#take your hands off ma'am his heart is not there. mccoy would know
aenslem · 4 months
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STAR TREK || This Side of Paradise
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to-boldly-nope · 4 years
Snow White- TOS Spock x Reader
Plot: {requested by the lovely @groovyfluxie​ (you seriously come up with the best prompts ever)} You and Spock are transported to a strange planet where each region is centered by a different fairytale and the only way to get out is by living through that tale. So what happens when you get to be Snow White? 
Words: 1388 (yeah I got too excited)
A/N: Yeah, I kinda changed the plot, but not by a whole lot (I hope you don’t mind) and honestly, I’m about to turn this into a series with different characters and fairytales because it just seems so COOL
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One moment you were in your quarters, reading, and the next you were in a castle wearing a raggedy dress. You walked over to the balcony and pulled the red curtain back, looking out into the courtyard. There was a wishing well near your window and you gasped.
"Snow White, go out and clean the courtyard!" A woman hissed while opening your door, making you flinch. The woman had thin, arching eyebrows and a permanent scowl. Her head was covered with a balaclava and a crown rested atop.
"Y-yes, ma'am," you stuttered as you ran past her and out to the courtyard. You didn't know where you were or why you were here but you did know that you didn't want to be there. You found a bucket and went over to the well and drew water. Birds sat on the edge of the well, watching you closely. You gave them a look before going to wash the courtyard steps.
"Cleaning a courtyard, how stupid," you hissed as you dipped a cleaning brush into the bucket. "What is there to clean? It's just going to get dirty again."
You began to scrub the stone angrily. You didn't know if anyone else from the Enterprise was here or if they were trying to look for you. You just wanted to go home. You took the bucket of water and threw it on the steps, rinsing the leftover dirt away. You found yourself going back to the well to get more water.
"Want to know a secret?" You asked the birds still sitting on the well's edge. "Promise not to tell?"
You pulled on the rope, bringing the bucket up. "We are standing by a wishing well. Make a wish into the well, that's all you have to do and if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true."
Inside, you didn't know why you were singing, but you couldn't stop. You peered over the edge of the well and looked at your reflection in the water. "I'm wishing for the one I love. To find me today."
Your voice echoed as if someone was responding to you. At least you know if the rumor was right then your dream will come true.
"I'm hoping and I'm dreaming of the nice things he'll say. Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah," you sang with a smile, letting the well respond back. "I'm wishing for the one I love to find me today."
"I do not understand how speaking to a well is logical in this situation."
"Spock!" You exclaimed. "Thank God, where are the others?"
"It appears that we are the only ones here," he stated while putting his hands behind his back. He wore a white dress shirt with poofy sleeves, a blue tunic-like vest, and a red cape around his shoulders.
You tried to walk over to him but a force pulled you away and you found yourself going back to your room. You hid behind the red curtain before forcing yourself to look at Spock.
"Fascinating. It seems as if we are supposed to act out a play. Our characters were not supposed to have a long interaction."
"You mean to tell me for us to get back to the Enterprise then we have to put on an act?!" You yelled while slamming your hands down on the balcony banister.
"I shall see you when time allows," Spock told you before walking away.
You were dusting and humming around the little house. You learned that the Queen sent a huntsman to kill you, but he was kind enough to let you go. After that, you found yourself rooming with seven dwarfs. You had to come up with a compromise, of course. If you wanted to stay, then you had to do their chores and for some reason, you happily obliged. Now, an old peddler woman was gifting you an apple for saving her from your bluebirds.
"And because you've been so good to poor old Granny, I'll share a secret with you. This is no ordinary apple. It's a magic wishing apple," the lady said while circling around you like a vulture.
"A wishing apple?" You asked, letting your interest and curiosity get the best of you as you cradled the apple.
The old woman smiled as she knew that she got your attention. "Yes! One bite and all your dreams will come true."
"Really?" You gasped excitedly while holding the apple up to your face. The sun reflected off of it so nicely that you saw a perfect reflection.
"Yes, girlie! Now, make a wish and take a bite."
You came back to your senses and eyed the old woman suspiciously. She gave you a reassuring look. "Oh, come on, dear, there must be something your little heart desires. Perhaps there's someone you love."
You though about her statement. You didn't love anyone because you believed that nobody loved you. Then, your mind thought of Spock. You always looked up to him, but you never thought it was love. He would always play his Vulcan harp when he knew you were upset and he always let you borrow his books. There was also all those times he's protected you during away missions. It was discreet, but you always knew because he would always stand in front of you or put his hand out over your torso. Maybe he did love you, but you knew that you loved him.
"Well," you blushed bashfully, "There is someone."
"I thought so," the woman smiled cheekily, "I thought so. Old Granny knows a young girl's heart. Now, take the apple, dearie, and make a wish."
"I wish-I wish," you whispered while clutching the apple.
"That's it. Go on, go on."
"...And that he will carry me away to his castle...where we will live happily every after."
"Fine! Fine!" She roared, "Take a bite. Don't let the wish grow cold!"
You took a bite from the apple and you didn't feel right. Doctor McCoy has injected you with some weird medicines, but you never felt like this before. "Oh! I feel strange."
You groaned and clutched your head and stomach, the apple still in your hand. It felt like you were going to pass out. You let out a gasp before falling backwards, falling into an eternal slumber.
When Spock heard news of a princess in a glass coffin, he knew that he had to look for you. He wasn't sure if the princess was you or not and he wished it wasn't you. He rode by horse throughout the land until a flock of bluebirds caught his eye. Spock followed the flock into a forest valley, where he was met with the reflection of glass.
