literally me at every family holiday.
Oh look, a wild Fergus appeared!
Ok, I never got the surveying thing. Wouldn’t the land already be registered? Since they were given the paperwork and shit for it from the governor? I know there was some bit about it in the book about keeping it after the Revolution but like, who the fuck else are they registering it with that would make a difference? The gov’t is still the English gov’t?
“But there are things you keep hidden from others. You and Claire both.” Ok, can he please be talking about time travel? I mean, I know he’s talking about his wife and their miscarriages, but I just want someone else to know about time travel already please and thank you.
Fuck yeah not-Catholic-anymore-Ian. No grace, talking about the creator in a way that isn’t explicitly the christian god. Good job, kid.
My parents called me to say happy easter and I had to be like, uh, you remember that I don’t celebrate that, right?
Happy Zombie!Jeebus Appreciation Day to all the still christian people. And happy chance to have fun with burner zoom accounts named Elijiah to the jewish folks.
Jokes aside, the scene with Young Ian and Marsali was really nice and Marsali remains a fucking saint. It’s nice that Young Ian has someone who like actually gets what it’s like to find a home in a group of strangers.
Oh Claire, think more highly of your assistant. Also, what a clunky fucking way to be like oh hey, one of the emo!bros is gonna try to off themselves.
Ok but with the paper airplane now too, can we please show Young Ian finding out about time travel? Please?
Ok, but Claire automatically jumping to Roger wanting to off himself with her herbs... It’s making me judge both of them a little that neither picked up on just how clearly Young Ian was suffering. Like come the fuck on, y’all. It wasn’t subtle.
Also, can we please have more Adso?
Yada yada yes they both have been through something shitty and call me a biased asshole, but I can’t bring myself to feel anything about Roger and I feel all the things about Young Ian.
So Roger won’t talk when his wife begs, but he’ll talk when someone calls him on his bullshit. Cool. Cool cool cool. Nice dude.
Again, there’s more to that tarot card than a literal hanged man, but whatever, show.
Oh thank fuck the episode is finally over. Expectations are back down in the gutter for the rest of the season. Please pleasantly surprise me, show, but I will not make the mistake again of thinking you’re actually gonna be consistently good again.
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hubbytaeil · 4 years
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Operation Big Brother - Chapter II  ↪ I
a/n: this is so bad oops hope this doesn’t make you too sad, or least not as sad as it made me while writing :/ ps: also thank you for a 100 followers hehe 💚✨
The sound of chatter coming from the cubicles is loud enough to disguise your almost unnoticeable sobs. Getting out of the office without catching too much attention is not that hard, if one is swift enough. You want to get out of there as soon as possible, but you wonder how you’ll be able get pass Kun without him seeing you in such a troubled state.
 When the elevator doors open to the backroom of the bar you make up your mind: you decide to play the ‘in-a-hurry’ card. Your heels now seem to be piercing the floor, not being the best option given the situation. Walking as fast as you can, you hope to not catch Kun’s gaze but it’s too soon to talk. “Y/n, what- what’s going on?!” he almost shouts at you when you get to the main exit. You turn around slightly. “It’s an emergency, I have to run!” before you can close the huge door behind you, you get a glimpse of your friend. Kun is looking at you, he doesn’t need to say anything. This will be hard to explain when you get back.
A shiny black car is waiting on the main street, with its engine on, ready to leave at any second. There’s no need to look at the number plate, you get inside with no hesitation, like many times before. Yet somehow your hand is trembling when you close the car door. “Are you okay?” whispers a sweet voice coming from a suited-up man from seat next to you. “Yes, I’m fine, Xiaojun. Can’t you see?” you answer almost automatically for the second time that night. “I was just asking…” “I know, I know. Sorry, we’re on to something big, I don’t really know how I should feel.” “How about you tell me how you feel about this?” your colleague asks, handing you an envelope. Inside there’s all the information Ten already told you about the mission, all the suspicious spots you’ll have to check once in Hong Kong, lists over lists of names, and at the very end a fake ID. “So, we’re going for Joanna Huang this time, uh?” you two force a laugh to try to lighten up the initial tense mood. “Lucas just called me five minutes ago.” Casually states Xiaojun. Here we go again. You’re sick and tired of hearing that name, you feel yourself holding your breath to hide your frustration. You don’t want to unleash all your anger on the man next to you, but it’s clear that one more step and you won’t be able to see straight. “He sounded… kind of sad. Do you know if anything happened- ““Then why didn’t you ask him?” you cut him off. “What- ““How the fuck should I know?!” The line has been crossed. Xiaojun is now staring at you with his mouth slightly open. You also notice the driver giving you a judgmental look from the rear-view mirror. You turn your head to the window avoiding eye contact from any of them. “I’m sorry Jun, it’s complicated.” “Yeah…I could tell.” You snicker, hiding the hesitation and nervousness in your voice. “Don’t worry. This won’t get in the way of the mission.” “I know it won’t. I know you y/n.” you smile at his kind words. “But I also care about Lucas. I know you won’t ever tell me what happened between you two, but- ““Nothing happened!” you snap again. “Sure, whatever you say. Either way, please, I beg you. As soon as you get to him, please, can you have an adult conversation about this?” “I can take an adult conversation; I don’t know about him though.” “Y/n, please.” You know Xiaojun’s right but you’re not sure whether you’re ready to come clean in front of Lucas. During the silent car ride to the airport your mind finds its way to the events of the past weeks.
 This is the last time. You had said that to yourself so many times, but here you were again. It was after successfully completing a mission in Paris. You and Lucas always celebrated your accomplishments together. But for the last few months those celebrations had taken a strange way. It had started as an innocent kiss initiated by Lucas, just a simple spontaneous gesture, that was he told you and you let it slide. But then the kisses and caresses where something you were getting used to, you almost expected them, and you felt disappointed when you couldn’t receive them. You couldn’t let yourself slip. Lucas was your colleague, your number one partner. You convinced yourself that what you were doing was wrong. Even when Lucas held you close and his arms felt like the only home you could come back to. You were afraid, completely terrified at the thought of you two risking your carriers. Yet, deep inside, what you dreaded the most was getting your heart broken. Everyone in the organisation knew about Lucas’ reputation with women. You had tried so hard not to listen to the rumours. You were so scared of becoming just a one-night stand to him, of ruining your relationship forever. And that night it was no different, as Lucas was peppering sweet sensual kisses your shoulder, you pinned against the window that held the most breath-taking view, your mind was running wild with all your doubts. You turned to your side, trying not to look into his magnetic eyes, if you did, it’d would have been over. “You were incredible today, y/n.” whispered Lucas against your ear, making you shiver. You had trained your mind not to believe him anymore when he praised you like that, but somehow your body always reacted as if it were the first time. Lucas sensed your coldness and pondered for a few minutes, backing up to take a good look at your perplexed expression. Then he cupped your chin, forcing you to look back at him and you felt your heart sinking, feeling helpless against him. You didn’t want him to have that power over you. Lucas placed a hot kiss against your mouth, shutting out your thoughts entirely, then he grabbed your waist and pulled you up, forcing your legs around him. He made his way to the bed carefully, keeping you in his embrace. He placed you on to the bed in the same delicate manner, his lips never leaving yours. You went on like this for a while, undressing each other nonchalantly. But as Lucas kept touching you, you wondered how many girls he had touched with those same hands. You wondered if anyone had noticed what was going on between you two at the organisation and how long it would’ve taken for you to lose your job, then your mind fell into the same old rabbit hole. “You’re so beautiful, baby.” “Don’t call me baby.” Your response felt like poison to Lucas, who stopped immediately to look at you, hoping that you were messing with him. But your expression was stone cold, staring at anything except for him. “What’s wrong, y/n?” he questioned cluelessly. You asked yourself if he was joking. “You know what’s wrong, Lucas.” You answered getting away from his touch and getting off the bed. You fetched your shirt from the floor and put it on back again with robotic movements. “I’m- I’m not following.” “Of course, you aren’t.” you grumbled, sitting back down on the bed. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas asked clearly irritated. “It’s nothing, forget about it.” “No.” with a swift movement he sat next to you, demanding you to look at him but you refused animatedly. “We just- we can’t- I don’t…” your mumbling was getting on Lucas’ nerves. “What?! Just tell me, what’s wrong?! Why can’t you be fucking honest?!” “We can’t do this anymore, Yukhei!” in that moment it was Lucas’ heart’s moment to sink. Not only because you had called him by his real name, which never happened because that’s what he preferred, but because you were the last person on the planet who he thought could push him away. You went on and on about how you were risking your carriers, how you were putting everyone in danger but Lucas just shouted back, refusing to acknowledge any reason that you providing him. “Please, Yukhei, try to be reasonable!” “No, I can’t let you throw away what we have!” he stood up angrily, rubbing his face harshly “What we have?!” you held back a laugh at the absurdity of his affirmation. “Yes, what we have.” You had never seen Lucas so serious, and you felt so stupid realising that he wasn’t joking. You decided to stand up as well. “I know you won’t believe me, and I know what everyone says about me. But let me tell you, they’re all a bunch of liars.” Before he continued, he took both of your hands in his, biting his lips trying to gather his words. “What I feel for you is real. I never wanted us to be fuckbuddies, or whatever it was that you thought…”the disappointment was palpable in his voice and the shame irradiated in your cheeks in the form of a bright red hue. You had thought so low of him and the guilt was consuming you. “I like you, y/n. Fuck- no, I love you. I do. I did for such a long time.” You could not believe your ears. One of your greatest friends was pouring his heart out in front of you. But did not feel happiness or joy. You had been shot in the side once, but this felt much worse. “Please say something.” You tried; you really did. But silence fell inescapably. “I see how it is.” Lucas let go of your hands and you felt as if someone had ripped out a part of you. “So… I guess to you this was just a way to pass the time.” You felt your heartbeat pounding is your head, unsure about everything, watching everything you believed in crumble down. “It wasn’t, it’s not like that. I care about you, Yukhei. So much.” “But you don’t love me.” Your throat run dry at the word. “Or at least, not like I love you.” “I-I don’t know. I- “that was the first thing that your mind thought of and it was the worst possible answer. Lucas was now staring at the floor lifelessly. You tried putting your hand on his shoulder but he brushed you off coldly. Then he started gathering his things from the floor, heading towards the door. You had no right to stop him. Before he closed the door, he looked at you one last time. “Please don’t contact me for a while.” After he left you broke down, sobbing loudly, mad at yourself for being so selfish. All you had thought of the past months were your own feelings, never once keeping in consideration Lucas. But most of all you were furious for not being able to figure out what you actually felt towards him. You had ruined everything.
