#choco://proceeds to screams with joy
choconanime · 5 years
*A little golden pixie is fiddling with the lock on a chest in the Heartslabyul dormitory. Tanner is sure he's alone in the room, so it should be safe for him to be out in the open like this...right? The chest makes a satisfying "click", bring a devilish grin to his face. He was in!* (It's @edda-blattfe 😉)
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**Choco proceeds to pester Tanner with questions,she doesnt get half of the shit he saying but that doenst mean she will let him leave**
Choco:Who are you?Why are you here?Highkey was having a really nice dream,did you had to wake me up?
Tanner:**speaks in pixie**
Choco:"Okay first of I didn't get half of what you said aside from why was I sleeping here?L o o k here b u d d y-"//holds him by his ropes?so he wont leave
((She has never seen a pixie,will act angry and keep asking him why he was opening her jewelry box just to make him stay as she checks him out shes transparent so it wont be hard to know she ain't mad she just want to keep him near her))
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katelynn-a-fan · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 8
Roman descend down their stairs and halfway down he noticed Patton’s sign and looked over to their couch saw a silhouette of Virgil tucked under his blanket and head nestled on his pillow. Virgil shifted a little while making a small noise. 
Patton and his nicknames.
He slowed his descent down to be as quiet as possible to not wake Virgil before slipping past Patton’s soundproofing magic wall. “-ey Roman! I’m making chocolate chip pancakes and bacon for breakfast!” Patton gushed.
“Great! Just enough like desert that we can pretend we’re treating ourselves to something special and just enough like breakfast that we’re reminded a day is just starting.” Roman replied.
Logan grunted at Roman’s declaration. Logan had come down as well, and as is customary, was drinking his morning coffee. (Never try to talk to Logan before he’s had his morning coffee).
“Should we wake Virgil? He’ll probably want to have hot and ready pancakes rather than cold ones.” Roman was unsure if letting Virgil get more or less sleep would be better for him at this time of morning.
“If you want to kiddo, he seems to have slept well and long, so I think it would be okay.” Patton smiled.
Cold. Virgil was so cold.
His stomach felt like a endless abyss of pain, but Virgil could barely move because he was so cold.
Pain numbed cold. Cold numbed pain. He felt both and neither simultaneously.
After who knows how long, Virgil finally sensed a little warmth. He wanted it. He wanted it so bad.
Virgil stirred and parted his eyelids a crack to see Roman crouching down and placing his right hand on top of his blanket around Virgil’s stomach, right where it need to be to temporarily quell his hunger while it was there.
An explosion of warmth landed on his stomach, enough to cut back some of the cold he felt, but not all of it. Virgil opened his eyes to gaze at Roman.
“Rise and shine, Hot Topic. Patton’s made chocolate chip pancakes and bacon for breakfast.” Roman gently invited while offering Virgil to take his left hand to help Virgil up. Virgil vaguely noticed that there was a wall of soundproofing magic between them and their kitchen.
Yes! Yes! YES! He needed this and Roman was offering it out love for Virgil!
Virgil could barely contain his actions and rising desire as he reached out his hand to take Roman’s. 
An explosion of warmth exploded down his hand into other parts of his body. Virgil choked down an exclamation of pure joy from his reprieve from his hunger.
Once Virgil was upright and standing, Roman’s expression changed to an expression of deep concern. “Virgil your hands are so cold and you’re thinner than usual! Have you been eating enough?” Roman removed his hands from Virgil not out of disgust, but out of what Virgil knew was pure shock, but again and even still old fears threatened themselves.
More. I just want more, why couldn’t you hold on longer? Do you not love me?
Virgil winced minutely as Roman pulled away and burst out with his remark much louder than his first invitation was. 
“I’m fine Romano. I’ve skipped some meals this past week because I haven’t felt hungry. Patton and Logan have already stressed to me I need to take better care of myself when I was at dinner last night, so don’t worry. Also, I guess my blanket was not enough to warm me up sleeping on our couch.” Virgil reassured Roman with as much smile as he could muster. Desire was creeping around in his gut, but he ignored it.
