#tally 'thinks we're playing in a band' (any)
sketchbook-stars · 9 months
also our new sp is 'whole'
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miniar · 4 months
Do you want to know about the absolute shit-show regarding Eurovision 2024, the Icelandic pre-contest?
Right, so, Tumblr knows about Eurovision more than most of the US-centric internet, coupled with how queer coded Eurovision tends to be, I figure you might enjoy this tea.
First up, before we get into the meat of the current situation, I gotta mention the months long campaign to boycott the contest entirely in protest to Israel's continued participation.
The European Song Contest or Eurovision was created for the expressed political purpose of fostering peace and cooperation among the nations of Europe. When Russia invaded Ukraine they got kicked. You can't come play in our sandbox of peace and cooperation and compete against the nation you're invading, essentially.
Israel is not only a regular participant, but a substantial source of funding, so unsurprisingly the Eurovision management has done a whole "it's different" and refused to boot Israel. As a result, a lot of Icelanders are calling for Iceland to refuse to participate, mirroring calls made in other nations.
The Icelandic national television shifted the responsibility of deciding whether we're participating in pretending everything's fine while Israel literally sings about october 7th on stage to "whichever artist wins the preliminary Icelandic contest"
Enter Bashar, a palistinian artist that had previously collaborated with Hatari, an Icelandic band that went to Israel when they had won the right to host the contest a few years back. Hatari is... a pop-punk-metal band in full bdsm gear. Their participation was controversial, not just because they went to Israel and participated, but also because they pulled out a Palistinian flag while there.
Palistinians had called for a boycott of Eurovision in Israel at the time.
No people are a monolith however, and this is what lead to Bashar doing music with them and becoming fond of our little island in the north.
So much so that he asked to sing on the behalf of Iceland, to take his place on stage, a Palistinian competing against the nation that wants him erased.
This last weekend the Icelandic contest was held, and he lost, by a relatively slim margin.
So... where's the tea?
There's two ways to vote, via app or via phone call.
And there were two rounds of votes.
A preliminary for a preliminary if you will.
The votes cast that got him into the final contest in Iceland were Extremely in his favor.
So how did he lose the final contest?
The app malfunctioned and several votes that were cast to him ended up being tallied for Hera, the woman who was declared the winner.
The phone number that you had to call to send phone-votes for him, and ONLY HIM, This did not happen with any other contestant!, triggered a warning on your phone that you might be calling a "scam phone number" leading to a lot of people calling fewer times than the otherwise would have, thinking they weren't able to vote for him.
This message is something the phone companies here implement from a centralized databank if the number has been reported or flagged a certain number of times.
Either one of these things, in and of itself, could be enough to lead to the results being questionable, but combined they more than make up the gap in votes between the first and second place in this contest.
How this is gonna get handled I don't yet know, but I'll tell you what, there's something profoundly fishy about what happened with the phone votes, especially given the utterly vile racist comments that are proliferating in the comment sections at the moment.
So, yeah.
You wanna know more? I might rebagle this post if I get more info.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 14/01/2024
Jesus of the Underground
Season 6 Featured on: siivagunner's highest quality rips: volume
Ripped by eg_9371
Alright, look, at this point I do try to avoid posting too many Undertale/Deltarune rips on this blog. With this post I think we're getting close to...20 or so rips of the game, or rips featuring its music prominently, covered on this blog. Yet Jesus of the Underground is the kind of rip that truly cannot be ignored - one of the most extensive rips ever made for the game, uploaded on its seventh birthday, after eight years straight of being featured on SiIvaGunner. Jesus of the Underground is the most perfect tribute to a game like Undertale that one could ever ask for.
