#tatsuhime fic
lesbiansanemi · 9 months
I miss nobamaki….
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mirrortouchedsea · 7 months
hmmmm hmmm hmmmm. 47 tatsuhime i want to see himeru horrors
ask game
…out of spite.
There were two things pissing HiMERU off right now. The first was Tatsumi Kazehaya's stupid face looking at him with something he could only describe as pity. The second was the way his brain had put the stupid video game format over his eyes and that Tatsumi Kazehaya's affection was maxed out (does it hurt more knowing that it was directed at the brother you never knew?).
He really, truly wanted nothing more than to choke Tatsumi Kazehaya for everything he did, how he seemed unrepentant for his actions, how he never noticed that he wasn't here anymore. (does it hurt knowing that your brother was closer to him than he was to you? does it hurt knowing that it's all your fault?) HiMERU really can't be bothered to listen to what Tatsumi is saying, wishing only for this endless torture to be over. Why couldn't he have been paired with anyone else in Alkaloid? Even the young Aira would have been better than...him.
They had to get this challenge over with sooner rather than later and the lack of direction from the crew was starting to get to him. Anything would have been better, because then he could at least get this over with and never have to interact with Tatsumi Kazehaya again. Could he just shut up?
HiMERU breaks free from Tatsumi's grip on his wrist and grabs Tatsumi by the collar, pushing him against the wall and slamming their lips together. Was that blood? Not that he cared. If it was Tatsumi Kazehaya's blood it deserved to be spilled. The kiss was forceful but brief, and yet they were both breathless.
"I will never love you Tatsumi Kazehaya, but consider this a gift from Him."
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teasinterests · 2 years
A quick pit stop..
(Pun intended)
Hiii this is my first time posting a fic here.. I don’t understand how layouts or anything works.. but I hope y’all enjoy my attempt nonetheless!!!
Characters: Tatsumi Kazehaya & HiMERU
Lee! Tatsumi - Ler! HiMERU
CW / TW: Contains swearing & tickles
( Setting is based off of “Romantic? Date.” In Enstars Music!! )
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Cutting through an ally, HiMERU remained silent as he followed beside a rambling Tatsumi. They were using a short cut so they could continue heading their way towards the suggested “date spot” that Tatsumi had recommended. For this current project, they had to meet up with the producers to hopefully get some good shots. In which Tatsumi was typically the one to drop such suggestions.
“Then when I entered the shop.. it was full of so many baked goods! I’ve never seen or tried anything so adorable in my life! Have you ever seen Bear cupcakes HiMERU-san?! They tasted so yummy too! We should go there most certainly- ah! I wonder if it’s close by! We could go after the mall! Then I can buy you some treats like a proper boyfriend!~”
HiMERU has never felt his eyes roll as hard as they did just now.. Did Tatsumi honestly ever shut the fuck up? The damn saint has been rambling ever since they had gotten together for this stupid “date” project. HiMERU couldn’t feel more sick from the idea… or at least.. thats what he’s told everyone else. His feelings for the priest were slowly beginning to build up, but it was also no secret how rough HiMERU was towards Tatsumi. Be it physically or verbally. He couldn’t forgive the idol so easily. Of course around others HiMERU tended to keep his more physical aggressiveness on the down-low. He had a reputation to uphold!! Though they’re completely alone now within the ally way.. How he wanted to grab Tatsumi’s face and make him shut up himself. Instead he jabbed the other in the side with a huff of annoyance. The priest in turn giving a yelp of surprise. Pausing in his steps for a moment to hold at his side.
“Enough talking Tatsumi. HiMERU would like some sort of peace and quiet before he has to deal with you during production.”
The taller idol practically grumbled as Tatsumi gave a sheepish laugh in response. Folding his arms over his stomach, then rushing to catch up with his friend.
“My apologies, HiMERU-san. I got so caught up with my stories I hadn’t considered how long i’d been talking for..”
