#jila vizsla
chocobothis · 1 year
Jila Fic Excerpt
Notes: My brain’s been itching with writing Jila and combining it with where season three of The Mandalorian ended this happened. The longer fic gets into more with how Jila’s feeling after being pushed further into the spotlight while navigating fraught politic relations between different factions. It also gets into her feelings about her dead father and how she hopes he would view her.
Mando’a Dictionary:
cyar’ika: Darling, Sweetheart
buire: Parents (lit. plural of mother & father; in this case it’s Bo-Katan Kryze & Solus Ve’tra)
jang’eyayah: Clones (lit. Jango Echo)
Tarre dropped onto the makeshift bench in a sprawl of too long limbs. Through their helmet, and even without the Force, Jila knew they were brimming with annoyance. “Moving to a forest and cutting all contact with the Galaxy. Wanna come?”
“We staying in system or what?”
The indignant scoff barely sent her into a fit of laughter. “We’re staying. Didn’t take the fucking thing back to just leave.”
Her twin was one of the few people she was truthful with about why she hung out atop the left wing of the former royal palace. Within the city proper it was one of the highest places that offered near complete solitude. Everywhere else was too low, had too many people, or was a mixture of both. Up high, alone, and in view of the stars was where her center was found. Maybe in the coming years she would be able to see the stars from here too. But, it did the job well enough.
The others were fed lies in the most sincere of tones. She picked the best vantage points to help document the city’s progress. Between her rangefinder, macrobinoculars, and her advanced HUD it took nothing to record data. Her scans were transmitted to their current headquarters where they were assembled into updates and passed on. It saved on both jetpack and ship fuel. 
Air hissed from a depressurizing helmet before the clank of beskar to beskar. A glance to her right had her eyes rolling. Of course their shorter, white hair still looked perfect. Over eight hours in a helmet meant nothing. Her own hair was frizzed to Concordia and back even with her cyar’ika’s careful braids. 
“Where did they have you today?” She hadn’t seen their name around the in-city crews.
“More underground scouting. Main objective was to check stability but to the shock of no one we had to exterminate some nests.” Their battered canteen came to their purple lips for a deep drink before passing it over. “The work itself was fine. But the group? I wanted to cave myself in by the four hour mark.”
The water bore a hint of metallic and purification tablet. They definitely refilled while under ground. “That was you? I thought the urge to collapse a building on myself came from my wiring crew.”
No effort was made to suppress an undignified snort of laughter. “You’re too dramatic to just hang yourself with cables.”
“Damn right.” Her smile was all fangs, “I wanna go out with a memorable bang.”
Beyond the busted railing they spied clusters of Mandalorians moving on about their lives. Their Buire’s Nite Owls traveled in clumps of blue beskar’gam, the color of their childhood. A stray Wren with gold trimmed black darted between clusters in a rush. Spotting the little clump of Skirata was easy even if they didn’t have a clan theme. Helmets off showed many of them as jang’eyayah children or adoptions. One of the only other clans with jang’eyayah was Ve’tra. Just behind them was the heavy, blue beskar’gam of Journeyman Protectors intermingled with some yellow Rooks. They looked happy.
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Number 13 & noise for jila?
Fear-Themed Headcanon Questions
Number 13: Does your muse believe any superstitions?
Jila knocks raps her knuckles against the control panel of her ship before jumping to hyperspace. The reasoning is “I’ve got to let her know to kick it” and becomes doubly important when she’s trying to outrun someone. When doing any kind of maintenance she also sings or talks to her ship as if it’s a person. 
“Your lightsaber is your life.” was an old Jedi thing she heard a few times growing up and as a smuggler her ship is her life. Damn right she’s gonna treat her right.
Noise: Name one sound your muse finds absolutely unbearable. 
There’s this tone people use when they say Vizsla (typically in the phrase “that Vizsla”  that immediately flips the bitch switch. Pre was her father and she loves him. If you’re gonna make that into a problem then she is going to become a problem for you. In certain circles this extends to tone people apply to Jetii or Vetra, in relation to her mother. What her mother did during the Clone Wars was to survive and if you’re got a problem she’s got a solution.
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chocobothis · 1 year
Jila’s Armor: Alpha Version
If I stare at MandoCreator and the seven different palettes I have pulled up much longer I will lose my entire mind. This version still needs weathering and some strips added in places. Probably gonna balance the colors more too. But, ya boy is out of patience.