It's easy to say that Undertale's popularity in being ripped on SiIvaGunner was purely a timing thing - SiIvaGunner started in January 2016, just a few months after Undertale's release in late 2015, still riding high on the sheer hype of tracks like Megalovania and Hopes and Dreams. And yeah, it may have started out that way, but I don't think launch hype would carry the game past six hundred rips made for it. In truth, I feel like Undertale's music spawned a sort of community of its own, for just how unique yet immediately appealing it is - its easily identifiable as video game music, yet with just enough parts in its percussion and backing played with real instruments, to remind those not wholly invested in the world of VGM that its music is more than just a series of bleeps and bloops. Pair that sound with Toby Fox's love for leitmotifs, distinct samples, and excellent sound design on the whole, and you've got a soundscape that almost defines the game's legacy more than the game itself. A lot of this is just me speculating, but its undeniable that the game's music has remained just as relevant to Undertale discussion as the game itself - it's not an aspect that ever feels like its taking a back seat, even despite just how globally popular the game itself has become.
And that feeling of, music remaining wholly appreciated despite its explosion in quality, was always the impression I got from the band that Jesus of the Underground is also paying tribute to - Green Day. I am, to reiterate a talking point I've made many times before, not in any way in touch with the music world, yet I've always admired Green Day in particular from a distance, in how their album American Idiot managed to become an absolute smash hit despite never feeling like they surrendered to pandering. On top of that, the album wasn't just "popular", but critically acclaimed, and even as time passed its popularity never felt like it drew the band any real negative or spiteful ire. Jesus of Suburbia, in particular, does not feel like it was made to tally up as many plays on a radio station as possible - it's akin to a whole storyline playing out over nine minutes of rock music, with peaks and valleys althroughout, yet it remains loved by music enthusiasts and everyday listeners alike. Much like Toby Fox with Undertale, Green Day filled American Idiot with their raw, almost-unfiltered feelings, and were able to strike a cord with so many people the world over despite evidently being made for a particularly niche audience: because the soul of their craft simply shone through.
Jesus of the Underground, in all its nine-minute glory, almost feels like as much of a labor of love as the two sources its pulling from - an expression of passion toward the art of ripping Undertale itself. Despite being such a long rip, it shows no signs of cut corners, no signs that eg_9371 was ever *not* making this out of love for the game. Or at the very least, no signs that he wasn't making it out of a love of ripping - it's clearly inspired by prior made and equally excellent Jesus Of Tazmily, a rip arranging Jesus of Suburbia within the soundscape of MOTHER 3 instead. Undertale itself wears its influences from the MOTHER series proudly on its sleeve, which makes it all the more fitting to think that it was an ambitious MOTHER 3 rip that inspired eg_9371 to roll his sleeves up and attempt doing the same for Undertale.
It remains hauntingly authentic in arrangement style to the original Hopes and Dreams and its instruments throughout, althewhile seamlessly changing in BPM and time signature just the same as Jesus of Suburbia does, without ever missing a beat. Meanwhile, small touches of quality ripping remain present throughout - Flowey's theme echoing throughout parts of the track's second act is such a great touch that I never would've thought would add so much to the arrangement alone. And setting aside all of the meta analysis and speculation on Undertale's popularity, American Idiot's merits, and just how much effort eg_9371 keeps putting into his rips, the instrumentation simply fits Green Day like a glove - Hopes and Dreams' guitar samples and the bright, hopeful sparkle of the main melody synth simply wraps everything together more seamlessly than one could've ever imagined.
That, or it's simply eg_9371 being magic again - which, given his title as SiIvaGunner's busiest ripper, is not a possibility I'm going to rule out. Jesus of the Underground is a fitting celebration in so, so many ways, honoring the legacy of Undertale, the appeal of its music, the success and influence Green Day has had on music, and just how much Jesus of Suburbia was able to connect with people despite its seemingly narrow appeal. Undertale, Green Day, and indeed the SiIvaGunner channel itself, and so many more projects out there, show that love and heart can push through any perceived boundaries of market appeal with enough of a push.
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maelstrom-of-emotions · 7 months
Watch as I make this unnecessarily dramatic, this wasn't even supposed to happen, but the idea ran away from me, and so here we are, but don't worry, Louie will get the hugs and cuddles he deserves...eventually. I'd suggest you read Part One and Part Two before this, otherwise, it probably won't make sense. ⁂
The day felt unusually long, a rarity, especially when Scrooge McDuck was in the picture. The only times time ever seemed to stretch were during close brushes with death, pulled out like taffy.
Dewey wasn't a fan of that conclusion.
