#tarre vetra vizsla
chocobothis · 1 year
Jila Fic Excerpt
Notes: My brain’s been itching with writing Jila and combining it with where season three of The Mandalorian ended this happened. The longer fic gets into more with how Jila’s feeling after being pushed further into the spotlight while navigating fraught politic relations between different factions. It also gets into her feelings about her dead father and how she hopes he would view her.
Mando’a Dictionary:
cyar’ika: Darling, Sweetheart
buire: Parents (lit. plural of mother & father; in this case it’s Bo-Katan Kryze & Solus Ve’tra)
jang’eyayah: Clones (lit. Jango Echo)
Tarre dropped onto the makeshift bench in a sprawl of too long limbs. Through their helmet, and even without the Force, Jila knew they were brimming with annoyance. “Moving to a forest and cutting all contact with the Galaxy. Wanna come?”
“We staying in system or what?”
The indignant scoff barely sent her into a fit of laughter. “We’re staying. Didn’t take the fucking thing back to just leave.”
Her twin was one of the few people she was truthful with about why she hung out atop the left wing of the former royal palace. Within the city proper it was one of the highest places that offered near complete solitude. Everywhere else was too low, had too many people, or was a mixture of both. Up high, alone, and in view of the stars was where her center was found. Maybe in the coming years she would be able to see the stars from here too. But, it did the job well enough.
The others were fed lies in the most sincere of tones. She picked the best vantage points to help document the city’s progress. Between her rangefinder, macrobinoculars, and her advanced HUD it took nothing to record data. Her scans were transmitted to their current headquarters where they were assembled into updates and passed on. It saved on both jetpack and ship fuel. 
Air hissed from a depressurizing helmet before the clank of beskar to beskar. A glance to her right had her eyes rolling. Of course their shorter, white hair still looked perfect. Over eight hours in a helmet meant nothing. Her own hair was frizzed to Concordia and back even with her cyar’ika’s careful braids. 
“Where did they have you today?” She hadn’t seen their name around the in-city crews.
“More underground scouting. Main objective was to check stability but to the shock of no one we had to exterminate some nests.” Their battered canteen came to their purple lips for a deep drink before passing it over. “The work itself was fine. But the group? I wanted to cave myself in by the four hour mark.”
The water bore a hint of metallic and purification tablet. They definitely refilled while under ground. “That was you? I thought the urge to collapse a building on myself came from my wiring crew.”
No effort was made to suppress an undignified snort of laughter. “You’re too dramatic to just hang yourself with cables.”
“Damn right.” Her smile was all fangs, “I wanna go out with a memorable bang.”
Beyond the busted railing they spied clusters of Mandalorians moving on about their lives. Their Buire’s Nite Owls traveled in clumps of blue beskar’gam, the color of their childhood. A stray Wren with gold trimmed black darted between clusters in a rush. Spotting the little clump of Skirata was easy even if they didn’t have a clan theme. Helmets off showed many of them as jang’eyayah children or adoptions. One of the only other clans with jang’eyayah was Ve’tra. Just behind them was the heavy, blue beskar’gam of Journeyman Protectors intermingled with some yellow Rooks. They looked happy.
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Part of me doesn't want to get side tracked shipping my Next Gen.
The other part of me is imagining Jila flirting with everyone like it's nothing. She collects holofrequencies with bright smiles and cheesy winks. The little scar in her eyebrow makes her rogueishly charming while she runs all of the risks; some for profit, many for work but also for fun. She pod races and surfs and pilots and smuggles. Teases Leia when they meet the first time, makes eyes at Amilyn, blows sarcastic kisses to Lando, plays with Luke's hair. In a dusty cantina on Tatooine she makes a pass at Boba Fett because he's there and it's a gamble.
Tarre is best friends with Tristan and Sabine with a tendency to shy away from a lot of others. Leading is something they have to work on due to shyness. Othetwise, their ideas are solid. Flirting is an almost graceless talent for them. Ezra steals her heart in a mad dash puppy love the first time they meet. He's friendly and warm so she immediately turns lavender and goes stony silent.
Runi is graceful and loving and kind. She toes lines with Kotan Rau. He's her bodyguard when she's in he Senate and his sister is her best friend. Together they toe lines with Jacen because the three of them become an unlikely set skilled at getting shit done. Once upon a time, see felt a certain softness for Ben but that softness grew hard long ago.
Talik scares people with how much she just is. Aggression and Force and Talent swirl together in a never ending web of madness. Poe had a crush on her at one point because there's no part of Talik that ever slows down and she was born to glid between stars. But, she loves with the same ferocity she displays in everything else.
