tatebo · 2 months
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askroahmmythril · 3 years
Thoughts on RM Weapons (6)
Ah, the sixth set...  I’m going to be honest, MM6′s weapon selection is probably overall my least favorite set in the series.  Not necessarily TERRIBLE, just... they don’t really stand out to me as much as other weapons?  It doesn’t help that they all just make default Mega Buster shot sounds.
1) Flame Blast (Flame Man) - A decent enough weapon overall, though the range and trajectory does leave a little to be desired.  A flame is thrown forward, and upon hitting a surface, it emits a small tower of fire.  Interestingly it can erupt from walls as well, making a horizontal pillar of fire.  One thing this weapon has going for it is a lot of ammo, only taking one unit of energy per use.  It also melts ice walls, though curiously, there are some bits of terrain you’d think it could affect, but it doesn’t.  Large blocks of ice can’t be damaged by it, and more thankfully, it cannot ignite oil pits.  Flame Blast is Blizzard Man’s weakness, though you have to hit him while he’s standing or just slowly skiing about.  If he’s rolling in snowball form, he’s immune to it.  A pity as it would have made setting up flame walls for him to roll through seem pretty fitting.
2) Blizzard Attack (Blizzard Man) - Again, fairly decent, I admit my reason for not liking this one as much is... kind of petty, haha.  I just thought the snowflake sprites for it looked kind of boring, but then, it’s 8 bit so maybe that’s as good as they could get them for their size.  Really thinking about it, it’s not a bad weapon, firing a spread of four snowflakes forward, two in a straight line, one diagonally up, one diagonally down.  It thus has good spread, and even tricks you can do with it : the snowflakes spawn behind Mega Man, meaning in certain situations he can hit enemies behind him with it.  Blizzard Attack is Plant Man’s weakness, though he’s one of those “if you need a weakness” type bosses generally.  Still since he’s the shield user, it at least makes the fight go a bit faster.  Sadly though it won’t actually PENETRATE Plant Barrier.
3) Knight Crush (Knight Man) - Probably my overall favorite from this set, it’s one of those beefy heavy-hitter type weapons, satisfying to hit with, and it only uses one energy per shot.  It fires a hefty spiked ball and chain forward, though there is no visible chain.  It’s still tethered in a way though as after it flies out a short distance, it loops back around to Mega Man. The weapon can be aimed as well, either straight to each side or diagonally up or down.  No straight up or down however.   Interestingly, if you can loop it around so it goes behind a shielded enemy on the return trip, such as Tatebo or Shield Attackers, it can destroy them by hitting their unprotected side.  Knight Crush serves as a fairly straightforward weakness against Centaur Man, nothing particularly tricky in using it against him.  Oddly despite the fact that it seems like there should be a tethering chain involved, you can fire two Knight Crushes at the same time... just picture the embarrassment of Mega Man getting them tangled together.
4) Centaur Flash (Centaur Man) - Behold!  The most boring screen clear weapon in the series!  All it does is flash the screen white, doing damage to all enemies on screen.  Nothing fancy about it, not particularly stylish, that’s... really all there is to it.  I mean, at least most screen clear weapons are at least fun to watch or have a fun gimmick to them... this is just... super boring...  It’s Wind Man’s weakness, and it’s a screen clear, so not much in the way of strategy in using it, though he’s also the ONLY boss in the game to take ANY damage from it...  For supposedly being a weapon that causes a dimensional distortion, it... sure doesn’t live up to how awesome that sounds.
5) Silver Tomahawk (Tomahawk Man) - Another that’s at least decent, this one fires a spinning blade in a forward arc, going down slightly and then rising up through the air.  The trajectory can be situational but in general has a pretty useful range.  Most notably, it’s great for use against Power Piston since it likes to stay high up on the wall it stomps up and down across.  As far as Robot Masters, it’s good against Yamato Man.  Given the high jumps he can do, Silver Tomahawk’s upward trajectory works nicely against him.
6) Wind Storm (Wind Man) - A rather odd one, Wind Man doesn’t even really seem like he USES this weapon when you fight him.  The best way I can describe it is... Bubble Lead + Gravity Hold....?  You fire a small tornado that travels along the ground, and if it defeats an enemy, it carries them off into the air, never to be seen again.  Well unless you walk off screen and respawn them of course.  It thus also has Gravity Hold’s issue that enemies defeated by it don’t go boom and thus don’t drop anything.  It works as Flame Man’s weakness, and here’s where it actually does shine.  Normally, the flame pillars created by Flame Man’s Flame Blast will block your shots, but Wind Storm is not affected by them.  So at the very least, it does have that going for it.
7) Yamato Spear (Yamato Man) - A fairly simple weapon, it fires swiftly moving spearheads straight forward.  Tapping the fire button rapidly, you can also tell that they fire at two different heights, though I’m not sure if there are any cases where this really matters too much?  I’m not sure if there are situations where it has a notable effect like how Proto Man in Mega Man 10 has a slightly lower shot height that can hit some enemies Mega Man’s shots can’t.  Anyway, in some ways, it seems similar to Needle Cannon, though I don’t think it has the same “hold fire to constantly shoot” ability.  What it DOES have, however, is piercing capability, as it can ignore the shields of Shield Attackers and, notably, Knight Man, who is actually weak to this weapon.  Quite fitting, thus.
8) Plant Barrier (Plant Man) - It’s shield time again!  And oh man this one is.... sure there.  Plant Barrier surrounds Mega Man with swirling petals.  It disappears on contact with any enemy or shot type, and cannot be thrown.  This means, if you want to do damage with it?  You’re getting in super close.  It’s Tomahawk Man’s weakness, and he has plenty of ranged attacks to throw at you, so make sure you use this in between his attacks so as not to waste it.  Interestingly, Plant Barrier does ignore shielding from enemies, for example, it can take out Shield Attackers easily.
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