#tamaji amajiki
omegaworldd · 2 years
Programa omega [Alfa Tamaki Amajiki x omega reader ] - parte 2 - final
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Importante para compreender o contexto
No universo de my hero academia ómegas eram bastante discriminados por serem fracos. Ómegas heróis eram quase insistentes. Com tecnologia moderna existiam supressores tanto de cheiro quanto de cio, apesar de estes últimos serem muito prejudiciais. Na tentativa de passar adiante os genes dos melhores heróis a comissão de heróis criou um “programa omega” onde omegas podiam ingressar para frequentarem escolas de heróis ou serem encaminhados para uma e encontrarem um alfa. Apoiando se em estudos de que um companheiro confere estabilidade de que muitos aspirantes a heróis necessitam. Apesar de muitos omegas lá entrarem em busca de uma vida confortável alguns realmente procuravam um companheiro para amar e ser amado, já outros eram forçados pelos pais. Casamentos arranjados eram bem comuns.
Parte 1, Parte 2 - Final
Desde aquela vez muitas outras se seguiram e não foi apenas S/n a ficar com o cheiro de Tamaki nela, o próprio alfa acabou por começar a ter o cheiro do ómega presente nele. Para alívio de ambos S/n deixou de ter problemas com outros alfas. Os momentos em que Tamaki cheirava S/n tornaram-se muito mais frequentes do que realmente era necessário e deram origem a várias tardes passadas na companhia um do outro para estudar ou simplesmente pela companhia.
Tamaki sentia-se extremamente relaxado na presença do ómega, era visível como ele tinha basicamente assumido a função de seu alfa. Mirio até começou a bater na porta do dormitório de Tamaki antes de entrar desde que ao entrar sem bater como de costume encontrou Tamaki e S/n aconchegados na cama dele. S/n sentada entre as pernas do alfa com as costas no peito dele e ele com os braços em volta da sua cintura e nariz enterrado no seu cabelo e pescoço diretamente no local da sua glândula de cheiro. Era difícil argumentar que eles não eram de facto companheiros.
Estava claro como a água para Mirio e Nejire que eles estavam apaixonados um pelo outro. Tamaki até dormiu á porta do dormitório de S/n quando ela estava no cio para afastar outros alfas! Ainda assim Tamaki e S/n mantiveram se neste estado de "apenas se cheirar para evitar outros alfas" por meses.
Foi no início do terceiro ano que os problemas surgiram.
Com a entrada de Tamaki para os big three diversos ómegas começaram a ignorar o ómega que emanava o cheiro do alfa e até o leve cheiro de ómega no alfa e iniciaram as suas tentativas de chamar a atenção do alfa.
S/n voltou a ser intimidada mas desta vez por outros ómegas que a queriam afastar de Tamaki lançado comentários maldosos que aos poucos destruíam a segurança que ela construiu na relação com o alfa. “Se ele te quisesse mesmo tinha te marcado” “como é que um alfa poderoso iria querer um ómega como tu”. Risos incessantes que a perseguiam e a atormentaram de noite.
Ainda assim ela nunca lhe contou, tudo começou para que ela deixasse de ser assediada e apesar de as coisas entre eles terem evoluído ela temia que ele se afastasse se soubesse que tinha voltado a ser intimidada por causa dele a cheirar.
Lentamente as palavras dos agressores entranhavam-se cada vez mais. 
E se ela realmente o estivesse a impedir de conseguir o ómega que ele queria?
Ele era um alfa muito gentil, talvez estivesse apenas a manter esta espécie de relação para a ajudar a livrar se dos outros alfas?
Com todos aqueles ómegas ele ainda a iria preferir? Ele realmente alguma vez a preferiu?
S/n tenta afastar as inseguranças e segurar as lágrimas. Encolhida a um canto S/n tentava acalmar-se enquanto segurava firmemente contra o peito uma linda caixa de bentō. Hoje era dia dos namorados, nos anos anteriores o seu cio calhou sempre nesta semana mas desta vez ela tinha tomado supressores para poder comparecer na escola.
Este era o último ano e ela queria no mínimo agradecer a Tamaki tudo o que fez por ela. Ao contrário dos típicos chocolates S/n trazia numa bonita caixa diversos bolinhos de polvo, veado, boi, porco, ameijoa, cobra e até planta carnívora. Os Bolinhos eram lindamente tostados e por cima de cada um deles estava um palito com um desenho a identificar de que era feito.