“Y/n, we’re here.” Xiaojun is tapping on your shoulder, bringing you back in real time. You just hum in response, getting out of the car and heading to get your bag. “Your flight leaves in an hour, don’t be late.” “I won’t, sir.” You respond mockingly sticking your tongue out. “Very funny. I wonder why you didn’t choose to be a comedian.” “Because then all the other comedians would be unemployed.” The small talk makes your heart feel lighter just for an instance. “Good luck and remember what I told you. Don’t just throw away your friendship for a little fight, okay?” you clenched your firsts around your bag. You silently say goodbye to both Xiaojun and the driver and head through the sliding doors. Unconsciously, you find yourself practicing already what you’ll say to Yukhei when you’ll see him. But nothing that makes sense comes to mind, and it scares you to death.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Paul Dini’s Jingle Belle: “Sanity Clauses” review or Santa’s Court Ordered Family Therapy Holiday Special
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Merry Christmas everyone! I”m finally back on the reviewing reindeer after a week out with a cold, aside from the usual ducktales review, and it’s once again a comission from friend of the blog and the only guy who pays me for reviews weirdkev27. If you have your own holliday hyjinks you’d like me to review I do reviews of television and comics for 5 dollars an episode/issue, wtih variable prices for trades in comics case depending on length. Hit me up via my dm’s here on tumblr or send me an ask for my discord if you want to know more. WIth that plug out of the way away we go.  This one was a bit unusual... in that when Kev bought it up I assumed he was going to buy a few issues of Jingle Belle, Paul Dini’s creator owned character we’re talking about today, and just have me review those. What I didn’t realize is he was buying me the full package, a collection of pretty much every jingle belle tale, as well as the released after it “Handmade’s Tale”. one shot. So yeah, while I had’nt really thought of rules for this kind of thing before from now on your free to buy a work for me to review... just keep in mind i’ts both not required for me to review something, and will not wave the commission fee as I use those fees to pay bills, buy things I need like charger cables, and just generally keep my bank account afloat while I look for a day job. 
But... since I hadn’t firmly established any of this yet, and since Kev’s gift means a bunch more commissions from a guy who not only made sure I could afford Christmas, but who has provided me steady work while i’m out of work... this one’s on the house.  So with all the jargon settled, who is Jingle Belle? Jingle Belle is an indie comics character created and owned by Paul Dini in 1998. Paul Dini is an animation god, who thanks to this review I know more about his career than I did before and as much as I always should have. Dini got his start in the 80′s, writing for everything from He Man to Gary Coleman Adventures, before getting called up to the big leagues for Tiny Tune Adventures around the time of the animation renaissance. To my shock, as  I wasn’t aware he wrote for that fine program, he wrote 35 episodes including my personal favorite Prom-ise her Anything.  But while a talented comedy writer, his main talent would show when he moved on to Batman the Animated Series as a writer and story editor. He was one of the main creative forces along with Bruce Timm, with the two going on to make the DCAU, aka some of the best superhero shows ever made, after already making easily one of if not THE best with BTAS. And Timm’s influence showed, Co-Creating Harley Quinn with Timm, and writing the series best episode Heart of Ice, which reworked Mr Freeze from a hoaky silver age villian into the tragic and thoroughly sympathetic character he’s been since that episode. Seriously that’s another one to add to the review pile.. which is giant and sentient at this point. And seriously EVERY episode on his imdb page credits is an utter classic and one I remember fondly. The guy is one of the most talented and seemingly nicest guys in the business and both the world of batman and the world of animation owe him a LOT.  So to my surprise, I found out in the 2000′s he had a comic, Jingle Belle.. then for whatever reason just never dug into it till now. But now post digging Jingle Belle is Paul Dini’s long running series of one shots and series at various companies following the adventures of Santa’s rebellious teenage-ish daughter.. techincally she’s in the 200′s but still looks and acts like a teenager. The idea came about when he got a christmas card from Stephen Speilberg, and wondered how the kids of famous folks dealt with that and if they resented their famous fathers. And whose more famous than santa?. The series spins both out of that brilliant idea and out of Dini’s love for sunday comic strips, back when the panels were larger and creators were given more freedom to go nuts, though even today i’ve seen plenty of great stuff so it’s not all lost pauly.  So in that spirit rather than one long ongoing Jingle Belle is instead a series of one shots, stories in anthologies and what have you, one and done stories more focused on the comedy. The comic has bounced around from various publishers, starting as something pitched to Oni Press, home of Scott Pilgrim and not much else, and has bounced around various publishers since, most recently ending up at IDW, where the trade i’m reading from comes from. So how does a great concept from one of the world’s most creative minds shake out? Let’s unwrap this present and find out. 
We open with an appropriately christmasy rhymey opening as we get the story of Jingle Belle: She’s the daughter of santa claus and mrs. claus, in this case the Queen of the Elves. Which isn’t established until the next story but whatever. And as you’d expect she grew up a cheery, rosey little girl who loved helpiing dad in the workshop.. then everything changed when puberty attacked. 
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As you can see Jingle is now your standard Bratty Teenage Daughter sterotype. At least in this story. See this initial story feels much like a pilot: It’s clear things aren’t ironed out 100% for the idea, and i’ts more a self contained way to get across the general idea, that being Santa has a rebellious teen daughter, via what comes off as an snl skit in comic book form. THat’s not an insult, it’s a GOOD snl skit, and I am genuinely surprised only one movie company’s attempted adapting this comic: the concept is great. I’m just letting you know what i’m working with is all. 
So naturally as a high concept comedy skit, Jing soon, after sharing some cigarettes with the local eskmo boys and accidently lighting her Reindeer’s butt on fire and wrecking her sleigh and some surrounding property, Santa is at his witt’s end and we end up in family therapy. And honestly.. Santa in a family therapists office is a great concept. IT’s why I compare it to a sketch: It’s just a simple one line proposal that’s really damn funny and really damn eye catching. It’s often REALLY hard to get a good santa parody going, so I admire how well he pulled it off here.  But what really centers it is Jing giving her side, making her a bit more than the mostly one dimensional bratty rebellious daughter she’s been pegged as. Oh sure tha’ts still mostly what she is here, I’ll leave it to later stories to flesh her out hopefully, but she gives vallid reasons WHY she acts out: She points out no one even knew Santa had a daughter, and she has no songs or specials or any of that about her. The most Santa can offer up is “Jingle Bells” because the boys say “jingle all the way”... which really, especially in 2020, just makes HIM come off worse for not only slut shaming his daughter, but that the best defense he can offer is “Well some local boys talk about how you boned them that counts right?”. 