Spock got off his horse and ran up to the coffin and he saw you. He removed his hat and felt tears well up in his eyes, but he quickly blinked them away. He didn't know what to do this time. He grabbed your hand, making sure your bouquet was still in place, and gave it a Vulcan kiss before kissing you as a final goodbye.
He kneeled beside the coffin and put his head down. He didn't show much emotion, but he failed to keep them inside. He also failed to ignore the noise and movement above him.
"Spock?" You asked, voice groggy from not being in use.
"(Y/N)?" He asked while looking up at you. You saw faint tear lines as the sun hit his face. "Fascinating. It has appeared that a human kiss woke you up."
"Have you ever heard of a true love's kiss?" You asked, blushing as you thought of Spock kissing you.
He simply shook his head, wondering how he revived you, but he soon forgot about his thought and scooped you up in his arms.
"My hero," you giggled while you put your head in the crook of his neck before the two of you were suddenly teleported back onto the Enterprise. Everyone on the bridge stared at you in Spock's arms and he let you down while letting out a nervous cough.
"Nice to see you two again," Kirk greeted.
"Thank you, Captain," the two of you said in unison while you stared at the floor. You only looked up when Spock placed a Vulcan kiss on the back of your hand.
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fanficqueenie · 3 years
"Hey, man," I greeted Logan, as he walked into the kitchen, sitting at the breakfast bar.
The X-Men had arrived the compound a day before. The rest of the Avengers, save for Steve, Vision, Wanda, Sam, and Natasha, had yet to arrive. Steve and I had helped the mutants move in, due to a collaboration on a very, very annoying and ongoing mission. Our two teams had been chasing this anomaly for years, and for some reason Tony had just decided to agree to conjoin.
"Hank...Kurt...Alex...Scott," I greeted each one as they sat down sluggishly. With a small chuckle I stood up, telling Friday to get out the coffee machine and start running it. "Jet lag catchin' up to ya?"
Alex grunted in response and laid his head on the bar, tired. Scott looked to me, at least, I think he did, with a nod, then copied his older brother.
I smiled empathetically and pulled out a few mugs from the cupboard. "Oh, we'll need lots more coffee today, Friday," I muttered as I realized there were seven more people who wanted coffee today. "At least seven more cups."
"Yes, ma'am," Friday replied with her Irish accent, and I could hear Tony's mechanics whirring behind the walls.
Friday's disembodied voice seemed to have startled Kurt, because he looked at me with fear, scooting a little closer to Hank, who laughed.
"Is she a mutant, too? With weird ventriloquism powers?" he whispered to Hank, who just laughed again.
"No, Kurt. That was the building," he explained politely, not shaming the blue-skinned boy. "Mr. Stark has advanced AIs, Artificial Intelligence systems. Miss..." he trailed off, glancing to me, trying to remember my name. I opened my mouth, but he held up a finger as it came to him. "Dylan. Miss Dylan called this AI's name Friday. So if you need anything, just ask the walls."
I nodded, impressed with the way he worded that, and set out the six full mugs of coffee in front of each of them. I added two more when Wanda, Jean, and Sam woke and came in to join us. Wanda and Jean sat down, talking about their similar powers, while Sam stood, leaning against the counter, waiting to see how the newcomers would react to my usual morning initiation. Alex looked up and reached for his cup of coffee but I glared at him, and he retracted his hand, confused.
"You..." I pointed at Kurt, who had a surprised look. "...Don't drink coffee, right?" He nodded, surprised by my accurate guess, as I slid the cup that was in front of him to the left, in front of Logan. "You drink it for the taste, it doesn't affect you otherwise," he nodded as well, hiding his own confusion. I pushed a cup in front of Hank. "Mr. McCoy likes it with a spoonful of creamer." I poured a bit of creamer in, handing him a spoon, setting it down when he didn't take, in shock. I pushed two cups of coffee in front of the Summers brothers, and handed one to Sam. "You three drink it loaded with sugar and creamer. And you two," I pushed the final cups of coffee to Jean and Wanda, "drink it straight."
Mystique waltzed in, in her human form, just then. She sat down at the last stool of the bar. "What?" she asked me, while I was staring at her in indecisiveness. Then she did a double take at the shocked looks on her companions' faces, except Jean's, who could read my mind, and Logan's, who was hiding his confusion well. "What's up with them?"
I ignored her comment, and Wanda laughed along with Jean. "You're not a coffee drinker," I decided, dumping out the cup I had set for her. "You drink tea, like me. Except without the sugar.” I quickly whipped up a second cup of tea, besides mine, and set it in front of her, and her face flickered with shock before taking a sip.
"Just how I like it..." She frowned.
Jean chuckled. "She guessed it. All of it. By the way you look, and act," she sounded astounded.
I nodded and was about to speak again, when the Professor himself rolled in, along with Steve. "And we...?" he prompted with a kind smile.
I smiled back. "...Don't drink coffee," I finished, and walk over to greet them. "Good morning, Steve, Professor Xavier." I gave them each a hug, the best I could with him sitting down in his chair.
In a fluid motion the three mindreaders in the room glanced at each other, and had a quick conversation.
"You still feel uneasy around me? Around the girls? After all these years?" the Professor asked with a small smile, and I could see out of the corner of my eye that Wanda and Jean were still telepathically conversing.
I was shocked by the question, but hesitantly nodded. "Yeah, I guess I do..." I trailed off and avoided his eyes.
Look at me, please.
I jumped immensely and closed my eyes in frustration. "That, exactly, is why I feel uneasy."