Mesmo sendo o dia dos namorados no dia seguinte haveria um treino importante para os alunos do 3 ano do curso de heróis e S/n achou que seria uma prenda ideal para Tamaki.
Enquanto S/n estava encolhida no canto em busca de coragem Tamaki procurava freneticamente pelo ómega. 
Ela tinha estado distante nas últimas semanas e agora provavelmente ele sabia o porquê. Ele tinha acabado de descobrir por Mirio sobre os ómegas que a andavam a intimidar graças á sua popularidade como alfa membro dos big three. Ele estava a cima de preocupado, especialmente com o facto dela não lhe ter contado. Ele era um mau alfa?...embora eles não fossem de facto companheiros, mas Tamaki tinha de admitir que se sentia e queria ser o seu alfa. Então continuava a preocupa-lo que ela não lhe tivesse contado algo assim.
Seguindo o cheiro ele encontrou-a agachada junto a uma parede e desce ao nível dela chamando carinhosamente "mega" um apelido que ele acabara por lhe dar.
Olhando para ele S/n estende rapidamente a caixa em sua direção com um "Feliz dia de São Valentim" a acompanhar. Curioso ele pega na caixa e abre a sobre o seu olhar “furtivo” e atento. Lá dentro ele observa diversos bolinhos do que ele supõe serem diferentes animais e plantas lindamente decorados e com um cheiro de dar água na boca. A sua inspeção é interrompida por um pedido de desculpa de S/n.
"Desculpa, não é chocolate nem nada mas eu achei que seria boa ideia visto que amanhã há aquele treino importante de que estavas sempre a falar e-"S/n hesita mas nesse ponto ela está domada pelas inseguranças" agradecer por teres tomado conta de mim este tempo todo, eu sei que provavelmente só estou a atrapalhar e a impedir te de ficar com o ómega que queres e-"
"Eu não posso ter um ómega como tu ou tu não queres ter um alfa como eu?"
S/n sente uma faca no coração ao ver a dor nos olhos de Tamaki.
"Não é isso Tama! És o melhor alfa que pode existir! És doce, carinhoso, gentil! Fazes me sentir segura como nunca pensei que fosse possível! Não é atoa que estou apaixonada por ti desde o primeiro ano!" A última parte escapa sem querer fazendo os dois corar e S/n continua mais calmamente pensando melhor nas suas palavras
"Eu só acho que és o melhor alfa do mundo e há todos aqueles ómegas que querem ser teus companheiros e eu não sou assim um ómega tão bom caso contrário já me terias marcado e eu só acho que poderias ter muito melhor-"
Tamaki não pode deixar de ficar furioso ao perceber de onde vinha toda esta fala.
"É isso que os ómegas que te andam a intimidar te dizem?" S/n lança um olhar assustado questionando se como ele sabe. Tamaki levantasse puxando S/n para cima ele coloca um braço ao redor da sua cintura pressionado só seus corpos juntos para poder sussurrar no seu ouvido
"E a marcação, se é esse o problema eu faço-o esta noite. És tu o ómega que quero. Se também me quiseres espero que me marques de volta como teu"
Quando ele se afastou S/n parecia um tomate sorridente e de coração inchado. Tamaki só era assim corajoso quando o assunto era bastante sério para ele e/ou ia contra os seus ideais. Além disso era extremamente comum ómegas serem marcados mas alfas não, então Tamaki querer que ela o marcasse trazia lagrimas aos seus olhos por ainda há uns minutos estar a duvidar dos sentimentos dele.
S/n assente levemente tomando coragem e colocando se em bicos dos pés para chegar aos lábios de Tamaki beijando-o docemente. O beijo foi tudo o que ambos sempre sonharam, carinhoso e apaixonado, transmitia perfeitamente os sentimentos que ambos tinham um pelo outro.
Quando Tamaki compareceu ao treino no dia seguinte uma onde de desânimo era notória por parte da plateia de ómegas que observaram que o ómega que antes exibia apenas o cheiro do alfa agora possuía uma marca bem no local de ligação que obviamente pertencia a Tamaki. Era em momentos como este treino que se notava a influência de S/n em Tamaki, mesmo que estivesse muita gente a observá-lo ele ainda se sentia calmo pois sabia que o seu ómega estava bem ali. Tal influencia foi ainda mais notória hoje pois tendo a feito oficialmente sua o alfa senti a se extremamente seguro. 
Mirio sendo o bom amigo que é decidiu ajudar Tamaki e S/n a livrarem-se completamente de possíveis ómegas demasiado burros e insistentes, mostrando a todos o que ele tinha visto no balneário quando se equipava com Tamaki e que agora infelizmente não estava á vista.
