#tamil bible words
lovelifecare · 7 months
இன்றைய வசனம் [24/02/2024] | Today Bible Verse | Tamil Bible Verse
கர்த்தர் உங்களை உயரமான ஸ்தலங்களில் நடக்க பண்ணுவார். உங்களை அளவில்லாமல் ஆசீர்வதிப்பார்.
The Lord will make you walk on high places. He will bless you immeasurably.
ஆபகூக் 3:19 Habakkuk 3:19
ஆண்டவராகிய கர்த்தர் என் பெலன்; அவர் என் கால்களை மான்கால்களைப்போலாக்கி, உயரமான ஸ்தலங்களில் என்னை நடக்கப்பண்ணுவார்.
என் அன்பு சகோதர சகோதரிகளே,  நம்முடைய கால்களை மான்கால்களை போல மாற்றுபவர் நம் கர்த்தர். எவ்வளவு உயரமான பாறைகளாக இருந்தாலும், மான்களுடைய கால்கள் வழுவாமல் ஸ்திரமாக இருக்கும். அதுபோலத்தான் வாழ்க்கை என்னும் பாதையில் ஓடும் உங்கள் கால்களை கர்த்தர் ஸ்திரப்படுத்துவார். நீங்கள் வழுவிப்போகாதபடிக்கு உங்கள் கால்களை ஸ்திரப்படுத்துகிற கர்த்தர் உங்களோடு கூட இருக்கிறார். வழுவாதபடி உங்களைக் காக்கவும், தமது மகிமையுள்ள சந்நிதானத்திலே மிகுந்த மகிழ்ச்சியோடே உங்களை மாசற்றவர்களாய் நிறுத்தவும் வல்லமையுள்ளவர். உங்கள் இருதயம் பலவிதமான சோதனைகளால் கடினப்படும்போது கர்த்தரை நோக்கி கூப்பிடுங்கள்; அவர் உங்களை உயரமான கன்மலையின்மேல் கொண்டு போய் விடுவார். கர்த்தர் உங்களை உயர்த்துவார். ஏழ்மைகள், தரித்திரங்கள், எல்லாவற்றையும் கர்த்தர் மாற்றி, தீமையான காரியங்களை நன்மையாக மாறும்படி செய்வார்.
The Sovereign Lord Is My Strength; He Makes My Feet Like The Feet Of A Deer, He Enables Me To Go On The Heights.
My dear brothers and sisters, it is our Lord who makes our feet like legs. No matter how high the rocks are, deer's feet are stable without slipping. That is how the Lord will make your feet stable on the path of life. The Lord is with you, who makes your feet firm so that you do not stumble. He is able to keep you from slipping and keep you immaculate with great joy in His glorious presence. Cry out to the Lord when your heart is hardened by various trials; He will take you to the top of a high rock. The Lord will lift you up. The Lord will change poverty, turn evil things into good things.
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kuyavancreations · 1 month
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Save your people and bless your inheritance. Psalms 28:9
தேவரீர் உமது ஜனத்தை இரட்சித்து, உமது சுதந்
தரத்தை ஆசீர்வதியும். சங்கீதம் 28:9 
#august #independenceday #india #happyindependenceday #indian #jaihind #freedom #independence #independencedayindia #indianarmy #instagram #love #bharat #indianflag #happy #indianindependenceday #thofjuly #patriotic #photography #thaugust #instagood #follow #like #maharashtra #trending #mumbai #delhi #flag #thindependenceday #army
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rpa-ministry · 11 months
@rpa_ ministry_nellai
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tamilbible · 1 year
பயப்படாதே நீ தேவனிடத்தில் கிருபை பெற்றாய்.