He continued talking into my consciousness, disregarding what I knew he could see. Let's see, you don't like the idea of someone seeing your thoughts, reading your mind? Because of...oh, interesting...interesting...
"Charles..." I threatened, though it was an empty threat. "Please, stop."
As if I could feel him leave my body, he stopped talking into my mind. I saw a flash of guilt cross his face, but it disappeared as quick as it had shown.
"That's why," I said softly, barely audible. I knew he had seen.
"That killed the mood, rather fast," Steve spoke up from by Sam.
"Sorry," the Professor apologized, and then rolled around to 'park' next to Logan. "But you know what could uplift the moment?"
"I believe I do," a deeper voice came from behind me, and a pair of hands covered my eyes. In a mix of instinct and surprise, I drove my elbow back into the gut of whoever was behind me.
A grunt was heard, and the man's hands knocked lightly against my face. I recognized the feel and whipped around with a gasp. "Bucky! I'm so sorry!" I set my hand on his shoulder, my other covering my mouth. "I'm sorry!"
"I deserved that," he said, pained, and chuckled. He hugged me as soon as he had gotten over the minuscule poke in his stomach, and nearly squeezed the life out of me.
"Bucky, I'm sorry!" I laughed, breathlessly. "Please don't kill me by asphyxiation!"
"Don't worry," the Professor grinned and spoke up. "He has no intention of hurting you. It's good to see that you've gotten over your previous years," he complimented my boyfriend, and Bucky looked up, a small smile on his face.
"Thank y-" his eyes widened when he saw Logan, and he stopped talking abruptly. His hands dropped from my sides, and he stumbled backward. "No..."
Logan frowned for a moment, not an entire change from his usual demeanor according to Jean.
I looked between the two of them. "James, are you alright? Actually, you're both James, sorry. Bucky?"
Logan seemed to remember something as he dropped his coffee mug, almost falling off his stool.
I could feel my breath start to quicken, and I tried to calm down. "What's going on?" I asked desperately.
The Professor shook his head. "We can't get in. Something's going on..." Wanda and Jean shook their heads, too.
Bucky gripped my shoulder tightly, as if he needed me for support. Which I knew very well he could stand on his own. In a flash, I heard his dropping feet as he ran off, to who-knows-where. I looked to see where he went, but he was gone already. Everyone was staring at me and Logan in confusion. Unfortunately, I only knew as much as they did.
In a quick and rash decision, I stomped over to Logan and grabbed his collar, not minding the broken glass of the coffee mug lodging itself into my feet. "What the hell is going on?" I snarled, pulling him off the stool, which fell to the floor with a clatter.
"Dylan!" The Professor scolded in surprise, but I didn't listen. Something big had gone down between the famous Wolverine and the notorious Winter Soldier. Something very—
I cringed, bringing my free hand to cover one of my ears as if that would help. "Stop, Charles..."
No, let him go. Let him be. I'm allowing you to do this before I do it for you. I can't stop anything he does to you if he becomes angry.
"Charles! Get out of my head!" I shouted out, not loosening my grip on Logan's shirt. Suddenly, I felt six sharp claws pressing into my sides, threateningly. I gasped and held in my breath, as if any movement could impale me. Me, being the stubborn idiot I was, didn't let go...still. I needed to figure out what was going on, what had happened.
"Let go of me, Princess, and maybe I'll tell you," I heard Logan's low growl, for my eyes were still screwed up right in a grimace from Charles. The blades pressed a little harder.
Dylan, came Charles' voice once again.
Shaking, I let go, sinking to the floor. I sighed in relief when I heard the blades slide back into Logan's skin. The dull pain I had felt in my feet was gone, Wanda must've removed the glass.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled, gladly taking Steve's hand to stand up. He gently hugged me, asking if I was alright. "Yeah," I answered softly.
Just then, the rest of the missing Avengers rushed into the kitchen. "Friday told us something was going on," Tony blurted, breathing hard. Natasha was leading everyone else, she had probably gone to meet them.
Vision came through the ceiling. "Yes, is there a problem?"
"I can't do this right now," I breathed, pushing out of Steve's arms, and running off. I had to find Bucky. Sam was going to come follow me, but Steve held his arm out.
"She needs this," the Professor said, and Steve nodded in agreement.
I ran through the winding halls of the compound, until I had to stop to breathe. I heard small gasps from the room next to me, Bucky's. I must've gone on autopilot, because I didn't remember telling myself to go there.
I pushed open the door, slowly, but making enough noise so I didn't startle him.
But I couldn't open it all the way.
Bucky was sitting right there, tearing at his hair, mumbling to himself, and what surprised me most, that made my heart break, were the wet tear tracks trailing down his cheeks.
"James..." I whispered, slipping in the door, closing it softly behind me. "James, it's me, Dylan. Dylan Kloster. Where are you?"
I'd only had to go through this a couple times before, this was a full panic attack, worse than his small ones he had every so often.
I heard him audibly gulp and he choked out a name. "Jasmine Falls."
Okay, that was a start. "I'm at—" I was cut off by his strangled sob. "James, I'm at the Avengers Compound, can you join me there?"
"Kill them," the man with the book said.
"Both of them?"
"James?" I asked again, trying to keep a steady tone of voice. "Can you join me?"
"Both of them. I don't care about the child."
"I..." he breathed, looking up to meet my eyes. But then he flinched and my progress was lost.
"Logan!" The wife called out, crying, begging. Itsu. That was her name. "Please, spare me! Please!"
But his job was to ignore those pleas, draw out the infamous Wolverine.
And it was over.
