#tanner will not leave her mind till she familiar with him
choconanime · 5 years
*A little golden pixie is fiddling with the lock on a chest in the Heartslabyul dormitory. Tanner is sure he's alone in the room, so it should be safe for him to be out in the open like this...right? The chest makes a satisfying "click", bring a devilish grin to his face. He was in!* (It's @edda-blattfe 😉)
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**Choco proceeds to pester Tanner with questions,she doesnt get half of the shit he saying but that doenst mean she will let him leave**
Choco:Who are you?Why are you here?Highkey was having a really nice dream,did you had to wake me up?
Tanner:**speaks in pixie**
Choco:"Okay first of I didn't get half of what you said aside from why was I sleeping here?L o o k here b u d d y-"//holds him by his ropes?so he wont leave
((She has never seen a pixie,will act angry and keep asking him why he was opening her jewelry box just to make him stay as she checks him out shes transparent so it wont be hard to know she ain't mad she just want to keep him near her))
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s Village Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
The phone call before this date: here! It happens right before the date, so do listen/read it for better context :)
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The date begins with MC waiting around the train station for Kiro after reaching a remote town. A stranger comes up to her.
Stranger: Sister, are you here to visit relatives? Want to take my car?
MC: Thank you… but there’s no need…
Stranger: No need to be shy. My car is pretty fast, so just tell me where you want to go!
MC: I really don’t need… ah!
Someone grips my shoulder from behind, making my hair stand on end. My mind gets flooded with horror stories of female travelers who got duped when travelling on their own.
Kiro: Big brother, I’m here to pick my sister up, so there’s no need to bother you.
MC: Kiro!
I whip my head around to see Kiro blinking at me slyly.
Stranger: Ah sister, you should have mentioned that someone was picking you up!
With a wave of his hand, the man leaves. I heave a sigh of relief, and only now take a good look at Kiro.
It has been several days since we’ve last seen each other, and it looks like he has gotten thinner, and a little tanner. Even so, his eyes remain as bright as always, as though they store the blue sky in them.
Kiro: What’s with your shocked expression?
MC: You scared me just now…
Kiro: Then… I’ll definitely stand in front of you next time, okay?
MC: Mm! Have you been waiting long?
Kiro: Only for a bit. I arrived at the right time. Let’s go, sister. We shall take a big car!  
Kiro mimics the stranger’s dialect, playfully pulling on my hand.
MC: W-what are you doing…
Kiro: This is to prevent you from getting taken away by people you don’t know.
We walk across the road while holding hands, and I finally see the vehicle that would be transporting us to the mountain village.
The first thing I see is a huge exhaust pipe pointing straight towards the sky. The wheels, which reach the height of half a person, support this giant creature.
The driver rolls up his sleeves from the front seat and greets us.
MC: Wait a minute… Kiro, when you said “big car”, you meant… a tractor?!
On the mountain dirt path, the wheels whip up gigantic balls of dust, and the loud vehicle scares off sparrows.
MC: Why a tractor…
Kiro: [shouting] What? Speak louder Miss Chips, I can’t hear you!
MC: I said – why is a tractor sending us to the village!
Kiro: [shouting happily] It can’t be helped. The only car in the village was sent for repair, so only Brother Zhang’s tractor is available for use. Don’t you find this interesting? You wouldn’t experience such a fun journey elsewhere!
Barely making out his words over the sound of the tractor, I can’t help but laugh.
MC almost falls out of the tractor during a particular rough turn.
Kiro: Be careful!
Kiro frantically reaches out to pull me back, and my head lands on his chest. His breath encases my surroundings – familiar yet mixed with the freshness of the mountains and forests.
Kiro: Are you okay? Did you hit anything?
I shake my head to signal that I’m all right, wanting to pull myself away from his chest to sit up properly. Instead, he hugs me even more tightly.
Kiro: This is to prevent you from falling out again.
I feel the warmth of his breath on the back of my neck, and it travels up to my ear slowly. I lift my head, only to meet his bright eyes. My cheeks begin to flush.
MC: Kiro, the driver is in front…
Kiro: What did you say? It’s too noisy. I~ can’t~ hear~ anything~
For the rest of the journey, I remain in Kiro’s arms. After many more turns on the dirt road, the tractor finally reaches its destination. By the time we thank the driver, disembark, and step into the village, it’s already late afternoon. 
Even though the buildings are ancient, and the facilities are not as modern as in the city, there is life everywhere. In an environment so close to nature, even the air carries with it a certain sweetness.
