#increase % by at least 5 for each extra property
ligbi · 10 months
is anyone else in a field that feels like climbing up a falling ladder?
went to school for MIS (computer science but less programming more business) graduated 14. First job 15-18, another 19-20, and then 21-23. every time I job hunt I see positions that I had seen before but the amount they offer seems so much lower than they had offered? sysadmin seems like a position I could have sword was averaging 120k/year in 18, and now I'm seeing a listing for not even 60k.
I know every job is working their employees to the bone for as little as they can get away with while the world burns down but god you do everything right- go to school, go local to keep loans low, get a degree in something that can pay you instead of something you like- and you still get screwed
we need universal healthcare, ubi, and a fix to the housing crisis, as well as making all jobs 30hours 1.5x for any hours post that, and capping maximum pay (15x the lowest paid employee's salary is extremely generous. 30k for employees? You still get almost half a mil a year you greedy fucks)
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Electric Gittern
Wondrous item, rare ___ This instrument is strung with the gut of a behir, causing it to crackle with electricity whenever it’s played. If you’re proficient with lutes, you’re considered proficient with the gittern. The gittern has 8 charges and regains up to 4 expended charges daily at dawn, or all expended charges if it’s been played for at least 1 hour since the last dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the gittern breaks in half with a sad, off-key whine, and its magic is lost. The gittern has the following properties. If you’re not proficient with the gittern and use one of its properties, you have a 50 percent chance to take lightning damage equal to half the amount dealt by it. 𝙂𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣 𝙎𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙝. This instrument can be used as a magic greatclub. On a hit, a target takes an extra 1d4 lightning damage from the attack. 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚. As an action, you can strum the gittern and expend 4 of its charges to send a bolt of lightning from it in a line that’s 60 feet long and 5 feet wide. Any creature within the line must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 6d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. 𝙏𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙚. Whenever you deal lightning damage using the gittern, you can immediately use your reaction to play a final, climactic chord. When you do, you can expend up to 4 of the instrument’s charges: for each expended charge, the initial lightning damage is increased by 1d8. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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prismatic-glow · 2 months
Arlecchino kit explanation - how do you even play her?
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Hello everyone! I hope your pulls have gone well. Unfortunately, I lost my 50/50 to Dehya but I don't really mind bc now I have guaranteed for Sigewinne. Just look at her ya'll she's actually so adorable T-T
Arlecchino came out yesterday and she has got one novel of a kit so I'm here to break things down for you
Starting off with her normal attacks! She has a 6 hit combo. After dealing damage with her charged attack, you can keep holding the button to move around quickly for a little bit. This drains a ton of stamina but might prove to be useful for quickly getting around the battlefield.
Now, onto her skill. I'll be breaking down each individual thing it does to make it less complicated to explain
Deals 2 hits of Pyro damage
Enemies hit will gain a mark for 30 seconds that deals Pyro damage twice
When Arleccino uses a charged attack/elemental burst, she will "absorb" any of the aforementioned marks nearby. Each mark absorbed grants her a (65%) bond of life (I'll be abbreviating this as BOL to make things easier for me)
These marks gain a few extra properties from her 1st talent
After an opponent that has been marked is defeated, Arleccino gains a large BOL (130%)
When an enemy's mark has been on them for 5+ seconds, the BOL gained from absorbing the mark gets increased (65% -> 130%)
Next up, her burst. It does a few different things
Clears nearby marks
Deals Pyro damage
Heals herself
Clears the CD of her skill
The healing is based off of her ATK and current BOL
Now, what do her BOLs even do? This information can be found under her normal attacks
Gains a Pyro infusion (BOL must be at least 30%)
Normal attack damage is increased based off of ATK and current BOL
Hitting an opponent with a normal attack consumes a portion of her current BOL as well as reduce her skill cooldown
And finally, her two other passives
Gains all elemental and physical res based on her attack
In combat, Arlecchino can only receive healing from her own elemental burst. In exchange, she gains 40% Pyro damage while in combat
So, to explain it all in just a few sentences, Arlecchino's skill marks enemies with a mark that can be cleared using her charged attack or burst. Clearing the mark grants her a bond of life that can infuse her attacks with Pyro. Using these Pyro attacks will decrease the current bond of life value, as well as her skill's cooldown. Arlecchino can only be healed from her own burst, an ability that also deals Pyro damage and resets her skill's CD.
I hope this guide was helpful! I might release a build guide for her soon if I feel up for it. If you have any questions, let me know! As always, asks are open.
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ayuvyaayurveda5 · 11 months
Dealing with period pain just became easy
Fatigue, hormonal imbalance and weight disorders are part and parcel of a woman’s life, for some women it is due to a stressful environment  or a myriad of processed products we consume on a daily basis without knowing about it. With this comes period pains which are unbearable and makes life ten times more difficult for us. And period cramps while normal can be a hindrance to your daily activities at times, each month this unannounced guest has the potential to interfere with any major event you have planned or your daily activities. To say the least it is not an ideal situation!
Even though It’s common to feel discomfort around your abdomen, lower back, and thighs when you’re menstruating, it is still uncomfortable to say the least. During your period our womb's muscles tense and relax to aid in shedding extra lining. Cramps can occur occasionally and indicate that your muscles are active. Some folks might also go through other problems during their time of the month which includes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea  etc.
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Some reasons due to which some women experience intense period pain include; heavy menstrual flow, having your first child, women under the age of 20 or girls who just started their periods and the reason could also be an overproduction of or sensitivity to prostaglandins,a compound which influences your uterus.
For mild to temporary cramps, some home remedies can help provide relief. But you need something more than that to alleviate the pain in the long run for an uninterrupted life. FizzHer an ayurvedic tablet for period pain is made just for that it regulates your hormone level and assuages any kind of menstrual pain, not only that it regulates hormones and and takes care of irregular periods.
Composition of FizzHer by Ayuvya
It has Balya property which helps to reduce weakness and improves energy level in females
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Safed Mulsi 
By maintaining female hormones such as estrogen, Safed Mulsi ensures timely menstruation
Ashoka helps in managing menstrual problems in women; such as heavy, irregular and painful periods
Kumari powder promotes a positive menstrual health by keeping regular menstrual cycles in check. It also keeps natural hormone levels in check
Ashwagandha promotes a healthy response and reduces cortisol levels which helps in PCOS.
Shatavari helps in improving levels of antioxidants in the body and improves menstruation as well as helps with problems related to infertility
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Benefits of using FizzHer regularly
1. Reduces period pains
2. It helps regulate your periods
3. It helps regulate your hormones
4. Helps reduce fatigue and boosts energy levels
5. Helps reduce menopausal symptoms’ 
6. Helps detoxify your body in a natural way
7. Helps in alleviating PCOD symptoms
How and when to take FizzHer?
