#tale teller’s 2020 bingo challenge
multifandomwriter56 · 4 years
Tommy Shelby Jr.
A/N: This is an entry for @sdavid09​ Tale Teller 2020 Bingo Challenge
Square Filled: Fluff
Characters:Tommy Shelby, Shelby!Reader, mentions Grace and Charlie
Summary: Tommy finds out about the little creature Y/n’s been hiding.
Warnings: language
Word Count: 682
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"Y/n Shelby, what the fuck is that?" Tommy demands from the threshold of his sister's room.
The thirteen year old girl jumps at her brother's booming voice and then scrambles to hide the creature in her lap. "Tommy? When did you get home?"
He ignores his sister's question, his eyes going back and forth between the ball of fur in her grasp and his sister's eyes. "Y/n, why is there a dog in my house?"
"This is Junior, my dog." She wraps her arms more protectively over the squirming puppy when her brother steps fully into her room.
Y/n's eyes narrow. "I'm keeping him." 
Tommy glares at his stubborn sister; a headache forming above his right eye. "Y/n, I'm serious. You're not keeping it. Taking care of a dog is a big responsibility. It's not just all cuddles and playtime. They need to be fed, walked-" Tommy pauses in suprise when the young teenager fucking scoffs at him. 
"Funny you should say that. Do you want to know how long I've had Junior?" She pauses even though she doesn't expect a response. "Two weeks. There has been a dog under your fucking nose for two weeks."
Tommy pinches the bridge of his nose; his eyes squeezing shut. He counts down from ten so he won't strangle the girl. "And what the fuck have you been feeding him, eh?" He drops his hand from his face; frowning when he catches a golden brown fur ball at his feet. 
He expects the puppy to start chewing on his shoe; but he just lays down next to it, plopping his little head on the top of his shoe-covered toes. 
Y/n smiles proudly at her baby before focusing on her brother who is still frowning at him. She can see the frown slowly fading as her brother's face starts to soften.
"Well, you probably don't know this; but your wife has requested for the maids to make your plate for dinner every night. But as you do know; it's just been me, Grace, and Charlie at the dining table the last few weeks." She can see the guilt settling in. Good. "So when the maids start to clean up, I offer to help. I take your plate and give it to Junior."
Tommy can't hold back the urge anymore. He crouches down so he can pet the puppy who's tail immediately starts to wag.
He does feel guilty for missing dinner the past few weeks, but these stupid Russians keep demanding his time. 
A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips when the puppy licks his fingers in gratitude. 
He clears his throat, wiping away the forming smile before turning his eyes to his baby sister; the one who seems to get away with everything. "If I see the maids or Grace having to pick up after your mutt, he's gone. Understand?"
Y/n grins, nodding her head. "I'll take good care of him. I promise."
Tommy lets himself smile. "I know you will. I'll buy some real dog food tomorrow. He can't be eating my food since I plan on eating it."
They both stand to their feet and Y/n wraps her arms around her brother. "Thank you, Tommy."
Tommy returns the hugs, dropping a quick kiss to the top of her head. 
As they release each other from the hug, their attention goes to the puppy when he whines. 
"Oh, I better take him out." Y/n picks him up. 
Tommy tilts his head as he watches them head down the stairs. "Y/n, why did you fucking name him Junior?"
Y/n doesn't dare stop as she answers her brother. "Well his full name is Tommy Shelby Jr, but I figured that would be too long to say and I bloody well couldn't be shouting Tommy with you in the house. So I call him Junior for short."
Tommy nods at her logic as he follows her down the stairs, but stops when her words fully register. "You named a fucking dog after me?"
Forevers: @beautycinders​ @desiredposion​
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jayankles · 4 years
The Navy Seal Makes a Splash
Pairing: Steve McGarrett x Reader
Word Count: 403
Summary: You thought you were going to have a relaxing birthday, instead Steve enjoys teasing you.
Written for: @goodthingshappenbingo​ / @sdavid09​
Squares Filled: Cuddling / Romance
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“I don’t want to move from this spot, I just want to be here with you,” You mumbled against Steve’s chest, you had been cuddled up for the last hour and it was nice to have the afternoon with the man you knew as the daredevil workaholic.
