janneth-alegre · 2 years
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Last Mission 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Mission 30- Task 30 Copy Task by Janneth Alegre Esta es la última misión de la competencia. Consistió en un ojal con la técnica de Origami Vortex integrada a la solapa de una chaqueta tipo sastre. Al igual que la técnica de la misión 29, un súper reto que requiere habilidad de interpretación y habilidad para coser! 😱😵‍💫🤯 🧵 🪡 Satisfecha con los resultados 😍❤️✏️📐✂️💪🙌🥳 #trcutting #shingosato #task #copytask #origami #vortex #TRtechnique #ojalorigami #jacket #trGoldMasterChampionship2022 #task30 #trcutting #mission30 #jannethalegre #reto30 #lastmission #90DaysChallenge Approved! 😃🥳💪🏆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjRg5hzOGsG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ianthedisastrous · 4 years
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Task 30: Create a beauty/make up/getting ready for the day routine for your character. Must include at least 7 steps
Ian's morning routine begins, technically, around eight AM when his alarm clock shrieks, and is promptly knocked off the shelf next to his bed to silence it. Several hours before his first class at noon, plenty of time to accomplish the morning. If he would get up, which he does not. Then, roughly an hour later it's time for alarm clock number two; strategically placed on the far side of the shelves so it's a necessary evil to nearly crawl over them in order to silence the screaming beast. Still refusal of the morning, Ian burrows and clings to sleep until his third, and final, alarm sounds. That one is set on the far side of the room, forcing him to abandon the bed and face the day as near to noon as he can hold out to.
Onto clothes, which of course takes a huge amount of time and effort. An entire wardrobe of t-shirts that are variations on half a dozen science puns and the like; it's a very complex decision. So is the rest, given that Ian owns jeans. And basically nothing else. From blue to black and of course the difficult task of debating if he wants the ones with ripped knees rather than plain. Of course he does. Clothes takes a full scale ten minutes and fall under the scrutiny of; is it clean and does it fit. Not always in that order. - he has on occasion picked up one of Miguel's shirts instead given how clothing migrates around in dorm rooms - And the scale is more flexible given his state of awake.
Then shower, because that's a thing, and Ian living in a dorm means Ian does most of his dressing and undressing in said shower. Most mornings he makes it there by default of needing to put clothes on for the day and the hot water - he loathes even the thought of anything less than a hot shower - finally wakes him up. Mostly. Sometimes he dozes a bit until the water runs cold, even more of a motivator in getting finished and dressed. He hasn't fully fallen asleep in the shower yet, but sooner or later it'll happen. Brushing his teeth is another part of the shower routine, as in brushing them in the shower. No logic, just one of those random habits.
Ian's hair exists to bring him misery, the only reason he tolerates the unruly mess being that he considers it to be the one cute thing about himself. Whatever bizarre genetic mix in there that made it both prone to curls and fluff? It's nothing short of laughing in the face of style, and basically any hair product known to man because none of them tame it. He's fallen into acceptance; he scrubs it dry and glares it down in the mirror, makes a pointless attempt to smooth some of the curl out with his fingers and admits defeat. The whole...tussled disaster is a good thing, right? That's what he's going with anyway, yeah. Usually that same scrutiny convinces him to shave most days while he's there, not a fan of arguing with his spastic ability at facial hair; he's saving himself some grief with that one by staying ahead of it.
And we come to the part of the morning that involves Ian wandering the room, coffee stashed from the night before - drank cold yes since it has been sitting on his shelf - in hand while he checks everything. His bag, his phone, his notes to himself, and takes a few minutes to himself to gather his focus and find a corner to sit and write while he finishes his early morning - by Ian standards - caffeine. It's a matter of re-centering, calming and bracing for the day ahead. Once everything is in order, notebook tucked into his bag, phone messages sent and schedule searched, notes set aside, he's mentally as prepared as he can be.
Cue the panic portion of the morning. It happens nine times out of ten, often enough to be considered the routine. As Ian realizes he's late, for either class or elsewhere depending on his plans. So there's the scrambling for his sneakers, the writing a few quick new notes to add to the ones already occupying most of the wall space behind his bed, and the jolting effort of balancing phone, bag and self one foot at a time to pull on said sneakers - he's in too much of a rush to sit down and do it properly, okay? - as he scrolls back through the mental lists and gives himself a last look over and smoothes out the rough edges in hair, clothes and the full sum of himself until everything is neat and nice.
Then promptly finishes his getting ready routine by grabbing whatever hoodie he's happened to leave within reach, pulling it on and ruining the entire earlier effort - seriously what is his hair even doing? - and darting out the door to catch up to his already late start on morning...er...day.