Step 1- Drop one tablet in 200 ml of water
Step 2- Wait till the tablet dissolves in the water
Step 3- Enjoy the healthy drink
Yes, it is that easy to regulate your hormone level!
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Tips to follow along with taking FizzHer everyday
Healthy Diet – Along with FizzHer a healthy diet is a must. Your diet should be nutritious, balanced and full of fruits and vegetables, with preferred seasonal fruits. This would help maintain your insulin levels and manage your hormones well in combination with FizzHer.
Daily Exercise- Sedentary lifestyle is as bad as toxins for someone struggling with PCOS. So, to assuage the symptoms one is recommended to do at least 20-30 minutes of yoga or exercise. For high energy and dopamine release an active body is a must!
Go through your periods without constant interruptions of period-cramps and have a healthy period with increased energy level and a new vigour for life naturally with Ayurvedic tablets for period pain. Enjoy life to the fullest without with no pain and no fuss! 
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sunsolarcompanyau · 1 year
Home Solar Electric System
Home Solar Electric System reduce homeowners’ dependence on electricity from the grid, which is often sourced from fossil fuels that produce harmful greenhouse gases. With smart management options, a solar system can also increase a property’s resale value.
A solar power system consists of 5 key components — including solar panels, an inverter, an electric meter and more. Read on to learn more about each.
Solar Panels
The large black solar panels you see on homes and businesses are made up of multiple silicon semiconductors that absorb the sun’s energy and create an electric current. The resulting electricity is then passed through wiring to your home’s electrical system.
A specialized meter monitors the flow of electricity in and out of your home. Depending on your home’s energy usage and state incentives, you may be able to offset your electric bill or eliminate it completely.
Your monthly power consumption is listed on your utility bill as a kilowatt-hour (kWh). To generate enough energy to eliminate your electric bill, you’ll need between 25 and 35 solar panels, depending on your household’s average daily kWh usage.
Homes with plenty of direct sunlight receive the most benefit from a solar system. The roof should be south-facing and free of obstructions, such as trees or buildings. Solar panels also work best on a flat roof.
Electrical Panel
The solar panel absorbs sunlight using photovoltaic cells, which convert the light into direct current (DC) electricity. This DC power charges the battery or flows to an inverter, where it is converted into alternating current (AC) electricity that powers household appliances and lights.
If a system is grid-tied, any extra power that isn't used by your home is sent to the utility grid, where you can earn credits on your next bill through a process called net metering. You can also build a bigger system and go off-grid, reducing or eliminating your electricity bills altogether.
You can also add an Energy Storage System (ESS), which allows you to store the extra electricity that isn't used by your house during the day and use it at night, a backup for emergencies or when your solar panels aren't producing. Learn more about the benefits of adding an ESS to your solar electric system by getting connected with a trusted Energy Advisor.
While solar panels are certainly the star of the show, they can’t work without other components like inverters and meters. Electric meters are especially important for solar because they keep track of energy consumption and how much electricity your home is generating.
All grid-tie solar systems require a bi-directional utility meter, which keeps track of the power your solar system pushes back to the grid and the electricity you pull from the grid. In areas with net metering, the utility credits your account for the excess solar electricity you send to the grid and uses that credit to offset the power you draw from the grid at night or on cloudy days.
Electricity generated by your solar panel system flows through the inverter into your existing service panel. From there, it's distributed throughout your home to power everything from lights to the hairdryer.
Backup Generator
The power produced by a solar system can help reduce your electricity costs by offsetting rising energy prices. And with the availability of net metering, homeowners can even sell extra energy back to their utility company.
Usable energy flows to your home from the panels through an inverter, which converts DC to AC power to power appliances and fixtures. Some people choose to go off-grid and build a larger solar system big enough to run their entire household without utility connections, or they may pair their system with battery storage to provide them with the ability to use their solar energy at night or during cloudy weather.
Backup generators use gas to make electricity and emit carbon monoxide when running, so they must be kept at least ten feet away from windows, doors, vents, and the prevailing wind. Most people choose to have a manual transfer switch or automatic switch that automatically detects outages, swaps between the solar system and the utility line as needed, and then returns the generator to standby mode when the grid comes up again.
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v-l-d-s · 1 year
Journeyman Properties
If a masterwork property increases or decreases a weapon’s damage, it is  moved up or down one step on the following scale, down to a minimum of 1d4:
1d4 → 1d6 → 1d8 → 1d10 → 1d12 or 2d6
Further increases add a +1 bonus to the weapon’s damage roll. If the weapon being modified has 2 damage dice (such as a greatsword or a  firearm), the scale is instead:
2d4 → 2d4 + 1 → 2d6 → 2d6 + 1 → 2d8 →2d8 + 1 → 2d10 → 2d10 + 1 → 2d12
WEAPONS - You can apply only one Journeyman property to a weapon at a time. You can’t apply a Journeyman property to a weapon that already has one.
COUNTERWEIGHTED Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork exotic weapon with the Two-Handed property You can wield this weapon in one hand, as long as you don’t have a weapon in your other hand.
DOUBLE Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon that doesn’t have the Heavy property This weapon gains the Double property and its damage die decreases by one step: This weapon has two damage-dealing ends. When you use the Attack action and make an attack with this weapon, you can use your bonus action to make an additional attack with it; you don’t add your ability modifier to the damage roll of this additional attack.
EXPLOSIVE Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork martial or exotic ranged weapon This weapon gains the Explosive property and its damage die decreases by one step: When this weapon’s projectile hits a target, it explodes in a 5-foot radius. The projectile can target an unoccupied space within its range. Each creature other than the target within the blast radius must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, taking half the damage rolled on a failed save or no damage on a successful one. If this weapon dealt bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, its deals fire damage instead.
HEAT Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork martial or exotic ranged weapon with the Firearm property This weapon gains the Heat property and its damage die increases by one step: This weapon gains a heat point whenever an attack is made with it and loses one heat point whenever you begin your turn. If the weapon gains 3 heat points, it overheats and loses all heat points. An overheated weapon can’t be used to make an attack again until the end of your next turn.
MAGICAL Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork exotic weapon This weapon becomes magical and gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. This benefit stacks if you apply the Magical property at different levels.
MASSIVE Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Superheavy property This weapon gains the Massive property and its damage die increases by two steps: You can only make an attack with this weapon when you take the Attack action, and only as the first attack you make on your turn. Once you make an attack with this weapon, you can’t make any attacks until the start of your next turn. If you would be able to attack more than once when you take the Attack action on your turn, you deal an extra two dice of damage for each attack you forgo when using this weapon.