“It’s a good job, I turned my phone off and I’m not letting you go anywhere just yet. As much as I love my job, I love laying with you, just doing nothing.” You appreciated Steve’s word, sometimes you went for a long time without seeing each other. Each of your schedule’s didn’t really give you that one on one time that you wanted to spend with each other.
Eddie, though, had other ideas. Steve’s adorable dog jumped up in your lap, sniffing you before licking both of your faces. He had a habit of getting himself into trouble but quickly getting out of it with his cute little face, one that you couldn’t stay mad at.
“That lasted longer that I thought.” You giggled, untangling yourself from Steve. “You wanna go take a dip in the water?”
“Since you’re already up, might as well join the prettiest woman on the beach.” Steve smirked, throwing a towel on his deck chair, chasing after you, arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you under the water.
Choking on the way up, you pushed your hair out of your face before coughing and spluttering. When your breathing evened out again, you pushed the water over at Steve in his face, of course being a navy Seal, he remained unfazed by your retaliation. “That was uncalled for, especially on my birthday. You’re supposed to be nice to me.”
Steve pulled his lips into a faux pout, it was one that you loved so much but hated when he used it against you. “I’m supposed to nicer that now.” He smirked at his stupid joke, his hands finding your waist once more, pulling you against him.
“Yeah.” Before you could say anything else, Steve pulled your face up to his own, lips pressing firmly to yours, making you forget about your almost death experience.
“I love you, birthday girl.” You spent the next hour in the clear blue ocean, laughing and playing. It was the perfect day, one you would never wish to replace for the world, one that you had ingrained in your mind for the future to come.
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stories-by-shanna-p · 4 years
Rainy Night Reads (Victory Fanfic for BINGO Challenge)
Title: Rainy Night Reads
For: @girl-next-door-writes
Summary: When things become too much, you can always count on Sam Winchester to help you through.
Warnings: None
 Author Note: Thank you again @girl-next-door-writes for participating in the BINGO 2020 Challenge and being the first to win a BLACKOUT! You wrote some amazing stories! I hope you enjoy this one as a special prize for your victory!!! <3 <3 <3 
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You sighed in annoyance as the deluge beat against the roof of your car. Needless to say, it had been a long day and this rainstorm wasn’t really helping matters much. All you wanted to do was to get back to the bunker, curl up in bed, and sleep until the bad days were far behind you…or until Sam cuddled you.
 Your eyes flashed to the side quickly to your phone in the cup holder. It still hadn’t lit up, which meant Sam still wasn’t back from the hunt yet. Another sigh escaped you. It was supposed to be a quick hunt, a salt and burn, and then back to the bunker. Two days, tops.
 That was five days ago.
 It was all you could do to keep the welling of worry from your stomach. Sam and Dean knew what they were doing, they could handle anything…right? With a shake of your head, you banished the thought and pulled into the bunker garage. You quickly swiped up your stuff and headed straight to your room.
 A hot shower, maybe a bath, comfy clothes, an easy dinner, a funny movie. That’s what you needed right now. The storm rumbled above you as you stepped deeper into the bunker. It spoke to how bad it was that you could still hear it. The thunder pounded loud and the lightning lit up the sky. Just another worry on your plate…what if they got caught in the storm?
“No, I’m not going down that road.” You said to yourself. You quickly dropped your things on the floor as you walked into your and Sam’s shared room, beelined for some clothes, and then headed down to your personal bathroom.
 Oh yes, that’s right. Personal bathroom! Sam and Dean made it a birthday present to you. They even put in some new stuff, like a removable shower head and a clawfoot tub. You always wanted one. Apparently, they did some work and saved some guy who owned an antique shop. When Sam saw the tub and mentioned it in passing you’ve always wanted one, the guy practically threw it at them.
 Well, that’s what Dean said. You doubted the man actually threw it…or did he…was he the vampire?!