That.. poorly aged joke aside Jingle brings up another good point on how sh’es on his shit list.. errr.. naughty list. Still a good gag. And yeah the therapist is understandably surprised Santa dosen’t give his own daughter presents, though his wife does give a valid counter to that: He has to hold a higher standard than anybody. 
And that’s why I’m really intrigued by this concept and want to read more: WE have plenty of stories about Santa’s kids, i’ll grant, from him adopting a kid like in elf, to him passing on the legacy with films like Arthur Christmas and Fred Claus, or even just films about his legacy, like the Santa Claus, aka that time Santa died and his clothes forced Tim Allen into a job he dosen’t want with weight and beard gain he didn’t ask for via yuletide mummy’s curse to become the new santa and nearly loose custody of his child. What i’m saying is the concept is inherently fascinating and The Santa Clause is deeply terrifying if you stop to think about it for two seconds.. as is the sequel what with it’s Nazi Robot Santa Claus Tim Allen. Yes really. 
But this one’s unique in that it’s not about the legacy. Oh sure Santa tries to get Jing interested, and his last attempte wound up with them having to take the bus, another great gag and i’m glossing over most because this is a very funny little comic, but the main focus is more on what kind of pressure that puts on a kid: wouldn’t you rebel too if your parents wanted you to be perfect and to follow in the family business of being basically a perfect human being? Jing herself sums it up perfectly towards the end of the story. 
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Granted after a tearful hug, Jing internally says “that new snowboard is mine.. but i’ts hard not to feel that a godo chunk of this is genuine. Sure she’s playing her parents a bit but.. you’d crack too if your dad was freaking Santa. I’m really intrigued to see where this goes both comedically and character stuff wise. 
So we end on another christmasy narration bit as Belle plays good for a while, snapping only when it docent seem like she gets her snowboard. A comedy ending and an eh one. Not the best honeslty, I feel the comci would’ve been better ended just at the snowboard is mine bit, but i’ve seen worse. 
Final Thoughts: A really good story. WHile it’s rough around the edges, clearly Dini and others have buffed them out over two decades, and i’m really intrigued to see more of this this holiday season and others. Again some parts, mostly playing Jing being sexually liberated for “OH HAW HAW SHE’S A SLUT” laughs is cringe inducing, but most of the jokes have aged well and for a pilot it’s not bad. I really look forward to reading more of the character and diving into her this season and beyond. 
Until then be good to one another, have a happy holidays and always remember: There's  always another rainbow. 
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queenlists · 5 years
The Gifts
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A/N: Professor Winchester is back! We’re at 97, almost to 100! Thank you for all of the support. It means a lot to me. I always say this in every A/N haha, but it is so true. I appreciate it and I’ll never stop thanking you all. Also special thanks to @ricanqueen20​ for the request! The masterlist will be at the end of this fic. Thank you all once again and I hope you all enjoy this ✌
Post date: 02/02/2020
"Hey, professor (Y/l/n)!" A group of my cheerful students beamed as we passed each other in the hallway. "Hey girls!" I smiled at them before gulping down some coffee. "What's up professor!" One of my athletic students, Liam, fist-bumped me as we passed each other. "Have fun on your trip today, Liam!" I call out behind me, turning around to see Liam flash a smile and nod my way before disappearing through the double doors with a group of friends. I've always had a soft spot for these ki- "Ow!" I yelp as I feel a hard object hit the back of my head causing me to jolt, spilling some of my coffee. Hearing the familiar bouncing sound, I look down to see what exactly it was. A basketball. I groaned, closing my eyes while rubbing the throbbing pain away. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry! I wasn't paying attention. I was throwing the ball and lost control. Are you okay?!" I look at the culprit as he rambles on, profusely apologizing. It was the new professor, Dean Winchester. He was hired before our last semester and soon after, he took over as coach. I had only met him once or twice before. I felt a smile creep across my face as shock took him over. Wide-eyed and breathing heavy, he conveniently grabbed an ice pack out of his pocket and held it to my head. "No! No, you're fine. I'm fine. Don't worry about that. A ball hitting my head woke me up a lot faster than my coffee could ever!" I replaced his hand on the ice pack with mine and laughed, hoping to gain a smile from the nervous professor. Dean stared into my eyes before smiling "Well if that's the case, you're welcome!" Dean beamed, rubbing the back of his head while chuckling nervously. I couldn't help, but notice how beautiful his smile was and how the lines by his eyes crinkled along with it. His eyes were glistening as the light hit them perfectly. I bit my lip as I felt myself getting lost in them. I was having a hard time tearing my eyes away even when his met mine. I felt my body heat rise with every second our eyes remained locked on one another's. "Hey coach, we're ready to roll!" Our attention snapped towards the disembodied voice before we turned back to one another. Feeling my cheeks heat up, I felt myself slipping once again in a trance. "Well have fun on your trip, Dean!" I giggled nervously, waving a small goodbye while walking away as fast as I could.
It's exam week and everyone is stressed. Students sat on the carpeted floors with books, papers, and snacks scattered around them. Students littered the library with piles of books stacked so high that they resembled small mountains. Professors gulped down coffee as they procrastinated, staring at the piles of papers that they had to grade and review by the end of the week as they wondered just how they were going to survive this dreadful week.
Walking down the halls, the stress caused a thick tension in the air. The only sounds to be heard were pages flipping, pens scratching on paper, and the occasional sigh. I smiled at the students as I made my way down the hall in an attempt to gain a smile from at least one hard-working student. Then I saw him. Dean Winchester, the only one walking around with a genuine big smile on his face. His skin radiating with happiness as he said goodnight to every single student. His eyes met mine and I felt my heart flutter. "Have a great night, (Y/n)!" He beamed as he kept walking passed me. "Thank you. You as well!" I replied, biting my lip and turning my head to watch as he continued to walk, but to my surprise, he was already looking at me when I turned around. "Ooh Professor Winchester, get it!" One of the students cooed, others chiming in. "Stop that!" Dean pointed at the students with a smirk forming on his face. I quickly turned and hurried to the parking lot as I felt the heat rise to my face, shifting my bag from shoulder to shoulder. My bag was a lot heavier than usual due to the massive amounts of paperwork that I'd be doing later tonight. When I finally reached my car, I dropped my bag on the floor sighing in relief. Moving my shoulders in hopes of relieving the tension and pain, I noticed an envelope underneath one of the windshield wipers.
"Well it's not a ticket," I mumbled to myself, snatching the envelope before getting into my car. Once I was settled inside of the car, I ripped the plain envelope open. "No way!" I exclaimed as a gift card to my favorite restaurant slipped out of the ripped out notebook paper. Along with the gift card came a note:
I really hope this is your car. If not, please give this to professor (Y/l/n). I’ll owe you one! Exam week sucks. Beer and burgers are on me tonight, beautiful.
It doesn't have to be beer and burgers if you're not into that. You can buy rabbit food if that's what you're into as well. Have a nice dinner!’
Signed with a poorly drawn heart.
I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face and I couldn't shake the curiosity out of my mind. Who could've done this? Who WOULD have done this?
"Seph, did you really do this?" I gasped as I pulled out chocolate milk and a single rose. "Do what?" Persephone looked up to me from her laptop. Once she saw what I was holding, the biggest smile crept across her face. "This! I was just telling you that I wish I had some chocolate milk!" She smirked and then looked back down at her laptop, shaking her head while typing "That was not me, but now we know your secret admirer is a professor or maybe even Dean!" "The Dean would not do this! She doesn't play favorites," I smiled to myself as I held the milk and rose close to my chest.
Walking to the stairs, I twirled the rose around in my hand. "Where'd you find such a beautiful rose?" I turned around to see Dean Winchester behind me."It looks handpicked. Be careful of those thorns," Dean cleared his throat as he mumbled something to himself. "I don't know who keeps giving me these gifts. It was a gift card last week and now this. Persephone said it might be the Dean, isn't that weird?" I laughed it off as I shook my head and continued to twirl the rose. "The Dean? She might be dropping hints about someone," I looked at Dean as he spoke and he turned bright red. "You're doing this?" I gasped, my heart dropping to my feet. "N-no! I didn't. I have to go!" I watched as Dean stormed off into the distance, curiosity taking a toll.
“Woah, that’s one big teddy bear!” Seph gasped before laughing “Your secret admirer struck again, I see,” “Is Dean Winchester here?” I bit my lip and groaned as Persephone began to shake her head. “No, he isn’t in this week. Why?”
I began to tell her how I thought Dean could be behind the gifts and she listened intently, nodding her head every now and then. “But, if he isn’t here then it can’t be him. I probably weirded the poor guy out with my conspiracies,” I sighed, rolling my eyes.