"James, you're at the Avengers Compound, with me, in your room. I'm Dylan," I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I tilted his head up. It hurt to see him so vulnerable and broken. "I'm Dylan Kloster. Your girlfriend. Please. Come back to me. Your name is James Buchanan Barnes."
The soldier waited in the shadows, he was always told to wait until he could hear the cries of those who found what he had done. He hated it, but he did what he was told.
"Itsu? I'm home, and have news," the gruff voice was heard from inside the cabin. "Itsu?"
Bucky clenched his hands around his head, trying to block out the sounds that were in his head. I shakily grabbed onto his hands, bringing them down, fighting against him. "James, look at me."
The cabin was silent, and he saw a figure dashing out the back door, carrying a bundle. But it wasn't the Wolverine seeking revenge on whoever murdered his wife...
The soldier ignored it. It wasn't his mission.
"Itsu, my darling," The soldier heard the whisper through the breeze of the air. "I'm sorry... I love you..."
"I love you," I told him, and his eyes snapped open, red, irritated. "I love you."
In the dry silence that filled the air as I stared into his eyes, watching him slowly come back to me, I felt my own letting tears slide down my cheeks, over and over and over.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, reaching up to wipe away the wetness on my face.
I shook my head, grabbing onto his cold metal hand. "Don't apologize."
Then I pressed my lips to his, before pulling away.
But instead of turning away like he usually did, he guided my lips back to connect to his. He kissed me, long, slow, and deep. I let my eyes flutter closed as I reciprocated, not minding the salty taste in his lips. It seemed he didn't mind the taste on mine as he pulled me closer, sending a shiver up my spine when he dragged his calloused hand down my arm to my hip, keeping me in place.
He pulled away, leaving me wanting for more, but pressed a vibranium finger to my kiss-swollen lips.
*Reposted from quotev.com, from user @.goddssofsecrets
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Skin and Bone - NSFW
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Read on AO3!
Pairing; Bones x Female Reader
Notes; EXPLICIT SMUT. Someone requested a little prompt of “we can’t keep this up forever” and then I kind of got taken along for a ride... This is almost 3k words. Reader kind of has deep feelings for Bones whilst in a relationship - so skip if that’s not your thing. Inspired somewhat by “always” by p!atd. 
Another night you'd been brushed off by your boyfriend in favour of his buddies. Another night you are sat alone, surrounded only about your bitter thoughts of your tragic excuse for a relationship… or so you thought until you heard the chime from the door to your quarters.
"Come in." You called dejectedly, assuming it was your drunk boyfriend trying to get you to come hang out with his insufferable friends.
Instead, a tall, dark and handsome Leonard McCoy towered in the doorway.
"Saw your boyfriend with those mouthbreathers he calls friends, thought I'd check in on you." He says, stepping through the threshold.
"Yeah? Lucky you." Your laugh is derisive. "Come in, please."
Leonard makes strides into the room with his long legs, stopping in front of where you are lounging on the couch.
You lift your legs and allow him to take his seat beside you before resting your feet into his lap - a position you'd both gotten used to in your many nights together.
"Would you like a drink?" You turn slightly to the side table with conveniently placed alcohol on top.
"Please, darlin'." He offers you a smile as you pour the whiskey generously and hand it to him - he takes a sip quickly.
"How was your day?"
"Fine. Long. Nice to end the day with you." He smirks, taking a long sip of his drink.
"Yeah, come to think of it I'd much rather be spending my night with you. What am I even doing dating him?"  You laugh.
The plainness of the words startles Leonard.
"We can't keep this up forever, you know." He says sincerely, picking your feet up off his lap and placing them on the couch. He sits up, looking concerned.
"Keep what up?" You ask.
"This, whatever this is we're doin', Darlin'."
He takes another sip of his drink. "It's not right. You're a taken woman."
You sigh, you want to say something about how you're just friends and nothing more but you know that couldn't be farther from the truth. It had always been him.
"I suppose you're right," You settle on.
"I think you'd be better off as mine, but I can't make that decision, sweetheart. Think about it, let me know." He downs the rest of his drink in at once, places the glass and exits your room, looking back and giving you a reassuring smile.
Leonard usually ate lunch in his office in sickbay - too dedicated to his work to take his mind off it for too long. Today, the last thing he was thinking about was work, so he headed to the mess hall in the hope of seeing Jim or Uhura. He needed to talk to someone about the close call of the previous evening. He knew they would never cross that line whilst she was in a relationship, but now they had reached a crossroads.
Leonard got his meal and took a seat alone, knowing crew from the bridge would be showing up shortly as their shift came to an end. His quiet moment didn't last long.
"She been cheating on me with you, huh?" A man shouts, getting up in Leonard's face and pulling him up by the front of his shirt.
"Woah now boy, back up." Leonard pushes the man back, but nothing more. His hands ball into fists - he is trying hard to restrain himself. (Y/N) must've broken it off shortly after he left last night.  "Nothin's happened, she's better than that, but did she leave you for me? C'mon, it was just a matter of time." He laughs in a slightly cocky way. He is not one to be arrogant, but after watching the woman he loves waste her time on this guy, he couldn't help but be slightly pleased about how things had turned out.
The words aggravate the man further and he lunges for Leonard, only to be pulled back now by surrounding crew members.
"You're a real fucking piece of work, McCoy." He snarls.
"Lieutenant!" Jim's voice calls through the crowd at the aggressor, silencing everyone. "To your quarters, now. That's an order."
The lieutenant hangs his head, nods at his Captain and takes his leave from the mess hall.
Jim disperses the crowd before approaching the doctor.
