#tales of mewni contest
laylaylamode · 1 year
B, C, and E for Dai Tai?
Another Dai Tai! 💕
B. What inspired you to create them?
@princesscallyie 's last Side Character Contest. 😌 I'd actually been following her since 2014 on deviantArt and eventually on tumblr when I made an account. Previous contests came and I was more of a spectator enjoying the results than wanting to join in. But 2019 was my storytelling era and I like the world that Queen had built! It's easier writing fanfiction when the playground is already built and all you have to do is bring your toys lol.
Character wise, I knew I didn't want a nice girl because I always did nice girls. Not this time! Ring Ring was a perfect option for a parent because she already showed up in some earlier artwork and everything went smooth from there. Add in that Dai Tai had a goddess side and Black Canary elements, and everything was set in stone!
C. Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Not at all! I already knew many of the Callyieverse characters, but since it was a side character contest I wanted to connect Dai Tai to the side characters. Angela was one of my favorites so I established that Dai Tai was a performer like she was and a singer in the same theater troupe.
And even as a side character I still knew what I wanted to do with Dai Tai's personal life. There was a lot of area to cover and Hera and @kururu418 's Tales of Mewni have me the inspiration to delve into her more divine side.
Also, Dai Tai being an ex to Xiang was @princesscallyie 's idea! I just wrote that they ran into each other in the past but Queen added some flavor in her review video and I gladly ran with what she said. GLADLY lol.
E. Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
I would be intimidated by her but also curious like girl why are you so loud?? Who hurt you?? Wanna talk about it? 👀 And I think she'd get annoyed with me since I'm an introverted homebody and she's very extroverted and outgoing. Can't take me anywhere because I don't wanna go. 🥴
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kururu418 · 2 years
One last contest, King. For us. For Tales of Mewni. For Frodo.
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But in all seriousness I think one last contest would be cool to do. Gives us all a chance for another shot at being part of the story in another fashion.
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Lol, yeah. I think it would be fun to have just one last hooray on the contest side of things since I already know the other arcs just won't have a need for more characters than are already planned. And it's always fun just seeing what they come up with.
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thereallordgrape · 3 years
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My first entry for @kururu418’s God Arc Contest!! I am so happy this is finally out; I’ve been working on this character for a hot minute now. This will be the first time I’ve entered in a contest hosted by @kururu418 so that makes me even happier 😁
Thank you to @whattimewriter for taking the time out to read over and give me fair advice. You’re love of Norse mythology really helped develop this character.
Anyway, I have two more characters coming up! They will take more time to develop, but I’m genuinely enjoying the writing process. Hopefully they’ll be out before the deadline, but quality is important than quantity.
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My first entry for @kururu418's Tales of Mewni God Arc Contest. Here's the daughter of Sif and Thor, Astrid from the Norse Panthaeon.
Name: Astrid Thordottir
Age: Immortal (Physically 19, but chronically hundreds of years old)
Weapon: An enchanted hammer that can shoot lightning bolts and projectile a thick layer of mist.
Gender: Female
Pantheon: Norse
Nationality: Indo-Europeon
Appearance: Astrid has an athletic build with muscular arms and legs. Astrid have black eyes and her orange-like strawberry blond hair that is styled short and inheirt her dad's skin tone. In her time on Earth, she wear a light blue-and-dark blue shorts and white Nike shoes. She wear red lipstick on her lips. Astrid wears whose design is similar to her mother's Hammerette's armor.
Background: Astrid is the second daughter of Thor and one of his personal bodyguard, the Hammerette whose just happened to be also his wife, the grain goddess, Sif in diguised. Astrid is a surprise for both Thor and Sif. They thought having four children, Þrúðr, Magi, Móði, and Ullr are enough. Astrid is a energetic bundle of energy. She runs around all 540 room of her family's house, Thrudheim. In her childhood, she explores Asgard alot. She tamed the wild equestrians and fought and slain monsters.
As she got older, Astrid looking for a purpose in life as a goddess. Her father and siblings are recogonized by the mortals in the human world. Astrid believes that hunting and slaining monsters like her father is her true calling. She believes if she commits her mind on getting the best slained she have ever hunt, Astrid could be the next 'Thor'. But her mother whose found out Astrid's goal in becoming the next Thor, have another thing plan for her. Astrid became the 14th valkyrie accompying her sister and the other 12 valkyries. Sif believes if Astrid goes to the human world and learn more about humanity and the values of humanity, so that Astrid will learn humility and how precious life really is.
