skeletonzimms · 2 years
honestly one of my favorite thing about check please is you could choose literally any two characters and put them in a ship and there will be people that back you like yeah absolutely!! anyways i think alicia and prof atley were girlfriends in college
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parvuls · 2 years
ocean's 11 au where jack is danny and shitty is rusty and bitty is linus; shitty finds out their mark is dating jack's ex-wife camilla and is unhappy with jack for putting the job at risk to get her back (and for not telling him that he's still in love with her). he's reasonably doubtful when jack claims the job has nothing to do with that.
except jack is telling the truth, and when the team finds out it really complicates his truly inept attempts to flirt with their newest recruit.
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sayheykid · 6 months
i genuinely don't think a story's worldbuilding and lore has ever drawn me in the way that check please did. it's been years and i still think about it every day. the characters and plot were always superb but i think what has stuck with me the most is the depth of the settings and how everything feels so lived in and tangible. everyone wants to make a fake world and town and university but no one else has EVER done it that well
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transwicky · 1 year
A Ship for everyone because my dream last night was fuckin wild
that’s all, y’all can continue
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bardofspades · 2 years
Reverse Pining AU
"I'm not interested!" Ransom shoulders his way through the doorway, pushing Holster aside.
Holster darts around through the kitchen and cuts off Ransom's path towards the front door. "Bro. You have Alexei Fucking Mashkov sending you chocolate and flowers. An NHL super-star is falling head over heels for you. This is Grade-A romantic shit and you can't just brush it off like it's no big deal. There are straight dudes all over the country waiting in line for a date with Alexei Mashkov."
Ransom crosses his arm and huffs back. "The guy doesn't even know my name. The last time we saw him, he was calling me 'Andy' the entire time. Not to mention I'd hardly call him a superstar. He's one game suspension away from being a certified goon, his scoring has been in a downward spiral for the last two years, and it's amazing that they keep him on the first line when his turnovers have their own cookbook."
"I only care about your happiness."
Ransom's eyes narrow to match his remaining patience.
"Okay, okay. I get it. I'll drop the whole thing." Holster throws his hands up in surrender and steps out of the way. "But before you go, just answer me one question. Ignoring all the hockey stats that you've conveniently memorized, do you find him attractive?"
"…Fine. One date."
"Just one! And if it doesn't work out, then we never speak of this ever again."
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frostyghoulette · 7 months
If i wrote something about Chowder would yall read it
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ohyoufool · 10 months
Tis the season…
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gothlesbianlardo · 1 year
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thinking about ransom’s massive crush on tater
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whiskeyapologist · 9 months
was looking through my camera roll & realized i never posted about this?? but i did a check please theme in my bullet journal back in april & i am still beyond obsessed with how it turned out!
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task list & cover page
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april was all about finishing my fucking thesis (i earned my mfa in stage automation in may) & i used the task list to break down each section of my thesis & make it less intimidating. i still pulled a bitty & had to marathon write most of my thesis within a like 36 hour period. i slept so good once that draft was finished!