Kotan and Jacen are best friends and each others rival from the start. They've always just been since a mere two months separated them. Kotan adores Runi but refuses to chase just how much he adores her. He also enjoyed the attention the Dameron kid used to heap toward him and enjoyed covertly teasing him over his crush of some sort.
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Tell me about Solus on her downtime!
A lot of it depends on how much time downtime she has to indulge. Short breaks could include anything from reading an interesting historical holo-article to a review of a new art show she hopes to see. Also, thumbing through high fashion magazines. Despite the fact she rarely gets to indulge in parading around in the latest styles she does enjoy keeping up with them. Maybe a couple of quick sketches will get scribbled down with the intent of exploring them more in depth later on.
Longer downtime could turn into a day out with a focus on shopping (be it for clothes, art supplies, or just window shopping), having a proper meal not ate on the run, and generally enjoying the calm for a change. Doubly so if she gets to see her friends during everything. She adores going to art galleries when given the chance and will make a field trip of them Alrich, Sabine, and Tarre. She’ll take trips to museums too because history is one of her great passions as well. Also, a lot of swimming. Solus is natural at underwater combat but enjoys the chance to just float around as well. 
Rainy Day downtime could happily be spent cuddling with her riduur and watching some cheesy holo-film or playing a thinking game. Her and Pre enjoyed shredding the historical accuracy Mandalorian-centric films. Other times, it turned into them playing several rounds of holo-chess or her lounging against his side while reading. With Bo-Katan, she keeps the movie tradition going but they favor darker comedies together or so bad they’re good action holos (think the xXx films in space). They’ll play thinking games too but tend to favor jointly working on crosswords over the miniature wars Pre and Solus happily have with one another. 
When the children come along, Solus loves spending her downtime with her kids too. Space Disney ends up really popular among them because everyone’s got something to enjoy. Swimming outings are also really popular as are going to various types of races. Jila likes art  and history museums far less than Solus and Tarre but loves hands on science museums. Botanical Gardens and zoos are a win for everyone.
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The Mermaid AU I Don’t Need
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The Vizsla-Vetra-Kyrze Family as Mermaids and the solitary Merman!
Runi is the tiny baby with little pigtails who seemed to have consulted Solus’ genetics in passing. 
Solus would be the that extra to have pretty decoration and a beautifully webbed tail. 
Bo-Katan and Pre are sharks. Bo’s wearing the closest to armor I could get for her.
Tarre is the twin with the black tail and white hair. Jila has the curly blonde hair and purple tail.
Cabu the Strill became a gold toned electric eel because why not?
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Solus for the oc character meme if you like?
01. Full Name: Solus Vetra
02. Best Friend(s): Lumi Kirrin, Jazari Naaji, Ursa Wren
03. Sexuality: Pansexual, Polyamorous 
04. Favorite Color: Silver, Light Blue
05. Relationship Status: Married to Pre Vizsla and Bo-Katan Kryze. For the last couple of centuries of their lives she and Lumi are basically married. Otherwise, she’s single or, as in one universe, dating/married to Anakin for a few years.
06. Ideal Mate: They absolutely have to be intelligence and able to keep up with her. It doesn’t have to be the same kind of intelligence she possess but there has to be something there. She loves learning from her partner(s). Also, someone not afraid to challenge her to grow or stand their ground. They also have to understand her devotion to the the Resol’nare, if not match it.
07. Turn-ons: Intelligent Banter, Calloused Hands, People who have a kind of edge to them that makes her want to learn more. A more joking take would be “Tall, Blond in Armor (preferably Mandalorian) who is a Whole Dumbass and has lost a fight to Count Dooku.
08. Favorite Food: Spiced Leathermeat or Varos (either as fruit or turned into tihaar). An argument could be made for live caught amphibians or small reptiles but that’s as much for the enrichment activity of hunting as the taste.
09. Crushes: Pre Vizsla, Bo-Katan Kryze, Lumi Kirrin, Jazari Naaji, Shaak Ti, Anakin Skywalker. There’s more that becomes more dependent on the AU.
10. Favorite Music: Space Sabaton. Otherwise, she’s rather likes things with strong beats and lyrics that tell a story. Unless it’s club music where she just wants a beat and notes that drown everything else out.
