theconjurervfx · 3 months
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Pandorum (2009) dir. Christian Alvart.
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mt-nynj-queer · 5 days
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from orc (TES) names, plus English and Scottish surnames, excluding the letter "E"
Abzuuttom Accaikin Aglumga Agrum Aidhaols Akhumza Allow Ammog Anain Anupton Appill Asgan Astmurn Axson Azbur Azham...
Babgon Bacnìll Bagoh Banch Bargdugh Barnarkh Bashand Bashbush Basson Baston Batub Bazashit Bhush Bighath Bisbugall Blaillfhin Blash Blashabbs Blish Blort Bloulow Blousgèin Boasdanton Bodfor Bodich Bogaill Bogduch Bogord Boldolg Bolgara Bookulmoss Borbow Borbrapp Bownion Braildis Brains Brakaz Braklin Brimbubb Brold Brolmay Broory Broth Bruth Buffryam Bulboth Buratul Burby Burgod Burla Burmak Burrison Burson Burza Buzha Cacph Caigg Caighill Calliarn Caolord Cardal Carkh Catha Catrymon Charc Charz Chdars Chros Cliog Cliva Clottonyon Clucark Cluka Cocka Cockravan Cocks Colaxson Colduth Comack Comham Coodrogdul Corlaxon Courburc Coush Cragluk Crawson Crich Crils Croghdard Crogrupton Crold Croth Crundan Cudgdullog Cudstan Cuiblak Càill Cèampson Daington Dalain Dilkin Dillog Dilton Dison Dubhin Dugaak Dulan Dulard Dulgain Dumbarry Dural Durhorth Durza Duthcock Faill Fains Flarkulak Flyfol Frìghfor Gaccòin Gailboury Galfrig Gamull Garmar Garstaff Gaska Ghopart Gikhugdoll Gillaward Gillifin Glakub Glarry Glarth Glaulz Gling Glogol Glomp Glorzogdu Gluch Goornson Gorbag Gorbas Gorghlains Gortharz Gorzorn Gozub Gragrout Grangla Grood Groodfook Gruba Gruzu Gulan Gulgduk Gulmat Gulugton Gulzul Gurnt Habradd Hagdarp Hagron Hagrushuk Hains Hamoll Hardwoord Harga Hikholph Hildson Hinsby Hitmacatt Holain Holazgug Hoparr Hordans Hormanks Hothratt Hount Houth Houthag Howartt Hozog Hozusly Hrìosha Hulboran Hulga Humps Hunyung Hurly Hutch Ildrath Jagrans Jaquazgran Jashag Johol Jourashain Juslay Kharsond Krosbulg Lagdol Lagdurs Laghog Laibbs Laickit Laikham Lainson Lakkroin Lannag Lapson Laton Lauddoll Lawargokk Laytson Lharbar Liddin Lisapp Logbakh Lookins Lorlis Loway Luchroggub Lurch Lurlytt Luthorbai Luzga Luzguk Lytowmarth Macall Maccag Macclack Macdhay Macdhub Macgh Macgill Macild Macill Macillwort Macily Mackway Macmharrag Macmhna Macmhuk Macph Macran Macsh Macsup Maidh Malton Manach Mancy Mandlins Mannigh Maray Marboillf Marwill Marzobga Maturzarby Maugakin Maxton Misby Mityn Mogukas Morkh Morrikh Mudson Muhlaga Mulub Muntung Murbild Murushaka Muryl Musad Mèing Nahga Naigha Navow Noguzgraid Nookhison Noridor Nuchazh Ogatt Olintald Olton Oodin Orard Ornarcous Orthoza Oruazgood Orzgookh Orzogra Oston Othin Oushakh Paccòirgol Paduk Paltock Parry Pauck Pipton Piptow Poodbard Porzbanott Pothazogu Priarz Primbris Primfissh Pristan Prumps Ragornugh Rhast Ridgar Ridnimon Rilling Rimog Robin Roblanash Roggs Rogrodwall Roodagoth Rooddison Roodon Roosh Rooss Rothamun Rottingway Rulogrul Ruzogubh Saaga Salrow Sgalinglam Sgrasan Sgruingill Shadsmall Shking Shnabbsh Shoom Sikhamill Siots Skington Sloman Slozos Smanch Smignum Snagrott Snaick Snarots Spock Spoppard Staington Standin Stashrosh Stingh Stinnd Struisalg Stugbuck Stulash Stwinndson Suthinks Swhix Sylam Tagan Taington Talraag Tarnus Tatugdus Thogzu Thout Thyton Timon Tisdag Titham Tittysh Tizzag Tiùbhitt Tonds Tonfor Tongham Tonshadan Torzord Trick Trighaw Tritby Tritch Trourd Tualsotham Tuntron Turos Tyjos Ufarr Uglow Ugulgat Ulloll Umzod Undarf Urapp Urburling Urlas Urzord Usham Ustagrains Vaugu Vorth Vushbrosh Walmowlian Waram Warlansham Warlig Warmach Warus Waynd Whitarr Whith Whithratub Wichag Wington Woodan Wooddik Wooddin Woodway Woors Woorwor Worgdal Yargaraft Yarry Yazgarnars Yourson Zozmanch Zubhàin Zuggild