🔥 லூக்கா: 1:30🎈
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biblestamil · 8 months
Bible Verse Tamil for Spiritual Guidance and Reflection at Bible தமிழ்
Bible Verse Tamil: Spiritual Guidance and Reflection with Inspirational Words from Scripture - Find Bible தமிழ் Wisdom and Insight Here : https://www.biblestamil.com/
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thelordsisrael · 9 months
Watch "Today Bible Word #bible #tamil #holybibleverses #biblequote #motivation #versefromlord #bibleverse" on YouTube
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buggie-hagen · 11 months
Sermon for Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (10/15/23)
Primary Text | Matthew 22:1-14
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
          The Scriptures as we have them have come down to us as a gift preserved by the Holy Spirit. The prophetic and apostolic writings of the Old and New Testaments serve as the only measure and guiding principle to which all teachings and teachers are to be evaluated and judged (FC, Ep 1:1). It is not we who interpret the scriptures or have authority over them, but it is the scriptures which interpret us and have authority over us. They are called Testament because they witness to God’s will in Jesus Christ for the world; pointing to the crucified Christ as “the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith” (Rom. 1:16). Because the scriptures witness to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, we also say with confidence that the scriptures are the word of God. Now we might be ready to say this about the passages in the Bible we are comfortable with; the ones we like and enjoy. But we must also be willing to say this about passages that are not so easy on the ear—the ones that challenge us. This includes passages like today’s gospel reading where we hear about the weeping and gnashing of teeth in the outer darkness (Matt. 22:13). I call this when Jesus gets spicy. I remember in seminary my professor of modern church history was from Tamil Nadu—a southern state in India. He invited the class to his house for dinner to celebrate the end of the semester. There were several international students from Tamil Nadu there as well. The food was spicy! Me being a white guy, as I sat there eating and sweating, eating and sweating, my Tamil Nadu friend asked me, “Do you think that’s spicy? And I said, “YES!” And all he and his fellow friends from Tamil Nadu couldn’t help but laugh. For in fact, they had already lowered the spiciness level to accommodate weak people like me! Today we will accept Jesus and his teaching as spicy as Jesus and his teaching are supposed to be. Our temptation as moderns is to lower the temperature, but as his disciples, we will simply let Jesus speak as he pleases.
In today’s gospel lesson from Matthew Jesus is teaching you and me about the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is something that we all have our preconceived notions of. We must set our own perspective aside and learn from Jesus himself how the kingdom of heaven actually operates. The first line is, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son” (Matt. 22:2). Let’s stop right there. The kingdom of heaven is like a wedding banquet. A party. Who doesn’t like to have a good time? Who doesn’t like good food? Who doesn’t like a celebration? (okay, introverts might not, but that’s beside the point, :P). That’s why you might find the rejections to the party invitation puzzling. The king’s slaves go out to call those who had been invited to the wedding banquet. But none would come. So the king sends his slaves out again, saying, “Tell those who have been invited: Look, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready; come to the wedding banquet” (Matt. 22:4). The king is saying, “I have already prepared everything, the food will be good, I promise. I just want you to come and enjoy yourselves with me. You will have a good time. Please, come to my wedding banquet.” Now the king gets two kinds of reactions. The first kind of reaction is indifference. It says, “But they made light of it and went away, one to his farm, another to his business” (Matt. 22:5). The second kind of rejection is hostility, “[they] seized his slaves, mistreated them, and killed them.” What Jesus is teaching us about the kingdom of heaven is that most people will reject the gospel. Even though the gospel offers things that are better than gold, better than money, better than fame, the many will reject it. As sinners we are only able to reject the gospel preferring to keep on with our ordinary ways of life. Only the Holy Spirit enables us to “accept” it by faith after the Holy Spirit creates faith in us through the proclamation of that gospel. In other words, we have idols that we find more precious than the kingdom of heaven. An idol is anything we trust more than the word of the living God. It’s as if to say, “That's great and all, Jesus, I hear you have a kingdom of heaven, but I have a business to run. I don’t have time to sit down and hear what you have to say, my life is too busy with work, school, family, politics, and my hobbies.” You see, a Christian is a rare bird. Not so common that you can find them in large groups. So it’s ironic when any nation considers itself a Christian nation. The apocrypha has a way of putting it, “You may indeed find individuals who have kept your commandments, but nations you will not find” (2 Esd. 3:36).  
Now we also learn the gospel itself, the kingdom of heaven, is not only a nuisance calling us out of our ordinary lives to faith in Christ—but it is also offensive. Why? Because the gospel, properly speaking, is the forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Christ. This explains the second reaction to the king, the one where they despised the king and mistreated and killed his slaves. This sort of rejection of the kingdom of heaven says, “Forgiveness? Why do I need to be forgiven? I am perfectly good and fine as I am. In fact, you should praise me for the good things that I am doing. It angers me that you, o king, would suggest that I or anyone else should be forgiven apart from the law. It offends me that you have even made this your choice and have not given me any space to decide for myself. Be gone with you, I laugh at your messengers, I do not need your forgiveness.” And, because the proud, the powerful, the rich, and the self-righteous wish to remain that way, they reject the gospel because it humbles all people—it takes their righteousness away. It does, however, offer us Christ’s very own righteousness, of which we shall hear more.
Now the king, fed up by all the rejection he was getting sends his slaves out once more, this time with the instruction: “‘Go therefore into the main streets, and invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.’ Those slaves went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both good and bad; so the wedding hall was filled with guests” (Matt. 22:9-10). It is fascinating that it says “both good and bad” filled the wedding hall. That is to say, without regard for the person! Whether that person is prim and proper or that person has a septum piercing and tattoos all over their body, these are the wedding guests that God chooses apart from any law. The kingdom of heaven is filled with all sorts of these people. The goody twoshoes who is careful to do everything right and in order, as well as the baddie who lives a rowdy life. When God chooses and brings someone into his kingdom, he isn’t using some sort of rule to determine if you are a good enough person! The distinctions of good and bad do not matter when it comes to God’s choosing. When God’s love in Jesus Christ is given, it is given unconditionally. The absolution is absolute, the forgiveness he gives to you through faith in Jesus Christ remains forever. What’s more, in this beautiful absolution, spoken by the mouth of another sinner—you have the fullness God with no remainder.
