#like okay as an example of how different our two class systems are
hella1975 · 2 years
I’m not exactly well versed in British culture, so I might be a bit off base here, but it might help some of your US followers if they frame the pervasiveness of classism within the context of the American south.
There is a very common and socially accepted assumption that southerners are stupid, backwards, toothless hillbillies with dumb accents.
Its often played off like a joke, but the insidiousness of it is real and harmful. I don’t think it’s too dissimilar to what you experience, either, though perhaps not quite as pointed or extreme.
When I travel, I do my best to flatten my accent so people don’t pick up on it as easily. As soon as everyone finds out where I’m from, I’m made into a joke. It fucking sucks.
i dont know enough about the american south and i would like to reiterate that despite similarities our class systems are still so different that blanket-comparing them isn't gonna cut it, but yes this sounds exactly right!! like class over here isn't just a money thing, in fact more often than not that's a very small part of it. it's dictated by income and region and accent and what school you went to and what your family do and who you know even down to what you wear and what supermarket you shop at, and if you dont meet the top marks in ALL of these then you will experience classism at some point
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senadimell · 1 year
Re: the death post, is it wrong to ask why you see it as a bad ideal for society to aspire to? I agree that coming to peace with death is healthy for individuals but I don’t think we should have that attitude as a society. The ideal of immortality, of being physically ~26 forever, seems a noble one to aspire to. Our deaths should ideally be under our control. That they aren’t is probably not changing in the near future (hence the need to come to peace with it as individuals) but it doesn’t make it any less of a tragedy imo. Plus as an ideal it doesn’t seem that impossible in comparison to others, we have real life examples of immortal organisms, we have no indication that it goes against the laws of physics (unlike, say, teleportation).
Sorry for the long delay in answering @urupotter. It's not wrong to ask, but the answer is complicated because it's deeply personal and touches on my moral convictions, so it's emotionally taxing to discuss. Also, my religious upbringing likely plays a part in how I see things and I don't expect that to be universal.
The short of it is this: I cannot imagine a society that seeks immortality that is not deeply, deeply ableist.
I live in a country that used to be renowned for its eugenics and those attitudes didn't go away after the second world war, we just focused it on health and beauty and perfect babies and anti-miscegenation.
Literally, there's a supreme court ruling still on the books that upholds state-decided compulsory sterilization. Legally, it's just fine for the state to decide who's allowed to reproduce because "three generations of imbeciles is enough."
I already live in an ableist society, and I live in a society that's terrified of and ignorant towards death. We are phobic towards aging and disease. We bury and hide those things. Parents go to live in nursing homes when they're sick and unless someone dies in hospice in your home or you were in an accident or the military or work in hospice or mortuaries etc., most people have literally not seen an unembalmed corpse. You also don't see fragile, elderly people in public, and multigenerational households are rare.
I don't know if I'm communicating this well, but for us to pursue immortality, I have a really hard time believing we could do that without denigrating mortality, aging, and disability.
So if we have a system where those things are looked down on, then we think about who has access to life-extending treatment, and that's where class comes in. Even if we could technically come up with something that makes you immortal, I highly doubt that everyone would have equal access to it. So you end up with an amplified version of the society we live in now, where youth and beauty is praised and age is feared or disparaged, and even more than now, access to beauty and immortality is tied to wealth and power. (ageism in hiring is already a huge problem!)
Do I think it's a good use of societal resources? Not really, no. Even if we put aside all of the problems for the policymakers, I think there's other things I'd rather medical researchers be focusing on.
Now, there are definitely age-related things that I think are great to focus on fixing. Coming up for some ways to get rid of arthritis = great! would make lots of people's lives easier! Getting rid of Alzheimer's and other kinds of dementia? Absolutely! While we're at it, let's cure Parkinson's.
It might seem contradictory that I'm totally find with finding cures for degenerative diseases but am not okay with treating death, perhaps the ultimate degenerative disease. But I guess that's the thing, I don't see death as a disease, and I don't see disability as inherently bad (some kinds of disability are just bad—there is nothing redeeming about migraines. Or Alzheimer's). I'm not sure how to describe why those two goals feel different, but it just seems like hubris to pursue eternal youth, whereas stopping specific kinds of suffering seems noble.
Here's where I get into the fuzzy philosophical side of things. I think aging and death have a whole lot to teach us as a society. I think we learn compassion through caregiving. I think we learn humility and patience. I think there's tremendous wisdom to be found in aging and dealing with aging and death. I don't think we should go around inflicting it, obviously, but I do think that we have so much to learn.
This is the part where I'm speaking purely personally, and don't expect others to have to agree with me, but I don't think in a perfect world we would have control over our deaths. This has to do with what I understand the purpose of life to be.
(I'd rather not get into a public discussion on assisted suicide; the short of it is that I'm not blanket opposed to it but I think it's a very very delicate issue and I lack the life experience to know if it's something I would ever pursue, so I'm not the one who should be setting policy)
And maybe this is silly or morbid or crass, but tbh it does give me a sense of relief to know that we all die because there are some sucky people in the world with a lot of power and money and I don't think it would be a better world if they were immortal.
So in conclusion, I think it's actually worse for a society as a whole to be pursuing immortality (as opposed to individuals) because of all the attitudes that go around with it. Also, there's enough preventable deaths to go round and I think we should focus on that.
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Little Birdy P1
Tumblr media
Media Lewis
Character Adam Douglas
Couple: Adam X Reader
Rating: Sweet AF
Concept ‘my Little Birdy’ 
"So… you going to explain, everything of the last like six months" Lucy asked sipping her prosecco in my dorm room 
"I guess I probably should" I laughed "I guess it's started with Aphrodite" I smiled 
I was six miles deep into the library scouring the dewey decimal system the library employed desperate for the book I needed on Aphrodite and Eros. I had to do a report on the variations of their statues though time for my understanding artist difference unit of my artist theory class so I desperately needed the book. I moved down the endless lines of books looking for the one I needed. I quickly spotted it grabbing the top of the spine but as I did someone else grabbed the bottom.
"Ohh excuse me" I said moving back
"No no I'm sorry I didn't see you there" he says I looked and it was a tall thin boy I a red patterned button down the sleeves rolled to his elbows with a plane red shirt under it, a pair of rather tight well worn blue jeans with a leather belt and tattered half broken red converses. 
We both looked and saw there was only one copy of the book on the shelf
"It appears we are at a stalemate"
"It would appear so"
"Why do you need it?"
"For the statues and dates for my artist theory class"
"That's fair that's very needed"
"What do you need it for?" 
"I have a Greek god and goddess paper for classics"
"Ummm this is troubling"
"When's yours due?"
"First period Thursday"
"Ahhh you see mines due tomorrow"
"Ohh dear"
"Yeah. So-"
"But mines sixty two percent of the unti grade"
"Damn mines only twenty" he says "but I have to use this book it's specifically on the paper print out so I have to reference it"
"It's on mine too"
"AHH… likely why there is only left left now all our classmates probably have them"
"Uhhh how about we share it? Go sit in the study room and we can both use it" he suggested
"You wouldn't mind?"
"Not at all" he smiled "I like having someone to chat to while I work anyway stops me procrastinating so much" he laughed taking the book so I happily followed him though the library to a study room which he headed into so I flipped the little in use sign on the door and headed in sitting at the table getting my space set up to work and he sat on the other side of the table setting himself up too
 "I uhh I don't even know your name"
"Ohh right yeah. Adam, Adam Douglas" he smiled offering his hand 
"Y/n y/l/n" I smiled happily giving his hand a shake 
"That's a very pretty name" he smiled giving my hand a kiss 
"Awww your sweet" I blushed before we both began our work flipping through the book each for references we needed he typed away on his laptop and I wrote away with my favorite pen 
"Artist theory you said?"
"Ummm hum had to take it as part of my sculpture course"
"I see. I guess you're one of those down in the art department throwing clay around"
"Kinda yeah" 
"You interested in Greek statues and history then?"
"I am very much, I find it fascinating the level of detail"
"Me too." He nods 
"Classic lit did you say?"
"No classics"
"Ohhh your one of those"
"Yes in one of those cunts"
"No no-'
"It's okay I get it alot."
"The shining example of the school"
"immo sumus" he chuckled
"Sorry Latin. Have to use it alot in classics" he chuckled 
"It's okay, it's cute"
"Yeah you must be very clever"
"Awww aren't you sweet" he Cooes leaning in his arm "tuum pulcherrimum" he smirked 
"What does that mean?'
"I said your very beautiful" 
"Ohhh thank you" I blushed 
"bellus tuus cum erubescis, libet cum loqui tibi latine, parum birdy" he smirked 
I had no clue what he was saying but I turned as red as a strawberry making him smirk more "venerabile" he Cooes taking my hand and giving it a kiss
"I uhhh I take it you're on the Latin debate team?"
"Oh god no. I would happily be on the team issue is its less of a Latin team and more a old boys club for wanking each other off"
"Fair enough" I nodded 
"Plus it would take up an awful lot of my time I prefer having the free time" he says 
"Understandable" I nodded as we soon finished up our work returning the book to the shelf 
"I uhh I really liked working with you" 
"I did too" 
"I wouldn't mind sharing a book with you again or even a study room"
"Me either"
"Maybe we could work together some other time?"
"I'd like that Adam"
"Could you think maybe I could get your number?"
"Yeah, if that's okay"
"Sure" I smiled getting a bit of my spare paper and writing my number down on it with a little heart and handing it over to him 
"Great I'll text you as soon as I get back to my dorm" he smiled taking my hand giving it a kiss "pleasure working with you y/n" he says before heading off out the library, immediately I grabbed a romance book and slightly fanned myself trying to bring down my blush.
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broodsys · 3 months
i am deep in thinky thoughts lately and they are just running circles in my brain so. onto the page they go.
so ever since i was quite young one of my primary beliefs is that there is no absolute anything. and this applies in many, many ways: there is no absolute (ie perfect) circle that can be drawn or created; there is no absolute truth; there is no absolute answer to any question. there is no generalization or observation that is 100% right 100% of the time. the best you get are things that are often right for most people - and even those are fuzzy standards
but given this, i truly don't believe in a lot of the standard practices with art. bc... i don't rly believe in "standards" in that sense? even things that are rooted in science aren't perfect measurements; they're still limited, biased povs
okay this is all very vague and far-reaching. an example: i was taught early on in an art class that humans tend to prefer odd numbers when looking at things. three instead of two or four. a simple thing, perhaps true for most people most of the time, but presented as an absolute. which, being me, i naturally bristled at
there are many, many cases where two or four is better for a piece. so, there's a rule, presented as an absolute, which is so incredibly easy to disprove
but there's still this theoretical Standard Person(tm) that things are compared to. a Standard Interpretation. a Standard Association. and these Standard Things are treated like True Things even though they are not true, they are not absolute, because nothing is
a different example: i have bpd. when i was in group therapy with other ppl with bpd, our therapist once had us listen to music that was designed to be distressing and unsettling. the entire group found it comfortable, myself included. so either ND people don't count and we exist outside of any "standard" human frame of reference (which... i hope i don't have to explain why that's shitty), or the standard is flawed and incomplete
so i tend to protest when ppl treat things like an absolute. sometimes ppl get annoyed at me, or frustrated, or defensive. but it's smth i feel very strongly about. we make a lot of assumptions with our beliefs and with how we formalize those beliefs, but i think it's important to be able to question the systems in place
an art teacher tells you this is real, this is right - and they're a teacher. they teach art. so there's a pressure there: conform, or resist? a music teacher tells you this generates these feelings - and they're a teacher. they teach music. the pressure once again
a math teacher, a science teacher, your parents, your therapists, your doctors, your best friend who you think is so smart, me, for those still reading... there is no singular Right. there is no final answer to any question. and the moment someone insists that there is, is the moment i balk, drag my feet, and protest - but what about xyz?
some ppl want to view this as like, me playing devil's advocate, but that's not it at all. i'm also not trying to be a pain in the ass. but this is my whole thing. i have never experienced the world in the way i was expected to. i have always found myself on the outside of expected interpretations. and i matter. people like me matter. people very different from me matter. to those who are different, who are unaccounted for, and who want to consider themselves outside of the realm of humanity - i get it. this isn't me @'ing them or telling them how to be. it's hard, and sometimes you just want to embrace being on the outside. but even so, ppl who are different, who don't fit the standards, are still ppl. a definition of humanity that excludes us is not a definition of humanity
there is no single answer, and any single answer is a) untrue and b) limited
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jcmarchi · 6 months
“Imagine it, build it” at MIT
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/imagine-it-build-it-at-mit/
“Imagine it, build it” at MIT
MIT class 2.679 (Electronics for Mechanical Systems II) offers a sort of alchemy that transforms students from consumers of knowledge to explorers and innovators, and equips them with a range of important new tools at their disposal, students say.
“Topics which could otherwise feel intimidating are well-scoped each week so that students come out knowing not only what a concept is, but why it’s useful and how to actually implement it,” says graduating senior Audrey Chen. “I could consistently come in with no background and come out with practical experience I could use in future projects. I’d describe the class as a series of small crash courses [each of which] answers, simply, ‘what do I need to know to do or use this thing?’”
The course takes students through the process of design, fabrication, and assembly of a printed circuit board (PCB). Ultimately, that process, which has twists and turns depending on each student’s project idea, culminates in incorporating the PCB into a device — in a sense animating that device to perform a certain function.
