#alpha tamaki amajiki x reader
omegaworld · 2 years
Omega Program [alpha Tamaki Amajiki x omega reader ] - part 1
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Important to understand the context
In the universe of my hero academy omegas were quite discriminated against for being weak. Omegas heroes were almost pushy. With modern technology there were both scent and heat suppressants, although the latter were very harmful. In an attempt to pass on the genes of the best heroes the hero commission created an "omega program" where omegas could join to attend hero schools or be referred to one and find an alpha. Based on studies that a mate provides the stability that many aspiring heroes need. Although many omegas entered there in search of a comfortable life, some were really looking for a mate to love and be loved, while others were forced by their parents. Arranged marriages were quite common.
Part 1, Part 2 - Final
Word count: 1472
When Tamaki introduced himself as an alpha it was a surprise to everyone including himself. His alpha smell rivaled his calm and quiet attitude confusing most people.
Until his arrival at the UA his situation with the omegas was difficult, his deep shyness ended up disappointing most of them and at the beginning of his first year at the UA things didn't change much, in a school full of powerful alphas Tamaki ended up being even more unnoticed. He himself knew that he wasn't exactly the kind of alpha that an omega wanted.
It was when he joined the big three that things changed. Even while maintaining his shyness and meek attitude it was obvious to everyone that he was a strong and powerful standout alpha, even among everyone in the AU.
It was from this point on that several omegas started to declare themselves to the poor boy. Omegas began to confuse his shyness with the cliché cold and distant alpha and decided to be the one who would make the alpha warm up.
He felt terrible about rejecting all those omegas but deep down he knew the truth, they only wanted him because he was one of the big three. They still wanted an alpha with a strong attitude and not a shy, awkward one like him. If he accepted, they would just be disappointed and would dump him.
Tamaki was a quiet and meek alpha, insecure and embarrassed.
Y/n knew that. And Tamaki was exactly what she desired.
When she joined the UA Y/n omegas program she was terrified, alphas have always been a touchy subject for her and she feared most of them with their aggressive and possessive attitudes as if omegas were just territory to be defended and conquered.
In fact she didn't even want to join the program, it was her parents who insisted "if you have a strong alpha he will protect you and you will stop being afraid of others"...yes of course. They just wanted the benefits of their daughter having a hero known as an alpha.
Going into UA Y/n was frustrated with all those alphas and was almost determined to end the program without one.
It was only two weeks after school started that she saw him. An alpha with a delicious smell that made her inner omega purr, with shaggy purple hair and pointy ears that piqued her curiosity.
Fortunately she was able to meet the alpha many more times from then on, despite always keeping her distance she was able to learn that his name was Tamaki Amakiji, a shy and gentle alpha who was attending the first year hero course.
From that day she met him a year had flown by and Y/n was officially turned upside down by the alpha. Unlike others he didn't seem aggressive or scary and his shyness was extremely endearing to the omega. He was simply everything she had always desired from an alpha.
During the vacations Y/n decided that she would approach the alpha of her dreams in her sophomore year. It seemed easy at first but Tamaki quickly began to gain prominence among the school's alphas due to his abilities and expectations as a hero. Many omegas who previously wouldn't have been interested were now surrounding the alpha pushing Y/n into a corner.
It wasn't until the middle of the second year when Tamaki finally noticed Y/n. While walking around the school with Mirio and Nejire a small distressed groan from an omega sounded loudly in Tamaki's ear leaving him surprisingly alarmed. Turning to where the sound came from Tamaki lets out an inward growl as he sees the obviously frightened omega being cornered by an alpha. Following his gaze Mirio recognizes the omega and with an "oh it's Y/n again, I'll be right back" leaves the two behind.
Y/n had always been insecure about herself. She didn't exactly consider herself the best omega, or the prettiest, or smart with nothing to make her stand out.
Yet in this situation there was something that gave her a little confidence. The fact that all those omega's didn't want him for who he was, only for the future hero he might become, but she wanted him for the sweet alpha that he was. Still, that kept her at a distance from both Tamaki and any other alpha. It was Tamaki she wanted, she would not accept another.
"Y/n?" Tamaki asks Nejire and she explains "It's an omega from the show but since it doesn't have any alpha yet or even have the scent of one in it there are annoying alphas who decide to try their luck. As if cornering the poor thing is going to work."
Tamaki watches the scene as Mirio approaches and scares off the alpha that was pestering her. Getting up if the omega thanks Mirio, casting a glance with a quick smile at Tamaki and then leaving.
The smell of the omega was simply delightful and as he disappeared along with the omega an uneasy feeling was left in his chest knowing that sooner or later this situation would repeat itself for the little omega.
A few more weeks passed and Tamaki found himself constantly searching for the omega. Instead of being embarrassed and staring at the ground he found himself often oblivious to the crowd, only in search of the omega. These searches gave rise to several exchanges of glances where he found himself returning the sweet smiles she gave him.
Such attitudes did not go unnoticed by Mirio and Nejire, who were initially proud that their friend was able to face people but later realized that this was only because he was focused on a certain omega.
Tamaki was constantly lost in thoughts and memories of the small smiles he had received. As he walked alone through the halls of the AU her smell once again flooded his senses but this time the smell emanated fear which made Tamaki run in the direction of the smell
He quickly searches for the omega. Jaw clenched and fists clenched tightly when he spots an alpha too close that was pinning her against a wall.
Instinctively Tamaki moves towards her releasing a growl accompanied by a strong alpha scent, such attitudes quickly scare away the alpha who was harassing her.
Although she could already tell by the smell, Y/n smiles with tears in her eyes as she looks up and confirms that it was Tamaki.
He offers his hand and Y/n takes it being pulled up directly into Tamaki's arms who twitches her nose as she smells the other alpha on the omega. To his surprise she snuggles into him returning the hug, and he could swear he was mad but couldn't stop himself from starting to smell the omega who just purred lightly with her face buried in his chest further encouraging the alpha in him to continue his actions.
Y/n couldn't stop the small purr that escaped her lips. She had longed to smell him up close for so long and now here she was, buried in his chest as he spread his scent on her. Right now even a tomato would be envious of how red she was.
When the other alpha's scent could no longer be sensed Tamaki finally pulled away making himself aware of his actions and although embarrassed found himself unable to look away from the extremely blushing omega.
"S-sorry, his scent was on you and I just thought if I left my scent it would drive them away"
Y/n widens his eyes slightly "There's no need to apologize. I appreciate it quite a bit actually, by not having any alpha's scent on me I end up attracting quite a bit of attention. That alpha smelled bad but your smell is quite nice...I don't mind having it on me" the last part came out in a whisper but he was perfectly able to pick it up.
Tamaki has to muster all the courage he has left for what he is about to say "If you want I can do it more often, then they wouldn't bother you"
Y/n turns even redder and tries to contain the huge smile. With a slight nod she replies "I would be great"
With that Tamaki pulls her to him again, resting his chin on the top of her head to hide his blush and resumes his care gently covering her with more of his scent.
When they parted they each went on to their class and for the rest of the day Y/n radiated happiness. That night when Y/n lay in bed she was still purring loudly as she felt herself enveloped in Tamaki's scent, not only had the alpha she had always dreamed of saved her but he had smelled her and promised to do so again.
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omegaworldd · 2 years
Programa omega [Alfa Tamaki Amajiki x omega reader ] - parte 2 - final
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Importante para compreender o contexto
No universo de my hero academia ómegas eram bastante discriminados por serem fracos. Ómegas heróis eram quase insistentes. Com tecnologia moderna existiam supressores tanto de cheiro quanto de cio, apesar de estes últimos serem muito prejudiciais. Na tentativa de passar adiante os genes dos melhores heróis a comissão de heróis criou um “programa omega” onde omegas podiam ingressar para frequentarem escolas de heróis ou serem encaminhados para uma e encontrarem um alfa. Apoiando se em estudos de que um companheiro confere estabilidade de que muitos aspirantes a heróis necessitam. Apesar de muitos omegas lá entrarem em busca de uma vida confortável alguns realmente procuravam um companheiro para amar e ser amado, já outros eram forçados pelos pais. Casamentos arranjados eram bem comuns.
Parte 1, Parte 2 - Final
Desde aquela vez muitas outras se seguiram e não foi apenas S/n a ficar com o cheiro de Tamaki nela, o próprio alfa acabou por começar a ter o cheiro do ómega presente nele. Para alívio de ambos S/n deixou de ter problemas com outros alfas. Os momentos em que Tamaki cheirava S/n tornaram-se muito mais frequentes do que realmente era necessário e deram origem a várias tardes passadas na companhia um do outro para estudar ou simplesmente pela companhia.
Tamaki sentia-se extremamente relaxado na presença do ómega, era visível como ele tinha basicamente assumido a função de seu alfa. Mirio até começou a bater na porta do dormitório de Tamaki antes de entrar desde que ao entrar sem bater como de costume encontrou Tamaki e S/n aconchegados na cama dele. S/n sentada entre as pernas do alfa com as costas no peito dele e ele com os braços em volta da sua cintura e nariz enterrado no seu cabelo e pescoço diretamente no local da sua glândula de cheiro. Era difícil argumentar que eles não eram de facto companheiros.
Estava claro como a água para Mirio e Nejire que eles estavam apaixonados um pelo outro. Tamaki até dormiu á porta do dormitório de S/n quando ela estava no cio para afastar outros alfas! Ainda assim Tamaki e S/n mantiveram se neste estado de "apenas se cheirar para evitar outros alfas" por meses.
Foi no início do terceiro ano que os problemas surgiram.
Com a entrada de Tamaki para os big three diversos ómegas começaram a ignorar o ómega que emanava o cheiro do alfa e até o leve cheiro de ómega no alfa e iniciaram as suas tentativas de chamar a atenção do alfa.
S/n voltou a ser intimidada mas desta vez por outros ómegas que a queriam afastar de Tamaki lançado comentários maldosos que aos poucos destruíam a segurança que ela construiu na relação com o alfa. “Se ele te quisesse mesmo tinha te marcado” “como é que um alfa poderoso iria querer um ómega como tu”. Risos incessantes que a perseguiam e a atormentaram de noite.
