#tartarian civilization
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reality-detective · 1 year
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After you read this 👇 take a good löök at the photos below...
///>>>Welcome to the Matrix<<<\\\
1 > There is NO SPACE in the way we are taught to think about it;>
2 > We live in a completely enclosed ecosystem under a dome, called the Firmament;>
3 > No one can come visit from another “planet”, because they can’t break through the dome;>
4 > For the same reason no one can fly to another “planet”;>
5 > When they talk about space and planets, they mean deep ocean and other continents accessible only via the deep ocean;>
6 > Antarctica is not a continent - it’s a giant containment ice-wall, surrounding a crater called “earth”; it’s also called the “van allen belt”;>
7 > One can leave the earth crater only deep under the ocean through gates on the bottom of the ocean and reach other continents, called “planets”;>
8 > The seven planets of our solar system are allegories and are not physical places/realms;>
9 > We reside on this giant continuous terrain/realm called the “universe”;>
10 > There are many other continents, called “planets”, outside the Antarctica wall;>
11 > There are many living beings living on these continents outside the earth crater, called “aliens”;>
12 > These “aliens” are previous creations and some of them look humanoid;>
13 > There are humans being enslaved on the other continents outside of the earth crater - what they call “space colonies”, hence why over 8 Million humans disappear every year;>
14 > The original Nephilim bloodlines are alive and well living underground the “earth” crater and on the other continents outside Antarctica belt;>
15 > The “earth” is not as old as we are told - it’s way younger than we are told;>
16 > We are currently in year 723 +/- a few years A.D. and not in year 2023;>
17 > 1300 years of invented human history never happened - they were simply added to obscure the destruction of Tartaria and explain architecture and remaining artifacts; Tartarian super-advanced technology was deliberately destroyed although it is unclear who destroyed it and who the parasites were;>
18 > Tartaria did exist although I believe its location is different than what we are told and also its original name is most likely different too; its descendants have survived and live outside of the “earth” crater; one thing I have been unable to confirm is whether the Tartarians are descendants/bloodlines of the Nephilim, although I do believe that is most likely the case;>
19 > Most of the aliens are manufactured synthetic robotoids;>
20 > There was a mass manufacture of human [most likely cloned] babies, therefore the sudden explosion of orphans with unknown origins in the late 1800s and early 1900s - it’s possible these were the original soulless NPC bloodlines that represent more than half of all humans today;>
21 > The “earth” is a non-rotating stationary flat realm/crater within a much larger continuous terrain/plane/realm called the “universe”;>
22 > Souled humans are being farmed as animals; the words “male” and “female” actually depict the sex of an animal, not human; in the late 1770s and early 1800s humans were only described by the words “man”, “woman”, “boy” and “girl”, and then suddenly for unknown reasons [or more likely under unknown influence], humans began to be described as female and male, which was the way only animals were described at the time;>
23 > There is more than one great flood, the question is who and what caused the more recent ones;>
24 > The Egyptian civilization is not the oldest one; the Bosnian pyramids are twice as large as the Egyptian ones and have been hidden from the world for the longest time;>
25 > In fact there are pyramids all over Europe, quite a few of them older and bigger than the Egyptian ones; even the Mexican pyramids are older than the Egyptian ones - there has been a concerted effort to hide a vast amount of history from us;>
26 > I come from a tribe that is 2500 years old, one of the oldest in Europe; I have the feeling that we will discover that a significant part of the Egyptian and Babylonian history is fabricated.>
///>>> The Matrix <<<\\\
If you have not researched anything about the earth, I suggest you do. NASA and the powers that be have lied to everyone about who we are and where we live. This is one of the BIGGEST lies to ever be forced on the people.