Astrid goes to Earth and guiding souls to Valhalla to celebrate their life after death. She learn many things about them from her sister and stories from the fallens. But she learned mentally and socially. (Astrid found out about the Olympic and figure skating is a popular winter sports in the human world and is one of the sports in the Olympic Games. She also sign up for a gym membership at a gym in Townsville to do weightlifting. She also participate in figure skating in the Townsville's Skating Trail and Rink in the winter) As for emotionally, she felt... unsatisfied that this could help her on her goal of being the next Thor.
One day, Astrid notice her sister been leaving someplace far from everyone. She even notice Þrúðr being late on her duty causing Astrid to be suspicious and worry that she could be doing something forbidden like going to the border of other Panthaeons and trespasses there. Astrid follow her sister, Þrúðr in her best steath (well it is bad lol) only to be caught. Astrid demands her sister, Þrúðr where she was late on her duty and gone whether gods and fallen warriors are dining in Valhalla. Or else she will tell their father that Þrúðr's odd behavior of running off to who know where because she is concern for her. Þrúðr decide to give Astrid an explanation and show her where she went to. She took her to a secluded place that she never see. It was a place full of statues. Þrúðr told Astrid that she is engaged to one of the statute that is actually a dwarf in a pertification state named Alvíss. She and Alviss promised to each others to get marry and live happily ever after. Thor however was unhappy with the match however, so he devised a plan. He told Alvíss that, because of his small height, he had to prove his wisdom. Alvíss agreed, but Thor made his tests last until dawn, when Alvíss, because he was a dwarf, was turned to stone on being exposed to the sunlight. As a result, Þrúðr visit him and talks to him hoping he still listen to her, as well she and Thor do not talk to each others anymore and distant themshelves, and being together with him in parties or get together are awkward, but pretend to be cheerful/get along so no one would notice likes her (Astrid) and ruin the events by bad vibes. Astrid is shock that her father would do this to her especially ruins her love life. Astrid promise she won't tell their dad of her meeting with her petrified lover, but confronted her mom on why her dad not like Alvíss and turned him into stone. Sif explained to Astrid how they almost lost Þrúðr from an abduction and marrying to a dwarf means she could choose to live in the realm of dwarves over staying with her family. The explanation cause Astrid to be neutral (almost), and so she decided to do her best to try and let them (Thor and Þrúðr) get along and still hold family meetings and she’s the closest to all of them so they won't say no to her after she stubbornly tell them to.
When news about Astro's target on his head, Astrid made the decision to go after Astro for the glory of taking down a titan, and proves to her father that she can be greatest just like him. Hopefully, she will be remeber as the "Champion in Slaining the Titan's Son". As for the wish, she can use the wish from Oberon to bring a dwarf, Alvíss back to to life from petrification.
Personality: Astrid likes stories about her father's achievements, partying, and doing the limbo. Astrid dislikes people comparing Thor to other lightning gods, or insult her father. She is laid back. She do like to be accompany her sister, Þrúðr in her duty as a valkyrie, but it often get boring when they have to wait for the soldiers to die. Watching people slowly dying is so boring in her perspective. She wants to make things quick so she can have fun. Astrid may looks and act tough, but she can be soft. Beside her hobbies are hunting and slaining monsters, Astrid also likes ice skating and likes to be accompany with her maternal half brother, Ullr. She low-key a fan of Olympian figure skaters and secretly watch the Olympic figure skating. Astrid does not like the Greek Panthaeon because they believes they are so prestigious and popular just because most people take an interest in Greek Mythologies than other mythologies and how music and artworks are inspired by them.
Powers and Abilities:
Lightning bolts: Projectile powerful blue lightning bolts from her hammer that can shun and electrocuted anyone. They can also cause a ringing to their ears after being zapped. However unlike her hammer is not likes her father's Mjölnir, the usage of lightning bolts in her hammer is not infinite. Astrid need to charge her hammer for 9 hours and 36 minutes to blast lightning bolts out of her hammer.
Invulnerability: She is almost all forms of harm and ailments, including extreme force and extremely high temperatures.