Ainda assim ela nunca lhe contou, tudo começou para que ela deixasse de ser assediada e apesar de as coisas entre eles terem evoluído ela temia que ele se afastasse se soubesse que tinha voltado a ser intimidada por causa dele a cheirar.
Lentamente as palavras dos agressores entranhavam-se cada vez mais. 
E se ela realmente o estivesse a impedir de conseguir o ómega que ele queria?
Ele era um alfa muito gentil, talvez estivesse apenas a manter esta espécie de relação para a ajudar a livrar se dos outros alfas?
Com todos aqueles ómegas ele ainda a iria preferir? Ele realmente alguma vez a preferiu?
S/n tenta afastar as inseguranças e segurar as lágrimas. Encolhida a um canto S/n tentava acalmar-se enquanto segurava firmemente contra o peito uma linda caixa de bentō. Hoje era dia dos namorados, nos anos anteriores o seu cio calhou sempre nesta semana mas desta vez ela tinha tomado supressores para poder comparecer na escola.
Este era o último ano e ela queria no mínimo agradecer a Tamaki tudo o que fez por ela. Ao contrário dos típicos chocolates S/n trazia numa bonita caixa diversos bolinhos de polvo, veado, boi, porco, ameijoa, cobra e até planta carnívora. Os Bolinhos eram lindamente tostados e por cima de cada um deles estava um palito com um desenho a identificar de que era feito.
Mesmo sendo o dia dos namorados no dia seguinte haveria um treino importante para os alunos do 3 ano do curso de heróis e S/n achou que seria uma prenda ideal para Tamaki.
Enquanto S/n estava encolhida no canto em busca de coragem Tamaki procurava freneticamente pelo ómega. 
Ela tinha estado distante nas últimas semanas e agora provavelmente ele sabia o porquê. Ele tinha acabado de descobrir por Mirio sobre os ómegas que a andavam a intimidar graças á sua popularidade como alfa membro dos big three. Ele estava a cima de preocupado, especialmente com o facto dela não lhe ter contado. Ele era um mau alfa?...embora eles não fossem de facto companheiros, mas Tamaki tinha de admitir que se sentia e queria ser o seu alfa. Então continuava a preocupa-lo que ela não lhe tivesse contado algo assim.
Seguindo o cheiro ele encontrou-a agachada junto a uma parede e desce ao nível dela chamando carinhosamente "mega" um apelido que ele acabara por lhe dar.
Olhando para ele S/n estende rapidamente a caixa em sua direção com um "Feliz dia de São Valentim" a acompanhar. Curioso ele pega na caixa e abre a sobre o seu olhar “furtivo” e atento. Lá dentro ele observa diversos bolinhos do que ele supõe serem diferentes animais e plantas lindamente decorados e com um cheiro de dar água na boca. A sua inspeção é interrompida por um pedido de desculpa de S/n.
"Desculpa, não é chocolate nem nada mas eu achei que seria boa ideia visto que amanhã há aquele treino importante de que estavas sempre a falar e-"S/n hesita mas nesse ponto ela está domada pelas inseguranças" agradecer por teres tomado conta de mim este tempo todo, eu sei que provavelmente só estou a atrapalhar e a impedir te de ficar com o ómega que queres e-"
"Eu não posso ter um ómega como tu ou tu não queres ter um alfa como eu?"
S/n sente uma faca no coração ao ver a dor nos olhos de Tamaki.
"Não é isso Tama! És o melhor alfa que pode existir! És doce, carinhoso, gentil! Fazes me sentir segura como nunca pensei que fosse possível! Não é atoa que estou apaixonada por ti desde o primeiro ano!" A última parte escapa sem querer fazendo os dois corar e S/n continua mais calmamente pensando melhor nas suas palavras
"Eu só acho que és o melhor alfa do mundo e há todos aqueles ómegas que querem ser teus companheiros e eu não sou assim um ómega tão bom caso contrário já me terias marcado e eu só acho que poderias ter muito melhor-"
Tamaki não pode deixar de ficar furioso ao perceber de onde vinha toda esta fala.
"É isso que os ómegas que te andam a intimidar te dizem?" S/n lança um olhar assustado questionando se como ele sabe. Tamaki levantasse puxando S/n para cima ele coloca um braço ao redor da sua cintura pressionado só seus corpos juntos para poder sussurrar no seu ouvido
"E a marcação, se é esse o problema eu faço-o esta noite. És tu o ómega que quero. Se também me quiseres espero que me marques de volta como teu"
Quando ele se afastou S/n parecia um tomate sorridente e de coração inchado. Tamaki só era assim corajoso quando o assunto era bastante sério para ele e/ou ia contra os seus ideais. Além disso era extremamente comum ómegas serem marcados mas alfas não, então Tamaki querer que ela o marcasse trazia lagrimas aos seus olhos por ainda há uns minutos estar a duvidar dos sentimentos dele.
S/n assente levemente tomando coragem e colocando se em bicos dos pés para chegar aos lábios de Tamaki beijando-o docemente. O beijo foi tudo o que ambos sempre sonharam, carinhoso e apaixonado, transmitia perfeitamente os sentimentos que ambos tinham um pelo outro.
Quando Tamaki compareceu ao treino no dia seguinte uma onde de desânimo era notória por parte da plateia de ómegas que observaram que o ómega que antes exibia apenas o cheiro do alfa agora possuía uma marca bem no local de ligação que obviamente pertencia a Tamaki. Era em momentos como este treino que se notava a influência de S/n em Tamaki, mesmo que estivesse muita gente a observá-lo ele ainda se sentia calmo pois sabia que o seu ómega estava bem ali. Tal influencia foi ainda mais notória hoje pois tendo a feito oficialmente sua o alfa senti a se extremamente seguro. 
Mirio sendo o bom amigo que é decidiu ajudar Tamaki e S/n a livrarem-se completamente de possíveis ómegas demasiado burros e insistentes, mostrando a todos o que ele tinha visto no balneário quando se equipava com Tamaki e que agora infelizmente não estava á vista.
Com um golpe particularmente forte Mirio foi capaz de rasgar no pescoço o fato de herói de Tamaki tornando visível a marca que o reclamava como alfa de S/n. Nesse momento um couro desiludido foi ouvido e Tamaki lançou um sorriso constrangido para S/n que o devolveu com uma leve vermelhidão.
Daquele dia em diante todos sabiam que S/n e Tamaki eram companheiros. Tamaki por ser ele próprio era o alfa que S/n sempre sonhou e S/n por ser ela era tudo o que Tamaki sempre desejou. Ela era o seu porto de abrigo e mesmo que ainda não gostasse de multidões ele conseguiu confiança para não ter de se virar para uma parede.
Durante anos estiveram sempre lá um para o outro e acabaram por ter uma filha e um filho que eram a cara do pai e herdaram a sua peculiaridade.
Mais um caso de sucesso do programa de ómegas da UA.
Notas: Se quiserem podem solicitar mais personagens alfas que desejem ver encontrar um parceiro com o programa ómega. Como sempre a imagem não me pertence, encontrei a no pinterest por  @Deanbastard.
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spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 4 months
𝙰𝚖𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚔𝚒 𝚃𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒 - 𝙰𝙱𝙾 𝙿𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚖𝚎𝚐𝚊
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ft A!Kiri, A!Fatgum, A!Mirio, B!Midoriya, B!Nejire, B!Tsu; Pack Alpha!Tamaki
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: I do not own BNHA or its characters, all credit goes to its creators and actors
WC: 1,885
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: probably cringey, 1(one) use of “Y/n”, obligatory exhibitionism/public sex warning (Series Warning)
𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔦 𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢: I’m gonna be entirely honest, I don’t remember much about writing this one because I was high off my ass for most of it lmao unfortunately I’m also not super satisfied with this one but at least some of y’all seem to like this!
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I panted as I bounced my hips back against Tamaki’s. He gripped my hips and used that as leverage to thrust his hips forward slightly, meeting my hips and letting his balls slap against Eijirou’s. Eijirou laid beneath me, his hands planted firmly on my tits, worshiping and laving over them with his rough tongue. Their scents enveloped me and hazed my mind further with their dominating and arousing scents mixing together, mingling with my own submissive and exultant one.
Both of their cocks slid hard and fast, in and out of me, filling me perfectly and stretching me with such a delicious burn. My eyes rolled to the back of my head when Tamaki rammed exactly into my cervix, making me lose sight of the rest of my pack.
Mirio, Izuku, Nejire, and Tsu all sat on the edge of my nest enjoying the show that our Alphas and I were putting on after already having had their rounds of pleasure with me. Each of their scents clung to me and permeated the air, filling it with the smell of sex, lust, sweat, and slick. Suddenly Taishirou took his place and kneeled in front of me, lifting my head to see his warm smile, a contrast from just how roughly he prefers to ravish my body.
“You ready, ‘Mega?” He asked and once he received a nod, he guided my lips to his rock-hard dick. Taking him in, he wasted no time in thrusting in, immediately breaching my throat. I gagged and convulsed for only a moment before I recomposed myself and breathed through my nose, “Good job, sweetheart..” He groaned out, keeping his cock down my throat for another moment before pulling back and letting me bob my head over his shaft. He let out a satisfied scent and mixed his Alpha pheromones with the other two surrounding me like a cocoon.
I moaned out around his length when I felt one of Tamaki’s hands leave my waist and made contact with my clit. He rubbed in tight circles and even slid his fingers down to massage where my cunt was so stretched full.
“Fuck… Alpha, she feels amazing… Tastes fantastic, too..” I heard Ei growl out against my skin, making sure to be loud enough that Tamaki could hear him.
“You’re right.. Kami, she feels fantastic..” Tamaki growled out in response, his instincts having taken over and left no room for timidity, “You hear that, baby? Fuck, you’re so good for us, you know? Fuck- So fucking good..” The sound of his cursing sent waves of more arousal through me and straight to my stretched cunt. In lieu of being able to answer, I simply let out whorish moans around the thick cock penetrating my throat.