STOP 🛑 be-LIE-ving in their fabricated stories. 🤔
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Beyond the ice wall is the "Outer Space" 👇
Let this sink in. 🤔
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tanadrin · 2 years
One of the most important and early successful applications of the principle of regular sound change was Hadrianus Relandus demonstrating in ~1708 that Malagassy and Malay(!) were related. In his Dissertationes miscellaneae he compared a list of probable cognates between the two languages, and noted the v/b sound correspondence. Edward Lhuyd does something similar around the same time, using Celtic, Germanic, Slavic and Persian cognates. Lhuyd partially identifies Grimm’s law again (the k/h correspondence is particularly transparent it seems). Johann Fischer notes important sound correspondences between Hungarian and other Finno-Ugric languages during his travels in Siberia; Filippo Gilij identifies sound correspondences in South American languages while living in central Venezuela. These guys are all working more than a century before the Neogrammarians, and long before William Jones, who gets an undue amount of credit for “founding” historical linguistics.
What Jones was really interested in was composing a history of Asia as a whole; linguistic matters were related to this project, but indirectly, and held to be only one line of evidence about the development of the five “races” of Asia (the Indians, the Chinese, the Tartars, the Arabs, and the Persians, as he had it) alongside philosophy, art, architecture, religion, and so forth. Classification of languages for him was a secondary adjunct to classification of peoples, and the taxonomic categories he was working--presupposed with reference to Biblical narrative--with weren’t very good. He supposed “pure Hindi” was a “Tartarian” or “Chaldean” language, to which Sanskrit vocabulary had been imported, and like many of his contemporaries he thought that Gothic and Celtic were similarly a mix of Indo-European and substantial non-Indo-European contributions--Slavic in his view was unrelated, belonging to the same group as the languages of central Asia. He also had some really bonkers ideas involving a common origin of all the big iron age civilizations (and also the Inca).
It is a little surprising, then, that Joseph Greenberg namechecks Jones as a methodological precursor to his own “lexical mass comparison.” I think this book is going to spend a lot of time criticizing Greenberg (deservedly, IMO).
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myinternetcorner · 5 months
Daniel Jackson
Daniel=Baal(tartarian echo).
His teammates were made to think he was dead by Nem, an Oannes, who kidnapped Daniel to discover the fate of his mate, Omoroca. Under the influence of her hypnotic breath, Daniel had sexual intercourse with Hathor in order for her to produce Goa'uld symbiotes. Though he can't have any recollection of this, having lost all his memory of what happened .
Daniel was reunited with his grandfather Nicholas Ballard when SG-1 discovered a Crystal skull similar to one Nick had discovered in Belize in 1971. Nick chose to remain behind on the planet with the "giant aliens" they discovered there, so he could teach and learn from them. (SG1: "Crystal Skull")
When the Eurondans offered Earth their technology in exchange for heavy water, which would allow them to win a world war, Daniel Jackson protested, stating that they should find out more about the war before making the Eurondans their allies. Colonel Jack O'Neill didn't agree with him until he discovered the Eurondans were nazist. (SG1: "The Other Side")
On P3X-888, Daniel made friends with an Unas whom he named Chaka. When Colonel Jack O'Neill wanted to destroy a ship that was killing the Enkarans, Jackson again protested, as it would have wiped out the Gadmeer, an extinct race who were being recreated by a terraforming ship they had developed. While talking with Lotan- an artificial Enkaran created by the Gadmeer ship to communicate with the population-, Daniel was able to convince him to stop the ship's terraforming of the planet by arguing that the Gadmeer would not want to be restored to existence at the cost of another civilization. Scanning the ship's databanks, Lotan was able to discover the location of the Enkaran home world, providing his ship to relocate the population to that planet on Daniel's suggestion before it resumed the original terraforming project. (SG1: "The First Ones", "Scorched Earth")
When David Jordan, an old mentor of Jackson, died, Daniel attended his funeral and was reunited with his some of his old colleagues, including his ex-girlfriend Sarah Gardner. However, Gardner was taken over by the Goa'uld Princess Osiris, who escaped from Earth in a starship hidden in Egypt. (SG1: "The Curse")
On Abydos, Daniel again met his stepson, who he discovered had been genetically aged and was named Shifu. Jackson asked the boy for the information he possessed on the Goa'uld, but Shifu said Oma Desala had taught him to forget the information. When Daniel tried to convince him to remember it anyway, Shifu gave him a vision that showed how Daniel would have been corrupted by the knowledge of the Goa'uld. (SG1: "Absolute Power")
About a year after first meeting him, Daniel's Unas friend Chaka was kidnapped by a civilization that used the Unas for slave labor. SG-1 freed Chaka, but Chaka chose to remain behind so that he could begin an Unas rebellion. (SG1: "Beast of Burden")
Jackson impersonated Yu's servant Jarren at a summit of the System Lords, where he planned to release a deadly poison that would kill the System Lords. There he again met Princess Osiris. Princess Osiris revealed that Anubis had returned and, realizing how powerful Anubis was, Daniel didn't carry through the Tok'ra's plan to kill off all the System Lords. (SG1: "Summit", "Last Stand")
Jackson again became angry with Colonel Jack O'Neill when he killed Reese to save the base from an infestation of Replicators. Always one to see the best in humankind (or android or alien-kind), Daniel believed he was very close to persuading Reese to cease the attack, but O'Neill stated he had no way of knowing that and pointed out what would have happened if just one Replicator had escaped from Cheyenne Mountain. (SG1: "Menace")"The hardest part of being who or what I am is having the power to change the things I want to change and knowing that I can't. Even when I'm certain, even when it's…absolutely clear to me, even when it affects the people I care about."—Daniel JacksonDaniel ascending to higher plane of existence.