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The basic gist of Jila’s armor is she picked Solus’/Bo’s Nite Owl style (mostly) but went a lot for Pre’s color scheme. The left pauldron is specifically a Clan Ve’tra thing; left because they’re in the shadows compared to a “right0hand man”, black tends to feature heavily in their armor, and then the clan’s insignia, a wing, in gold to honor their long standing friend and allyship with Clan Wren. 
In terms of combat, she’s much more of a scout and assassin that intentional front line combatant. It’s also not uncommon for her to wear no visible armor to mill around out of sector cantinas to spy and make friends. There are people who straight people who think they’re close friends with Jila Vizsla that do not know she’s not Mandalorian just by being in the sector. Some of the ones who do know haven’t put together that she’s Vizsla by way of that Pre Vizsla. But, she’s very proud 
Later I’ll work on her twin’s armor. Their name is Tarre is was like, “Okay, this makes sense with Solus’ specific story for why she would name her child this.” and I made this decisions back in 2018. GUESS WHICH DUMBASS FORGET THEY HAVE TO TAG THINGS WITH A NAME THAT IS ALREADY CANON?
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chocobothis · 1 year
For the fic writer asks, how about ❤️, 💕, 💭, 💛, and 🦋?
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
“Solus,” he directed her eyes to look into his, “you are as much a Mando’ade as anyone else. Having lightsabers or using the Force doesn’t make you a Jedi. The same as wearing beskar’gam and some half-heartedly attempts to follow orders doesn’t make you Mando’ade. Every battle you’ve fought in this war has been fought as one of us.”
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Okay, I have next to now published fics meaning there's none I can actually link for this. It's probably a fic that got dubbed "Secret Sharing" in the google doc to give it a name.
The fic is set in an AU where Solus got pregnant before she left the Order; it's the same twins, Jila and Tarre, just arriving two-ish years sooner with no planning. But, it's her on Krownest and actually having to talk to Pre as her Manda'lor and leader but also the father of her children. Solus, someone toting impressive amounts of PTSD (many sources), anxiety, and sheer exhaustion, wanted to keep it quiet as long as possible. Her plan was to be ahead of the narrative but that collapsed. Then to the shock only her everything is more than okay.
It's just a feelsy piece for me where Solus gets to made to feel at home again. Internally she expected there to still be strings attached when she showed up. Like, she could join Death Watch but she would still be an Other due to her past. Then what happens isn't the past repeating itself. She has a completely positive interaction with her superior, Pre, unlike most of her interactions with the High Jedi Council. There's also this assurance that he doesn't doubt her strength or capability in doing this on her own. But, she doesn't have to be alone.
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
There's no measurable rhyme or reason for my inspiration. Sometimes it's a song or a writing prompt or a trope I want to explore. Other times, I have an idea pop into my brain that demands attention right that moment.
Something I do try to include for though is Arc Questions. It gives me a goal to write and develop my characters toward. For example, with my major fic I'm working on with Solus it's a question about Identity. There's the comparison made in the series of "Your lightsaber is your life." (It's probably one of my favorite lines in Star Wars because of the endless possibilities.) She wields two as two individual weapons but never combined as a staff. When one is broken on Concordia the question for her, someone with two separate, conflicting identities, is now, "Which part of you died: the Jedi or the Mandalorian?" Then the story and her growth works in part to answer that.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Honestly, that improvements aren't linear or predictable nor does everything have to follow the exact plan. I'm a little bit of a control freak about my own life in terms of I have a schedule and plans and immensely dislike deviation with out advanced notice. But, my best writing is done when I let go of the control. Things evolve and bloom in unexpected ways that frankly turn out better in the end.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
This is so difficult because there's so many characters I adore writing. From canon characters, it's probably tie between Pre Vizsla and Jill Valentine. Carlos Oliveira and Bo-Katan Kryze are close seconds because I am a simple person. I see a character that becomes my all time favorite (preferably with Fun Trauma) then I write them, possibly getting more trauma or having soft times. Then from my OCs, it's Solus Ve'tra followed by Jila Ve'tra and Nico Bright.