"You know, I'm used the name-calling and violence being directed toward me. What happened, Bones?"  
You had spent your entire shift distracted. Whilst you felt a great sense of relief at ending your failing relationship, the break-up had gotten pretty intense and words had been exchanged.
You thought you'd done the right thing by breaking it off the moment you truly realised you had feelings for someone else, but you couldn't help but feel guilty. Your ex probably cared more about his wounded ego than actually losing you, but you still never wanted to be seen as wayward.
You were pleased to be back at your quarters and looking forward to hopefully finding a way to unwind.  You decided to tidy up your quarters - cleaning always helped your mind feel a little bit clearer.
A chime at your door startles you from your thinking.
"Who is it?" You call out, a sense of nervousness in your voice. You hoped your ex hadn't come back to cause more trouble.
"It's me." Leonard's voice calls, and you reply, telling him to come in.
As he stood in your doorway again like he had the previous night, you finally felt able to admire his form freely in your mind.
He had a slight smile on his face and a sympathetic look in his eye.
He wasn't an overly muscular man but was broad and strong nevertheless. You admired his arms and wished more than anything you were wrapped up in them.
"Well, I ran into your ex." He smirks, crossing the threshold into your room.
"What?" You call out, instinctively stepping closer to him, caressing his face and looking for a sign of injury.
He gently removes your hand, pressing a slight kiss to it before holding it firmly.
"'M fine. Promise."
"What did he do?" You ask, full of concern.
"I'd rather talk about us." His expression softens and becomes very sincere.
"Us?" You say suggestively, smirking.
"Well, I suppose you took my words to heart darlin'?"
"I did, Mr McCoy. I've cared about you, and you made me realise just exactly how I cared about you."
"I'm glad to hear that."
He steps closer toward you, his strong and masculine scent surrounding you. Every time you've got a hint of his smell, you had always yearned for more, and now it was all-consuming.
"You're all mine now?" He asks, voice deep and low, making every hair on the back of your neck stand up.  
You stare up into his eyes, speaking a truth that had been unspoken for far too long.
"All yours, Leonard. I think I always was."
With that, he leans in for your first kiss. Firm, and trying to convey the need, patience, wanting…
His hands cup your face as he goes in for another, your hand coming up to thread through his short brunette strands.
Leonard's lips are full, soft and insistent - claiming you exactly as he had intended to all along. You could lose yourself in this feeling, warmth and joy spreading throughout your body at just the simple connection of lips.
Your hands move to caress his shoulders, your fingertips hoping to survey every piece of skin underneath.
Even with the fabric barrier, Leonard clearly enjoys your touch but wants more, breaking the kiss momentarily to remove himself of his shirt.
"Fuck." You gasp, finally getting to take in the broad expanse of his skin, peppered with brown hair.  
"My god woman, keep lookin' at me like that."
He growls.
"I'd rather touch." You say, returning your hands to exploring his pecs and arms, grasping at his muscles with want. Leonard let's out a low groan at your attention before getting impatient.
He grabs the hem of your uniform dress and pulls it up and over your head. He stops momentarily, holding it whilst your hands are trapped in the fabric above your head, your body stretched out in a delicious way.
"You're gorgeous, sweetheart." His eyes trail up and down every inch of your body and the look sets your nerves on fire. He tosses the garment behind him and moves closer, pressing your bodies together and walking you back until you're pressed against a hard surface.
His body cages you against the wall, his frame taller and stronger than yours. The thought sends a rush through you.
You move in to kiss Leonard again, capturing his lips in a more needy kiss, gently running his lower lip through your teeth and eliciting more noise from the man.
This seemingly ignites something in Leonard, as he pushes his body harder into yours, and presses more kisses down your jaw and to your neck - nipping and kissing, drawing gasps and moans from you.
One of his hands pulls your bra strap ever so slightly down your shoulder, and then dips into the cup, caressing and grabbing your breasts with fervour. All your nerves react to the touch.
His kisses dip down to your collar bone and your knees go completely weak, thank god the man has you pinned to the wall with hips and had his growing erection pressed against your core.
"Let's get this off you." He wraps his hands around your back, taking hold of the clasp of your bra. "Heard these things are pretty uncomfortable." He quirks an eyebrow.
"Get it off and get your hands back on me." You plead.
"Yes, Ma'am." He fiddles for a moment before freeing the fastener and slipping the bra down your arms.
His bare chest is then pressed against yours, and he snakes a hand down your body, brushing your stomach before dipping below your waistband - straight into your wet folds.
"All this for me darlin'? He asks, his voice dripping with lust. "Did he make you feel like this?" He circles your clit with his fingers, torturously slow.
You cry out at his words. Nothing and no one compares to the man in front of you.
He stops his ministrations entirely. "I asked you a question."
"Did he" He begins rubbing you again. "Make you", his teeth capture the skin on your neck "feel", he presses a kiss to the spot,  "like this?"
He roughly moves his hand so his fingers slip inside you and his thumb puts pressure on your clit.
"No, Leonard, god." You sob.
His long digits begin to pump in and out of you - curling slightly to brush your insides in the perfect way. "Good." He calls, stretching out the word in his gorgeous accent.
"God, I want you."
"Then take me." You whine.
The man withdraws his hand, grabs your hips and spins you in his grasp, pushing your body against the wall and pulling your ass backward into him.
He quickly whips off the last remaining layer on your body and steps back to work on freeing himself from the confines of his trousers and underwear.
"Touch yourself for me, darlin'." He demands.
Your fingers find your clit as you begin to massage yourself, waiting for him.