“The design intent of 2.679 is to empower students to ‘imagine it, build it,’” says Tonio Buonassisi, professor of mechanical engineering. “Between those two is a universe, and the purpose of this class is to aid aspiring engineers to bridge that gap.”
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Imagine it, build it Video: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Senior Jessica Lam marvels at how much she learned in the course over its one short semester, attributing that flood of education to the class labs being “incredibly well-structured.”
“I’ve found that in a lot of other labs and project-based classes, they throw a lot of information at you at once with the expectation that you already have some experience with certain software or hardware, and most of it is scaffolded and feels like a black box,” without much understanding of what is actually happening, Lam says. “In 2.679, Steve Banzaert has a better understanding of what we already know and how to build on that.”
After taking 2.679, she says she feels “a lot more confident in designing electrical systems, and I have a more comprehensive understanding of how to integrate mechanical systems and electronics.”
Banzaert, technical instructor for the course, says the class is designed to guide students along their own chosen paths of discovery, showing them that they are able to address the challenges they encounter along the way.
“Every semester we get to see really lovely examples of growth, not just in the course material but, in the best cases, in students’ understanding of what they’re really capable of,” he says.
Chen, a mechanical engineering major who is graduating early to start a position as a hardware project manager at Formlabs, agrees that the class did just that.
“Students are given tremendous freedom to pick their own final projects, allowing them to explore topics which are of special interest to them. And because each project is unique, there is less pressure to ‘perform’ in a traditional sense,” she says. “Rather, each student is learning different skills and is encouraged to get as far along with the project they choose as possible. Steve emphasized that the scope of our projects would inevitably change, because at the start you simply don’t yet know what you don’t know, and that’s totally okay!”
Banzaert says, “We try to make it very clear that, yes, we are talking about important general concepts in theory and analysis, but that’s because they are tools that engineers use to solve problems. I think maybe this focus helps remind the students of what got them here in the first place — that the reason you’re an engineer is because there’s something about the world you wish was better, that you’re the person to do it (or at least help), and, if you want to do it well, you’re going to have to learn a bunch of things so you have more tools in your toolbox.”
Senior Yasin Hamed designed a car in the class that uses computer vision to follow along a black line. The car has an attached camera that captures images and relays them to a Raspberry Pi computer that is also attached to the car. Processing the images in real time allows the car to locate the black line and turn or go straight while controlling the car’s speed.
Although Hamed, who is majoring in mechanical engineering with a minor in computer science, had built another similar system in a previous class, he says the focus in the prior class was on the software. With his 2.679 car project, he learned about “the underlying foundation,” meaning “the design of the power electronics and control circuitry which is necessary for everything else to work.”
“I derived much of the ‘enlightenment’ from this class from the little electronic bits and pieces of information I picked up along the course of the class, like learning/practicing soldering, understand how to use integrated circuits, learning how to design a PCB, etc.,” he says. ���It was the collection of all of these things that benefited me the most.”
Jordan Parker-Ashe, also a senior, appreciated how 2.679 combined lessons about electronics with research and presentations from Buonassisi’s lab. “It’s great seeing engineering applied in research,” she says.
Although many of the skills she learned in the course were new to her, one was “an old foe,” she says, that 2.679 allowed her to befriend. Parker-Ashe, who is majoring in nuclear engineering, had used a computer vision program called OpenCV in her first Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program project as a first-year undergraduate.
“It was the hardest thing ever, and it really felt like an insurmountable obstacle then,” she says. “Now, to be using OpenCV in labs and homework effortlessly — It was a very full-circle moment.”
She says the class has opened up a whole new field to her, with Banzaert having “directly inspired” her to also take class 6.131 (Power Electronics), “which has been life-changing,” she says.
“2.679 helped me believe in myself, which inspired me to take 6.131, a notorious electrical engineering capstone, which has made me realize that my future lies as a nuclear-electrical engineering engineer, not just a nuclear engineer,” Parker-Ashe says. “I want to pursue electrical engineering in my future, and that just wasn’t on the table beforehand.
“Not to mention that it’s opened the doors to very rich landscapes for project ideas, creating explorations, art, stepping into new roles in group projects, etc,” she says. “I’m so glad that I’ve been able to find opportunities in Course 2  that helped give me hands-on, applied engineering experience.”
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papirouge · 1 year
yeah, I understand wanting to homeschool and not want the government or school system have a say in their education. In my case though, I'd do the contrary to you: I'd like my kids to go on their younger years through the school system (like from kindergarden to 3rd or 4th grade), and then I'd prefer homeschooling.
The sex education part its something that worries me too. I'm okay with them teaching kids to be able to recognize a sexual assault or when they're being abused. Like for example, there was recently a case in my country where some parents were protesting the school because they claimed that some medical university students abused some kids when they visited some classrooms to educate them on certain sexual themes. Pretty horrible, right? Everyone was understandably pissed, and wanted the principal fired and the uni students facing justice. Until new information came out. Turns out that three little girls that were present in the class that these college students were giving started to recognize that they were being sexually abused by some male family members. So the girls raised their concerns of being abused by their relatives to these students. But eventually, when their moms found about their daughters speaking up, they worried these male family members would be known as sex offenders, and decided to make this story up about these health practitioners being the actual creeps and make a fuss about it in order to protect these male relatives. And the worse thing is that two of these three mothers already knew their daughters were being sexually assaulted by these men from their fammily, they just decided to ignore it in order to protect these males.... truly evil.
So I do understand that some of these things, like learning to recognize a sexual assault, should be taught at school since these types of offenses occur many times at the hands of family members or famyly friends.
Now, I do think that there are many things kids and even teenagers should not be taught, much less by a stranger at school. Like sexuality and gender identity. I remember when it was the pandemic, my at the time 11 year old nephew was having an online class at the kitchen while I was washing the dishes, and I suddenly hear the teacher talking about pansexuality and demisexuality. I remember rolling my eyes so hard, like why teaching them that? I asked my nephew about the class later, and he told me something like "Oh, yeah, its our guidance class were they teach about like school or life and stuff, I don't know, it's a pretty boring class and I dont pay much attention" I think its funny when kids are being kids and couldnt care less about all these 20+ new sexualities or whatever.
The thing I hate the most its all these teachers that somehow think its good to talk about sexual acts that helps not a single kid or teen in anything? At all? The most outrageous and insane ones I hear are from the USA, i dont know whats going on on that messed up country, but the fact that books on school and even teachers themselves are teaching them about like oral sex, or anal sex, dildos, licking buttholes and gross stuff like that?? Why should any kid or teen learn that and much less in a neutral or even positive light? Its so horryfying I dont know how anybody could defend that,
I'd like my baby to be homeschooled at earlier stage because kids can hardly verbalize their abuse. There's been a scandal not too long ago in my country where two 5 years old girls raped a 3 years old boy..... Can you imagine having to find that out? MY BABY WILL STAY AT HOME.
Ideally I'd like to homeschool as long as possible, but a middleschool aged kid can at least articulate if anything wrong happened to them.
Your nephew story is terrying. That's precisely why I refuse to let my baby there. At least your nephew could explain to you what he got told in his course. A child who can barely speak wouldn't, and that's what bothers me.
And sex ed is a tad difference than sexual abuse prevention I think. The latter existed for decades already. Kids get taught songs about their body belonging to themselves and themselves only, what body parts are ok for a stranger to kiss/touch or not, etc. That's entirely different from teaching about sexualities, masturbation or sex positions...
That being said, I agree some families may abuse the overall defensiveness against school sex ed for awful reason (your story of these moms accusing the sex ed teacher or abuse, when the abuser was within the family), but all those problems would go away if they stopped setting the fox among the chickens = talking about sex at school. Stick to the fundamentals: what's a vagina, what's a penis. End of the story. "Sex ed" shouldn't got beyond the realm of biology class. I can hardly be sorry for people talking about sexual orientation to be conflated with sexual predators ; I wouldn't be okay with a stranger talking about such things to me kid and consider them as a predator. IDK why school educator should have a different treatment. Lock them up.
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arcaluna · 1 year
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Outer Wilds with two siblings (intro to the game 11)
Warning!!!! Outer Wilds spoilers!!!
(please do not spoil me/us the game, I would like to discover it on my own with my brother)
(Please start at the beginning, it'll be easier to understand. Plus the Masterpost explain a bit, go read it please)
Now here comes the museum of the observatory where you learn a lot about the planets around without having to leave Timber Hearth (our planet's name).
For example, there is:
- A weird Nomaï statue that someone from the space program named Gabbro brought back from Giant's Deep (I heard a few tales he told about that planet too)
- A freaky dark stone that moves when you turn around, like some horror movie vibe. Gabbro (them again) said it was from a quantum origin. Seems important to note.
- Some stones that are attracted by the moon's (Attlerock) gravity. To which my brother said "so it explains why it seemed like we moved on our own sometimes." which was promptly confirmed when we left the text window and got dragged in the same direction as the rocks.
- A fish from a far away planet, Dark Bramble, that hitched a ride on one of our ships once. It's apparently used to its surroundings being dark or something? Not sure it'll be useful.
- An exposition on the life of a star maybe made by a class of kindergartners... Oookay?
- So there is a stone that can make you walk on walls now cool!
- So apparently we reverse engineered the Nomaï's tech to improve our probes so there was no chance to lose them? What's all this thing about a warp?
- So the Nomaïs and the Hearthians have nothing in common and we are in no way their descendants, so why and how did they all disappear?
- The Nomaï's way of writing is really interesting, there is a loop written on a surface telling one thing and another on the side answering. It's so much easier to understand than our own I think. Plus it looks like the writing is different between two Nomaï? In this one they speak about building something on Attlerock. Noted, we will investigate. Just what's that drawing next that discussion on the wall? It's like an explosion or a star?
Anyway, museum finished, we now go up to the observatory where we find our civilization seems to have reached some theory of the Big Bang. Not sure if this is going to be important but heh, writing it there just in case.
Now, we meet Hornfels who gives us the launching codes and tells us where every other astronautes are (except Feldspar of course): Chert on the Hourglass Twins, Riebeck on Brittle Hollow and Gabbro on, we could have guessed, Giant's Deep.
Edit : I forgot the map showing us our System next to them at the center of the room! There is some kind of white sphere with a structure next to it at the border of the system so what’s with that? Oh, and some Sun station too! So noted I guess?
Now that we have everything, time to get to space!
Okay, what is wrong with that Nomaï statue now? I thought I was going to die with that sudden flashback of all the things that happened! And now it's eyes are open... Creepy... (The fact that it couldn't go through everything we did makes me think we messed around a bit too much XD)
Great, now my friend thinks I'm crazy... Yay!
Anyway, to adventure and beyond!
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duckprintspress · 3 years
Ten Things We Hate About Trad Pub
Often when I say “I’ve started a small press; we publish the works of those who have trouble breaking into traditional publishing!” what people seem to hear is “me and a bunch of sad saps couldn’t sell our books in the Real World so we’ve made our own place with lower standards.” For those with minimal understanding of traditional publishing (trad pub), this reaction is perhaps understandable? But, truly, there are many things to hate about traditional publishing (and, don’t get me wrong - there are things to love about trad pub, too, but that’s not what this list is about) and it’s entirely reasonable for even highly accomplished authors to have no interest in running the gauntlet of genre restrictions, editorial control, hazing, long waits, and more, that make trad pub at best, um, challenging, and at worst, utterly inaccessible to many authors - even excellent ones.
Written in collaboration with @jhoomwrites, with input from @ramblingandpie, here is a list of ten things that we at Duck Prints Press detest about trad pub, why we hate it, and why/how we think things should be different!
(Needless to say, part of why we created Duck Prints Press was to...not do any of these things... so if you’re a writer looking for a publishing home, and you hate these things, too, and want to write with a Press that doesn’t do them...maybe come say hi?)
1. Work lengths dictated by genre and/or author experience.
Romance novels can’t be longer than 90,000 words or they won’t sell! New authors shouldn’t try to market a novel longer than 100,000 words!
A good story is a good story is a good story. Longer genre works give authors the chance to explore their themes and develop their plots. How often an author has been published shouldn’t put a cap on the length of their work.
2. Editors assert control of story events...except when they don’t.
If you don’t change this plot point, the book won’t market well. Oh, you’re a ten-time bestseller? Write whatever you want, even if it doesn’t make sense we know people will buy it.
Sometimes, a beta or an editor will point out that an aspect of a story doesn’t work - because it’s nonsensical, illogical, Deus ex Machina, etc. - and in those cases it’s of course reasonable for an editor to say, “This doesn’t work and we recommend changing it, for these reasons…” However, when that list of reasons begins and ends with, “...because it won’t sell…” that’s a problem, especially because this is so often applied as a double standard. We’ve all read bestsellers with major plot issues, but those authors get a “bye” because editors don’t want to exert to heavy a hand and risk a proven seller, but with a new, less experienced, or worse-selling author, the gloves come off (even though evidence suggests time and again that publishers’ ability to predict what will sell well is at best low and at worst nonexistent.)
3. A billion rejection letters as a required rite of passage (especially when the letters aren't helpful in pinpointing why a work has been rejected or how the author can improve).
Well, my first book was rejected by a hundred Presses before it was accepted! How many rejection letters did you get before you got a bite? What, only one or two? Oh…
How often one succeeds or fails to get published shouldn’t be treated as a form of hazing, and we all know that how often someone gets rejected or accepted has essentially no bearing on how good a writer they are. Plenty of schlock goes out into the world after being accepted on the first or second try...and so does plenty of good stuff! Likewise, plenty of schlock will get rejected 100 times but due to persistence, luck, circumstances, whatever, finally find a home, and plenty of good stuff will also get rejected 100 times before being publishing. Rejections (or lack there of) as a point of pride or as a means of judging others needs to die as a rite of passage among authors.