Super strength
Fightning Style: Astrid as a distance fighter use her hammer to summon lightning bolts to knock back her enemies. If she shun them, she use her super speed to run close to her opponent and have two options. Option 1: Swing her hammer to strike them down multiple times. Or option 2: With her super strength, she throw her hammer fron the distance with so much force to K.O. her opponent. Breaking their jaws can be rewarding. Astrid need to make sure her hammer does not fell out if her hand because she dies not have telekinesis to recall it or get it back when she throw it from the distance. She can also use her super speed to dodge attacks. Unless the opponent such as Astro is tough, she can just electrocute him to death as much as she can before her hammer ran out of charges and be far away to threw her hammer to break his jaws. Astrid is a highly skilled hand to hand combatant taught by her mother, she can throw punches and kicks when her hammer need charging. Her superstrength is an excellent to her advance in throwing hands. Astrid's hammer can projectile mist that surrounds her opponents in it by 15 m radius. This cause them to not see her. She can use this to escape or a stealth method when she strike bolts at them down or for a physical sneak attack.
Thor: Since Astrid is the daughter of the famed god, she wants to live up to her family reputation. She wants to proves to her father that she is worthy of becoming the next "Thor" when the All-Father, Odin stepped down and take choose Thor place instead of Baldr.
Sif: Sif make sure Astrid is not being too laid back, or else she will become absent minded. Sif is the reason for Astrid to join the member of the valkyrie as the 14th valkyrie because does not wants Astrid to overhunt to make the food supplies for the Panthaeon and Valhallen to scarce.
Magni: He is her paternal half brother. Astrid admires them because they made their mark in the Norse Panthaeon. Magni lifted up the giant, Hrungnir's foot that had lay over Thor's neck after Thor's battle with Hrungnir when he was just three nights old. His accomplishment and the stories about her other siblings' accomplishments made her feels likes a shadow and felt she need to achieve something great to be likes her family.
Ullr: The god of sky and bow is her maternal half brother. She admires his skill in archery, one of the skills she is not good at. Ullr taught Astrid how to skate and hunt. She can be seen with her half brother doing ice skating or hunting.
Móði: She does not spend time with him that much. Although she does admires him as the survivor of the last Ragnarok and help rebuilt the world with Magni.
Thialfi and Röskva: She get along with her father's servants. She treats them as siblings.
Þrúðr: Astrid loves her big sister and admires her to because she is a member of the thirteen valkyries. Astrid learnt about the names and other informations of the chosen fallen warriors staying in Valhalla from Þrúðr.
Astrid is trying to fix the relationship between her sister and father. She wish that her sister and father make up and be a family once again after their relationship is strained when Thor turned her dwarf lover, Alvíss turned to stone on being exposed to the sunlight when Alviss is doing the tests Thor gave him that lasts till dawn. She is trying to be neutral, but is mostly in Thor's side. She believe that their father is just protecting her, want to make her happy in his own best interest, and is protective toward her because he does not want to lose her again after a giant abducted her. But her heart is heavy when she watch her big sister talking to the statue of her lover.
Quotes: (Optional, but appreciated since they would give me a better idea of your characters personality.)
Astrid: "Þrúðr, my dear big sister, it is time to go. Mother Freyja will be wondering why we are not here in delivering the souls of the fallen."
Astrid to any of the Greek Demigod/God participating in the competition: Let me make myself clear, we will never get along. Just because your dad/uncle/pal, Zeus host this game and give cheap tricks to help you kill the titan, that does not mean you will get the chance to decapitate him for honors and claim the prize. There are other people waiting to get their hands on him for Oberon. One of them is me. So good luck. 🙄😒
Astrid to Astro: I am gonna make this quick and easy for you, now hold still. Oh wait, lightning strikes triple!
Trivia: (Any other little facts you want to throw in that weren’t added above.)
In her free time on Earth, she goes to the gym to lift weights. In the winter, she skate in the Townsville's Skating Trail and Rink.
Astrid have little self-confident in her appearance because her chest is small and her bottom big.
Astrid's parents, Thor and the member of the Hammerettes is from the the cartoon show, The Life and Time of Juniper Lee. But use Norse mythology to expands blond haired Hammerette.
Her trophies of the slained monsters are display in one of the rooms in Thrudheim as a trophy room for her.
Astrid's name of Norse origin meaning "divinely beautiful" and Thordottir means "daughter of Thor".
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spoopy-treats · 3 years
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My second entry for @kururu418 ‘s God Arc contest, here is my one eyed beauty Helena from the Greek/Roman Pantheon. 