MOUNTED Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork martial or exotic ranged weapon with the Heavy property This weapon gains the Mounted property and its damage die increases by two steps: This weapon is normally used while attached to a tripod, vehicle, or other bracing mount. You can mount or unmount this weapon as an action. While it is mounted, it can’t be moved. It can only be used to make an attack while unmounted if held by a Medium or larger creature with a Strength score of at least 15.
PRECISION Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Elegant property This weapon gains the Precision property: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with this weapon if you have advantage on the attack roll.
ROCKET Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork exotic weapon This weapon gains the Rocket property and its damage die decreases by one step: This weapon has a small propulsive engine attached to it or its projectiles. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with this weapon, you can deal an extra 1d4 damage to the target.
SNIPER Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork exotic ranged weapon with the Ammunition property that doesn’t have the Scatter property This weapon’s long range becomes eight times the weapon’s normal range.
TENSION Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork exotic ranged weapon that doesn’t have the Firearm property This weapon gains the Tension property: When making a ranged weapon attack with a tension weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
TWINSHOT Journeyman weapon property Components: Masterwork exotic ranged weapon This weapon gains the Twinshot property: Once on each of your turns when you make an attack with this weapon, you can make another attack with it against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the original target and within range of this weapon.
ARMOR - You can apply only one Journeyman property to a suit of armor at a time.
ADAMANTINE Journeyman armor property Components: Masterwork suit of exotic heavy armor
This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. While wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.
ARCANE Journeyman armor property Components: Masterwork suit of exotic armor This armor is covered in arcane etchings. When you apply this property to a suit of armor, choose two cantrips from the wizard spell list. While wearing this armor, you can cast those cantrips. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these cantrips.
ARROW-CATCHING Journeyman armor property Components: Masterwork suit of exotic medium or heavy armor Whenever an attacker makes a ranged attack against a target within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to become the target of the attack instead.
DIVING Journeyman armor property Components: Masterwork suit of exotic armor This suit of armor is equipped with webbed fins, a mask, and an air bladder containing 8 hours of breathable air. While wearing it, you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, while breathing from the air bladder, you can breathe normally underwater or in a vacuum, and you ignore the effects of inhaled poisons. The suit’s air supply can be refilled over the course of a long rest.
JUGGERNAUT Journeyman armor property Components: Masterwork suit of exotic heavy armor This suit of armor is fitted with massive plates and a heavy, reinforced helmet. While wearing this armor, you count as an obstacle providing three-quarters cover, instead of half cover. You must have a Strength score of 16 or higher to proficiently wear this armor.
MANEUVERING Journeyman armor property Components: Masterwork suit of exotic light or medium armor This armor contains a set of spring-loaded, automatically retracting grappling hooks, allowing you an incredible amount of maneuverability. As a reaction when you fall, or as a bonus action on your turn, you can project a grappling hook at a target location you can see that is no farther away than walking speed. If the target location can hold your weight, you are pulled there, expending movement as normal. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks. You must have a Dexterity score of 16 or higher to use this ability.
MITHRAL Journeyman armor property Components: Masterwork suit of medium or heavy armor This suit of armor is made of mithral, a light and flexible metal that is as strong as steel. Armor made of mithral weighs half as much as normal, has no Strength requirement, and doesn’t impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. If the armor is medium armor, the maximum Dexterity modifier you can apply to your Armor Class increases to 3, instead of 2, and the armor can easily be worn hidden under normal clothing.
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dermaorganicsblog · 1 year
5 Reasons Why Our Organic Hair Oil Is The BEST!
Due to constant styling, colouring, using hot tools, dry shampoo, inadequate diet, and weather changes; our hair gets rough and undernourished. This lack of nourishment further leads to hair breakage and hair fall. So, just like we focus on our skincare, hair care must be prioritised too. 
Naturally, our hair follicles release sebum to keep our strands healthy from the root itself. But with constant styling and chemical treatments, this sebum production falls scanty. Our hair needs extra nourishment. Most natural hair serums and natural hair oils promote hair growth very effectively by stimulating the follicles. 
This is where an excellent organic hair oil comes in! With regular use, it supports and promotes overall healthy hair growth. In fact, oiling our hair is not a new concept. Since ancient ayurveda and a lot of other cultures, this was a frequent practice carried by women of all ages. 
And, if you are scouting for a great natural hair oil for your hair, try our Hair Food Growth Elixir. You must be wondering..
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What is the Hair Food Growth Elixir?
Well, it is one of the best-selling derma hair products. It is a golden-coloured hair growth oil that you can use daily to maintain a healthy mane and boost hair growth. 
What is special about our organic hair oil regularly?
1) Super nourishing formula - It has moisturising and softening properties that rejuvenate dry hair/scalp. Our oil strengthens your hair from the root to the tip by providing proper nourishment.
2) Protection from Infections - It protects your hair from a variety of issues like fungal infection, extremely dry scalp, dandruff, frizziness, etc. The oil acts as a barrier and prevents humidity from getting in contact with the hair shaft.
3) Light-weight formulation - Our Hair Food Elixir has a lightweight formulation that enables you to incorporate it into your everyday regime.
4) Reduces hair fall - With MCT and Linoleic rich oil blend, this herbal hair oil relieves seborrheic dermatitis. Therefore, oiling with this elixir regularly can increase the elasticity of your hair, making it less prone to breakage.
5) Great active ingredients - Formulated with all-natural and organic herbs that your hair loves - Camphor, Tea tree Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Orange Peel Oil, Rosemary Oil, etc.
How to use this hair oil?
First, shake the bottle really well and take enough amount on your palms to slightly warm it up with your body heat. Now, gently apply on parted hair focusing on the scalp in circular motions. Make sure you massage each section for at least 30 secs. Do not rush the process. 
For optimal results, we advise you to use our organic hair oil three to four times a week. You can even use this daily if you feel like it.
A little bit about us:
Derma Organics makes cleaner alternatives for your daily skincare and haircare. Our ethos revolves around curating products from natural, raw ingredients as they give the most high-performance results. 
Our products are easy to use and suitable for every skin type and hair texture.
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osiiinikeboy · 1 year
The Top 6 Best Motion Sensor Alarm Systems
With the increasing prevalence of crime, it’s no surprise that many homeowners are looking for ways to increase their security. One way to do this is by installing motion sensors around the property. These sensors can be used to activate a variety of alarm systems, and in this blog post, we will list the top six best motion sensor alarm systems. From affordable systems to advanced features, find the perfect system for your home today.
