#taos county
eopederson · 11 months
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Adobe with ristras, Taos, 2006.
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kolkena · 9 months
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My hike up Wheeler Peak, the highest peak in New Mexico
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This Must Be the Place (Paolo Sorrentino, 2011) Taos Gorge Bridge / Rio Grande Gorge Bridge / Gorge Bridge / High Bridge Taos County, New Mexico (USA) Bridge over the Rio Grande Type: truss arch bridge.
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hiemaldesirae · 1 year
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prince zhuang… zhou ying…. oh babygirl you are soooo fucked up and evil
(plus an a-xiang and tiny little dandan)
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grassbreads · 1 year
God, I've been sitting here for a while trying to write a coherent post about how and why I love Tai Sui so much, and for once in my life I'm really truly just stumped. It's so much to try and convey.
It starts out as just an interesting and prettily written little story, with Xi Ping as a very fun and engaging protagonist, and as you finish book one and get into book two the sheer multiplicity of Things Going On at any given time gets incredibly exciting.
But then, god, book 3. I'm in the middle of book 3's third arc right now, and I cannot tell you how many times this book has just absolutely floored me with how beautiful this story is. The direction it goes and the themes it takes on and the way it executes them. It's all just, god.
Besties please read Tai Sui. It's so worth it and I need someone else to scream about it with.
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lajicarita · 6 months
The Tortured History of What Defines the Public Welfare in Water Management
By KAY MATTHEWS I attended the New Mexico Acequia Association’s Congreso de Las Acequias 2023 on Saturday, November 18, to listen to the panel “Acequia Self Determination: 20 Years of Water Transfer Decisions” with Sylvia Rodriguez and David Benavides. They both addressed the issue of public welfare, one of the three criteria the Office of the State Engineer (OSE) uses to decide whether to…
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justinrodgers · 1 year
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Dining Room in San Francisco Inspiration for a large transitional kitchen/dining room combo remodel with gray walls
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minnesotafollower · 2 years
Resetting State Criminal Trial Date for Kueng and Thao
Resetting State Criminal Trial Date for Kueng and Thao
On June 6, Hennepin County District Court Judge Peter Cahill, in a well-reasoned opinion, postponed the date for the criminal cases against J. Peter Kueng and Tao Thao  to January 5, 2023.[1] On June 21, Judge Cahill heard arguments on two motions for changing the date for the start of the trial. Prosecution’s Motion[2] The prosecution’s one-page letter merely stated, “On behalf of the family of…
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herpsandbirds · 5 months
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Black Rosy-Finch (Leucosticte atrata), family Fringillidae, order Passeriformes, Taos County, NM, USA
photograph by Tringa Photography
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federer7 · 28 days
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January 1943. Penasco, New Mexico. "Marjorie Muller, Red Cross nurse at the clinic operated by the Taos County cooperative health association. The radio is her only contact with the outside world. Papers come rarely to the town, and she must depend on news broadcasts to follow daily events."
Photo by John Collier - Office of War Information
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balladofsallyrose · 6 months
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Dennis Hopper's collection of owned and gifted books (a few are listed under the cut)
Islands in the Stream (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970)
Magic (Delacorte Press, 1976)
Sneaky People (Simon and Schuster, 1975)
Strange Peaches (Harper's Magazine Press, 1972)
I Didn't Know I Would Live So Long (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973)
Baby Breakdown (The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1970)
37 (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970)
Presences: A Text for Marisol (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970)
Little Prayers for Little Lips, The Book of Tao, The Bhagavadgita or The Song Divine, and Gems and Their Occult Power.
Lolita (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1955)
The Dramas of Kansas (John F. Higgins, 1915)
Joy of Cooking (The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1974) 
The Neurotic: His Inner and Outer Worlds (First edition, Citadel Press, 1954)
Out of My Mind: An Autobiography (Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1997)
The Savage Mind (University of Chicago Press, 1966)
Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors (J.B. Lippincott Company, 1974)
The Documents of 20th Century Art: Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp (Viking Press, 1971)
The Portable Dorothy Parker, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, I Ching, and How to Make Love to a Man.
John Steinbeck's East of Eden (Bantam, 1962)
James Dean: The Mutant King (Straight Arrow Books, 1974) by David Dalton
The Moviegoer (The Noonday Press, 1971)
 Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness (City Light Books, 1974)
Narcotics Nature's Dangerous Gifts (A Delta Book, 1973)
The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Dover Publications, 1967)
Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines (Oxford University Press, 1969)
Junky (Penguin Books, 1977) by William S. Burroughs
Weed: Adventures of a Dope Smuggler (Harper & Row, 1974)
Alcoholics Anonymous (Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, 1976)
Skrebneski Portraits - A Matter of Record, Sketchbooks of Paolo Soleri, and High Tide.
Raw Notes (The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 2005)
Le Corbusier (Heidi Weber, 1965)
Henry Moore in America (Praeger Publishers, 1973)
Claes Oldenburg (MIT Press, 2012)
Notebooks 1959 1971 (MIT Press, 1972)
A Day in the Country (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1985)
Album Celine (Gallimard, 1977)
A Selection of Fifity Works From the Collection of Robert C. Scull (Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc. 1973)
Collage A Complete Guide for Artists (Watsun-Guptill Publications, 1970)
The Fifties Aspects of Painting in New York (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1980)
A Bottle of Notes and Some Voyages (Rizzoli International Publications, 1988)
All Color Book of Art Nouveau (Octopus Books, 1974)
A Colorslide Tour of The Louvre Paris (Panorama, 1960)
Dear Dead Days (G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1959)
Woman (Aidan Ellis Publishing Limited, 1972)
The Arts and Man ( UNESCO, 1969)
Murals From the Han to the Tang (Foreign Languages Press, 1974)
A (Grove Press Inc., 1968)
Andy Warhol's Index Book (Random House, 1967)
Voices (A Big Table Book, 1969)
Another Country (A Dell Book, circa 1960s)
On The Road (Signet, circa 1980s) 
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eopederson · 1 year
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Tourist treasures, Taos, New Mexico, 2006.