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onelastfic · 3 years
God Contest Entry #3
Here’s my third entry for @kururu418’s god contest.
Thought it be interesting to do a child-like god (since gods tend to age differently). Ngl I made Bastet as more of an opponent for Nia and/or Jia.
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aj-thegreatest · 3 years
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It is very late right now
But here’s my first entry for @kururu418 god contest! She might be my favorite, out of the ones I’ve worked on. Any extra drawings will be in a separate post. Hope you guys like them!
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shortytori · 3 years
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Here is my first entry for @kururu418​ God Arc Contest!
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cooltmoney95 · 3 years
Meet Taiye Oshun
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I know I'm probably far too late for this sweetheart to be an entry. But I felt I should at least give ya'll a little something for what I had in mind for it. I had two other entries that I wanted to work on as well. But once the deadline started closing in, I knew I wasn't gonna get them done in time.
I'm not too happy with how this turned out. But maybe when I find time to revisit this again, I'll give it another go.
Tales of Mewni belongs to @kururu418
Taiye Oshun belongs to me.
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princesscallyie · 5 years
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Here’s a part of of my second entry for @kururu418‘s Tales of Mewni contest. Topaz!
 I decided to go ahead and just release the “short story” first since it’s a bit long and I thought y’all might need some time to digest it. Made a cute cover just cause. Sorry if writing 6.4k words is extremely extra af, I literally couldn’t stop writing lol. I’ll have the bio and some additional pics added here later today.
You can read it here! 
When Kururu said he didn’t really have plans for Hody I was like... “well, I do” (I was the one who sent the first two Hody anons a few days ago) then I saw someone send the love interest one and I was like “Oop!” cause that was basically the character I was making with his reply. Sorry if I stole your thunder girl lol. They basically have a Vegeta/Bulma relationship but if Bulma could actually kick Vegeta’s ass. idk, I think they real cute, it mixes like three of my top ship dynamics together. Lyricen is still cool but I would literally die for Topaz, so I’m def putting all my money on her.
Edit: Her bio
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laylaylamode · 4 years
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My entry for @kururu418 's TOM God Contest! Here we have Jiutian Xuannü of the Chinese Pantheon!
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kururu418 · 3 years
God Arc Contest Deadline
Okay, the deadline is finally here! Tomorrow is July 1st do today’s the last day to get your entries in...! Or more specifically whenever I wake up tomorrow morning. Anyway, good luck to everyone. 
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hotsassbacon · 4 years
Could you tell me more about the Dragon Tribe in Mewni you made for the contest in the Kururu418's Tales of Mewni?
Oh well sure!
-the tribe is actually peaceful and hate fighting.
-they are essentially ageless and have been around for a long long time.
-Copper harms them for some reason? If you cut them with sliver it doesn’t hurt them but copper knives do. This is why simple villagers could kill them.
-My dragon tribe was a mixing pot of different races and lived in isolation. They were considered abnormal.
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My final entry for @kururu418's of Mewni God Arc Contest. Introducing the daughter of Doga and Master Mel from the cartoon, Pucca. Her named is Weici-Shui and she is also the apprentice of Shuimu Niangniang, the Old Mother of Waters. Weici-Shui is a representative of the Chinese Panthaeon.
Name: Weici-Shui the Old Mother of Waters' Apprentice
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pantheon: Chinese
Appearance: Weici-Shui has her mother's skin tone (taupe) but freckled likes her father. She have gray hair styled in a bun with 4 black throwing blades in her bun. Weici-Shui have almond shaped black eyes. Weici-Shui is a bit chubby. Her headshape is similar to her father's, and the shape of her ears are inheirt from her father's genes.
• She wears a oversized black hoodie (with a dark purple dragon on each sleeves), half dark brown skirt and half black short with two dark purple straps connect two black baggy leg warmers, and dark brown shoes. Hidden in her oversized sleeves, Weici-Shui have two arms made of water as prosthesis for her arms. Weici-Shui carry a brown backpack containing a steel bottle of water, flashlight, rope, a few spare clothes, a can opener, a box of matchsticks, few granola bars, a toothbrush, toothpaste, money, potions, charms and talismans.
• In her alternative attire, she wear a red cheogam dress with dark blue cloud design and red leggings with a belt that carry the bottle of water. Her footwear are black shoes.