Roman looked slightly relieved, but still looked concerned for Virgil. “Ok Pop-star, at least you got your beauty rest.”
Virgil put up his hoodie’s hood up as Roman turned around to proceed to his breakfast.
Maybe today would be a good day, after all, what could go wrong if he had choco chip pancakes and love?
@amazing-creepyfloof @lopaviro @silverstartbs @michaelheresblog @charakitcat @supbitchss
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faintblueivy · 6 years
Your smile is my world - Naruto Fanfiction
Hello everybody! This is my submission for @sakuramonth! The prompt is Milk and Cookies, so yeah, have a little Mamakura sweetness! 
Your Smile is my World
Sakura shivers involuntarily as she enters her home. In contrast to the icy winter and freezing winds outside, her home feels much warmer and safe. A sigh escapes her lips in response to the sudden comfort. Though her ears are intently trained on the pitter patter of tiny feet following her and a large smile overcomes her lips.
“Yes Mama?”
The warmth that blooms in her chest at the sound of her voice is even sweeter than the one which makes her light up in Sasuke’s presence.
“Come on in quickly, sweetie. I don’t want you to get a cold again.”
“Hai. Hai.”
Sometimes, Sakura wonders that despite Sasuke’s absence in the raising of their daughter, she still, at times, resembles him uncannily in both looks and mannerisms. It feels as if she’s with a mini version of Sasuke. But Sakura knows – her daughter is much more than that. Incredibly more. She buries her thoughts in some deep corner of her mind and then proceeds to put the brown grocery bags down and run swiftly to close the door. Even a small encounter with the chilling wind of outside frosts her nose. She turns around again to shrug off her coat and observes her daughter struggling to untie the laces of her boots. A pang of wistfulness reminds her that a few months ago, Sasuke was the one to sit and patiently help their child with her boots. But the child succeeds before Sakura could step up to help her. A smile of childish pride comes over her lips as she looks up at Sakura for acknowledgement. And of course, Sakura beams.
After leaving their cold coats behind, the mother-daughter duo enter the house. Their house is larger than necessary for only two people but they don’t mind. The grocery bag is placed on the counter and Sakura occupies herself with pulling and sorting the contents. Sarada drags a chair over, sits, and is content watching her mother dance around the kitchen for a few minutes. But still, she’s a child and the innate tendency of kids of not wanting to stay still or silent for a long while forces her to send a barrage of questions at her mother, like – ‘What is this?, Why do we use them?, Are they healthy?, Why would we add that in our food?’. And the list is endless. Sakura knows that she’s is supposed to feel a little annoyed because the questions keep coming nonstop and at a ferocious pace, but she can’t bring herself too. Her daughter’s endless queries represent a mirror image of the curiosity she, herself, used to display in her childhood.
“So? When are we making them?!” Sarada’s question is bubbling with unbridled excitement.
“Making what?” Sakura feigns a look of complete innocence at the question.
The child pouts at her and Sakura cannot help but burst out laughing.
“Maybe after you take your nap?” Sakura suggests.
“No!” Sarada stubbornly refuses and Sakura notes how the creases between her eyebrows are so hauntingly similar to her father. But she also does not fail to notice the defiant and determined look in her eyes. She knows she’s seen that particular look on the mirror more times than she can count.
“No! I don’t need naps. I’m a big girl.”
“Oh yeah?”
“But Boruto takes one too.”
“Aunty Hinata makes him because he always causes troubles!”
Sakura inwardly smirks. That…may be true. With a small baby and a child who is an unstoppable ball of energy, leaves Hinata with no other choice. Boruto’s constant trouble making behaviour and pranking habits are hard to handle. Sakura never knew how a mild mannered woman like Hinata could actually keep up with a family of such hyperactive blondes. But when she looks at Naruto and sees the look of pure delight in his eyes when his children are all over him and the content smile at the presence of his wife, never fails to make her smile. He is happy and Sakura desires nothing more than it to ever last.
