#tali david-dinozzo
So my headcanon for the end of 21x02 because as much as I loved it and cherished it, I’ve also been watching NCIS since I was a kid, it was my first fandom and Tiva was my first ship, but I wanted more from it. So this is what my headcanon for the end of the episode looks like.
Yes we did get Tony and Palmer in the morgue and all three boys in the elevator. But what they didn’t show us was the bullpen at the same exact time, where Ziva was talking to Nick. Abby is there talking to Kasie, remember that layover in Heathrow, Abby met up with the DiNozzo fam. Tali and Victoria are doing something together. Gibbs, Jack and Fornell are going to meet everyone at the venue for Ducky’s celebration of life. And there’s a wreath of flowers that doesn’t have a tag, but nestled in the middle of the flowers is a very specific chess piece.
Ducky might not have had any blood relations left, but his family turned up for him, as they always will for each other.
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usaonetwothree · 2 months
Who is going to write the Tiva Spy Kids AU so I don't have to?
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litningmyway · 6 months
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"Ziva must've told her. She knows me." || "I guess Tony didn't feel safe enough to send it up until now."
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irish-trish · 7 months
The world of Tony and Ziva (and daughter Tali) promises to be an action-packed roller coaster fueled by love, danger, tears and laughter.
If anyone can handle this.. its us.
OMG CANT BELIEVE IT. I wasn't expecting a whole spinoff.
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gifstiva · 6 months
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- I thought you were asleep. - You thought wrong.
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giadin-a · 7 months
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Tali D … like parents like daughter
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whoa-myninja · 7 months
I will never get over the fact that Ziva is pregnant at this exact moment and neither of them have any idea 🫠
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GIF: @harmandmac’s!
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earanemith · 8 months
Calling the Tiva fandom!!
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i know a lot of us have moved on to other fandoms or moved on from Tumblr all together. I had for a while as well but Ive been back for a couple of months.
This is a calling to everyone who is still in the ncis Tiva fandom actively posting or just watching. Id love to follow you!
Please reblog or reply so Ill know you are there
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benedettabeby · 6 months
1. Michael agreeing Tali and Ziva speak hebrew when they don't want Tony to know what they're talking about!!
2. Michael saying Tali is a resourceful,adventrous and knowing many movie references,girl!!!
3. Brian dietzen joining the live!!
4. Mention that we'll see Cote soon and Brian knows what it's about?(Ncis mention??)
5. Michael hinting about another side project with Cote??
6. TIVA WEDDING??? Someone asked about it and Michael saw it but didn't really answer with a Yes/no BUT he asked if the person was a clairvoyant!? That's a "yes" to me!! And then WEDDING church bells were ringing where Michael is and he said "it must be a sign"...???&+#7€7_7&) WE WILL HAVE A WEDDING I FEEL IT. OR TONY PROPOSING
7. Michael talking about toc episode,how Tony avoids answering why he was there because he wanted to Hide his feelings!!!
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delicatefalice · 2 months
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thepurplebones · 7 months
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theonewithval · 6 months
And he actually ended up being the father of her child
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television-overload · 7 months
The Walls That Tell Our Stories
Post-ep for 21x02 "The Stories We Leave Behind"
What I think we all want to imagine happened after the doors closed on that elevator at the end of the episode.
Word Count: 1,365
Read on AO3
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No sooner had the elevator doors opened, than a fiery ball of energy came slamming into his legs.
"Daddy! Daddy!" the little girl yelled, grabbing onto his hand and pulling. "Take a picture of me with the orange wall!" She yanked him forward, already showing signs of that strength she and her mother both shared.
Tony laughed, casting a glance at McGee.
"Sorry, she's heard a lot about these orange walls," he explained, fishing his cell phone out of his coat pocket and dutifully opening the camera app.
He knelt down, holding the phone up so she was in frame.
"Alright, Tali, say, 'NCIS!'" he said, and Tali repeated it, finishing with a big toothy smile and a wild pose she must have learned from her friends at school.
Once he'd taken a couple photos, he clicked the image gallery to check them, holding the phone out to show Tali.
"How's that?" he asked, waiting for her approval.
"Perfect!" she answered. "Now one at your desk!"
Before he could stop her, she darted off to the part of the bullpen he had called home for so many years. It looked a little different now, various personal items stashed on the desks and even some plants making it feel more homey, but it was still the same place.
"Honey, that's not my desk anymore, it's Uncle Tim's," he reminded her. It hadn't been his in a long time, and it was crazy to think of all that had changed since then.
A pouty lip came out, and McGee chuckled. There was a lot of Ziva in her, that was true, but when it came to her personality, she was just so Tony.
"It's okay," he said, giving Tali the go-ahead to sit in his chair. “That was your dad's desk long before it was mine.”
She ran around the edge of it, plopping unceremoniously into the swivel chair and looking around interestedly at everything.
“Dad, did they have computers back when you worked here?”
Tony felt her words like a blow to the chest, and he feigned having the wind knocked out of him. How old did she think he was? He could practically feel the gray hairs sprouting from his head.
“Do you want me to take your picture or not?” he asked, shaking his head, hiding his amusement behind squinted eyes.
She smiled for the camera, then did a few poses pretending she was working.
"How many kids do you know who's number one bucket list item is to visit the headquarters of a government agency?" DiNozzo joked as he snapped a couple more photos. 