• In her witch form, she have black markings stretched from her eyes and cheeks. She have a light purple eyeshadows on her eyelids and purple lipstick on her lips. Her hairstyle is half a bun and some of her hair are separate into two braids. She have a black hanfu in a dark brown thorn design with a red collar, and a sash that is red, purple, and yellow. The accessories she wear are a black belt around her sash, a purple and yellow fabric flower braid on her sash, and a purple and red flowers ornaments in a yellow connected chains on her hanfu.
Background: A demigoddess born from union of love between Master Mel and Doga, (niece to Master Soo and Master Loo, granddaughter to Honorable Mother) and the apprentice of Shuimu Niangniang known as Weici-Shui is born armless. The Chinese Panthaneon is unable to reads Weici-Shui's prescence under their radar because Master Mel use his powers to block her prescence when she was a baby before his passing to avoid the Chinese Panthaneon from taking her away from them. Weici-Shui, Dooga, and Mel travels all across/over China (spreading negativity and evil around) and Weici basically lives in the car her whole life. But she enjoy being on her father's cloud with her dad and enjoy sight-seeing from above. At the age of 9, Master Mel passed away from old age (cause by Master Mel being taken away to heaven to be on trial and was punish by being sent to Lao Tzu's Brazier of Eight Trigrams to separate the elixir of his immortality and make his subsequently weakened body susceptible to death and live his life as a mortal) impacting, not just her, but her mom too. She never develops any godly powers, but she became invested in the magical arts, witchcraft. Thus, Weici-Shui began to learn magic from her mother. This would lead to her often causing trouble for Doga and messing up her spells, and Doga considers her a nuisance. Thus, she semi-neglected her in the process.
Her magic is different and not on the same level as her mom. She cannot generates vortexes to evil realm and she can conjure, but unable to corrupt landscape. Weici-Shui thought she was broken at first until she accidently corrupts a glass of water by polluting. This realizes that she found a magic attribute that she is excel at. Water magic. She began practicing it in secret because her mom does not like having her cast magic that is not dark witchcraft magic and curses. Then 10 years old Weici-Shui got an idea of using her magic to make prosthetics for herself since prosthetic are consider expensive and materials are hard to find. She use her water magic spell to shapes the water from a river and make arms. Now she can make curses and dark magic easily. But she rather focus on water magic more than making curses and dark magic. She wish she could find someone to teach.
That is when she came into contact with the demon sorcess at the age of 13, after she got lost when using her father's cloud to collect some ingredients and got lost. She was in Hsue-i Hsien. While she was there, she found a well at a foot of a moutain in Hsue-i Hsien. She looked into the well she saw a chain when the water is low in the well. Curious Weici-Shui see the chains that bind her and pulled her out causing the two to make contact with each others. Shuimu Niangniang coughing out water from her mouth and gasping for air wonders who pulled her made eye contact with Weici-Shui and notice her hands made of water. Weici-Shui question why she is in chains while Shuimu asked how long she have been trapped inside the well. The two answer their questions. Weici-Shui is surprise to see a demon goddess is in fact a witch likes her and her mom, but can use water magic. Amazed she asked that if she could free her, she can learn magic from her, but sadly Weici-Shui unable to break it because the chain is unbreakable iron chains by a talismans. The only way for the chains to be broken is to be remove by someones who binded her. Shuimu Niangniang in anger and in a grudge knew who they are. Guanyin the Goddess of Mercy and Sun Wukong. She wants to get revenge on them, but can't because she is binds. Unless she find someone with the same type of magic as her can help her and what better way is to have the person who pulled her out. Shuimu Niangniang pretends to sympathize with her and will teach her magic by making a contact with her. The price for mentoring her in water magic, in exchange for finding a way to breaks her free either of it is by her or the two deities. Weici-Shui agrees in hesitantion. So Weici-Shui made contact with the chained Shuimu, and how she got her other name "Shui".