Tatsumi apologized as HiMERU grew silent once more. Yellow eyes soon side glancing the slightly shorter idol. Noticing how Tatsumi kept his arms defensively over his his sides, HiMERU raised a brow. Surely he hadn’t hit the other hard enough to cause a bruise. He hadn’t known what came over him as he reached over suddenly to grab the others shirt. Fingers just barely grazing over Tatsumi’s side, only to jerk his hand back as the priest let out another startled yelp. The two of them paused, then matched similar shocked expressions.
“HiMERU was just curious if he had caused a bruise of some sort..”
HiMERU questioned as Tatsumi frantically shook his head. Just to quickly calm himself down.. this was the most HiMERU has ever seen Tatsumi with a lack of self control.
“No, no..! You didn’t hurt me at all, I promise!”
“Then why are you jumpy? Are you scared of HiMERU?”
“Then what?”
HiMERU questioned rather demandingly. Another wave of surprise washing over him as he noticed Tatsumi’s cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
“It’s nothing, HiMERU-san.. we’ll be late to the meet up if we trail behind.”
Tatsumi pointed out, only to feel his heart drop as HiMERU drew closer. Outstretching his hand towards the fellow idol’s lower abdomen. He immediately knew his theory was correct as Tatsumi scrambled away in reaction. HiMERU knew a lot of Tatsumi, or so he thought, but analyzing people was always something he was good at. It came instinctively at this point, and watching Tatsumi’s composure begin to crumble, he couldn’t help but smirk.
“Are you ticklish, Kazehaya Tatsumi?”
HiMERU questioned, and judging by the way Tatsumi’s eyes widened. He was correct. Typically he would be one to make due and rush to appointments, if not get there far earlier than requested. They were already on a schedule of just barely on time with their walk though.. Not to mention that HiMERU couldn’t care less about the stupid project, but this?? This was far more entertaining. Practically zoning in on an anxious looking Tatsumi had his heart racing.
“W-Well just a bit but it’s not really that important right now..! HiMERU-sa—AH?!”
Another yelp had cut him off as HiMERU raised his hands to force away Tatsumi’s. Fingers grasping, and squeezing at the priests sides through his clothing. In which Tatsumi was quick to grasp at the others wrists.
“Shut up, Kazehaya Tatsumi.”
The blue haired idol muttered rather hypocritically as fingers freely walk up and down the priests sides. Being up so close and personal.. It was refreshing to watch Tatsumi break right in front of him. An anxious smile stretching wider as giggles began bubbling out from the priests mouth.
“B-Buhuhut Himeheheru- AEHEHEE-?!”
The green haired idols laughter increased as HiMERU dug his fingers in harder. Practically kneading at Tatsumi’s sides. Noticing how the priest didn’t seem to be struggling, nor trying to push him away. Which honestly.. he couldn’t complain. Seeing Tatsumi like this was more than adorable. The closeness had his heart practically racing, and yet he knew, he just knew, that Tatsumi was absolutely loving this. Undivided attention from HiMERU? In such a playful way too? He was overjoyed! Despite all the giggles too.. he could still see that amused smile HiMERU unknowingly displayed.
“No one will. Not that you’d really care anyways, right?”
HiMERU questioned as Tatsumi felt his knees growing weak. Beginning to slide down the wall, HiMERU moved to adjust the other. In which Tatsumi practically flopped forward as HiMERU’s fingers began to target his stomach. Moving his hands to grip at HiMERU’s arms now. He squeezed at HiMERU’s biceps as he pressed his face against the others shoulder. Squeezing his eyes shut, Tatsumi’s giggles continued to fill the air around them.
“HiMERU shouldn’t be all surprised by this, but you’re more sensitive than HiMERU thought.”
The taller idol teased as he gently clawed at Tatsumi’s stomach through his sweater with one hand, whilst fingers from the other skittered upwards. Moving from Tatsumi’s side, and up to his ribs, where HiMERU gently dug between the gaps of each bone. He could tell Tatsumi must be a bit more ticklish here from the way his laughter increased.. as well as a tightened grip around his arms.