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nicolamarchette · 2 years
Task 30- 13 Questions
If you could swap lives with one of your friends,who would it be?If I could swap lives with one of my friends, it would be my friend Casey. But at the same time, I love my life so I don't know that I would swap. (Kennedy)
What fictional character would you most like to be friends with? It's a toss up between Cher Horowitz and Darla Marks. They both get me and we'd all vibe really well. (Saber)
If you had to get a tattoo today what would you get? I do have a few tattoos already but if I would get a new one, I think it would be a unique portrait piece. It would be of either my grandparents or of my dog Luna. I have had Luna since she was a puppy so it would be something unique and beautiful to remember them by. (Maribelle)
What is the most unexpected piece of advice you ever received? Don’t be afraid to be afraid because we’re all mostly told to not be afraid but sometimes it’s okay to be afraid. It’s helped me grow throughout the years. (Theo)
What is something you wish you could say to someone you love? That I wish that I could have seen you grow up…(Sejun)
What is your favorite simple pleasure? taking a loaf of bread and feeding the ducks at the pond in central park - reminds me of when i was little and helps clear my mind. i could also say a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine after a long week but way more wholesome with the ducks. (Zoey)
What is a fictional food you would most like to try? Ohhhh that’s a good question. I would love to try the Lickable wallpaper from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. I know that sounds weird, but that’s why I want to try it. (Lilly)
What is your favorite movie or TV show quote to say at random? I don't know if I say any quotes randomly. But I do really like this quote here recently from The Walking Dead. I've been binging that show again, so it has been stuck in my head and I could see myself saying that to somebody.”The pain doesn't go away. You just make room for it." Andrea. (Amelia)
Have you ever lost a bet? What was it? What were the consequences? In high school I lost a bet during a game, where alcohol and drugs were being consumed. I had to go streaking down the street (ya know typical teenager shenanigans). My dumbass decided to harass a cop that was parked up on the block while doing this and things could have been really bad for me except he ended up being a friend of my stepfather's. (Harlow)
What is your go to song to belt in the shower? Probably has to be “It’s all coming back to me.” By Celine Dion 😂😂(Eloise)
What is the most bizarre dream you have ever had? Hmm… I’ve had some real crazy ones. And I sleep talk so I say some weird shit, too. Uh… probably any dream where I’m still married to Nancy. Those ones always freak me out. (Gabe)
What is the most terrible movie you legitimately enjoy? You already know...Legally Blonde. (Johnny)
What sitcom scenario would you like to see most played out in real life? Hmmm….it would be cool to own Pokémon. (Harrison)
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A Letter To Me
Lucas had gotten home pretty early from the studio; a lot had been on his mind ever since finding out his ex-wife had been killed in her own home. As much as he hated the woman, she was still Brennan’s mother and he would never wish that upon her. Sighing softly, he walked into his office and over to his desk plopping himself down on his chair. For a moment he just sat there recollecting everything that had happened in his life in just the last few weeks, reaching over he opened the top drawer pulling out an old leather-bound journal. Something he’d kept hidden, not many people knew he still had this. It was something he started at a young age a journal that contained all his thoughts and music. He tried to remember when the last time he wrote in the journal as he unwrapped the leather strings and opening up to and black sheet. He ran his hand against the paper before reaching up and grabbing his favorite pen from the pen holder. It took a minute for him to figure out what exactly to write and then it clicked, a letter to me 20 years from now and soon enough the words began to flow on the blank paper.
The Rock God,  
 20 years is such a long stretch from now, but you’re probably some rock god now… like Kurt Cobain or even Bowie cause he’s honestly a music god, at least to me. I know times have been rough getting to where you’re at now because between being a drug addict you dealt with finding out Jessie was your half-brother it’s bad enough our dad can’t keep his hands to himself and Noah came along hopefully you don’t find out you have another sibling hiding out somewhere else how is dad going to explain that one? He’s not he’ll hide it just like the others.    ANYWAYS, nothing ever just happens without a price. We lost someone we once loved. Yes, it was quite unexpected. Yes, we absolutely hated her too… there’s no doubt about that, but she gave us the greatest gift of all. Brennan. I hope you continue to tell him stories about his mother (and not all the bad stuff about here either at least not until he’s a lot older), so he could always remember her especially because he lost her at such a young age he’ll end up forgetting about her.    I also hope you’re married to Raelynn cause she’s such an amazing woman and she’d do anything for you and Brennan. Don’t be a dumb ass and lose her cause we know you’re capable of that it’s happened before, besides Brennan she’s the other best thing to happen to us. Hell, maybe by then you gave Brennan another brother, maybe a sister. POSSIBLY both?!   I hope by then we’ve won many awards and created amazing music. Besides all the drugs, the deaths, the unexpected half-brothers (possibly even sisters by now) and getting shot let’s hope that stops before you’re even in your 40’s and if it hasn’t well then, I hope you’re going to hell and back for your family, because they deserve the best. So, I hope you’re not being an idiot and losing yourself to stupid shit again because I KNOW HOW YOU GET and I’m sure those close to you do too.