From all the different sensations, Eijirou and Tamaki both pounding into me from behind, Tama’s fingers furiously rubbing over my clit, and Tai’s cock filling my mouth, I was sent hurdling over the edge. My 3rd orgasm since we began wracked through me and made my slick gush around two of my mates. My scent was that of a satisfied Omega, happy and content to be filled so well by my Alphas.
“Fuuuck, even I felt that, sweetheart..” Tai’s accented voice called from above me, his hand stroking over my hair to soothe me from my heightened senses. Tama’s fingers still slid over my clit but they let up a bit. Though the assault on my insides never ceased, I felt the base of Tama and Ei’s cocks begin to swell, signaling that their knots were forming. It seemed I wasn’t the only one to notice as I heard a short whine from the edge of my nest.
From his position below me, I felt Ei turn his head at the sound. ‘Must have been Izuku, then,’ my muddled mind was able to produce, the answer being confirmed when I smelled his wanton and desperate scent, practically begging for relief.
Glancing out the side of my eye, I could see Mirio take position behind his boyfriend and roughly slam into him, producing another loud whine, though this one was far lewder. Beside them, I could see Tsu ravaging Nejire’s pussy, her tongue likely buried deep inside her, reaching all of her sensitive spots. The sight of the rest of my pack, and partners, aroused me even further and had me focussing even more on the feeling of Tama and Ei’s growing knots.
Tama’s hand still on my waist gripped tighter as his pleasure grew from the feeling of his knot rubbing over the edge of my hole. His tight grip was sure to bruise but I was happy for that. More evidence that he’s who I belong to, such being reflected in my scent of happiness and longing. In my excitement, I circled my hips against my Alphas plowing into me.
“‘Mega.. Oh, Kami- ‘Mega, you feel so good. So good, my little Omega..” Tamaki started panting behind me. He leaned forward and pressed his chest against my back, never relenting his hard thrusts that reached the deepest parts of me, alongside Eijirou. His fingers started to work my clit harder again as he sucked and nipped at his Claim on my scent gland. He began to move upward, kissing up my jaw, and pressed a kiss to the apple of my cheek.
“My perfect little Omega.. Such a good girl.” He groaned into my ear, pressing a sweet, soft kiss to my temple. “Are you feeling good, Bunny?” He muttered softly, his sweetness persisting even though his Alpha instincts were in full effect.
“Mhmm! Mhmm!!” I cried out around Tai’s large cock that continued to bob in and out of my throat. The vibrations of my moans made Tai let out his own growled moans, keeping his hand steady, though gently, planted in my hair.
Tama pressed sweet, wet kisses to my scent gland again before he bit into it, right over his Claim, and sent another shockwave of pleasure through me, making me cry out as much as I could. I had been so focussed on the sensation of Tamaki laving over my scent gland and the dual cocks pounding into my fertile cunt that I hadn’t even realized Tai’s knot had formed. He made sure to never pop it inside my mouth but he continued to thrust into my mouth until I felt his hot cum shoot down my throat. He slid his cock out of my mouth and rested back on his haunches, panting as if he’d just run a marathon, and looking at me with lidded eyes filled with love. A scent of pure satisfaction emanated from him, making me chirp and purr in pride that I could properly satisfy my Alpha.
“Feel so perfect. So fucking perfect..” I felt, more than heard, Ei mumble around my nipple that he had clasped in his lips, staying cautious of his teeth. The more he sucked and groped at my tits, the more pleasure shot through my being. Tamaki’s thrusts got harder and faster as he approached his knot completely inflating. Ei cried out at the feeling of Tamaki’s cock dragging so hard and fast that it seemed to accelerate his knot’s growth.
The taste of Tai’s cum and the feeling of Ei’s assault on my breasts alongside Tamaki’s cock ramming into me with his head almost kissing my cervix had my eyes rolling to the back of my head as yet another orgasm claimed me, loud purrs vibrating my chest from the pleasure. My tightening cunt seemed to send Tama and Eiji hurdling to their end as they both popped their knots inside my cunt, almost immediately shooting their loads into me.
“Alpha!!!!” I screamed out in pleasure as I finally felt their hot seed filling me up and making my stomach swell even more from how full they made me. Not a single drop of their cum escaped from where both their knots were settled inside me, efficiently plugging me up and tying us together.
“You did so well, Y/n. Such a perfect Omega for us. You took all our cum inside you.” Tamaki said into my ear, his hand sliding up to where my stomach was bulging out, “Can you feel us? Right here. Our cum is all right here in your womb..” He muttered, pressing soothing kisses to his Claim which I could only assume was an angry red from his bite. A scent of satisfaction, happiness, and joy rolled off me in waves, accompanied by content purring and small chirps.
“Wanna be good.. Wanna be good for you.. Alpha..” I weakly muttered, turning my head to capture his lips in a wet, sloppy kiss. I faintly recognized Ei’s hands shifting to run soothingly up and down my sides, making sure to lightly massage any sore spots from rougher treatment, the softness shifting my purr from one of simple contentment to pure happiness from my Alpha caring for me.
“And you’re perfect, Omega. So, so perfect.” Tama responded, pressing another sweet kiss to my lips, “C’mere..” He started to shift us all gently to be laying on our sides, our legs tangled in a mess of limbs as their knots were still firmly locked inside me. At even the slightest movement, I whimpered in overstimulation from my abused cunt, still stretched almost too full.
At hearing my whimper, all of my pack immediately had their attention zeroed in on me. Their instincts were all screaming to protect me and ensure I’m alright. Sweet, soothing kisses were pressed to my shoulder and face by Tamaki and Eiji respectively as we finally got settled.
Only once Tamaki, our Head Alpha, gave the okay, did the rest of our pack move in to form a cuddle pile. Tai slid behind Ei and comfortably fit himself against his back, wrapping his long arm all the way around to hold Tamaki’s waist, using his other hand to reach and stroke my hair.
Nejire and Tsu curled up by our heads, Tai’s head ending up laid over Nejire’s stomach and Tsu laying mirroring her girlfriend, her fingers stroking lightly over my arm. They both pressed soft kisses to the top of my head and let out soothing chirps which I automatically returned.
Miri laid on his back, his side pressing against Tama with his head resting on Tsu’s thighs. Izu quickly moved to get supplies we would need to clean up and recover before slotting himself into Miri’s side, nestling into him and happily breathing his scent.
The combined scents of my pack and the sound of a collective purring all lulled me into a sense of security and calmness. Happiness wafted through the air in my scent, being met with happiness and love from the different scents surrounding me.
“My perfect little Omega,” Tamaki whispered, his instincts calming and letting his timidity resurface, though it seemed to be drowned out by exhaustion, happiness, and his ambient instincts to care for his Omega. I let out an answering chirp and rubbed over his head which he nestled into the crook of my neck, laying soft kisses to his Claim.
I let out another chirp of happiness to my Mates and my pack which they all readily returned before I drifted off into a comfortable sleep.
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cheekykitsune · 2 years
On-Call Desserts
Yes, the title had to be related. Necessity.
Anywho, make sure you let me know what you think of this long ass scenario! Please, fuel my dumbassery. Three scenarios so close together has been fucking exhausting but I am, trying my best!
OH YEAH! There is also some MILD Drug use. It’s explained, and it’s pills. No needles. Read at own risk.
Cheeky Kitsune 🦊💋
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“Hey, Tamaki? It’s Mirio”
You watched Mirio curiously, remaining seated on the kitchen table with a hand rubbing at your modestly sore throat; deciding to stay quiet so that you might be able to work out how things would pan out.
“I know your shift just finished, but see, the thing is that (Name) just went into heat and sh—”
Mirio stopped speaking for a moment, leaning down to press a tender kiss on your forehead before leaning back; his hand resting on top of your head while you assumed Tamaki spoke on the other end of the phone.
“Look, I was trying to tell you that we wanted to see if you’d join us.”
You looked away the moment Mirio sent a wink in your direction, a low chuckle following your reaction; causing you to kick at his leg lightly. A soft gasp escaping you when the hand on your head moved to tangle in your hair roughly, giving a firm yank until you found yourself staring up at the ceiling with Mirio’s mouth against your throat and the mark that he had left behind on you.
“No. It isn’t a joke. I want you to fuck my little Omega while I watch…knot her, breed her…I don’t care, neither does she. You should see how fucking wet she is right now Tamaki, all because you might come fuck her in front of me”
 You let out a soft whine as he spoke, unable to argue with a single word he said; your slick pooling between your thighs at just the thought of having Tamaki use you like you were his.
 “Thirty minutes? No worries. See you then buddy.”
 Mirio hung up the phone promptly, throwing it across the room moments before laying you back down on the table, his erection rubbing against your slick-covered folds and dragging a needy moan from your lips. One that you couldn’t hold back.
 “Guess that means I have thirty minutes to fuck you senseless without his help…what do you think Sunflower? Can you keep up?” You moaned at his question as he grabbed a hold of your hips with both hands, promptly burying his cock deep inside of you; his knot twitching slightly as he pressed it against your folds, still not fully recovered from having you soothe his erection mere minutes ago.
 “Use your words baby, I know you can…” Mirio tailed off, cooing the words down at you as you stared up at him through half-lidded eyes; soft mewls and needy whines escaping you each time you tried to silence yourself.
 “I…can keep up with you Alpha, I can…so please…”
 He smiled down at you lovingly, leaning down to kiss you with a tenderness he usually reserved for when you were ready to cuddle in your nest before the next rounds of wild fucking resumed.
 “Alright my little Omega, I’ll spoil you for the next thirty minutes…because when Tamaki gets here, I’m going to be very, very selfish when it comes to using you for our needs.” You couldn’t help but nod your head slowly at his honeyed promise, the mere thought of what was to come enough to fill you with more energy that you would need to burn off.