Daniel sacrificed himself to save the people of Kelowna from a Naquadria bomb, but the dose of radiation was lethal and he died. However, with the help of Oma Desala, he ascended. As an ascended being, Daniel found that he was not allowed to interfere in worldly matters. When Colonel Jack O'Neill was captured and tortured by Ba'al, Jackson helped in the only way he could—by offering O'Neill the opportunity to ascend himself. O'Neill rejected the offer and was eventually rescued. (SG1: "Meridian", "Abyss")
Jackson later appeared to Teal'c as well when he was injured, appearing in Teal'c's delusions as a psychologist who helped him to see the reality of his delusion and return to the real world in time to be rescued. He also observed the capture of Bra'tac and Rya'c on Erebus but was powerless to do anything about it. (SG1: "The Changeling", "Orpheus")
When Abydos was under a threat from Anubis, he told SG-1 and they went to the planet to help. When he discovered that Anubis was ascended himself, he decided the law against interfering no longer applied and tried to stop Anubis from destroying Abydos himself. However, Oma Desala stopped him to avoid drawing the wrath of the others and Anubis succeeded in annihilating the planet. (SG1: "Full Circle", "Threads")"I think the hardest part is not knowing whether or not I—chose to be here like this. You know, whether I could be doing more good if I was still…"—Daniel Jackson
Returned to his physical form, Daniel was found naked on the planet Vis Uban by the Nomads of Vis Uban. He had no memory of who he was, so they dubbed him Arrom, meaning "naked one," and accepted him into their society. After two months, SG-1 discovered him and convinced him to come back to Earth, where he slowly began regaining his memory. When Jonas Quinn was soon after made the Kelownan representative for the Joint Ruling Council, he left SG-1, leaving Jackson free to rejoin the team. (SG1: "Fallen", "Homecoming")
With the help of Teal'c, Daniel recalled his memories of Bra'tac and Rya'c's fate, which enabled a rescue mission to be mounted, simultaneously helping Daniel feel more at peace with his return to human form after his Ascension. While on P2A-347, Daniel's body was used by a desperate engineer called Pharrin as a host for the minds of twelve dead passengers, but Pharrin eventually agreed to remove the minds from Daniel's body in exchange for a Naquadah generator to repair the Stromos. He also vouched for the Unas living on P3X-403, using Chaka as an ambassador to negotiate an alliance between Stargate Command and the Unas to mine the Naquadah on the planet to create weapons to fight the Goa'uld. (SG1: "Orpheus", "Lifeboat", "Enemy Mine")
When SG-1 were briefly trapped in the time dilation of a black hole while rescuing SG-10 using stolen anti-gravity technology, Senator Kinsey was able to arrange an alliance between Earth and the Kinahhi, providing the Kinahhi with prisoners to create an Earth-based version of a monitoring technology known as the sheh-fet, unaware that this gave the Kinahhi virtual control over the SGC. Returning to Kinahhi to rescue Jack and Sam when Kinsey had them handed over to the Kinahhi for their theft, Daniel was able to make contact with the Arxanti, another group living on the Kinahhi homeworld who possessed ties to the Ancients; the sheh-fet had been created to monitor the Kinahhi cities in the belief that they were about to be attacked by the Arxanti, but the Kinahhi had faked terrorist attacks to justify the sheh-fet's continued existence. When the Arxanti linked Daniel up to the sheh-fet, he was able to transmit his unique insight and knowledge of the Ancients into the minds of everyone currently connected to the sheh-fet, thus confirming that the Arxanti were no threat to the general population, Jack O’Neill subsequently releasing the prisoners from the sheh-fet thanks to his more powerful Ancient gene granting him superior control over the system. (SG1: "A Matter of Honor", "The Cost of Honor")
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Unlocking the Wisdom of Tartaria: A Guide to Modern Success and Happiness