A large group of villagers surround us once we enter the village. Wherever Kiro goes, he manages to build good relations with people.
Villager A: Ro-Ro, you finally brought your girlfriend? She’s very beautiful, you’re really lucky!
Villager B: Girl, come try my family’s walnut cookies. Take more, don’t be shy!
Villager C: Do you eat braised duck? Try my family’s braised duck!
In a moment, my hands are full of souvenirs.
MC: Thank you everyone… there’s really no need to do this…
I look at Kiro with a silent plea, and he comes over to help.
Kiro: Thank you all for your kind hospitality. Miss Chips just arrived, so I’m going to help her settle down first, all right?
The villagers gradually disperse after leaving a few more kind words. I heave a sigh of relief. Kiro takes the souvenirs from my hands, a little apologetic.
Kiro: Did they scare you? I didn’t expect the entire village to be here… they just wanted to give you a warm welcome since you came from such a faraway place.
MC: I’m happy that everyone is so welcoming, so I’m not scared.
Kiro: That’s great! Let’s put down our bags, then I’ll show you around. There are so many interesting places here.  There’s a Flower Valley near the outskirts, and if you continue down the right…
He talks excitedly about the scenic areas and his filming experiences here, as though painting the empty period when we were apart with his colours.
MC: Kiro, do you like this place a lot?
Kiro: Mm, of course. I like it a lot. And now… I like it even more.
He turns to look directly at me. The cloudless sky is behind him, but the sky in his eyes are clear, and of an even brighter blue.
Kiro: What about you, Miss Chips? Do you like it?
Bathed under the sunlight, Kiro’s smile is tender. Yet, his eyes carry within them a certain seriousness.
MC: Mm, I like it too.
In that moment, the look in his eyes becomes even brighter, and he flashes me a wide smile.
Kiro: After dinner, I have a secret surprise for you!
MC: What surprise?
Kiro: I already called it a “secret”, so of course I’ll keep it to myself first!
He blinks at me slyly, carrying our luggage as he runs up the stairs. He stands at the top of the stairs and waves.
Kiro: Miss Chips, hurry up!
MC: Mm!
In the span of an afternoon, Kiro shows me around the entire village – from the large banyan tree at the door to the river’s thousand-year-old stone path.
We take time to appreciate the traditional textiles, and even eat delicious farm dishes…
Starlight appears in the distance. To city-dwellers, this means that the night has just begun. But to the people here, it means that it’s time to return home and rest.  
In the distance, I hear tea women singing. In the midst of the song, I call out to the person who is in front of me.
MC: Kiro…
Kiro: What’s wrong? Are you tired?
MC: No, I’m just a little curious… is the “secret surprise” you mentioned very far from here?
Kiro: Not really. There, it’s on that mountain.
MC: Then why are we bringing a tent?
Kiro: That’s also a secret!
I can only pout and continue following him.
Kiro looks incredibly well-prepared. He’s carrying a tent on his back, a high-power flashlight in his hands. You can tell from a glance that you can’t buy these things from this town.
Even though he is usually bad with directions, he walks with light steps in the twilight, clearly familiar with this path. As for the small black bag he’s carrying… I stare at it with curiosity. 
I should just anticipate the surprise he has prepared!
With this in mind, I smile, my footsteps becoming lighter as well.
MC: Kiro! Wait for me!
By the time the heat of the day ebbs away and the sky is lit up by a few stars, we have reached the foot of the mountain. I look at the stone steps in front of me, slightly shocked.
MC: I thought it would be an undeveloped steep mountain road…
Kiro: Hehe, bet you didn’t expect this! Also, this stone path has a legend tied to it.              
MC: A legend?
Kiro: Legend says that in ancient times, there was a loving married couple. They agreed to go up this mountain to view the sea of flowers in Spring, the forests in Summer, the sunsets in Autumn, and the stars in Winter every year. But one day, the wife suffered from a grave injury and it became difficult for her to walk. So her husband built this mountain path by hand, so they could continue their agreement till they became old and grey. As we walk up this path, we could be walking in their same footsteps!
Kiro offers me his hand as he says this. Feeling playful, I hide my hand behind my back.
MC: I’m not the wife in the legend who needs support when walking.
Kiro is stunned for a moment, then he laughs.
Kiro: [laughing] All right, then let’s see how amazing this strong and healthy Miss Chips is!
