#Life Balance
j4ckme · 3 months
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Books for finding balance
Happy New Year! As we head into 2024, here are some books with much to say about how we can care for our bodies and minds in everything from the media we consume, to the schedules we keep, and the relationships that sustain us.
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susannewartist · 6 months
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In the grand canvas of life, art isn't solely confined to brush strokes on canvas or the chisel marks on stone. It extends beyond these tangible forms into the very way we structure our lives. True artistry lies in finding balance - the delicate lines that connect our work, our passions, and our pursuit of happiness. This post delves into the subtle art of balancing these vital aspects of our existence.
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kayotticklife · 9 months
Sometimes, doing absolutely nothing is the most productive thing you can do for your self preservation.
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Howdy Jen!
We all get tangled up in our personal lives, especially when it’s a new relationship, so I just wanted to know-
How do you find a balance between your time with your partner and your other hobbies/activities (such as organizing in the community?)
Aka, how do you stop fucking long enough to actually put that wonderful lesbian energy towards other important things in the little free time we have? 🤔
I am still deeply in love with my ex, but we found, almost a year ago, that we could not live together and long distance was just too hard on her heart. We are still best friends and working very hard to adjust our intense connection to friendship.
When we were together we, especially me, were very careful to set aside limited times to be on our phone or computer. I can do some stuff at my jobs so often I was able to film tiktoks or write for tumble away from home so It had no afffect on us.
Neither of us are big texters, even when we were together but lived apart . We both preferred time with each other or letters. When we were both home we mostly loved time and focus to be on each other. That was not hard for me. I was happy to turn off my phone and be wholly present with her. She means everything to me and and second I could I wanted to be really with her.
We had a highly passionate relationship but the stress of life meant we sometimes were just as happy to cuddle and talk and make plans. Pillow talk was our favorite pastime after quiet morning of coffee or doing a crossword I
In the evenings or on the rare afternoon when rain or bad weather had us "trapped" inside I would write while she work on her art. She is a talented artist who does everything from bead work to painting and I found if I pulled out my computer or pen and paper she would pull out a project. I took great joy in, peering away from my screen to watch her deep in concentration creating something because THAT is what gives her great happiness.
Now that I am single I am juggling my kid, my animals, my land and three jobs plus volunteering to help others on things such as moving or lawn care or just small projects they need help with. After 7 years I am trying to get others to take over the board I am on. The three remaining original board members, including myself are tired and can't give out all anymore. Our priorities have shifted and, frankly, we have served longer than we should have.
I still am careful to balance being on line with life. I write in the early mornings or maybe a little at night if I can get to bed early enough. I film tiktoks while out at about with very little editing. I am considering re starting the use of my youtube channel in colder weather, we shall see. My priority now is paying off debt, getting ahead on my crappy credit score and refinancing my house. I am raising a 16 year old and MAKE time to hang out with her or talk.
I try to ride or brush or hang with my horses a few times a week but often fail at that. I end up on yard projects or working in the barn.
I write letters to my former girlfriend and she continues to inspire me to imrove my life and create new goals.
I got "off grid" for almost two weeks at festivals this summer to recharge myself and not worry about my phone other than some check on my family and home. That was good for me. I met many new friends and hung out with old friends. I wrote with pen and paper and brought home notes for new ideas and ready to bring even more lesbian positivity to the world.
My love for her makes me miss the physical passion but my heart is grateful we had the time we did and I am so happy our friendship remained and is stronger than I thought possible. She helped me to learn a balance. What I can take on and what I can't. She made me see what is important to me and how to look forward with hope and not feel overwhelmed.
I still don't have much free time but I don't waste a second of it when it arrives.
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lalocreativity · 11 months
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Accepting Change
I know a lot of my posts have been kinda dark, but my life has been dark recently. Losing a loved one is traumatic and theres no way to down play that. I'm seeing new insecurities and anxieties in myself that were never an issue previously. This event will be something that affects me for the rest of my life.
I'm ready to start change. I've been seeing my therapist, learning how to release that guilt, eating more regularly. It's hard to accept that my partner has changed but when I spend time with her i remember to be greatful and I see how happy she is. She was sick, very sick and very unhappy and theres not much I could have done to change that as much as I may have tried.
I'm taking each day one step at a time, making sure to put my needs first so I have more to give to things that are important to me. I'm relearning how to balance the important things in my life.
I am accepting change, and taking life one step at a time.
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Siedzenie w domu
Nieustannie zaskakuję siebie. Dokładnie to działanie mojej głowy, której środkiem wyrazu, czy inaczej, własnym językiem są myśli.
Wczoraj zakończyłam serię zaliczeń na uczelni. Cieszyłam się bardzo, że kolejny mały etap studiów już za mną. Wieczorem pełny luz, oglądanie filmu. Dziś miało być podobnie. Słodkie lenistwo i tylko przyjemności w ciągu dnia.
Nie sądziłam jednak, że ten stan zaburzy przeglądanie zdjęć z podróżniczych profili. Ponownie zatęskniłam za słońcem, odkrywaniem tajemniczych zakątków, przygodami… oraz powróciły wątpliwości…
Czy na pewno dobrze wybrałam? No wiecie, najpierw studia, potem fajna praca i wycieczki w ciągu roku? Może trzeba było spróbować podróży autostopem albo na całe wakacje wyjechać do Azji.. to słynne „rzucić wszystko i wyjechać w Bieszczady” 😂 Wróciły kompleksy, a razem z nimi cała lista rzeczy, których nie potrafię albo robię niewystarczająco dobrze.
Najtrudniej jest wrócić na właściwą ścieżkę. Próbować dalej jeśli jedna technika/sposób na ten powrót nie działa. Zauważyłam, że izolując się od ludzi w ciągu dnia bardzo szybko wpadam w „szary” nastrój. Kto by pomyślał, że tak zadziała na mnie dzień wolnego.