Next week, Weici-Shui came home to see an angry yet concern Doga. She got grounded but she does not care, she have a mentor who could communicate to her from water thanks to their link/bond from the magic contact. Over time, Doga see how strong Weici-Shui is in her magic as time goes on. Weici-Shui manage to corrupts two pixiu and tamed them to be her servants. Yet Doga feels something is off about her. It felt likes her teaching is not enough to make her excel in her lessons or possibly let alone surpass Dooga, and the feeling of distant. Dooga felt concern that Weici-Shui been talking to herself (not knowing she is talking to Shuimu Niangniang and her intentionnof making her daughter a pawn). At the age of 18, Dooga got a surprise of a lifetime when witness Weici-Shui changing her father's cloud into a motorcycle shaped cloud causing a huge fight making Dooga thinks she does not know her daughter anymore because she won't tell her anything anymore. Then, Weici-Shui retaliated her own mother did not know her own daughter well because if she did, they would have comfort each others after the passing of her (Doga's) lover and her (Weici-Shui's) father. Weici-Shui hope that Doga acknowledged her daughter as she was and reconciled with her one day because she is moving out. Weici-Shui finally departed her mom without saying goodbye. As Weici-Shui drove away in tears, Shuimu Niangniang manipulating tell Weici-Shui that she did the right thing after hearing every thing and got a surprise for her. Weici-Shui is shock that her mentor knew her father. Weici-Shui snaps at her on why she did not tell her earlier. Shuimu's answer, "I didn't know that you are the daughter of my childhood friend and prank buddy, Mel.". Weici-Shui is pissed even more but cooled down afterward to get her head clear to have her ask more about her dad. Shuimu Niangniang told her what she knew about her father and how he disappear for ten thousands of years. She questions if Master Mel is in heaven. Weici-Shui quietly turns away from the water in her bottle and reveal to the demon witch that her dad passed away when she was 9. Shuimu replied that motivated Weici-Shui to freed her master with hatred and homes her skills, "Oh..... The Chinese Panthaneon did not extend his immortality. He was a good friend.".
A year later of Weici-Shui's freedom and learning more about her father's past and the Chinese Panthaneon, she hear Zeus' desire for Astro's head, she is going after Astro to get a favor from Oberon. She wants to use this favor to free her mentor, Shuimu Niangniang from her seal and teams up with her to exact their revenge on the Chinese Panthaneon by flooding heaven, and afterward, Weici-Shui overthrow her uncle, Master Soo and be the village god of Sooga Village and rules it to make the residents of the village miserable.
Personality: Weici-Shui is a stern, scathing, self-possessed, sardonic, moody, cynical individual. Weici-Shui does not smile often. She is stoic and almost never breaks her stern demeanor. She feels she can't allow herself to be similarly weak, and thus tries her utmost to appear calm and rational, although her inner turmoil is glimpsed during her arguments with Shuimu or her mom. Due to her loss of her father at a young age and her upbringing of tough love, she has restrained emotions on losing loved ones. Weici-Shui can be seen chewing Super Twinkle Donkey Gum and blowing a bubble and then pops it. She does it to disrespect people, or highly powerful figure likes Oberon and Zeus. Weici-Shui loves watching action movie and listening to C-Pop music, and secretly dream of being a C-Pop idol whose persona is dark. She can make potions and charms using her feets. She is resourceful because she make and restocking her bottles of potions, talismans, and charms. Just likes her mother, Doga, Weici-Shui has a fondness for all things dark, evil, and negative and actively spreads the influence of evil wherever she goes. She also detest light, good, and positive influences because they can weaken her powers. Weici-Shui does not like demigods who got rewarded and treats kindly by members of the Chinese Panthaneon, and the members of the Panthaneon in general. She does not likes either of them, not because there are "good" deities, it's just they are the reason for her father. She mostly blamed Queen Mother of West, The Jade Emperor, The Eight Mortals, Erlang Shen, and Master Soo for her father, Master Mel's death. The Queen of the West did not allows Master Mel to have a Lao Tzu's pills of immortality that he need to delay his death and increase his immortality. To make it worse, he have been in trial and thanks to Master Soo's influences, Master Mel lost the trial. They stripped him off his immortality and lost his powers before she was born. He is only alive because they exile him by throwing him into the river as an "act of mercy". He manage to survives and leave heaven from a pagoda. Weici-Shui is a vengeful person whose exact her revenge on anyone who wronged her or her mother, and would kills an innocent person to moves forward on her plan. Weici-Shui trust people easily who are "close" to her despite being a closed-book and not aware she is manipulated. An example is her master, Shuimu Niangniang. Weici-Shui believe without her, she won't reach her potential (but in reality, she could have reach her full potential without her help and will be).