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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chocobothis · 11 months
OCs and Writing
My Writing
Main OCs (Star Wars, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy XV)
(under construction as I sort out the fucking layout with this hellsite)
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Solus Ve’tra/Solly Vetra
Ships: LumiSolus, PreSolus, BoSolus, BoPreSolus
Lumi Kirrin
Ships: LumiSolus, FennLumi
Jazari Naaji
Ships: MereelJazari
Alijah Kastor
Ships: GreyAlijah, KananAlijah, HeraAlijah, KanerAlijah
Jila Vizsla
Ships: SoshaJila
Jai Ve’tra
Ships: JaiHarti
Perrine Kryze
Ships: n/a
Kloe Monroww
Ships: n/a
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Veronica “Nico” Bright (Vera Bright)
Ships: Brightfield, Valenbright, Briveira, Weskbright
Javier “Javi” Reyes Valencia
Ships: Reyennedy
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Verena “Vren” Avitus
Ships: Vrenis, Vrenoct, Ravren, IrisVren, PelnaVren
Feronia “Fe” Cataegis
Ships: LibeFe, FeNyx, LunaFe, FeLibertusNyx, FeLunaLibertusNyx
Nereida Sal
Ships: AraneReida
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chocobothis · 1 year
Ships ask- 1, 21, 27, 34, and 44, with the ship of your choice, if you could please?
I am always on some shit so you've got three ships! I've also realized I still answer questions by restating the questions sometimes so that's an old academic habit still hanging on.
The Ships
Claire Redfield x Nico Bright (Brightfield) from Resident Evil
Pre Vizsla x Solus Ve'tra (PreSolus) from Star Wars
Libertus Ostium x Feronia "Fe" Cataegis (Liberfe) from Final Fantasy XV
1. Describe their first date.
Brightfield: It was really cute and at an arcade bar. Claire’s obviously been on many dates but Nico really hasn’t. Yes, she had a relationship with Javi in high school that looked traditional romantic but was queer-platonic instead. This is her first big Official Romantic Date. It doesn’t matter that she knows Claire because this is Different. So, the location is somewhere they can keep moving around but also provides time to talk. Yes, Nico wins Claire a stuffed animal because she’s a gentleman like that. Yes, Claire helped Nico, age 19, get a very real Fake ID (one of many) so she could buy drinks on her own.
PreSolus: They actually don’t have a first date as much as they had a many, many things happen. It was also a little bit
What happened was they met because Solus was his temporary bodyguard during a mission to figure out why Death Watch attacked a Republic Cruiser. There was a hypothetical one night stand because everyone was still buying each other's covers. He’s a reformed Governor of Concordia, she’s a devout Jedi Padawan, and this fantastic, highly compatible hooking up is happening once. Then they had a wonderful fight near the mines on Concordia where they very much tried to kill each other (and came away with trophies). He sent assassins to Coruscant after Satine, she sent back a single living one and killed the rest, and also taunted him through the comm borrowed from a dead assassin. Then she tosses away her status as a Padawan and citizen of the Republic, fucks over some Jedi information networks on Nar Shadaa, and then joins Death Watch because being a True Mandalorian got her fucked over during the Civil War.
LiberFe: In terms of first dates, it was overall pretty standard. They got dinner at a Galahdian place then went to some little glorified art house theater to see a movie. The only reason for the movie was it was in Galahdian and they love hearing their native tongue. Afterward, there was probably drinks because Nyx is demanding they meet up. They’ve already known each other a while but both put out on the first date anyway. He has a small one bedroom apartment they end up crashing at.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
Brightfield: They’ve both lived hard, even if rewarding, lives so the little domestic things are still magical to them. Grocery shopping, washing the cars, folding laundry, etc. together means so much because it means they’re both in the same space, at the same time, and healthy. Claire’s even learning to cook out of it because she can’t but Nico can. In return, Nico gets to watch Claire be the Sexy Mechanic while working on their motorcycles.
PreSolus: They honestly do, which feels like it's the opposite of how they carry themselves. He’s this badass Manda’lor, heads Death Watch, and is focused on reclaiming Mandalore. She’s a savvy politician, assassin, and otherwise swiss army knife of a Nite Owl. But, they both really enjoy the simple things and spending time with each other doing the little things. When they have their children (twins Tarre and Jila) they share the responsibility of caring for them, while carrying on their duties to Death Watch, and adore it. Honestly, one of Solus' biggest dreams has always been to be a mother. She wants that Domestic Life.
Liberfe: They really do but it becomes most readily apparent after the Dawn. They move back to Galahd with the other half of their polycule (Nyx and Lunafreya) to live wonderfully simple lives. Getting to take in all of the little things each day with partners tastes so much sweeter with returned sunlight. Hanging clothes out to line dry, walking through real forests, and even cooking is stunning now. They all work in Their Bar but Fe and Lunafreya still work part time as medics.