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borobudurnews · 2 years
Apakah Benar Lulusan SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang Harus Jadi TNI ?
Apakah Benar Lulusan SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang Harus Jadi TNI ?
BNews–MAGELANG-– SMA Taruna Nusantara atau SMA Tarnus merupakan salah satu sekolah menengah atas yang berlandaskan kemiliteran. Sekolah yang terletak di Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah ini sangat populer dan menjadi idaman bagi sebagian besar orang dalam melanjutkan pendidikannya. Wajar saja, jika sekolah ini dinobatkan sebagai salah satu SMA favorit yang ada di Indonesia. Mengutip laman resmi…
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bimbelmagelang · 2 years
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Halo, adik-adik……. 😁 Khususnya adik-adik di kelas 9 yang berminat untuk masuk ke SMA TARUNA NUSANTARA pada tahun 2023. Sudah sejauh apa kalian mempersiapkan diri kalian? Atau malah sama sekali belum mempersiapkan apa-apa? Jangan khawatir, kalian bisa mengukur kemampuan kalian di Try Out Nasional Siap Seleksi Masuk SMA Taruna Nusantara yang akan segera kami laksanakan.
Kenapa sih harus ikut Try Out? 1. Untuk mengetahui dan mengukur kemampuan kalian di bidang akademik (Matematika, IPA, Bhs. Indonesia, dan Bhs. Inggris) 2. Untuk mengetahui jenis dan bobot soal seleksi akademik SMA Taruna Nusantara 3. Untuk mempersiapkan diri saat nanti ikut tes yang sesungguhnya
Try Out NASIONAL Siap seleksi akademik SMA Taruna Nusantara 2022 - SABTU-AHAD, 27–28 AGUSTUS 2022 - Di Rumah Saja - 100% GRATIS Tanpa Syarat
Untuk mendapatkan tautan Pendaftaran, silakan hubungi salah satu hotline service kami: Kak Leny wa.me/6281227022166 Kak Cici wa.me/6281328307261 Kak Lia wa.me/6281328307262 Pak Isna wa.me/6285879833564
𝙉𝙐𝙎𝘼𝙉𝙏𝘼𝙍𝘼 𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧 📌 Jalan Raya Purworejo Km. 5 Magelang (Depan SMA Taruna Nusantara)
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dearjeka · 3 years
Minta Batu
Sejak awal saya sudah cukup cemas untuk menyambut hari ini. Singkat cerita, hari ini cukup melelahkan. Untuk kesekian kalinya saya harus terlibat pertarungan sengit dengan diri sendiri. Ingin membahagiakan sosok-sosok berharga yang saya kasihi tapi menyadari hati ini tidak sepenuhnya di sana. Tidak bisa melakukan yang terbaik bahkan untuk sesuatu yang tidak terlalu diingini, ternyata bisa…
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wisdakusuma · 6 years
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Sepuluh tahun yang lalu, di saat "mau makan jalan jongkok, mau minum lompat kodok" 😂 . . . #smatn #tarnus #tarunanusantara #pks #throwback #highschool #parade #senambalok #senammiliter (at Lembah Tidar Magelang)
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gravity-rainbow · 2 years
Our world view—our beliefs and theories, our maps, our metaphors, our myths, our interpretive assumptions—constellates our outer reality, shaping and working the world’s malleable potentials in a thousand ways of subtly reciprocal interaction. World views create worlds.R Tarnas
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shady-if-stories · 3 years
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Where am I? Why everything hurts? Who am I? And what the hell is wrong with that raven?