Holding the bear, I noticed the tag clipped to its ear. Opening the tag, I saw a small note:
Rambutan Park
Along with today’s date and time.
I looked at my phone, the time was for thirty minutes from now! Getting up, I hurried to gather my belongings and took off towards the park.
It didn’t take nearly as long as I thought to get there, so I had twenty minutes to spare. It was the normal park scene during lunchtime. Adults sitting around, talking amongst one another as kids ran around laughing and screaming. The park smelled of barbecued food. I looked into the distance and noticed a familiar face, Dean Winchester. He was talking to a taller man, both with a beer in their hand. I bit my lip as I contemplated whether or not I should apologize to him for thinking he was the one doing all of this.
Figuring that I should before the person comes, I start making my way over to Dean and the other man. Dean glanced over at me while he spoke to the man before freezing. The taller man must have taken notice of Dean’s change of demeanor and followed Dean’s gaze to me. A dimpled smile wiped across the taller man’s face. “Hey! I don’t mean to be a bother. I just wanted to apologize for thinking you were the person doing this stuff. I didn’t mean to freak you out!” I took a deep breath as my heart pounded. Dean didn’t say a thing, blink, or move. I chewed on the inside of my lip as I looked from Dean to the taller man who was pursing his lips. “I’m Sam. Sam Winchester. Dean’s little brother. Nice to meet you!” Sam extended his hand out as I gladly shook his hand “I’m (Y/n) (Y/l/n). It’s nice to meet you too. I better get going!” I glanced at Dean one last time who was still standing there with the same expression, nodding to myself I turned around and began walking back to my car. I didn’t dare to look back as I felt the embarrassment creep over me. Looking at my phone, ten more minutes.
Ten minutes turned to nine. Nine to eight. Eight to seven and so on...
No sign of this mystery admirer.
I looked to the big teddy bear in my passenger seat and flipped the tag open once more to confirm that I wasn’t mistaken.
I waited an extra thirty minutes as tears collected in my eyes.
I saw a child pointing in my direction as a concerned parent noticed the tears falling down my face. I waved to them, starting my car, and leaving the property. Kicking myself for even thinking I could actually have someone wanting my attention.
Walking into my lonely apartment, I gazed around my house as my vision blurred with tears. Hot tears spilled down my face as I dropped to my knees in tears, holding the bear close to my chest. I cried out, my body violently shaking as I sobbed hard. Sobbing myself into a numb state, I sat there until the last drops of tears dried on my face.
“Ooh (Y/n)! Another gift,” Seph held up a wrapped present and held it out for me to take. I shook my head “You can keep it. Whoever it was stood me up yesterday. I’m so over this,” I felt the tears starting up again as I saw Dean glance up at me from his laptop. “I’m taking a sick day,” I sniffed as I walked to the Dean’s office to notify her.
The gifts came to a stop.
The hunt came to a stop.
My original routine started up again as I greeted each of my students in the hallway.
Dean and I began saying hello and goodbye to each other once again.
We didn’t talk much besides that unless it was required, but I was okay with that. I am okay with that.
I could hear laughter and loud chatter as I approached the door which was odd for an early Monday morning. I checked my phone to see if maybe I was running late, but no. I was early. I was early enough to have the classroom to myself. Why were they here so early? Opening the door, I see a beautiful bouquet of flowers "Aw, really? You guys are awesome!" I smile as I take a closer look at the flowers. (Y/f/f). My favorite! "Who did this?" I looked over to the sea of smiling familiar faces. "Not us!" "Your secret admirer!" "Someone's crushing on big time, (Y/l/n)!" Hearing the commentary from the class, I heavily sighed. Was it them again?
After the school day was done, I carefully picked up the bouquet. They were placed in a beautiful vase, the paintwork on it was a bit messy and smudged indicating someone had to have painted it. Someone who wasn't usually known for doing artsy stuff like this. Usually, I'd take the stairs, but I wasn't going to risk dropping them and breaking the vase. Especially since everyone is rushing up and down the stairs at this time, so the elevator it is. Patiently waiting, the doors slid open revealing the one and only Professor Winchester. I stepped in and struggled to press the button, trying to balance the vase in one arm. Dean stepped in, gently nudging my hand back "I got it. What floor are you headed to?" "Home! Thank you so much," I carefully lifted the vase higher to securely hold it again. "Same! I'm ready to crack open a beer and eat some burgers," Dean chuckled. Beers and burgers sound familiar, but I nodded as I admired the flowers. "I like the vase. Nice work, huh?" Dean complimented, staring at the steel doors of the elevator. "Yeah! It’s nice," I sighed, chewing my lip.
The doors peeled open as Dean gestured for me to walk ahead of him. I stepped out with him following closely behind me before matching my speed "I can help you to your car. You know, to help load those flowers in," Dean offered with a smile. That smile. "I'd love that. Thank you!" On our way to the car, I had a strange feeling that he knew exactly what car was mine. I slowed my pace as he kept up his, leading me to my car. "My keys are right in my bag," I knit my eyebrows together as he reached his hand to my bag. Paint. Paint that was the exact same color of paint on the vase. A smear of blue on his finger. As he dug for my keys, I tilted the vase to examine the smudge closely. A blue fingerprint. "You're the one who's been doing this?" I gasped as he froze in his place, bent over with his hand in my bag
There was a long moment of silence. My heart sinking with every minute. My palms began to sweat as I waited for Dean to say anything! Dean stood up, taking the vase from my hands while boring his eyes into mine "Yes. Yes, it was me. I didn't know how to tell you that it was me. I’m sorry for leading you on a wild hunt. I’m sorry about the park. For making you cry. It wasn’t my intention. I wanted your attention, but I wasn’t sure what to say or how to ask you to go on a date with me.” 
It was now my turn to invoke the silence. Staring at Dean, I chewed on the inside of my cheek. He gulped hard as he kept his gaze. Sighing, I nodded at him “Be at the restaurant tonight. We can go on an actual date.”
"You did not!"
"I totally did. I really threw the ball at your head on purpose. It's bad I know! Persephone and Sam were both kicking me for that move. I didn't know how to start up a conversation!" Dean laughed, taking another sip from his glass bottle of beer.
"She was in on this?!" I yelled, gaining looks from other diners. Dean and I both shrugged them off and continued laughing amongst ourselves.
"She was. She gave me your schedule too. She told me what chocolate milk to get you. She told me your favorite flowers. She told it all and Sam, my brother, picked out the vase. I-I don't usually do this. I'm not the romantic type, so he was more than willing to help me figure out ways to get your attention without giving you any more brain damage," Dean looked down, shaking his head with the biggest smile on his face.
"I really like you, (Y/N)." Dean looked up at me, his face serious.
Not knowing what to say, I leaned over the table and gave him a quick peck on his lips before sitting back down.
"I'll take that as you like me too?" Dean questioned with a nervous laugh.
"Yes, I do. A lot. This might be the brain damage talking, but I would love to do this again," I bit my lip as I watched him nod to himself.
"I'd love that. Oh before I forget. The present!” Dean reached behind his back and handed me the wrapped present that I told Seph to keep.
Opening it, I saw a picture of Dean and I. The picture was taken during one of the meetings and we were both smiling. The frame read ‘LOVE’ and there was another note:
It is me, Dean. I really like you, (Y/n). I’m sorry for all of the havoc I’ve caused trying to avoid telling you how I feel like an adult. Will you go on a date with me?
My eyes watered as I looked up at him with a big smile “You were going to tell me?” Dean smiled, looking down “No, Seph made me write it. She finished wrapping it as you walked in. I’m sorry again for all of the hurt!” Dean’s eyes became red as he sniffed up the tears.
Taking his hand in mine, I rubbed my thumb along his knuckles. As I watched Dean gain his composure back, I felt myself losing mine as I leaned in for yet another kiss.
Walking down the hallway hand in hand, Dean and I talked about how much of a relief it was that the exams were over. Students would gasp, stare, and cheer as we passed them.
"After all the advice, you didn't even tell me, coach?!" Liam stopped in front of us with a dramatic gasp. "Thank you for telling me which ball to throw at her head, Liam!" Dean rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a smile. “Anytime love birds!” Liam laughed, making his way passed us before I realized just what was said. Turning around, I called out to Liam “You really chose a basketball over any other ball?!” Liam turned around with a shrug, laughing. I watched as Liam turned the corner before turning to Dean “It all worked out though, didn’t it?” Dean smiled big and nodded “It sure did.”
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lyricfulloflight · 5 years
Cherik Bodyguard AU
I have no idea what this fic will be title, but I wanted to share the prologue because...because I’ve been working on the start of three different cherik fics and I just wanted to share at least one of them.