Com um golpe particularmente forte Mirio foi capaz de rasgar no pescoço o fato de herói de Tamaki tornando visível a marca que o reclamava como alfa de S/n. Nesse momento um couro desiludido foi ouvido e Tamaki lançou um sorriso constrangido para S/n que o devolveu com uma leve vermelhidão.
Daquele dia em diante todos sabiam que S/n e Tamaki eram companheiros. Tamaki por ser ele próprio era o alfa que S/n sempre sonhou e S/n por ser ela era tudo o que Tamaki sempre desejou. Ela era o seu porto de abrigo e mesmo que ainda não gostasse de multidões ele conseguiu confiança para não ter de se virar para uma parede.
Durante anos estiveram sempre lá um para o outro e acabaram por ter uma filha e um filho que eram a cara do pai e herdaram a sua peculiaridade.
Mais um caso de sucesso do programa de ómegas da UA.
Notas: Se quiserem podem solicitar mais personagens alfas que desejem ver encontrar um parceiro com o programa ómega. Como sempre a imagem não me pertence, encontrei a no pinterest por  @Deanbastard.
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
Amajiki Siblings
Tomoe Amajiki
Age: 35
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Occupation: Chef (Formerly), Housewife
Quirk: Dietary
Unnamed parents
Takara Amajiki (Younger sister)
Tobio Amajiki (Younger brother)
Tamaji Amajiki (Younger brother)
Tamaki Amajiki (Younger brother)
Kaihiko Makimura | Monster King (Husband)
Shindofuji Amajiki (Son)
Takara Amajiki/Lady Beast
Age: 30
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Occupation: Pro Hero
Quirk: Metamorphosis
Kokku Jisankan | Benihana (Husband)
Ukemochi "Mochi" Jisankan (Daughter)
Tobio Amajiki/Animalia
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Occupation: Pro Hero; sidekick for King Animalia (@opalofoctober)
Quirk: Animorph
Mirai Mite | Futuress (Wife)
Amarante Amajiki (Daughter)
Tokio Amajiki (Son)
Tokei Mite | Zodiac (Sister-in-law)
Tokime Mite (Sister-in-law)
Kumiko Ito | Time Maiden (Half sister-in-law)
Toki Ito (Half sister-in-law)
Tamaji Amajiki
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation: Preschool teacher
Unnamed parents
Tomoe Amajiki (Older sister)
Takara Amajiki (Older sister)
Tobio Amajiki (Older brother)
Tamaki Amajiki (Younger brother)
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @redhoodzuko
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Opposite (Reverse)
Opposite (Reverse) by TenyasLeggies
“Monoma! This is the exact opposite of what you should be doing right now!” Amajiki cried, eyes squeezed shut. He had the neck of his oversized knit turtleneck pulled up over his nose and had turned his head away in an attempt to avoid the heady scent wafting off the blonde pressed against him.
Words: 1001, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Amajiki Tamaki, Monoma Neito
Relationships: Amajiki Tamaki/Monoma Neito
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire Bites, Angst, Vampire Amajiki Tamaji, Human Monoma Neito
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43091817
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kinsurou · 4 years
wifey!! congrats on 500 followers im so freaking proud of you 🥺💓 can i request 83 for hawks with a dom! reader maybe theyre in public 🙈 and mayhaps 79 for tamaki but its tamaki who has to do the covering? thank you!! ❤️❤️
Aaaaa, thank you so much wifey! I owe this to you guys in the server for helping me out and supporting me! 😭💖
83. How quickly can you cum?
79. You don’t need to cover up the bruises/hickeys
Takami Keigo
If there’s something Hawks really loves about his favorite yakitori restaurant, is the privacy. Having a whole room all for yourself to have your meal in peace is something to be thankful when you’re one of the most popular pro heroes as well as one of the top-ranking ones such as him.
It is also the perfect place for such scandalous acts like the one you’re currently performing. hidden underneath the table with your lips wrapped around his erect member. The teasing smile you give him from under the furniture as your hands keep stroking the base of his throbbing cock is just so...alluring.
enough to nearly make him cum all over your face in the spot, but he wants to hold on as much as he can. It’s not often that he gets the chance to be pampered by his precious fiance after all.
When he reaches down in a desperate attempt to pull on your hair, the hand quickly gets slapped away and those sharp eyes look at him through long eyelashes. That makeup of your always leaves Hawks mesmerized.