 “Good girl…”
~  ~  ~
  “Alright Sunflower, that should be Tamaki now…but you need to wait right here, alright?”
  You let out a soft whimper of understanding as Mirio leaned away from your vulnerable form on top of the kitchen table, pulling his thankfully deflated knot out of your slick-covered folds with a loud, wet pop; the sound sending a shiver through your spine.
  “Good girl” Mirio offered you a quietly spoken praise while adjusting his pants, moments before you were left alone in the kitchen; familiar voices on the other side of the very wall you were stuck looking at with your head hanging over the edge of the table making your body burn with desire, even though your Alpha had just finished fucking you.
  That wasn’t even counting the fact that he had started out by going down on you, nor you taking his dick down your throat.
  “Hey Tamaki, thanks for coming man! You should’ve seen her when I suggested this, desperate for it. Weren’t you baby?”
  You gave a slight nod of your head as the two Alphas entered your line of sight. Mirio wearing a shit-eating grin after having just over-filled you with his thick seed and Tamaki staring down at you with such a hunger, you were almost afraid to speak.
  “And you’re sure this is okay? She’s your Omega Mirio…I don’t want to overstep” Tamaki growled out his concerns as he approached with slow steps, your eyes glued to the impressive bulge in his pants; no doubt the sight of you sprawled out like you were, combined with the sickly sweet scent of your heat being the cause.
  “We talked about it before calling you, she’s eager and the idea of watching you fuck her has my knot throbbing” Mirio made the remark without putting too much thought into it, all of his attention focused solely and Tamaki and the way he approached your ready form.
  “But not on the table, poor thing will be broken by the time we’re done if we don’t move to the bedroom” You sent Mirio a thankful look as Tamaki nodded his head in agreement, strong arms sliding under your back and behind your knees; lifting you into the capable arms of the pro-hero that was about to knot you in front of your own Alpha.
  “The bedroom, right?” Mirio nodded in response to Tamaki’s question, following after you quickly while Tamaki made his way through the house. Almost as if he owned the place.
  “I’m kind of surprised that you were so open to the idea though Tamaki, didn’t think it was something you’d be interested in” Tamaki smiled down at you as Mirio spoke, his hold on your already tired body tightening ever-so-slightly before loosening almost immediately. You weren’t sure why, but the small act of affection had your heart thundering inside of your chest.
  “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about doing something similar to her, Mirio.” Tamaki deposited you onto the bed as he spoke, half-turning his body to look at Mirio as you got yourself comfortable; a mix of Mirio’s seed and your own slick coating your folds, dripping down onto the once clean sheets.
  “Oh? Well maybe if you do a good job fucking her, I might consider sharing her with you in a more permanent fashion…if she agrees of course”
  Your cheeks burned at the very idea of having two Alphas to yourself constantly, the number of times you would be knotted during your heats, or perhaps if you simply craved it. The warmth at night. Endless possibilities and all of them choosing now to rush through your head.
  “Then I can do what I want to her right? Since you get a front row seat?” Tamaki gave a vague gesture to the head of the bed, which is exactly where Mirio settled himself in; now completely naked, with his legs spread and a large hand loosely holding onto his cock, giving lazy tugs that had beads of precum rolling down from the tip along the underside of his dick.
  “Tamaki, enjoy yourself. (Name) will let you know if she needs you to stop. Won’t you Sunflower?” You nodded your head at Mirio’s mention of you, your eyes glued to Tamaki’s hands as they peeled away the clothes that hid a delightful show of muscle that came from years of training to become a pro-hero.
  “Then sit up for me (Name). Just for a second…” Tamaki trailed off as you obeyed his request, leaning up towards him the moment he started to lower himself to your level; his soft, warm lips stealing yours in a surprisingly demanding kiss.
  His large hand moving to support the nape of your neck while he lowered you back down onto the bed, his tongue expertly working its way inside of your mouth before tangling with your own; stealing every breath you had ever taken with the intensity of the kiss.
  It was different to how Mirio would kiss you and yet, at the same time, you found yourself enjoying both as much as the other.
  “Fuck…did she just whimper Tamaki? Did you get her whimpering from a kiss?”
  You gasped in the oxygen you desperately needed while Tamaki pulled his head back, using the opportunity to look back at Mirio who continued to lazily stroke his cock.
  “I guess I did…” Tamaki trailed off with a smile as he turned your head back to face him, his lips colliding with yours once again while his hands moved to your cum covered thighs, spreading them so that he could nestle himself between them; his long cock dragging over your sensitive folds, easily making you whine out a moan that was music to their ears.
  “I can’t wait to bury my knot inside of you (Name), you’ll look so cute stretched around it, begging me to breed you in front of your Alpha” The low rumbled words the left Tamaki’s mouth as he trailed searing kisses down your neck made you squirm beneath him; gasping out when you felt the tip of his dick slide past your folds, sitting against your entrance so snuggly, that you couldn’t stop yourself from wondering how good he would feel if you were to simply act as a cockwarmer once your body demanded a break from the exhausting business that was having to keep up with two Alphas.
  Tamaki’s hands moved from your thighs, up to your own hands. His fingers lacing between yours as he pinned your arms above your head; a slow roll of his hips filling you to the brim with every inch of his dick, the head of his cock pressing up against your cervix lightly. Just enough to pull a soft moan from your swelling lips, enough to let you know what he could do to you if he so chose.
  “Before you get started, Tamaki…” Mirio’s voice broke the trance that Tamaki had settled on you, causing you to blink rapidly while tilting your head to look towards the love of your life; becoming confused when you noticed him rummaging through the bedside table. A quiet hum filling the silence.
  “Do you remember the other week when we were on patrol…when we found those low-life Alphas trading Omegas, along with the drugs they used to put themselves into a lust-fuelled craze?” The words that left Mirio’s mouth made you gulp nervously, a shameful burst of excitement igniting deep within you as your mind pieced together what your Alpha was getting at.
  “Wait, you kept those?”
  Mirio snorted in response as he returned to his position at the head of the bed, holding up a small orange pill bottle with what seemed to be a legitimate label on the front of it; a wide grin on the blonde Alpha’s features.
  “No, I didn’t…but I did have the agency do a thorough check on what they were. Turns out they’re safe. It’s a drug you can get with a script from any doctor. Those morons were over-dosing, it’s supposed to enhance heats and ruts, induce them even” Mirio hummed out the explanation while opening the bottle, downing a single pill before either you or Tamaki could say anything to stop him.
  “I tried one the other day after a long shift. (Name) took five of my knots before we both crashed on the couch, my knot still stuck inside of her…a real mess when we woke up, but a good time none-the-less” With that said, Mirio held a pill against Tamaki’s lips, giving you the perfect view to watch the still hesitant man take it into his mouth; swallowing before he could get a real taste for it.
  “For a minute, I thought I was going to have to take you to the police and fuck (Name) through her heat without you” Tamaki muttered the remark dryly, dark eyes dropping to your lips as Mirio sat back against the headrest; the orange bottle of pills discarded amongst the sheets while he enjoyed the show, his hand wrapping around his throbbing cock with a little more effort this time. Slow, steady strokes becoming the new favourite rhythm for the moment.
  “Not likely. I’m a hero Tamaki, a pro, just like you are. I wouldn’t have it if it weren’t completely legal and safe to use…now shut the fuck up and fuck my Omega” Mirio’s voice dipped out of the usual happy-go-lucky tone that he usually carried, instead a deep hunger filling his voice; one that you recognised from the other night when he completely destroyed your body with his rough fucking.
  Instead of crying out in pleasure when Tamaki gave a harsh thrust of his hips, you found yourself unable to make any noise what-so-ever; Tamaki’s tongue once again invading your mouth and stealing your ability to breathe properly.
  Having to cope with a few quick gasps here and there whenever the now starving Alpha decided to kiss, or nip somewhere else. Somehow finding all the sensitive, still-healing bitemarks that Mirio had left on your body from the countless times he had fucked you in your new home.
  “That’s it Tamaki, fuck her like she’s your Omega. Get her addicted to your knot, make her beg for it” 
  You whimpered out loudly at the already addictive sensations while Tamaki’s pace continued to grow wilder and wilder with each new thrust of his hips; the pill that Mirio had given him kicking in faster than anyone had expected. Though that could be due to the nature of his quirk, you weren’t entirely sure.
  You also found yourself unable to care.
  Your broken cry of pleasure had the Alpha’s in the room snarling in appreciation, your sounds of delight fuelling them both. Mirio’s strokes growing sloppy and desperate while Tamaki fucked you senseless, his teeth leaving behind deep marks that would take time to heal from what you could tell at that moment.
  “Fuck…fuck you and those pills Mirio!” Tamaki snarled out in such an unexpected way as his hips moved harder and faster, each of his thrusts rocking your entire body deeper into the mattress; the head of his cock almost constantly hitting up against your cervix while his quickly inflating knot began to catch at your entrance until suddenly he was unable to pull out of you anymore.
  Only able to rut himself up against your body as his knot locked him into place, his hot seed filling you without warning; the sensation of having him constantly pressed up against your most sensitive part inside of you enough to make your back arch and your lips part in the form of a loud moan of ecstasy.
  Long enough for your horny Alpha to drop a single pill into your mouth, his throbbing cock soon following and making you swallow the pill; any questions you might have had thrown out the window as your Alpha began to thrust his hips; fucking your throat like he had done earlier the very same day.
  “Let go of her hands!” Mirio snarled out the command to Tamaki, who complied immediately so that Mirio could guide your hands to the pulsing knot that he had left unattended. Purely for this moment if his thrusts were anything to go by.
  “Squeeze baby. You want your orgasm right? You want to be so full that you can curl up with your Alphas and sleep off the exhaustion with a satisfied grin? Then you need to fucking swallow every drop of my cum, right now.”
  Mirio’s growled out instruction had you clenching around Tamaki’s still throbbing knot, earning a low curse of enjoyment from him while you squeezed and rubbed at Mirio’s knot. Desperate to please both men above you, managing to breathe through your nose well enough to cope with the way Mirio kept thrusting his hips. Using you as much as he could without breaking you.
