#take the wealthiest person in america - they would be considered upper class because of their wealth
hella1975 · 2 years
I’m not exactly well versed in British culture, so I might be a bit off base here, but it might help some of your US followers if they frame the pervasiveness of classism within the context of the American south.
There is a very common and socially accepted assumption that southerners are stupid, backwards, toothless hillbillies with dumb accents.
Its often played off like a joke, but the insidiousness of it is real and harmful. I don’t think it’s too dissimilar to what you experience, either, though perhaps not quite as pointed or extreme.
When I travel, I do my best to flatten my accent so people don’t pick up on it as easily. As soon as everyone finds out where I’m from, I’m made into a joke. It fucking sucks.
i dont know enough about the american south and i would like to reiterate that despite similarities our class systems are still so different that blanket-comparing them isn't gonna cut it, but yes this sounds exactly right!! like class over here isn't just a money thing, in fact more often than not that's a very small part of it. it's dictated by income and region and accent and what school you went to and what your family do and who you know even down to what you wear and what supermarket you shop at, and if you dont meet the top marks in ALL of these then you will experience classism at some point
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It is great to know you have come this far in following my sub-series of “The Poor Amongst Us” exploring the secrets of the rich and wealthy on how they control the larger population of the world.
You must have realized that the larger population of the world has little or no significant power over how it runs instead lived as determined by the rich and wealthy.
To conclude this sub-series I want to take you on exploring how the rich and wealthy perceive and understand control. To them control is not just about the word but much more than that.
Like I usually would indicate my alliance to professional and academic definitions of common words such as this, and I do not in any way seek to contradict those definitions. But my focus is the rich and wealthy who mainly are not the most educated or professionally certified but only interpret such common words as factors for a successful life.
So control to the rich and wealthy truly means control.
The rich and wealthy will never settle for anything less than absolute control; they want to determine how the world thinks, acts and behaves. With this class of the world’s population holding a large chunk of the world’s wealth (see Understanding Vocabulary of the Rich Pt2) making them determine how much the world spends or gains no wonder a friend of mine blamed the economic recession of 2008 as the conspiracy of the rich and wealthy. I cannot argue that with him!
The findings of the University of Chicago and Northwestern University researchers underscore that not only do the wealthiest Americans have a different and more self-interested agenda than the general public, but they have been able to push the national political discussion—especially from Republicans and pro-corporate Democrats—toward the political right.
The result is what can be called a soft fascism. For the most part, the wealthiest people and industries in America have been able to go about their business unimpeded by government, even as they complain about over-regulation and federal constraints. While there are some super-wealthy individuals who told the researchers that they support social safety nets, as a group they are unwilling to divert some of their personal wealth into social programs that benefit less fortunate Americans.
Instead, they are active participants in a political culture whose rhetoric and policy agenda largely reflects their wealth-generating and pro-corporate concerns. Most Americans, in contrast, seem to be treading water wherever they are on the economic ladder and have diminished political influence
The world’s upper class encompasses the top end of the income spectrum relative members of society as a whole. Since they have more wealth and privacy, the upper class has more personal autonomy than the rest of the population. Upper class values include higher education, and for the wealthiest people the accumulation and maintenance of wealth, the maintenance of social networks and the power that accompanies such networks. Children of the upper class are typically schooled on how to manage this power and channel this privilege in different forms. It is in large part by accessing various edifices of information, associates, procedures and auspices that the upper class are able to maintain their wealth and pass it to future generations. Usually, people of the upper class participate as partisans in elections and have more political power than those of lower classes due to their abundance of resources and influence.
Have you ever heard the axiom “he who plays the pipe determines the tune which the dancer dances to.” Nowhere have this been clearly demonstrated like in the world of the rich and wealthy whose vision is to always own the pipe and determine how the world dances to its tune.
A study by a U.S based University carried out a research of the participation between the rich and wealthy  and the poor majority in national politics and events, it showed that ninety-nine percent of the rich and wealthy vote in presidential elections and “a large majority (84 percent) said they pay attention to politics ‘most of the time.’ Asked how many days of the week they talk politics, the median response was five days.” Moreover, they give money to political campaigns and organize fundraising events in ways that dwarf average Americans and yield access and influence.
I bet you the poor care less!
The rich and wealthy have one thing in common without any discrimination of race, tribe, continent, education or nationality; they want to control the world, and that includes you.
This is why they rather own businesses that produce and manufacture what you eat, wear, drive and live in. They no longer are just interested in employing you to work at the factories and offices but are aligning with academic/educational institutions to control what you learn in school before graduation. It is no longer news to most of us how schools have been conditioned deliberately from teaching students how to become financially independent.
Who needs a degree if primary and secondary schools taught how to be financially independent? Who will need a job?
John D Rockefeller once the richest man alive in the 19th Century with net worth today standing at about $369 billion USD and largest control of the world’s oil industry. He once donated millions of dollars to Rockefeller Education Board which later evolved to what is known today as Rockefeller University.
Rothschild Family considered one of the richest families in the world spanning over 200 years of wealth history; they are considered the pioneers and founders of what is known today as international banking. What we study in school today in the field of Banking & Finance was shaped by the thoughts of once money changer, Amschel Moses Rothschild.
William Henry Gates III considered the richest man in the world and co-founder Microsoft Corporation the largest PC software company in the world employing about 114,000 workers directly through its business operations. His company can truly be considered to control the world’s software market. He donated half his wealth to charity and educational funds.
I know you are wondering why I picked just this few names and this is because I do not intend to list out all these rich and wealthy people as you could do that on your own. But notice that each name I highlighted above has control of the world’s major industry, aspects of our lives that have become integral; John D Rockefeller Oil, Rothschild banking (where you put your money) and Bill Gates the internet (your work efficiency).
You may like this people or not but they have control over a whole lot you do. Why? Because that is why they make money to control people, governments and future.
Call it conspiracy of the rich or whatever you please, it has been here for centuries and will never change.
So let me leave you with this question, what do you have control of?
Thank you always keeping up!
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