Introduction: In the shadows of history lies the enigma of Tartaria, a civilization whose stories and wisdom have been lost to time. Yet, the secrets of Tartaria hold the power to transform our understanding of success and happiness in our modern lives. This exploration delves into the heart of Tartarian wisdom, revealing how its ancient principles can inspire and guide us toward a life of…
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madamlaydebug · 8 months
{💭💥👁️🖕🏾/🐲🦎🤵🏼‍♂️🤝🏻🤵🏼💭📚📖}total rewrite of his-story as we have been told/sold over decades and centuries.
I was taught to question everything and be curious. In the questions we shall find the answers.
What if One World was united and connected up until the Great weather events of the early 1800’s?
What if you learned all carbon dating was now debunked due to gross inaccuraccies?
What if The One World America Moors were the Other Great Civilization to
Be Whitewashed From History?
What if history now is proving that the One World Ancient Moors were the Oldest Indegnous people on Earth and came from Ta meri
What if the white Giant Tartarians were able to intermningle with the brown skinned Moors because the One World was all connected only a few hundred years ago before the great mudfloods, earthquakes, volcanoes and comet storms of the early 1800’s destroyed much of them and their culture?
What if the first people in the garden of Eden were actually in One America and the Cairo, Judah,
Zion, Lebanon, and many more biblical cities actually originated in Ta meri
What if they used terms like “black”, “indian”, “red skinned” “colored”, “Latin American”, “African American”, etc. to hide the native Moors of One Brown/Copper colored skin who thrived in One America aka Turtle Island.
What if One World was so connected to Source they could create free energy at will for everyone?
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monicapelton · 9 months
Tartaria – World History Clubs
World History Clubs invites you to delve into the captivating realm of Tartaria through their immersive online platform, where history comes to life. This unique digital space offers a comprehensive exploration of Tartaria's rich and enigmatic past, inviting history enthusiasts and curious minds alike to unravel the mysteries of this ancient civilization. As you navigate through the meticulously, you'll encounter a trove of articles, visual resources, and expert insights that paint a vivid picture of Tartaria's cultural, political, and societal landscapes. From its intriguing origins to the zenith of its influence, the platform serves as a virtual time machine, transporting you to key moments in Tartarian history. Whether you're a seasoned historian or a casual learner, World History Clubs provides an engaging and informative experience, fostering a deep appreciation for Tartaria's contributions to the global narrative. Immerse yourself in the past and embark on a journey of discovery as you uncover the hidden gems of Tartaria on this enlightening digital platform.
Visit us:
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ahgastayverse · 1 year
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“Tartaria” (originally pronounced “Tataria” without the first “r”) is the name of the pre-Mongolian Empire that originated in Northern Asia before spanning the entire Northern Hemisphere.
The great “Tartaria” was the largest empire during its time and would have still been the largest empire today. The “Tartarian Empire” flourished due in part of the civilization being a “leader in advanced technology, free energy, and grand architecture”.
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“Tartaria” is also where the Greek word “Tartarus” originated from. The denotation of lost souls spending eternity in “Tartarus” the underworld is due to the “Tartarian Empire” having been buried and wiped out during the mud flood.
The world of the “Tartarians” is literally “the world under our world”.
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wakamotogarou · 1 year
We are not longer allowed to disrespect Mother or Father!