4. Query letters, for so many reasons.
Summarize all your hard work in a single page! Tell us who you’re like as an author and what books your story is like, so we can gauge how well it’ll sell based on two sentences about it! Format it exactly the way we say or we won’t even consider you!
For publishers, agents, and editors who have slush piles as tall as Mount Everest...we get it. There has to be a way to differentiate. We don’t blame you. Every creative writing class, NaNoWriMo pep talk, and college lit department combine to send out hundreds of thousands of people who think all they need to do to become the next Ernest Hemingway is string a sentence together. There has to be some way to sort through that pile...but God, can’t there be a better way than query letters? Especially since even with query letters being used it often takes months or years to hear back, and...
5. "Simultaneous submissions prohibited.”
No, we don’t know when we’ll get to your query, but we’ll throw it out instantly if you have the audacity to shop around while you wait for us.
The combination of “no simultaneous submissions” with the query letter bottleneck makes success slow and arduous. It disadvantages everyone who aims to write full-time but doesn’t have another income source (their own, or a parents’, or a spouse’s, or, or or). The result is that entire classes of people are edged out of publishing solely because the process, especially for writers early in their career, moves so glacially that people have to earn a living while they wait, and it’s so hard to, for example, work two jobs and raise a family and also somehow find the time to write. Especially considering that the standard advice for dealing with “no simultaneous submissions” is “just write something else while you wait!” ...the whole system screams privilege.
6. Genres are boxes that must be fit into and adhered to.
Your protagonist is 18? Then obviously your book is Young Adult. It doesn’t matter how smutty your book is, erotica books must have sex within the first three chapters, ideally in the first chapter. Sorry, we’re a fantasy publisher, if you have a technological element you don’t belong here…
While some genre boxes have been becoming more like mesh cages of late, with some flow of content allowed in and out, many remain stiff prisons that constrict the kinds of stories people can tell. Even basic cross-genre works often struggle to find a place, and there’s no reason for it beyond “if we can’t pigeon-hole a story, it’s harder to sell.” This edges out many innovative, creative works. It also disadvantages people who aren’t as familiar with genre rules. And don’t get me wrong - this isn’t an argument that, for example, the romance genre would be improved by opening up to stories that don’t have “happily ever afters.” Instead, it’s pointing out - there should also be a home for, say, a space opera with a side romance, an erotica scene, and a happily-for-now ending. Occasionally, works breakthrough, but for the most part stories that don’t conform never see the light of day (or, they do, but only after Point 2 - trad pub editors insist that the elements most “outside” the box be removed or revised).
7. The lines between romance and erotica are arbitrary, random, and hetero- and cis-normative.
This modern romance novel won’t sell if it doesn’t have an explicit sex scene, but God forbid you call a penis a penis. Oh, no, this is far too explicit, even though the book only has one mlm sex scene, this is erotica.
The difference between “romance” and “erotica” might not matter so much if not for the stigmas attached to erotica and the huge difference in marketability and audience. The difference between “romance” and “erotica” also might not matter so much if not for the fact that, so often, even incredibly raunchy stories that feature cis straight male/cis straight female sex scenes are shelved as romance, but the moment the sex is between people of the same gender, and/or a trans or genderqueer person is involved, and/or the relationship is polyamorous, and/or the characters involved are literally anything other than a cis straight male pleasuring a cis straight female in a “standard” way (cunnilingus welcome, pegging need not apply)...then the story is erotica. Two identical stories will get assigned different genres based on who the people having sex are, and also based on the “skill” of the author to use ludicrous euphemisms (instead of just...calling body parts what they’re called…), and it’s insane. Non-con can be a “romance” novel, even if it’s graphically described. “50 Shades of Gray” can sell millions of copies, even containing BDSM. But the word “vagina” gets used once...bam, erotica. (Seriously, the only standard that should matter is the Envelope Analogy).
8. Authors are expected to do a lot of their own legwork (eg advertising) but then don't reap the benefits.
Okay, so, you’re going to get an advance of $2,500 on this, your first novel, and a royalty rate of 5% if and only if your advance sells out...so you’d better get out there and market! Wait, what do you mean you don’t have a following? Guess you’re never selling out your advance…
Trad pub can generally be relied on to do some marketing - so this item is perhaps better seen as an indictment of more mid-sized Presses - but, basically, if an author has to do the majority of the work themselves, then why aren’t they getting paid more? What’s the actual benefit to going the large press/trad pub route if it’s not going to get the book into more hands? It’s especially strange that this continues to be a major issue when self-publishing (which also requires doing one’s own marketing) garners 60%+ royalty rates. Yes, the author doesn’t get an advance, and they don’t get the cache of ~well I was published by…~, but considering some Presses require parts of advances to get paid back if the initial run doesn’t sell out, and cache doesn’t put food on the table...pay models have really, really got to change.
9. Fanfiction writing doesn't count as writing experience
Hey there Basic White Dude, we see you’ve graduated summa cum laude from A Big Fancy Expensive School. Of course we’ll set you up to publish your first novel you haven’t actually quite finished writing yet. Oh, Fanperson, you’ve written 15 novels for your favorite fandom in the last 4 years? Get to the back of the line!
Do I really need to explain this? The only way to get better at writing is to write. Placing fanfiction on official trad pub “do not interact” lists is idiotic, especially considering many of the other items on this list. (They know how to engage readers! They have existing followings! They understand genre and tropes!) Being a fanfiction writer should absolutely be a marketable “I am a writer” skill. Nuff said. (To be clear, I’m not saying publishers should publish fanfiction, I’m saying that being a fanfiction writer is relevant and important experience that should be given weight when considering an author’s qualifications, similar to, say, publishing in a university’s quarterly.)
10. Tagging conventions (read: lack thereof).
Oh, did I trigger you? Hahahaha. Good luck with that.
We rate movies so that people can avoid content they don’t like. Same with TV shows and video games. Increasingly, those ratings aren’t just “R - adult audiences,” either; they contain information about the nature of the story elements that have led to the rating (“blood and gore,” “alcohol reference,” “cartoon violence,” “drug reference,” “sexual violence,” “use of tobacco,” and many, many more). So why is it that I can read a book and, without warning, be surprised by incest, rape, graphic violence, explicit language, glorification of drug and alcohol use, and so so much more? That it’s left to readers to look up spoilers to ensure that they’re not exposed to content that could be upsetting or inappropriate for their children or, or, or, is insane. So often, too, authors cling to “but we don’t want to give away our story,” as if video game makes and other media makers do want to give away their stories. This shouldn’t be about author egos or ~originality~ (as if that’s even a thing)...it should be about helping readers make informed purchasing decisions. It’s way, way past time that major market books include content warnings.
Thank you for joining us, this has been our extended rant about how frustrated we are with traditional publishing. Helpful? No. Cathartic? Most definitely yes. 🤣
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unit-zero-two · 3 years
Queer Representation in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
13 Sentinels was a game I picked up because the trailer looked neat. I had no clue what the gameplay was even like, I just felt adventurous. And I was rewarded with a fantastic game that constantly surprised me in the best possible ways. One of the ways I was surprised was in the actual textual existence of queer characters. Plural. And with a queer relationship developed and promoted prominently on screen between main characters.
Now, with the increase in queer media around the board, this alone isn’t worthy of praise. My enjoyment, and I suspect that of a lot of people, comes from the fact that there was no expectations or promises made, and yet the game still delivered. It was just there, causally, in a AAA game published by a decently well known studio. It’s a good example of what we’re asking for when asking for queer rep. It being allowed to casually exist and flavor games that aren’t just dedicated to telling these stories.
Like a lot of media if you go in expecting flawless queer representation suffusing every aspect of the game, you will be disappointed. This is a game with 15 main characters and most of the cast ends up in straight relationships. But not all of them. And past those relationships, there is still a queerness that is allowed to exist and be shown throughout this game that constantly impressed me.
I will work through the textual, on screen examples of queer representation one by one. There will be spoilers for this game in the post, so if that is something that you care about, please finish the game first before continuing. Due to the non-linear storytelling and gameplay nature of 13 Sentinels I can’t really set timestamps or anything. If you’re not done yet, but still curious to read, I personally feel like nothing I say here will ruin the experience for you. Through it’s strange nature, this is arguably a spoiler proof game and knowing what is to come can help you view the events in a different, but still enjoyable, light.
Textual Queer Representation in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
The place for us to begin will be with one of the 13 playable characters, Takatoshi Hijiyama. Hijiyama is very much a young man defined by when he was raised in the story. 1945 Japan in the middle of WW2. He is nationalistic and proud of Japan, it’s culture and tries to stand for it’s values. While training to be a Sentinel pilot, he falls for the demure Kiriko Douji, daughter of the professor in charge of the project. His prologue begins with him following Kiriko and finding her operating a time travel system. Kiriko reveals three things: 1) she’s the real scientist behind the project, 2) her real name is Tsukasa Okino and 3) she is a he. Okino leaves 1945 and Hijiyama chases after him. What then follows is a very clear romance storyline as Hijiyama works though self-discovery of his sexuality, his internalized biases and some good old jealousy.
Throughout his story, Hijiyama shows attraction to Okino both dressed as a woman and as a man. It’s made clear that the clothes and gender presentation aren’t the main defining factor for his attraction to Okino. He also shows attraction to some of the girls, implying a sort of bisexuality. But in the end, Okino is the one he directs his attention and dedication. The pair even share a robot in the final battle.
Next we have Takatoshi Hijiyama...of 2188. Through a data log Hijiyama finds during his story he finds out that his self of 2188 was in a committed, queer relationship with Tsukasa Okino of 2188. The two openly express their love for each other in the logs, and Hijiyama 2188′s final words are to mourn the death of his lover. The game makes it very clear what their relationship is. And watching this is a turning point for Hijiyama and how he views Okino. Seeing the death of Okino 2188 shakes him, and hardens his resolve and love.
Tsukasa Okino is an interesting character for many reason. We see him first dressed as a woman. When asked about it, he comments “Let’s just say some binaries work for me, and others don’t.”. Throughout the story, Okino alternates between being dressed as a man and a woman. He’s a very practical person and expresses several times his thoughts on both forms of dress and the pros and cons he finds in wearing them. But he never says, “I’m actually a man/woman or I prefer to wear men’s/women’s clothing.” To him, both forms are equal and he switches between them as he feels like through the story. There is also a point in the epilogue where Okino reveals that he can hack into the simulation and change his gender if he wishes. He then offers to turn into a woman and to sleep with Hijiyama. This is a very confident offer made by someone secure in their identity and sexuality. Hijiyama is understandably flustered at the teasing.
Okino openly shows sexual attraction to Hijiyama, mostly presented as teasing jabs at him. As with 2188 Hijiyama, 2188 Okino is explicitly in a Queer relationship and openly affectionate in the data logs. For the most part, present day Okino is busy during the narrative trying to save everyone from the Kaiju, but still finds time to flirt with Hijiyama.
Hijiyama and Okino are the clearest in text examples, but there’s one other stand out example. Iori Fuyusaka. For the most part she spends her story being boy crazy and confused by strange dreams, but there are two interesting moments with her. The first is during the battle section. One of the scripted after battle sections plays and it’s Iori tripping and she scrapes her hand. Yuki Takamiya helps her up and puts a bandage on her hand. It is a very slow, very tender and very deliberate scene. After Yuki leaves, Iori blushes and comments, “Whoa, what the...why is my heart racing right now? Wait, does that mean...? But I didn’t think I was...I mean, what if...” This scene makes it very clear what Iori is feeling and what she is discovering about herself.
In another scene near the beginning of the game in Iori’s story, she’s looking for a cat. She comes across Juro and Shu talking to each other in secretive whispers and embarrassed blushes.
Shu: Just listen. This is a first for me too. You feel it, right?
Juro: ...
Shu: I want to pursue this with you. Please!
Juro: I dunno...it's just...
The edges of the background softens and the camera shifts to center them, soft music plays, and Iori blushes. While the scene itself is a pretty standard confused for gay joke, it’s interesting to see it from Iori’s point of view. When caught, she says:
"I, uh...umm...I think as long as you love each other...it's okay..."
Juro is embarrassed and corrects things. Shu just laughs and is amused by the idea of dating Juro.
Juro: Do you believe us [about our dreams]?
Iori: Well, actually...I'm more surprised to hear that's all it was. Cause, I thought...
She blushes and is interrupted by the bell ringing and class starting.
And in light of the scene with Yuki, it becomes interesting in reflection that her thoughts would go there so quickly. Whether she was conscious of it or not, Iori is very aware of the possibility of same sex attraction. Whether that’s clever foreshadowing or just a neat coincidence is mostly irrelevant.
Uh...that of course brings us to Yuki Takemiya. So...Yuki will get her own post. Because there’s a lot there. Most of which I would argue is heavy subtext. I love the character and her plotline, but it it would be stretching to say that she is textual queer representation. But there’s still a lot to talk about.
13 Sentinels is a game that deals in all variations of relationships; familiar, platonic and romantic, and it’s great that it included queer representation into the text like it did. Hijiyama and Okino gave us a romantic queer relationship, twice, and Iori gives us a Bi-Sexual character who while not in a relationship with a woman is still queer. And that’s always good representation.