 You chuckled at the way your mind flew threw thought after thought. You really did just need a night of self-care, pampering, and relaxation. Walking into the bathroom, you took a moment to get everything ready and stepped into a hot shower. The water ran over your aching body and relieved the tension in your muscles. With a groan of delight, you leaned against the wall and just let the worry and negative thoughts from the day drip down into the drain with the rest of the water. They did nothing for you now.
 What turned into a hot shower and maybe bath ended up becoming a full spa treatment. After the hot shower, you put on a face mask and settled into the tub for a bit. Then the lotions, scrubs and oils. It was divine and just what the doctor ordered.
 You were nearly floating down the hall, like some strange animated character, as you approached the door. With a happy sigh you turned the corner and—
 “Sam!” You squealed in delight at seeing your boyfriend lounging against the headboard, book held steady in his hand. His eyes hesitated on the book for a moment before looking up at you. A smile slowly stretched across his face as he looked you over.
 “Bad day?”
 “Not anymore.” You spoke with a grin as you did a little skip over to him and plopped on the bed. Sam was quick to shift down the bed so you could curl up in his arms. “You said it would be a quick hunt.”
 Sam pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before giving you a little squeeze. “Things got complicated…” He whispered. “I’m sorry I didn’t call. The ghost tossed me and it snapped my phone in two.”
 You snuggled into his warm. The best thing about Sam, well, one of them…he was always so warm. It wasn’t a heat that made you sweat at night, like he was furnace. Instead, it was just the warmth. A gentle heat that had you relaxing into him. He clearly must have cleaned up while you were relaxing in the bath, he smelled clean and fresh, like that body wash he loved to use.
 “You okay?” Sam whispered. His hand came up and gently pushed the hair from your face, looking down at you with those beautiful eyes. The lights reflected in his eyes, the dimples from his smile making him seem even more happy to see you. “You’re quieter than usual.”
 “It was just a long day.” You sighed as you let your eyes drift close.
 “Do you want to go to bed early? I can take my book out to the table and—”
 “Leave me and you sleep on the couch.” You gave a playful growl, opening one of your eyes to give him a look.
 Sam’s laugh barked out of him. His hand came up and ran through his hair as he shifted up on his elbow, hovering over you as he spoke. “What do you suggest?”
 Honestly, you didn’t really care. You just wanted to be curled up with Sam, have his strong arms around you. Five days didn’t seem like a long time, but when you were left all alone in the bunker, with work being shit, and everything else…
 “Will you read to me?” You asked. A bit of a blush overtook you, feeling a little silly at the request. It wasn’t like you were a little girl anymore, but the request made it seem like you were asking for a bedtime story. You nearly went to say “forget it”, but Sam was already out of bed and over at his bookshelf. “What are you doing?”
 “I know just the one.” Sam said with a look over his shoulder. He bent down, squatted more like. It made you chuckle to see such a tall man hunched over to look at books on the tiny bookshelf. Maybe for Christmas you would get him a bigger shelf. To be honest, that one was bursting at the seems anyway.
 Sam picked out a book and walked back to you. He shifted the pillows around before getting all reclined on the bed again. With a gentle pull, he dragged you over to him, letting your head rest just over his chest.
 You could hear the gentle beating of his heart. Thump thump. Thump thump. It was steady and strong…so much like Sam. You wrapped your arm around his stomach as you felt him encompass you in an embrace. He perched the book on your hip and flipped it open.
 “Ready?” Sam asked, glancing down at you.
 You couldn’t help but smile up at him, feeling your heart swell with love, more love than you thought you could have for this man. “How did I get so lucky to find you?”
 Sam chuckled again. “Well, you were unlucky…remember that demon chasing you?”
 You couldn’t contain your eyeroll, giving him a playful little push. Sam just laughed before leaning down and capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. “I’m the lucky one,” he said. “I found the most beautiful, most brilliant woman in the world.”
 He paused before resting his head against yours. “I love you.”
 “I love you too, Sam.” You spoke softly. Sam shifted a bit more before he began reading out loud. His voice reverberated in his chest, making it seem deeper. Between his voice, and the steady beat of his heart, the warmth of his body, you drifted off into the best sleep you’d ever had.