He couldn't wait for nightfall, couldn't wait to unearth the problem, couldn't wait to annihilate whoever had hurt Louie. He just wanted to set everything right, make it all go back to normal.
Dewey attempted to keep his touches nonchalant. There was no need for Louie to suspect anything amiss, although that would've been fine since Dewey was generally a fan of physical contact. But he'd messed up a bit, nearly knocking Webby down in his haste to sit next to Louie—a less than stellar moment.
On a regular day, Louie might've narrowed his eyes and shot him a suspicious look, but today, just like the past few days, it was as if his brother hadn't even registered what had happened, simply staring blankly at the TV.
The ache in his chest intensified. Louie was supposed to play the nonchalant and careless card, not actually embody it. It took everything in Dewey not to shake the answers out of Louie, everything in him to snap at his older brother. Who cared about plans? Louie was hurt, had been hurt for a while now, and Dewey didn't know where to put the band-aid because he didn't know where the wound was or who had cut it.
Huey seemed to read Dewey's mind because when Dewey got up to grab snacks, Huey followed him, giving him "the look." The one he'd borrowed from Uncle Donald, the one that said, 'I know what you're thinking, and no, you can't do it'—but Dewey had never been great at following scripts, especially in situations like these.
"He's hurting," Dewey declared through gritted teeth. It felt like Huey had momentarily forgotten the gravity of the situation. This wasn't some Mark Beaks internship or a hunt for a far-off treasure. This was their brother, the one they'd sworn to protect. The brother who'd composed a national anthem for him, schemed to get him his favorite set of playing cards, listened when needed, and stood by him as a best friend.
"I know," Huey replied, sounding exasperated, as if he were tired, tired of the world, tired of the situation, tired of Louie. "I know he's hurting—"
"Really?" Dewey retorted, unable to contain the anger coursing through him. His voice took on a mocking, cruel edge. "Do you? Because you sure don't seem to act like it! He's our brother, Huey, not some stupid science project. Do you realize how hard it is to watch him hurting? Do you realize how many times he almost died today?"
"Of course, I do," Huey asserted, his voice growing sharper, harsher, defensive. "It's like you said, I'm the only one keeping a tally of these mishaps. Do you think I haven't noticed? I'm as concerned as you are—"
"Oh, don't give me that," Dewey interrupted, his voice getting louder. He didn't care if anyone heard them. "I'm the one who's trying to help Louie, I'm the one who supports his schemes, I'm the one who believes in him. When have you even noticed? If you're really keeping track of these things, you would have noticed that he was hurt ages ago, but you didn't! Because you don't care!"
"For the love of the stars, what on Earth are you talking about, Dewey? You're not making any sense—" Huey's voice was getting louder too. Fine, if he thought he could outshout Dewey, he had another thing coming. Dewey was known for being loud.
"No, we never make sense to you, do we? It's always you who has the facts straight. We're always the ones who can't see the bigger picture, can't see it through your eyes. You talk about fairness but you never give us a chance, you don't even care! You don't even trust us, do you? Do you?"
"That's not true, Dewey, and you know it—"
"Do I? Frankly, big brother, I'm not even sure what I know anymore. All I know is that you've been putting off Louie when we should be comforting him. Instead, you're making some dumb plan that's probably not even going to work. When have your plans ever worked in a situation like this? And you still continue to—"
"Because it's the only thing I am confident in, okay?" Huey's voice cracked on a sob, and Dewey immediately clacked his beak shut, feeling his own eyes water.
"Huey," he whispered, his hand reaching out to grab his older brother's shoulder, but Huey shook his head and so he let it fall against his side again. He suddenly felt heavy, feeling the weight of exhaustion to his bones. 
"I had to watch you walk out on a plane wing, Dewey. You could have died, a-and I couldn't have done anything to stop it. Louie's hurt, and I don't even know the reason. You think I don't care? Of course I do. It's just that I don't seem to be able to do anything to stop you guys. Louie's schemes could get him hurt or worse, your antics could kill you, and you both are the only ones who seem to be able to protect each other. It's like you don't even need me."