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Customise your character in any way you want! Your gender, pronouns, orientation, appearance, personality and skills are all customisable.
Romance, befriend or become enemies with various characters.
Find out what your dreams mean.
Be your own person or hold old grudges.
'Seriously, what's with this damn raven? '
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"Ari" [F/M/NB] [RO]
An elegant and mysterious elf. For some unknown reason they don't want to leave your side, no matter what. Unfortunately, they won't say why they are following you everywhere. At least Ari seem friendly enough and is an useful protection in those dangerous times.
Celene Marril [F] [RO]
A stealthy aristocrat. Young Celene escaped her family's estate after a successful assassination of her aunt. After so many years of being a noble heir she had to learn how to keep low and survive in a chaotic lands outside of the walls of her mansion.
Boris Sirvill [M] [RO]
An ex-vice leader of a local mercenary group. Boris was a mercenary half of his life, and he absolutely loved that life. Shame that his recent job ended miserably which made his old family believe he's a traitor. Sometimes he dreams about those old times, not believing that he screwed up so badly, was that even his fault?
Sylvia/Sylv Arricot [F/M] [RO]
A wannabe seer. Syl's seer abilities appeared when they were merely 4 years old. Their parents were conflicted at first, they were overjoyed knowing their child will have a successful future because of their gift but on the other hand... That would mean they had to get Syl a teacher and that's not easy for a pair of farmers...
Toq Tarnus [NB] [RO]
A priest of shadows. Toq became a Shadow Priest right after the bandit raid on their village when an experienced Shadow Priest found them in the woods. After that night Toq dedicated their whole life praying to the Raven... Well, until they went sent on a journey by temple's High Cleric. Shame they don't know why they are here.
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This story will contain violence, torture, mild language, amnesia, sexual content and probably more as the story unfolds.
(There will be an option to disable explicit scenes if those warnings appear unappealing but you still want to try.)
Now, at this point this is more like an Interest Check. I still work on the demo but it should be available soon. Thank you for your time!
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
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in other words: Eddie Kaye Thomas (”Toby”), Jadyn Wong (”Happy”), Katharine McPhee (”Paige”), Elyes Gabel (”Walter”), Tarnue Massaquoi (S.), Ari Stidham (”Sly”) & Constance Ejuma (A.) dressed as their characters... for the African adventure ep. Only the three characters on the right are dressed appropriately for the climate and the location #blendinwiththenature, the others are so... not. In other words: YAY! for the return of Sylvester’s bird-watching attire!, and LOL at TeamScorpion always wearing their typical clothes/outfits...no matter if they go to Scandinavia in winter or Oceania in summer ... (warm or cold climate - the humid jungle or the hot desert or the cold tundra)
image source: Tarnue’s twitter  (see also: this tweet  & this tweet) 
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nuagederose · 3 years
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late night paintings~
i call these three collectively “all alone” after the mad season song
1st pic: sunrise over tarnu beach, tallin, estonia 2nd pic: daybreak over jurmala beach, latvia 3rd pic: sunrise over yalta, crimea/the black sea, ukraine 
ig: badmotorartist
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pigeons-svtfoe-au · 5 years
Can we see some more of Tarnus and Brunilda?