“Alright! We can make cookies now but on one condition.” Sakura offers, bending at waist to peer at her daughter.
“Yes! If you’re going to stay awake now then the bed time will come early.”
Sarada stills and pretends to consider the offer quite seriously. Sakura hides her smile at the look of concentration on her small face before her daughter passes a judgemental nod of yes.
“So which ones?” Sakura asks despite being sure of the answer she was going to receive.
“Choco-chips!” the child exclaims and Sarada laughs out loudly. Choco-chip cookies were Sarada’s absolute favourite. The ‘heaven may fall but I’m not changing my opinion’ type of favourite.  
Surprisingly, it had been Kakashi-sensei who had made this discovery on a baby-sitting endeavour, when Sarada was and year and half. He had handed over their daughter to Sasuke with a crinkle in his eyes and a statement of, “She likes chocolate, I think. She ate half of the choco-chip cookies in the packet.”
“Fine! Now list off the ingredients we need. I think I don’t remember.” She tells the small child who looks positively thrilled at the prospect of reminding her mother the recipe of her favourite cookies.
“We need choco-chips!” She supplies with a happy grin.
“Only choco-chips?” Sakura pretends to be confused.
“No Mama! No! We need flour, sugar, and brown sugar too! And butter, lots of butter! Vanilla extract! And yes, eggs?”
“Do you want to eat the cookie dough?” Sakura asked, collecting the required ingredients and placing them on the counter. She remembered this particular request which Sarada had made last time when they had baked.
“Yes! Boruto said that it tasted good!”
“Oh yeah? Then no eggs.”
“Because raw eggs can make you sick.”
Sarada comments and busies herself with whipping up the butter first. Times passes and before they know it, all ingredients have been added they dough comes together. They scoop the dough into small balls, and place them on the prepared baking tray ready to be put into the pre heating oven. Now, having nothing to do but wait.
Sarada had listened with attention and had observed her mother with great concentration, occasionally chiming in once in a while. Sakura was sure that the next time they want cookies, Sarada would be the one insisting on baking them herself.
She let a large grin to be directed at her daughter and started the music player. And when the tunes of “Bare necessities” from jungle book floated into the kitchen Sarada jumped up in uncontained excitement and delight! So happy and eyes so bright that Sakura could not help but grab the tiny child and dance all around the kitchen. Both mother-daughter duo screaming the last lines of the iconic song at the top of their lungs and then dissolving into a fit of giggles and childish laughter.
A few hours later, the cookies baked with utmost perfection – golden and perfect were a feast, nothing short of a delicacy with warm milk. Sarada’s big smile as she dunked her cookie into the milk made Sakura’s heart throb with joy and contentment.
She has seen a lot of things in her life.
Life and death.
Happiness and sorrow.
Satisfaction and suffering.
Victory and defeat.
Love and hate.
But nothing could ever compare to the smile that Sarada gives her while offering her milk soaked, soggy cookie. It’s worth millions of stars. It’s worth all the obstacles they have crossed and all the adversities they have survived.
It’s worth everything.
You smile is my world.
Hope you enjoyed it! I live for Mommy-baby love here! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 
Tell me your thoughts!
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No spitting, only swallowing! (Request)
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Author: @julietsoddeye AU: Vampire | Soulmate Genre: Humor Pairing: Vampire Sehun x Human Reader Trigger Warning: None, just a fun fic that I can’t take seriously. I’m sorry. Word Count: 1,510
Plot: You always find your best friend’s boyfriend to be weird. But going to their joint Bachelor/Bachelorette party, you uncovered his deepest, darkest secret. Oh and apparently you also found your soulmate, so yay, right?!