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when i started planning this theme, i flipped through the comic & decided pretty quickly i wanted the cover to be this view of faber from 4.25 "faber". i filled the outside with some of my favorite details from throughout the comic, including (clockwise from top left) the "text from chowder: i'm shouting!" from 4.2 "nonstop celly", jack's "oh" moment from 2.17 "graduation", the jack lego (?) figure from 3.1 "wag", dex & nursey's background roach & house bubbles & (i think it's) ransom's "et tu lardo?" bubble from 2.12 "post i: roadie", one of my fave senor bun appearances that didn't make it into a weekly from 1.16 "linemates", & bitty's phone (i don't think there's a specific appearance of bitty's phone that looks like this, at least not that i'm finding in the flip-throughs i've done to write this post. i think i did a lil freehand moment with it, but if anyone happens to find it in the comic, let me know!), as well as my usual little calendar & monthly focuses section
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monthly calendar & habit tracker
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the monthly calendar & playlist is inspired by the smh team roster hanging on the bulletin board in the haus at the beginning of year 2
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the habit tracker features a few other details from 2.1 “moved in”, namely the “haus sweet haus” rug & the sock pinned to the bulletin board. the shopping list bubble is a callback to the “jizz!” speech bubble also pinned to the bulletin board next to the sock
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meal & time trackers
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the breakfast, lunch, & dinner headers are a callback to the hockey puck taped to the bulletin board
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not much to add here, but it’s a great time to mention the “it’s tough but you’re tougher” speech bubble from 4.20 “spotlight on eric bittle” which was the quote i used to decorate my grad cap ❤️
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weekly #1 is modeled after y1 & features my favorite y1 senor bun appearance (1.18 “playoffs - i”) & line (1.8 “checking clinic”)
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weekly #2 is modeled after y2 & features my favorite y2 senor bun (2.10 "shinny") & line (2.4 "hazeapalooza")
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weekly #3 is modeled after y3 & features my favorite y3 senor bun (3.3 "meet the falconers") & line (3.26 "cup v - post")
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weekly #4 is modeled after y4 (the layout of the top panel specifically is modeled after the first panel of 4.16 "christmas in madison - iii" which shows a bunch of the christmas pics/posts from the rest of smh & tater) & features my favorite y4 senor bun (4.17 "senior thesis") & line (also 4.17 "senior thesis"). i has some extra space, so i included some excerpts from bitty's y4 tweets
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camp nanowrimo tracker, before the pen. the left is just a table for tracking time spent on & words written for my thesis & the novel i've been working on forever. my camp nanowrimo goal was to write 1 hour every weekend day & 2 hours every week day, for a grand total of 50 hours, which i am proud to say i achieved! the right is a visual tracker, where each pie was equal to an hour of writing. i included 50 pies for my 50 hour goal. the bubble near the top is from 1.4 "the haus" with 2 footnotes i added; one on "kitchens" that says "word docs", & one on "pies" that says "words". clearly i think i'm very clever lol
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visual tracker, filled in. i surpassed my 50 hour goal with about a week left in the month, & i wanted to include that additional progress on my tracker. once the month was done & i knew how much i needed to add, i made a tip-in (although this might just be a fold-out lol) to tape in. on one side, i included the dialogue bubbles from a panel of 3.19 "keagster"
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on the other side of the tip-in/flip-out, i included jam jars for the additional 10.25 hours of writing i did, plus "it's gonna be two trips" also from 3.19 "keagster"
& that's all the spreads! spreads were done in an archer & olive b5 notebook. supplies include: mildliners in the colors vermillion, dark blue, beige, & gray; a black papermate flair, a white gellyroll pen in size 08, and stabilo pens in gray and brown. oh, & a piece of masking tape, bc i couldn't find any clear tape lol
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kentparsnipparson · 11 months
oh man, it's been so long since I've written check please fic that these one shots for Deck the Haus 2023 are going slowwwwwww. I forgot so many small details that made writing fic for it easier.
So much fact checking like wait what years were everyone in??? when did Lardo move into the haus????? Why can't I remember anything any more, /sigh
Still gonna write em tho....it's just....not what I'm used to, to have to take writing fic slow.
Anyway, shameless plug for my old Check Please fics in case you're jonesin. (and to maybe help give me some more motivation uwu)
Hello, Internetland - 32K, 16 Chapters, TW for mild homophobia Eric is an up and coming Youtuber. He's steadily gaining followers for his baking tutorials and vlogging about his life. But his mom and Coach find the vlog and give him an ultimatum: "Be straight" or leave. Thankfully, fellow Youtuber, Shitty, reaches out a helping hand.
Nobody But You - 1700, one shot, fluffy Cait/Chowder meet cute Cait got a job at the nearby children's ice skating rink and got to watch Samwell's Hockey team teach kids. Though one of the members stood out way more than the rest.