“If you want HiMERU to stop just say so.~”
He practically whispered into the priests ear. Sending a wave of heat through Tatsumi’s face. Keeping his flustered expression hidden as he continued to laugh and tremble against his old friend.
“Mmm.. HiMERU has to say he’s impressed that you can withstand this.. though judging by your reactions.. lets see..~”
HiMERU hummed out as his hands move from Tatsumi’s ribs, and up to his armpits. Where he was quick to dig in and wiggle his fingers. Tatsumi, much to HiMERU’s expectations, practically broke into a squeal from the new position.
The green haired idol exclaimed as he finally jerked back to clamp his arms down. Bumping back against the wall and shaking his head a little as HiMERU persisted on this act.
“This spot isn’t as easy as the others.. but HiMERU will keep it in mind.”
HiMERU bluntly commented as Tatsumi tried shoving his friends hands away. Though each time he raised his hands, it only gave HiMERU further access to his armpits. Scratching freely on occasion, until Tatsumi would laugh harder and snap his arms back down.
Tatsumi practically whined as tears began pricking at the corners of his eyes. Ah, how sad. Though he was spending more time with this discovery than he had expected. Deciding Tatsumi has had enough, HiMERU slowed his tickles to a stop. Retracting his hands, and watching with amusement as Tatsumi recovered.
“Hahaha… y-you’re so cruel sometimes..”
The priest says between breathy giggles, and heavy pants. Such a flustered and tired expression.. his hair was a mess too.. Sighing, HiMERU reached behind him to take out a compact comb. Opening it up, he began fixing Tatsumi’s hair. As the younger idol watched with visible adoration.
“HiMERU is merely making sure you don’t look like a disaster in this damn shoot..”
He quickly stated in defense, as if he hadn’t just nearly tickled the crap out of the fellow idol. Tatsumi smiled though, and patiently waited for HiMERU to finish.
“Appreciated, HiMERU-san.. we should get going though, we’re already going to be late..”
Tatsumi says, rubbing at his warm cheeks before checking his watch. The taller idol sighing as he put the comb back into his pocket.
“You don’t think HiMERU knows that?? Lets just go.”
He stated before swiftly turning away from Tatsumi. Beginning to lead the way as the priest rushes to follow up once more. Silently fidgeting with the bottom of his sweater for a moment, Tatsumi raises his gaze.
“Can I hold your hand while we walk?”
Tatsumi questions as HiMERU goes silent for a moment longer. Just to soon reach out, and earn a beaming Tatsumi in turn. Happily Taking HiMERU’s hand, he gives it a gentle squeeze as they walk side by side.. if anyone asks, HiMERU will simply use Tatsumi’s tiredness as an excuse.
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enamukomistake · 2 years
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"to have and to hold" (bleach)
General, 2.6k
Tatsuki Arisawa/Orihime Inoue
wedding, fluff, pre-wedding jitters (background ichigo/uryu)
Written for Bleach Femslash Week! Prompt was 'Wedding'!
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umilily · 1 year
Wait i saw an art you reblogged and now i wonder if you ship tatsuhime 🤔 i'm just genuinely curious
i'm not a super avid shipper by any means, but, yeah, i guess? i like their dynamic, they make each other worse lol
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what are you preferred bleach ships?