This is a modern, AU, non-powered fic.  Erik is a former military man turned bodyguard, Charles is an actor.  This is the prologue to the main fic.  
Let me know what you think!
Story below the cut.
It took Erik less than five minutes to decide he hated Los Angeles. More specifically he hated rich, entitled, juvenile model/actresses who hosted parties in the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles in the middle of the summer when Erik had to stand outside in 100 degree heat in a suit.  This particular rich, entitled model/actress probably hated him right back, which was fine with Erik.
He had arrived at the sprawling one story, mid-century modern house at the time assigned to him by the Frost Protection Agency: 1pm.  The host of the party, one Raven Darkholme, had answered the door with nothing more than skimpy lingerie and a scowl.  Erik had, according to her, woken her up.  Since she was supposed to be hosting a party that started at 2pm, Erik figured he’d done her a favour.
After muttering a completely insincere ‘Sorry’, Erik brushed passed the half-asleep young woman and started a perimeter check of the property.
It was another forty five minutes before his colleagues showed up.
“You’re late.” Erik said when they entered the backyard.
“Good morning to you too, you grumpy German asshole.” Alex Summers replied with a smirk.
“It’s almost fourteen hundred hours.”  Erik answered flatly. “The party is supposed to start in fifteen minutes.”
“This is Hollywood, Lenhsherr.  No one is going to be here on time, they’ll be at least an hour or two late.  That’s how things work around here.” Alex explained. “You can relax – if that’s even possible for you.”
Erik stared at Alex in silence for a minute and then went back to scanning the completely inadequate fencing around the backyard.
“Have you met my brother, Scott?”  Alex’s voice interrupted.
“This is where you turn around and say hello, Lehnsherr.  They do teach basic social skills in Germany, right?”
Erik scowled and turned around to face the brothers.
“Hello.”  He ground out, extending his hand toward the unfamiliar brother who had darker hair and sunglasses. “Erik Lehnsherr.”
“Scott Summers. Nice to meet you Erik.”  Scott replied with a tense smile. “Haven’t been in California long have you?”
And given the ridiculousness of this day so far, he didn’t plan to stay long either. The basic concept of schedules and timeliness was something Erik was not willing to live without.  He’d only been with the agency for a couple weeks, but fortunately they had offices in several large American cities and even a few in Europe.  Erik had been looking to get as far away from his former life as possible and California had seemed like a worthy prospect for escape.  Clearly it was not.  Luckily he remembered that Ms. Frost had mentioned during his interview they were also looking for new bodyguards in Dallas and New York.  Surely one of those cities had to be better than this.
“The inadequate fencing appears to be the most likely point of entry.”  He stated.
“Have you ever been to one of these parties man?”  Alex asked.
“I’m not at the party, I’m providing security for the party.”  Erik replied stonily.
“Listen, not that you shouldn’t check the perimeter and do all the regular security ‘stuff’”  Alex said sarcastically, making making quotes as he spoke, “but seriously, these parties, they hired us cause they like how it looks.  Tall, strong guys in suits standing around looking dangerous, we’re like...arm candy or something.  You’ll probably spend more time trying to get drunk party goers to leave you alone than you will chasing away threats.  They like the paps, man.  They want their pictures taken.”
“That’s not what the contract said.”
“Screw what the contract said.  A bunch of young almost celebrities who are trading on their good looks and charm?  They want their pictures splashed across magazines and all over the internet.  It’ll help them get their next job.”
“I hate this place.”  Erik muttered, but not quietly enough not to be overheard.
“Yeah, doesn’t seem like your scene.”  Scott nodded. “You should ask Emma if they have openings in Washington or New York.  More politicians and businessmen on contract out there.  Might be a bit more your speed.”
Erik grunted in acknowledgement, clearly Scott was the smarter of the two Summer’s brothers.
The next hour or two passed without issue.  As Alex had predicted, the first guest arrived at the late and complete imprecise time of 3:17pm.  As guests began to trickle in, wearing odd and unusual clothes, Erik had a sinking feeling.  When the hostess, dressed in a green and blue flowy gown that somehow managed to have plenty of fabric and yet cover nothing but the essential bits strutted out to welcome the guests to the party, his fears were confirmed.
“Welcome to my 21st birthday, costume pool party bitches!  Let’s all get plastered!”
Erik winced at the high pitched announcement and the roar of cheers that followed it. Wonderful.  A costume party full of twenty-somethings who wanted to get shit faced and also swim in a pool.  Genius idea.
The following hours were some of the worst of his life, which was saying something as Erik’s life had never been a something to brag about.  He was accosted by no less than a dozen bikini clad girls (he couldn’t call them women since they all looked about fifteen and he was tempted to ask them when their parents were coming to pick them up), had a woman dressed as Cher pinch his ass, and was propositioned by two men, one dressed as a sailor and the other wearing both too much leather and yet not enough clothing in general.
Erik hated this job. He hated California, with its hot, sticky weather.  Most of all he hated these people.  People with nothing in their heads and botox in their faces (even though no one looked a day over thirty) and silicone in their chests. People who thought nothing of invading the personal space of someone who was working, and clearly not attending the party.
At this moment he particularly hated the young man dressed as Tom Cruise from Risky Business, wearing nothing but a button down shirt, sunglasses, tube socks and white briefs, who was currently serenading everyone with a truly terrible rendition of ‘Copacabana’.  Firstly, Erik thought, the man obviously should have been singing ‘Old Time Rock and Roll’, given his costume. Secondly, the man might have been better off singing when he was less drunk. Erik could only hope his voice would have been better and more in tune if he wasn’t quite so sloshed.  And thirdly, it should have been illegal for someone’s ass to look that good in plain white briefs.  Plain white briefs were not sexy, they were practical and unassuming.  But these briefs, with that ass, they assumed a lot, including far too much of Erik’s attention.  Erik found himself thinking quite a bit about how likely it was that someone would push the young man into the pool.  Erik tried to justify his thoughts as concern, concern that the young man, being more than a little drunk might be at risk of drowning if he was unexpectedly pushed into the pool.  Obviously his thoughts had nothing to do with how transparent his entire outfit would be once he emerged from the pool, certainly not.  Erik was a professional and professionals did not think about random party guests in that way.
No one pushed the man into the pool.
For while, Erik lost sight of the man and was able to give the full force of his concentration to patrolling the perimeter of the yard and looking for unwanted, uninvited intruders.  Thank goodness he was looking, because within half and hour of starting his route, he found one nosy paparazzo hiding behind the bushes, gleefully snapping away.  His line of sight the perfect angle to get shots into the flimsy tent where guests were changing into swimming attire.  ‘What a horrible excuse for a human being’  Erik though vaguely before kicking the man’s camera out of his hands and hauling his upwards by the scruff of his shirt.
“Hey man!  Lay off!  I was just doing my job!”  The man scrambled frantically for his camera as Erik dragged him along.
“Your job is to take pictures of unsuspecting women taking their clothes off?”  He bit out through clenched teeth.
“Hey, they’re asking for it man!  They want to be famous!”  He man whined as Erik pushed him toward a mostly discrete side exit.
“I’m quite certain they were not asking for it.”  A crisp cultured voice interrupted before Erik could punch the man in the nose. “There’s no need for violence, my friend.”  The voice spoke again and Erik felt a hand touch his arm, causing him to frown, but relax his arm back down to his side.
Erik turned to find himself face to face with the Tom Cruise costumed man, who sounded considerably less drunk than Erik would have thought based on his earlier behaviour.
“Your film, please.”  The young man said, holding a hand out toward the paparazzo Erik had caught.
“It’s all digital man.”  The man replied smugly.
Erik grabbed the offending camera out of the man’s hands and passed it over to Tom Cruise, or whoever he was.
“Thank you.” Tom (as Erik had decided to think of him for lack of a better option) smiled a brilliant smile up at Erik and happily took the camera.
“Digital they may be,”  Tom said, deleting pictures and removing the memory card, “but they are now gone.  If I ever see you back on my sister’s property again, I will call the police and have you charged for trespassing.”  He turned back to Erik,  his voice now much lighter, friendlier even. “If you would be so kind as to escort this man off the property Mr. …?”
“Lehnsherr.  Mr. Lehnsherr.”  Erik managed to answer.
“Mr. Lehnsherr.  I would be most grateful to never see him again.”
“My pleasure.” Erik smiled, lifting the offensive man high enough that his feet didn’t touch the ground, he started forward moving quickly to haul the man by the house and down the driveway, depositing him on the road outside the front gate.