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Brightfield: There’s tons and tons of little ways. Claire makes Nico a cup of coffee, checks her for injuries when she gets back from jobs, and takes care of her hair; her hair is 3A curls so there’s a Routine. While Nico helps Claire touch up the color to her roots, baked her brownies with extra walnuts and lets her have more of the edge pieces, and makes her wind down tea in her favorite mug. It’s taking each other to doctor’s appointments when injured or showing up with favorite foods for comfort. Sharing clothes so they’re always together in some way. Even listening to each other talk about their passions at length. Nico almost cried when Claire was eagerly listening to her talk about plants instead of getting bored.
PreSolus: She always makes sure she checks over his kom’rk, even if there’s other mechanics. It’s something she has to be sure of because she needs him back. He got her a strill to protect her and keep her company while he’s gone. She tends to his injuries both traditional ways and with her knowledge of Force Healing. He found two kyber crystals for her to forge her new lightsabers. Then it’s making cups of caf or soundboarding ideas or any number of little things that’s always “I love you” in subtle words.
Liberfe: Fe suffered a traumatic brain injury as a toddler (she nearly drowned) and it crops up in a couple of different ways; along with whatever her biological family had going on. One of the ways it shows up is selective mutism. He learned to sign for her and made sure their Final Home had an open concept so everyone could see each other and communicate with her. She also tends to decompress from sensory overloads by watching light projectors on the ceiling be it fish, galaxies, etc. He kept one at his apartment in Insomnia for her and they have a real fish tank in Galahd to supplement. She knows he loves cooking so she collects fresh herbs and spices for him. It's something she’s learned to handle for her folk medicines but still a part is reserved for him. She’ll also sort, prep, and label them for him. If he’s had a hard day she draws a bath that’s peak luxury with bath salts, candles, etc. so he can fully unwind. When he wants to think out loud she's always there to listen even if it may not seem like she's listening to an outsider.
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
Brightfield: They’re full of inside jokes that range from known to their friends group/polycule (it’s almost a circle) to just the two of them. Claire’s cooking mishaps or Nico’s plant excursions rank toward the top.
PreSolus: Yes. Solus doesn’t drop that she never got a first date. Nor will she ever let it go that his ancestor outsourced Darksaber to her through the Force because Clan and House Vizsla was such a Hot Mess. She’s a morosexual and he repeatedly reminds her of it.
Liberfe: They’re not really inside jokes as much as a lot of Insomnians just can’t understand them. Someone says something in Galahdian or she’ll sign something rude/funny/etc. that he playfully refuses to translate. Their group of friends know what’s happening though.
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
Brightfield: They cuddle all of the time. Claire’s very physically affectionate person and Nico spent one and half decades extraordinarily touch starved. It worked out so, so well that they love being clued to each other.
PreSolus: I do think they cuddle fairly frequently due to how friendly Mandalorians are with their own clans/groups/etc along with their personalities. Pre doesn’t strike me as someone who’s really dated beyond Bo-Katan (who gets folded into this relationship as their third) so having the chance to just hold someone romantically is nice. Meanwhile, Solus is an only child but spends large swaths of her time surrounded by others, be it fellow Mandalorians or her friends in the Order. She seeks out physical comfort. They also just don’t get to spend as much time together because their jobs pull them in separate ways.
Liberfe: Life is too short, especially for a Kingsglaive, to not spend a lot of time together. She’s perpetually chilly due to her Messenger of Shiva Status so cuddling her is a free cool down. It’s also really nice to drift off and wake up with each other in sight and arms length. That way everything is still real. Also, she just sleeps half on top of people so it was just gonna happen.
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
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Tell me about Solus on her downtime!
A lot of it depends on how much time downtime she has to indulge. Short breaks could include anything from reading an interesting historical holo-article to a review of a new art show she hopes to see. Also, thumbing through high fashion magazines. Despite the fact she rarely gets to indulge in parading around in the latest styles she does enjoy keeping up with them. Maybe a couple of quick sketches will get scribbled down with the intent of exploring them more in depth later on.
Longer downtime could turn into a day out with a focus on shopping (be it for clothes, art supplies, or just window shopping), having a proper meal not ate on the run, and generally enjoying the calm for a change. Doubly so if she gets to see her friends during everything. She adores going to art galleries when given the chance and will make a field trip of them Alrich, Sabine, and Tarre. She’ll take trips to museums too because history is one of her great passions as well. Also, a lot of swimming. Solus is natural at underwater combat but enjoys the chance to just float around as well. 