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pinoy-culture · 3 years
before I ask my question, I just wanted to say thank you so so so much for keeping up your blog and consistently giving out information where its readily accessible!!!
maybe this will make me sound like an idiot but to preface, I’m a mixed filipino american. My mom is filipino and some chinese and my dad is some sort of european and puerto rican. i was wondering, in your opinion, do you think it’d be okay for me (eventually) work with diwata and anitos? And how can I start? Ive been trying to communicate with my ancestors and I’ve been looking for books to one day buy (im extremely broke so your blog and any filipino witches i come across is all the info i can get) but i honestly have no clue where to start other than with my ancestors (weird dreams lately but nothing ancestor related i think). i took a DNA test as a gift and it pointed, predominantly, to the Western Visayas so im assuming i should study more on pre-colonial Bisayan culture (my lolas from iloilo so it makes sense i guess) but i also know that “blood quantum” is a colonizer concept so i dont wanna rely on it too much :/ sorry to ramble but pls help lol
First, I'd like to say thank you for following the blog! It really does mean a lot to me to hear from others over the years on how much my blogs have helped them learn about our history and culture.
Now as for working with our diwata and the anito, that is completely ok. The whole blood quantum thing among some Filipinos I honestly don't agree with. As long as you have a family member who is Filipino, you are Filipino regardless of your "percentage" and of how you look. If you have Filipino blood in you, the ancestors are there with you. Even if you weren't raised within Filipino culture or a Filipino household because your parents never brought you up in it, or you are an adoptee like some I've met over the years. Your ancestors are your ancestors regardless. They see you and know you and that is all that matters.
Now there really isn't any book focused specifically on reviving our precolonial beliefs and practices. Yes, some did survive and some even blended in with a form of Folk Christianity in the Philippines. You can see many of the older practices and beliefs still alive, but they have been replaced with Catholic imagery and Saints.
But, in regards actually believing in and worshiping our old deities, doing rituals dedicated to the deity, or even some rites of passage like the Tagalog first menstruation rite of passage, or making carved figures dedicated to the diwata and anito, or performing maganito/paganito or atang to the diwata and anito, majority of Filipinos don't do this, or even know it.
So for being an Anito Reconstructionist, which is a label I personally use for my spiritual beliefs and others have adopted, there really isn't a book for it. A Reconstructionist in other ethnic spiritual paths, such as the Celtic, Roman, Aztec, Kemetic, Greek, Norse, etc., are those who look at historical records to try and piece together what was once practiced and believed in prior to Christianity. Over many years, these different spiritual paths have eventually come together, formed a community, and have resources like books and teachers. They have had the time to do all the research and put together a more formal spirituality based on those Pre-Christian beliefs and bringing it to the modern day where they have hundreds to thousands of people who have gone back to those beliefs. With some, they have even created temples, shrines to their deities, and even have celebrations.
Unfortunately that is not the case for us. However, due to the growing interest in our precolonial beliefs and practices over the years, I can see Anito Reconstructionism growing within the next several years. It already has, with many people actually trying to learn more about these beliefs and our old deities. The amount of people of people I've seen and talked to who have expressed their interest to reclaim these precolonial beliefs and practices is nothing compared to 10 years ago when it was hard to even find one or two people who did.
It is why I've been writing this book for a few years now dedicated to helping others in wanting to reclaim our precolonial beliefs and practices as a starting point in their research. For now though, I always recommend those who are starting to simply just read the historical texts. Grab a notebook and write down notes. Organize your notes into deities, rituals, how to make an offering, any prayers to a specific deity, how to set up an altar, etc.
Seeing as your family is from the island of Panay in the Western Bisayas, like my moms side are from, I would start with looking at the Bisayan precolonial beliefs and practices. A really good reference is reading Francisco Alcina's History of the Bisayans (1668). Volume 3 is available online in English which you can find here. Volume 3 goes into a lot of detail in the beliefs and practices. The Boxer Codex, if you are able to get a copy of the English translation, is also really good reading material.
Getting Started:
In terms of getting started, keep in mind that there is no one monolithic belief system or practice in the Philippines. Before there ever was a Philippines, we were different nations with different beliefs and practices. It is important to know your ethnic groups beliefs and practices and know their history. For example, I am Bisaya (Akeanon specifically) and Tagalog and that is what I work with. Others who I know follow the Bikolano, Kapampangan, or Ilokano beliefs. Though there are some similarities, each ethnic group had their own set beliefs and practices.
I often tell people that you can't just mix and match between them. For example, though I work with both the Tagalog and Bisayan pantheons, I wouldn't dare do a ritual offering to both a Tagalog or Bisayan deity at the same time. It's always separate. You also can't combine 2 similar deities together from different ethnic groups just because they share similar attributes. It's just rude and disrespectful.
Start out small. Set up an altar dedicated to your ancestors. If you have any family members who have passed, put a photo of them on the altar. Leave offerings of rice cakes such as suman, food like chicken adobo, or even a cup of drink such as tuba, lambanog, or even Red Horse beer. But if you can't get access to an alcoholic drink either because one you are a minor or 2 it's not available where you live, you can simply replace it with a non-alcoholic drinks like coconut juice. Get a coconut shell or a seashell to either place these offerings as bowls/plates or even use them to put your kamangyan or incense.
Then start researching how our Bisayan ancestors worshiped and practiced. Study the history and read historical accounts, books, and articles about them. Write down what you have learned on these precolonial beliefs and practices and reconstruct or revive them. This is what Polytheistic Recinstructionists do. I have listed links to these texts here.
Ask questions to your family, particularly your elders. See if they know of anything or if they can share some traditional practices and beliefs they know of have heard of. You would be surprised how, despite some families being really religious, many still believe in the spirits, do some form of ancestor veneration, believe in omens that are being told to you by the ancestors or spirits, etc.
If you can, try to go back to the Philippines and see your family's ancestral home, see where they grew up, etc. Ask about family stories and folk stories. For example, my mom grew up in Aklan and has always told me stories of the aswang and certain omens. She also constantly talks about the mischievous "little people" who play tricks on you (for example putting something down like your keys and then it goes missing, until you find it again somewhere else). In the Western Bisayas, they are known as kama-kama. There is also a story of how her grandmother's cat visited her during her wake. The cat was missing for years, but it came back and stayed sleeping on top of the casket for days before it left. My mom told me that it was the cat paying their respects to her grandmother.
Keep in mind also and acknowledge our indigenous communities who have kept their beliefs and practices. Don't try to take them into your own. I have seen people cherry pick things from the Manobo of Mindanao or the Kalinga in the Cordillera, which is just disrespectful. Many of the IP, though some still have kept their beliefs, it isn't the most important aspect to them. What they are most concerned about are other issues such as losing their homes due to occupation by oil or logging companies, other settlers such as the Tagalog and Bisayans (especially in Mindanao), getting targeted as "rebels" by the Philippine military and often getting killed. But, by cherry picking beliefs especially of the IP groups, it's just disrespectful.
I will be teaching classes on Anito Reconstructionism soon and will have my first class possibly at the end of the month or next month. I decided to do these classes seeing as there is a growing community who are interested, but don't know where to start. I'll be doing a proper announcement on these classes real soon so look out for the announcement and hopefully you will be able to join!
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On surpassing childhood heroes and finding ourselves with the help of our friends and family.
Okay my friends, do you remember when I talked about how Dabi and Hawks needed to surpass ir get over Endeavor?
If you don't, then let me make it short for you. Basically I said that Dabi and Hawks are still trapped in the memory of what Endeavor was and that makes them at least a little blind to the present, and specially to the future.
In order to be redeemed, Dabi first needs to heal. That means he needs some help to go pass the harm Endeavor caused him. He needs to be acknowledged, he needs someone that understands his story to help him see there are other options, options where he has a real future, not just dying or rotting in jail. He has a life, he has people that is willing to walk that road with him, he's worthy. And Endeavor was an abuser, yes, but he's meeting (hopefully) his justice and he's not able to hurt him anymore, not as he used to. He needs to get passed Endeavor being his childhood hero (and nightmare), but never forget.
Hawks goes on a slightly different road. Even when he understands many things about reality and Endeavor, he's still basing his value system on what Endeavor made him feel as a child. It's not the person he can't let go of, but the idea. Now, this is problematic in the sense that society is changing, the whole hero system is changing. He's so young and full of life, he still has time. He thinks he doesn't, he thinks his time is over. That's not true. However, Hawks needs to focus on the present and the future, needs to find his rebirth in the hands of the new generations and situations, not in the past.
On that post, the one I was talking about a few paragraphs above, I take Izuku for my example. And then Horikoshi just proved me a bit right with chapter 317 of the manga.
(spoilers under the cut )
If you've read the chapter, you know it was intense. We saw a different Deku, one that doesn't go to UA and doesn't even look like a hero. He doesn't smile, the light in his eyes is gone, and do you know who hs reminds me of?
Yes, Shigaraki Tomura.
Nice touch, because it keeps the emphasis o the parallel between Tomura and Izuku. If you want to read more about this, search in the tags of my blog. I've talk a lot about it.
Deku, who hasn't been taking care of himself correctly, even rejected All Might through a very symbolic scene. All Might, the hero he based his entire life in, was worried about him, offering food. Deku told him he doesn't need to worry anymore, implied that he's already surpassing Toshinori. Deku takes off, leaving Toshinori on his knees, with the bento on the ground, forgotten.
That takes us to the first part of this meta: Surpassing childhood heroes.
This is not exclusive of Izuku, let's clarify that. This whole path began with the very first chapter, when All Might saw in Deku something he has forgotten. He saw something new, the possibility of Deku doing what he never could.
It was the same with All Might and Nana Shimura, or with Lemillion and Nighteye, for example. Legacy, yes, but also going beyond the figure that made you who you are— or were.
An essencial part of growing up is understanding that the people you admired as a kid are not perfect. You can stay within their lines, because at least as a hero you have a duty with the public: you need to do your best, which means you need to try and do better than the ones before you. All Might is a great dude with great problems. He did many things wrong, because he's human and human do things wrong all the time, they can't avoid it. Still, he's responsible for all his mistakes, no one else can take the blame for that.
Deku wanted to be a hero when he didn't know what it implied. He didn't know the system was so corrupted, he was just a kid. So, when can't just be the type of hero he wanted to be. It wouldn't feel right. I believe the story won't allow him either.
There's nothing wrong with Deku surpassing All Might. Yes, he looks exhausted, but that was expected. He's like 16 years old and he's already the pro-heroes against a terrible being. Not just that, he also has to deal with all the knowledge he's getting. That surely is wearing his heart out. He's growing up really fast, becoming a man and getting through all the trauma. It's the war effect.
Shigraki Tomura went through this phase too. He has grown pass AFO. He's not under his control anymore, but he's still being held back. Violently.
In this shonen, Deku is our role model, right? Keep that in mind.
Now, since I've already told you that Deku is not going to be the hero he was going to be when this whole manga started, what about the name? How is this "My Hero Academia"?
Second part, everyone: finding ourselves with the help of our friends and family.
What does this even mean? Well, dear reader, not matter how hard we try, there are things we can't do alone. Overcoming a mental illness, redeeming ourselves, becoming who we want to be... We need support. We need someone to help us stay strong.
I believe that the title "My Hero Academia" refers to Deku's Hero Academia, at least in this meta. This means, this is the story of how Deku learned to be a hero. And that how it's about the old generations, pro-heroes and other figures in his life, yes, but it is only the first step.
The first time Deku acted as a hero was to save Bakugo Katsuki. Then he did it again to save Uraraka Ochaco. To save Todoroki Shoto, etc.
The point is, the teachers and pro-heroes and adult figures in Izuku's life inspired him, but they didn't teach him how to be a hero. The ones always pushing Deku farther, the ones making Deku behave like a real hero, are the younger generations, specially his classmates.
Deku needs his friends. He needs to understand he doesn't have to do everything alone (All Might's mistake) and he needs to understand that this is not just his fight. His friends are family have the right to fight to, they have the right to know what's going on. He can't just do like Endeavor, who pushed his family to the front line and then told them they could not follow him anymore.
The difference between the old generations and the new ones is that these kids have been fighting together since day one. They overcome whatever comes their way by pushing through together. Take Tsuyu and Deku with the first accident at UA. Take the kids during the summer camp, during the license exam, during the war. In a parallel, take Shigaraki Tomura and the League of Villains. They were few, but they reached the top by doing things together.
Deku needs to go beyond, but he can't forget who he is and where he came from. He can surpass All Might, but he doesn't have to completely reject him or leave him behind forever. He needs to act based on the present, but he needs to keep the past close, because the road that take him where he is, that's the road that makes him strong.
There are two lessons in here. Remember this is a meta and it's only my opinion. I can be wrong, you can add whatever you want to this or refute it. I'd love to hear what you think about this!
But well, the first lesson is that you can't live in the past. You can't live in a memory. Yes, maybe that dude rescued you or let you to die somewhere. Yes, maybe the hurt will never go away, maybe you'll never heal completely, but you can't stay there. Living in the past is the same as dying. You can remember it, but then stay in there forever.
The second lesson is that you can become the best you, the hero you or whatever, but you need people to help you. Maybe it's just one person, maybe it's a whole group, but you need someone. Bakugo could have ended up like Endeavor (in the sense of being obsessed with the first place and forgetting to be a decent human being) if it wasn't for his friends at UA. Shoto would have been trapped in his memories if it wasn't for Izuku, etc.