  “Are you sure she can handle…us like this? If we hurt her…” You could hear Tamaki above you as you continued to do as Mirio had asked, a strangely pleasant warmth beginning to settle in your body as you did; he sensation different to your usual heats and yet more intense all at once.
  “That’s why I gave her a pill after we had ours…it’ll hit her different and hard. Harder than us, the sooner we get our first knots down, the sooner we can exhaust her” Mirio’s hands moved to your jaw as he spoke, his touch rough and loving all at once; making you moan around his dick in the most encouraging way you could manage with his non-stop pace.
  “I swear to god…she’s ours now. Not yours. Ours. I’m never gonna be able to forget the way she takes my knot”
  You could feel your cheeks burn at Tamaki’s growled out words, Mirio’s laughter following soon after; though his thrusts didn’t stop. It was the opposite really.
  The more his knot swelled between your hands, the harsher he became until finally, his hips gave a sudden jerk, his thick knot pressing up against your lips as much as he could manage without forcing his knot inside your mouth.
  Mirio’s hot, thick cum invading your throat as you desperately tried to swallow every last drop. Just like he told you to; your hands moving slower but with more force, wanting to milk your Alpha of everything he had to offer you.
  “Holy shit…”
  “I know, she’s a little bundle of perfection that just wants her Alphas to be happy.”
  You rolled your hips at the praise Mirio gave you, nearly choking on his cum when Tamaki’s hips bucked with a force you weren’t prepared for. Obviously enjoying your little manoeuvre, a little too much.
  “Careful, she might be a good cook sleeve for us but making her choke on my dick at this angle is a bit mean…” Mirio’s thumb brushed over your throat as he spoke, the action a temporary show of affection until you no longer had his dick in your mouth; you knew that once his knot went down, Mirio would praise you and spoil you with everything you needed once you had done as you were told.
  It didn’t used to work like that, in the beginning of your relationship with him. But over the years your Alpha had worked out what works best to keep you happy and you sure as hell weren’t going to argue with it.
  “It was an accident, I’m sorry (Name)...I’ll make it up to you as soon as my knot goes down, bunny. I promise.”
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queentheweeb · 1 year
MHA Masterlist
Started: 06/04/2023 or 04/06/2023
Edited: 06/19/2023 or 19/06/2023
Male Readers:
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Denki Kaminari X Shy Male Reader
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 1
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 2
Denki Kaminari X Male Reader
Ejiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
Fumikage Tokoyami X Shy Male Reader
Tamaki Amajiki X Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Hanta Sero X Trans FtM Reader
Hitoshi Shinso x Autistic Neko Male Reader
Correctional Officer Izuku X Male Prisoner Reader
Hawks X Autistic Male Reader
Female Readers:
Shota Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
Mirko X Female Reader
Bully Midoriya X Female Reader X Victim Bakugo
Hound Dog X Female Reader
Flirty Izuku X POC Mid-sized Female Reader
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
Izuku X POC Female Reader (Xmas Edition)
Midnight X Female Reader
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
Bakugo X Skinny Dysphoric Fem Reader X Shoto
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 1
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 2
Ejiro Kirishima X Shy Female Reader
Yandere Overhaul X Female Reader
Overhaul X Female Reader X Chronostasis
Tomura Shigaraki X Villain Female Reader
Kirishima X Mute Female Reader X Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki X Autistic Female Reader
All Might X Quirkless Autistic Female Reader
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
Gang Orca X Fem Reader Pt. 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Finale
GN Readers:
Yandere Edgeshot X GN Reader
Best Jeanist X GN Reader
Jiro X GN Reader X Momo
Mezo Shoji X GN Little Reader X Ojiro
Bakugo X Non-binary Reader X Izuku
Asui Tsuyu X Non-binary Reader
Tenya Iida X Non-binary Tourette's Reader
Mina X GN Reader X Ochako Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki X GN Reader
Shouta Aizawa x GN Pro Hero Reader
Character X Character
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Ejiro Kirishima
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Mezo Shoji
Alpha Hitoshi Shinso X Omega Denki Kaminari
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Koji Koda
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Alpha Ejiro Kirishima X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Alpha Koji Koda X Omega Mezo Shoji
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plussizeficchick · 1 year
70 notes · View notes
mackjlee9 · 2 years
Boku no Hero Academia
Todoroki Shouto x God!Male!Reader
Midoriya Izuku x BigFour!Male!Reader
Whiny!Bakugou Katsuki x Male!Reader
Takami Keigo (Hawks) x Male!Reader
Omega!Bakugo Katsuki x Alpha!Male!Reader
Midoriya Izuku x Sick!Male!Reader
Bakugou Katsuki x Male!Reader
Amajiki Tamaki x Top!Male!Reader
Bakugou Katsuki x Werewolf!Male!Reader / pt.ii
Chisaki Kai (Overhaul) x Top!Male!Reader
Bunny!Midoriya Izuku x Dragon!Male!Reader
Heat!Bunny!Midoriya Izuku x Wolf!Male!Reader
Takami Keigo (Hawks) x Fanboy!Male!Reader
Pro-Hero!lida Tenya x Villain!Male!Reader
Omega!Aizawa Shota x Alpha!Male!Reader
Todoroki Shouto x Top!Male!Reader / pt.ii (a&f)
Aizawa Shouta x Student!Male!Reader
Monoma Neito x Top!Male!Reader
Shinso Hitoshi x Top!Male!Reader
Pro-Hero!Bakugou Katsuki x Top!Male!Reader
Takami Keigo (Hawks) x Top!Male!Reader
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thehusbandoden · 10 months
Masterlist | Requesting Rules | About me | What I'm Working on | You can tip me here
Hi! I'm Brain Damage, I'm under eighteen and enjoy writing. I write a lot of different things, but I only post x reader (and possibly character x character) here. I have some rules (here's a link for you) but other than those I'll write pretty much anything.
Feel free to ask me anything via request, comment, or message. Have a great day and know that you're loved <33
Requests open <33
You can now donate to this link for tips/donations <3
The characters in the masterlists are now organized alphabetically <3
Recently Written:
"Imoto" Alt. Ending -Inlove!Bakugo Katsuki x Heartbroken!Reader
"Imoto" -Inlove!Bakugo Katskuki x Oblivious!Reader
You Sing "Soft Kitty" to Them When They're Sick -MHA Villains
MHA Men When You're Sick -Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, and Hawks (separately ofc)
M'love -Alpha Mate!Shoto Todoroki x Female!Omega Reader
My personal favorites:
You Flinch During an Argument -Kirishima Ejiro
Just Let me Explain -Husband!Loid Forger x Wife!Reader
Cold -Shigaraki Tomura x Reader
Reader's Favorites:
You Flinch During an Argument -Hawks x reader
You Flinch During an Argument -Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
(tysm for 300+ <33)
Worth Checking Out:
Lonesome Nights -Dabi x Reader
Panic Attack -Amajiki Tamaki x Reader
And Nothing Else Matters - Husband!Loid Forger x Wife!Reader
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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gojou-violin · 11 months
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✧ fanfics ✧ | perfect timing ~ poly!todobaku | deku and his toy ~ izuku midoriya | happy birthday, darling ~ keigo takami | number one fan ~ masaki mizushima (manual) | baby bunny boy ~ bunny!hybrid izuku midoriya | catch your breath ~ tamaki amajiki
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✧ headcanons ✧ | alpha!bakugo x omega!reader x alpha!shoto 1 (manga spoilers) | alpha!bakugo x omega!reader x alpha!shoto 2 | yandere!shigaraki | eating you out | shigaraki's fingers
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✧ links ✧ | kitty | training | counting | scratches | gauze | switch
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| last updated: 25 july 2023
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omegaworld · 2 years
Omega Program [alpha Tamaki Amajiki x omega reader ] - part 2 - final
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Important to understand the context
In the universe of my hero academy omegas were quite discriminated against for being weak. Omegas heroes were almost pushy. With modern technology there were both scent and heat suppressants, although the latter were very harmful. In an attempt to pass on the genes of the best heroes the hero commission created an "omega program" where omegas could join to attend hero schools or be referred to one and find an alpha. Based on studies that a mate provides the stability that many aspiring heroes need. Although many omegas entered there in search of a comfortable life, some were really looking for a mate to love and be loved, while others were forced by their parents. Arranged marriages were quite common.
Part 1, Part 2 - Final
Word count: 1505
Since that time many others have followed and it wasn't just Y/n getting Tamaki's scent on her, the alpha himself eventually began to get the smell of the omega present on him. To the relief of both of them Y/n stopped having problems with other alphas. The times when Tamaki smelled Y/n became much more frequent than was really necessary and gave rise to several afternoons spent in each other's company to study or simply for the company.
Tamaki felt extremely relaxed in the presence of the omega, it was apparent how he had basically taken over the role of his alpha. Mirio even started knocking on Tamaki's dorm door before entering since upon entering without knocking as usual he found Tamaki and Y/n snuggled on his bed. Y/n sitting between the alpha's legs with her back on his chest and him with his arms around her waist and nose buried in her hair and neck directly at the site of her scent gland. It was hard to argue that they were not in fact mates.
It was clear as water to Mirio and Nejire that they were in love with each other. Tamaki even slept outside Y/n's dormitory door when she was in heat to ward off other alphas! Yet Tamaki and Y/n remained in this state of "just sniffing each other to avoid other alphas" for months.
It was at the beginning of the third year that problems arose.
With Tamaki joining the big three several omegas began to ignore the omega emanating the smell of the alpha and even the slight smell of omega on the alpha and began their attempts to get the alpha's attention.
Y/n was once again bullied but this time by other omega's who wanted to get her away from Tamaki by throwing nasty comments that slowly destroyed the security she had built in her relationship with the alpha. "If he really wanted you he would have tagged you" "how would a powerful alpha want an omega like you". Incessant laughter haunted her and plagued her at night.