Pros and Cons of Motion Sensor Alarms
The Pros and Cons of Motion Sensor Alarms Most people think of motion sensors as a way to keep their home safe, but there are also advantages to using them for security. Motion sensors can be set to trigger an alarm when someone or something enters a certain area, and this can be helpful in keeping your property secure. However, there are also some disadvantages to using motion sensors as security measures. For one, they can be prone to false alarms, which will cause you trouble if you don't want your system to go off all the time. Additionally, motion sensors may not work if the intruder is wearing clothing that covers their body or if they are hiding behind furniture. Overall, motion sensor alarms are an effective way to keep your belongings safe and protect your home from intruders, but they require careful consideration before installation.
Which Motion Sensor Alarm System is Right for You?
There are many motion sensor alarm systems to choose from, so which one is the best for you? Here are some factors to consider when choosing a motion sensor alarm system: 1. Type of Sensors: There are three main types of sensors used in motion sensor alarms: optical, infrared, and magnetic. Optical sensors use light to detect movement, infrared sensors use heat to detect movement, and magnetic sensors use a magnet to detect movement. 2. Coverage Area: Motion sensor alarms typically have a coverage area that ranges from roughly 100 square feet up to about 10,000 square feet. 3. Response Time: Most motion sensor alarms have a response time of around 5 seconds. This means that the alarm will be triggered once movement has been detected within the coverage area for at least 5 seconds. 4. Price: Motion sensor alarms vary in price range, with some options being more expensive than others. Generally speaking, the more features the alarm has, the higher the price will be.
If you're looking for the best motion sensor alarm systems, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll recommend six of the best options available on the market today. We'll also explain why each one is a great choice for security purposes. So whether you're in need of a home security system or want to add an extra layer of protection to your business, read on to find out which motion sensor alarm system is perfect for you!
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⚔️ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Lance of the White Dragon
Weapon (lance), very rare (requires attunement) ___ This magic lance is covered in spines and white dragon fragments. The air around it is always frigid. 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙨. This weapon has 5 charges for the following properties; it regains 1d4 +1 expended charges daily at dawn. If the lance has at least 1 charge, it deals an extra 1d10 cold damage to any target it hits. You can use one of the following properties on each of your turns while holding the lance. 𝘽𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙙. When you hit a creature with the lance, you can expend 2 of its charges to force that creature to make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained by ice. The ice remains until the start of your next turn or until the creature takes bludgeoning or fire damage. If it takes bludgeoning damage in this way, that damage is increased by 2d8. 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙙 𝙒𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙝. When you roll cold damage, you can expend 2 of the lance’s charges to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling. If the cold damage is from the lance, it costs 1 charge to use this property instead. 𝙄𝙘𝙮 𝙇𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝. While on the ground, you can expend 1 of the lance’s charges using a bonus action to create a spire of ice beneath you. The spire launches you up to 30 feet in a direction of your choice, without provoking opportunity attacks. The ice crumbles and disappears immediately after. When the spire appears, each creature within 5 feet of it must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is pushed up to 5 feet away from the spire. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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18-roses · 2 years
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Dōrifutoshīn (The Drift Scene) Business Model Preview
Professional Motorsports
Model off of PGA Golf
Tournament with Rounds but with Multiple Events
You simply play each golf hole, then mark the total number of strokes taken. At the end of a round, your gross score (i.e. all shots) is totalled, and your handicap is deducted to calculate the nett score. The player who completes the round with the least nett strokes is the winner.
Each hole is ranked 1-18 by difficulty. The hardest hole is ranked number 1, while the easiest hole is ranked 18th, etc. The ranking is called a hole's index, and they are listed on the scorecard (sometimes they are called the Hole's Handicap Index.)
Here's where it gets interesting: The index on the scorecard determines how many strokes a player receives on the hole, depending on their handicap. These strokes are like "extra shots" that give you a better chance of scoring points.
Let's say a player has a GolfLink Handicap of 5. He or she will thus get a shot on the 5 hardest holes as noted by the course scorecard (again, every course has all 18 holes "indexed" from 1 (hardest) to 18 (easiest).).
The player approaches the first hole of the day (let's say it is a par-4), and sees that it has an index of 3 (i.e. the third-hardest hole on the course). He or she thus gets a stroke on the hole. Let's say this player takes 5 shots on the hole. In stroke golf, this would be a bogey. However, in Stableford, since the player gets a stroke on the hole, their "nett" score is 4 (i.e. 5 shots minus the handicap stroke). Therefore, they have made a "nett par" and get
Give a Luxurious Tune-up Budget
Cuisine Capitalism
Teppanyaki Style Dining
Tobacco Capitalism
Cigar and Cigarillo Shops
Smoke Room
Possible sponsorship opportunities
Alcohol Isolation Theory
Vodka Capitalism
By limiting alcohol options this guarantees to sponsors that their product will be bought at these events
Increase sponsor fees
Versatile because of cocktail options
Target Country
1,000,000,000 People
By 2030 India will overtake USA for 2nd largest economy behind China
Most popular sports league is the Indian Premier League, it runs for 3 Months
The IPL is the 2nd most valuable league in the world and it's not even 2030
South America
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Forza Horizon 4 Cheats on Xbox Series X (XboxSX) - download
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Are you looking to quickly earn crazy amounts of credits with the Forza Horizon 4 money glitch to buy your dream cars and properties? If you nail it with the right Wheelspin, you could potentially receive a whopping , credits from the spin of a wheel. As the word spread and viral YouTube videos began surfacing, Turn 10 Studios, and Playground games scrambled to rectify the situation before patching it as quickly as possible. With Turn 10 Studios then going on to check accounts that had gained sudden money increases, it left those that had exploited the loophole anxiously waiting with rumors of a permanent ban lingering on Reddit and Horizon 4 forums. The trick involved starting a PvP race with 50 laps on the notorious Goliath circuit with the Alfa Romeo FE or similar credit booster car. When one player left the race early, the other player would be gifted the rewards as though they had completed all 50 laps, despite never even crossing the start line. This gifted the player at least 30 wheel spins, , XP, and 3,, in-game credits, which they undoubtedly went on to share as they laughed their way to Edinburgh Castle! Although this will sound like a dream for those looking to earn millions quickly, we think that these kinds of bugs ruin the appeal of the satisfaction of making money and progressing in the game. When it comes to Farming skill points, there are several different methods, but we recommend checking out this YouTube video for the technique that has worked best for us. Using this method, you can earn up to ten skill points per minute. However, always remember that the higher the multiplier, the quicker the earnings and skill gains. With the two levels being shown