A/N: New drinking game! Every time the word ‘dick’ is mentioned, take a shot. Lmfao kidding. This is a universe where Vampires and Humans co-exist without problems. Hope it’s not sucky at all for yall, after all this is a humorous fic. Hope you like this one, this is for you @itsmeayishaa ♥
Heey /)///(\ omg you're amazing fjkdnfs I'm suddenly all shyyy xhjshds may I please request a Sehun vampire au? Where he meets his soulmate in an unexpected way/place which somehow leads to an accidental kiss?? >///< Or if not you can take the story any way you want ~ I don't mind hehehe thank you in advance sweets ♥ ♥
Arriving late at the penthouse of this famous five-star hotel in the city. You didn’t expect this Bachelorette party to be so… Co-ed.
The butler’s face contorts uncomfortably when he took a big basket of dicks from your grip. You felt bad and apologetic with his reaction. But your best friend actually requested for you to get a bunch of dick choco pops for a party game.
“Oh, there she is!!!”
Andi, your best friend, howls when she saw you slowly and awkwardly emerging from the entrance. The crowd of twenty or so people twirls their heads in your direction, immediately making you suddenly feel nervous and small.
The butler finally left you alone to drop the basket on the table spread full of drinks, snacks, and gifts.
“What took you so long?”
Andi ran to you, meeting you halfway with a kiss on your cheek as she shoves a cocktail drink in your hands
“It’s a Friday night, I got caught in a little traffic.”
You were about to take a sip of the drink when she suddenly pulls you to where everyone was. You instantly recognize your group of friends, plus Junmyeon, Andi’s fiancé, and his equally strange group of friends.
You don’t really hang out with Junmyeon or his friends much unless Andi literally begs and kneels in front of you. There’s something about them that shakes your insides in a very not good way. And up until now, you still cannot point out what it is about them that makes you uncomfortable. Even after all these years of Andi and Junmyeon being together.
Sure, you’ve dealt with a lot of rich snobs like them in your short life, you’re a secretary for one dammit, but something about Junmyeon is not normal...
He treats Andi like a Queen and she assures you Junmyeon is a fine gentleman. Maybe, you just didn’t give him the proper attention as much as your best friend would like. Now you feel like a shitty friend, great!
“Should we start the first game since (Y/N)’s here?”
One of your girlfriends, Joni who planned the party, asks no one in particular. All the girls then roar with excitement. The men though have empty reactions, probably just as clueless as you are with the night’s plan ahead.
“Did you bring the dicks?”
Few of Junmyeon’s cronies snort with laughter, your cheeks immediately flush with the frankness of Joni’s question. You coyly point at the basket that was on the table and she signaled for one of the butlers to bring the stuff to her.
“Okay, since our Andi is marrying a vampire and—”
“Wait… A what? A vampire?!”
You screech, not letting her finish what she was about to say. Your mouth opens in shock as you look at Junmyeon. He had an uncertain smile on his lips, worried that you’d hate him even more now that you know his secret.
“Do you have a problem with us?”
You heard the sadness in Baekhyun’s voice when he spoke up among the crowd of close friends.
“No, Baek. She’s just a little iffy with your kind.”
Andi offers an explanation. You faced her with your forehead creased and mouth still hanging open.
“Wait, so that’s it? Junmyeon’s a vampire?”
“Well, I thought you’d have a problem with me dating one because I know you really hate your previous asshole vampire boss.”
Andi grimaced as she clings on Junmyeon tightly. She’s waiting for you to yell at her or something, but it never came. You did hate your old boss and you never really cared about the vampires in your society, but you’ll never judge her for marrying one.
“Andi,” You paused as you clutched your chest dramatically.
“I did have a bad experience with my old boss but I would never discriminate all vampires just because I encountered one who was an asshole.”
You pouted. And Andi pouted as well. You need to have a better communication with her, your busy lives shouldn’t get in between your friendship. It’s mainly your fault though because you avoided Junmyeon’s company like the plague.
“Come here!”
Junmyeon opens his arms wide. Holding Andi on his right, and reaching his other arm for you to take. You gladly walk over to them and embraced both Andi and Junmyeon, rocking them gently.