“Did I say you could move, babe?” Your lips release his throbbing cock and your stop stroking him, earning a pathetic little whine in response before he gives a slight shake of his head “Good boy! But if you try that again, might as well take care of this all by yourself, got it?”
“Y-yes…!” It wasn’t often that you went dominant into the relationship, but when you were in the mood? God, Keigo loved it. So he just relaxes back into his chair while your mouth once again begins to pleasure the writhing man squirming in the palms of your hands.
“The waitress is almost here. Tell me baby bird….How quickly can you cum?” Your cheeks are hollowed as you start sucking him harder, softly playing with his balls to turn the hero into a hissing mess, he gives you a small pout when you pull away again “Don’t give me that look baby bird, you brought this upon yourself.”
“Please babe…” He’s doing just as told, hands gripping harshly into fists while his body leans forwards on the table, careful not to spill your drink in the process. “I’m close, I’m really close!” 
“You’re one spoiled little bird, aren’t you?” Those giggles may sound sweet to others, but he knows that once you’re both back home, he’s in for quite the surprise. “Oh well...I guess I can spoil my little bird just this once˜.”
This time, you take in his full length until it reaches the back of your throat, and the little growls as you try to hold on for as long as you can make him shudder at the feeling. It takes less than a few seconds for him to release inside your mouth with a groan as he emptied himself inside your mouth. 
Slowly you pull away for good, kissing cutely at the head with a little smile, watching the lovestruck smile Hawks gives as he looks down at you with glassy eyes full of unshed tears. He’s struggling to catch his breath after that little stunt, but it’s not something he can really complain about, especially when he hears the small ‘gulp’ and watches with widening, astonished eyes as you swallow his seed with no struggle.
“You’re such a good boy, Keigo!” As a reward, you tuck him back into his boxers yourself, zipping the pants quickly and crawl back into your seat, then you grab a napkin to wipe at the corner of those soft lips he adores, where a small white spot messes up your lipstick. 
Frowning, you begin rummaging through the seemingly endless void inside your handbag until you find the small mirror, completely ignoring your panting fiance while looking at the reflection with a small pout.
“I have to fix my makeup.” You rise from the seat before coming to his side to give the red-faced hero a soft peck on the lips “I’ll be right back babe!”
You walk out of the room at the same moment the waitress comes in with a couple of drinks, you both exchange a friendly greeting before you walk out towards the bathroom.
“Sorry for the waiting, here are the drinks you ordered” She gives Hawks a look before blinking twice “Are you feeling okay sir? Your face seems red.”
His eyes widen for a second before he gives her an awkward smile accompanied by a small wave of his hand.
“I’m fine miss, don’t worry about it.”
Tamaki Amajiki
He’s pulling at his collar unconsciously, looking embarrassed at his surroundings as if every person passing by was judging him when the truth is they’re actually concerned about the scarlet shade adorning his whole face up to the tip of his ears.
How could Tamaki not feel self-conscious with the purple and red bruises adorning his whole neck starting from the jaw and ending all the way to the collarbone?
But he has to admit getting them was the best experience of his life, the feeling of your lips leaving trail after trail of love bites on his skin still lingers deep into his memories. As well as the way you kept riding him with a burning passion, quite ironic for someone with a water quirk.
Not that he didn’t put his part on it as he thinks back to the way he clung to your body, desperate to finish deep inside of you as the friction became nearly unbearable for him after going at it for hours.
“You’re...ah! You’re doing great honey!” You whimper in his ear as your nails keep scratching all over his back in synch with each thrust of his body against yours. the burning sensation at his back made him growl, something that surprised you both as Tamaki was usually the whimpering type. But that sound he let out was so...dominant, that your body couldn’t help clenching tightly around him.
Your face withdrew from his neck to look him in the eye, tenderly your hands grabbed the sides of his burning face before giving him a deep, passionate kiss “So that’s what you’re into, baby? Praising?” 
A thumb traced over the outline of his jaw, touching one of the small marks scattered across the skin “Being told how much of a good boy you are, baby?” you yelped, startled by the sudden jab of his pelvis against your core, face buried once again into his shoulder to whisper sweet nothings into your sweet boyfriend’s ear.
“Y-Yes...I-I love it when you say that.” His arms wrapped tighter around your waist to pull you down on him at a frantic pace, too lost in satisfaction to think about anything else but having you closer to him for a little longer.