MC: No problem! Let’s race to see who reaches that banyan tree first, how’s that!
Kiro: Does the winner get a prize?
MC: Hm… the person who loses has to fulfil the winner’s wish!
Kiro: Deal!
MC: Three, two, one, go!
With these words, we run up the stone steps. Responsible for carrying more items, Kiro trails behind me.
However, as the mountain path gets increasingly steep, I begin to lose steam.
MC: Huff… huff… another ten steps…
The distance between Kiro and I grows smaller, and I can almost hear his shallow breaths from behind.
With a sudden burst of energy, I release a shout and lunge forward.
MC: Three more… two more… I’ve reached! Victory!!
The moment I step on the top of the steps, I raise up both hands in celebration.
Soon after, Kiro also reaches the goal and gives me a high-five.  
Kiro: Ah… I can’t believe I lost… congratulations to Miss Chips for being the champion! You can state your wish now!
MC: Hmm, I haven’t thought about it actually. I just said it in passing just now… is it okay if I save it for now?
Kiro: You’re so sly! I’m reluctantly agreeing, but I’m only extending the time-limit of making the wish to the end of today!
MC: Mm! I will give it serious thought!
After resting for a while, we continue up the path until we reach an empty plain.
Kiro hangs a light on a tree branch, casting the surroundings in brightness. He removes the tent from his back.
MC: I just realised that you planned this right from the start. This tent is big enough to host a party!
Kiro: Savin helped me pick it. He said the blackout tent is especially suitable for…
MC: [blushing] Suitable for what?
Kiro: Mm… you’ll know in a while. [laughing]
After setting up the tent, Kiro asks me to wait outside.
He takes the small black bag and enters the tent. After a while, he sticks his head out of the flap.
Kiro: Miss Chips, come in.
MC: Eh? Do you need help with anything?
Kiro doesn’t respond, but his eyes are crinkled, a secretive smile on his face as he looks at me. I can only play along with him, bending down and entering the tent.
MC: …it’s so dark! Why didn’t you turn the light on?
Right after the words leave my lips, a sea of stars appear before my eyes.
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In the tent, countless little star-shaped lights flicker. It’s like magic. The warm yellow lights illuminate this space - a space belonging only to the two of us.
The source of the light is in his hands, and light is also reflected in his bright blue eyes.
MC: It’s beautiful… is this the surprise you wanted to give me?
Kiro hangs the final star lamp on the tent carefully. He lowers his head and answers my question.
Kiro: [cheeky laughter] This is more like the “appetizer” of the surprise. The “proper meal” is still on the mountaintop, and is even more beautiful than this!
MC: Mountaintop?
Kiro: Mm! There’s a banyan tree with long, winding vines that form an enclosed natural area. Last time, the film crew strung several lights similar to these on the vines, and it was so beautiful to look at in the night! After the filming was over, I specially asked them to keep the scene as it is, so that I could bring you there someday.
He takes a step towards me, offering me his hand.
Kiro: May I ask if Miss Chips is interested to go to “Kiro’s special, limited-time-only secret base” with me?
I nod my head vigorously and place my hand in his.
MC: Of course! I’m looking forward to it!
MC and Kiro carry on upwards but fail to notice that the clouds are grey and that it’s about to rain. 
It starts pouring and they realise it would be too late before they can reach the tent. Kiro notes that the mountaintop doesn’t have shelter either, so they head to a nearby cave to seek shelter.
The cave isn’t very deep, but it’s dry. In a corner, there are traces of burnt candles and food offerings.
MC: Looks like this place was used by the villagers to worship the mountain god…
Kiro: Mountain god grandfather, I am grateful that you have lent us your cave so we can hide from the rain. If you can hear this, please give the rain god a call so that he can make the rain stop quickly!
Seeing Kiro putting his hands together and talking to the rock reverently makes me laugh.
Kiro: You’re laughing at me? I’m seriously praying here!
MC: I’m not laughing, I’m not laughing. I believe the rain god will soon get the call!
Despite what I said, the rain doesn’t seem to be letting up. I roll my slightly sore ankles and turn to look at Kiro.
MC: Why are you sitting down?!
Kiro: [sighs] The rain wouldn’t be stopping anytime soon, so why not take a break.
He is sitting down, leaning against the stone wall. He tosses a wave in my direction.
MC: That makes sense…
I move over to Kiro and prepare to sit down, but he spreads out his arms.
MC: What’s wrong?