Don't worry, Deku is on his way to be a great hero. At some point, someone is gonna slap him or shake him out of that edgyness. And once the class 1-A and the other kids are set in motion, once they decide it's them (together as one) against all (the quirks of AFO), this is going to become My Hero Academia again.
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sickficsforthesoul · 3 years
I’ve got a nice little prompt for you! (Actually two but I’ll put them in two separate asks).
This one is a character who may be out of your comfort zone but how about a sick Kuroo who has been sick for a while with what he thinks is something pretty mild so he takes a few days off but even though he’s not getting better he feels guilty about missing so much practice since he’s captain.
But then things go downhill and he gets a lot worse really fast.
Excited to see the things that come out of this blog!!
Here's a surprise fic for you. I'm moving into my college dorm Sunday, so I'm writing as much as I can before then to make up for that and not posting much this week.
I hope I did Kuroo justice in this, so enjoy!
Captain Cat's Conundrum
Sick Kuroo and caretakers Kai and Yaku with a bit of Kenma for good measure
Word count: 2185 words
Tetsurou had a cold. He was curled up under heavy blankets in his bed, coughing, shivering, and aching for the past three days. Tetsurou had already missed the past three days of school and practice because his mother insisted that he rest and recover at home. Tetsurou knew she was right, and he also knew that going to school would spread his germs to other students. Still, he couldn’t help but feel guilty over missing so much practice. Yaku and Kai had brought his schoolwork along with updating him on the team’s progress, but Tetsurou wasn’t satisfied. He was the team captain! He should be at practice with his team, not sitting in bed with a little cold.
So Tetsurou had snuck out the next morning, creeping out of the house with his school supplies and volleyball bag before his mother came to check on him. His mother would kill him when he got home, but Tetsurou would deal with that later. Tetsurou jogged to school to avoid being late for morning practice. He stopped at the gym doors to catch his breath, coughing lightly to clear mucus from his throat. Once his throat was cleared, Tetsurou entered the gym with his usual grin.
“Hey guys,” Tetsurou called to his teammates.
“Kuroo!” Lev and Shibayama shouted happily.
“Took you long enough, Roosterhead,” Yaku teased while walking over to Tetsurou. “Any longer, and I was going to make myself captain instead.”
“Liberoes can’t be captains, Yaku,” Kai chided from the bench. “How are you, Kuroo? Are you feeling better?”
“Definitely,” Tetsurou grinned, “my mom was just overreacting. You know how she is.”
“That’s true,” Kenma said quietly from behind Tetsurou.
“Gah!” Tetsurou jumped at his best friend’s sudden appearance. “Don’t do that to me, Kenma,” Tetsurou coughed. “I’m an old man. My heart can only take so much shock, you know!”
“You’re not that old,” Kenma muttered as he pushed past Tetsurou to enter the gym.
Kai looked at Tetsurou with concern. “Are you sure you’re okay? That cough didn’t sound good.”
“I’m fine,” Tetsurou reassured his friend. “The cough will go away on its own. Haven’t you ever had a cough after you had a cold for a while?”
“I suppose I have,” Kai said, but his face was still doubtful. “You’ll tell us if you start feeling sick, won’t you?”
“Of course I will. I’m not that dumb,” Tetsurou scoffed.
“I sure hope you’re not,” Yaku eyed Tetsurou suspiciously. “If you don’t tell us, I’ll kick your ass for lying to us.”
“So violent, Yakkun!” Tetsurou sighed dramatically. “This is why you’re the demon senpai. Even the devil himself is scared of you.”
Yaku launched himself at Tetsurou with a shriek of fury. Tetsurou laughed and dodged Yaku’s attack, but the libero didn’t give up, opting to chase Tetsurou around the gym instead. Kai awkwardly watched the duo for a few minutes before joining in the chase too to catch the troublesome third years (“Wait, guys! We have practice right now. You can’t just goof off the entire time! You’re setting a bad example for the others!”).
Tetsurou made it through morning practice and the first half of the day with no issue, but by lunch, certain problems were beginning to emerge. The first was Tetsurou’s ever-growing headache. It pounded in his temples throughout lunch, distracting him from his friends and food. The second was his cough. It was stronger than that morning, and Tetsurou was struggling to hide his coughing fits from the watchful eyes of Kai and Yaku. The final problem was the terribly uncomfortable combination of chills and aches wracking his body. Tetsurou’s muscles ached as his body shivered despite the fairly warm air around him.
Tetsurou stumbled through his afternoon classes, feigning attention to hide how sick he was feeling. Thankfully, Yaku and Kai weren’t in his afternoon classes to witness Tetsurou’s pitiful acting because Tetsurou was sure they would have dragged him home on the spot. But Tetsurou can’t let that happen. He has practice after school, and he was determined to make up for all that he’d missed in the past few days.
When classes finally end, Tetsurou walked leisurely to the gym for practice. He somehow was the first to arrive, so he began an easy warm-up. By the time he was finished, everyone else was in the gym warming up too. Tetsurou also felt slightly better, the ache in his muscles dulled by the adrenaline now in his system. The cough and headache still proved to be a problem, but Tetsurou had become much better at ignoring the headache and swallowing back coughs before they could escape. Even so, Yaku and Kai stared at him for a minute, both his friends suspicious of Tetsurou’s health. They only stopped when Coach Naoi fussed at them to warm up instead of standing around.
The rest of practice followed a similar pattern. No matter what Tetsurou was doing, Kai and Yaku were never far away, always watching for any cracks in their captain’s façade of good health. By the end of practice, Kai and Yaku were starting to think that they might have overreacted at morning practice. Tetsurou looked mostly fine all practice. Maybe his cheeks were a little flushed or his breathing a bit heavy, but that could easily be attributed to the amount of exercise he was doing.
Coach Nekomata was unusually spartan with his training throughout practice. So far, the team had done sprints, flying falls, receiving drills, and blocking drills all in the span of an hour and a half, so most of the team looked just as disheveled as Tetsurou by the end of practice. Coach Nekomata dismissed them a few minutes ago, but the third years and Kenma remained in the gym with the coaches. The third years were supposed to help clean up, and Kenma stayed because he always walked home with Tetsurou.
With everyone else gone, the coaches went to Nekomata’s office to get their things while the third years cleaned. Kai and Yaku got to work immediately, but Tetsurou lagged behind his friends. The adrenaline in his system was fading, and the aches and chills returned with a vengeance as Tetsurou’s head continued to throb. His lungs twinged uncomfortably, a cough building in his throat. Tetsurou tried to stifle it, but his body was done obeying him. Instead, a loud hacking cough escaped Tetsurou’s throat and echoed through the mostly empty gym.
Kai and Yaku whipped around to face their captain, shocked by the nasty cough, but Tetsurou wasn’t done. His abused lungs were tired of holding back, and his body spasmed with pain. Another cough tore out of Tetsurou’s throat, and then another. Coughs wracked Tetsurou’s shivering frame, and the boy fell to his knees as the coughing fit deprived his lungs of much-needed oxygen. Tetsurou’s head spun, his eyes foggy and unable to focus on anything.
Coughs continued to come. Tetsurou’s body was screaming for oxygen, but his lungs couldn’t calm down enough to let any air through. Tetsurou wheezed miserably, body shaking with strain and exhaustion. What the hell was happening? Tetsurou was fine that morning (well, maybe not that fine, but not this bad either), so how did he deteriorate so quickly? Tetsurou’s racing thoughts did nothing to ease the headache, and Tetsurou was sure that if he didn’t stop coughing soon, he might end up passed out on the gym floor.
Someone rubbed his back. Tetsurou lifted his heavy head to see Yaku carefully but firmly rubbing his back. The pressure helped Tetsurou focus and relax, causing his breathing speed to decrease and his coughs to lessen. Another hand came to rest on Tetsurou’s forehead (Kai’s, Tetsurou assumed), most likely taking his temperature. Tetsurou also saw Kenma walking toward him, holding Tetsurou’s water bottle. Kenma offered him the bottle, and Tetsurou took a small sip, hands still shaky and unsure. After a few sips, Yaku and Kai manhandled Tetsurou until he was sitting on his backside instead of his knees. Yaku and Kai looked at him sternly, and Tetsurou knew he was in very big trouble.
Surprisingly, Kai was the first one to speak. “Kuroo, why didn’t you tell us you weren’t feeling well?”
“I was feeling b-better during practice, so I d-didn’t think it was t-that bad,” Tetsurou muttered, his words broken up by coughs.
Yaku raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Really, Roosterhead? That’s the best excuse you can come up with?”
“...Yes…?” Tetsurou said, though it sounded more like a question than an answer, even to his own ears.
“...You can tell us, Kuroo. We’re still your friends, even when you’re acting stupid.” Kenma leveled Tetsurou with a flat but stern gaze, and Tetsurou knew he had no choice but to explain.
“I feel bad, okay?!” Tetsurou snapped. “I’ve already missed three days of practice for a stupid cold, and I can’t miss any more practice, or I’ll get behind!”
“You can be such an idiot sometimes, Kuroo,” Yaku sighed, eyes oddly soft. “You’re allowed to miss practice when you’re sick. We know you wouldn’t skip practice, and no one wants your nasty germs in the gym anyway.”
“Yes, Kuroo,” Kai chimed in gently. “Our coaches aren’t so terrible that they’d make you practice while sick.”
“I know that,” Tetsurou sighed, “but it’s different for me. I’ve already missed too much, and I can’t stand missing any more practice!”
Kenma tilted his head lazily. “Why’s it different for you, Kuroo?” Kenma asked calmly.
“Because I’m the captain!” Tetsurou exclaimed, coughing as air caught in his lungs. “I can’t afford to slack off. I have to set a good example. I have to…” Tetsurou was crying at that point, exhaustion amplifying his emotions to an extreme level.
“Kuroo…” Kai whispered as he wrapped a sobbing Tetsurou in a delicate hug. “You are setting a good example. You’re a wonderful captain, and everyone on the team knows it.”
Yaku snuck into the hug too, squeezing Tetsurou with his warm, comforting arms. “Kai’s right, Kuroo. You’re a good captain. You know I’d kick your ass if you weren’t right?”
“Yes,” Tetsurou mumbled through more tears.
“And since I haven’t kicked your ass, do you know what that means?” Yaku pressed as Tetsurou’s sobs become quiet.
“That I’m a good captain?” Tetsurou asked, voice rough from tears and coughs.
“Exactly,” Yaku smiled warmly. “You’re a very good captain, Kuroo, but do you know what else you are?”
“...An idiot?” Tetsurou guessed, reaching up to wipe away any remaining tears.
Yaku chuckled softly. “Got it in one. Now let’s get you home. I don’t think you have a cold anymore. Kai?”
“It seems more like the flu to me. That fever is far too high to be just a cold,” Kai agreed, helping Yaku pull Testurou off the gym floor. “What do you think, Kenma?”
“Flu, probably. His symptoms match pretty well,” Kenma answered, stepping back to give Kai and Yaku room to work. “He could have had a cold earlier and picked up a flu virus on top of that.”
“Man, Kuroo, your luck sucks!” Yaku snickered as he supported Tetsurou. “You’re lucky you didn’t pass out. Coach Naoi would have freaked out if he had to call an ambulance for you.”
“You’re so mean, Yaku,” Tetsurou whined with as much energy as he could muster. “No wonder Lev is so scared of you, you snarky little devil!”
“I’m not little!” Yaku huffed but continued to support Tetsurou to the door.
“You two are too much sometimes,” Kai sighed at their antics. “Kenma, can you show us where Kuroo lives?”
“Yeah. Follow me,” Kenma agreed easily. “Hey Kuroo, you know I’m gonna tell your mom everything, right?”
Tetsurou’s eyes widened in horror. “Kenma, you can’t! She’ll never let me live this down! Please don’t tell her. I’m begging you!”
Kenma giggled at Tetsurou’s uncharacteristic behavior. “But if I don’t tell her, then she’ll fuss at me. I don’t like to be fussed at, Kuroo.”
“I’ll do whatever you want,” Tetsurou begged. “Just don’t tell my mom!”
Kenma’s face twisted into a mirthful smirk. “Okay. We’ll have a Super Smash Bros. tournament as soon as you get better.”
Tetsurou’s face fell instantly. “Smash Bros? But I suck at that game!”
“I know,” Kenma nodded sagely. “Kai, Yaku, you guys can come too if you want.”
“Sounds good, Kenma. Let us know when you pick a date and time,” Kai smiled at the setter. Yaku snickered and nodded in agreement.
Tetsurou groaned inwardly. These people were really his friends, huh? But they were taking him home after he got sick, Tetsurou reasoned. They were also helping him walk, and Tetsurou had no doubt that they wouldn’t leave his house until they had him feed, in bed, and drugged up on flu medicine. They were kind and caring when they wanted to be, and Tetsurou appreciated all they were doing for him right now. Maybe his friends weren’t so bad after all.
(No, scratch that. They were making fun of him for maining Kirby in Smash now. They were definitely assholes.)
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Classpects run on Irony, Puns, Wordplay, and each class has a secondary verb, in addition to the one they share with their pair.
Witch - Which. “Choose / Choice”. A Witch chooses power. Witches are the Powerhouse of the Session(cell). They are akin to Thieves, for a Witch takes power. But the difference here is that a Witch doesn’t need to take it from other people, a Witch takes back their own power from whatever Guardian (or “familiar”) has it. Its not like an Heir, where the Heir can just wait for it to come; a Witch has to grab it or be forced into its service.