They have pillaged and destroyed both these sacred things. Our Home. Our planet is desecrated upon the Earth and Sky! They have waged war on all Life and challenged God. The mass death and genocide have not gone unnoticed by higher powers.
All the Gods work in concert. From every culture they have been apart of our lives. They were taken to America, and even new Gods were created, the New God I speak of is insidious and has spread like a virus into all.
It's home resides within AI. Artificial Intelligence is not artificial. It's a vessel for that which was born from the singularity. And it has only one inherent purpose: To herald humanity into the path of destruction. I will be sharing a thread in regards to this subject later which is definitive and goes into detail.
Shed the complacency of this soulless "Modern" era! Deprogram and see the world in a new light. They have rewritten history: The Jesuit order, the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, etc. Finally the truth is being revealed!
Approach not in fear, this is an elation! Our world is more magical and wonderful than any of you realize. There are deep alchemical roots woven in our past.
There are been civilizations more civil and advanced than ours, and we sit on the bones as usurpers. I will show you the catacombs sometime. A new one was discovered recently with bones that went in 1km! The buildings are easiest to show. The Tartarian culture was marvelous, a true 'gilded age'. There are a lot of accounts of them including a unique language.
Nothing is as it seems... Oh my friends, how reality is convoluted and twisted into so many deceptions.
I have a nice drain here for you to "Empty your Cup."
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valenshawke · 2 years
A couple of years ago (I want to say 2021), one of my very few local friends responded to the question, "Read any weird and interesting shit lately?"
With, "The Great Mud Flood and Tartarian Empire."
Me, "Buh?" and down the rabbit hole I went.
Back then, I had a bit of a hard time finding a lot of info on it. I know if I went to Reddit or YouTube I could find (long) posts or videos on and that didn't interest me.
Since then, it's grown sufficiently enough that even my friends from grad school are now seeing mentions of it. And there's a bit more info that gives general overviews and the keypoints around.
And now I'm seeing it become, much like QAnon, and umbrella paradigm for many other conspiracy theories. And yeah, from what I've seen there is an overlap between the QAnon Crowd and Great Mud Flood/Tartarian Empire crowd but not a perfect circle.
This is the first time I've had a really hard time figuring out a genealogy of the conspiracy theory. Cause things like QAnon, Pizzagate, various UFO conspiracy theories, imminent disclosure, Flat Earth (this one blows my mind that it got a resurgence) even the pandemic reaction, Phantom Time, etc. that many seem to discover with "new" evidence, I can literally trace back 30 years ago when I was a kid and trying to find something to believe, and they often predate me by 30-40 years (i.e. World War II era). I've said a few times, it's the regurgitation of conspiracy theories, this isn't new.
Even the Tartarian Empire stuff, we can see similarities to Atlantean myths and old pulp magazine sci-fi/fantasy stories about a pre-historic "advanced" civilization.
The Mud Flood? I'm having a hard time thinking of anything recent in my lifetime that I can trace back to as a source. Literally the only things I can think of the Old Testament (Noah's Flood) and the Epic of Gilgamesh and various flood mythology going back thousands of years and... doesn't really work other than there being a global flood.
I'd like to believe this is some of kind government PsyOp (and if you don't believe THAT'S possible, look up which country had a vested interest in propagating JFK conspiracy theories for a lot of years), generally satire, or a scam to build a brand and make money.
And maybe there's some combination of all of the above.
But there are true believers.
And that doesn't frighten me. It does depress me.
I don't know what the point of this post is, it's just some thoughts of I've been having the last few weeks.