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i apologize to my bleach watching mutuals who are about to be exposed to my bleach degeneracy (i mean at least @strawberrystepmom and i will have at least one orihime ship in common though lmao)
i am a multishipper and it truly reflects in everything i ship in bleach. i swear i have shipped rukia and orihime with everyone at some point and you won't see me stopping anytime soon lmaooo
i remember this one deleted hitsuruki fic i read back when i was in early middle school??? on ffn and i still think about it even now. like they met in a library and eventually the relationship happens but rukia has some sort of mental illness she needs medication for which is why byakuya was so protective during the fic also hisana wasn't rukia's sister?? i don't think, she was like a gf byakuya had that he was hesitant introducing to rukia... i can't remember all the details, it was a fun ride though
ironically enough my main hitsugaya ship isn't even with anyone from bleach? it's hitsusaku, yes as in sakura from naruto jndksjdnf (who i also ship with everybody regardless of if they were from naruto or not. edsaku was one of my greatest hits (edward elric from fma edsaku))
but some shipping highlights
hitsusaku (i am telling you i have read so many good fics on ffn)
ginsaku (yes... as in haruno sakura from naruto)
chadichi/sadoichi (tbh idk what their ship name is)
ichiuzu (as in uzume from sekirei. i read a fic, it changed my life)
ichisaku (yes as in haruno sakura from naruto)
sakuhime (yes. as in haruno sakura from naruto lmaooo)
norihime (as in kakyoin noriaki from stardust crusaders)
johime (as in higashikata josuke from diamond is unbreakable)
okuhime (as in nijimura okuyasu from diamong is unbreakable)
inuhime (as in inuyasha from inuyasha i'm dying)
aisaku (yes we been through this, sakura from naruto)
ulquisaku (do i need to say it again at this point)
grimmsaku (...)
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orihime is my favorite character from bleach so as you can probably tell a lot of these ships have to do with her. i should honestly just make a selfship between us at this point because inside me are 2 wolves and one hates her tybw outfit and the other wants to shove my face in the window of it
12 of my total top bleach ships aren't even with characters from bleach i'm wheezing
sakura, as you saw, made quite a few cameos on this list but is2g some of the best bleach fics i read were about sakura somehow joining the soul society because hollows started attacking konoha
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ethereal-carnival · 4 months
oh yeah in honor of obbligato on eng I'm finally finishing my silly tatsuhime fic so here's some snippets for the five people who look at my blog :3
me when the tojous parallel ariadne and theseus but in a familial and brotherly love way. im so normal over greek / roman mythology btw
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forcebookish · 2 months
thanks for the tag, @retiredficwriter!!
Make a poll with 5 of your favorite rarepairs/crackships. See which one is everyone's favorite!
obviously, my favorite is kaibaek. i feel like i don't ship a lot of rarepairs so these were kind of hard to come up with after kaibaek and widowana fjdsljldg i might have forgotten a more obvious one, sorry!
tagging: @ariadnekurosaki @takeanumbrella @monwillica @sssneakiest and idk if it's my internet connection but tumblr isn't letting me tag anything else. if you wanna do it, do it and tag me! i wanna see your rarepairs :D
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my exo otp and one of my ultimate OTPs. they had a bit of a rocky start and had a hard time getting close pre-debut, but once they did they now have a sincere trust for each other. they're caring and protective of one another: jongin (kai) running to baekhyun when he was injured, comforting each other when they cry (baekhyun following after jongin and holding his hand; jongin gently tugging at his ear), baekhyun leading jongin through the airport when he was sick, jongin drinking bitter juice for him in a batsu game (the reason i started shipping them), and so on. they've had to deal with a lot of similar situations wrt hate from fans (added to the group late, "overly" featured, dating scandals, etc.), as well as challenges with simply being in exo, superm, and sm in general. they admire each other, compliment and complement each other, and aspire to be as accomplished as each other; they support each other's solo careers and are always excited for each other. easily my favorite thing about them is why they're a rare pair in the first place, despite being in two groups together: their interactions, even the more affectionate ones, are rarely played up for fanservice. it's often little, private moments where they lean on each other or are affectionate in some other way. like THIS:
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it's just so subtle and intimate? it's for no one but them. most of these kind of moments like the ones i've mentioned and others, can only be found on fancams! also they're really playful!!!!! i love them!!