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Love in the time of Lockdown
Entry for @sdavid09 Tale tellers 2020 bingo
Moodboard-- Dean Winchester x Emily Matthews (oc) @girl-next-door-rps / Dean Winchester x reader
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"Honestly, this woman is the reason I am same till now or I would gone crazy alone in the bunker with Sammy. I mean there is only so much of your brother you can take before he starts getting on your nerves. Also, there is only so long you can hide your feelings when you are locked down with someone.
Having this much time in hand at first seemed fun with the Netflix and cuddling and sex and lazy mornings! after a point though, I just wanted to go outside. I knew I was pushing her away but she still stuck around. She surprised me with a hike with yoda which is usually something Sam enjoys but for the first time in weeks I felt I could breathe. We are still in our honeymoon phase so hopefully she won't come to her senses. Let's make sure that never happens or she will definitely leave cause everyone knows she can do better.
She has grounded me in a way I can't even begin to explain. This situation is so out of hand. I kill stuff that kills people but I can't do that with this. I still say we should investigate and it's some sort of demon activity but both my brother and my girlfriend have shut me down on that. Apparently, I have a death wish according to them.
I have slowly managed to get back into the routine of it though. Made sure to show her just how much I appreciated her. Breakfast in bed, cooking together, sex (obviously) and may have even written a few songs about her.
You think I could have a career as a singer, babe? After we stop hunting? If that happened? "
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peachchai · 4 years
Tale Teller’s Bingo 2020 Masterlist
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Here is my Masterlist for the Tale Teller’s Bingo Challenge. Sadly as of now there is no writings to go with it as I joined late and my writer’s block came back... But! check back from time to time and I may have added some to this post. 
Host- @sdavid09​
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fandomoniumflurry · 7 years
Bingo Masterlist
Cricket’s Supernatural Advent Challenge 2017
Tale Teller’s Daily Writing Challenge
9 Squares for 3 Fics challenge
Jordan’s SPN Card Challenge
Fluff Bingo 2018
Genre Bingo
Angst Bingo 2018
AU Bingo 2019
Kink bingo 2019
Poly Bingo 2018
Fluff Bingo 2019
Song Challenge Bingo
ABO bingo
Kink Bingo 2020
Fluff Bingo 2020
Sam Winchester Bingo
DeanSam Bingo
Any Fandom Dark Bingo
Any Fandom Goes Bingo
Witch!Sam Bingo
Main Masterlist
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A Moment
Characters: Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy x reader
Summary: A snap shot of a moment in time between McCoy and his girl.
Word Count: 707 words
A/N: This is my entry for @sdavid09​ Tale Teller 2020 Bingo Challenge. It fills my ‘Romance’ square and is dedicated to my dear friend @blondecoffeecake​  who is lovely and wonderful and I love her.
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The warm breeze slowly ushered the fluffy clouds across the azure sky in a way that kinda reminded him of home.  The second sun the only reminder that he was so very far away from where he grew up.  Leaning back on his elbows, Leonard brought his eyes back from the sky to you, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he saw you intently studying a cloud formation, squinting a little as if trying to figure out what shape it reminded you of.
Moments like this were far too rare, moments he could truly show you how he felt.  When it came to you, the grumpy doctor found he just didn’t have the words.  There was no doubt that you made him a better man, but it was hardly the sort of thing he could just come out and say.  That would be awkward and uncomfortable.
Leonard had no idea why someone as wonderful as you would want him like you do, but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Shifting over on the picnic blanket, he turned his full body to watch you.  
“You’re staring again.” You murmured, not taking your eyes from the sky as the corners of you lips quirked up in a knowing smirk.
“Well, darlin’, I’m just enjoyin’ the view.” He grinned, his attention still fully trained upon you.  
“Careful there, Leo, a girl might get used to this smooth version of you.” The teasing tone in your voice made his heart flutter.
“Maybe you should.” He hummed as he leaned over, placing a tender kiss to your cheek.  
In the back of his mind, Leonard made a mental note to spoil you more, to be this version of himself more.  Here, on this alien shore, he felt more relaxed than he had for such a long time.  In this moment, he wasn’t chasing after Kirk trying to stop him doing something reckless, he wasn’t charging around the med bay dealing with illness and injury, he wasn’t bone tired after back to back shifts.  In this moment, he was completely himself, here with you.