"You know that's not true—"
"I'm not even sure what I know anymore," Huey whispered, parroting Dewey's words from earlier. He found that he didn't have anything to say, which Huey took as a sign to keep going. "You may have been safe that time, but who knows what will happen the next time? Louie's already hurt, I just, I don't want to shatter him further—"
"You won't know that by avoiding him," Dewey said softly, but winced it came out a little condescending. He wished Louie was here; he knew how to modulate his voice.
"I know that, Dewey, and let's be honest here, you weren't much better!" Huey shouted suddenly, and Dewey felt the rage rise once more, a seething surge akin to molten lava coursing through his veins.
"When did I ever say that I was? Stop putting words in my mouth—"
"Both of you, stop fighting!" Louie's voice sliced through Dewey's rant, his voice tense. They both turned to gaze at their younger brother, his eyes red-rimmed, holding the unshed tears like a storm on the brink. Oh, right, Louie hated conflict, and suddenly Dewey felt like the worst person on the planet. He was supposed to help Louie, not make it worse, why did he have to open up his big beak?
"Louie," Huey began, his voice a mere whisper, raspy and hoarse. Dewey felt a pang of hurt shoot through him at the sound. He had aimed to aid one brother, and now, both of them were wounded.
"You both were taking too long," Louie said, his voice carrying a weight that made Dewey's heart hurt. He showed no sign of having heard Huey, as though tethered to a world beyond their immediate turmoil. His eyes, glossy and wet, fixated somewhere beyond Dewey's shoulder, avoiding eye contact, as though it might shatter him. "I heard shouting."
"Lou," Dewey murmured softly, a fracture forming within him without clear cause. He wanted Louie to meet his gaze, to return to a semblance of normalcy. He longed for the sanctuary of their houseboat, where fear didn't loom every other moment, where the gravest concern was the capricious weather, where his brothers existed in a cocoon of safety untouched by the traumas that now haunted their nights. 
But Louie shook his head, still avoiding eye contact, his weariness mirroring the exhaustion that had settled into Dewey's bones. "I'd suggest you carry the talk over to the bedroom, at least in that case they won't hear the screaming." It might be a joke, but Louie's tone is flat, drained of the energy to maintain pretenses. Something in Dewey's chest just snaps—
"Louie," his voice isn't firm or authoritative, just broken. "Louie, look at me, please."
And Louie does, and he appears so adrift, uncertain how to navigate the conversation. It's a disorienting sight, so unlike the Louie that Dewey knows, and something in his heart shatters further. "Louie," he finds himself saying, unable to think of anything else. "Louie, you're not okay."
Louie remains silent, his gaze a haunting reflection of weariness and loss, reminiscent of a stray kitten that has wandered through the shadows of life, its eyes carrying a wariness born from unspoken hurt. The weight of exhaustion clings to him like a shadow, leaving him adrift in a sea of emotions too deep for Dewey to swim in.
"Louie," Huey speaks up, a gentle disturbance that draws Louie's gaze to him. Huey sends Dewey a hopeful look, and Dewey, understanding the unspoken plea, nods. "We need to talk."
"We should," Louie agrees, surprising Dewey. "But not now."
"What the hell?" The words spill forth before he can restrain them. "Louie—"
"We'll talk after dinner," Louie says, his voice meek, a delicate whisper that leaves Dewey unable to muster further protest.
"Okay," he says simply, the word hanging in the air like a fragile thread, because it's all that he can do. "Okay."
Huey nods, trails of dry tears staining his cheeks, reminiscent of the winding paths traversed by lost travelers through desolate landscapes. Like the path Dewey can't seem to make head or tail of, where everything seems to be leading to a dead end. 
Louie doesn't say anything further; he merely retrieves a bag of chips and a can of Pep! before heading towards the door. But before he can open it, he turns to them, his gaze intense and calculating in a way Dewey hasn't witnessed in days. "I think you both need to talk more than me, though. What you guys have is more important."
Before either of them can question what the hell Louie meant by that, the duckling swiftly exits, just as quickly as he had arrived, leaving behind a silence that hangs in the air like the echoes of unsung melodies. 