Holy Jeewilikers Batman - 1200, One shot Jack lets Bitty pick their matching Halloween costumes. Set during Bitty's junior year before they reveal their relationship.
Let Me Break On You Like a Wave - 1600, one shot, Zimbits meet cute AU Bitty gets roped into a beach volleyball tournament. At least there's a cute boy on one of the other teams to keep him occupied between games.
Pickin' locks and Hearts - 2900, one shot, zimbits meet cute AU Jack is a little confused by his (maybe) neighbor trying to pick the lock of the apartment next to him. But he looks a little too helpless to ignore.
Go for Broke - 2200, one shot, Ransom/Tater The next time Tater visits the Haus, Ransom finally gets his life together and talks to him.
Okay, shameless plug done. I just know these are older so they don't get seen as much on AO3.
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montrealmadison · 10 months
i didn’t want to give this 47 options but would also welcome tagged thoughts on whether or not emojis have a place in jack’s contacts. thanks love y’all
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Decided to collect all the jersey numbers together for SMH. Be it if you need it for fic/art purposes, want to create an OC without stepping on a prior number, or just out of academic interest.
Bitty: 15
Jack: 1
Shitty: 42
Ransom: 11
Holster: 4
Ollie & Wicks: (8/9)*
Chowder: 55
Nursey: 28
Dex: 24
Whiskey: 10
Tango: 13
Hops: 31
Bully: 8 (???)**
Louis: 7
Also adding in the Falcs:
Tater: 7
Marty: 33
Thirdy: 32
Snowy: 24
Guy: 19
Poots: 25
*Preserving the ambiguity.
**So Y4 KS Book labels Bully's jersey number as 8. We can see that number is used for Ollie/Wicks as well. Also important to note that none of the Waffles' numbers are actually visible in-comic. Make of that what you will.
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unforeseen-idiot · 9 months
I know this was freaking months ago but I don’t care!!!!
I need a Check Please show in my life, it could be live action or animated I really don’t care (although animation generally has more merits). I need to see Bitty’s vlogs, Hockey Shit with Ransom and Holster, a more fleshed out Samwell, random plot lines featuring random side characters, a Halloween special every year so we can see Jenny and Mandy (and also Shitty’s Year 1 Wrecking Ball costume), I need Halo to bookend Year 2, I need the Falconers in my life ALL OF THEM: Marty and Thirdy being hot as heck (Suzanne I totally get it), Snowy always being injured, Tater being Tater, George being the coolest, Poots being hilariously inept, and just Guy. I need the Waffles, I need Ford, I need to see the 2013-2017 college era be represented despite being too young to appreciate it, I need the show to have tons of funny in jokes only the people who religiously read the tweets and extras would know, I need Johnson, I just need more out of this beautiful offshoot of the Hockey obsession gained by a fan girl who just graduated college and wrote a “dark” screenplay about some gay dude named Hardy.
Ye I don’t know where this was going either.
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transwicky · 11 months
Fun Rarepairs for everyone:
Tater/Tango (have I mentioned this one before??)
Thirdy/Guy/Thirdy's Wife (They'd be FUCKING GREAT and the fans would be the. The crazy red string conspiracy board reaction gif/image. It'd be GREAT watching people try to figure their relationship out bc Third and his Wife are MARRIED and are IN LOVE but then WHY DOES GUY AND HIS SON LIVE WITH THEM?!?!)
Tater/Scraps (Tater needs another Ace to fuck besides Kent OK GUYS?!)
Ransom/Tango (Tango would help Ransom with so much work by asking questions ok)
Foxtrot/Shruti/Lardo (the bad assery would be insane. Nobody would survive them together.)