Kiro: The floor is too cold! I think Miss Chips needs a warm cushion.
He looks at me with a straightforward expression, as though predicting that I would agree.
MC: In that case… you’re not allowed to complain that I’m heavy.
Kiro: I wouldn’t!
I walk towards his outstretched arms and carefully sit on his legs.
He holds my hand firmly with one hand, and takes up the star lamp in the other.
In the darkness of the night, the only source of light rests in between us.
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Fine speckles of light adorn the sturdy rock, the trees that are drenched outside, and both of our eyes.
I see my own reflection in Kiro’s eyes – there is a little panic, a little embarrassment, and a little shyness.
To calm my rapidly beating heart, I break the peaceful and silent atmosphere.
MC: Mm… I wonder when the rain would stop…
As my words leave my lips, I tell myself: “Oh no”.
Sure enough, Kiro’s eyes dim, and the smile originally on his lips turn downwards.
Kiro: [pouting] I should have checked the weather forecast…
Looking at his downcast expression, I try to comfort him.
MC: Today has already been a very happy one for me. So it doesn’t matter even if I can’t see the lights on the banyan trees.
Kiro: But…
He shakes his head, bending forward to wrap me in his arms. The tips of his hair brush my cheeks, and his breath carries with it the dampness of the rain.
Kiro: I’m sorry, Miss Chips.
Hearing the despondent voice coming from the head buried in my shoulder, I suddenly feel a heaviness in my heart.
MC: …why do you have to apologise?
Kiro: I ruined this whole thing… I wanted to have a “Tidbit Eating Showdown” with you, but it can’t happen because of me. And then I wanted to give you a romantic surprise, but because of the rain… Miss Chips, I don’t want to disappoint you. I want every single one of our dates to be perfect.
The melancholy, regret, and resoluteness in his tone makes me hold him tightly.
MC: I think our dates are already perfect.
Kiro: [sighs and sniffs] Miss Chips…
MC: Because… there’s me, there’s you, and there’s nothing missing.
I straighten up and look into his eyes as we sit under the starlight.
MC: We rode a tractor, visited every corner of the village, raced up the mountain, and even hid from the rain using the mountain god’s turf. This isn’t just an interesting date - it’s an extraordinarily interesting one! 
MC: Come to think of it, it seems like every time I’m with you, we have these unexpected yet memorable special experiences! 
MC: So perhaps that starry scene at the banyan tree is an invitation letter to our next “perfect date”!
Clearly not expecting what I just said, he blinks at me in a daze.
Kiro: Miss Chips, are you truly happy today?
MC: Yes! Oh, I thought about what my prize should be from that earlier competition.
I reach out to place my hands on both sides of Kiro’s mouth, then tug upwards gently.  
MC: I want to see Kiro’s signature smile!
We maintain this comical position while looking at each other. My reflection in his eyes contains a serious expression and also a hint of stubborn silliness.
At first, Kiro is stunned. His eyes seem to have harnessed all the light from the lamp.
Even without my assistance, Kiro smiles automatically.
--It’s a smile that belongs to him, and a smile that he shows only to me. No matter when, or whatever happens, Kiro’s smile always brings me warmth and strength.
Kiro: Oh!
As though suddenly realizing something, he raises his pinky finger towards me with a brilliant smile.
Kiro: Do you remember the promise we made last year at the Spring festival?
MC: Of course I remember. You said… that you would be with me in the future.
Kiro: Not quite. It’s that I would be with you forever. But this time, let’s add on to the promise.
MC: Add on?
I hesitantly hook my pinky finger with his, and the place where our fingers link is a place where a tiny star-shaped speckle of light happens to be.
Kiro: The promise I want to add on is that I would not only be with you forever, but I will always be happy when I’m with you!
MC: Mm! Me too!
Kiro: It’s a promise! This is the mountain god’s turf, so he will be our witness!
I nod my head vigorously.
His voice melds together with the lights in the cave.
Kiro: Miss Chips, look. The rain has stopped.
Call after the date: here
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Double OH!
Here’s that Bond Smut fic I promised... Tagging @babypieandwhiskey @manawhaat @room-with-a-cat (hoping you don’t mind) I didn’t quite know where to finish it, so I hope this is alright! It’s an unbeta’d mess and I’m sorry if it’s all hands and not enough anything else.