Now we must address this curious little matter of the wedding robe. Jesus says in the parable: “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing the wedding robe, and he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding robe?’ And he was speechless. Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matt. 22:13). Strong words. The man is speechless. I would be lying if I said these weren’t words of God’s judgment. So what is Jesus getting at with this part of the parable? God’s dress code. It’s a wedding feast after all. One might wonder, am I like the man who isn’t wearing a wedding robe? What is this wedding robe? And how does one get it? The wedding robe we wear is no one else than the Lord Jesus Christ. When it comes to the accusation of the law we depend on Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. In him, the law and its accusations against us come to an end, completely and fully. Christ is God’s dress code. When the day comes you need not worry about whether you are wearing the proper clothes. You’re not the one who puts them on. It is God who puts them on for you, by sending you a person to wrap you in himself. Christ wraps Himself around you by granting you His own righteousness through the gift of faith created through the preaching of the gospel. So you are free from all doubt now—You are not the man without the wedding robe. Your sins are forgiven on account of Christ. You are wearing the expected wedding garment that will never wear out. God accepts you on Christ’s account. God first made this promise to you in baptism. In those waters you were clothed with Christ. And when you receive the body and blood of the Lord in his Supper you again are given the wedding robe. And when you hear the absolution—that robe of Christ is put over you. I say it again “I forgive your sins on account of Christ.” This absolution is absolute. Welcome to the wedding banquet.
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joelbagyaraj · 2 years
Songs of Prayer and Praise You Should Know
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You may already be aware of the extensive theological content found in hymns and other Christian music. Since singing engages both hemispheres of the brain, it may inform and instruct us about the good news of Jesus Christ. Singing fosters emotional connection. Music of joy have the ability to make us want to dance.
Worship must be alive and genuine in the heart, Tamil Christian Songs Online and it must be founded on an accurate understanding of God. The two things that must exist are spirit and truth.
Jesus provides his followers a very clear description of worship that pleases him, whether it be singing collectively in church or alone in the automobile. Jesus claims in the Gospel of John that "the hour is coming, and is now here," when real worshippers will offer up prayers to the Father in both spirit and truth. The Father is looking for such individuals to offer up prayers to him.
The Father desires two aspects of Christian worship, as Pastor John Piper outlined above. The first is that those who worship God do so in spirit, exalting God's glory gladly with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength. The antithesis of worshipping in the spirit is more typically seen as apathy, distraction, and self-centered behaviour. When a believer reacts to who God is via music, God is delighted by their sincere devotion. (To discover more, see Desiring God's chapter on worship.)
Second, God's people must offer genuine worship to him. "[resting] on a real vision of God," is how Piper describes this. Do the songs you sing truly portray who God is as revealed in the Bible and what he has achieved through the gospel, in other words? Because the Bible exposes to us, in every word, who the Father is and what he has done for us in the work of Jesus Christ, it is crucial that the foundation of our praise songs be found in scriptural truth.
To the glory of God, learn these 10 songs of praise and worship, which are both abundantly genuine and exquisitely written. Give your everything to the Father in worship!