Erik returned to the party and somehow made it through the last couple of hours of debauchery.  No other intruders were spotted.  Guests continued to drink and a great many people were pushed into the pool.  ‘Tom’ was no where in sight, however.
Erik took to smiling his biggest, most aggressively toothy grin at everyone who came near him, which effectively scared everyone away from his general vicinity.
“Jesus, that’s terrifying.”  Alex commented after a pair of young women had turned and run away from Erik’s latest smile.  “You should never smile, man.  I’ve gotten six phone numbers from these chicks – stop scaring them away.  If you don’t want the phone numbers, I’ll take them.”
Erik scowled, disgusted at Alex’s complete lack of professionalism.  Of course he was scaring them away.  He didn’t want their phone numbers.  The only thing he would admit to wanting, was a name (okay, he likely would have taken a phone number too).  Unfortunately, as the party died down and guests stumbled home, Erik didn’t catch sight of ‘Tom’ once.
The next day he was back at Frost Protection Agency headquarters asking for a transfer. Within the week he was flying to New York.  He had no regrets, he and California were clearly not meant for each other. ‘Tom’ whoever he was would remain a mystery.  Which was fine by Erik.  Mystery Tom was intriguing: a man with some principles, a horrible singing voice, and a fantastic ass.  ‘Tom’ is real life would no doubt have been a disappointment, as people almost always were.
So Erik did what he did best: he compartmentalized and pushed ‘Tom’ into a nice little box and stored him away in the recesses of his mind.  Now, was the time for New York.  He sat on the plane, in a cramped economy seat and pulled out the file on his next assignment.
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
So, in true Nesha fashion, I’m gonna go a little bit in a direction that I’m unsure of whether or not it’s what is being sought out, but my interpretation of the prompts. Idk if I’ll keep up with it this week. We’ll see what type of feedback I get about today’s… Which… Anybody paying any attention to me will know that Fluff is not my ministry, but I’ll give it a try. Here is my premise: I am going to take the AU universes that I put out last week and give y’all a drabble for each with this week’s concepts. At least, that’s my goal. So, here goes.
Fantasy  ♡ Full Moon Over Swellview
Jasper handed out Valentines’ cards to everyone in the school that he knew. A lot of people were EXTREMELY happy to get them, to Charlotte’s surprise. They were 16 years old. Who the heck cared about Valentines’ Day Capitalism? Apparently everyone but her. Henry had even made himself a little business on the side, accepting flower gram orders for $3, since the high school didn’t do them anymore after a budget crisis that Captain Man caused.  Charlotte found it appalling that Henry would profit off of a service that he was at leas partially responsible for the school having to give up, but… who was she gonna tell but he and Jasper? Nobody knew that Henry was Kid Danger, and she valued that secret. She’d SOONER tell them that he was a vampire. She wouldn’t tell either.
Whenever she got to her locker, she found a red sack attached to it and sighed, opening it up and looking inside. It was some type of scroll. Trusting no one, she glanced around and when she was convinced that the coast was clear, scanned it to be certain it wasn’t a set up of dark forces. It was just from Jasper. She laughed and opened it. An invitation to a Valentine’s Day dinner. She tossed the scroll and the sack into her locker and yelped when she turned around and Henry was there with a bouquet. “Hey! I got you some flowers!” He said. She put her hand over her heart. “There are A LOT of people who like you. Never would’ve guessed.” She took them and stuffed them in her locker, not even bothering to glance at the cards that went with them. “Wow. So playa,” Henry said, impressed.
“I HATE these aspects of Valetines’ Day!” she complained. “You know… it wasn’t even initially candy and card sales. It was a love lottery for fertility. We should be banging, if we really want to celebrate.”
“I have no problems with that,” he said. She threw him a look. “It’s all in good fun. NOTHING that we celebrate has it’s original meanings. Well… I mean, the rest of us. You’re probably gonna Pagan the heck out of today, huh?”
“No, not really, but I did make something for Jasper, because of the whole  Lupercalia lore.” She could tell from Henry’s face that he had no idea what she was talking about, so she gave him the quick notes, “Old Pagan custom is kinda a part of werewolf history.”
“So, I made him these little Romulus and Remus, feeding on the She Wolf.” Henry’s eyes were wide in confusion. “He will maybe know what it represents and probably like it!” She snapped and slammed her locker. “This holiday is stupid, anyway! Who spends all the time and money that people spend on these things for high school relationships? None of the couples that you unethically charged for flower grams are gonna last.”
“You are the Scrooge of Valentine’s Day,” Henry commented.
“I am the Scrooge of any observation that the Christians stole and remarketed when they were traveling the world killing people for being unbelievers. No offense to the ones that just go to church and go home until they die, but let’s be very factual about how much history and culture that religion has taken and ruined! And in the name of such a progressive miracle working practitioner!”
“How about this? Forget the Christians stealing it and making it about cards and candy and just look at it as a night to get to pet Jasper’s belly and scratch behind his ears by candlelight. That’s what I’m doing.” Henry said. “Nobody hates Christianity more than the vamps. We literally will burst into flames at a crucifix wielded with enough holy hate.” She laughed at the phrase “holy hate.” But… that was a good way to take her mind off of things.
The truth was that a lot of warrior witches lead lonely lives. Battling the evils that defied nature, the ones that misuse nature for their dark purposes, and so on… That almost guaranteed that she couldn’t get close to people, make many friends, or fall in love. The fact that these normals were always “falling in love” only to throw it away in a few months and still made an entire DAY of it was irritating to behold. They took so much for granted all of the time and she was frequently sick of it. But, if she was gonna spend time with her friends, that was at least cool.
Jasper made a setting in the Man Cave for the three of them. He’d of course invited both of the “loves of his life” to this Valentine’s Day event, set the table with stuff that the three of them loved and decorated the place with red and hearts. He got them into their seats and then took his own. “So… I hope that everybody enjoys everything. I wanted to treat you both to something special, because I love both of you and I know that neither of you believe that you’ll ever find love, (both Henry and Charlotte began to try to argue with that assessment) whether or not either of you will admit it. But, I love you both. So, Happy… Day of Love.” He didn’t want to say the “V” word around Charlotte and start a tangent.
“Charlotte’s got a present for you, Dude.” Henry said, reaching out to adjust the bouquet that Jasper had placed in the center of the table. It needed a little bit of work. Jasper looked at Charlotte, excitedly. The “wagging his tail look,” she thought of it as, because if he was in wolf form, she knew that he would be.
“Yeah… It’s probably stupid. You might not even like it, just in observance of this time of year, I made this little display…” She reached into her satchel and pulled out something wrapped in a red fabric. “Actually made from 100% Jasper hair and fur… also wood, from a very sacred tree, to my family… and some crystals that I… had…” She was TRYING not to blabber, because that made the gift even more important, she realized with everything that she said.
He was now looking at the unwrapped thing. Twin boys with hair like his suckling on a lady wolf with twinkling eyes and the word Lupercalia carved into the base. “This is the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever given me,” he said in a small voice. “I love it… and you!” He gave her a hug and a kiss and set it on the table, near the bouquet. “I’m gonna cherish this forever.”
“Henry, I also got YOU a gift!” Henry gasped. He honestly hadn’t expected one! She was SO against it, and as far as he knew, there were no vampire ties to this holiday, and even if there were, she was still pretty anti-vampire, no matter how much she tried to accept him, personally. She pulled out a jewelry box and he opened it to see a glass vile, attached to a necklace with symbols. “Is… is this YOURS?” He asked.
“Yes.” It was super forbidden in her practice to offer her blood to a vampire. Vampires would drain witches dry and discard all remains, in order to keep safe from possible attacks. So, for her to offer it to him was a huge show of faith, and huge sign of love. He rushed to give her a hug and a kiss too, then she helped him put it on. He was never going to take it off.
She wondered, “Did you two get each other anything special?”
Jasper shrugged and said, “I have a pitcher of blood on the table for the feast.
Henry said, “I got him some of those Valentines Day chew toys from the pet store.”
“You two are SO romantic,” she said sarcastically. They laughed, then everybody paused when Ray came in, dressed like cupid and setting food on the table. Charlotte shook her head and said, “Nope.” Then got up from the table.
“Charlotte! You can’t leave now. It’s the feast time! We can do fertility stuff if you want!” Henry called.
“Ray is in a little toga with wings! A LINE HAS BEEN CROSSED!” Truth be told, she was filled up with emotion from everything that had taken place. She just needed to breathe for a moment. Did she wanna see Ray in a toga? Absolutely the entire heck not. But... she was never gonna say that she wasn’t 100% against “doing fertility stuff” with her boys. She blushed, glad that none of them could hear her thoughts.