That had been a scary thought when he had been planning this little day trip.  What the two of you shared was relatively new and this was your first opportunity to explore your relationship away from The Enterprise.  What if, without all the distractions, he bored you?  What if he couldn’t carry the conversation and there were awkward silences?  Something as simple as taking his girlfriend on a picnic had become a major operation in his mind.  So much so that he had let Kirk, of all people, pack the food!  
Chocolate dipped strawberries and sparkling apple juice had been a pleasant surprise, easily setting the mood.  The weather was warm but not too hot and he had found the ideal spot.  Conversation flowed easily, as it always did, and the silences were far from awkward. Now, lay here on the blanket by your side, he couldn’t help but wish this moment would last forever.  His mind drifted to a future spent with you, rolling through all the major milestones and instead of him feeling a growing sense of dread building in stomach, he felt excited and content.  He wasn’t about to propose or anything any time soon, marriage still scared the crap outta him, but maybe one day.  He realised the thought was there in his heart, how he would ask you, how proud he would be to call you Mrs McCoy.  Maybe that ‘one day’ wasn’t as far off as he previously thought, especially if the two of you spent more days like this together.  
The sun warmed his skin as he settled beside you, his arm draped over your stomach.  Dropping soft kisses to your shoulder, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to just absorb the moment, to keep it safe in his memory for the times things weren’t this peaceful.  “I love you.” He drawled in that thick southern accent of his.
“I love you too.” You replied softly.  That was all that needed to be said as you both lay in the meadow of long blue grass, the sun the only witness to your tender exchange.
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
Worth it
Word count: 1.7K
Pairing: Dean X Castiel, Coffee shop AU
Warnings: Fluffy and cute!
Square filled: Ship
Summary: Dean Winchester owns the beloved coffee shop in town, and he loves that his life is predictable, until a certain blue eyed man walks into his shop and his life.
A/N: This is my first entry for the @sdavid09​‘s Tale Teller’s 2020 Bingo Challenge. Please let me know what you think!
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If there was one thing that could be said about Dean Winchester with absolute certainty, it was that he loved making his customers happy. If you visited his coffee shop, you left satisfied and appreciated. This was why his little coffee shop was so loved by everyone who visited. The coffee was always good, but so was the morning after being greeted by him.
Dean knew everyone in the little town and everyone knew him. Here, he lived his life with satisfaction and without many surprises. He liked it that way, too.
That was true until on Saturday, 20th of August, when the guy in the Trench coat walked in. 
Even if Dean hadn’t immediately known that he was new to this place,  the man’s awkward mannerism would have been enough to point it out.
He glanced around the shop and then walked to the counter, holding his hands clumsily at his side, as if he didn’t know what to do with them.
“A coffee to go please?” His voice was deep and low pitched. It was funny that Dean even noticed it, since he was awestruck looking into his deep blue eyes. It was a stunning color. He could take a swim in that, he thought to himself, embarrassed.
“What would you like?” Dean managed, forcing himself to concentrate and not be flustered.
“Just black,” the man smiled nervously. “I don’t know much about all these fancy names.”
Dean controlled his urge to laugh. He personally did believe that the long and ridiculous coffee names sounded better on exotic plants in botanical gardens.
“What name shall I put on the cup?”
“Oh.” The man looked startled to be asked such an obvious question. “Castiel.”
“I’ll be right back with you, sir.” 
Dean decided to get Castiel his favourite brew. Barely anyone asked for it; he just kept it on the pot for himself, to unwind at the end of the day.
“Here you go!” Dean handed him the cup. 
Castiel smiled at him gratefully. “Thank you for not making me go through the hundred options. I’m new here, and this is the first coffee shop I found.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Dean was secretly glad that his shop was at the centre of the town’s main square. 
Castiel waved at him before leaving. 
For the rest of the day Dean found himself humming and smiling for no particular reason.
He looked up expectantly each time the door opened the next day. Each time, when it turned out to be someone other than Castiel, he felt a small pang of disappointment. 