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keepoffthetardis · 1 year
it's time to play tag games again! today we're putting the "on repeat" playlist on spotify on shuffle and listing the first ten songs that come up. i was tagged by @quensty and i am tagging @prongs1997 @corazonlicantropo @bandedbulbussnarfblat @enterprisery and @holodeckprotocols as well as anyone else who would like to talk about the music they've been listening to lately!
Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) - Fall Out Boy: This is the only song I actually like off MANIA. "I-I was - I was - I was gonna say something that would solve all our problems, but then I got drunk and I forgot what I was talking about" is an incredible note to start on and it only gets better from there. Fall Out Boy is my favorite band and I am out of my mind excited to see them in Chicago.
What Is Dead May Never Die - Ramin Djawadi: I'm actually surprised it was this one and not The Throne Is Mine. One thing about me is that I like listening to classical music while I read, and I was rereading A Song of Ice and Fire recently. Thus: the soundtrack for Game of Thrones. Also, Ramin Djawadi is a fantastic composer. Loved what he did with Westworld and Person of Interest.
I Am Hers, She Is Mine - Ramin Djawadi: We're back on the Game of Thrones soundtrack. Now I'm worried this list is gonna be all GoT. Anyway: I love sad and/or emotional strings. Probably my favorite section of the orchestra.
Daylight - David Kushner: I was listening to this much more recently than the others. "Oh I love it and I hate it at the same time / You and I drink the poison from the same vine" gets me every time. I love daylight imagery, as evidenced by my obsession with the way it gets used in Black Sails.
Warrior of Light - Ramin Djawadi: I'M BACK IN THE FUCKING BUILDING AGAIN. I'm gonna have to start skipping these if I want to have any discussion of my music taste at all. Anyway, when I was rereading A Song of Ice and Fire this time I started paying a lot more attention to Stannis and the whole arc with what I'll call "Team Dragonstone" (so, him, Selyse and the other Florents, Davos, Melisandre, etc.) and I thought it was a really interesting look at what could have otherwise been a very boring character but because we see him exclusively through other people's eyes, he becomes layered. To me anyway.
End Titles - Irwin Koshner: This one is the end of The Sound of Music! Which is something I have loved for years, but I recently started revisiting it because of Ted Lasso (and a fic that I'll never finish) who said that.
My Favorite Things - Julie Andrews: See above. Also I had a HUGE crush on her about a year before I figured out that I was bisexual which was a really interesting time in my life. I still do, but I used to too. Top 5 compliments I've ever gotten in my life was about ten or twelve years ago when a family friend told me I sounded like her.
Anna - The Menzingers: My sister just introduced me to this song about a month ago! It's so fun and sweet. Listening to it reminds of reading The Name of the Wind (because she and I did that together as well, right after she showed me this song) and driving around our hometown looking for books and a Mother's Day gift for our mom. "This place ain't the same without you Anna" INDEED
Climb Every Mountain - Peggy Wood: I think we'd all like a dream that will need all the love we can give every day of our life for as long as we live. Enough said.
Kyoto (Copycat Killer Version) - Phoebe Bridgers: This was another one that my sister introduced me to. This song has everything: sad emotional strings. Deep connection to younger sibling. "I wanted to see the world through your eyes and then it happened / Then I changed my mind". You would not believe the number of Succession edits I've seen with this song in the last couple of weeks.
That was fun! I should do it again when I'm fixating on something that isn't a TV show soundtrack. And speaking of, the finally tally of of GoT season 2 skips was: 1. This is what I get for falling asleep to it so much.