side-by-side, you can see that approximately 63 minutes on Goliath will earn around , credits or roughly , per ten minutes. However, with the Highway Race, you can earn , credits per ten minutes, roughly 1,, credits per hour, alongside , influence and skill points. Upgrading Car Mastery provides the perfect opportunity to earn additional Wheelspins and Credits. When it comes to earning free credits in Car Mastery, the Ultimate Edition owners have the upper hand, but there are 57 vehicles in the game with bonus credits in the Mastery tree, as shown in this video:. For example, every new car in the Formula Drift car pack has a , CR bonus lying in wait in the Car Mastery grid. Some gamers prioritize Forza Rewards since they require minimal effort to enable you to earn up to , credits a week, purely by signing in. One of the best ways of making a quick buck is to flip cars at auction, but one of the downsides is that there is a limit on the number of sales you can make each day. One of the easiest ways to flip a car for a quick buck is purchasing the Porsche Turbo 3. Spend your skill points to unlock the whole left column, which will be more than worthwhile when you get rewarded with , CR, doubling your money instantly, before making a little extra by selling the car at auction. This video shows you how you can do so to earn two million CR in ten minutes, but with patience, you can go on to make huge sums without needing to get behind the wheel of a car:. Although it can seem exciting to unlock the entire game right away, it certainly spoils the fun. We hope that this guide has provided you with everything you could need to know when it comes to earning money quickly in Forza Horizon 4 without running the risk of getting your account suspended or even banned. Are you as excited about Forza Horizon 5 as we are? If so, make sure you check out the fastest cars in GTA Online. If you enjoyed this article, then please share it with the buttons at the side and bottom of your screen. We appreciate your support. Tags: forza horizon , forza horizon 4. You can use this feature to rate this page. Filed under Gaming Guides. Farming Skill Points When it comes to Farming skill points, there are several different methods, but we recommend checking out this YouTube video for the technique that has worked best for us. Make sure that you also unlock the relevant perks in Car Mastery to ensure the maximum rewards. Goliath Race vs. Not bad going, huh? When it comes to earning free credits in Car Mastery, the Ultimate Edition owners have the upper hand, but there are 57 vehicles in the game with bonus credits in the Mastery tree, as shown in this video: For example, every new car in the Formula Drift car pack has a , CR bonus lying in wait in the Car Mastery grid. Forza Rewards Some gamers prioritize Forza Rewards since they require minimal effort to enable you to earn up to , credits a week, purely by signing in. Flipping Cars at Auction One of the best ways of making a quick buck is to flip cars at auction, but one of the downsides is that there is a limit on the number of sales you can make each day. Auctions can be exciting, and also represent the perfect opportunity to bag a bargain. This video is a great way to get started with flipping cars for a profit: One of the easiest ways to flip a car for a quick buck is purchasing the Porsche Turbo 3. Thank you for reading our Forza Horizon 4 Money Glitch guide. Photography credits We thank the following entities for the use of their photography in this article: PixelGhostClyde on Flickr Stefans02 on Flickr Jamie Wynder on Flickr Tags: forza horizon , forza horizon 4. Written by Joe Terrell Drifted. Read more about Joe and the Drifted team on our about us page. Rate This Article 6 votes, average: 3. Ultimate Welded Differential Guide ». We've got you covered. Welcome to our Forza Horizon 5 money glitch guide. RC drift cars present the perfect opportunity to get your drifting fix. Exhaust Headers vs Manifold — The Ultimate Guide Both ensure your engine can expel nasty fumes quickly, but a few key differences make one better than the other. Welcome to our Exhaust Headers vs Manifold guide. We explain everything you need to know in this guide. Here are our recommended settings for the ultimate Forza Horizon 5 drift tune. Ever wondered what the word JDM means? If you answered yes, then buckle up - we're taking you on a deep dive to unravel the real meaning of JDM. Hyperdrive returns to the craziness once again for Season 2. The Cars Of Tokyo Drift Love it or hate it, Tokyo Drift quite possibly played THE biggest role with bringing drifting to the public eye, and today we're going to look back at the movie's most memorable cars. We cover everything you need to know, from choosing your oil and filters to adding your new oil in a few easy steps. Devel 16 — Worth All The Hype? We cut through the hype to find out what makes the wildly popular Devel 16 tick.
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raychemrpgblogs · 2 years
Challenges in Switchgear Terminations for HV and EHV Cable Systems
Originally (approx. 1920s) stress control technology inside accessories was based on wrapped papers. For this, conductive papers were wrapped in such a way that the end of the semi-conductive layer of the power cable represented a geometrical cone. This shape de- fines the electrical field distribution between earth and high voltage electrode and reduces the electrical stress down to uncritical levels. Today this taping technology is only in use where oil/paper cables are still in operation and not replaced yet. But the oil/paper cables and accessories usage is in decline and will become less important in future. This type of cable and accessories proved less optimal under the newly arising aspects of increased environmental constraints, minimized losses, installation ease, low maintenance, and least cost.
Nowadays the dominating cable insulation material is XLPE up to voltages of 550 kV. An example can be seen in picture 1; this shows the increase of XLPE cables between 1996 and 2006. Consequently, the insulation material of cable accessories changed from impregnated to dry as well [1]. Today there are materials like EPR (Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber) or SIR (Sili- cone rubber) in use [2]. This technology implies some advantages compared to the former used oil/paper technology:
Quality of stress control element is independent of jointer skills
Every piece can be 100% electrically tested
Geometry is predefined
Easy to install
A considerable evolution has also been seen in the Switchgear termination designs. The governing IEC standards have also evolved and have been adapted by most cable accessories manufacturers. However still some practical adaptability of problems have to be considered by one and all. This article focuses of such challenges for Switchgear terminations and makes some recommendations at the end.
Switchgear / Transformer terminations
If the cable does not end in air but inside a  device then another type of sealing end is used. Compared to the outdoor termination the main components still ex- ist but the hollow core insulator is replaced by a resin insulator with a different geometry. This geometry is made according to IEC 62271-209 which specifies the outer shape of this insulator and guarantees that this part will fit in every standardized switchgear or transformer housing. 
Same as for outdoor terminations two types of equipment terminations exist: oil-filled and dry versions.
Rated voltage – kV
Figure 1 shows the electric field levels inside a power cable which must be controlled at the end of the cable by the accessory. The red points show the electric field at rated voltage and for the inner and outer sur- face of the insulation respectively. Blue points are indicating the same but for impulse stress. The most critical value for cable accessories is the electric field at the outer surface at impulse voltage. This level de- fines the properties of the stress control element. Cur- rent trends in power cable manufacturing show that the insulation thickness will be reduced further. Espe- cially power cables – so called high stress cables – for rated voltages of 123 kV – 170 kV show a very high operating and impulse electric stress level which can already be compared with the level of 500 kV cables. This increase has to be considered in cable accessory design and requires a verification of established cable accessory designs.