An hour before the closing time, after Dean had given up hopes of ever seeing him again in his life, the bell at the door rang and Castiel stepped in, wet and annoyed at the rain pouring outside.
His face did break into a smile at the sight of Dean, and Dean found himself hoping against hope.
“That had to be the best cup of coffee I’ve ever tasted in my life,” Castiel said, running his hands through his wet hair. “What did you put in it?”
There were a lot of corny things Dean could have said, he settled for just a smile. “If I tell you, you won’t keep coming back here.”
“I don’t think you need to worry about that,” Cas said. “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
Soon the whole town was buzzing about this real estate developer who had come in to scope the place, with his rough voice and ocean eyes; who wanted to turn the town into something altogether new. What better place to exchange gossip than town’s favourite coffee shop?
For most part, Dean didn’t comment on anyone’s opinion, just provided them with a sympathetic ear. From what he had heard so far, the people weren’t exactly opposed to the development. Just wary. And who could blame them for not wanting to trust a stranger after being a closed community for such a long time.
Personally, Dean didn’t believe that Castiel had any intentions of selling the whole town out. He didn’t look the sort. But what did Dean know? Maybe it wasn’t his brain, just his love-struck heart that was constructing all his opinions.
“Here you go,” Dean handed Castiel his coffee to go on his twenty-sixth day. Yes, Dean remembered the number of days. It was all very pathetic.
Castiel grinned at the name. “This says Cas on it!”
“You don’t like it?” Dean asked, scratching the back of his neck.
“It’s nothing like that,” he said. “I’ve just never had anyone call me that.”
That was weird. What sort of people had he surrounded himself with, who couldn’t catch the obvious nickname?
“You can call me, Cas, though,” he said quickly. “I like it.”
“Alright, then Cas,” Dean said, smirking slowly. “You have a good day.”
Cas waved and headed out the door.
“What was that?”
It was Charlie. One of Dean’s regulars at the shop and his closest friend outside of it.
“Nothing,” he muttered, turning away so she wouldn’t spot the blood rising up to his cheeks. “We were just chatting.”
“That’s not chatting,” she wiggled her eyebrows. “Where I come from, it’s called flirting.”
“I don’t even know if he’s interested,” Dean huffed. No point keeping it from her. She would sniff out the barely concealed crush anyway.
Charlie reached out to ruffle his hair. “And you won’t if you don’t ask.”
Later that night, Dean was cleaning up after the last customer had left, when Cas came in. His hair was dishevelled, as if he had run his fingers through it repeatedly and his shirt was unbuttoned at the top. It quickened Dean’s heartbeat to look at him.
“Are you closed? I’m so sorry for coming in this late.” He looked dejected. “But I didn't know where else to go.”
“C’mon in,” Dean said, sliding a chair towards him. “Is everything okay?”
Cas bit his lip. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” he said, agitated. “I don’t think any of my ideas are welcome here. The town folks don’t even want to listen to me. Maybe I should just give up.”
“That’s just plain stupid.”
Cas looked up, eyes startled. 
“Look,” Dean said. “I’ve lived here all my life. Sure the people are stubborn as hell, but they aren’t idiots. They’ll see a good scheme if you keep at it. Are you trying to dupe them?”
The shocked look on Cas’s face was almost comical. “God, no. I would never.”
“Then you just have to convince them that.”
Dean wasn’t sure if he was making any headway with this handsome man. Cas’s eyes were like an open book and they didn’t look very convinced right now.
“This is a small town,” Dean tried. “These guys have all grown up together. They might have a hard time accepting outsiders, but give them time, they’ll come around.”
“You really think so?” The hope in his voice was almost desperate.
“Sure do.”
Cas placed his hand over Dean’s. “Thank you, truly.”
Dean could barely string the words together without fumbling over the contact of their fingers. “Don’t mention it, man.”
He watched over the next few weeks as town folk were slowly intrigued and then interested in Cas’s plan. He wasn’t out to demolish their houses and heritage like they had initially thought he was. In fact, the new town planning scheme would ensure more income and profit for everyone, including a small residential settlement in a property that was otherwise completely wasted.