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The latch clicked, the key sliding into place. YN’s ears pricked and her head whipped toward the door. The lock clicked, the key turning inside. YN pushed herself off the couch and picked up the hockey stick on the way to the foyer. The latch caught, the third click. YN held the stick over her shoulder and stood to the side of the door, it would open and conceal her, giving her the advantage of surprise. The handle turned and the door creaked open.
YN took a step forward, following the figure into the room, swinging from the shoulder, giving everything she had. But the figure was broad and strong and fast as lightning. He’d turned and grabbed the sick as it sailed towards his head. YN looked shocked and froze as he gave the stick a hard yank, pulling her towards him and into his chest. He caught her, an arm around her waist, holding her in place. “What was this meant to do?” He quirked an eyebrow, the hint of a smirk, letting the sports equipment clatter to the ground. Her hands were splayed across his chest, quickly sliding to the back of his neck, pulling his head down to hers. YN’s lips met his in a bruising kiss, lips pressed uncomfortably hard together. Then she pulled at the short hairs, yanking his head back, away from her lips, a low groan rumbling from within him. “I thought Em had you on a secret mission.” YN snarled, lips hovering over his pulse point. James didn’t say a word, his lips only twitching when she pulled at his hair again. She kissed his neck and let him go, turning to glance into the hall and shut the door. James pulled her back against his chest, his hands roaming over her hips and chest, fitting his palm to her breast and gently squeezing, eliciting a quiet moan from her. She pulled at his arm and spun herself around, pushing her body against his, reaching up to press her lips against his. This time it wasn’t so desperate, more passionate. James broke away from her, running his nose down the bridge of hers. “She did.” He breathed, trailing his lips across hers, teasing her. “All done then?” YN asked, her hands working their way under his suit jacket, pushing it off his shoulders and down his arms. “Not quite.” James was playing coy, as he so often did when the promise of a lady was offered. “What did you do?” YN wagged her eyebrows and pulled his tie loose from his waistcoat, giving a tight pull and smiling when he huffed. She pressed her lips to his, nipping at the lower. “Creating paperwork for me, I suppose.” YN chided, letting go of his tie and working her way out of his hold. She turned from him and padded down to the kitchen, pulling the tumbler and scotch from an open shelf. James took a deep breath and composed himself before following. When he rounded the corner, she was sitting on the kitchen bench, amidst the spread of papers, sipping red wine from a crystal glass. The only one left from their collection. “Tanner getting on your nerves?” James asked, pouring himself a finger of the amber liquid into the awaiting tumbler. “We’re taking another break.” YN shrugged, her eyes tracking James as he tipped his head back and finished the mouthful before pouring another. She didn’t miss the small lift of his lips. James came to stand between her legs, resting a hand on her thigh. They both finished their drinks in one large gulp, their eyes locked. The agent took her glass and carefully placed his and other on either side of her legs before running his hands up her thighs. She let out a deep breath, her chest collapsing as the air rushed from her. YN closed her eyes and tilted her head as he kissed her neck, pulling her roughly towards him, his fingers digging into her flesh as he worked her pencil skirt up to her ass. Suddenly she came alive, pushing at his body so she could get her hands between them. YN made quick work of the buttons on his waistcoat and then his shirt, pulling his tie off and dropping it to the floor. She began to run her hands across his chest as he rid himself of his shirt, but as soon as he was free he pushed her hands away. James ripped at her blouse and made quick work of her bra, running his nose along her collarbone before planting a kiss then nip to her shoulder. Her hands were back on his abdomen, fingers finding the scars, feeling the grooves of the healed flesh, delicately brushing across the new scrapes and cuts. YN wound her legs around his waist, locking her ankles at his back, hands working over his shoulders till her arms were resting on them. “Take me to bed, James.” YN whispered into his ear, biting at the lobe. James lifted her off the bench, one hand under her backside, fingers digging into her ass, the other arm wrapped around her back. James tossed her onto the unmade bed, his eyes never leaving her as he shed his pants, watching as she kicked off her skirt and underwear. YN licked her lips, her bottom being drawn into her mouth, and that was all he needed to start moving. He crawled up the bed and over her body, his lips ghosting over her bare skin. Over her thigh, her pelvis, her navel, over the side of a breast and across her sternum. He nipped at her collarbone then smiled as her body convulsed at the sudden shock of pain. James kissed at her neck, sucking a mark into her smooth skin. He made his way up to her lips and looked into those half hooded eyes, begging him to keep going. Bugger Queen and Country, he thought, I’d face a thousand deaths to keep her safe. Especially if she’s waiting for me. YN craned her neck, her head lifting off the crumpled sheets, her lips capturing his in a searing kiss. No teasing, no playing about. Their tongues swirled and curled, sharing the cavities of each others mouths. YN’s body arched up to meet his, her hands laying flat against his shoulder blades, insistent on pushing him flat against her. James reached between them and brushed his thumb over her clit, her body so responsive tonight as it curled towards him. He dipped a finger into her wet and warm cunt, stroking a few times, moaning into her mouth. She ran her heel up his calf, his thigh, digging into his ass, demanding him to do something, anything, with the throbbing cock lying heavy against her pelvis.