11. Biggest Fear: That in the end she’s not done enough and failed not only Mandalore but her Family as well.
12. Biggest Fantasy: Happily living on Krownest with her family and raising her whole gaggle of children. She’d open a school of sorts for fellow Mandalorian Force Sensitives to help them learn about the Force. It stems as much from her refusal (and eventual spearheaded ban) of the Jedi/Sith being allowed within the Sector as comforting them. She was an absurdly powerful Force Sensitive that felt scared and alone with her power. If there’s a way to stop others from feeling that she has to try.
13. Bad Habits: She will catch and consume living reptiles (typically lizards) as intimidation tactics against people, Rules are Made to Twisted and Exploited, She doesn’t turn being a Spy off well, and her Art Supplies/Clothes multiple then expand across her living space.
14. Biggest Regret: It’s kind of Verse dependent really. The two most common ones involve Pre and the Order. If Maul kills Pre within the Verse she regrets not being there to stop it form happening. Otherwise, she regrets not finding a way to leave the Jedi Order/Republic sooner than she did. 
15. Best Kept Secrets: Another Verse dependent thing. Any of the shenanigans she got up to with Lumi and Jazari as children or at the Temple, Most of what she’s done on Nar Shaddaa, and who keeps moving the mugs (only a inch or so but with the Force) or hiding shoes of the people who annoy her too early in the morning.
16. Last Thought: I finally get to see them again.
17. Worst Romantic Experience: This is a kind of ficlet to explain how it’s both the Best and Worst. See, there’s a specific time period between Pre announcing he’s in charge of Death Watch and Solus joining. In that time period Pre’s her worst romantic experience because of this. Jumping into bed with the Governor Vizsla was a delightful treat form her bodyguard sub-mission involving Satine. Lots of chemistry, lots of passion, and just a lot of a good time on a mission that was only partway over. Then, the other shoe dropped and so did her mood. There may have been rants about “He had not right to be that good and ruin me. Then turn out to be that.” Which was also misplaced anger and confusion as she started to question her whole world view.
18. Biggest Insecurity: It’s kind of two different ones that compete to be the biggest. The first is this worry that people, especially their families, think of her as Pre (and to an extent Bo-Katant’s) early mid-life crisis due to being a decade or more younger than them. Another is the fact that she was a member of the Jedi Order, did live within the Republic, and as a result did enforce the will of both of them. That made her Dar’Manda in her own eyes.
19. Weapon of Choice: Her dual lightsabers and her brilliant mind. Because no fight with Solus is ever just physical.
20. Role Model(s): Ursa Wren (As a child she thought her fellow Countess was Fearless and never lost that idolization), Tarre Vizlsa, her grandfather Harti Wren, and after she forgives him, her other grandfather Jai Vetra.
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Solus Vetra, the Prophetess held nearly captive by the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and near avatar of Tarre Vizsla. She does not wait for the cage to open but break the bars instead.
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Caff Extended List of Her OCs Children
Putting this under a cut because I don’t hate ya’ll that much. Mobile Users, I am sorry. 
There’s two distinctive eras of children; Original Trilogy Age and Sequel Trilogy Age. All ages are assumed for my Main Verse because AUs become a mess and Force Sensitives are in Bold.
Vizsla-Vetra-Kryze Children
-Tarre (Vetra) Vizsla. Genderfluid (Uses both She/Her and They/Them Pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Sephi. Born 19 BBY.
- Jila Vizsla. Female (She/Her pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Sephi. Born 19 BBY.
- Runi Kryze. Female (She/Her Pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Sephi. Born 5 ABY.
Skirata Children (Jazari and Mereel)
- Nakya Skirata. Female (She/Her Pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Mirialan. Born 16 BBY.
- Kebi Skirata. Demigirl (She/Her or He/Him Pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Mirialan. Born 13 BBY.
- Kaj Skirata. Demiboy. (He/Him or She/Her Pronouns). Born 13 BBY.
- Ria Skirata. Female (She/Her Pronouns). Nautolan. Born 0 BBY. Adopted 2 ABY.
- Grim Skirata. Male. (He/Him Pronouns). Nightbrother Zabrak. Born 18 BBY. Adopted 12 BBY. 
- Isik Skirata. Agender (They/Them Pronouns). Miraluka. Born 4 ABY. Adopted 4 ABY.
Rau Children
- Kotan Rau. Male (He/Him Pronouns). 50% Human, 37.5% Twi’lek, 12.5% Sephi. Born 0 BBY.
- Talik Rau. Female (She/Her Pronouns).  50% Human, 37.5% Twi’lek, 12.5% Sephi. Born 5 ABY.
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