talismangallant · 7 years
===> Wish John a Happy Birthday
--talismanGallant [TG] from before began pestering ghostyTrollcrow [GT] --
TG: happy birthday john TG: told you this one didnt ramble
--talismanGallant [TG] from before ceased pestering ghostyTrollcrow [GT] --
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And just like that, it was over. Two down in less than a quarter sweep. At least this time you got to say good-bye. You didn't even get that much before. It won't go down in history as the most eloquent of moments, but it wasn't bad either. It seemed fitting, almost reflective of the quadrant itself. You'd thought this one was supposed to be the most raucous, but it somehow managed to carry itself with a an almost quiet dignity compared to the others. You wonder if it has something to do with the extended times apart and what you went through to even hold onto it.
It's hard for you now to tell why you were so completely devoted to him, but it had always felt right, from the moment of the very first conversation you'd ever had with him. There was never a moment of doubt that it all was worth it, every moment of uncertainty, even right down to the end you knew was inevitable.
You'd started feeling it the last few days. That's probably part of the reason you'd been so cranky, why you'd had so much pent up energy. Loli benefited from some of it, and when Dove became a person of interest you'd had to rescue from himself, well that had been an interesting part of the conversation you ended up having while he was making up bailing his ass out of trouble to you. And make it up he certainly did. That's something you'll carry with you at the top of the list of favorite Dove moments.
But then he said good bye. You knew, even before he said it that this was it this time. It's your job to know these things. That's what happens when you're a god of doom. There would be no coming back from this one. No spectacular group effort rescues. No pancakes at Denny's. No more sexy sylph pants. No more photos. No more word games. No more stupid song lyrics. When he left your hive, it would be the last time you ever see or even speak to him.
You also knew it was the way it had to be. Your eyes shone and you sniffled a little, but you held it together well until he was gone. Some fates are inescapable. This was his. You didn't know what yours was yet, but you doubted it would be any better. The only thing you figured is that it would be less noble.
After that, you fell apart. You threw a tantrum and cried. You sent a message to Loli and Jonnah warning them not to need you for a while. There's a little regret about the snapping, but everyone will get over it. Snapping at people is pretty much what you do.
It's one of the reasons you just want to be alone right now. You let Menchi and a surprisingly docile Bristol keep you company, but that's it. You'll get around to explaining things to the rest of your friends when you're done having your alone time to mourn. This is worse than last time here, because you don't have anything to take your mind off it, but that seems fitting too. Dwell on it all at once and shove it away into the recesses of your mind. You'll sever the quadrant, but you'll never forget the quadmate you fought so hard for, the doomed little one armed human who was more heroic and noble than he believed and who made a deeper impression than your miniscule time together should have. He was far from perfect, but so were you, and it was just what you'd needed.
Good luck, Dove. And farewell one last time. (You're) the one that's going down. Just make it count.
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thesisgarroted-blog · 9 years
--thesisGarroted [TG] began pestering talismanGallant [TG]-- TG: doveling TG: so i know u got some things goin on and ur probs super busy TG: but im waaay sorry for breaking ur home TG: like breakin it more i mean TG: tbh im not sure u can tell what with ur poor landscaping decisions TG: any slumber parties will best be had in my void i think
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arcanescribbler · 10 years
=> Nora: Pester TG.
-- arcaneScribbler [AS] began pestering thesisgarroted [TG] at ??:?? -- AS: 0H LORD anD MUSE! AS: Roxy! y0u're bAck! i hAveN't heArd fr0m y0u iN s0 l0Ng... AS: 0h N0, y0u're N0t iN the Hell-Bubble t00, Are y0u? it's dANger0us here! AS: i'm N0t sure hA0 l0Ng i cAN chAt, but i didN't wANt t0 risk missiNg y0u, s0... AS: hi Roxy! hA0 hAve y0u beeN? did y0u l0se m0Nths iN y0ur Void-Realm, t00? i g0t stuck s0mewhere TERRIBLE but i'm A0t NA0 ANd it's greAt! AS: NA0 we just Need t0 fiNd Dove ANd thiNgs will be eveN better... AS: whAt d0 y0u thiNk? sh0uld i puNch him (with f0rce) theN hug him, 0r hug him theN puNch him (lightly)? AS: sh0uld i puNch him At All? AS: sh0uld i n0T puNch him? AS: i reAlly wANt t0 puNch him...
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talismangallant · 7 years
===>Wish Sollux a Happy Wriggling Day
– talismanGallant [TG] from before began pestering twinArmageddons[TA] –
TG: you thought id forget didnt you TG: happy wriggling day early or late man TG: hope for the best TG: i mean it
– talismanGallant [TG] from before began pestering twinArmageddons[TA] –
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Continuation of this  talismangallant:
====> Dove: Communicate.
"That was a little dramatic, don’t you think?" Belisama grumbles as she puts away her camera, but you ignore her.
— talismanGallant [TG] is online —
— talismanGallant [TG] began pestering ??? [???] —
TG: so i am like nine kinds of completely freaked out TG: what the hell are you guys doing here TG: and also TG: just how long have i been out
CG: DOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CG: we are here looking for you. CG: we kept getting these strange fricking videos with you and other you. CG: nice arm by the way. CG: bet it's a lot of fun. CG: but i guess you don't actually have that. CG: and then there was sprite you. CG: and i couldn't just sit around and not try to come save your ass when gamzee said it might be a possibility but only for me cause he and sollux couldn't find you. CG: my sollux. CG: not useless nutty sollux. CG: you've been gone for fucking ever. CG: that is how long you've been gone. CG: i know. CG: i counted. CG: now where the hell are you, light beacon boy, and what ass do i need to kick to get in there? CG: because we've apparently been walking for days or weeks or who even knows and are fucking sick to death of getting attacked by your weird ass monsters and not falling through holes in reality.