-          Lucas (the you 20 years ago)
Sighing softly, he placed his pen on the wooden oak table and looked over the words that he’d written in his journal, did he really just write to his future self? Yes. Shaking his head, a bit he let out a light chuckle before shutting the journal closing it back up and placing it in the top drawer. 
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justjules23-blog · 6 years
Dear Me
My therapist says that it's good to set goals for yourself and according to him I've pretty much given up on any future plans since Ella's passing. He keeps giving me these 'homework assignments'. The first being this journal, which I'll admit, now that I'm actually doing it, I don't hate. My first assignment is to write a letter to my future self. I guess here goes nothing.
Dear Me, future me, older but still insanely attractive me:
In my time we just got engaged to the only man we've ever loved. There's no way of knowing what trials or troubles that you and August have faced this far, but I know in my bones that you're still a family. I hope he hasn't relapsed or gotten arrested for killing Enzo Tatum, but I hope that he did kill him. I hope that his death was brutal and excruciatingly slow. I hope this because I know that as long as their father is still alive August will never be able too move on and Wynter will always be looking over her shoulder, waiting. I hope it because little Ella deserves her justice too.I hope you never forgot always and forever. I hope that you got to watch your sperm donor die too and that your siblings are finally free and that those child raping pieces of shit in the Order are finally where they belong. I pray that God gave you a baby or two of your own because you were such a good mommy to Ella and it almost destroyed us when we had our first miscarriage, and dealing with the second one all alone because I knew that Augie couldn't handle, it was hell. I hope that House of Lourd has become so insanely popular that we finally run our own conglomerate. I hope that we have other producers working for us. Because we fucking deserve it. Anytime you feel like you can't make it I want you to think back to the very first time you heard your track playing on the radio and remind yourself how God Damn awesome you really are. If you have a daughter tell her she's beautiful every single day and that she doesn't need anyone to be successful, but also that it's okay to be a team player and to ask for help. Tell her how she had a big sister that God needed more. I hope her middle name is Ella. Don't ever forget that baby. She saved your life, she saved his life too. Be grateful and remember that no matter what, you're the fucking queen!
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Final Task
Congrats to the two of you, Penelope and Fuu. You have managed to outlive the others, but now only one of you may proceed. To make sure that is you, conduct a task in similar terms as the last, but tell me how you defend yourself when attacked and what you do to counter your opponent. Also, make a good story, have fun with it!
Ares and Reboot, you both were fantastic!!! I hope you, as well as the other tributes, apply for the next Games!!!
This Task will be due on Tuesday, May 14th at Midnight EST
~May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor~
-HGM Matt
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Task 8: Day 5
"Congrats on your win over the other twenty tributes so far, but your fight is not long from over. Now that each of you have both a Heaven and an Earth Scroll, please report to the Cornucopia area for further instruction. No killing on the way or you'll meet a little friend of mine, so please follow directions! See you there!"
The four of you make it to the Cornucopia where a podium marked with your district number awaits each of you. You arrive at your podium and place one of each scroll on the podium. "Open your scrolls now," HGM Matt directs. You do so and on the Earth scroll it reads:
"An important aspect of the arena is to be aware of your physical and Earthly needs. To supplement your physical and Earthly desires, please write what you need or want to fight with on the line below, no matter the cost and we will give it to you. Close this scroll when your decision is made." ((No guns or chainsaws))
You now open the Heaven scroll, which reads, "An important aspect of the arena is to be aware of your soul and mental needs. To supplement your soul's desires we will let you receive a letter from a sole loved one. Print the name of your desired loved one on the line below. Close this scroll when your decision is made."
You write down your decisions and you receive your weapons. HGM Matt gives you ten minutes to prepare. Once that time has elapsed, the Cornucopia and pedestals recede into the earth and a raised platform erupts from the ground, a screen mounted to the side. You stare in amazement at the structure.
"Now, you will be paired up randomly and will fight one on one until only two remain and the remaining two shall do the same. Now, let's see who the first two lucky tributes are..."
The screen on the side of the raised platform blinked on and flashed three times before displaying this, "ARES V. PENELOPE"
Once your match has ended, you'll step off the platform while the other two battle it out, then you'll march back up and fight once more.
Be EXTREMELY detailed and well-thought out because you guys are all really talented and the most minute thing could tip the scale. Only write the first matchup, as you will not know the second one. Send both decisions in for approval before you write your Task, I will get back to you guys ASAP. Also, early submissions= early results.
This Task is due Sunday, May 12th, at 10 PM EST. As aways, the failure to submit this Task will result in DEATH.