Shitty/Whiskey (I admit, this one is complete crack)
Chad L/Ollie/Wicky (I'm here for the Drama of Bitty finding out his Fellow Seniors are fucking a Lax Bro)
Chad L/Tango (THE DRAMA OF IT ALL IS GREAT OK. Bitty just texts SMH crying about one of the tadpoles is dating not just a Lax Bro but THE Lax Bro WHERE DID HE GO WRONG?! Plus Whiskey finding out his friend is dating his Lax friend and NOT TELLING HIM?! The chaos it will bring is just. *Chef's kiss)
Guy/Tango (a crack ship that I got serious about. Imagine the Drama. It'd be hilarious and also they'd be cute ok.)
Snowy/Tango/Johnson (GOALIES UNITED!!! Especially since I adopted the Tango Is A Goalie headcanon!!! ITS GREAT)
Poots/Tango (3rd Fave Tango Ship. The pure lack of social understanding between the two. To be discussed further if asked)
Snowy/Guy (It'd be FUN and I have a whole ass au idea for it and it has zesty drama of the misunderstanding kind)
Jack/Guy/Bitty (they have a bucket list and he's a single dad. He's game for a one night stand. Then Woops Feelings Got Caught by all 3. Fun. Zesty. Hilarious when you throw in Guy having a kid)
Carly/Guy (The Homophobic Dickbag Aces Player vs The Queer Player Who WILL Kick Your Ass For Being a Homophobe. The Tension. The drama. I'm here for it all. Especially if you take my headcanons of them both being military vets and WORKED TOGETHER in the military. Hate Sex Becomes Real Sex and the enemies to lovers trope. It's FUN and better than Kent/Carly bc of they're on the Rivalry Teams and Kent and Carly are on the same team. Boo. Boring.)
Kent/Carly (still fucking fun and hilarious and I adore it honestly)
Scraps/Carly (Why not.)
Hops/Tango (The pure joy they would get out of sharing things with each other would be amazing. Tango Doesn't Understand Most Anime but he understood Naruto!!! That was fun!! They're too cute together ok)
Shitty/Snowy (I'm basing this off Snowy being so chill when Jack came out. The Discussions they would have... They would both be at multiple protests together supporting the cause. That's how they meet. It's all downhill from there. Jack is Horrified. Bitty finds it hilarious. Lardo gets embarrassed when the 2 go to an art show of hers and they're Embarrassments Ok.)
That's it that's the list. Enjoy the Chaos I have brought with this list.
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omgauplease · 2 years
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Works for AU, Please! are due in two months!
Here are some fun stats about the 216 prompts that were submitted!
31% are Jack/Bitty
17% are Nursey/Dex
8% are Kent Parson/Swoops
30.5% are either gen or did not specify a ship
The remaining 13.5% are a mix of 20 different ships, including Ransom/Holster, Polyfrogs, Kent/Tater, Lardo/Camilla, and Bully/Hops.
To view the prompts or claim one for yourself, head over to AO3!
Prompts can be claimed and dropped right up until the fest due date of April 7th. All types of fanworks are welcomed and encouraged!
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omgsweepplease · 1 year
Hellooooo internet land!
Welcome to omgsweepplease, the blog dedicated to check please polls! I'll be reblogging any polls about check please, or any polls that include check please characters. I'm aiming to keep the blog pretty sparse, I.E. only reblogging the polls. Feel free to tag me in/send me polls I haven't reblogged yet!
Organization system under the cut:
All original posts will be tagged with the URL, omgsweepplease . Reblogged polls will be tagged with the corresponding character, ship name, comic, etc when applicable.
If you're going to send me a poll, please check that I haven't reblogged it yet. If a poll lasts 1 day, I will reblog it once. If a poll lasts 7 days, I will reblog it twice: once when I first see it, once when there are 24 hours left.
Aunt Judy
Bad Bob Zimmermann
Johnson the Metaphysical Goalie
Suzanne Bittle
Wellie the Well
Admin (anything related to the running of the blog; no polls)
omgsweepplease (all original posts, including original polls + admin)
We can make a poll outta this (original polls)
Samwell Men's Hockey (catch-all tag for anything not character- or ship-specific)
Attic vs Roaches
Hockey Shit
omgtournamentplease (polls that are part of a check please-focused bracket)
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