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if your fucking blog is blank i'm blocking you and reporting you for spam i don't give a fuck give me one [1] sign you are an actual human being first
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[don't worry, the mile long description is staying, that's my only accomplishment on this site aside from april 13, 2007, brobecks bmonday, and ferb time]
[i'm also liveblogging homestuck intermittently, go here [browser only] for a nice little organized archive. unlike everything else on tumblr it works better on mobile browser, my desktop theme doesn't like long posts]
hi, welcome to salemruinseverything dot tumble, your source for quality reblogs, horrible [affectionate] original posts, and frequent tøp-posting of varying quality [read: reblogging half of what's in the tag every time lore happens]. my name's salem. [mainly.] i use they/them, xe/xem, joy/joyr, ae/aer, it/its, and 🍭/🍭s pronouns [also mainly, you can check my pronouny for more of both of those.] [also, i do sometimes use he/him or she/her for myself, but id prefer if other people didn't.] this is mostly a bandom/shitposting blog, but i have been known to post about politics, animatronics, and doll collecting very frequently. i once got someone to ask dallon weekes if he knew what furries were, and that is both my biggest accomplishment and the worst thing i've ever done. my only personality traits are being personally victimized by pete wentz, having a crush on gerard way, surviving solely on monster energy and spite, and being a kinnie which i refuse to be ashamed about anymore. i have a lot of ocs. feel free to read on if you want to know anything else but that's really all the info you need.
dni if: you're a queerphobe, an ace/aro exclusionist, anti-xenogenders/neopronouns, a terf/swerf, a pedo/map/nomap/anti-anti/whatever you guys are calling yourselves now, people who genuinely give any shred of a fuck about proship/antiship discourse, anti-kin of any sort, you actively support brendon urie or ronnie radke, preps/posers /mj [this list will also get amended at some point it's like 2 am as i write this] [also fair warning that this isn't an exhaustive list and i hardblock without hesitation if your vibes are off. no hard feelings unless you're a bigot]
hey if we're mutuals/i follow you please tag these w/ "salem dont look" [you absolutely don't have to but id appreciate it]: any photos of actual needles [talk of needles/cartoon needles are fine], minimalist aesthetics [especially in black and white], death from overdoses [other varieties of death are fine im emo & desensitized [mostly]], the names morgan & chey, any photos of posessed ybc!patrick, & agere stuff [i have nothing against y'all and you're very welcome here, but it's a big squick for me lmao]
a short list of things i post about [formerly a list of things i actively post about, but half of these fandoms are dead now and i'm too lazy to take them out]
my chemical romance
various decaydance bands
hating brendon urie
twenty øne piløts[? in my 2024? it's more likely than you think.]
the aforementioned bamd secretly being catboys
waterparks [the band]
sanders sides
various mcyts/associated streamers
homestuck[? in my 2024? it's m-]
tally hall. how did i forget tally hall.
brian david gilbert [& associated acts]
particularly polygon but i can no longer count that as an associated act
the heart rate of a mouse [i apologize in advance]
will wood, with or without the tapeworms
lalaloopsy [where is lalaloopsy tumblr. please]
american girl
some other general doll collecting stuff as well, but i do mainly collect the two mentioned above [mostly lalaloopsies. lalaloopsy fans please interact]
showbiz pizza/the rockafire explosion[/chuck e cheese occasionally]
disney parks [i hate the corporation but i am a sucker for a good dark ride]
i haven't seen a single episode of supernatural since i was 9 and have never played tf2 but castiel and scout are my special little guys so i post about them sometimes
this list will probably be changed at some point by the way this is just off the top of my head
tags i use:
#salem's random thoughts: any original textposts i make
#salem's shitposting at midnight again: my old textpost tag, is now mainly used for memes if at all
#top 10 gerard way gf moments: you know how i said one of my only personality traits was having a crush on gerard way? yeah
#salem please stop talking about your kandi: a catchall tag for any posts i make talking about/with pictures of my kandi
#awsten knight troll propaganda: hey did you know that awsten knight is a valid troll name? and that him typing in all caps all the time could technically be counted as a typing quirk? yeah [the tag that inevitably led to parxstuck]
#tally hall out boy cinematic universe: a mostly abandoned project wherein i tried to connect everything possible to tally hall and/or fall out boy
#salems selfies: this is just pictures of my face
#you're a hot mess and i'm falling for queue: uh. queue tag. yeah. mostly used when i hit post limit but sometimes i schedule things
#salems im okay liveblog: on the rare occasions my favorite webcomic, i'm okay (trust me), updates i am bound to liveblog the new episode so if you dont care about it then block that cause I Have Emotions About These Dumb Emo Teens
#salem answers a question: tag for asks
#my friends!!: things my friends post!