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Sure thing
you didn’t ask for Félix but it would be weird to have Brunilda without Félix since he’s always with her
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mt-nynj-queer · 1 year
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Vivian Westwood boy
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syarifxvii · 6 years
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Teman di SMA terdahulu @ikastara , sama-sama daftar AKMIL, @saiful.amri.31.sa , dia keterima, tp aku ngga. Akhirnya aku daftar AKPOL, dan diterima. . Masuk akademinya di tahun 2009 yg sama, tp AKPOL lulus perwiranya duluan di tahun 2012. Skrg kita bertemu lagi di tahun 2018 🇲🇨 . #webstagram #instagram #ig #akpol #akmil #ikastara #tarnus #tarunanusantara (at Istana Negara) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqgnE7fgCpe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yv5ecv670ujr
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bimbelmagelang · 2 years
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🔆🔆 GELOMBANG 1 🔆🔆 KUOTA TERBATAS hanya 50 siswa (5 kelas)
📆 Durasi : Mulai bulan Juli 2022 - Januari 2023 🕘 Jadwal : Seminggu 2x pertemuan 📔 Materi : Matematika, IPA, Bhs. Indonesia, Bhs. Inggris, IPS, TPA (Numerik, Figural, Verbal) dan Kelas latihan wawancara 💻 Metode : Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (Daring)
Mengapa harus ikut bimbel di Nusantara Learning Center?
1️⃣ Diajar oleh tentor S1 dan S2 yang professional dan ahli di bidangnya 2️⃣ Diawasi langsung oleh Direktur NLC  (mantan pamong SMA Taruna Nusantara, pembuat soal seleksi akademik SMA TN, anggota tim pewawancara casis) 3️⃣ Telah melayani siswa-siswi SMA Taruna Nusantara sejak 2015 4️⃣ Telah berhasil meloloskan peserta bimbingan. SMA TN (30), SMA KN (24), SMA Taruna Nala (2), SMA Taruna Angkasa (2), SMA Taruna Brawijaya (1) dan SMA Dwi Warna (2) pada tahun 2022. 5️⃣ Review dan laporan hasil belajar secara berkala 6️⃣ Terbukti membantu nilai akademik kelas IX semester 5 7️⃣ Ada event kunjungan ke kampus SMA Taruna Nusantara (optional) 8️⃣ Diberikan tips & tricks wawancara SMA TN dan SMA KN langsung oleh Direktur NLC (satu-satunya di Indonesia) 9️⃣ Try Out Online seleksi masuk SMA TN dan KN 🔟 Konsultasi siswa dan ortusiswa online 24 jam
💠 FORM PENDAFTARAN 💠 Silakan lengkapi form pendaftaran berikut ini: https://bit.ly/DaftarSiapTN-KN
🏛️ NUSANTARA LEARNING CENTER Bimbel Siap Masuk SMA TN & KN, PKN STAN, CPNS, UTBK dan Kedinasan No.1 Jl. Purworejo Km. 5 Magelang (Depan SMA TN) IG: @bimbel_nlc
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dearjeka · 4 years
Tentang Pamong Agama-ku
Tadi malam gw sengaja buka Facebook karena mau nostalgia. Pengen liat postingan beberapa tahun silam waktu gw masih unyu-unyu pake putih abu-abu. Ihiy, tiba-tiba jadi malu.
Lalu ga sengaja liat postingan happy birthday dari pamong (guru) agama gw waktu SMA.
Ingat gimana dulu beliau mengajari kami para Hydro (sebutan untuk siswa/i Kristen di TN) di ruang agama Kristen yang ga seberapa besar…
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