All your girlfriends express their awws and squeals of joy in a chorus.
“Now that everything’s clear, should we start the actual party?”
Andi shouts out before giving you another tight embrace to whisper a ‘thank you’ in your ear. You smiled and whispered kind words back to her.
“Okay, the first game is Girls versus Boys eating contest. I only need one representative for each group. Whoever eats more pops in sixty seconds, wins!”
Joni then proceeds to grab the choco pops from the basket and drop them on a small table in front of 2 chairs.
“What the hell? That’s so unfair, why does it have to be shaped like dicks?!”
Sehun complains, his arms crossed in front of his chest and a disgusted expression embedded on his face.
“Shut up Sehun, this is a joint party! I even allowed Jongdae to call strippers to dance for Andi and Myeon!”
Joni requites.
“You’re such a negative Nancy! Why don’t you represent our group then.”
Chanyeol then pushes Sehun on one of the chairs that was facing one another where the reps would sit face to face while eating the pops. Everyone started laughing when Sehun almost face dived into the basket of dicks.
“I nominate (Y/N) for our group!!!”
One of your friends shouts out, making Andi and Joni seal clap nonstop. Shit.
“Please. For me? Plus you love chocolates anyway!!!”
Andi bats her pretty lashes and you roll your eyes complying anyway as you sat on the chair opposite to Sehun.
“Fine, I’m gonna swallow my pride just this once… Literally.”
You smirk proudly with your dick joke and everyone roared with laughter except for Sehun. His face was warped in disgust looking over at the ten or so dicks he has to eat in front of him. Joni and the girls helped you and Sehun remove the plastic covering of each pops for easier access.
“Okay, at the count of three you better start eating!”
You scrunch your nose, giving Joni a determined nod as you prepare your mouth for dicks!
“One… Two… Three!”
Everyone screams and both you and Sehun each grab one pop. Sehun hesitates, looking at you with pleading eyes. His peepers almost pop out when you shoved the three-inch chocolate dick into your mouth and bit the straw stick, sliding it off the candy.
“Holy fuck!”
Jongdae curses as his jaw hang open with what you did.
“Come on, Sehun! She’s on her third dick!!!”
Junmyeon shouts in his friend’s ear. Sehun almost chokes on the candy, hitting his chest hard with his fist spitting out some chocolate on the floor.
“Hey! No spitting, only swallowing!!!”
Baekhyun teased. You cackled loudly with the dick joke before shoving one more pop into your mouth.
“Ten… Nine… Eight… Seven… Six…”
Joni starts her countdown and everyone follows suit. You then start chewing like your life depended on it, grabbing another pop as you continue so.
“Five… Four… Three…”
You bit half of the dick before the time ends.
“Two… One… STOP!”
You drop the half-eaten dick and bang your palm on the tiny table as you successfully swallow. You open your mouth wide to show everyone that you’re finished. You peer at Sehun who’s mouth still full and chewing, with a sour look on his face.
“(Y/N) ate three and a half, while Sehun only ate two! Girls team wins this round!”
Joni announces triumphantly as she hangs a paper mâché medal around your neck.
“This is bullshit!!!”
Sehun kicks the table, knocking it over and making the contents of it to fall on the ground. You were about to step up and push Sehun when you lost your footing.
Just like in movies and dramas, you tripped and fell on top of Sehun, your lips accidentally crashing together. You almost roll your eyes with the cliché.
You heard Chanyeol tease and everyone cheering like the two of you are some kind of circus attraction in front of them.
Immediately standing up, a loose thread on your flowy top sleeve snagged on Sehun’s shirt button. Revealing to everyone your right shoulder where your soulmark is located.
“Sehun, look…”
Sehun follows where Junmyeon’s finger was pointing at; your shoulder. You heard his breath hitch and his eyes widen when he saw the mark permanently tattooed on your skin.
Sehun starts peeling off his shirt sleeve, revealing the same soulmark at the same location as yours.
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