~May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!~
-HGM Matt
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Task 7: Day 4
~Final 8. Write your family interview that occurs when only 8 of you remain. Write a narrative-type piece that focuses on a Capitol camera crew interviewing your family. Make it third person and a good length. Have your family describe their thoughts of you being in the Games, their reaction to you killing someone, their confidence in you, etc, whatever you see what they would talk about.
~Also, write how you recover from the night's events- also you find everything completely dry when you wake up and your items have disappeared.Most of you have lost something that gave you an edge over the other tributes-like extra scroll sets, food, water, and an abundance of weapons, etc. 
~Suddenly the Gamemaker's voice booms overhead, "Hello, there, Head Gamemaker Matt here! So as you know, some of you are desperate out here after last night's events. Things got a little damp...Anyway, you all need something. Something I can give you. All you need to do is have both sets of scrolls by the time half of you are gone. So, get started, tributes! And May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!"
~Basically, follow a similar format to similar Tasks- Will alliances be shattered, who do you target, how will you defend yourself, etc
~This Task will be due Thursday, May 9th, at Midnight EST
-HGM Matt
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Task 6: Day 3
The rain continues to pour in the arena, you suspect a flash flood in no time. You're going mad from sleep deprivation, hunger, or thirst, do you see if your scroll has anything to offer if you open it? Do you form new alliances? Sever them? If you're injured, how do you go about that? Who do you go after? Who do you avoid? Do you use what sponsor points you have to buy something that may very well save you or do you stock up for something more grandeur?
Be explicit and detailed. It's what keeps you alive, tributes.
This Task is due Sunday, May 5th, at Midnight EST, 9 PM EST, and 5 AM GMT!!
There are 19 scrolls in play, 10 of you. 10 Earth and 9 Heaven and the number is going to dwindle.
~May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor~
-HGM Matt
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Task 5: Day 2
How do you proceed on day 2? Who do you interact with? target? did you meet any new allies? severe old ties? Be descriptive, as it keeps you alive.
There are currently 14 tributes left and 20 scrolls left out there. 9 Heaven and 11 Earth
This Task will be due Friday, May 3rd at Midnight, Late submissions will result in your DEATH
~May the Odds be Ever In Your Favor~
-HGM Matt
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Task 3: Interviews
After leaving the PT room, you are prepped for your interview slot. You’ve been dressed and dolled up, told how to act, and now you hit the stage.
Caesar is ready to ask your tribute 3-5 questions about their life at home, their thoughts on the games, and what they’ll bring to the arena! Be creative and entertaining for me and the rest of Panem! Really show off who your character is. 
Some tips:
Third person please! (i.e Matt said, not I said)
Make sure you use good spelling and grammar so they’re easy to read- they’ll be posted just as you write them!
Have fun exploring your character!
Caesar is wearing a sullen grey!
Due Sunday, April 28th at Midnight EST, 9 PM PST, and 5 AM GMT
You can submit to the blog or email your tasks to [email protected]
-HGM Matt
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Task 2: Private Training
Upon being brought to the Capitol, you’ve endured the Parade and the Public Training rounds. Now, it is time to face the panel of Gamemakers for your Private Training. You enter the room and see the weaponry racks, the forest simulation, the survival station, the knot station, the gauntlet, and the ropes course.
You enter the room and are presented to the Gamemakers, you recognize the Head Gamemaker, Matt. You notice extra Peacekeepers standing by the booth, ensuring that if you try and attack the Gamemakers, you will be killed in the Bloodbath.
Matt waves his hand and motions for you to begin.
Your first task is simple- show us what you do in the Private Training room. We are looking for your creativity, skill, and entertainment! 
Please write it in third person (i.e “Matt said” instead of “I said”). Makes it a lot easier on me.
You may maim Avoxes, Peacekeepers, and trainers, but you can’t kill them.
You attack me or other Gamemakers, you will die in the Bloodbath.
Have fun! :)) Show me what you’re made of!
You can show your skills in as many stations as you want!
This Task will be due Wednesday, April 24th at Midnight EST, 9 PM PST, 1 AM CT, and 5 AM GMT
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Task 1: The Parades
Congratulations tributes, on being chosen for the 30th Annual Hunger Games!
Our first Task is the Parade, which requires you to describe what your tribute looks like during the parade around the tributes circle. Not only describe how your tribute looks, but also how they interact with the Capitol audience and their district partner. You may collaborate with your partner, finding their URL here.
Please write these in Third Person, not first. Ex:"He/ She walked.." as opposed to "I walk..."
THESE WILL BE POSTED AS IS, so please check your grammar and shenanigans before submitting.
Your task will be due Sunday April 21st at 11 pm EST, 8 pm PST, 4 am GMT (which I suppose is Monday), and 11 am Phillipines time (I had a specific anon asking for it and i don't know what time zone it is)
You can submit this to the blog or email it to [email protected]
I'm looking forward to seeing what you call can come up with!!!
-HGM Matt
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