"You ready for me?" He takes ahold of his girth and strokes himself slowly, kicking off the last of his clothes too.
You wiggle impatiently, but the man is rubbing himself between your folds and coating himself with your wetness. He teases for a few moments more pushing himself in all in one go.
"Aaah, fuck!" You cry out at the sensation of him filling you completely. He is long and thick, and already brushing against you perfectly.
He thrusts into you slowly and deeply - savouring every push and tightening his grip on you - whilst leaning in to press kisses to the back of your neck and shoulders.
You can't help but release all the noises the pleasure causes, and in worry of being too loud, you clasp one hand over your mouth to moan into instead. Leonard gently coaxes the hand away, and gently pins your arms above your head, completely towering you and filling you.
"Let me hear you, sweetheart." He whispers and increased his pace unexpectedly, making you moan even louder.
He keeps up the quick pace for several moments, fucking you thoroughly and roughly and keeping you writhing beneath him before he asks to change the pace.
He releases your arms from the wall, gently withdraws from you, and then leads you over to the bed where he climbs over you and cages you again with his large frame.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down for a deep kiss, swiping your tongue against his, spurring him on.
He takes your legs and places them on his shoulders as he lines up again with your entrance and plunges in deeply and slowly. He uses his leverage to push into you closer, your legs folding and allowing him to come face to face with you - noses brushing together and eyes locked on each other. Your hands desperately hold on to the strong muscles of his arms.
"You were made for me, darlin'." He coos, and begins his first real thrust, making sure he gives you as much of him as he can possibly give. You cry out at the completely consuming sensation. His pace then becomes insistent, cock brushing against you and making you cry out all over again.
You can't look anywhere other than at him as you scream and moan repeatedly - he looks as if he could completely devour you, and doesn't lose eye contact for a single second, making your pleasure more intense and focused.
There's nothing else that matters right now other than staying focused on each other and the shared noise of your groans.
Leonard separates from you, but still can't tear his eyes away.
As he continues to drive his cock into you, he reaches to start massaging your clit. His hands are so legendary in every way.
He keeps driving into you at a slow and steady pace - gentle and yet claiming. With the combination of his cock sliding in and out of you and his massaging of your clit, you feel yourself growing dizzy as you get closer to the edge.
His free hand is gripping your hip hard, his fingers are digging in and are sure to leave bruises that will mark you as his.
You moan out at the thought of it, and Leonard decides to pick up the pace of his rubbing.
You really were ridiculously wet, and this allowed his fingers to glide quickly and efficiently, driving you absolutely wild already.
Your eyes close, your breathing gets shorter, your moans higher-pitched, you can practically see stars behind your eyelids.
"You gonna cum for me?" He asks, the pressure of his fingers and the feeling of him inside you has you there. "Look at me, darlin."
Your eyes open and lock onto his, the intensity is unreal as you focus on him and his darkened, lustful gaze. You finally let go and pleasure floods your every sense.
"Fuck, Leonard." You scream, not able to be concerned with the volume of your pleasure anymore.
You spasm around his cock and fingers, and he continues to drive into you, wringing every last sensation from you. He smiles, pleased with the fruits of his efforts and your name falling off his lips.
He removes his fingers when you finish riding your wave, but you continue to writhe on him, clearly wanting him to fuck you more despite your orgasm. "Please…" you whine, coaxing him into beginning his fucking again.
He leans in close again, making sure every single inch of him is filling you up and stretching you out. He claims your lips in a sweet but possessive kiss, then starts thrusting hard and deep, pushing you firmly into the bed with every moment.
"As your attending physician I know it would be safe, but can I cum inside you darlin'?" He asks. Even at this moment, the man finds the time to be his humorous self.
"Please, fill me." You cry out, and he doesn't need to be told twice.
He's staring you down again, and you can see the crazy and loving look in his eyes as he is brought closer to his orgasm.
"I'm all yours, claim me."
His fucking becomes quicker and erratic, as his brow furrows and his look becomes dark until he finally spills himself inside you with one hard, claiming thrust. He groans deeply, in a primal way as he fills you up, gently rocking his hips.
You both pant and take a moment to regain yourselves. Your foreheads are pressed together and the smiles stretch wide on your faces.
After a few moments, Leonard pulls out and you whine at the loss of him. He collapses next to you on his back before pulling you to lay over his chest and body, drawing gentle and soothing circles on your arm with his finger.
"I've loved you for so long, sweetheart." He whispers, pressing a kiss against your forehead.
You hug yourself tighter to him.
"I've loved you just as long."
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Sand, Sun, and A Grumpy Doctor 1
Pairing: Fem! Kirk x Bones
Prompt 7.You’re famous and just got asked whether you were ever in love. This should be good--wait wHAT? 
"Please welcome our very special guest and star of the recent blockbuster hit Starship, Jenna Kirk!!!"
The enthusiastic voice on the television startled the half dozing man from his slumber on the sofa. Rubbing his face blearily, he reached for the remote to turn off the television he wasn't really watching anyway.
His movements were arrested with the sight of the lovely blonde woman striding confidently on stage to join the talk show host. His jaw dropped. It was her. His mind finally connected the name with the star and he swallowed as the wave of memories crashed over him. She was just as beautiful as he remembered, if less bubbly than he'd known her. Time changed everyone, he reflected, even movie starlets. How many years had it been since he'd unknowingly encountered her leading to an ill-fated, but passionate romance? 
"Oh, Jen," he sighed under his breath. "I'm glad you're happy."
Despite his better judgment, Leonard McCoy kept watching the interview, wanting to see Jen in her native habitat. He wondered if she was still dating that famous producer Spock she'd been rumored to be head over heels for a couple years ago, not that he cared or anything. She could do what she liked.