James broke from the kiss and bowed his head, watching as he grasped himself and aligned his tip with her entrance. “James…” She moaned, encouraging him, her other leg moving further to the side, opening herself to him. James sunk forward, moving slowly, enjoying the sight of him disappearing inside her. YN was enjoying it too, the delicious stretch that only James could deliver, her slick against his shaft. She sighed as his hips met hers, her toes flexing before she flipped them. In one practised move, the double-0 agent was flat on his back, YN sitting astride him. His erection still inside her, hot with want, pulsing as she clenched her muscles, watching James’ mouth fall into the perfect ‘oh’. She placed her hands on his chest and lifted herself off him, making sure the tip remained inside her, lips just holding him in place. She dropped down on him, hips grinding, moving in harsh circles, his fingers dug into her thighs, grabbing at her, bound to leave fingerprints. He moved his grip to her calves and pulled harshly, repositioning her, hitting a pleasure spot deep inside her. YN’s head fell back, her moan of pleasure telling him just how much she needed this. And so did he. James wrapped his arms under hers, pulling her flush to his chest, before rolling and filling her completely.
Although her brain hummed with the electricity between them, she had enough sense to reach down, holding her knees, her legs spread further than before as he pounded into her. Grunts and snarls coming heavy from his chest, mixing with her whimpers and pants. James shifted his weight onto one arm, his pace faltering. He grabbed her chin tightly and forced her to look at him. She let go of her legs, feet planting into the sheets, toes curling, hands grabbing for his head, pulling her to him and crushing her lips to his. They broke apart, foreheads resting together, she reached between them and circled her clit, feeling him throb inside her the familiar sense that he was close, on the brink. But he was a gentleman, deep down, and he wouldn’t cum until she had. His lips pulled back in a momentary snarl as her breath caught. Then she was tumbling over the precipice and into an unending surge of ecstasy. He gave one last, hard thrust, letting himself go inside her. Her muscles tightened around him, her body quivering under him, her limbs heavy as they fell from him, letting him drop to her side. He slid from her, a mix of her cum mixing with his, dribbling down the crease of her ass to the sheet below. “I’ve missed that.” She huffed in one breath, her chest still heaving, and her body trembling every so often, the after effect of her intense orgasm. James gulped down a large breath of air as well, trying to bring down his heart rate. “Don’t go back to Tanner.” James said after a comfortable silence had fallen between them. “James,” YN sighed and sat up, her elbows on her knees, head in her hands. Her hair hung over her face before she turned to peer under the curtain of YHC strands over her shoulder at James. “Don’t do that.” She said, pushing off the bed to get up. James caught her wrist and pulled her back onto the bed, quickly positioning and rolling to pin her underneath him. “Just don’t go yet.” He breathed into her neck, avoiding her knowing eyes, those YEC eyes that would see right through him, to mouth at her neck. She hummed, unable to control her hands from reaching up to card her fingertips through the short strands at the back of his neck. “You aren’t getting off that easy.” She whispered a warning. “Hmm, funny,” He said against her pulse point, positioning his thigh between her legs, “I thought I just did!” He pressed against her, applying pressure to her clit, making her head fall back and a wanton moan fall from her plump lips.
Tell me what you thought, leave me a comment, reply, ask, message... Whatever, just feedback me Seymour!
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devil-you-know · 7 years
“Just’a’few scrapes, savvy?”
Chilled air surrounded him, wisps of a breeze finding every stray bit of skin left exposed by his loose fitted attire. He’d traded armor and leather for the soft cloth of a laced shirt, leaving parts of his chest and arms exposed while he moved about the deck. Leather boots thudded against the deck, but it was all the noise he had to greet him while the ship lay at anchor. Moored to the docks of Limsa, they idled there while the rest of the crew made their business within the city. He’d have joined them too, but there was more work to do and the boys deserved their rest. So here he was, alone on the main deck in the midst of Starlight’s wake with nothing but his thoughts and his hands to keep busy.