Additionally all cable accessories have in common that they have to fit on the available cable construction. But the design of the power cable is highly de- pended on the intended use and the requirements of the customer and the basic elements such as insulation thickness or cable shielding may vary [5]:
Semiconductive screen
Insulation material
Metallic screen
The specific setup of a high and extra-high voltage power cable is not standardized and consequently every cable accessory has to be adopted on each cable design. This requires a certain flexibility of the design and system of the cable accessories. Prospectively this will become more important because more and more energy utilities do not insist on same manufacturer of the cable and accessory at the same time.
Both types provide the same main functionality but with the dry version additional features are present: 
Separable connection; Plug-in type termination
Independent testing of switchgear and cable pos- sible
No oil filling required inside the termination, hence no waiting or settling time
Shorter length of cable preparation
Smaller size and lighter weight of termination
Epoxy insulator can be fitted by GIS/transformer manufacturer itself
IEC adapter will match height of existing oil-filled termination
Dimension complies as per IEC 62271-209. 
These are the reasons why the quantity of oil-filled equipment terminations is decreasing whereas the dry version increases. It is expected that the oil-filled version will play only a minor role in future. 
Read more at https://www.raychemrpg.com/blog/products/challenges-in-switchgear-terminations-for-hv-and-ehv-cable-systems
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thehoteloasis · 2 years
How does the Hotel Star Rating System Work?
When there are so many options for hotels, picking one might be difficult. Once a traveller has decided on the type of hotel they want to stay in, they must then figure out the subtleties of hotel ratings and the meanings of their corresponding star ratings. In order to help you sell your hotel to clients and increase your profits, we've compiled a guide explaining the various hotel star ratings.
Hotel Stars:
To assist travellers in finding the best Budget Hotels in Vadodara for their needs and budget, the hotel industry has developed a star rating system. Hotel star ratings can help customers choose accommodations that meet their needs, whether they are only looking for a place to sleep or a 5 star getaway. Additionally, they give a preview of the quality of service that can be anticipated.
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Book hotels online in Vadodara that are rated on a scale from one to 5 stars, with one representing the most economical option and five the most luxurious. Unfortunately, there is no agreed-upon standard for rating hotels, so you may find that different websites assign different star ratings to the same property. Always look for a star rating guide to see how the site you're using rates hotels. It's vital to distinguish between a hotel's star rating and the star rating that a client might assign a business in a review. Each hotel has a star rating system, with the higher the number of stars, the more luxurious the establishment.
A 1 Star Hotel:
A hotel that doesn't offer much beyond a place to sleep and shower is considered to be a 1 star hotel. The personnel is not very helpful, and there aren't many amenities to use. Although a single-star hotel's modest amenities may give the impression that it is unclean and unsafe, this is not the case. There are no frills or extras at a hotel with  1 star. There is no guarantee that each room will have a phone or a television.
1 star hotels are often independently operated and are classified under budget hotels in Vadodara. Most hotels with only  1 star offer no on-site dining options other than vending machines but are conveniently located near restaurants and fast food joints. Similarly, housekeeping is typically done only in between guests, and the front desk is only open during limited hours.
A 2 star Hotel:
Each room at a 2 star hotel has at least a bed and a bathroom, and some may also have TVs, phones, and closets. Housekeeping and possibly even breakfast (often a continental one) and front desk service (at least during certain hours) might be provided on a daily basis, and there might even be a restaurant on the premises.
Many 2 star hotels are franchises with locations in a number of different cities. These accommodations are tailored to highway travellers and will be situated near major freeway exits. Frequent flyers may even be eligible for special rewards as part of loyalty schemes.
A 3 star Hotel:
A 3 star hotel provides a nice middle ground between price and quality. They offer a more affordable alternative to luxury hotels while yet maintaining a high standard of service and amenities. Even though a stay in a 3 star hotel is not likely to be as extravagant as at a 4 star property, guests should still be able to count on having their essential needs met and possibly even receiving some complimentary extras.
Rooms are often large with amenities including a sofa or chair, a desk, a closet, a phone, an alarm clock, and a flat-screen television with premium cable. Some of these hotels may additionally have services like free Wi-Fi, a fitness centre, an outdoor pool, and a breakfast buffet.
Most 3-star hotels are situated close to dining options and local entertainment venues like theatres and arenas. These hotels are located in convenient proximity to major cities because they cater to business travellers. When it comes to business, they have you covered with a 24-hour front desk, meeting spaces, and room service.
A 4 Star Hotel:
A 4 star hotel is a luxury accommodation that goes above and beyond the basic requirements to ensure a memorable stay for guests. These establishments are usually quite sizable and can be found near beaches or places that are popular and have a significant footfall of tourists and visitors daily. Elegance is apparent in the lobby areas, and each building has a dedicated team of people to take care of your every need.
Other amenities in a 4 star hotel can include swimming pools, tennis courts, spas, fitness centres with certified trainers, as well as movie screenings.
4 star hotel rooms are large and luxurious, with plush king-size mattresses and fine linens. They may have an in-room locker, slippers as well as bathrobes in addition to a desk and high-end furniture. All of the rooms include huge flat-screen TVs, and guests can rent movies from the front desk to watch in their rooms. Golf carts might be used to transport guests between the various structures of guarded luxury hotels in Vadodara.
A 5 Star Hotel:
Any hotel that earns the designation "5 stars" has met extremely high standards in service and amenities. Due to the high quality of service they provide, 5 star hotels have gained a reputation as some of the most prestigious hospitality venues in the world. A  5 star hotel might offer its guests a personal butler, doorman, designated concierge, 24-hour room service, valet parking, spas with masseuses, etc.
Vacationers have their pick of several recreational options, including indoor and outdoor swimming pools, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, fitness centres, tennis courts, miniature golf courses, and more. It's possible that some of these places also have high-end dining establishments and bars staffed by celebrity chefs. 5 star hotels like to brag about their personalised service and distinctive touches like customised menus and in-room amenities.
In general, 5 star hotels are set in stunning buildings and have cutting-edge amenities. Many hotels adhere closely to a specific architectural style and have ornate, designer-created public spaces like lobbies and guestrooms that adhere to the hotel's overall concept. Each room is large, and some even come with their own kitchens, minibars, patios, and living areas. In addition to the standard amenities, some of the rooms at this hotel provide private jacuzzi tubs, plush terry bathrobes, and luxurious toiletries. When staying at a 5 star hotel, you may expect to be treated like royalty.
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chawsl · 2 years
Written by a Constance Chew.
Properties of 99-year leasehold are the worst form of tax any government can levy on its citizens...
A 99-year leasehold HDB flat in S'pore will depreciate to ZERO at the end of its lease, while freehold properties in UK & USA will appreciate a few folds in value...this amounts to MILLIONS if not BILLIONS stolen from our future generations...!
CPF pays only about 3% interest compared to 5, 6 or even 7% for other pension funds in the West...