Jen answered the question's smoothly and graciously, charming the host and the audience with her easygoing humor. That was one quality public Jen and private Jen both had and had been the undoing of Leonard "Bones" McCoy.
He'd been sent on a forced vacation after he'd had a health scare brought on by the stress of working in the ER. Despite the sun and sand, he'd sat in the beach chair well covered with sunscreen, sun hat, and sunglasses sulking and grumbling under his breath about interfering head nurses and how it was all Christine's fault if he got skin cancer. His rather unjust musings were interrupted by a female voice from nearby.
"I've never seen anyone so unhappy to be relaxing on one of the nicest beaches in the world."
He looked up and squinted as a stunning blonde appeared in front of him, wearing a very floppy sun hat, expensive looking sunglasses and a breezy coverup over her swimsuit.
"I don't like to be idle," he grunted. "But they made me take a vacation because they thought I'd keel over. My old bones are much happier fixing people than lounging on a beach."
"Wow, that's a statement you don't hear very often," the woman commented, running her sandal clad foot through the sand with a delighted expression on her face.
"Prob'ly not," he admitted. "Most people actually WANT to come here. I'm wired differently."
"Workaholic?" She asked.
"You could say that," Leonard sighed, averting his eyes as she plopped her bag and towel down a few yards away and began shimmying out of her cover up. Oh, great. He strongly considered picking up and moving to another location as he caught a glimpse of hot pink and skin. He pulled his hat down lower and buried his face in a medical magazine to avoid temptation. Goodness knows he didn't need to get involved in some random flirtation or make himself look like a creep.
He smelled suntan lotion as a spray can hissed. Good, she had basic common sense. A lot of beachgoers were more obsessed with getting tan and didn't care about what UV rays really did.
"You wouldn't mind spraying my back, would you? I can never get enough there," the mysterious woman implored, shocking Leonard by the request.
"Umm, sure. That's uh......very trusting of you," he babbled, taking the can thrust into his hand.
"Oh, I pride myself on being a good judge of character," the blonde said, turning her back to him so he could apply the sunscreen. "You definitely aren't giving off creepy vibes; you just want peace and quiet. I promise I'll leave you to it, doctor."
He thoroughly coated her back and handed back the Can, face turning a bit red, but not from the sun.
"Thank you, kind stranger!" She said, bestowing another beautiful smile on him before waving and sauntering away.
"You're welcome, ma'am. Don't forget to reapply often!" He called after her, quickly returning to his reading. (Good night, she had LEGS!!)
Fortunately, or unfortunately, that random encounter was not the only time Leonard met the blonde.
Two days later, he was swimming in the unbelievably beautiful water when she reappeared, a blur of blue and gold that shot by him and popped up beaming.
Startled, Len stared wildly before he remembered her.
"Your face is priceless!" She giggled. "I've never seen such a great bugged out expression. Your eyes look like they're about to pop out of their sockets!"
"I'm glad you're so amused," he spluttered, shaking water out of his eyes. Today, she had on what looked like a short sundress made for the water. It was light blue and unbelievably cute on her.
"Having fun?" He asked indulgently.
"You betcha, Doctor. I'm Jenna, by the way."
"Leonard McCoy," he responded. "Pleased to meet ya. Even an old grump like me had to admit this water is awfully fine."
"Old? You?" She said in a tone of disbelief, looking at him like he was the best thing since sliced bread. "Hardly! I find it difficult to believe someone hasn't snatched you up already."
He shrugged, trying to hide under the water as much as possible.
"Been there, done that. She took everything but my bones in the divorce. No desire to ruin anyone else's life."
This came out somewhat more bitterly than he'd intended, but Jocelyn had made no secret of the fact she considered her cheating on him was HIS own fault.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Leonard," she said. "Won't you let me be your friend, though? No lives need be ruined, I promised. What could it hurt?"
Well, he hadn't been able to resist her imploring look and had agreed, thus changing the course of that summer.
He snapped out of his daydreams as the host asked Jenna a question.
"In your new movie, your character has a very delightful banter-filled relationship with the chief engineer. Have you ever had a real life relationship like that?"
Jenna smiled thoughtfully.
"Oh, yes I have. It was the best one of my life. We knew each other so well, and would practically finish each other's sentences. He was one of the glass half empty type and I'm the opposite, so we balanced each other out. I don't think I'll ever had a love quite like I had with Bones."
Leonard's heart stopped. She'd basically name dropped him on national television. Guess she had been more affected than he thought.
"Why do you call him Bones, if I may ask? The host inquired, looking intrigued.
"Oh, it was a nickname I gave him when he was grumbling about having nothing But His bones," Jenna explained a touch nervously. "He pretended to be such a grouch, but really wasn't."
"Don't go blowin' my cover," he muttered, a smile tugging at his lips.
"What happened?" The host asked.
"Oh, you know, our career paths were on opposite sides of the country in addition to the fact that I kind of blew it by not being truthful about who I was right from the start." She looked right at the screen and pointed at the audience.
"Kids, take a lesson from me, if you fall for some nice person, honesty is a key part of a relationship. Leave the acting for drama class and the movie cameras. Hi, Bones, if you're out there. Hope life is treating you well!"
Leonard sighed longingly as the interview returned to questions about the Starship movie. Jenna probably didn't even know about his relocation from Georgia to San Francisco. She was much closer now, but completely out of reach.