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my overwatch otp. friends (or lovers if you're delulu like me) to enemies to attempted killers. after thinking amélie (widowmaker) dead for a year, ana snipes her helmet on the battlefield, revealing who widowmaker actually is. once ana realizes it's her friend, she can't pull the trigger. ana, who never hesitates, hesitates for the first time, and widowmaker shoots her cybernetic eye out. they have an adversarial and competitive relationship now that they're both snipers on opposite ends of the war, trading barbs and pity for the other's situation. as the top two deadliest snipers in the world, they're kind of obsessed with one another and specifically outdoing each other. it provides a lot of tension and potential angst, especially of the "i know you're in there somewhere, come back to me" variety.
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so rare even i don't talk about them (i tend to ship ishihime more, although even that is third after tatsuhime and ulquihime). SO much wasted potential! both of them have been wronged so acutely by mayuri and i think there are a lot of daddy issues to explore between the two of them. plus, uryuu seems to be literally the only person in the series who sees nemu as a person. shame their relationship, and mayuri medically torturing uryuu's grandfather AND the way he abuses nemu, was played for laughs later on lol good one, kubo :/
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jing is my name for him, he's a fusion of "force" who showed up in only boo! and that one guy in you fight, and i love (i'd use the nickname of what character from the novel he's supposed to be, but i couldn't find it lol). i have a fic in mind i wanna write for them and it would have been another entry into the hurt/comfort bingo, but it accidentally ended up too long. the headcanon is that jing is deeply closeted and shone is addicted to heartbreak.
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idk i just like them. i think ty lee's crush on him is cute.
with a couple exceptions, i tend not to care about popular enemies to lovers ships but when it comes to rarepairs, apparently they're my preference? 🤔
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berrymascarpone · 2 years
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“Watch your back, idiot!”
“But I’ve got you for that.”
So I drew a little sketch for my fic…
Which should read because it has many scenes like this in it.
Title: If You’ve Never Heard a Love Song, Don’t Try to Sing Off-Key
Pairings: GrimmIchi, with a side of GrimmNel as friends with benefits, and also some minor Tatsuhime
Warnings: mild sexual content, canon typical violence
Nel and Grimmjow have a thing, but if she were honest, her first impulse answer to the question: Does Ichigo want to fuck Grimmjow? is a resounding fuck yes. She’s seen the way they fight, like two magnets drawn together, like planets caught in each other’s gravity. And also like they’re two seconds away from jumping each other’s bones.
Now that she knows that Grimmjow would totally hit that, she really has no choice but to help him out.
A.k.a Nel tries to play matchmaker for Ichigo and Grimmjow. Too bad she has no idea how human dating works
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flcarius · 11 months
Actually, whats up with most the tatsuhime fics on ao3 being in chinese
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zakomoya · 1 year
Merumeru for the ask game
First impression
he existed, i guess! this was pre-kureiP me so like. i didnt really give a fuck abt him tbh
Impression now
jesus fucking christ.
hes my wife i want to pin him to my bed i want to chain him to the surgical table i want to douse him in milk and throw him at the wall i wanna see him happy with his new friends i wanna see him break down from the pressure i want him to be silly and cringe i want him to lose i
Favorite moment
....himerunrun calamity. honestly his fs four stars are all so funny like. oomf you are trying way too hard /pos gap moe but for cringe people
Idea for a story
i wanna see him divert from the himeru persona for a bit actually. let him be himself, let that man smile, let that man try new things and be flustered and do un-himeru shit
Unpopular opinion
im ngl man... i dont think kaname would be happy himeru is doing this. at all.
shoutouts to pussy2012 their fics changed me
Favorite relationship
rinhime and tatsuhime. i wanna snort content about them and get the best high ever
Favorite headcanon
i like the hcs where his hair is actually dyed.... also nonbinary swag
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asbestieos · 2 years
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ao3feed-ichiruki · 2 years
my blood sings with your voice
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ms0PpJ6
by AriadneKurosaki
Kurosaki Ichigo protects his family and his pack. The only unmated werewolf among the adults of the Karakura pack, he has given up on ever finding his mate. His family is enough; his life as a pack enforcer is enough. And he is called to defend his pack, to route a witch from its territories - for witches mean death and destruction to werewolves. Kurosaki Ichigo hunts a monster and finds instead a beautiful woman, one who smells like everything he's been missing.