Tali had been begging them for years, but it had never been a good time. They’d needed some space to learn how to be a family when Ziva finally came home. And though they wished it had been under better circumstances, at least now they could show their daughter all the places she'd heard about in their stories.
McGee smirked, watching the energetic daughter of his two best friends as she clacked away at his keyboard. 
"I'd expect nothing less from your kid, Tony."
After a moment, Tali looked up, an inquisitive look on her face.
"Which one was Ima's?" she asked, spinning her chair back and forth.
He knelt down in front of her, resting his arms on the edge of the desk, his chin atop his folded hands.
"Which one do you think made it easiest to stare at her all day with heart eyes, Tali-girl?"
She giggled, pausing so she could inspect her options, taking the task very seriously. She tapped her chin in thought.
"That one!" she said, brightening up and pointing to the desk directly across from his.
He grinned, thinking back to all the times he'd sat there thinking about her mother. 
"Can I–?"
"Have a picture over there?" he finished, already knowing what she was going to say. "Ask Agent Knight if it's okay."
Jessica Knight was standing near the elevator with Palmer, and it didn't take long for Tali to get her permission. She ran back the short distance, looking triumphant in her return.
"Hey, where is your Ima anyway?" Tony asked as she sat down behind the desk.
"Here!" her familiar voice sounded, echoing in the largely empty bullpen. The door to the women's restroom closed behind her. "Your child is pushing on my bladder. I swear I cannot make it more than an hour without having to pee, these days."
As she approached, Tony tucked her under his arm, glancing around at the walls that held so many of their stories. This was the building that built them. Tali owed her existence to these ugly orange walls and the people that dwelled in them.
"Our daughter has been playing tourist and hitting all the great photo spots," Tony informed her, brows raised sarcastically.
Ziva turned to look at Tali, seated where she used to sit now more than a decade ago. 
"I see that," she said, her lips pulled back in a smile. "Did you tell her about the time we were stuck in the elevator?"
Tony grinned. "Oh yeah, she liked that one."
"Ima, when can we go see the lab?" Tali asked eagerly, interrupting them.
Ziva looked up and saw Jimmy approaching, and she knew there wasn't time right now. She separated herself from Tony, gently tousling Tali's wavy hair. "Another time, baby, I think it's time to head over to the funeral."
Tali nodded, glancing down at her shoes.
"I'm gonna miss Grandducky," she said sadly, playing absentmindedly with an eraser she found on the desk.
"So will we," Tony said, swallowing back emotion. "Aren't you glad he came to visit us during his book tour last year? That was pretty special, huh?"
The littlest DiNozzo nodded again, cheeks widening in a smile. "He was the first to know about my baby brother!" she said, remembering it fondly.
At that, Jimmy looked to Tony and Ziva in mock indignation. "Hey, you told him before any of the rest of us?" he said.
Tony laughed, patting the autopsy gremlin on the shoulder in consolation. "He guessed pretty quick. I think if he'd visited a few weeks earlier, he would have been the one to break the news to us!"
Ducky’s globetrotting semi-retirement had been a blessing to them all. They cherished the few times they'd been able to meet up in recent years, remaining close despite the long distance. He was a part of their family; it was only right that their daughter know him and love him too. They were fortunate for the time they did have together.
Ziva glanced at the clock and sighed, placing a hand on Tony's chest, silently telling him they probably needed to get going. He nodded in response, checking that he had his phone and wallet still before taking her hand in his.
"Alright, well, we can keep sharing memories on the way. Tali? You ready to go?"
"We'll be back, right?"
"Of course," Tony answered. "We've barely scratched the surface here! I still have to take you to interrogation to figure out what happened to that batch of cookies Ima made last week ." He tickled her sides, causing her to erupt in giggles and run ahead of them toward the elevator. They followed, hand in hand, with Jimmy and McGee right behind.
"Squeeze in!" Palmer said, the entire group filling the elevator with little room to spare. The others would be meeting them at the cathedral for the service, everyone who knew and loved Ducky, there to say their final goodbyes.
As the doors closed, Tony leaned down and pressed his lips to Ziva's, his hand resting on her lower back to pull her closer.
"Ugh, guys, really?" McGee complained exaggeratedly, screwing up his face in a look of disgust. Tali put her hands in front of her mouth to hide her giggles.
Ziva looked up at Tony like he was the only other person in the elevator, and he beamed proudly, unashamed and unapologetic.
He squeezed her sides playfully, tucking his face into her shoulder and breathing her in.
"I've always wanted to do that in here."
Tag List (if you want to be tagged when I post Tiva stuff, let me know and I'll add you!): @benedettabeby @earanemith @happygirl-0408 @hopeless-nostalgiac @indestinatus @loudlooks @mrsmungus @nicolem194 @putthekettleon @slippery-soapbox @tivafanfic @tivajunkie @tonysziva
Gonna go out on a limb and also tag @wanna-be-bold @pro-bee @delicatefalice @harmandmac @benditlikepress @irish-trish idk who else I've seen active lately but yeah
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tonysziva · 7 months
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irish-trish · 7 months
Ziva: The two of them alone, in another world…
Tony: Putting their lives in each others hands, every day.
Ziva: Not to mention the long nights…
Tony: It was inevitable.
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litningmyway · 6 months
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Imagine getting a scene of Ziva and Tali together
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