Still she never told him, it all started so she would stop being harassed and although things between them had evolved she feared he would pull away if he knew she had been bullied again because of him snorting.
Slowly the assailants words became more and more entrancing.
What if she really was preventing him from getting the omega he wanted?
He was a very gentle alpha, maybe he was just maintaining this sort of relationship to help her get rid of the other alphas?
With all those omegas would he still prefer her? Did he really ever prefer her?
Y/n tries to push away the insecurities and hold back the tears. Curled up in a corner Y/n was trying to calm herself as she held a beautiful bentō box tightly against her chest. Today was Valentine's Day, in previous years her heat always fell on this week but this time she had taken suppressants so she could attend school.
This was her senior year and she wanted to at the very least thank Tamaki for all he had done for her. Unlike the typical chocolates Y/n brought in a beautiful box several cupcakes made of octopus, venison, ox, pig, clam, snake and even carnivorous plant. The cupcakes were beautifully toasted and on top of each one was a toothpick with a drawing identifying what it was made of.
Even though it was Valentine's Day the next day there would be an important training session for the 3rd year hero students and Y/n thought it would be an ideal gift for Tamaki.
While Y/n was cowering in the corner searching for courage Tamaki frantically searched for the omega.
She had been distant for the past few weeks and now he probably knew why. He had just found out from Mirio about the omega who had been bullying her thanks to his popularity as an alpha member of the big three. He was overly concerned, especially about the fact that she hadn't told him. He was a bad alpha....although they weren't actually mates, but Tamaki had to admit that he felt and wanted to be her alpha. So it still worried him that she hadn't told him something like that.
Following the scent he found her crouching next to a wall and comes down to her level calling her affectionately "mega" a nickname he had eventually given her.
Looking at him Y/n quickly extends the box towards him with a "Happy Valentine's Day" accompanying it. Curious he takes the box and opens it over his "furtive" and watchful eye. Inside he observes several cupcakes of what he assumes are different animals and plants beautifully decorated and with a mouth-watering smell. His inspection is interrupted by an apology from Y/n.
"Sorry, it's not chocolate or anything but I thought it would be a good idea since tomorrow there is that important training you were always talking about and-"Y/n hesitates but at that point she is tamed by insecurities "thank you for taking care of me all this time, I know I'm probably just getting in the way and keeping you from getting the omega you want and-"
"I can't have an omega like you or you don't want to have an alpha like me?"
Y/n feels a knife in his heart as he sees the pain in Tamaki's eyes.
"It's not that Tama! You are the best alpha there can be! You are sweet, caring, kind! You make me feel safe like I never thought possible! It's no wonder I've been in love with you since first grade!" The last part slips out unintentionally making them both blush and Y/n continues more calmly thinking better of her words
"I just think you're the best alpha in the world and there are all those omegas that want to be your mate and I'm not that great of an omega otherwise you would have already marked me and I just think you could have much better-"
Tamaki can't help but get angry as he realized where all this talk was coming from.
"Is that what the omegas who are bullying you are telling you?" Y/n casts a startled look questioning if how he knows. Tamaki stands up pulling Y/n up he puts an arm around her waist pressing just their bodies together so he can whisper in her ear
"And the appointment, if that's the problem I'll do it tonight. You are the omega I want. If you want me too I hope you will mark me back as yours"
When he walked away Y/n looked like a smiling tomato with a swollen heart. Tamaki was only this brave when the matter was serious enough for him and/or went against his ideals. Besides it was extremely common for omegas to be branded but alphas not, so Tamaki wanting her to brand him brought tears to his eyes for even a few minutes ago she was doubting his feelings.
Y/n nods slightly taking courage and tiptoes up to Tamaki's lips and kisses him sweetly. The kiss was everything they both had always dreamed of, tender and passionate, it perfectly conveyed the feelings they both had for each other.
When Tamaki attended the training the next day a where of dismay was noticeable from the omega audience who observed that the omega that previously exhibited only the scent of the alpha now possessed a mark right in the binding place that obviously belonged to Tamaki. It was at times like this training that you could see the influence of Y/n on Tamaki, even though there were many people watching him he still felt calm because he knew his omega was right there. Such influence was even more noticeable today as having officially made it his own the alpha felt extremely safe.
Mirio being the good friend that he is decided to help Tamaki and Y/n completely rid themselves of possible omegas that were too dumb and pushy, showing everyone what he had seen in the locker room when equipping himself with Tamaki and which was now unfortunately not in sight.
With one particularly strong blow Mirio was able to tear at the neck of Tamaki's hero suit making visible the mark that claimed him as Y/n's alpha. At that moment a disappointed hiss was heard and Tamaki flashed an embarrassed smile at Y/n who returned it with a slight reddening.
From that day forward everyone knew that Y/n and Tamaki were mates. Tamaki by being himself was the alpha that Y/n had always dreamed of and Y/n by being her was everything that Tamaki had always desired. She was his safe haven and even though he still didn't like crowds he got the confidence to not have to turn to a wall.
For years they were always there for each other and eventually had a daughter and son who were the face of their father and inherited his quirkiness.
Another success story from UA's omegas program.
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omegaworldd · 1 year
My hero academia Masterlist
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Programa omega [série/omegaverse]
O programa foi criado como estratégia pela comissão de heróis para aumentar o numero de heróis que tem filhos assim passando adiante peculiaridades fortes. Esse programa permite que omegas frequentem escolas como a UA assim aumentando o seu numero nessas escolas e tornando mais fácil aos alfas escolher um companheiro.
Um alfa incomum [Alpha Tamaki Amajiki x omega reader] - Parte 1, Parte 2 - (Final) resumo: S/n é um omega que entrou no programa omega da UA sem grandes expectativas. Porém quando conhece Tamaki Amajiki, um alfa doce e tímido, ela pensa que talvez não tenha sido uma má ideia entrar no programa.
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yandere-x-reader · 5 months
➼ Dividers done by @/cafekitsune
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Color Code: Romantic, Platonic, Either
Mezo Shoji, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Tenya Ida, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Mashirao Ojiro, Yuga Aoyama, Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochaco Uraraka, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui, Hitoshi Shinso, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic, Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, Enji Todoroki/Endeavor, Keigo Takami/Hawks, Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko, Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum, Emi Fukukado/Miss Joke, Nemuri Kayama/Midnight, Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King, Nezu, Eri Aizawa
Sun, Moon, Roxy, Monty, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, DJMM, Vannesa/Vanny, Gregory, Map Bot
Luisa, Mirable, Isabella, Delores,Camilo, Alma, Pepa, Bruno, Julieta, Felix, Agustin, Antonio
Gravity Falls ♡
Bill Chipher, Stanley, Stanford, Mable, Dipper.
OCs ♡
To be added
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Anonymous asks
I am perfectly fine with anyone using anonymous asks, I personally use them a lot. However if you use anonymous asks, please put a emoji(s) or a letter(s) as your signature. Just put it at the bottom of your ask and I'll add it to the list
Used Letters:
Used Emojios:
I will write
Different AU's: I can do all diffrent types! Pirate, mafia, hybrid, fantasy, royalty, mermaid, soulmates, mall workers, vampires, ghosts, ect. Or if you have your own AU and would like me to do somthing with it I can tolltally do that to.
Omegaverse: I know not everyone likes this trope but i'm a absaloute sucker for it. I can do Alpha, Beta, or Omega for charecters or Reader. I do write heats but not in a sexual way, i personally write them kinda like a human period but replace the blood with increased body tempetures.
Any Gender: I am personally genderfluid and AFAB so those are the two that I would have the most experience with. However if you want me to do somthing like a trans reader or AMAB reader than I can try my best. Don't be afraid to make it specific to you, everone is diffrent and I understand trying to look for something that fits you more than the stereotypes.
Crossovers: I don't see a lot of creators in any fandom doing crossovers a lot. I see like *Insert charecter* x reader with *insert other character* personality but not really crossovers. So feel free to request a crossover with a diffrent show.
Any skin color: I love having variety in my writing so I will do any skin colors. I can do basic skin colors, from pale peach to dark brown. I can also do exstream versions like skin that is nearly paper white from how pale it is or skin that us nearly space black from how dark it is. I can also do unnatural skin colors, like Mina!
Alterhuman Reader: Ok so I see absaloutly no alterhuman reader fanfics out there so i'm here to change that. I'm not personally a alterhuman but I do have a few freinds that are. If you want me to do a specific one instead of basic I can also do that. Like instead of a dragon kin I can do a dragon kin with space wing and starts eyes with claws that glow in the dark ect.
Body Marks: I personally have stretch marks, moles, freckles, and odd placed birthmarks so I can do any of these or others if you would like. If you are specifically extra self-conscious of your body marks than I can add extra levels of love to specific part if you would like :)
Feel free to requests anything as long as it's not in my will not write list!
I will not write
Abuse: I will not do the character inflicting pain on the reader or the reader inflicting pain on the charecter. I can do mentions of past abuse, such as a charecter or reader flinching at touch or loud noise.
Cheating: character doing it to reader or reader doing it to character is just a big no. I never understood cheating, if you don't love somone just break up with them. If you can't do it for safety reson than find a support system to protect you in dangerous situations.
Misscarage: I have lost three sibling to this and I still cry at night thinking of them, please don't ask me to do anything to do with this subject. If you do I will give you 1 warning and then I'm blocking you.
Abortion: I don't really have a side here but I don't like the though of writing it as it makes me uncomfortable.
Rape/SA: I don't feel comfortable doing this subject. I can not do mentions of it as I have not personally experienced it and don't want to miss somthing or do something wrong.
NSFW: I may be a yandere blog but I do not wish to do anything sexual on this blog, only romantic and platonic here.
Don't worry about being cringe with me! As long as your not hurting anyone than why should I stop you from having fun? Fell free to be your authentic self and request somthing super specific if you want.
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vamppanda · 2 years
I am going to treat you right.
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Amajiki Tamaki x Black Reader
Request by :@Tayyvicky on Wattpad.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: Lime, Omegaverse.