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wilay14 · 6 years
Adventures in Seoul
I think I have always made clear how much I like f(x), particularly Krystal (don’t get me wrong, I still do), but recently my feelings have started to shift. This happened ever since I got the chance to meet Luna, almost 3 weeks ago.
Coincidentally, she was performing in the reprise of the musical adaptation of Gone With the Wind, playing the role of Scarlett O’Hara. I remembered watching the movie a long time ago, and figured that even without knowing enough Korean, I’d still be able to follow the story... So after much pondering and pretty much almost giving up on going to watch Luna perform, I managed to book a ticket to see her last performance on July 25th.
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A lot happened and I was about 10 min late tp the show, so I had to wait outside for a bit before they let me in. Spent the first half of the play on a seat located in the last row. Luckily, the theater was built in a way that even being in that spot, it was still possible to view the stage quite well, so it wasn’t too bad.
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After the show, which was quite entertaining, considering I couldn’t understand much of what was being said, I was about to head back to where I’m staying (my “home” for the time being, I guess?) when I spotted a group of about 20 people from afar.
It was pretty late already, but I decided to stick around in hopes I could at least catch a glimpse of Luna and maybe even take a photo OF her (not WITH her cause I am unworthy lmao).
Anyway, we probably waited for about 20-30 min before she came out, and she just started taking selfies with the people who asked for one. I haven’t had the chance to meet that many celebrities, but I know there are people who won’t even acknowledge their fans, so I was pleasantly surprised.
Then, she just walked right into the center of the mini mob we had formed, and started talking with us almost as if we had known each other since forever; as well as saying hi to the fans she managed to recognize. Among the presents she got from some of them, there were several bouquets and expensive-looking cakes and desserts. She seemed pleased. She was also signing autographs for everyone.
The whole 30 minutes we were there, in the heat, surrounded by what sounded hundreds of cicadas being as noisy as ever, I couldn’t stop trembling. It felt like a dream, or maybe even a hallucination.
I hadn’t prepared anything for her to sign -hell, I wasn’t even planning to wait for her-, and I just so happened to have  marker with me. I originally wanted her to sign my passport, and after googling if it was okay to do that only to find out it could get me in trouble, I took the next best thing I had with me at the time; the envelope where my ticket was given to me the day before. A fan from either Taiwan or China told me to move forward if I wanted an autograph. She was carrying a big camera, so I figured she must be one of the few fansites left supporting only Luna. She was nice, but I didn’t even get to ask for her name.
I still kept my passport out to show her how to spell my name, and for her to see where I came from (Mexico). She seemed surprised, and spoke to me in English (basic stuff, cause I’ll later come to realized she’d always said it’s not something she’s good at).
I still wonder if she could notice my legs about to give in due to nervousness. I also wonder how many times she’s seen that before haha.
Anyway, I found my entry permit inside my passport and circled my name, to show it to her so she could sign my envelope -right after our less than memorable conversation-; I only managed to point at the circled word, while she doubtingly asked me in Korean “this one?” to which I just nervously nodded, almost embarrassed.
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I was so close to her it honestly still doesn’t feel real. I managed to snap a few shots of her with my shitty phone, thoughn most of them look super LQ or blurry haha.
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Anyway, she stayed with us for about 30 minutes, even though her manager had arrived a while ago and was waiting for her to wrap it up so they could leave. Her family was already in the car. She also talked about her upcoming SMTOWN performance, only I didn’t understand it at the time lol. I completely forgot her birthday was coming up soon.
Fast-forward to a couple weeks later, I see the announcement about the application period and guidelines for her birthday party. I apply to BOTH of them and, being the unlucky fuck I am, don’t get selected for either one. I was bummed, but had made up my mind to at least go to the SM building, cause they had mentioned there was a slight possibility of getting in if people canceled last minute.
I got there like 2 hours before it started and, sure enough, people were starting to arrived; waiting until after 5 was nerve-wracking, to say the least.
My Korean is barely starting to pick up, so I can’t have conversations with people. Then again, being one of the more evident foreigners present, they quickly identified me and knew I had no “invitation”. She arrived probably about 20 min before it started, I recognized the van from last time.
Anyway, by the time the selected people had entered, only a girl and I were left. She had been selected, but forgot to bring a copy of Free Somebody with her; without it she wasn’t allowed inside either. She noticed I had brought mine with me, and desperately tried to buy it off from me. I didn’t bulge cause she didn’t have any cash with her at that moment, but I was pretty close to telling her to just take it; I just felt bad because she was about to cry.
Then another girl arrived and a staff member came out and told us to wait a little after 5, and MAYBE they could let us in. Spoiler Alert: they did.
I was number 102/100 haha.
They rushed us inside and quickly sat us at the back, and gave us each a balloon with the Free Somebody logo on it. I was almost next to the camera with which they recorded the video uploaded on f(x)’s official FB page and instagram account. There was a smaller camera too, so I suspect Luna was also recording for her Youtube Channel.
It was a fun party, and I was able to confirm once again how charming Luna’s personality is. I guess this is why they used to call her Vitamin. She kept saying “sorry” with a perfect accent as a comedic relief whenever she did/say anything dumb.
We also got to see the birthday messages from Victoria, Amber and Krystal. Luna started tearing up and her manager had to bring her tissues. She suggested to him we should all record a message for the 3 of them, telling them we love them, and so we did. There wasn’t a lot of space for the manager to set the right angle, so there’s a chance I’m not even featured in it.
We sang happy birthday and she answered some questions. Then there was a lottery among the selected people where they got signed balloons and polaroids with her.
When it was over, roughly an hour or so later, she said she had a surprise for us; she had taken the time to handwrite and sign 100 cards for the attendees. I was given one even though I wasn’t supposed to get anything. I’m glad I did. This marks the second autograph I get from her.
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She is a gift that keeps on giving. She’s also super talented and overall such a nice, awesome person; she does hands-on charity work whenever her schedule allows her to. She supports Animal Rights as well as Female Rights; she’s done campaigning for both in the past. 
I really wish more people could see that. I really wish more people could support her, especially her music, which as of lately, is all self-composed and just SO GOOD. 
She deserves the world, and she’s been working her ass off for it. She’s being criticized for an infinity of things. She’s been through a lot since debuting, and finally she’s able to do what she likes most, which is singing/performing. I’m just so glad I became a MeU, and I’ll keep supporting her as much as I’m able to, for as long as I can. 
Please give Luna -Park Sunyoung- a chance to captivate you the way she has done with me, all in the span of these past few weeks.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 26-27: Marik Also Tries Mind-Crushing, Except Literal and With A Very Large Storage Unit
Ah, Yugioh, where two children are possessed by ghosts and two other children are possessed by just some guy named Marik.
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He’s still pretty sure he has a plan. To be honest, at this point it just seems like he’s desperate, but I have to hand it to Marik, that he’s doing more than just relying on a spooky golden maraca thing he keeps in the side pocket of his cargo pants. Something that a lot of shows do really wrong with villains (pointing fingers directly at My Hero Academia while I’m typing this) is that they rely too much on their fancy looking superpowers to show they’re a bad guy. It’s fine to have super powers but you gotta back it up with making sure you’re throwing your heroes into a psychological nightmare--at least once.
At least once, MHA, it is Season 3. Please. You have such a huge budget and the best animators in the world. Please. I beg of you.
Yugioh, on the other hand is like...when WON’T we be in a psychological nightmare?
And so Marik has decided, after the bandsaw murder clown incident, the blown up skyscraper 100 story fall to your death incident, and the spooky mime incident, that he was ready to just really go to town on effed up villain stuff today. It’s time to pull all the stops. He’s got Yugi’s BFF’s all ready to turn on Yugi, he’s got an abandoned shipyard...for some reason...
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All in all, as much as I rat on Marik, I very much appreciate that he didn’t monologue in some Mahjong bar for twelve episodes about all the reasons he wants to do evil stuff, he just goes out and does it. Let me rephrase, he just goes out and makes other people do it, but at least someone is doing something in every episode. Can’t say that about all the TV I watch.
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You do have to hand it to him he never does the same plan twice.
(read more after the cut)
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So, spotting Joey from afar, Kaiba lands his helicopter dangerously close to him, and just walks out unarmed, his smallest brother standing next to him. Mokuba is still taking everything in from last episode apparently and he’s just really confused most of the time as Joey starts going off about himself in the third person to Yugi.
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And Seto decides to just watch? He doesn’t call for help, he doesn’t use his crazy amount of leverage, and he doesn’t do the smart thing which would be to run the hell away, he just kinda soaks this all in and has decided that he lives here now.