Rainy Day downtime could happily be spent cuddling with her riduur and watching some cheesy holo-film or playing a thinking game. Her and Pre enjoyed shredding the historical accuracy Mandalorian-centric films. Other times, it turned into them playing several rounds of holo-chess or her lounging against his side while reading. With Bo-Katan, she keeps the movie tradition going but they favor darker comedies together or so bad they’re good action holos (think the xXx films in space). They’ll play thinking games too but tend to favor jointly working on crosswords over the miniature wars Pre and Solus happily have with one another. 
When the children come along, Solus loves spending her downtime with her kids too. Space Disney ends up really popular among them because everyone’s got something to enjoy. Swimming outings are also really popular as are going to various types of races. Jila likes art  and history museums far less than Solus and Tarre but loves hands on science museums. Botanical Gardens and zoos are a win for everyone.
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The Mermaid AU I Don’t Need
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The Vizsla-Vetra-Kyrze Family as Mermaids and the solitary Merman!
Runi is the tiny baby with little pigtails who seemed to have consulted Solus’ genetics in passing. 
Solus would be the that extra to have pretty decoration and a beautifully webbed tail. 
Bo-Katan and Pre are sharks. Bo’s wearing the closest to armor I could get for her.
Tarre is the twin with the black tail and white hair. Jila has the curly blonde hair and purple tail.
Cabu the Strill became a gold toned electric eel because why not?
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Part of me doesn't want to get side tracked shipping my Next Gen.
The other part of me is imagining Jila flirting with everyone like it's nothing. She collects holofrequencies with bright smiles and cheesy winks. The little scar in her eyebrow makes her rogueishly charming while she runs all of the risks; some for profit, many for work but also for fun. She pod races and surfs and pilots and smuggles. Teases Leia when they meet the first time, makes eyes at Amilyn, blows sarcastic kisses to Lando, plays with Luke's hair. In a dusty cantina on Tatooine she makes a pass at Boba Fett because he's there and it's a gamble.
Tarre is best friends with Tristan and Sabine with a tendency to shy away from a lot of others. Leading is something they have to work on due to shyness. Othetwise, their ideas are solid. Flirting is an almost graceless talent for them. Ezra steals her heart in a mad dash puppy love the first time they meet. He's friendly and warm so she immediately turns lavender and goes stony silent.
Runi is graceful and loving and kind. She toes lines with Kotan Rau. He's her bodyguard when she's in he Senate and his sister is her best friend. Together they toe lines with Jacen because the three of them become an unlikely set skilled at getting shit done. Once upon a time, see felt a certain softness for Ben but that softness grew hard long ago.
Talik scares people with how much she just is. Aggression and Force and Talent swirl together in a never ending web of madness. Poe had a crush on her at one point because there's no part of Talik that ever slows down and she was born to glid between stars. But, she loves with the same ferocity she displays in everything else.
Kotan and Jacen are best friends and each others rival from the start. They've always just been since a mere two months separated them. Kotan adores Runi but refuses to chase just how much he adores her. He also enjoyed the attention the Dameron kid used to heap toward him and enjoyed covertly teasing him over his crush of some sort.
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Jila Vizsla tattoos a stylized shriek-hawk on her right shoulder blade so everyone knows who her family is. She’s a Vizsla, she’s born of Death Watch, and she is damn proud of who her family is. They fought for Mandalore when everyone else rolled over and accepted the New Mandalorians, accepted the Empire, and seemingly accepted defeat. 
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Flirtatious Nights
Rating: Solid T
Characters: Pre Vizlsa, Solus Vizsla, Tarre Vizsla, Jila Vizlsa, Bo-Katan Kryze (mentioned)
Warnings: Flirtation Between Spouses, Light Almost Dirty Talk, Age Gap, Unbalanced Power Dynamics (that I’m still pretty sure favor Solus)
Summary: Just a random night some time after the Twins are born between Pre and Solus. What starts as playful joking turns into cute flirtation. 
Notes: Another overhauled fic from the old “Two Wild Halves” Verse. I originally intended to write this in order but that got cast aside. Instead, I’m going with wherever my fancy strikes. Plus, I just wanted to make some cute fluff for a change.