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mudwerks · 3 months
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(via Play It as It Lays: 1943 | Shorpy)
January 1943. "Penasco, New Mexico. Marjorie Muller, Red Cross resident nurse of the clinic operated by the Taos County cooperative health association, playing bridge at the forest ranger's house." Photo by John Collier for the Office of War Information. View full size.
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This Must Be the Place (Paolo Sorrentino, 2011) Taos Gorge Bridge / Rio Grande Gorge Bridge / Gorge Bridge / High Bridge Taos County, New Mexico (USA) Bridge over the Rio Grande Type: truss arch bridge.
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yuelaos-codex · 2 months
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Wedding Ship Meme
link to template by @heyneon
tagging @bbrocklesnar @alexxmason @captmactavish @onehornedbeast @finding-comfort-in-rain @carlosoliveiraa @tao-tgsh @ghastlyrider @captastra and anyone who wants to ✨ no pressure ofc!
Decided to do both ending 2 (my canon) and ending 3 to show how different yet similar the routes are!
++ some rambles/explanations under the cut:
this is sending me bc i have this long ass timeline that leads to them signing a prenup:
- astarion ascends, then breaks up with selene bc she didn’t want to become his spawn
- selene comes with karlach and wyll to avernus, but she doesn’t last long (she’s a lover not a fighter 💀) karlach convinces her to go back to faerun. she tells her that she has been on autopilot ever since, and she has not had the time to process the breakup. the constant fighting in the hells was not helping
- hesitantly she goes back to waterdeep, where she learns that she is being summoned back to evereska. she journeys there and gets celebrated as the savior of baldur’s gate. she starts creating songs abt her adventures. somehow, she still felt as an outsider in her family despite getting acknowledgment. she goes back to waterdeep where she feels more at home
- she slowly builds her reputation. the reunion party also happens during this time.
- 3 years pass by. she goes back to baldur’s gate ever since the brain. not as a hero, but as a performer this time 🥳
- they see each other again ever since the party
- zariel arc begins(!) selene recruits astarion (and the gang!) to help defeat zariel. this is where they rebuild their relationship, whatever it was. they make house of hope their homebase
- before the final fight, astarion, desperate and pissed off that selene was not jumping on his advances, propositions (again 😩) to turn her. they get into this massive fight. selene tells him that the only way that they can make this work is to enter a (magical, hell-powered) contract, where he can’t compel her and in return she can’t leave or betray him. astarion, who was planning all along to turn selene into a vampire bride (where he actually can’t compel her) instead of a spawn, agrees to it since the contract was heavily in his favor. BOOM PRENUP. they both sign it. astarion turns her the very same night 💀 they’re basically married at this point
- they defeat zariel yay, slowly take over baldur’s gate while also getting a vacation home in waterdeep while also traveling the world yadda yadda. then they have a wedding despite already being married for years bc why not ✨
at this point selene is a very famous singer, and astarion close to becoming the shadow ruler of baldur’s gate. their wedding gets called the wedding of the century— think the royal wedding, imagine the masses crowding on the gates trying to see what’s going on inside 💀 they hold it during the daytime to squash all the rumors of them being vampires. their motif is white and gold, and is heavily influenced by elven culture. selene’s gown’s train is around 20 ft long. their cake is 3 minscs and 8 boos tall. the festivities lasted for DAYS. lots of hedonistic debauchery occurred ehehe
so i chose songs that had wedding vibes but also toxic when you listen to the lyrics. chemtrails over the county club is about choosing to live in your own safe and comfortable bubble despite the ongoing horrors outside (cue in my snow globe symbolism for them). there’s also this line where it says “it’s never too late, baby, so don’t give up” which makes me feel that there’s still hope in the relationship becoming healthy… eventually 🤡 (i mean, they actually have forever between them). you belong to me is very fitting bc astarion can let her roam the world freely, but ultimately she can’t leave him. (this also aligns with one of the voicelines a!astarion has if tav leaves with karlach to avernus as a spawn— he tells them that he allowed them to go with karlach bc he’s not some “controlling monster”. he could summon tav back beside him if he wanted to.)
as for the spawn ending, at first they want to hold it with just the two of them but then word gets around, and now everyone was excited for the wedding! they didn’t expect so many people would want to congratulate and celebrate with them. imagine 7k+ people wanting to attend 💀💀💀
they hold the wedding reception in the underdark, but made their vows privately under the night sky 🥹😭 MOON AND STAR MOTIF LFG 😭😭😭
just a quick one: there’s this line in your universe that says “you can thank your stars all you want but, i’ll always be the lucky one” which i think perfectly sums up how he views tav/selene. bc who in their right mind would help a vampire— a monster, let alone give them their blood? only tav/selene. (which also aligns with his voiceline saying “other people don’t have a heart like that. you’re… you. no one is like that.”) ANYWAY ENOUGH RAMBLING THANKS FOR READING 😘
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grassbreads · 1 year
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Referring to him as “Wild Fox Country’s Tai Sui” here is soooo
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