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So, Marik, who can do a lot of the dark magic stuff Pegasus and Bakura have showed us, decides to instead go old school and forgo magic for most of this fight (other than some possession of course.)
Like I said before, if you’re gonna write a villain, they gotta get in your hero’s head a bit. It’s villain 101. Should it ever go as far as a Yugioh villain on kid’s TV? I mean proooobably not necessary? But something this episode does is show that a villain does not need superpowers. All they need, is to test your hero’s greatest insecurities to the breaking point, which is something Marik does really well, and surprisingly a lot of shows I don’t need to mention, because I already have, don’t do. They kinda rely on “well he’s got evil powers, so he’s evil and they punch a lot” while not understanding that it was never the powers that gives a show that tension that villains bring.
Like, Yugioh does a lot of things wrong, but surprisingly, they know how to write a clearly evil villain who’s just overheard that Yugi’s big thing is this bond of friendship--which is really childish--but he goes with it anyway. So he makes this bizarre Joker-like card game scenario that is based on breaking those friendship connections. But leave it to Yugioh to have something really pure in theory but in practice turn into this screwball nightmare. Yugioh is kind of like a really simple chocolate cake but there’s a tire on it and it’s on fire.
I will say, it is odd that Seto got dragged here into the friendship battle, as he is the worst friend. So now he also gets to go through friend torture with some school mates he occasionally has class with. TBH, I don’t think Seto has even realized yet that he has also been 100% abducted since the moment he walked off that helicopter. Seto lives in a nice denial place.
So lets go over Marik’s Big Plan #7.
First, off you gotta put on these shackles, seen here:
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I feel like Shackles are this seasons Maze Labyrinth. I mean I guess Yugi’s shackled to his destiny? Or at least the destiny of the ghost he’s attached to? Anyway, so many shackles this season.
And then these shackles and chains are connected to Joey as well as this anchor we see here:
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What nice symbolism to illustrate that Yugi’s friendship will drag everyone he knows along with him--as it has for the past 2 seasons. Not really a big spoiler for everyone involved in this battle.
And then this was a thing Marik added just for kicks, which can be symbolic, too, but I don’t feel like diving into it:
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I actually never thought these two would actually cancel a game. Mokuba decided against blowing his whistle at it though, he decided it was probably too late for that. Aaaaaand it was:
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Yo, how do you sneak up on people with a 70 ft crane?
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Honestly I was surprised that Seto cared enough about Tea to not move, but I guess he couldn’t kill Tea in front of Mokuba. And I dunno, Seto and Tea never really talk to eachother, so I guess I’ve never noticed that he thinks she’s decent enough to continue existing. He might like her better than anyone else on this show other than Mokuba. And I’m not saying that to ship them, although I’m sure it’s a fine ship sailing around out there, I’m just saying that it is notable when Kaiba accepts that someone else besides a Kaiba deserves to live.
And then one last touch:
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I guess no one told Marik that Tea and Yugi aren’t actually dating? I mean how much would it suck to go on one date with a guy and then all of a sudden you’re dealing with all of his villains?
Accurate, actually, that is exactly how dating works. You go one date and then you casually run into him in an elevator and then all of a sudden he’s like “So my ex fiance took me to court over the engagement ring and it’s so unfair that I can’t get that money back when she’s gonna marry this other guy she’s only known for a month anyway.” and it’s like “You were engaged?”
But, for his credit, 2 weeks later I needed a date, called him up, and he was like “Sorry, I’m in the hospital because I got an ulcer removed because apparently there’s too much stress in my life pulling these allnighters for my classes, and my car died and it’s gonna cost 2k to fix it, and then my ex fiance visited me in the hospital which was hella weird because my Dad is here. Anyway I got a tube down my pee hole and it was the worst pain I’ve felt in my life including the ulcer they removed from my gut. But I dunno. When’s the date?” and I just assumed he was pranking me but turns out, the next day, my teacher confirmed the kid was in the hospital and as high as balls.
Anyway, Pharaoh isn’t the worst person in the world to date, I guess.
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It’s nice that Yugi was able to find all of his accessories in blue leather and silver rivets.
The duel begins, everyone cries, except for Tea who’s just screaming from the sidelines that Joey needs to remember how much he loves Yugi. She reminds him to think of the experiences they’ve shared and it was like oh boy maybe skip the part where you bullied Yugi to to hell and then he got cursed with a ghost that lives in his body.
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TBH, I feel like it would be bad to introduce Serenity to the fray? Like if I were Marik I’d be like “woah get Joey’s sister out of here, that’s gonna snap him out of it.” but it’s not like Marik gets the whole family love thing anyway, living with Ishizu.
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In case you were wondering, yes Mokuba actually tried to explain to Tea what was going on, so the show went over what the hell was going on I want to say like 3 times. Which is something you kinda have to do when you’ve turned your card game into Mousetrap.
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And so this is where the episode ended, and I was capping along and felt like this could be a two parter post for this weekend, so why not? Lets continue.
Ah, and it starts out with Marik on a boat.
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That boat gets mysteriously bigger and bigger every time it shows up. How many Rare Hunters are there? Like 10? And do they have to rent an apartment on this boat, like how does this all work? And if they do rent an apartment on the boat, who’s cooking? Like Marik, obviously is not a cook since he’s a living disaster, but I want to know more about boat life. Did Bandit Keith ever make them a crunchwrap supreme? Is one of the Rare Hunters always playing Wonderwall? Do they tan on the bow? Why would this boat ever need to be this big?
And I know this isn’t any of the Yugioh spinoff shows, but if I were to write one it would absolutely be Marik’s Boat Life. That would be the name.
Anyway, Yugi decides to fly over Pharaoh’s shoulder like a little angel. It’s been kind of a while.
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So like it’s foreshadowed pretty strongly that Yugi’s decided “why even bother, Pharaoh, we don’t need your card talent today. At least my life will end as I lived, short and very awkward”
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On the other side of town, Tristan has to go up a group of these Rare Hunters, and from everything we know about Tristan, this shouldn’t be so difficult? Like he punched out Bakura and threw Double Spike Mullet over his shoulder at one point, but unfortunately, punches don’t seem to work. But do you know what does?
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I completely forgot Duke Devlin was a character in this show. Surprised he’s not in this competition, but apparently his game he’s making alongside Pegasus is really panning out--which is kind of effed up because Pegasus is a murderer. But youknow...I guess that everyone in the show decided to overlook that?
Whatever, I spent an entire episode trying to understand that, lets get back to the friendship plot line. Yugi decided to play a card that lets Joey take a card from Yugi’s hand, which gives him an opportunity to show Joey’s dragon. But will Joey overcome Marik and take this very good card to use on Yugi? (bro just corrected me and told me this card is actually not good but wtv)
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He takes a different card. Friendship triumphs over...this card that I should know more about but I don’t watch the card games so I’m just gonna wing it here.
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And then Yugi plays it anyway, and the music swells and it’s meaningful again.
Because the Red Eyes is connected with his heart now. Not sure when that happened exactly but it apparently happened at some point.
Seriously, when did this happen? I ask a lot of questions rhetorically but feel free to answer that one. Did I miss something? S1 this card was just kinda there.
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Pharaoh, sensing that Yugi has very well lost his mind and will be absolutely hit by a fireball, decides to take over. Remember that the last time Yugi got hit with a fireball, he passed out pretty much before it hit him. And then he died. Yugi died last time a fireball hit him (I’m pretty sure that was a fireball in the Pegasus fight? It feels like years ago). Mind, that was a shadow duel, but apparently that doesn't matter this season because all the cards are real and no one cares that this is a very big problem.
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Pharaohs legs are either three times the size of his torso OR they’re wearing extremely high waisted pants. Both scenarios are good.
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And he gets hit in the face with a fireball.
And doesn’t pass out. Good for him. He is about 15% alive though, Yugi is basically going to die if he gets hit with another fireball. Like his lifepoints still say 1000 but it takes him like ten minutes to walk all the way around this pier and give Joey this:
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Luckily, Marik as Joey plays cards so slowly, that the ten minute walk was still shorter than a single turn in Yugioh.
Also this is a thing? Just anyone can put that on?
so this whole time anyone could have been wearing the ring to Mordor? Just anyone? OK then.
Anyway, next week, on Yugioh:
Does Marik have any lag on that superpower of his, because I feel like it would make this show make some more sense on his part? Did the mime just walk home? If they all did die this way--not saying the will or won’t because they’ve died so many times now, but if they DID--weirdest way to die, amiright?
And if you’ve stumbled onto this blog which is halfway through S2, let me direct you to this handy link, which gives you all the recaps in chronological order from S1
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