“She gets it from you,” Solus teased her riduur with a gentle smile. Jila was nestled in her arms with gray eyes drifting shut but still nursing. “I certainly don’t make that much noise.”
Pre played at being offended by the suggestion. Pinched brows and narrowed eyes that lasted barely a second. Tarre’s twitching ears and brilliant blue eyes melted him. “You certainly do. Ask your squad or the mechanics.”
One white brow arched upward for a moment. The she drawled, “I train and work with clear orders to those around me. I need to be heard in those moments. You, however, communicate entirely through yelling. I’ve been in quieter war zones.” Mauve lips curled up into a bright, cheerful smile. “I don’t care for you any less, Cyare. I just want to mute your comm channel some days.”
From the corner of the living room, Cabu gave something akin to a huff of laughter in their sleep. Ears twitched backward in mirth as she smirked at him. “Someone seems to agree with me.”
“The Strill has no say in the matter.”
“Fine then. Ask Bo’ika and she’ll agree with me too.” The petty disagreements between Cabu and her riduur brought about endless amusement. “We take bets on when you’ll start the yelling.”  
Pre’s free arm draped over her shoulders to pull her closer. “Betrayed by you both.” His calloused thumb rubbed circles on her bare arm. “What should I do with you?”
“I think,” she started before trailing off shift Jila upright to burp her. “You should send the three of us to some cold planet for a mission. The kind of place where we’re in a cabin that’s old-fashioned with a real log burning fireplace. Make us have to rough it.”
Tarre yawned from Pre’s arms before cuddling closer to his chest. For once it seemed she was following her sister’s lead of sleeping at night. Jila was already most of the way gone in her arms. Good, things may work out entirely as planned.  
“The three of us?”
“Of course, you have to be there to supervise. Make sure we’re being thoroughly punished for our insubordination. All you’ll have to do is sit back and watch us work.” Bo-Katan was the newest element in their relationship. A welcomed third but one that had never gotten enough alone time with them both. That was possibly set to change.
“How exactly do you plan on roughing it?”
Solus felt the smile spread across her lips. Without glancing up she knew Pre was sold on the idea. “I’ll hunt for food while Bo takes care of the fire. With both end up so filthy from all the work and have to shower together. Only to conserve the hot water of course. Might even have to work the knots and kinks out of each other’s muscles.”
Pre leaned closer to her ear, “You have a very good idea.” The tickle of his hot breath sent shivers cascading down her spine. “But, I have a few more punishments to suggest.”
“Oh really?” She turned her head just enough to glance up at him from beneath white lashes. The little action had driven him wild ever since Concordia. “Why don’t we put the children to bed and then you demonstrate some of those punishments for me. I want to hear all about them.”
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Caff Extended List of Her OCs Children
Putting this under a cut because I don’t hate ya’ll that much. Mobile Users, I am sorry. 
There’s two distinctive eras of children; Original Trilogy Age and Sequel Trilogy Age. All ages are assumed for my Main Verse because AUs become a mess and Force Sensitives are in Bold.
Vizsla-Vetra-Kryze Children
-Tarre (Vetra) Vizsla. Genderfluid (Uses both She/Her and They/Them Pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Sephi. Born 19 BBY.
- Jila Vizsla. Female (She/Her pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Sephi. Born 19 BBY.
- Runi Kryze. Female (She/Her Pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Sephi. Born 5 ABY.
Skirata Children (Jazari and Mereel)
- Nakya Skirata. Female (She/Her Pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Mirialan. Born 16 BBY.
- Kebi Skirata. Demigirl (She/Her or He/Him Pronouns). 75% Human, 25% Mirialan. Born 13 BBY.
- Kaj Skirata. Demiboy. (He/Him or She/Her Pronouns). Born 13 BBY.
- Ria Skirata. Female (She/Her Pronouns). Nautolan. Born 0 BBY. Adopted 2 ABY.
- Grim Skirata. Male. (He/Him Pronouns). Nightbrother Zabrak. Born 18 BBY. Adopted 12 BBY. 
- Isik Skirata. Agender (They/Them Pronouns). Miraluka. Born 4 ABY. Adopted 4 ABY.
Rau Children
- Kotan Rau. Male (He/Him Pronouns). 50% Human, 37.5% Twi’lek, 12.5% Sephi. Born 0 BBY.
- Talik Rau. Female (She/Her Pronouns).  50% Human, 37.5% Twi’lek, 12.5% Sephi. Born 5 ABY.
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