Bruised and calloused hands worked the knots of the rigging, pulling them tight and securing lines he knew were already safe. For all the grief he’d given Kaiden in the days leading up to their arrival back at port, the boy had learned his lesson. Try as he might, Gideon failed to find a single flaw in any of his work. And for all his gruff demeanor, he couldn’t quell the slip of pride that ticked at the edge of his thoughts. Fear and respect went hand-in-hand, he pondered. Even if he wasn’t much of a scholar he understood the way to rouse men's spirits and push them further. Just like Aeric had always done for him, even while shadows played around them.
A deep breath of the sea air filled his lungs. Familiar, comforting, and something he’d always understood. A bit of salt, the distant whiff of smoke from a cook fire. There was always a little bit of gunpowder in the air, he noted fondly, a consequence of having too many ships and too many pirates gathered in one place. Give them too long a time on their own, and thoughts and firearms were liable to fly as easily as insults.
Quiet as the ocean’s breath at dawn, his chest began to rumble in a familiar cadence. Music had always been a comfort to him, even as a small boy. While the docks were hardly a place fit for a child, those that took to the life did so with strong legs and arms, and a healthy respect for the way a note could turn a man’s heart. From dour to hopeful, a choice word held on the right octave could inspire exhausted men to push harder.
Tales of bawdy wenches, and the promise of coin were often enough to sway their addled thoughts. Quell a possible mutiny when the takings were low or the voyage proved fitful and overlong. Not that such things happened on the Siren, it occurred to him. That was a tale on a different ship, one that now decorated the bottom of Vesper Bay. Music was the great bridge between words and understanding. So as he hummed and worked his hands, adjusting knots and scrubbing some of the railings he tried to understand it all. His mind drifted off from where he stood, poised to gaze upon the distant ocean, and back to the evening he’d nearly died.
A strip of moving shadow on the bridge, swirling like the vortex of the churning sea. Only this time it didn’t seek to swallow anything up but spilled out a monster of nightmare. Men clad in robes and armor, with swords the likes of which he’d never seen. Like lightning they were, blades swiping through the air.
He touched the line cut across his stomach, wondering not for the first time what would’ve happened. If he hadn’t jerked back at the last moment, half of him would’ve spilled out on that stone bridge. But the man that wielded it was little more than worm food now, two of his rounds split through his chest. To say nothing of the creatures that had torn into his shoulder, and the hulking beast that nearly dashed him across the bridge...
Sighing his own frustration to the air his mind pieced together the events. It tried to fit them into some narrative even he couldn’t understand. A girl was brought aboard, given shelter in the Captain’s company, and now...now their lives were at risk. Part of him didn’t care as to the reason, the thrill of another battle was enough to fuel him till the end of time, but his thoughts weren’t centered on him. They were on Aeric, and Kaiden, and Skipper, and all the rest. What would fall on their heads from this, if anything? What of that other, the Limsan man with the stabbers and the magic...Soren, he’d heard the name mentioned only once. And the ship. The Siren’s Call. The place that became his home when Limsa decided to swallow him whole. What about her?
“Ain’t lettin’ nothin’ happne t’ye, lass...”
The fondness in his voice while his hands wrapped around the railing should’ve been reserved for a lover, or a confidant. Instead it was the vessel under his feet, the one that carried them all into danger’s path and back home safe again. Close calls and shots had wandered in their path more times than he cared to admit, yet every time she pulled through for them. And they for her. The aged wood felt good beneath rough hands, and a smile touched his face.
Yet his smile turned sour while the humming ceased, and hard eyes turned on the door to Aeric’s cabin. He’d watched him take her in, care for her, seen how fondly the two looked. Aeric was the ocean, his fancy shifting with the tides, yet she was as smitten as a barnacle against the bow. And now, because of it, trouble swarmed them all. Without realizing, his hand had moved to curl over the handle of his dagger, as if another of the voidsent might spring up from the shadows across the ship. He cursed the nerves that so rarely dogged him, and spat over the side of the ship to ward them off. His fist struck the edge of the railing, even as he heard footsteps approaching from below and voices drawing near.
“Shite better be worth it in th’end...”
@captain-tanner @hana-xiv @wicked-virtue -Soren (Though it won’t lemme tag you yet) for mentions.
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