Between the sweet words, the warm feeling of your walls around him, and the mouth leaving bite after bite on his neck, Tamaki was surprised he prevailed that long. He could only hope that soon, there could be another chance to have a taste of your-
His head jolts towards the direction your voice comes from, and there you are wearing that costume that has made him take so many cold showers over the last months, that it’s a wonder he hasn’t caught a cold by this point. “You’re pulling your costume a lot.”
“I um…” He struggles to say it, but judging by that mischievous smile on your face, it’s evident that you know what he’s trying to point out. Softly pulling on the edges of his cape, Tamaki’s face is pulled down so you’re looking at him in the eye, almost in a parallel way as that night shared together between the sheets. “You don’t need to cover up the hickeys.” 
You share a small kiss together, nothing too scandalous but nothing too sweet either. By this point, the sound of the paparazzi scrambling, desperate to capture the romantic gesture between two heroes and lovers could almost be heard from a mile away.
“If I were you…” releasing him from the hold, he only sees you walking forwards and waving slightly at Red riot, who just came back from patrol. “I’d be more worried about that boner!”
His blush couldn’t get even redder as he stumbles in place, attempting to hide his front with his cape and realizing at the last minute that it was all just a joke.
Your sweet (not so sweet) laughter could be listened to across the street, and Tamaki almost yearns he could crawl into a hole right there, right now.
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gusherguy · 3 years
Can i request an emeto scenario with Tamaki? Him, Fat Gum, and Kirishima are staying over night at a hotel for a mission and one of the many things he'd had to eat that day food poisoned him and gets him super sick. He starts vomiting and dry heaving around 3am, and he tries to be quiet about it to not wake up Fat Gum or Kirishima, but he's a super loud puker and ends up waking up Fat Gum and then later Kirishima
(Ofc ofc, this was so much fun!! Not my art btw. Mmm Tamaki my love~ -Nico)
Tamaki first noticed the dim sick feeling in the pit of his stomach halfway through the car ride to Kamino. Before setting out on the mission, he and Fatgum and Kirishima had gotten dinner at a restaurant. Tamaki had taken the opportunity to prepare for action by filling up on various seafoods. He belched quietly into his fist and checked to make sure Fat and Kiri hadn't noticed. Maybe getting in the car so soon after a big meal wasn't the best of ideas.
To his dismay, getting out of the car and getting fresh air when they checked into the hotel at their destination did nothing to ease his nausea. He swallowed a couple of times to push the feeling down. He reasoned that he must have overdone stockpiling for his quirk. It had happened before, and usually the discomfort passed eventually.
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It wasn't until they were heading to bed for the night that Tamaki paid any attention to his body. His stomach was huge and gurgly, and sweat rolled down his back. He lay down on his bunk gingerly, on his side so no pressure was put on his unhappy belly. Tamaki burped quietly and tasted garlic and crab. "Ughh...." he exhaled the taste out of his mouth and tried to relax and sleep. Some rest would surely settle his stomach. He slowly drifted off.
He suddenly he felt water splash on his face. He choked and spluttered, eyes flying open as more liquid ran down. He got in a short breath before his shoulders hitched and Tamaki realized the mystery liquid was coming from HIM. He'd started vomiting in his sleep. He clapped his hands to his mouth, trying to muffle a retch. "Grrk! Hhnn..." Tamaki moaned quietly and swallowed over and over. He forced the impending wave of puke down with sheer will and clenched his teeth.
His chest and arms were coated in his sick, chunks stuck to his hands too. The smell and lasting taste in his mouth made him heave again, but Tamaki held it in. He had to make it to the bathroom without waking Fat or Kirishima. "Hrrk! Guh..." he dry-heaved quietly a few times before he reached the bathroom.
Tamaki collapsed to his knees and belched wetly over the toilet. His stomach twisted and he spewed into the water. "Hh-UUUURRggll!" He spat, tasting sour bile and garlic, and his body tensed again. "Ghh...UuurRRRP!" More sick gushed out, so forcefully it came out his nose too. He groaned and leaned against the wall as a couple tears rolled down his face. "Ohhhnn...ow, it hurts...." he whimpered. This was definitely not just overeating. Was that crab not trustworthy after all?
The mere thought of that crab made him retch loudly and vomit again. Try as he would to relieve his stomach quietly, he couldn't control the volume of the heaves that came out of him. As another spurt of hot chunks fell from his lips, he could only hope that the other two sleeping in the next room weren't woken by the noise.