Powers and Abilities:
Weici-Shui, a demigoddess who despite not having godly powers is a practitioner in witchcraft. She is not much of a fighter, but have ways to attacks them both physically and magically. Weici-Shui is known for her water magic (water and demonic), curse magic, and dark magic in general.;
Demonic Water Magic: Weici-Shui learnt this type of magic from Shuimu Niangniang. She and Shuimu Niangniang form a magical contact. Shuimu Niangniang agrees in teaching her this magic in exchange for her eventual freedom (Shuimu Niangniang is sealed at the foot of a mountain in Xuyi District). Weici-Shui can generate and manipulate water mystical water of hell, which can completely destroy anything. She primarily uses water magic to shoot waterballs out of her arms. She can manifests a dome composed of 20 medium whirlpools, which covers Weici-Shui's surroundings. These whirlpools are capable of blocking multiple piercing forces from any direction without breaking. The color of the water is blackish green. Upon contact to this water, the opponents will feels an excruciating pain upon contact, and eventually develops a disease or instant death if they do not do anything about it. There is a drawback to her, if she use this magic, it can tired her out and worst of all, corrupted her if she continue using this water magic style to the point that she might turns into a demon demigoddess. Another drawback is she can be electrocuted by a bolt of lightning and divine lightning.
Her Ultimate Spell is the Hell Sea Serpent's Roar, she points her arms at a target, and her arms fuse together and manifests into the head of a sea snake with sharp fang, and fires it at the target. Weici-Shui could change the spell's direction mid-flight should it miss. The spell is powerful enough to destroy the defensive spell of a powerful mage, to rip off the arm of said mage, and then to continue crashing through several walls.
She can summons her two companions, two pixiu that are rusted and blacken by the hands of her corruption spells. They are only at her commands. Unlike pixiu who can being good luck, her pixius bring bad luck to those. They can be fed by gold, silver, and jewelleries.
Charon Cloud Motorcycle: She can drives her charon, a black motorcycle made from a black cloud (that runs on pollution) to rammed them over her opponents just like Makoto from Persona 5. Then her motorcycle turns into a cloud and zap blue lightning bolts or rains down on her opponents to corrupts them.
Weici-Shui's secondary weapons are throwing blades. She use them for long distance by having her water tendrils extend when she is further away from her opponents. She can put curse talisman on all four of her throwing blades and throw them at her opponents to curse them. She can also use this method on a binding talismans and sealing talismans.
Water arms: The water arms are her main weapon and tool. Despite lacking arms to perform the complex spells, Weici-Shui made use of her magic to created arms made of water. The ease and fluidity of her water arms maneuvered her body allowed her to extend these tentacles to great lengths without jeopardizing strength or control. As a testament to her precision, her hand-like appendages is capable of grabbing an individual by the neck from a distance and tossing them across the room, all without breaking the makeshift prosthesis themselves. She can also capable of turning her arms into fanged serpent-like arms or creating multiple arm projections, managing to effortlessly control as many as four water hand-like appendages simultaneously. Weici-Shui's makeshift prosthesis allowed her to overcome her disability and perform otherwise impossible feats, such as driving her cloud motor cycle.
Potion-Making: Weici-Shui can make potions, she made new batches of potions before being set into battle. She have healing potions to heals herself from her minor injuries and few major injuries because she does not have a healing factors or regenrations. Healing potions heals broken bones for two hours and she must stay still and not make any movements. Weici-Shui have magic booster potion to boost her magic powers and magic replenishing potion to recover her magic in case her magic is drained.
Doga: Doga loved her only child dearly in her own way. Tough love. Doga failed to recognize what her daughter really wanted, believing her being armless made her weak, helpless, and frail. Although her beliefs of her daughter, Doga taught Weici curses, dark spells, and how to make potions through harships. As a result of this, she had her guarded and cared for the majority of the time until she went missing at the age of 13 not knowing that Weici-Shui found Shuimu's well. Over the next week of searching her daughter. That day, Weici-Shui distant herself from her mother and train magic with Shuimu while Doga had thought about her every day since she had went missing and did try to reconnect with her daughter to make amends for not being a great mother. Doga did believe Weici-Shui got possessed after seeing her talk to a glass of water and try to ward it off of her. But found out it isn't make her concerm for her daughter's health and goes take her to see doctors (but they ranaway in fear after meeting them). On 15 days after her 18th birthday when Weici-Shui decide to travels solo, she finally tell Doga, her mother that she did not know her own daughter well because if she did, they would have comfort each others after the passing of her (Doga's) lover and her (Weici-Shui's) father. Weici-Shui hope that Doga acknowledged her daughter as she was and reconciled with her one day. But not now, but until Weici-Shui finish her journey. Afterward, Doga was devastated and try to tracks her down and search for her daughter with her magical arts ever since.