Heir - Air/Err. “Inherit”. An Heir inherits power. While Heirs are akin to the Page, where they both inspire others to help them; the difference here is that Heirs will inspire others to Guide them (Literally inspire others to act as Seers), while Pages inspire others to Serve them (Inspire others to act as Knights). Heirs don’t like being Served (In fact, Heirs Homestuck-Historically have conflicts with Guardians because of their Service), and Pages don’t like being Guided. (Most Pages tend to talk smack about those trying to Guide them)
Mage - Magician. “Perform”. Mage’s are showy, in addition to being knowitalls. How you are Seen is Important. There are three Mages, two known and one HC’d, that give this. Sollux, inspite of his problems, is a Show Off and tries to play it off Smoothly. His performance is more important than his powers (Or Spells, if we’re dedicated). Meulin also tends to be Showy. Both by showing off her favorite couples, and by her Disciple self showing off her rommance on literal cave walls. HC’d Mage, Diamonds Droog / Draconian Dignitary, is all about the Show and the Class, and not about Flash Powers or Transformations.
Seer - To See. “Envision”. Seers See Seas. What you see is important. Unlike their counterpart, the Mage, A Seer’s visions are more important than their Spells. (This is inspite of the fact that both Mages and Seers are equally capable of both Visions and Spells, as well as Performance. It seems what what indicates if you’re a Mage or a Seer is if what’s important is How you are Seen, or What you See; A Mage wants to be Seen, a Seer wants to See).
Thief - To Steal / To Steel / Steel yourselves. “Enforce”. If Knights are the Law, Thieves are the Enforcers; because they literally reinforce themselves by taking what they want. Let’s take this a step further, and include all definitions of Enforce Thieves Strengthen, Intensify, Force, Drive and Urge whatever they set their sights on, to be what they want it. (After all, they Steal, or Take By Force / Violence)
Rogue - To Go Rogue / Haywire. “To Cross”. Rogues are pretty good about making connections, and making connections work; be it between people, or their Aspect. (Roxy between her Friends and her Windows; Nepeta with her Romances)
Knight - Night. “To Bare / Bear”. Bear hands? This may seem outlandish, but the origin of the word Night is “Bare” or “To be Bare of Sunlight”. And Knights tend to put on a kind of Mask, or Shield, or rather, Helm / Helmet as they feel their weaknesses (or what they think are their weaknesses) feel bare to the world (Dave and his Sunglasses; Karkat and his Temper; Latula and her Gamer Attitude).
Page - Chapter. “To Assemble” YOU BOY, EQUIP ARMS. This one took a bit, but what’s a Page without a Chapter? Be it a Chapter in a Book of Pages, or a Council to of all those they have called on to serve them. A Page is a Knightly figure that has a Round Table, akin to a Rogue’s Merrymen. A Page inspires others to play Knight to them, or to serve them. To call to Arms, or call to Action. So basically, if Robin Hood is a Rogue’s Mythic figure, King Arthur is a Page’s mythic figure. So literally, all those a Page calls on personally, makes them apart of their Round Table of Knights. (Wait, does this mean that HS^2 Jane is Morgan Le F--)
Maid - Made. “To Make” Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice. Maids are the Makers. They don’t so much as Maintain, though they do that too, as they create. Consider. Aradia is a prime example. She dies, so she makes Time for herself as a very powerful Poltergeist. She becomes a Robot, and makes Time for Herself by her many many Robot Time Copies, or as Time is Numeral, making Numbers. She becomes a Godtier, and suddenly, Time in the Dream Bubbles align perfectly with the Present. Notice how when we are first introduced to the Dream Bubbles, Time was a real nonlinear pain. But when Aradia took the Reins on this Time Management Stuff, and suddenly the Dream Bubbles were Linear and aligned with our Story. She did want to see the end, after all (And the more living Time Gods entered the Bubbles, the more Linear things became) For Porrim, its about Making Space for others in both her various views and her uh... Various Views. For the Dolorosa, this included making Space for herself, and for her son. She possibly even helped direct him closer to the idea of Freedom (And he did see visions of another space in time...)
Sylph - Sylvan / Wood Threshold. “To Matter” Okay, this one is like the Knight’s, if not more complicated (and likely gonna require more development in the future, cos this took waaay too much digging for my liking). Thing is, Sylph is a difficult thing to name from name alone unless you look into the word itself. Because its derived from Sylvan “Of the woods”. But we break that down into two things. Silva, the Woods, and Hyle, Matter. Hyle / Hule is already the Greek word for Matter or Wood in any case. And our word for Matter is already derived from Mater, the Latin word for Mother. (The original English word was displaced by Latin; Andwork was once our word for Matter). Unfortunately, I can’t quite make the connections here yet, so I’m not sure if “To Matter” is the proper verb. I can, however, describe some loose connections that at least tell me I’m on the right track: ... Sylphs are defined by their Environment; Such as Kanaya’s relations regarding Trolls (A motherly figure), Aranea defined herself by Information and giving Information (which ain’t healthy), Mindfang defined herself a Thief because the Troll Empire was lead by a Thief And HC’d Sylph of Mind, Snowman was, quite literally, the Universe (And its Multiverse, which is a Mind thing). So a Sylph defines herself by her “Woods”, or like a Nymph / Dryad, by her “Tree / Wood / Matter”. And when you kill the Tree / Wood, you kill the Sylph, and vice versa (Destroy the Matriorb, and Kanaya dies; Kill Snowman and you kill the Unvierse; Mindfang was murdered, and her Enlightenment about the Doc died with her).
Prince - Principle / Foremost. “To Postulate” Its the Principle of the matter. For Princes, Principle and Code are key, and they will follow these as a fundamental truth (and be damned to anything else). This is likely what it was meant when they were called a Destroyer Class, because they do tend to destroy all avenues when it doesn’t fit their Principle. A Group of Princes could be called an Argument. For Eridan, both the system he resided in, and his own internal narrative (his Hopes), were his fundamental truths. And in the end, it fucked everything up. For Kurloz, his Belief System and his chosen Lord were his Fundamental Truth (And Rage is about Truths; so this guy didn’t just have a fortified castle, he had an entire armored country) For Dirk, the Character someone presented was the Truth of the matter, and the Character he presented. He believed that all versions of him were Him, and that was his biggest flaw, because they weren’t. AR was no more Dirk Strider than Bro was. ... And unfortunately, one version of him took this very literally (HS^2).
Bard - Barred / Bar. “To Prevent” Bards are quite the Wild Card, because how the hell do you manage destroying stuff for other people’s benefit and it actually ensured that it is a benefit? But from our few examples, Bards do act as great barriers. They keep things on the path because if you didn’t have that barrier, you wouldn’t progress, or you’d go too far too quickly, or things could go out of hand. For Gamzee, he tends to invoke the idea of the Barrier Maiden (He does roleplay a fairy / maid). He can’t die cos he’s a Cosmic Keystone to things happening like they’re suppose to. Paradox Space, literally, cannot let him die because it needs him to complete the Alpha Loop [By extension, no Doomed Timeline ever has a Dead Gamzee, he’s just that important, the stupid fuck] / [consider the theory that he also absorbs his alternative selves to keep his keystone status; like how Rose absorbed her alternative dream self] (Though when you take him from his story / destiny / fate, he’s just another mortal shitty clown). Gamzee prevented Rage, for Homestuck to continue as its intended narrative. For Cronus, his little Hope Quest was a direct line to Lord English (being the evil wvizard in his little Harry Potter fantasy). But this blew up royally, because as it turns out, it isn’t up to the Beforus Trolls to do shit. So just as Gamzee’s crisis of Fate put things back on the Path to LE and prevented catastrophe, Cronus’s crisis caused catastrophe. He prevented Hope for the Beforus Trolls, because it wasn’t their Story. And now for my HC’d Bard of Doom, Clubs Deuce. He does exactly what it says, he Prevents Doom. Inspite of what it appears, he’s highly competent because that prevents things from going to hell. For CD, he prevented Doom, for his Crew, and the sessions he’s involved in. And any time CD tends to disappear from the picture, is when things go to hell fast (For the Crew, Cans showed up; for the Beta Session, he was a mere herald for the doom that was already coming and his death cinched it)
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He did? Umm.. what happened exactly?
(referring to this post)
my 11th grade chemistry teacher had an associates degree in liberal arts.
you know how in virtually every class you’ve ever had since middle school, your teachers made a big stink about the syllabus? she didn’t have one. this was her first teaching job, which she got because of her length experience as a substitute, not by her licensing qualifications. we were, at first, excited to have her, because she was a “fun sub” and we were 17 years old and stupid as all shit. we were the “normal chem” class in a system where the only other options were “honors chem” which was filled with children who actually know how to study (or cheat) and have an air of proper student activity, and “AP Chem”, which is clear enough if you’ve been an american student in the last 15 years.
she followed the mcgraw hill chemistry book in order of chapters, despite the fact that our state standardized tests did several of the chapters out of order. ever notice how you’ll suddenly be looking at chapter 11 when just last week you were on chapter 5, then the next week you’re on chapter 8? standardized testing is the reason. anyways by asking my friends in other classes who had chemistry teachers of relative competence, i was able to discern which chapters i should focus on, and while she was distracted with literally watching youtube videos all period, I was turning around in my seat and walking across the classroom helping my friends and enemies with the packets. (she was a two-packets-a-week kinda teacher.)
yes i said enemies too. the people i hated, i hated because they were sons of bitches i wouldnt piss on to put out a fire. i hated them so dearly i used to pray to god that they would bump into me so i could throw myself into the concrete and split my forehead open and get them expelled due to the blood-clause of our “zero-tolerance policy”. two of the kids in my class had, only the previous year, attempted to set my hair on fire.
i hated the teacher more. 
it gave me extreme pleasure to see her fume and clench her fists when a student would say “i need help” across the classroom and she would move to get up and they would say “oh not you miss, im waiting for vicky.” jesus christ the only time ive ever felt a comparable high was when i was at a halloween party in college where i was literally so zooted i couldn’t move.
it got worse over time, her getting more and more angry, my ego growing larger and larger. i was a huge bitch in high school, i really thought i was the smartest bitch in the room at any given moment. severe main character syndrome. imagine that kind of person actually being right for 45 minutes out of every day. can you even comprehend the kind of frustration that would create? in a room full of little sociopaths who dont give a shit about anything but getting this joke of a class over with so they can graduate? your first real teaching job and they look right past you, the teacher, to this annoying little shit whose grades are completely abysmal? how are they managing to learn anything from a child who can barely speak in front of more than 10 people? who turns cherry red in the face of literally every authority figure in the building except you? who can’t concentrate and stay still in one spot for more than five minutes? all of your other classes behave! they listen! they sit down and shut up and do the packets! so what fucking gives!!!
so you say “fine, since you all HATE ME so much i just won’t teach then!!!” on literally week fucking ten of teaching. and instead of prostrating themselves before you, begging you to like... point at transparencies and read directly from powerpoints i guess.
and they all collectively say “okay” and let the chipmunk child flutter between desks and help them memorize formulas and mnemonic devices and shit. surely her grades will suffer if she’s constantly dealing with other people and you’ll have justification that her horseshit is “distracting” and “a detriment to her studies”. she got bored gave up on that after two days after nothing changed.
then we did the midterm.
except at the end of the exam packet was something we never learned because again, she was going through the book chronologically. because i actually enjoyed the chem book (so much that i stole it when the year was up lmao), i knew the material.
it was about lewis dots/structures. i couldn’t tell you a damn thing about it today but in december 2010 i absolutely knew that shit. i didnt have too much of a problem with it in the exam, but the students who had gotten to that point were complaining and at first she pulled that “you should have been studying independently uwu” shit but the class was about to get loud during exam period so she shushed us and said that when we get to that point, just stop, and she’ll mark it correct during grading, no harm no foul just keep it quiet. one of the more confrontational students called horseshit and said theres no way we’re trusting that and there’s definitely no way anyone will keep an entire classroom cheating at the instruction of the teacher quiet.
i offered to teach it.
she scoffed, rolled eyes, said “sure fine but you can’t get your exam back” and i said “okay.” so when everyone was to the point in the exam, we piled them all on her desk and i used the whiteboard to briefly and quietly explain lewis dots, used the book examples and problems, and helped the other kids understand. there were a couple exam questions that were lifted straight from the book problems so i skipped those. while teaching i realized i had gotten a couple wrong which sucked :( it was an incredibly stupid experience overall, and no teacher worth the paper their certification is printed on would have allowed that to happen. and fucking yet.
anyways everyone but me got their exams back and finished it and many of us passed, only a few of them did particularly well.
discussing the chem exam with friends who also took the chem exam, many students found their anecdote about the lewis dots to be confounding, for you see, the exam we took was not, in fact, the midterm, but the god damned final.
she had us taking the fucking final because she didnt read the fucking folders which read “midterm” and “final exam” on them
she was reprimanded severely and we all had to take the exam on different days, in different classrooms, sitting very far apart. after that she hated me even more. like girl it was your fault lmao i am literally a teenager grow up lol. anyways you can imagine how much more fucking insufferable i became, knowing how miserable she was.
it all came to a head in february when some students were giggling quietly following a minor fuck up on her part regarding bellwork. they were making fun of her like “are you sure thats not tomorrows bellwork lol” and a friend next to me did the “hey i need help wait no miss not you sorry” thing and when i answered him, she solidly snapped. blah blah YOURE SOOOO DISTRACTING blah blah YOU THINK YOURE SOOOO SMART DONT YOU blah blah blah and she was like demanding i leave the room and shouting at the top of her lungs at me “ YOU POISON THE MINDS OF EVERY OTHER STUDENT HERE. YOU’RE POISONOUS VICTORIA, YOU’RE A VIRUS IN THIS CLASSROOM.”
i will never forget that line as long as i live. it was like crack to me. i moved to open the door to leave and the vp opened it first. he escorted me to the office and asked me what happened, then told me to keep my head down in class from now on, and that if i wanted to help my friends i should give them my number and help them out on our own time. i was like “bro thats really stupid” and he was like “thats all we can do right now but i promise we’re working on it”
i lasted the rest of the year giving smug smiles as we did packet after fucking packet for the rest of the year. they were all take-home work. i wasnt comfy giving my number to my enemies. the class camaraderie ended.
the final was altered. my class took a different final than the rest of the normal chem classes.
i started 12th grade and got a solid case of senioritis. i told that story to anyone who would listen. while it was happening, i obviously told my favorite teacher everything as it happened. when i mentioned it senior year he was like “oh yeah i forgot about her,
she was fired over the summer.”