Werewolves and witches can't be mates.
Can they?
Words: 10558, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Bleach (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo, Kuchiki Rukia, Sado "Chad" Yasutora, Ishida Uryuu, Ishida Ryuuken, Kurosaki Isshin, Kurosaki Yuzu, Kurosaki Karin, Hitsugaya Toushirou, Yamada Hanatarou, Arisawa Tatsuki, Inoue Orihime, Bleach Ensemble, Kon
Relationships: Kuchiki Rukia/Kurosaki Ichigo
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Werewolf Mates, Witches, Werewolf Kurosaki Ichigo, Witch Kuchiki Rukia, Background Relationships, Background IshiNemu, Background HitsuKarin, Background YuzuHana, Background TatsuHime, Chad is a good friend, Non-Graphic Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, References to past trauma, Aged-Up Character(s), not an a/b/o fic, Kon is a cat
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ms0PpJ6
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teasinterests · 2 years
My turn! ————————————
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This is such an impulse fic solely for the purpose of giving myself a bday gift hehe 🥹🥹
I’ll probably write other fics between Tatsuhime varying wether they are or aren’t in a relationship together.. but this felt so wholesome sniff..
Characters: HiMERU & Tatsumi Kazehaya
Lee!/Ler! HiMERU & Lee!/Ler! Tatsumi
CW / TW: Tickles & occasional swearing..?
Wandering around the apartment. Tatsumi sighed to himself as he tried to think of what to do to pass time. Instead of hanging out together as initially promised, HiMERU was in his room working. Tatsumi was quite understanding with stuff like this, so he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty currently. He wanted to be selfish, and take that stupid laptop away. HiMERU promised they’d spend time together.. even if they still will in the end, he wanted the attention now. It’s not common that Tatsumi gets to come over especially with how hard it is for their schedules to meet.
Upon being lost in thought, he ended up finding his way back to HiMERU’s room unknowingly. Staring towards the door, the priest slowly peeked inside. Listening to the faint sound of fingers typing away at the keys of a keyboard. Though he immediately froze as the sound came to a sudden halt. Followed up by a deep sigh.
“Tatsumi… you know HiMERU is working.”
The blue haired idol said as he listened to his boyfriend shuffle anxiously outside of the room. His back may be facing Tatsumi, but he could already imagine that gentle, yet anxious, expression. HiMERU still occasionally got upset with the priest, but that doesn’t deter the fact that he still ultimately loves Tatsumi. It was understandable that the idol was afraid of upsetting HiMERU nonetheless though.
“I’m sorry, HiMERU-san… i’m just getting impatient I suppose.. i’m only human, and God knows even I get a bit antsy at times.”
Tatsumi pointed out as he remained between the door and the frame. Expression remaining low as he fiddled with the doorknob. Only to look up as he noticed HiMERU patting at the spot beside him.
Akin to a puppy, Tatsumi beamed and raced over to his boyfriend. Nearly knocking the laptop from HiMERU’s lap as he jumped onto the bed.
“HiMERU only needs about twenty minutes more before he’s finished, Tatsumi. Can you be patient??”
HiMERU questions as Tatsumi snuggles up comfortably against his boyfriends side.
“I can, yes…. Sorry for disturbing your work, HiMERU-san.. truly, I can leave if you wish.”
Tatsumi replies, practically resembling a scolded puppy with how retriever coded this man was.
With another sigh leaving HiMERU’s lips. He turned his head and pressed a kiss to the priests cheek.
“It’s alright, Tatsumi. Now do me a favor and lie down.”
HiMERU said, just barely glancing towards Tatsumis confused expression. The priest seemingly paused as if he didn’t understand, or required context.
“Do as HiMERU says. HiMERU cannot work if you are going to be up against him and in his face.”