Tamaki is an Omega.
You are an Alpha.
it's was April, which mean all of the omegas are making there nest, some for there babies or some for there heat. The only person who is not finish with there nest is......Tamaki Amajiki. Well now right, it was because his alpha was late giving him the stuff he want.
A few minutes later, He hear a knock on the front door. He then hear someone walking up the stairs. He took a sniff of the air. He smell all of the fruity smell, like you are on tropical island, like smell of his mate. He slowly move out of his nest that was in the closet. The door open to see you looking inside his room. When you saw him on the floor looking up at you.
'' Um Tama baby, What are you doing?''
'' I wanted to see you.'' He said as he hold himself in pain.
'' I see that you heat is about to start.'' You said as your handed him your stuff.
'' You I know I can't stay in here long.''
'' I know Bunny.''
He put all of the your stuff in his nest. He put your hoodie on his pillow. He climb back on his nest.
You pat his head and kisses his cheek.
'' Well I will be downstairs in the living room, don't want to start your heat early.''
Tamaki grab your legging.
'' But I want you here to protect me.''
'' Yeah I know, But I will just be downstairs doing that, don't want have sex yet, plus I will be sleeping on the couch.''
'' But I want you here with me.''
You grab his hand that was on your legging.
'' Babe, I will just be downstairs.''
He move his hand away and nods. You smiles at him and left the room.
'' Now I wonder if I should watch love and hip pop or re watch Bad Girls Clubs.''
Night time come around, you was knock out sleep on the couch with a crop top and some shorts. Someone was looking at you sleeping. That person rubs your brown face. You move your head a little. When the person made sure you was sleep, he climb on you. He rub his head on your tummy. He move your top over your boobs. He started to lick your tummy. You open your eyes to see Tamaki on top of you with only a shirt on, You can smell a sweet smell on him, which meet his in heat. You pop yourself on your elbow.
'' Bunny, I want you.''
'' But I don't.''
You can felt your ruff coming.
'' We need to get you back to your nest.''
'' But I want your baby, bunny.''
'' Tamaki, I don't really, I just need you to get back to your nest.''
You was about to lose your mind. You rub your (h/c) hair.
''Babe, come on.'' You said as you try to get him off you.
'' Bunny, I don't want to.''
Tamaki put his hands on your shorts, hitting that he want it off. You can feel your clip turning into a cock. Your wolf was calling out to his wolf, But you you just want his consent. You put your hands on his hips. He rock his hips on your hard cock.
'' I really really want you bunny.''
' Do it, Do it , Your omega want you ' Your wolf told you.
'No, I can't.'
' Why can't you, Your omega is waiting and begging for you.'
Tamaki lick your neck and biting it.
'' Alpha, I need you.''
'Look at him, licking you because your his alpha.'
'But do you want your omega to be taking by some other alpha .'
'No' Your eyes turn black,
' Some other alpha to use him as a sex toy.'
You push him to his back.
'To mark him.'
You took your shorts off.
'To claim him as theirs.'
You kiss him in a heated kiss.
' I have to claim him.'
Your ruff have taken over.
Tamaki grab your brown face.
You spread his legs. You line yourself at his entrance.
'' Before I start do you really I want me to do this.''
Tamaki look at you with half open eyes.
'' Bunny, I only want you to do this.''
That what you needed to go all out.
You woke up to something heavy on you. You sniff to smell the ocean that was your mate. You open your eyes to see dark blue hair. Your rub your eye. You felt sore all round.
'ugh, Why is my body sore?' You ask/ thought to yourself.
You felt Tamaki waking up. Tamaki moans as he got up, but he was still siting on your lap. He was rubbing his eyes. You seen all of the love marks that was on him. Your heat up and you cover your eyes as you remember what you did to him.
'' Tamaki, Are you ok?'' You asked.
He look at you and blush.
'' umm, I am a little sore.''
'' Sorry.'' You said as you pop yourself on your elbow. Tamaki got off you and sat on the floor. Amaijki stare at you and his face got more red.
'' Did you.........Did you mark me?''
'' Yeah, I did, But it wasn't my fault, but it was the wolf inside of me.'' You said as you dramatic fell on your back. Amajiki laugh.
'' Well if it make you feel anything better I enjoy it.''
'' Of course you did it was me after all.''
You move to the floor to him.
'' But hey at lest you are fall mine now.''
Amajiki put his head on shoulder.
'' Yeah, Now I am fully yours.''
You smile at him.
'' What are you going to tell your mom and dad.?''
'' OH MY GOSH, My dad is going to KIll me , You wouldn't have mate tomorrow.''
Master list
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justoneacatperson · 3 years
Shy! Alpha! Tamaki x Fem! Omega! Reader [headcanon]
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This is reupload from my old blog!
This was request by @fruggykitty
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Tamaki is not a typical alpha, he is very different from the stereotypes in physics and way of thinking. He is shy and anxious, not control, arrogant, like most alphas. Also, his image is due to his “sleeping” instincts, instincts did not have to call. He was never controlled by his instincts like the other alphas until he met you. A sweet, little, feminine omega, exactly as the stereotypes to omegas imposed by society. You are Mirio’s cousin and went to the U.A to see him and then you met Tamaki.
This was the first time he had felt his instincts. Take care of her, court her, mate her. Instincts screamed at him. He was very uncomfortable as usual. He wanted to hug and scent you, and run away from shame in the same time just because you had looked at him with your big (e/c) eyes. The alpha was glued to you the whole time, wouldn’t let you go for a long time without him, and growl at every alpha wanted to talk to you, except Mirio. He were proud when you said that his vanilla scent calms you down a lot.
After that day, you continued to be together. You two felt good in each other’s company. Alpha began to become more comfortable with you and was a little more confident to talk straight to you. He was still blushing and stuttering. You thought that was very cute. You knew that the alpha would take time to get used to your attention, so you were very patient with him.
Tamaki will be very protective of you, even though he is not your mate, his instincts call for him to protect and take care of you. He will wrap his arm around you, pressing you to his side and releasing his pheromones to scent you. Students who know him are very surprised to see the shy, anxious alpha ready to embrace and release his pheromones on omega. But then he returns to his anxious, shy nature when somebody asked if you both are mates. He will crash into the wall and be a grumbling mess until you calm him down. Tamaki also helps you carry your shopping bags so you don’t get tired, will help you take things off the top shelves because you’re too tiny. He will constantly worry about you and your health. He had heard you screaming in Mirio room because of a spider on the wall, and he stormed into the dormitory, worried that you might be injured. How long did it take you to reassure him that you were fine and were just surprised by the spider. He started purring with you, which also embarrassed him.
You took the first step by giving him a courtship gift. You still remember the red, confused, surprised face, how his ears flutter. You fell in love with the shy alpha and wanted him to be your mate. He still wears the bracelet with orange octopus you gave him. In turn, Tamaki will give you scented items for your nest. He always blushes when he sees that you are wearing the hoddie he gave you and how much bigger size is it than you.
Tamaki still becomes a mess when he wants to give you a present or say something nice, or you tell him something nice. Like when you said that the twitching of his ears makes him very cute. How red he became when you started playing with his ears and releasing joyful pheromones. He already has the courage to hug you and you to melt in his arms. Through his quirk he will bring flowers out of his hands for you.
Your moments with your mate are sweet.^^
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mementomoriifics · 2 years
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Celestial - Mirio x Fem!Reader x Tamaki
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, unexpected pregnancy (i know, I know) , triad relationship, healthy polyamory, Hurt/Comfort, porn with a little plot, Established Relationship, Cunnilingus, Alpha!Mirio, Beta!Tamaki , Reader is cis female (sorry :c )
Word count: 1674
Author's Note: I think this might've been a request on my old account but I can't be 100% sure.
AO3 Link
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
They complimented each other so nicely that sometimes you felt like you were intruding.
Tamaki was soft, gentle and kind, though his anxiety got the better of him most of the time. Mirio was happy, loud and outgoing, the sunshine to Tamaki's moon.
Even their scents matched each other perfectly: Mirio smelling like a hot summers’ day and fresh flowers while Tamaki gave of the gentle smell of rain after a sweltering day and the slightest hint of daisies. And it made you feel like even more of an intruder into something that didn't need a third.
They'd know each other since childhood, you being dragged into the life long bond when they entered college. They'd been dating for so long and were so perfectly made for each other it became a running joke. There was no Mirio without Tamaki or Tamaki without Mirio.
But then one day, your friends sat you down, the both of them sitting across from you like two concerned parents, Tamaki radiating anxiety even more than usual.
They dropped the bomb they wanted you to join their relationship, to become a welcomed third party. They had apparently independently fallen for you as well, and Tamaki tearfully admitted he was scared of his feelings, afraid that he would ruin what he had with Mirio.
Guilt had crept up on you as you watched the blond comfort his boyfriend, reassuring the both of you that everything was okay and that if you wanted, you were free to turn down the offer.
In all honesty, you'd wanted to say no, but you couldn't. You'd be a liar if you said you hadn't caught feelings for the pair of soulmates then sitting across from you. You had really wanted to decline...
Yet they coaxed you in with open arms, marked you both with equal care and attention before bearing their necks to you, their old mating marks almost making you back down for real this time. But somehow you didn't.
You let yourself be swallowed whole by their love and affection and became wrapped up in what they already had. And you were happy.
But currently, you felt like everything was about to come crumbling down as you stared at the pregnancy test you held in your trembling hands.
It was positive.
With equal parts dread and anger, you tossed the thing into the bathroom bin, tears burning in your eyes as you cursed past you for not staying on suppressants. For not locking yourself away from the sunshine alpha and the gentle beta when your heat got hold of you.
Now you could possibly lose it all because... Because you...
"Babe! We're home!"
You wiped at your eyes aggressively, fighting the urge to just crumble to pieces on the bathroom floor. You took a few deep breaths, trying to ground yourself before leaving the bathroom to greet your mates in the hallway.
"There she is!"