GIC and Temasek claimed to earn double digit rates of returns on investments over the past three decades...why can’t they at least match what other pensions pay over the same tenure...?
3% extra interest when compounded over 3 decades makes a significantly substantial difference to one’s retirement savings...!
The lost in earnings can be considered to be an implicit form of tax since the dividends earned on the funds are not returned to the people but locked up and maybe squandered away through other bad investments...
Medisave is also a form of tax...in the West, you get FREE healthcare in public hospitals but in S'pore, you pay with your Medisave and out of your own pocket...!
The CPF minimum sum is also a form of tax...in the West, the state gives you a pension after retirement, but in S'pore, you fund your own retirement through monthly payouts from your own CPF monies, that's if you have sufficient funds in your account to begin with in the first place...
The government also controls a large part of the domestic economy through Temasek's companies, leading to inefficient competition and high prices...
Just compare the subscription rates for cable TV, mobile phones, broadband and other telecommunication services between S'pore & HK...
The government is also the biggest landloard and can manipulate the prices of land and rentals through land sales and population increase...in the West, most of the revenue collected when you shop or dine go towards paying the workers who are protected by minimum wage but in S'pore, most of the revenue generated go towards paying the rent...
Each time we go to a cafe to buy a cuppa, we contribute more to the government's coffers through paying for the retailer's rental than the actual operating costs of the cup of beverage we consume...!
High land prices result in high rentals and leads to high costs of living...
Isn’t high land prices a form of indirect tax levied on the people since most of the money we pay go towards paying for land & rentals...?
Add in extra implicit taxes like COE, ERP, GST, alcohol and tobacco excise duty; no wonder S'pore is the most expensive city in the world...!
And you know where most of the money you pay ends up...!
So how can S'pore still be a relatively low tax country that accords the people reasonably affordable costs of living...?
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Why is SLN a big deal for real estate?
Blockchain is verified to preserve the ability to redesign each commercial enterprise vertical. The new generation in actual property has given a clear indication that it has numerous packages past cryptocurrencies and may be the proper weapon to address the triumphing business demanding situations.
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A ripple impact of that is that numerous industries have followed blockchain generation, even the maximum conventional ones like actual property.
Real property is witnessing a disruptive evolution with the blockchain performing because of the riding force. What became traditionally taken into consideration as a ‘pen and pencil’ commercial enterprise has now started increasing to the worldwide marketplace with higher and long-time period outcomes. This has made several marketers and conventional buyers interested in know-how the usage of blockchain for actual property. Something we can communicate approximately in this newsletter in detail.
Challenges Faced by way of means of the Real Estate Industry
The fluctuation with inside the financial system and developing tendencies introduce new demanding situations with inside the actual property enterprise each now and then. Realtors hold a test at the hurdles hampering the sales even as staying in commercial enterprise. In actual property, different factors affect the sales like assets listings, touch statistics control, handling stakeholders, and extra. A few of the not unusual place demanding situations confronted by way of means of the realtors are said below:
1. Lack of Transparency
The actual property enterprise isn’t open to everybody because of the involvement of different factors like citizenship, coins requirements, accreditation, credit score score, etc. Additionally, there’s no marketplace database or a concrete manner to get admission to the statistics required for making shopping for and promoting decisions.
This, as an entire, makes the world uncertain and turbid for all.
2. Tedious Paperwork
In the conventional actual property financial system, each transaction includes a stringed set of tedious and time-eating paperwork. Because of this, frequently actual property businesses emerge as dropping their cash and ability customers, together with getting distracted from the principal goal.
3. Expensive Investment
Due to the involvement of a much broader range of intermediaries, numerous costs like dealer costs, legal professional costs, alternate costs, taxes, etc., are brought to the actual property cost, which in the long run makes actual property investments expensive.
4. a Large Number of Intermediaries
Another hassle related to the conventional actual property financial system is that it is accepted as true which is primarily based totally on human factors. Any events ought to contain 1/3 events at exceptional ranges to construct and accept as true within the manner. This is once more one of the demanding situations in actual property solved via the means of blockchain.
5. Poor Transaction Speed
Last but not least, actual property techniques are afflicted by bad transaction velocity because of the involvement of a couple of people.
As in keeping with a Chinese international journey survey, 44% of vacationers restore an appointment with actual property marketers earlier than going abroad. Also, 74% of them meet extra professionals to make sure in their choice to buy assets with inside the town they’re journeying to.
However, blockchain generation, with its excellent functions, is getting into exceptional regions and techniques of the actual property enterprise and fixing those problems.
Before we communicate approximately the blessings of blockchain in actual property, let’s have a short recap of the fundamentals of Blockchain — the way it works and the functions it comes with.
Blockchain-primarily based totally Real Estate Companies Turning Hype into Reality
A few massive incumbents are having a bet on the developing tech and are moving into numerous partnerships to allow excessive-grade structures for higher actual property transactions.
How can SilverLine flip this zone into a larger boon?
1. Property Search
Currently, brokers, proprietors, tenants, and consumers flip closer to a couple of list systems like Zillow to look for any asset statistics.
These systems are subscription-primarily based totally and call for excessive costs. Besides, the assets facts furnished via way of means are regularly inaccurate, outdated, or partly distorted. This will increase inefficiencies with inside the manner and frequently, consequences in disputes.
But, all of this may be avoided by the usage of a Blockchain-primarily based totally actual property app.
2. Due Diligence and Financial Evaluation
In the actual property zone, the most important time is spent on diligence sports earlier than shopping for/renting any assets. Various intermediaries are worried with inside the manner of examining assets files to save you any sort of felony, technical, or monetary troubles with inside the destiny.
Currently, all of the assets and facts are saved on papers that may be effortlessly modified or corrupted via the means of anyone.
However, with the adoption of blockchain generation in actual property app improvement, this subdomain also can be improved.
All the assets-associated papers may be saved digitally in blockchain-powered systems, such that they may be accessed publicly however can’t be altered. This will make the due diligence and monetary assessment manner automated, short, and much less inaccurate.
3. File and Payments
A good-sized effect of blockchain on the actual property is likewise skilled with inside the subject of documents and bills.
At present, the good-sized documentation and involvement of 1/3-birthday birthday celebration intermediaries are making the manner lengthy, troublesome, and costly. And this impact is turning into extra good sized whilst global transactions or mortgages are worried.
Now here, blockchain, the brand new generation in actual property can simplify the submitting manner and produce innovation in actual property techniques via means of introducing verifiable virtual identities for homes.
Likewise, the creation of cryptocurrencies can decrease the barrier to various currencies utilized in exceptional places. It may even reduce the worrying taxes and costs, along with streamlining the price manner.