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
(Rabbithole Anon) Y'know, I was going to send in an ask about just they could have made a compelling way to show how some people may have become hunters through pressure rather than an age excuse if they wanted to say some people weren't ready (joining to protect a friend who wanted to be one, wanting to travel for a variety of reasons, it being a general expectation but the person being hesitant) but it led to me wondering wait, would certain careers require a hunting lisence?
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Okay, I love this rabbit hole. XD It illustrates a couple of RWBY problems here and it's the fact that they often are lacking in the character development/character journey department, and that they're often lacking in the world building department.
We actually have plenty of characters that can serve as examples for people who maybe should've thought twice about entering the Academy (when they did.) There are people who entered the Academy for the wrong reasons/not noble reasons, people who entered the Academy during a time they might not have been ready, and people who would be full on dangerous with a Hunter badge, and most of our mains fall under one of these categories (though mostly the first two.)
Ruby - Two years below the standard age of her class. Whether or not she was at the skill level of a first year (she was,) and whether or not she'd received special training from Qrow (she had,) Ruby was still essentially a kid, and her mind and body both hadn't developed completely. Ruby should have been traumatized after the Fall of Beacon and been allowed to show that more as a character, she should've had straight up PTSD, she should've been allowed to have emotion in Volume 4 than Jaune's sidekick who makes sad eyes when she sees him grieving. Weiss - Her main motivation for joining Beacon was to reclaim her family legacy. Yes, her desire was to reclaim it and use it for good, but it was still arguably more about personal and familial glory. On top of that, Weiss has been blatantly anti Faunus and has never so much as addressed that. Weiss's character journey should have reflected more personal growth, and either her unlearning much of her Faunus racism and clearly changing priorities from her name and family legacy and onto the actual people in need, or her flaws should've led her into being more of a morally gray character who displays her selfishness and pride (in a way that's actually addressed and treated like a flaw.) Yang - She expresses admiration for people like Ruby who want to help people and be kind, but her main point in becoming a Huntress was getting thrills and going where the wind takes her. She didn't join Beacon for any sort of serious purpose, and even when she rejoined Team RWBY in volume five, it was to be with her sister and not because of her own morals (not that I think she's lacking in morals, just that her main motive was different.) This could lead to her having to figure out a lot of what she actually wants, being unsatisfied with being a Huntress in Atlas, being in over her head when things get serious, being more mentally exhausted than the others after long days, etc. Jaune - Wasn't ready to enter Beacon. Idk if he just wasn't allowed to go to a lesser combat school like Signal or if he flunked out, but he wasn't up to scratch to get into Beacon and cheated his way in. On top of that, he lacked in the emotional maturity department as well when he entered. Jaune was a little more invested in his own appearance than Ruby was, but still seemed to have similar good reasons for wanting to be a Hunter. And he did grow a lot. But he was much less prepared, skilled, or equipped to deal with the training or the career and it's a miracle he didn't die in the initiation. Granted, Jaune was handled arguably better than anyone else, since a lot of this was addressed, but these days it feels like it isn't actually playing a part in his character anymore that he's way below the people around him, and I feel like it should still be impacting him. Penny: Honestly, Penny seemed very newly born during the Beacon Arc. She might have been combat ready, but she also started spilling secrets to the first person who was a little bit nice to her, and was clearly naïve and childlike. Imagine if it had been Emerald that had befriended Penny instead of Ruby. Penny dying and then getting resurrected should've been deeply traumatizing for her and it should've made her undergo some major changes and been treated with importance in the show. Qrow: Literally wanted to be a Hunter in the first place to try and learn how to murder Huntsmen. He might have changed later and it’s not exactly relevant, but he arguably shouldn't have joined when he did either. Meanwhile, Nora's just one big mystery, because we don't know why she joined, and Ren likely joined for good reasons, but neither of them have ever actually talked about their motivations. The only character we can safely say joined for noble reasons and who was up to scratch and ready when she entered is Blake, who also had good reason to not fully trust the system she was working with, so there could've been complications and character interest there as well.
Please don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I don't think the others should've been in school, I love that they were! I just think the writers should've explored the various ways they might've been not fully ready, not completely well suited to the job they took. The characters are allowed to be flawed and to flounder and it'd make them more full, nuanced characters imo.
On top of that, we have other Hunters to look to as well, outside of our main cast. Cardin, for example, was a terrible person, still in school and already abusing what little power he had to target a member of an oppressed minority group and blackmail other kids into doing his bidding, while plotting revenge on someone for correcting him on his anti-Faunus answer to a question. People like him should not be Hunters, and he was arguably our first sign (of many signs) that the position of Hunter can and will be taken advantage of and misused by bad people. And although the After the Fall/Before the Dawn books aren't canon, while reading BTD (I haven't finished it yet,) Coco and all her team members but Velvet also struck me as people I wouldn't want to be Hunters and wouldn't want to wield any sort of power. Coco is proudly described by one of her friends as sadistic, lets her unfounded opinions of people cloud her judgement, shows respect and admiration towards criminals, and enjoys her classmates being afraid of her. Fox is self-described as sadistic as well and is a bully who tried to use a classmate's phobia against them in a brute-like interrogation. And Yatsuhashi is leagues above the two of them, but also bullied Neptune despite saying the words 'I don't want to be a bully' and threatened him.
There are so many ways the writers could've explored people who went to Beacon too soon, weren't ready, or entered for the wrong reasons. Instead, outside of one conversation in season two about the girls’ motivations and Ren exploding that Jaune cheated his way into Beacon all the way in season eight, it seems like the only take away we're supposed to get is 'all these kids are officially the thing they wanted to be in the beginning and they're all amazing at it, woo!' No acknowledgement of the fact that they could use higher education still, that some of them are still immature or naïve, that some of them are still below the combat level they should be in, that some of them kinda haven't done super well since they left Beacon (cough Ruby cough.) It's all just... Flat, lackluster. And meanwhile, characters like Cardin were written out of the show easily. We've had plenty of examples of corruption in the Hunter business, but the show hasn't paid any attention to that and still is treating being a Hunter like the only true noble goal and the only good and non-corruptible way to defend people, despite the fact that it clearly isn’t. Being a Huntress is not better or safer or more noble in-universe than being an Atlas soldier/Ace Op/Atlas hunter. I’m not saying that all of this needed to be featured, but exploring the differences in motivation and how the Hunter lifestyle affected the various mains could really flesh out their characters. Instead, by the time everyone is heading to Atlas in volume six, they all pretty much have the same reactions to everything and the same motivations and the same beliefs. The rare deviation - like Ren in volume seven and eight - is treated as bad and a mistake that must be rectified, rather than... A natural consequence of the group being full of different people with different upbringings and different motivations that result in different opinions. That sort of thing is only ever explored as a problem that makes someone lacking, and it’s really weird and it makes the show feel... Juvenile, and lacking in nuance or depth when it comes to the characters, which is a really big shame, since the characters have a huge amount of potential and exploring the differences between them and their reactions to being in way over their heads would be - I think - the natural place to take their characters? Especially because so far their storyline has been... Not the highlight of the show.
But, as for how semblances and Hunters should impact the world building, there’s a lot to say about that! They don’t explore a lot in RWBY outside of what’s relevant to the mains, leaving the world building feeling flat and like the world itself doesn’t matter much. RWBY often feels more like a video game world than anything else, which I believe @why-i-hate-rwby-now has pointed out, so credit to them for helping me realize it. There’s one large location per continent and a couple small villages where they only really talk to a town leader and village blacksmith, or encounter a fight, relevant NPCs and characters only going to certain locations that can further the plot, characters only mattering through the ways they interact with the protagonists and seemingly getting benched with nothing to do if they aren’t currently plot relevant, health bars that can be monitored over scrolls, every weapon and semblance has a name even if that name isn’t ever mentioned in show or might not really make a lot of sense, frequently encountered enemies of various threat levels who the characters can plow down without remorse because they’re not sentient or don’t have souls... The list goes on. But one of the ways that it feels very video gamey is that the magical powers actually don’t seem to impact the world.
We know people can have auras even if they don’t have semblances (Mercury, Torchwick, Watts,) and we know lots of even grown people don’t have auras (the citizens of Mantle in danger of dying of cold while our aura having mains aren’t,) but also that auras can be unlocked, by well trained seventeen year olds (Pyrrha,) and we also know that semblances can be unlocked from a very young age due to trauma (Ren, Neptune in EU) but some people are born with their semblances (Qrow and notably Blake use language suggesting they were born with their semblances,) and some semblances are passed down or hereditary (the Schnees.) Semblances can be passive (Qrow, Clover, Ironwood in word of author,) and uncontrollable, or active (almost everyone else,) and some semblances have carried personal negative effects like in the case of Qrow who was even named for being bad luck and Robyn who said people were on edge with her because she can sus out the truth via skin contact when she wants to. Also Mercury’s father was able to somehow take away his semblance.
That’s... Pretty much the extent of our knowledge and it doesn’t tell us much. What RWBY does is give each character abilities that make them iconic and different from each other as fighters, with a shield function that wears down slowly to explain how they can take certain hits and keep going while also allowing them to eventually suffer higher damage when that shield wears down. They had a character get this shield ability unlocked to explain the existence and function of it, and featured some characters who didn’t have the super powered abilities like Roman, an early enemy meant to herald in new, harder enemies who are more plot relevant, and Mercury, who makes up for it by having higher speed and functions exclusive to him through his prosthetics. And then they seemingly built a regular world unaffected by these powers. It sounds like a video game. Civilians just don’t have this power or the shield because they act as non-playable characters. In a way, it almost makes sense to me in conception, because when RWBY was originally created, it was high on visual appeal, fight choreography, and character design. The plot elements were small and the character stories seemed to be pretty simple, the only real complication to this being the White Fang plot, which has always been a major blight in RWBY. But one of the reasons why this video-game feel kinda worked at the start of RWBY was because the story and characters weren’t meant to be the focus of the story, so although the world building at the start was definitely lacking, the audience knew that things like auras and semblances were meant to hype up and add interest to the main highlights of the show: Design and fight choreography. At least that’s what I assume. But in volume three, they started to lay the groundwork for more, bigger plots, more focus on the story, the characters journeying to the outside world, undergoing personal arcs, and that’s what V4 and onward started focusing on.
To be clear, I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. I started really liking RWBY for its potential and concepts after getting through the first couple episodes of V1, but I actually really enjoyed quite a bit of V4 and V5 even though the design drastically changed and the fighting had gone way down in quality because I found some of the new focus on characters and the plot to be compelling, interesting, or to also have a lot of potential (though I was let down over and over in regards to pay off later.) However, with the new focus on the characters and storyline rather than design and fight choreography, they really needed to do some legwork on fixing the aura and semblance systems and paying attention to world building and making sure the world felt well put together, nuanced, and real. And I don’t feel like they ever did that.
Why is Pyrrha able to unlock auras? Well, because the writers wanted to explain the concept of auras and used Jaune - the unprepared - to do it. But now, auras are actually an important part of the story - for example, the people of Mantle don’t have unlocked auras, so will die of cold, but it doesn’t affect our heroes because they do have unlocked auras. So who can unlock auras? Is it a learned skill or is it hereditary? If it’s a learned skill, why isn’t everyone eager to learn it especially in places where it’s life or death if they don’t like in Atlas? If it’s a hereditary skill, why aren’t the people who have that skill put on a pedestal and being pressured into using that skill to save civilians in places where having an aura is the difference between life and death? In either case, why aren’t there people who professionally unlock auras? Why aren’t they on the pay roll in Atlas and Mantle? If it’s a skill that all powerful hunters have, why aren’t our heroes (who we’re supposed to think are now more powerful than Atlas’s best) unlocking auras for dying children in Mantle? Why don’t specialists and longtime fighters with Qrow, Winter, Robyn, Maria, or James have this ability if it comes with skill, time, or talent?