In about a month's time, Cas had suddenly become everyone’s favourite. Dean was happy for him, of course, but it did put a damper on his plans to ask him out. Afterall, Cas had better company now and he was busier than before. 
“You’re going to be a mooning single man forever if you keep this shit up.” Charlie put her hands up. “I’m just saying.”
Dean sighed. “It’s not the right time.”
“There’s no such thing,” she retaliated, picking up her latte. “And you’re just stalling at this point.”
No, I’m not, Dean wanted to say. He didn’t, though.
“All I’m saying is- if you saw the way he looked at you when you weren’t looking…” Charlie blew him a kiss and left for a table.
Cas was bright eyed today as he stepped forward for his drink and Dean’s heart skipped a beat. “The usual?” he asked.
“Yeah… Dean, wait a second.” Cas made sure that he wasn’t holding up the line. “I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”
“You’ve been the only friend I had here. Listening to me and giving me advice.”
“You don’t have to thank me for it.” He really did have the most beautiful eyes.
“It’s not just that.... Dean?”
Dean looked up. “Yeah?”
Cas seemed to hesitate. “It’s nothing…”
Dean poured the brew in the cup and put on the lid. There was a slight tremble to his fingers and a ‘now or never’ feeling in his gut as he clutched the sharpie.
“Thank you!” Cas said, taking the cup, a regretful smile on his face.
Dean followed Cas’s figure with eager eyes, when Cas stopped at the door. He turned slowly on the spot, then stared at Dean with wide eyes.
“Do you really mean this?” He asked, holding out the cup. 
Instead of his name, the side of the cup read, ‘Will you go out with me?’
Dean’s heart was pounding against his ribs. “I do.”
“Yes, yes!” Cas exulted a bit wildly, “I’ve been meaning to ask since day one. I just didn’t know you were interested.”
“It translates into- both of you are really dumb,” Charlie supplied. There was a loud cheer from everyone present and Dean looked around surprised. 
“We’ve been waiting for this for weeks!” Said another regular. When Dean eyed her, she jabbed him in the arm. “Everyone but the two of you knew.”
There was a lot of blushing and a hurried, ‘I’ll see you in the evening’ from Cas, before he left, forgetting his coffee altogether. As for Dean, he had never waited for an evening with so much eagerness.
The next morning, waking up in Cas’s arms, he would know that he had all been worth it.
A/N 2: Hope I didn’t suck at this as much as I thought! Please let me know what you think <3
Tagging: @sdavid09​​  @mrswhozeewhatsis​​  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​​ (cause you’ve been after me for ages for Destiel) literally don’t know who else to tag
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theepolynesian · 4 years
Modern!Bilbo Head Cannon
My Head Cannon if Bilbo was in the Modern World. For @sdavid09‘s Bingo Challenge. I started making some art for this but I didn’t finish it.
Bilbo Baggins:
-Owns a small tea/coffee shop
-Names it Bag End
-Pays his workers well and treats them like family
-Has a rule: workers are allowed to treat customers the same way customers treat them, only exception is if it involves assaulting someone. (Eg: He lets them talk back and tells customers who don’t like it that they can read the sign on the door that says: Careful: workers will talk back if treated rudely.)
-Has the same customers everyday and gets gracious tips.
-Has a bin in the front always filled with flowers
-Also has a garden in the back to brew his own tea
-Knows his customers by name
-One customer orders the same exact thing and sits in the same exact spot and stays for the same amount of time everyday.
-Bilbo joins him everyday
-Workers gossip but the cashier that has been there the longest knows that they have been dating for years
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Behind the Action
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For @alicenwrites​ sent me this gif and it just fit so nicely with my ‘slice of life’ square, so @sdavid09​ here’s another one for BINGO!
Many people would LOVE to be an Avenger, after all they get to travel the world, get kick ass uniforms and tech, get to save the freaking world, right?  Well, that is kinda true but that’s only a small part of life.