4. Property Management
In the conventional actual property financial system, the manner of asset control is tremendously complex, specifically whilst a couple of stakeholders are worried.
The control of the assets is both finished offline through guide paperwork, or a few unbiased software is used. Because of this, the statistics stay constrained to a selected database or person.
However, with the growing position of blockchain for asset transactions, the destiny of actual property may be modified.
A blockchain-primarily based totally assets control machine that makes use of clever contracts for actual property can ease the entire manner — proper from signing rent agreements to regulating coins waft and submitting preservation requests.
A clever settlement can robotically install rent bills between a landlord and a tenant. When the rent terminates, the clever settlement can robotically switch the safety deposit returned to the tenant’s account and supply an unbroken revel into each event.
5. Deed Management
Another subject in which you could see the effect of blockchain in the actual property apps marketplace is deed control.
Currently, asset titles are paper-primarily based totally. Because of this, there’s a better threat of mistakes and fraud cases. In reality, it’s been found out via means of the American Land Title Association that 25% of all of the titles are determined to be faulty at some point in the transaction manner.
The presence of any disorder makes it unlawful to continue with the deed control manner until the problem has been resolved. This makes it vital for asset proprietors to pay excessive felony costs to make sure the accuracy and authenticity of their asset titles.
This difficulty may be effortlessly resolved with the usage of blockchain generation with inside the actual property enterprise as immutable virtual records — making the entire manner obvious and secure.
6. Real Estate Investing
Last but not least, a blockchain-primarily based totally actual property platform also can streamline the making of an investment manner the usage of the idea of tokenization and fractional possession. Well, maximum corporations aren’t certain about the way to tokenize actual property while others are enforcing it on a bigger scale.
Tokenization is called a manner wherein the proprietor can deliver virtual tokens to the ones having a proportion with inside the assets. They all can sing their funding the usage of blockchain, with every transaction being immutable and time-stamped.
This idea of tokenization of actual property and the usage of blockchain generation could make it feasible to lessen the threat of fraud related to the enterprise.
Fractional possession will reshape the destiny of the conventional actual property financial system. The manner of creating unrelated events come collectively to proportion and removing the dangers related to the possession of an excessive-cost tangible asset can assist small buyers to revel in ROI without waiting months or years. And eventually, make buying and selling of actual property homes feasible past the geographical boundaries.
When it involves making an investment in SLN’s Blockchain Tech improvement for actual property, there are essentially procedures you could move with:-
1. Build a Smart Contract the usage of LISK
LISK is a platform for Blockchain software improvement that acts as a PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service). It gives running structures, databases, cloud infrastructure, and a programming language runtime environment. This facilitates bringing your personal code to create an aspect chain or a crypto token.
2. Develop an Ethereum-subsidized Real Estate Platform
In this approach, the Ethereum platform, which has reached Ethereum 2.0 degrees, may be hired for constructing an actual property blockchain platform.
While each procedure is worthwhile in phrases of the way to construct an actual property app on Blockchain, it’s far excellent to touch reputed Blockchain software program improvement organizations to revel in a higher ROI.
Now even as we’re acquainted with the uses of blockchain generation in actual property and the businesses embracing it, it is right to be aware of the reality that there are nevertheless a few demanding situations hindering the evolution of the blockchain-primarily based totally actual property financial system. Something we can stop our article with.
So what does SLN have to say?
Blockchain with inside the actual property enterprise grants a brand new degree of transparency, and safety, and eases the general manner of purchasing and promoting. Real property is taking a massive sore right into a decentralized virtual global with enterprise leaders and governments exploring and enforcing blockchain into packages. The destiny of actual property carries an amalgamation of different rising technology which include Big facts and synthetic intelligence with blockchain and brings a progressive to extrude to the vintage actual property techniques.
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paperanddice · 2 years
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The current leader of the Tigerclaw is a controversial figure. Chief Scargash has, under the advice of several of his closest shaman, begun attempting to forge ongoing peace treaties with other inhabitants of the Winterbole Forest. The most unpopular of these overtures has been with the dragon Bitterstrike, which includes offering tributes of treasure and offering Tigerclaw members to be her vassals, but also Scargash has been burying axes with other old enemies and neighbours.
While this so far has given the Tigerclaw a season of peace and allowed their numbers to grow, it raises the hackles of many of the tribesfolk. They are eager to prove themselves in battle, whether to increase their standing or to just practice their skills, and there are those who believe that the Hunter of Winter may even abandon them if they settle down too peacefully. Others point out that this is luring their neighbours into complacency, and that Scargash is studying his enemies' strengths and weaknesses to determine the right moment to strike. Only time will tell who is right.
Originally from the 4e Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I'm working on, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Scargash, Tigerclaw Chief Medium humanoid (shifter), chaotic neutral Armor Class 16 (sabertooth hide) Hit Points 127 (15d8 + 60) Speed 30 ft. Str 19 (+4) Dex 17 (+3) Con 18 (+4) Int 10 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Cha16 (+3) Saving Throws Str +7, Con +7 Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +6 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common Challenge 5 (1800 XP) Razorclaw Shifting (2/Short Rest). As a bonus action, Scargash can shift to a more bestial appearance. Scargash gains 19 temporary hit points, his speed increases by 10 feet, opportunity attacks against Scargash are made with disadvantage, and he gains advantage on all saving throws. These effects last for 1 minute, or until Scargash dies. Special Equipment. Scargash wears sabertooth hide, a very rare suit of +2 hide armor with additional magical properties. While attuned to the armor, he can communicate with sabertooth tigers, has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell, and when Scargash moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a melee weapon attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Staggering Swipe (Recharge 5-6). When Scargash hits with a War Pick attack, he can deal an extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage with the attack and push the target up to 15 feet in a straight line. If the target hits another creature during this movement, both targets must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Actions Multiattack. Scargash makes three War Pick attacks. War Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage. Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
13th Age
Scargash, Tigerclaw Chief  Double-strength 4th level leader [humanoid]  Initiative: +8 War Pick +9 vs. AC (2 attacks) - 10 damage plus 4 ongoing damage Dual Hit: If Scargash hits the same enemy with both attacks, the target also takes a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends). Tigerfang Javelin +9 vs. AC (one nearby enemy, or a far away enemy at -2 atk) - 15 damage Natural 16+: The target also takes 5 ongoing damage. Staggering Swipe +9 vs. AC - 20 damage and the target pops free from Scargash and is moved to engage with one or more other nearby enemies. Each enemy the target is engaged with takes 5 damage Limited Use: 1/battle. Encircle the Prey: Nearby allies gain a +2 bonus to damage if another ally is engage with the target. Razorclaw Resilience: While staggered, Scargash gains a +2 bonus to all defenses. AC 17 PD 18 MD 17 HP 100
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