Two strong arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you off the floor. You willed yourself to smile as Mirio spun you in a circle, pressing a kiss against your mouth before setting you back on your unsteady feet. Tamaki pressed a gentle kiss against your cheek in turn, mumbling a quiet greeting.
"How was work?" You asked, praying your nerves didn't show or sour your smell.
"It was great! Caught some real pieces of work, right sunshine?"
Tamazi flushed red at the nickname, nodding.
"We did. I wasn't on top of my game though..." He said, fiddling with the drawstrings of his hoody. Mirio interrupted him by wrapping an arm around the smaller man's shoulders.
"That's a lie and you know it! You should’ve seen yourself when you were able to corner that one villain and you used-"
You chuckled, tension refusing to leave you as the three of you walked further into the house.
Conversation carried on, Mirio happily talking to you, Tamaki occasionally chiming in with the odd comment. You listened, anxiety still simmering below the surface. You hadn't noticed Tamaki had left to use the restroom until he returned, holding-
Your heart sank into your stomach, eyes widening as the Beta looked at you and then the test with a shocked look on his face. Mirio, his back still towards your boyfriend, blissfully unaware.
"Babe, what's wrong?"
You didn't respond, merely bursting into tears. Mirio turned, eager to see what had caused you to cry so easily. His eyes met Tamaki who just quietly said:
"She's pregnant."
You felt Mirio get up from the sofa you'd all been sitting on, hearing him move to Tamaki. You kept crying, dreading the news they'd want you to leave, to get rid of the pup, to- God, you were starting to sound like Tamaki on a bad day.
"Babe! That's great news!"
The words tore you from your crying spell for a moment, the sofa disappearing below you as you were lifted into strong arms again.
You looked at Mirio who gave you a wide smile, tears pooling at the corners of his baby blues.
"You're not... Mad?" You asked, confused. Mirio looked puzzled in turn, holding you.
"Mad? Why would we be mad?" He asked, looking over at Tamaki who was still staring at the positive test as if it was made out of gold.
"Because... Because... I don't- you two will abandon-"
You felt Mirio's grip tighten on you, his face seriously.
"Abandon you? Why would we? You are our mate, aren't you? We chose you, didn't we?" He spoke, Tamaki joining him and reached out to gently caress your cheek, running his thumb over your cheekbone.
"I think both of us would rather lose our quirk than you." He spoke, tears welling up in your eyes again. You fell forward into Mirio's embrace, pulling Tamaki close as well.
"And we'll especially not abandon you now." Mirio said, letting you calm down in their hug.
Once your crying subsided, you cuddled into the sofa, your anxieties lessened. But of course, talk about it was far from over.
"Who's is it?" Tamaki suddenly asked, face flushed red. You gave him a sheepish look, the cartoon All Might on Mirio's shirt suddenly extremely interesting looking.
"I... Don't know. Last heat you both kind of..." You didn't finish the sentence and when you looked up, both Mirio and Tamaki were red in the face. The latter looked like he was trying to morph his face into a tomato.
"It- it's not like it matters anyway!" Mirio protested. "This pup will be raised by two loving dads and a loving mom!"
Mirio, with all the flair of a real superhero, got up and sank to his knees in front of you, nuzzling your tummy.
The gesture made tears well up in your eyes again, this time of the happy variety. You watched Mirio when you felt a slimmer pair of arms ensnare your waist as Tamaki found his place behind you, one hand right above where Mirio was lavishing your tummy with attention.
"You'll make a wonderful mom." Amajiki said, nuzzling his nose against your neck. "And we'll to our best to be here for you.'
You found yourself smiling, leaning back against Tamaki as Mirio lifted your shirt, pressing gentle kisses on exposed skin.
"You're going to look radiant carrying our pup." Tamaki said, voice soft and brimming with adoration. "Glowing like... Like..."
His words failed him but Mirio was quick to pick up where his boyfriend left off.
"Like the stars."
You found yourself smiling wider, Mirio having given you a place in their celestial comparison. The sun, the moon and the stars.
The blond continued his kisses, slowly lowering until he reached the edge of your pants. He looked up, big blue eyes questioning. The look of adoration they held had gotten a sharper egde, something wanting and needy. His scent hung heavy in the air, both you and Tamaki feeling the affect of it.
Feeling your own arousal spike, you nodded, Mirio grinning widely.
"I love this part." He spoke, voice thick with arousal.
You felt him pull down your pants, gently coaxing you until you got out of them before he laid one of your thighs over his shoulder. More gentle kisses followed until he reached your heat, already slick with arousal.
You surprisingly picked up on Tamaki's scent first, the smell of it making you sink further against his chest. The Beta purred softly, nuzzling his nose against your neck as he pressed his hips against your backside. He was growing hard, the fact Mirio was eating you out obviously getting to him.
You whimpered, a sudden wave of Mirio's scent washing over you both. Tamaki held onto you tighter, rutting against your behind.
Meanwhile, Mirio stayed between your thighs, his lips wrapped around your clit as he sucked.
You peeked down at him, gasping when you locked eyes. His face was flushed pink, his eyes lidded heavily, his hair a little messier than it had been before because without you noticing, Tamaki had grabbed hold of it.
Mirio rolled his tongue against your clit and your head fell back against Tamaki's shoulder. The Beta started kissing your neck, his grinding growing more incessant.
"M-Mirio. Stop." You managed to get out, the blond pulling back with a soft growl. His pupils were blown wide, and if you looked down, his cock was straining against his pants.
"Tamaki?" The Beta let go of you as you got up just enough to free his cock. He was painfully hard, the beginnings of a knot swelling at the base of it. You wasted no time, sinking down on it and hearing Mirio growl low in his chest. He buried his face in between your thighs again, mouth now focused on both of you.
And right there, as Tamaki set a steady pace and Mirio wrapped his arms around your thighs, we felt like you were where you belonged. Between two men who adored every fiber of your being. And you adored them right back.
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Alright, imma post a list of one-shots that have a plot for but I just have no idea which one I should write first so 🤷‍♀️
Heads up~!! There's a lot. Some may change a bit, and the smut to fluff/angst ratio is... wild.
I won't write the plots, but I'll add the warnings to the smut ones.
•|Takami Keigo/Hawks [published]
Warning; praising, overstimulation, dumbification, daddy kink, rimming.
Uhh, you basically played with one of his feathers.
•|Afab!Kibutsuji Muzan
Warning; cunningulus.
•|Oujo Masato
Warning; uh... corruption kink maybe?
It's a smut/lime one but I haven't come up with anything specific yet.
•|Yoigoshi Tatsuya
Warning; camboy!yoigoshi, college au, anal masturbation(?
•|Mammon [published]
Warning; stuck in a wall, overstimulation, mind-break, master/sir kink (I haven't decided yet)
•|Kyotani Kentaro
Warning; 3rdyear!kyotani/reader, edging, begging, overstimulation, orgasm denial, mind-break.
•|Shinomiya Ayato
Warning; consented non-con language, overstimualtion, corruption kink, virgin!ayato, college au.
•|Yukihira Soma
Warning; breeding kink, overstimulation, passing out.
•|Jinguji Jakurai
Warning; overstimulation -fkin again?!-, begging, riding, multiple orgasm, drunk!horny!jakurai.
•|Todoroki Touya/Dabi
Warning; collaring, rough sex, riding, powerbottom!dabi, sub!reader.
•|Ryuguji Ken/Draken
Warning; choking, smaller!top.
•|Ryoumen Sukuna & Gojo Satoru
Warning; uh... threesome, and idk what else.
•|Gojo Satoru
Warning; praising, feminization, edging, overestimation.
More warnings; mentions of itadori x reader, mentions of megumi x reader, voyeurism, degradation, dry jumping, double blowjob.
Warning; belly bulge, overestimation, s&m play, degradation, shibari and maybe... cbt play.
•|Sakusa Kiyoomi
Warning; semi-public, blowjob, dry humping, praising and degrading, hair pulling. Optional; assjob, edging, orgasm denial.
•|Sniper Mask
Warning; choking, breeding kink, hair pulling, biting.
Warning; overstimulation 😒, praising, choking, hair pulling, body worship.
•|Nakajima Atsushi
Warning; breeding kink, overstimulation 😬, edging, toys usage, handcuffs usage, bondage or shibari.
•|Levi Ackerman
Warning; edging, degrading, choking, daddy/sir kink, omegaverse au, modern au.
•|Dazai Osamu
Warning; crossdressing, face-sitting, rimming, double penetration (not a threesome)
Warning; dacryphilia, overstimulation, edging, mind-break.
One of my moots requested this 👀👀 of course, I made the plot and came up with the kinks.
•|Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya
Warning; threesome and idk what else.
Warning; size kink, feminization, dacryphilia.
•|Ushijima Wakatoshi
Warning; blowjob, non-con somnophilia, powerbottom!wakatoshi.
Warning; uh... nipple play maybe?
Warning; bareback, pulling on his horns, mind-break, breeding kink and cnc.
•|Loid Forger
Warning; infidelity, semi-public, overstimulation, dumbification, degrading and a bit of dirty talk, size difference, manhandling, feminization.
Warning; cockwarming.
Warning; public sex, overstimulation, rough sex, size kink
•|Amajiki Tamaki
Warning; pegging (ftm reader), orgasm denial, rimming, collaring, praising, slight masochism (scratches, bites), bondage, vibrator usage.
•|Neko!Amajiki Tamaki
Warning; top!ftm!reader
•|Omega!Bakugou Katsuki
Warning; alpha!ftm!reader
•|Choi Saeyoung/Luciel/707
Warning; crossdressing!707
•|Maid!Shiba Taiju Headcanons
•|Monoma Neito
Fluff and Angst
•|Chinen Miya
Platonic Fluff
•|Ash Lynx & Okumura Eiji [Published]
•|Diluc Ragnvindr
Angst, hurt/no comfort, death.
•|Suna Rintaro [Published]
Plot based of from This Side Of Paradise. Mentions of homophobia & toxic relationship.
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