Clint wandered over to the filing cabinet and tugged at the drawer, just hoping that irritating squeak had been fixed.  It hadn’t, and his hearing aid squealed in protest, making him wince.  His fingers danced over the manilla files, eyes scanning the labels for the one he needed to reference in order to get clearance to use the new arrows he’d come up with.  Oh yeah, it wasn’t as easy as, come up with a new arrow, make new arrow, use new arrow.  No, there was beta testing and records and approvals needed.  The whole process took time.
Flicking through the file, he found the form required and jotted down the reference number on a post-it, carefully folding it and placing it in his jacket pocket before returning the file to its original place.  He’d learned the hard way that if you fuck with the filing system there would be consequences and he had no desire to have the entire clerical staff freeze him out again.  
Picking up the cardboard box which contained all the paperwork and the prototype for the new arrow, he shuffled over to a free desk and sat down in the office chair, spinning it round with a small smile on his face.  It really was the ‘little things’ that made these days bearable. Picking up two pens, he drummed on the desk for a couple of minutes before returning to the job at hand.  Said job was filling out the PR742a form (16 pages) and the ZM284f forms (only 28 pages for that one).  Most of it was just repeating himself, which is why he was procrastinating.
Clint spent his time the following way:
5 minutes spinning on his chair
15 minutes fixing his chair after the top unscrewed from the base due to excessive spinning.
17 minutes perfecting his desk drum solo.
23 minutes searching for a black pen to fill out the form and failing to realise he had been holding onto one the entire time.
13 minutes panicking that he had lost the post-it note with the reference number he needed.
47 minutes complaining to Nat about filling in paperwork.
6 minutes searching his jacket for the post-it note he thought he’d lost then remembered where he’d put it.
 Over 2 hours since he sat down at the desk, Clint picked up the black pen that was absolutely, definitely working, and opened the required form.  His eyes glossed over as he checked boxes, signed and initialled, filled in required details and read small print.  
Sure, be an Avenger.  Join the worlds mightiest heroes.  Funny how nobody mentioned the paperwork when he signed up, but that was just how life goes.  Some days you’re fighting aliens, some days you’re fighting bureaucracy. 
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Tale Tellers Bingo Masterlist.
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1. Head Canon Masterlist 2. Superman (on a Tuesday). Artwork. 3. Gone. Steve Rogers One Shot 4. The Secret Keeper. Geralt Crack fic 5. Sweet Release. Sam Winchester SMUT!!! 6. Message In A Bottle. Tony Stark Cannon 7. Dean and Emily Music Playlist. 8. Long Way Home. Pietro Gif Drabble. 9. A Soft Touch. Luther Hargreeves Hurt/Comfort fic 10. Dear Dean. My OC fic. 11. Loki. Moodboard 12. Blissfully Lonely. Hux AU fic. 13. Toss A Coin. A Geralt non romance rambling. 14. Come What May. Sam Winchester multi chapter fic. 15. Loopholes. Crowley gender swap fic 16. Take My Hand. Arthur Fleck Fluff fic 17. Anyway. Bucky Barnes Reader Insert fic. 18. Without Words. Bruce and Nat Ship fic. 19. Behind the Action. A Slice of Life with Clint Barton. 20. Brothers from Another Mother. Geralt and Jaskier Friendship drabble 21. Ohhhh. Loki Gif Drabble- Follower Prompt. 22. A Moment. Leonard McCoy Romance ficlet. 23. Requiem. Crowley Character Death fic. 24. The Final Hours. Napoleon Solo Angst fic. 25. Daily Fic Rec Masterlist.  Fic Rec.
BONUS: Rainy Night Reads. A Sam Winchester fic as my prize from @sdavid09​
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theepolynesian · 4 years
Thorin x Reader; Drabble (100 Words exact.)
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Rumors were not your forte for sure. You hated hearing them and feeling the stares. It was like you were an orc and not an elf. Although it was sometimes believed that orcs came from elves but that’s besides the point. “Amralime, you think too loudly,” Thorin says, joining you on your bed and wrapping you in his arms and you sigh, resting your head on his chest. “I know but I can’t help but think about what everyone thinks of me,” you grumble. “It shouldn’t matter. What should matter is the fact that I love you no matter what.”
@sdavid09 (I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet but I’m most definitely going for that blackout)😂😂
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