Tamaki's stomach clenched and he retched dryly. He whined and adjusted his position so he could rub his aching belly. "Nnnnhh...ow, ah....." he murmured. He felt his stomach clench under his fingers as a deep, wet belch rolled up his throat. "BraaAAAPP--" a gush of sick spilled out with the burp. He coughed and choked it up harder, desperate to get all that nasty stuff out of his stomach.
There was a soft knock on the door before it was pushed open halfway. Fatgum poked his head into the bathroom. "Hey, 'Jiki. That sounded, ah...pretty rough." he said. "How're you doing?"
Tamaki spat a thick strand of saliva and tried to wipe his face off. "I - I think I ate something spoiled," he said, his voice thin and raspy. "S-still feel sick..."
Fatgum made a quiet noise of sympathy and walked over. He flushed the toilet and handed Tamaki a damp towel. "That sucks. Better out than in, if it's spoiled food," said Fatgum. "It'll be okay, just let it all out."
As if on cue Tamaki burped deeply, and more puke bubbled up and splashed into the toilet. Fatgum was rubbing his back now, soothing his aching muscles and coaxing another wave of sick out of him.
"There ya go. You're doing good." Fat encouraged.
Tamaki shuddered and retched up a final glob of chunky puke. Finally the heavy pit in his stomach was gone, giving him some relief. He gagged dryly a few times from the taste in his mouth. Fatgum passed him a cup of water,, and he gratefully took it and rinsed his mouth out.
When he left the bathroom, he found that Kirishima was awake too, and had already cleared the soiled bedding off Tamaki's bunk. He turned and grinned when he saw the two of them. "Tamaki! How're you feeling, buddy?"
Tamaki gave a wobbly smile. "I...I'm better now. Th-thanks for fixing my bed up, you didn't...didn't have to-"
"Sure I did! You don't deserve to have to do chores while you're so sick." Kirishima responded lightly.
"Alright you two, hit the sack," Fatgum said. He laid a wastebin and a water bottle beside Tamaki's bunk, just in case. "We've got a couple more hours of sleep if we're lucky."
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amaamajiki · 4 years
i just want amajiki to eat me out rentlesly caus he can't her enouhg of my pussy 😥😭🥺
mini headcanons cause i’m thirsty
He’ll do, so much that you’ll end up so sensitive that you’d be begging for him to stop.
What makes it even hotter is that it’s not his actual intention? 
But he simply can’t get enough of your taste, and the breathy respiration that makes your chest rise in uneven patterns as you moan.
Or the way your eyes close in pleasure and your mouth parts cause he’s making you feel god.
And that drives him crazy, he just wants to please you, and he can’t help but get turned on about the way your legs shiver and you beging to pant.
And how your clit ends up all puffy and red and, what’s a man to do but continue teasing you cause it simply looks so tempting.
Basically, Tamaki Amajiki is the best pussy eater ever and will do so while having the most adorable but extremely hot blush creeping his ears.
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tamaji-ki · 4 years
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Tamaki looked at his torn cape in dismay. If the attack had been any bit closer...  With a sigh, he dropped it to settle behind him once more. No time to think like that. The police were here- he didn’t want to stay any longer than necessary.
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shinsyl · 7 years
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Suneater doodle!!
I just finished the new boku no hero academia chapter, and had the urge to draw Amajiki~~
Good night !!
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I drew the
The most relatable character ever
Tamaki Amajiki
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
Tobio Amajiki
Nicknames: Tobi, Furry
Hero Name: Animal Instinct Hero Animalia
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Birthday: October 12
Nationality: Japanese
Birthplace: Hyogo Prefecture
Occupation: Pro Hero
Affiliation: Gaia Agency
Family: Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Tomoe Amajiki (Elder sister)
Takara Amajiki (Older sister)
Tamaji Amajiki (Younger brother)
Tamaki Amajiki (Younger brother)
Mirai Mite (Wife)
Amarante Amajiki (Daughter)
Tokio Amajiki (Son)
Quirk: Animorph
Type: Transformation
Description: By eating the prime foods of an animal, the user can adopt both that animal's features and traits. Unlike Takara's Dietary, the user cannot fully become that animal; only adopting their traits and features. However, this Quirk is useful for different situations. For example, the user can eat the prime foods of a hawk then they can grow wings and adopt the vision of said bird. This allows him to fly and spot targets.
The morphed form does not interfere with the user's DNA, meaning they can turn back to human at will or necessity.
The user can morph into a different animal should the situation change. This allows them to be quick and fluid to escape danger.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @redhoodzuko
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