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janeykath318 · 7 years
How Lena McCoy’s Sabbatical Was Ruined 3
Lena McCoy drove off, satisfied with having put the brat in his place. She didn't have much patience with men these days, especially if they were the pretty type who hit on everything that moved. Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me was her constantly repeated mantra since her ex had turned out to be a jerk.   As she parked in front of the Enterprise Cafe after checking in at the motel, she wondered how long it would take for the story to spread that the visitor had found Archer's dead body. They might view her with suspicion instead of the friendly welcome she had been used to.
  "Hello again, Doctor McCoy!" Called Gaila cheerily when she walked in. "Back so soon?" "Yeah," she smiled at the cheery waitress. "There's been a....complication with my nice, peaceful, vacation and I'm going to figure out a plan B over your fabulous coffee." "Oh, dear," Gaila sighed, looking worried. "It wasn't the water heater again, was it? Scotty's had to fix that thing for Jon more than once the last couple years." If only, thought Lena, trying not to cringe at the mental image of poor Archer dead flashed through her mind. "No, nothing like that," she managed. "I'll just find a quiet spot to hang out." "Okay, hon. I'll get your coffee in a jiffy." Gaila practically danced away, her red curls bouncing behind her.  Lena sighed as she sank into an inconspicuous booth in the corner. She wracked her brain over and over, trying to think of anything about Archer that had indicated he was worried or uneasy. All he'd said was "I'll be by this morning to do some maintenance work, should be done by the time you're back." She didn't know him well enough to be able to detect any deeply hidden anxieties not could she imagine the man having any enemies. Possibly it was someone from his military days? She was so deep in thought, she barely noticed Gaila delivering her coffee, nice and black like she wanted. No fancy, shmancy, sugar-laiden crap for her, thank you very much.   She felt her ruffled spirits begin to settle down as she sipped the strong brew. Scotty was the best, she thought. His peach pie was pretty good, too. The sandwiches though, were sublime. The turkey club was her favorite. Right now, her mind wasn't on food, though. As she pondered how long she'd be stuck here and wondered if Kirk knew what he was doing (seriously, he looked like he was fresh out of cop school), she was approached by a stranger. "Can I help you, ma'am?" She asked warily, hoping it wasn't a small town reporter wanting to grill her. The middle-aged blonde woman smiled in a friendly fashion, though stress clearly marked her face. Lena guessed she'd heard the news. "I'm sorry to intrude, Doctor," she spoke quietly, "I'm Winona and I work with the mayor at city hall. Mayor Pike would like to talk with you, if you have a moment. We're stunned about Jonathan and he'd like to make sure you're all right. I'm very sorry your visit was disturbed like this. It's normally a very peaceful town." Lena figured it was coming eventually. Jon's friend deserved to know what happened. "Sure, I'll talk to him, "she said carefully," but I probably can't tell you much without getting in trouble with the police." Winona relaxed and smiled a bit. "Don't worry about that. I'm retired from the force and I know people still there. We won't disturb the investigation."   Lena relaxed a bit. "Good. I don't need to give Detective Kirk any more reason to be annoying." She snarked, still aggravated at the man. Winona suddenly burst out laughing. There was something familiar about her when she laughed: the way her eyes crinkled at the edges with mirth and the near-snort noises that resulted. "You're not the first to say that", Winona said when she contained herself. "Jimmy has that effect on people. I love my son to pieces, but he's a little sh--brat sometimes." Lena chuckled at the way Winona corrected herself then suddenly flushed. She was talking to the detective's own mother. Good thing she hadn't used her own more.....descriptive language of her impressions of Jim. She was embarrassed enough as it was. "Jim's your son?", she squeaked out at last. "There I go, putting my giant foot in my mouth again." Winona waved her stammered apology away. "You're fine, Doctor. Jim tends to come on too strong, especially when he meets a pretty lady." "I gathered that much when he ogled me in the grocery store," Lena remarked dryly. "You want me to come with you now? I'm settled at the motel, so I guess I'm ready whenever the mayor is." "It's just a couple blocks down street," said Winona. "You can follow me. Chris is so upset about this, he's pretty much canceled every non-crucial appointment today." "Poor guy. Such an awful thing to happen." Lena stood up, left her payment on the counter and followed Winona Kirk out the door. A few minutes later, they entered a stately stone building in the heart of downtown Riverside. It had a elegant interior decorated with shades of brown and blue and plenty of leather chairs scattered about. Winona showed Lena to the office where a receptionist looked up as they entered. "Hi, Janice. Is the mayor available?" "He's meeting with Jim, but he told me to tell you feel free to interrupt." The blonde assistant relayed these instructions with a nod to the closed inner door. Winona nodded and boldly knocked on the door. "I've brought our guest, Mr. Mayor." Lena heard a muffled "come in, then" and a chair scooted backwards as if someone got up to go. They entered the room just as a tired-looking Kirk emerged. He acknowledged his mom briefly, but only said a distracted "hey, Bones" to Lena. Good, she thought, the boy had settled down to do his job. The mayor was sitting at his desk, a  nice-looking grey haired man in his fifties, she guessed. He stood up and held out a hand. "Doctor McCoy, thank you for coming. I'm sorry your vacation was disturbed like this." Lena shook his hand, feeling sympathy for the man whose world had just been rocked. "Not nearly as sorry as I am for your loss, Mr. Mayor. Jonathan was a very kind man." His face wrinkled in a weak smile. "Thank you. He was. We appreciate your cooperation in this. Officer Kirk says you've been very forthcoming with him and Officer Spock." "Well, I want to see the scum that did this brought to justice, sir," Lena said honestly. "And I plan on sticking around to help it happen."
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