Master Mel: Her biological father who passed away at the age of 9 by old age. It impact her childhood as she lost the one person who loves her and lost the meaning of love and shatters trust toward a grow-ups. Master Mel may have been a evil deity, but he is known to be sweet toward his wife he ran off with. When he found out that his wife was pregnant with her, he was overjoy and have a desire to keep her safe and would do anything for her. He even casted a divine protection spell to keep her existence hidden from the Chinese Panthaneon to prevents her being on their radar. He does not wants her to be burden by his sins in the past.
Master Soo: Ignorance of his niece's existence. Weici-Shui have a grudge against Master Soo, the man she know little about for what he did to his own brother, her dad.
Shuimu Niangniang: Shuimu Niangniang is a demon goddess whose responsible for submerging Sizhou (an ancient Chinese city located in today’s Anhui Province) under the waters of Hongze Lake in 1574 A.D. She acts a grandmother figure and a mentor to Weici-Shui. Shuimu Niangniang communicating to her through the water from the well which is why Weici-Shui carry a water bottle. Shuimu Niangniang is the only person who have connection of her father's Panthaeon. Shuimu only use her to fulfilled her goal in getting free and get revenge on the Chinese Panthaneon (especially Guanyin and Sun Wukong because they are the ones to sealed her away). Whether or not Shuimu's story of her friendship with her father is true, Weici-Shui is too stubborn to be aware of this manipulation and her loyalty for her blind her. Plus, the reason Weici-Shui is able to be formal and proper toward Zeus and Oberon because Shuimu disclipine her by teaching her manners. She tell her to endured getting sick from the sickness, or else. Weici-Shui gotten punish for being disrespectful toward others and mostly to her mentor that she got a lecture from her (which make people thinks she is crazy that she is talking to a bottle of water) and at one point by having her face be in a body of water for being rude to her until Weici-Shui apologized. That made her fear her mentor because she could have die.
• "Gun it!" - Weici-Shui when driving her black cloud motorcycle.
• "This will hurts much," - Weici-Shui using demonic water magicial attribute spell on Astro.
• "Nice meetings you." (Sarcastic) - Weici-Shui to Astro.
• "The Earth is round, everything can come back. Never underestimated the karma of your actions Uncle Soo!" - Weici-Shui confronting her uncle.
• "You are not worthy to calls yourself a god, nor a protector of this village," - Weici-Shui to Master Soo
• "Just because most of the demigods have godly abilities inheirt from their parents are calls the "lucky ones", does not means those who are demigods with no powers are consider the unlucky ones. Some can be excel in physical combat and fightning. While other likes myself excel in magic. Especially in the dark arts. Everyone should have remeber that some of the heroes with no powers in the mythologies are demigod," - Weici-Shui making her point.
Weici-Shui inspired from Noelle Silva (Black Clover), Makoto (Persona 5), Ming-Hua (The Legend of Korra) and the song, Villain by Stella Jang.
Beside, Weici-Shui learning magic and potion-making, she learnt history, Mangerin Chinese (her father used to taught her that), English cooking, and mythologies from her mom. So basically she was homeschooled until 18.
Weici-Shui earns money by either pick-pocketing from people, selling potions and misfortune-telling, and took part-time job, such as a waitress in a café. She always switch job because she got fire due to her bad vibes warding off people. Weici-Shui barley have money from working.
"Weici" means "Preserving love" in Chinese and "Shui" means "From the water" in Chinese. Together with a dash, her name means "Preserving love from the water" because she is a love child between Master Mel and Doga and since she is Shuimu's apprentice, "Shui" added that to her name.
The gum she chews, Super Twinkle Donkey Gum appears in the Teen Titans Movies.
The Hell Sea Serpent's Roar is based on Noelle Silva's Sea Dragon's Roar.
Voiceclaim is Lulu from Final Fantasy 10.
Weici-Shui's birthday is on October 31st and her sign is a Scorpio.
Her other dream is to tames and summons a Fei Beast.
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spoopy-treats · 3 years
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My first entry for @kururu418 ‘s God Arc contest, here is my baby demon girl Lorelay from the Christianity Pantheon. She’s modeled off of a baby goat.
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