#seven of spiders: tag for my band!! it's mostly an actual band now!! we still don't have a drummer though
#salem's discography liveblogs: there were a lot of bands i was avoiding getting into just because i didn't know when or how to start with their music, so i now have a list of said bands and i've been going down the list, picking a band and listening to one of their albums until i finish their whole discography. used to be on sundays but i kind of just do them whenever i feel like it now. i also have individual tags for each band but you can find those by going through the tag. current tags to block if you don't wanna see this: #salems gorillaz liveblog, #paramore discography liveblog [my blacklist tags for this are inconsistent im sorry]
#vampireposting & #idogposting: i like vampires & idogs. self explanatory.
#salems ocs, #the murder crew, #dsmpjoys au, #parxstuck, #my chemical l'manberg au, & #the reprisians: stuff abt my ocs/aus! [please send me asks about them pls pls p] [note because i don't know where else to put it; dsmpjoys & mcl are on indefinite hiatus o7]
#every day i have strange sentences (?) put into my ask box by tumblr user full of teeth: dumb shit [affectionate] that everest sends me. still using his url from two urls ago because i'm lazy.
#liveblogging my breakdown: the posts that get a little too venty lmao, feel free to block if you don't wanna see that shit
#ftwwwposting: mcr play ftwww live challenge
this will also be updated cause i Know this isnt all the tags i use on a regular basis
other things i think are important to note:
all my posts are ok to rb unless they're specifically tagged w don't rb [although i guess this isn't much of an issue now that i can turn off reblogs but. still]
i don't actually ship any real people [at least not anymore- i sincerely apologise if you scroll down far enough to find unironic rpf-posting], but i do make a concerning amount of rpf jokes and am a throamie, and i try to tag any rpf-related content accordingly [i swear i'm posting about peterick in a platonic way i swear it on my life it's not my fault bandom has not caught onto the concept of duo names]
ask me to tag things if you need me to! it doesn't matter how "dumb" you think it is, i will try my hardest to tag it
the only thing i won't tag is blood, because i'm an mcr fan and that shit's so prevalent in this fandom that i don't even wanna try- however, i do tag gore, & i only rb cartoony/artistic gore, no realistic stuff :p
on that note let me know if i miss any tags so i can add them! [i do forget to tag things excruciatingly often, i'm sorry for that]
also on that note since people keep asking: i put tws on fall out boy/panic! at the disco because people asked me to [i don't anymore because i'm like 80% sure they both unfollowed me but. if you see older posts with those tws that's why]
ALSO on that note. i reblog so much mcyt stuff that it's basically impossible to tag it all at this point so like genuinely no offense but if you need that blacklisted please just unfollow stop harassing me to tag it
all the tw/cw tags i use are formatted "tw/cw [thing]", & mentions of that thing are tagged "tw/cw [thing] mention". i often forget which things i use cw tags for and which i use tw tags for so id recommend blocking both to protect yourself from my stupidity
please send me asks. i crave human interaction
i block people a lot, don't @ me- this is my space and i'm curating it how i want. literally, if you give me weird [in a bad way] enough vibes from a quick scroll through your blog after you follow me, i'm blocking you.
if you're not around my age [i am very young! mid teens! im not comfortable sharing specifics but if you're like. under legal tumblr age/above 18 this applies to u], please don't message me if we haven't talked before, it makes me uncomfortable [you're welcome to follow, just don't dm me please] [this also doesn't apply if we've already talked a few times outside of dms]
i threaten to stab people a lot. please know that i'm joking
my sideblogs: [ironically only three of these aren't related to my ocs]
@mediocreincorrectquotes: incorrect quotes of various fandoms
@sevenofspiders: blog for my band :p
@salems-edits: feel like the url sums that one up
@terribleocincorrectquotes: incorrect quotes of my ocs, horribly organized
@ooc-tiktok-comments: the uh. the url sums it up
@cottoncandy-system: system blog (hi we have osdd. apparently)
@bimbemo: aesthetic sideblog (HUGE flashing lights & eyestrain cw)
@its-just-ray-toro: its just ray toro. follow for ray toro on your dash
@bunnyboylyricbot: lyrics i like posted twice daily
all of the sideblogs below are semi-rp, semi-aesthetic blogs for my ocs all of which are very inactive
@alluwantizbadboys - gabe kennedy
@sharpeasaknife - helena sharpe
@christmasknight - noelle knight
@thearistocrat - cain harmony
@mxs1n1st3r - celine sinister
@frmthrzr2thrzry - aaron knight
@b3aut1ful--quarant1n3 - razz roscoe
@voluntaryv1ct1m - jaxxie boyd
@began-and-ended-in-ellipses - cas roscoe
i also have a few secret sideblogs. you'll have to find them yourself
also i am now forcing you to look at these pictures of ryan ross.