Zajęło mi to chwilkę, ale przypomniałam sobie kim jestem, jakie są moje upodobania, styl życia, mocne strony. W ten sposób wracam do swojego życia, zastanawiam się czy jest w nim coś, co chciałabym zmienić, ale w moim stylu - bez kopiowania drugiej osoby.
Ten dzień dał mi do zrozumienia, że podążam właściwą, bo własną ścieżką i nie mam powodów by wątpić w swoje marzenia.
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shalashbisht · 2 years
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gbuda73 · 2 years
Create the life you want to live
Balancing our energy begins with belief.
Belief in you, belief in life,
belief in trust.
Learning to only need "even" in our lives
We can't balance with uneven weight on each side.
We never will be able to handle our responsibilities if we spend our energy to tied up in the worries or the what ifs.
Although we will have these things they need to be balanced with good intentions and truths.
This balance takes the weight of burdens from bringing us down to being tolerable.
Ultimately being the beginning of truly balancing our lives and strengthening of visions to stay focused on our own goals, being un interrupted by others emotion.
I think my brain was rotting from all the poison that once surrounded me. Now as my mind heals the more clear I see my past.
Just because people were once in my life, dosen't mean they need to still be in my life today.
I wish nothing on them or any body else, except to be on their way away from my life.
I wish nothing for no one, except peace for myself.
I am healed and stronger then ever.
My peace is now in my mind.
I have learned to let hurting images of my past go.
I will not let certain times or people (including friends) of then to clog and poison my mind as they have for the past decades.
Healing is the most strengthening excersize we can allow our minds to do.
I find the more my body heals, I am peeling back layers of my mind. like a sun burn healing shedding its dead skin. The dead skin is the storys that were from my past, that are now dead to me once I confront each of them one last time.
Each memory I erase for good. to cleanse my soul. My strengthened and sharpened mind lets me see the truths of all the realities of negative emotions I once freely let absorb into my body. Now together my mind and soul gently guide me to face these memories in their raw un edited forms so I may face their truths and let them go far away from my new built life of understanding me.
Thank you my mind and soul for letting me see and giving me the strength and clarity to let things go that need to leave my life.
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What to Do When You Feel Lost in Life? (15 Tips)
What to Do When You Feel Lost in Life? (15 Tips)
If you’re feeling lost and don’t know where to turn, here are 15 tips to help you. From acknowledging that you’re feeling lost to taking action, these tips will help you find your way again. Don’t worry – even if you don’t follow all of them, at least you’ll have started down the right path. So what are you waiting for? Start living! In this article, I will attempt to answer the question, ‘what…
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dailydivergent · 2 months
There’s no such thing as work-life balance for neurodivergent & chronically ill people.
This is because everything in my life requires work:
maintaining friendships
keeping up with my hygiene
managing bills
making money
remembering my basic needs
sleeping regularly
outputting creatively
All requires some aspect of work for me.
And when everything in your life requires work, your balance goes out the window.
If you're neurodivergent and overwhelmed — I see you.
If you're chronically ill and overwhelmed — I see you.
You're not dysfunctional.
You're not incapable.
You're doing your best.
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enchantedpen01 · 24 days
“Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a thought or a daydream, to imagine something wonderful, because we’re too busy bridging the walk from the cafeteria back to the office on the cell phone.” – Steven Spielberg I felt this quote when I read it. It gave me a flashback of…
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Unlocking the Wisdom of Tartaria: A Guide to Modern Success and Happiness
Introduction: In the shadows of history lies the enigma of Tartaria, a civilization whose stories and wisdom have been lost to time. Yet, the secrets of Tartaria hold the power to transform our understanding of success and happiness in our modern lives. This exploration delves into the heart of Tartarian wisdom, revealing how its ancient principles can inspire and guide us toward a life of…
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athenavalor · 29 days
Stoicism Stops Overthinking
Stoicism to the Rescue: How Ancient Wisdom Can Quiet Your Mind Hello, fellow thinker! Ever find yourself caught in the whirlwind of your thoughts? You know, those nights when your brain decides to run a marathon at 3 AM? Well, guess what? There’s a way to quiet that mental noise, and it comes from a bunch of folks in ancient times who were surprisingly calm and collected: the Stoics. Let’s dive…
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helengie · 2 months
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Grounding: The importance and benefits
Grounding is the practice of connecting with the earth's energy. It can be done by walking barefoot outside, sitting or lying on the ground, gardening, holding a grounding crystal, or taking a grounding shower.
Benefits of grounding
Grounding has many benefits for both physical and mental health. It can help to:
Reduce stress and anxiety
Improve sleep
Reduce pain
Boost immunity
Improve mood
Increase energy
Enhance creativity
Improve focus
Strengthen connection to nature
Promote overall well-being
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How to ground yourself
There are many ways to ground yourself. Some of the most common methods include:
Walking barefoot outside: Walking barefoot outside is one of the best ways to ground yourself. The direct contact with the earth helps to transfer electrons from the earth to your body.
Sit or lie on the ground: Another way to ground yourself is to sit or lie on the ground. This allows you to connect with the earth's energy and feel more grounded.
Garden: Gardening is a great way to ground yourself. When you work in the garden, you're directly connected to the earth and its energy.
Hold a grounding crystal: Holding a grounding crystal, such as a black tourmaline or hematite, can help to ground you. These crystals help to absorb negative energy and promote grounding.
Take a grounding shower: Taking a grounding shower can help to ground you. The water helps to wash away negative energy and promote grounding.
Grounding is a simple and effective way to improve your health and well-being.
T-shirts, sweatshirts and various gadgets with this design and related to permaculture and living in harmony with nature can be found in my store. Click below!
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