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thesisgarroted-blog · 10 years
PortalQuest Awakens
Dove's Hell Bubble isn't quite what you expected it to be. For one, it looks kind of sketchy, but no worse than some of the Lands you've seen - though, the sky does look like Halloween threw up all over it. Since that's kind of a gross description, you turn your gaze back to the desolate landscape itself. You sure hope this isn't what Earth looked like before the floods, because yuck.
Finding it had at least been easy, except that nobody's actually here, directly in front of you, which kind of makes the whole journey a moot point. You can't rescue people you can't find. You've gotten lost in worse places than a Hell Bubble, though, so you crack your knuckles and let Mutini jump down out of your arms. First things first, any good super secret spy agent needs a good Secret Base, and since there's no time like the present there's probably no better place than the current one.
"One sweet ass escape route coming riiiight up. Stand back, Mutini, I'm gonna need some room for this one - you play lookout." Stealing nothing from nothing to create something has gotten a little bit easier - kind of. You can actually make stuff now, but it's not quite as easy as wiggling your nose and snapping your fingers yet (you know because you've tried). Trying to apply that to another thing you haven't quite gotten a handle on yet - traversing the void - is asking for trouble. But the power of friendship overcomes all odds, right? It works. Sort of. It looks very typically like a bad SciFi CG portal, but when you lower your hands and look at your creation all you feel is pride. That is a damn good SciFi CG portal if you do say so yourself. So good, in fact, that you don't even notice that something is going wrong until you physically feel the gateway jerk out of your control.
The weird Doctor Who-esque cracks that are fracturing through Dove's weird ass bubble are rooting themselves into the portal...and you don't know what they are, but you know you don't want them getting into your Void. You don't really know how to go about getting control of the portal again, but your best guess is to just funnel more of the Void into it, trying to push the fractures out - more, and more, and more, until finally - 000 The portal gives no warning before it bursts like a popped balloon, pushing Roxy back a few very large steps. There's only enough time to realize that her portal has become many before the cracks being to absorb them, and one decides to plant roots beneath Roxy's feet with a flash of eerie light.
"Aw, shi-" Roxy's gone before the words finish, but her results don't go with her - instead, the amalgamation of time anomaly and void path spreads its way through Dove's bubble, planting new portals wherever the fractures spread. This is why you shouldn't ask Lalonde's for help, Jontan.
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arcanescribbler · 10 years
-- arcaneScribbler [AS] began pestering cholangiogehorgenstiflestog [CG] at __:__ -- AS: Goldkat! Goldkat! AS: i'm A0t! AS: i'm A0t i'm A0t i'm a0T! AS: Als0, l00k up! AS: y0ur God Tier A0tfit is Nice! wh0's y0ur frieNd?
You're so happy to be free of the timeless, spaceless cage you were in that you even forget to be worried about them seeing your wings or the scars on your face. (You didn't exactly have access to your makeup in there, after all.)
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circuitheart · 10 years
talismangallant replied to your post:So um sup?
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talismangallant · 7 years
===> Throw some salacious hateflirting out
– talismanGallant [TG] from before began pestering cholangiogehorgenstiflestog [CG] –
TG: <3< TG: see TG: i know what its supposed to be TG: go have a nice wriggling day TG: oh wait im supposed to be mean TG: sort of TG: man this whole troll romance thing is still weird TG: eh too much effort TG: see you around
– talismanGallant [TG] from ceased began pestering cholangiogehorgenstiflestog [CG] –
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exoticsmuppeteer · 10 years
-- exoticSmuppeteer [ES] started pestering tallismanGallant ! --
ES: who has pointy shades and has been gone for like ever and is deciding that its about time he gets back to running a blog ES: bro strider at your fucking service ES: again
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talismangallant liked your post“this just in, my groin spews forth pain when activated, but only...”
This would make me laugh so much harder than it already has (which is rather a lot) if I believed it was an ic like. Because who knew Dove was into that.
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ask-dovesprite · 10 years
Morning After
--turntechGoddess [TG] began pestering talismanGallant [TG] --
You stare at the blinking text, counting the seconds that ticked past your original pester message. The best way to deal with someone with a hangover is... hell if you know.  Should you mention the thing? No, probably not. Does he even remember the thing? You sure as hell hope not. That was enough humiliation and shit to last two lifetimes on both of your parts.
You make a mental note to never mention Rose around him again, especially if he's smashed off his ass and in a state where he's not consciously aware of  holding the fragments of his mask together. You consider closing the chat window and presuming that he's fine (after all, he does have a network of people who aren't messed up genderbent versions of himself to talk to) but you owe him at least this.
TG: sup dove  TG: so hows the sober life treating ya?? TG: or are you lying on some ass stank carpet with a cheap hooker with no idea why hes in your apartment??
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arcanescribbler · 10 years
=> Nora: Wake.
Where are you? When are you? Last you remember, you were with Dove, and time was...
Your head hurts.
Just how long has...
...No. No, that can't be right. Months? How did you manage to get displaced that far ahead?
You need to figure out what's going on...
-- arcaneScribbler [AS] began pestering ???? [??] at ??:?? -- AS: hell0? AS: is ANy0Ne there? AS: s0me0Ne, ANy0Ne, PLEaSE ANswer...
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circuitheart · 10 years
Calling One Dove Strider, calling Dove Strider, do you read?
-- circuitHeart [CH] began pestering talismanGallant [TG] --
CH: This is the check up pester. CH: Hello and how are you doing pester. CH: This is me making sure you are alright. CH: So tell me Dove. CH: How are you?
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