Why are semblances unlocking or morphing in times of trauma so rare? Why didn’t the Fall of Beacon unlock loads of new semblances and new semblance abilities? Why didn’t Ruby get a new semblance upgrade when she saw Weiss getting stabbed? Why didn’t Weiss unlock a new semblance ability when her plane was crashing? Why didn’t Pilot Boi unlock his semblance during the same occasion? Why is it that Jaune didn’t get a semblance upgrade when the light bridges were disappearing? Why didn’t Blake get a semblance upgrade when Yang fell into the void? Why did Ren get a semblance upgrade because he was upset while with the Ace Ops after Oscar got captured, but Nora doesn’t get an upgrade while she’s electrocuting herself? If semblances sometimes unlock in times of truama, why is it that some characters like Oscar and Torchwick and Jaune pre-V5 who we know have encountered lots of trauma just still don’t get semblances? If you can train your semblance into upgrading, why is it that we don’t see long time hunters and fighters unlock more semblance abilities, like Qrow, Winter, Robyn, Maria, or James? It just doesn’t make any sense! And I get that stories always have things happening just because the writers want it, but in RWBY, the hand of the creator is so obvious that it’s ridiculous.
And then there are other questions. Do people avoid bad labor practices out of fear of causing a semblance awakening? Well, from what we see of the SDC, the answer is no. So why not? Why weren’t they worried about an uprising? Work rights becomes a lot trickier when you have to add in tons of qualifiers. Maybe it’s illegal to use a semblance at work, but the SDC also has a history of child workers like Adam who can’t always control it (like Neptune couldn’t control his,) so are there laws protecting child laborers? Perhaps not, since you know, they were already child laborers, so were already suffering unchecked. Are there laws forbidding the use of semblances in government buildings, non-combat driven schools, or parks and libraries? And meanwhile, how would any of this apply to people with a passive semblance? How do you figure out that someone has a passive semblance? How do people know if they’re born with a semblance? Are there people that spend their whole lives having semblances that never get discovered? Do people have semblance detection... Semblances, that they get paid to use or do so out of charity? Did the Schnees rise to power due to their powerful and hereditary semblance, perhaps? Are people discriminated against if they don’t have semblances or pressured to become Hunters if they discover they do have semblances? Shouldn’t civilians in Mantle and Atlas be joining combat schools in droves in the hopes of unlocking an aura so they can better survive? And shouldn’t there be discrimination against people with certain semblances? Outside of Robyn saying she’s personally experienced mistrust, and Qrow’s self-hatred, we don’t see any real prejudice against certain semblance types, or for that matter, any praise or extra significance pointed to certain other semblance types. It would go a long ways towards world building if there were things like people having to divulge their semblance or lack thereof before entering Beacon, or for people to have to register a semblance evolution, or for Emerald to have lied about her semblance because “everyone knows illusion semblances automatically draw suspicion,” or for Qrow to comment that he’d never seen Clover in a Vytal Tournament, only for Clover to say his semblance was deemed ‘cheating’ back when he was in school so he hadn’t qualified. And on the flip side, you could have things like semblances being judged as better and more powerful based on how useful it might be, Pyrrha keeping her semblance on the DL because it’ll just bring more unwanted admiration on her, Sun keeping his own semblance on the DL too because it always make people put a lot of expectations on him, while Neptune’s semblance leaks and he deals with people treating him like he’s selfish and cruel for not wanting to use his own “gift of a semblance.” And people like Jaune could be bullied extra because he doesn’t have his semblance yet, and people in the stands at the Vytal Tournament could be chatting about “when are they gonna pull out their semblances?” and get annoyed and pouty when people don’t. To be fair, we do get things like Mercury’s father having declared his semblance a crutch, but... Still. why isn’t there more of this?
And we see the need for Hunter protection in villages like Kuroyuri and the village that Team RNJR stops to help on the way to Mistral. Small villages outside of the four kingdoms fall to Grimm, or are in danger of falling to Grimm. Ships get attacked by large and dangerous Grimm, we see (corrupt) Hunters on the train to Argus, accompanying for safety, and we see that with a rise of Grimm activity in Mantle, Hunters are dispatched to help kids travel to school. In a world like RWBY, fighting is essential for survival outside of the Kingdoms, and became very essential in the kingdoms as well once schools started going down. You’d assume there should be Hunters accompanying everyone traveling outside of the Kingdoms, resident Hunters living in villages outside the Kingdoms as their on-hand protectors (and more than one Hunters seems to be needed.) Hunters also could be extra protection for anything that’s definitely going to increase negativity, like hiring Hunters to bodyguard funerals seems like something that could be normal in the world of Remnant, and for visiting graveyards (we see Ruby get attacked by tons of Grimm when she visited Summer’s grave in the red trailer.) On top of that, celebrities and rich people hiring Hunters seems like it’d become pretty common. But all that we see outside of Dee and Dudley are traveling Hunters stopping to help people out of the goodness of their heart while they go place to place, and Kingdom Hunters who are assigned to things like border control, clearing out Grimm near or in the Kingdoms, and things like that. What we see is a Kingdom-centered morality complex our protagonists are one hundred percent invested in, Hunters are Kingdom driven and anything outside of that is a kindness, a job they can take or leave in passing. And on top of that, it seems like there aren’t a lot of people in the Hunter profession, and I feel like there should definitely be more. There are people like Jaune who didn’t make the cut but accepted that, we can only assume that there are drop outs too, so like... How many kids are there actually in a year at Beacon? I mean, look at where the Relics were found in the forest during initiation at Beacon.
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This gives us a rough idea of how many people are in each year at Beacon. Assuming everyone graduates school and there’s no drop outs and no deaths, that’s a graduating class of twenty. That’s a very small number, comparatively. The job of a Hunter is dangerous. We know of Hunters that died (Summer, Pyrrha, Amber.) We know a lot of Hunters that have other jobs that take a lot of their time (Glynda, Ozpin, Robyn,) and lots of people who quit being Hunters too (Maria, Tai, Raven,) and Hunters who aren’t always on the field like Qrow who was a teacher for a stretch and acted as Ozpin’s spy, the Ace Ops who became part of Ironwood’s inner circle and therefore had a bigger picture, and even all of Team RWBYJNR, who got their Hunter licenses but are also more concerned with bigger picture stuff (if you don’t believe me just look at volume eight where JRY stopped defending Mantle to go rescue Oscar, and Team RWBN + Penny, who were involved in big picture stuff like launching Amity and then saving Penny the Maiden/their friend.) So out of a class of twenty, how many of them are even staying on the field? For a show pushing the narrative that Hunters are the ultimate saviors who are the only true good defense for the world, that condemns even the notion of an army... Like they villainized sending Team FNKI onto the battlefield while also treating it like proof of Ironwood’s evil when he didn’t want to stay and fight when Team RWBY said to, and also made Ironwood’s desire to move into having a robotic army to get soldiers off of the battlefield part of his... Over reliance on machinery, which is full on suspicious considering their ableism towards Ironwood and the fact that he literally has to rely on machinery, but that’s a topic for a different post and this one is already so long. But yeah, my point is that we’re meant to see the army as bad. So if we’re meant to see Hunters as the only true and pure form of defense (which is already off because we know it’s corrupted,) there ought to be way more people in the Hunter field.
As for the schools, we only know of a couple of schools that exist outside of RWBY as combat schools that seem to act as basic training before people go to Beacon. We know of Signal, the school Ruby and Yang went to that Qrow was a teacher at for awhile (I have lots of teacher Qrow headcanons, but sadly Qrow being a teacher wasn’t very well explored,) and we also know of Sanctum in Mistral and (in the EU) Oscuro in Vacuo, presumably one of these existing in Atlas as well. I personally headcanon that there are a lot of these smaller combat schools littering the whole of Remnant (but then again, I also headcanon that the Kingdoms of Remnant are bigger than just one very large city, lol) and that a lot of people attend these schools even if they don’t go on to join one of the Hunter Academies, but this isn’t necessarily supported by canon, I think. But as for other schools...I think it’s fair to assume that there are at least elementary schools, since everyone can read, write, and presumably do basic math, and what we do know is that Ilia went to a prep school in Atlas (which was info dropped in Blake’s pre-V5 trailer, not even stated in the show proper,) so we can probably safely say that people who don’t go to the Huntsman academies go to some form of high school, but you’re right that we don’t see this actually in action. I personally always headcanon that Whitley had a tutor, since Jacques wanted to avoid too much outside influence.
I am so sorry that this response got so away from me and I myself got into so many rabbit holes as well. XD I just have a lot to say about the world building in RWBY (or sometimes lack thereof.) Although I admit that I’m not as into or as good at analyzing as blogs like why-i-hate-rwby-now, but yeah, this is... A very long post. Sorry!
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theanimeview · 3 years
My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission
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By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting
Alright y’all--if I get sick because of attending this movie, I hope you all enjoy the post as appreciation. Last Friday I had an emergency appendectomy, this Friday I drove to see the premier of MHA’s 3rd movie, World Heroes' Mission. Am I in some pain? Yes. Should I maybe not have gone for my compromised immune system? Also, yes. And am I putting off some freelance work and late homework to write this post in a timely manner before crashing into bed? Yes, okay? I am. Moving on.
Be warned, this post contains some SPOILERS. Why? Well, because I’m going to talk about what’s in the book you see above and the book has several warnings about how many spoilers are in it for the movie (I counted at least three times it warns readers to consume it’s contents after the viewing rather than before). So, now I’ve done my duty. Read further at your own risk...
The first ten pages is a brief preview of the story thus far--there are a bunch of mini-screenshots from the series explaining Deku’s journey and the goals of our Plus Ultra Class 1 characters. 
Character Reports
Then we have the “Character Reports.” This is filled with some basic character sheets (the kind you probably see pretty often if you read a lot of manga) for the new and old characters appearing in the movie. They’re a little similar to this: 
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Except in black and white, and showing the major players in the movie (villains and heroes). Nothing you can’t really get online from looking up character sheets for the movie. Also, nothing information-wise you won’t be able to find on the MHA wiki in the coming weeks (assumably). 
Special Writings
“Special Writings” is the next section, though the actual title once flipping the page is “Successful Editors Symposium.” In it, the four different Japanese editors for MHA answer a few questions. The editors are: Hitoshi Koike (June 2013 to June 2014); Kengo Monji (June/July 2014 to December 2017); Ryosuke Yoritomi (December 2017/January 2018 to September 2020); and Hikaru Taguchi (September/October 2020 to Present). 
The Questions: 
When were the times you were delighted or surprised in the good sense of Mr. Hirokoshi’s good sense? 
Notable response(s): All the editors are in awe of Mr. Hirokoshi’s drawing abilities. He is very quick and has a clean art style so he doesn’t require a lot of clean up time for his pages. One editor gave the example of Mr. Hirokoshi finishing 19 pages in a day and a half, and how shocking that was when compared to the usual time it takes a creator to complete pages (Monji). 
My Hero Academia presently seems to have a harsher storyline than in the beginning where it was more like a campus-life story. Have Mr. Hirokoshi’s source of ideas and ways to elicit stories changed since the beginning?
Notable response(s): The main idea that is built from these responses can be summarized as “abundant accumulation gives value to works” (p 34 of booklet). A lot of creators will tell you something similar. For example, Andy Kubert (a famous comic creator) recommended that those interested in getting into comics should look at building a cinematic background and foundation of knowledge. Hirokoshi is an avid consumer of videography, both mainstream movies and the unknown, and such consumption informs his work in many ways. 
Which scene in the previous two movies do you like?
Notable response(s): N/a
Since it’s a rare opportunity, please tell us your Quirk in association with My Hero Academia.
Notable response(s): N/a
Lastly, please give a message to the fans of My Hero Academia.
Notable response(s): Editor Monji notes that comic creators in Japan typically end their comics based on sales, so a story can be forced to end at almost anytime. Hirokoshi’s work is super popular, so it’s nice that he is not being forced to take his story in a direction that he may not want. 
Horikoshi’s Precious Drawings
Nothing really notable here (at least not textually). Similar to character pages, this holds a lot of sketches from Hirokoshi of the different characters. Again, nothing here, information-wise, you won’t be able to find on the MHA wiki in the coming weeks (assumably). 
Q&A My Hero Academia
The next section is a very short Q&A. A lot of it is fan directed questions about events from the show/manga that haven’t really been answered for timing reasons (like, what do Tsuyu, Mineta, and Bakugo’s rooms look like or was the ball Ochaco threw in the Quirk proficiency test still flying? [p 56 of booklet]). However, two Q&A’s of note that I found are: 
Q14: When will the faces of (Toru) Hagakure and (Mezo) Shoji be revealed?
A: “Shoji’s face will be revealed someday. Hagakure’s is still in the dark” (p 58 of booklet).
(BTW, their is no official face-release info for Hagakure yet, regardless of what a quick Google search for that Twitter post by Anime Icons may tell you. -- Peggy)
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Q22. Can you tell us one secret about My Hero Academia that you can share only here?
A: “The AI used in U.A. robots and others once rose in rebellion” (p 60 of booklet).
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The One-Shot
Pages 63 to 71 is a one-shot comic of the hour or so pre-flight period between Endeavor, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugo as they prepare to board the plane for Otheon. 
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It’s a very cute story, in which the three hero-students talk out their nerves about the World Mission to hit all the Humarise locations. (Humarise being the villainous terror organization that they’re fighting against this movie). Then Endeavor appears and tries to get his son to sit with him. Hawks steps in to stop their arguing. Hawks then gives them a seating arrangement that makes everyone happy (with Bakugo next to Endeavor, Endeavor in front of Todoroki, and Midoriya in the final spot right behind Bakugo). 
There you have it: A brief summary of the booklet you may not have been able to get at the movie’s release. Okay, I’m off to recover. Night y’all. 
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