Follow For More : https://joelbagyaraj.com/
Watch Our New Video Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyqEJfxvJ9w Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@JoelBagyaraj1
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biblekart · 2 years
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💫 TamilBible ✨ 💗 | Daily Bible Words & தமிழ் 🌍 | Sharing Goodnews to World 🎯 | ✞ youtube.com/thamilbible ✞ அவன் கர்த்தரை தேடின நாட்களில் தேவன் அவன் சத்தத்தைக் கேட்டார். ✝️ TamilBible | Tamil Bible Verse | #tamil #bible #tamilbible #December #tamilbibleverse #biblequotes #christmas #biblekart #biblestudy #blessed #jesus #jegan #jesuschrist #gospelkart #goodvibes #instagood #instapost #tamilchristian #christian #gospel #motivation #bibleverse #biblepixel #bibleintamil #bibletamilenglish #BiblePixel #bibletamil #god #trending #walk TamilBible ✤Tamil✤ ʙɪʙʟᴇ ᵒᶠᶠⁱᶜⁱᵃˡ @tamilchristiansong @bibleintamil @tamilvedham @tamilbiblevers TamilBible TamilBible Live] 🔥 youtube.com/@TamilBibleLive TamilBible BibleTamil (at Tamil Bible) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmL8ovDvdqp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lovelifecare · 1 year
இன்றைய வசனம் [25/8/2023] | Today Bible Verse | Tamil Bible Verse
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kuyavancreations · 5 months
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When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2
நீதிமான்கள் பெருகினால் ஜனங்கள் மகிழுவார்கள்; துன்மார்க்கர் ஆளும்போதோ ஜனங்கள் தவிப்பார்கள். நீதிமொழிகள் 29 : 2
Electing right person, election verse | Bible words, Tamil bible words, Bible quotes
#voting #vote #election #politics #elections #votingmatters #democracy #votingrights #electionday #govote #ivoted #news #registertovote #tnelection #voterregistration #votevotevote #voter #covid #government #LokSabhaElections2024 #Elections2024 #votersuppression #voteblue #republican #votingday #yourvotematters #tnelectiongov
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tamilbible · 2 years
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நான் உங்களை திக்கற்றவர்களாக விடேன். யோவான்: 14:18 💫 TamilBible ✨ TamilVerse 💗 | Daily Bible Words & தமிழ் 🌍 | Sharing Goodnews to World 🎯 | ✞ youtube.com/thamilbible ✞ ✝️ TamilBible | Tamil Bible Verse | #tamil #bible #tamilbible #promise #tamilbibleverse #biblequotes #biblekart #biblestudy #blessed #jesus #jegan #jesuschrist #goodvibes #instagood #instapost #todaybibleverse #tamilchristian #christian #gospel #motivation #bibleverse #BiblePixel #bibletamil #god #tamilnadu #DBVTamil #dailybibleverse (at Tamil Bible) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cph5MfVPrIs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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patsypat · 2 years
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“Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but also for those of others.” Philippians 2:3-4
 Some of the Bible stories are amazing in that men and women like Moses hear God’s instruction and obey it.  Some people, like a prominent talk show host in the US, think that if you hear God, you are mentally ill! Just like Moses, the Irish missionary Amy Carmichael heard God tell her, “Go ye!” I suppose it was because ever since she was very young, she would say her prayers before sleeping, she would make a space for the Lord, and ask him to sit beside her. If we do that every day, talk to Jesus, for sure He will converse with us! He will tell us how to live, and how to serve others.  On January 13, 1892, while Amy was praying, she heard the two words, “Go ye!” as clearly as if she heard her mother’s voice. Those instructions from God started her on her missionary journey that took her to India. There, wearing a sari, dyeing her skin brown with coffee, and speaking Tamil, she was unlike any other missionary. She started her own mission house, trusting God for the funds. She saved young girls from what was essentially sex trafficking sanctioned by the parents who would sacrifice the children to the temple, trusting God to keep her out of jail for kidnapping.  Amy stayed in India for 55 years. Her retreat home for the children and women grew larger and included a school, hospital, and orphanage. Her work in South India continues to impact the lives of thousands, and it all started with Amy’s obedience to God’s Word. She certainly regarded others, even young girls, as more important than herself and looked out for their interests even if she put herself in danger. Lord, here I am! I long to hear Your voice!  https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYPxadpygj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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biblestamil · 8 months
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Dive into the Read Tamil Bible Online for Spiritual Insight at Bible தமிழ்
Experience the Divine Through Read Tamil Bible Online. Discover Profound Spiritual Insights and Guidance, Enhancing Your Connection Bible தமிழ் with the Word of God. Start Exploring Today : https://www.biblestamil.com/
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thelordsisrael · 1 year
Watch "Bible Word's Of The Day | Tamil & English | Wednesday, 12 July 2023 | @almightygod10" on YouTube
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biblekart · 2 years
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💫 BIBLEKART ✨ 💗 | Daily Bible Words & தமிழ் 🌍 | Sharing Goodnews to World 🎯 | ✞ youtube.com/biblekart ✞ அவன் கர்த்தரை தேடின நாட்களில் தேவன் அவன் சத்தத்தைக் கேட்டார். ✝️ TamilBible | Tamil Bible Verse | #tamil #bible #tamilbible #December #tamilbibleverse #biblequotes #christmas #biblekart #biblestudy #blessed #jesus #jegan #jesuschrist #gospelkart #goodvibes #instagood #instapost #tamilchristian #christian #gospel #motivation #bibleverse #biblepixel #bibleintamil #bibletamilenglish #BiblePixel #bibletamil #god #trending #walk TamilBible ✤Tamil✤ ʙɪʙʟᴇ ᵒᶠᶠⁱᶜⁱᵃˡ @tamilchristiansong @bibleintamil @tamilvedham @tamilbiblevers TamilBible TamilBible Live] 🔥 youtube.com/@BibleKart TamilBible BibleKart (at Tamil Bible) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmL7bRhvf7t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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