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[Image ID: several assorted photos of Ryan Ross. /end ID]
that's it thank you have a good day
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sketchbook-stars · 9 months
I'm barely awake but litele guy..
Ough... tiny man... serotonin. What a goober.. silly.y...
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sketchbook-stars · 8 months
I hate to ment anything like syscourse but.. Can.. system hoppers please NOT follow us?
I don't mean this like, the RAMCOA term where you go between side-systems
I mean the endo term where you think you can hop to someone else's system. That's a disassociation tactic our abuser used on us and basically made us split their headmates. It brings black flashbacks for us to even see it mentioned. Thanksies
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sketchbook-stars · 9 months
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sketchbook-stars · 9 months
God FORBID a girly act like their iwec (<- just threatened to punch thr body's mom)
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sketchbook-stars · 9 months
last one: here
"what did they do THIS time?" uh.. under the read more
"my ability is to make boys named valk extremely worried" -Zenith
"MUCUS MARACA!" -Tally, referring to our lungs
"I hope I give off the worst 'vibes'. Do not approach me. I hope you turn into an ice cube." -Rayne
"Trade offer- you get: my help in the mornings to do things you struggle with- I get: to pet the cats for an unspecified amount of time" -Scriptliss
"You were HOMOPHOBIC on ROBLOX?" -Seara, to Civ
"Fucking he/him squad out here" -Jude
the chonny jash incident:
"Jude got to talk about CCCC 23 dead 1 injured (I'm the injured)" -Cometose
"Jude. CCCC. Explain. I am way too curious for my own good." "GRINS. pk;ap Jude" -Pasta(a friend), Jude
incident over
"bath water is just forbidden broth" -Tally
"The entire country of Australia would help you before your FP would" "what???" -Asler, Tally
"Aycaydemia... wait no, aycaydemia, .. somethings wrong. It's academia-" -Zenith
"Hey guys I won't bully Aussies" -Tally
"FOUR SOULS." -Zenith, distressed
"HE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE (derogatory)" -Cometose
"You use a fucking tortilla, Simon" -Amias
"whose discord kitten do i have to be to get nitro" -Civ
"If I make a silly joke about my trauma I'd probably make enemies agree on the fact I need therapy. This is a flex right" "No???" -Spiral, Vesper
"rule 1 of bug collection: shit gets real when analog turns on the autoproxy." -Inigo
"autistic? WRONG! dead" -Adam
"When will chonny finally show up to the charming chaos Compendium' -Tally
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sketchbook-stars · 10 months
Actively trying to stop a pissed off headmate from tracking down our abuser. Pls.
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sketchbook-stars · 10 months
I know we don't do these anymore but MY INTRO TIME LETS GOOOOOOOOOO
TALLY (any prns) I am SO COOL BUT ALSO GIVE ME ATTENTION AND I DIE. I love attention heheeee. I am fighting back the Australian bully accusatiosn I don't bully Australians please
#1 tally hall fan. Trust me (don't trust me)
I AM A.. UHH. MARTYR AND FAWNER. forgot what that means but YEAH!! I LOVE TALKING TO PEOPLE just don't get mad at me I will sob
ME IN THE HS I DREW IT how do i id images..
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sketchbook-stars · 9 months
would it be silly if we started a kinhelp blog. mayhaps.
what would we even name it..
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sketchbook-stars · 9 months
Inspired by other systems we've seen, but
The art style would be more simple
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sketchbook-stars · 10 months
The anxiety disorder won (cried in class and had to leave in front of everyone)
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