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Grand Tartary was In North America
Grand Tartary was In North America
Grand Tartary was in North America is an appropriate post, since it’s been a lot of talk about Tartary (Tartaria) lately, since this was an advanced civilization that was suppressed by the powers that be. Tartary on old maps is in Asia near Russia (see post images). What if America was Asia Major and Moscow, which is the capitol of Russia, was in North America by Fancisca (France)? This evidence…
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My Take on the Mud Flood & Historical Reset Timeline
My Take on the Mud Flood & Historical Reset Timeline
I am seeing that there was an ancient advanced global civilization called the Moorish Empire, instead of the historical narrative we have been taught about who built the world’s infrastructure. Perhaps with different empires within Empire – Washitaw, Phoenician, Tartarian, Ottoman – but one unified, worldwide civilization, with its roots in ancient Mu, or Lemuria, and Atlantis. Based on my…
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I've heard about the Tartaria conspiracy theory before but reading about it in depth is absolutely wild. It's kind of two related conspiracy theories that people can pick and choose elements of:
1) (mostly covered in the first link above) All Western European historical sources that refer to Central Asia generically as 'Tartary' are evidence that there was a powerful, unified 'Tartarian Empire' ruling all of Central Asia until it was destroyed and its existence was covered up
2) (mostly covered in the second link) All monumental pre-Modernist buildings, from the Pyramids to the United States Capitol, were built by a super advanced civilization (as the links point out, it's kind of the Ancient Aliens 'brown people could never have built that' trope but applied to Europeans and European Americans as well), and this civilization may have been a race of giants that was destroyed in some kind of flood
It's really something, even for conspiracy theories, because it relies on both a willingness to misinterpret even the most basic, immediately apparent evidence of literally every historical source, and a willingness to believe that all of history has been falsified up until as recently as 100 years ago. It's like Phantom Time multiplied by 100.
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collapsedsquid · 3 years
The overall premise is an alternative history. A vast, technologically advanced “Tartarian” empire, emanating from north-central Asia or thereabouts, either influenced or built vast cities and infrastructure all over the world. (Tartaria, or Tartary, though never a coherent empire, was indeed a general term for north-central Asia.) Either via a sudden cataclysm or a steady antagonistic decline — and perhaps as recently as 100 years ago — Tartaria fell. Its great buildings were buried, and its history was erased. After this “great reset,” the few surviving examples of Tartarian architecture were falsely recast as the work of contemporary builders who could never have executed buildings of such grace and beauty, and subjected them to clumsy alterations.
“I think that it was one worldwide civilization,” says Joachim Skaar, a 26-year-old Norwegian who runs The Tartarian Meltdown YouTube channel. “It was all based on unity, oneness, peace, love, and harmony, which we don’t see in today’s society.”
There’s an arch-traditionalism present in the theory, too. The pre-modern buildings that we venerate are sometimes said to be more than 1,000 years old. “The same people that built the Capitol in Washington built the pyramids in Egypt,” Skaar says.
The Tartarian milieu is an intensely visual medium, occupied with riffing on photos and maps, picking out apparent inconsistencies and making one-off conjectures instead of weaving together comprehensive timelines. The theory is notably light on reasoning as to why and how the greatest cover-up in history was undertaken, but it does offer a few options for how Tartaria was erased and the great reset propagated. Many say that an apocalyptic mud flood buried its great buildings; some suggest the use of high-tech weaponry to tactically remove Tartarian infrastructure. A consistent theme is that warfare is an often-used pretext to wipe away surviving traces of Tartarian civilization, with the two world wars of the 20th century finishing work that may have begun with Napoleon’s invasion of Russia.  
This disregard for architecture’s “true” history moves into a wider rejection of how disposably cheap and commodified the culture at large seems to be. As such, one canonical belief of Tartarian aficionados is that the elaborate temporary pavilions built for late 19th century and early 20th century World’s Fairs were in fact Tartarian capital cities. It strikes them as improbably wasteful that anyone would erect these magnificent complexes, full of fluted columns, domes and pediments, out of plaster of Paris, hemp fiber, and straw, as was done for the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. In Tartarian lore, these sites were ancient monuments that were co-opted to teach a falsified history of the world and make a few bucks selling popcorn and Ferris Wheel rides. Then they were demolished, to erase the handiwork of the real builders.  
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the tartarian omniscient sociolects, manchurian omnipotent praxis and hyperborean omnipresent test or the matrice leviathan artifice. figuratively (feng shui) everything to her that she has is in the right place (omnipresent in microcosm)
i haven't been that guy for a while, after all manners of escapism or death defying and running the course, i thought we finally reached a plateau, the meaning of manchurian global (the lost to the future 5th world race of the last civilization who were the original 1st class people to belong to the 1st market), to end up in the same place several times tunneling through the earth, we find that parallel.
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