The blue haired idol pointed out in a slightly harsher tone. Which earned quick acknowledgement. Though in reality, it was true HiMERU didn’t want Tatsumi to be so close to his face whilst he was trying to work. But, also it would be easier to multitask. He was almost finished, so typing out these last couple paragraphs and uploads with one hand should be a breeze.
“Apologies, HiMERU-san..”
The priest says in such a disappointed tone, it nearly broke HiMERU’s heart. Just twenty more minutes please God it’s all he needs..!!
“It’s alright, Tatsumi. HiMERU just needs to get this done.”
HiMERU replies as he waits for Tatsumi to get comfortable beside him. Setting the laptop aside for a moment, he moved Tatsumi so the others lower half would be within his direction. It was simply more comfortable for HiMERU since he didn’t want his arm being held up, or his elbow in Tatsumi’s face.
Bringing the laptop back onto his lap. He then casually reached back over and slipped his hand beneath his boyfriends sweater.
Tatsumi, shockingly unknowing of what was happening, was quick to tense up. A smile instantly stretching across his features with his hands being brought up to his chest.
“H-HiMERU-san..? I thought you didn’t want a distraction..?”
“HiMERU is simply multitasking.”
The taller idol states as fingers begin wiggling across Tatsumi’s belly. The priest im which was quick to burst into bubbly giggles. HiMERU focused on Tatsumi for a moment, watching the way his boyfriend adorably covered his mouth with his sleeves at times, or how Tatsumi just barely squirmed or wiggled beneath the tickles. Gently scratching over his partners navel, he smirked as Tatsumi’s giggles grew louder. Pressing his sleeves over his face to muffle the sound. HiMERU gave a satisfied chuckle.
“This is much easier.”
He says as he settles himself. Continuing to type away at the keyboard with his free hand, whilst the other tickled all over Tatsumi’s tummy. The multitasking turned out to be quite difficult actually… On occasion did his hand slow to a stop, simply resting atop Tatsumi’s tummy. While sometimes his typing hand would stop, as his attention diverted to the giggling idol. Wiggling fingers trailing to the priests side where he began to squeeze and tickle.
“PFFT— Ehehe Hihimeheheru!”
“HiMERU is aware you can handle this until he is finished.”
The idol stated over Tatsumi’s giggling.
And that of which.. he did. Spending the next twenty to thirty minutes was HiMERU diverting his attention between work, and tickling his boyfriend. Though thankfully it got finished.
Lightly scratching at Tatsumi’s lower tummy, he scrolled up on the laptop and uploaded the document after giving it some proof read. The sound of Tatsumi’s bubbly giggles were enough in itself to help him stay focused near the end. As if they were some form of white noise. Retracting his hand, he closed the laptop and set it aside.
“Alright, HiMERU is finished…. Hm? Did that tucker you out, Tatsumi?”
HiMERU questioned as he pulled a slightly panting Tatsumi onto his lap. The priests face was tinted pink from how long he had been giggling and wiggling around for.
“Hehe.. i’m fine.. i’m glad you were able to finish your work though.”
He says as he instantly tries cuddling up to HiMERU only to be stopped as hands gently grasp his face. A harsh stare returning his one of confusion.. did he say something wrong?!
Thankfully all worries were washed away as HiMERU leaned forward and practically showered the priest with kisses. Holding his boyfriends face, HiMERU smiled as he left a kiss anywhere he could. Tatsumi in turn laughing out of pure joy, in which, HiMERU returned. It wasn’t often Tatsumi got to hear his partner laugh.. it made his heart swell.
“ ‘I’ apologize, Tatsumi… HiMERU invited you over, and ended up getting caught up with work. He hopes you can understand that work is still important even when we’re together, but HiMERU will make time for you. “
The idol explained after delivering his bout of affection. Tatsumi now shifting to sit up, he practically straddled his boyfriends waist as he faced HiMERU on his lap. Arms gently resting around his partners shoulders.
“I do understand, HiMERU-san.. I apologize too for bothering you.. I was just excited to be with you is all. I know work is important, and I tried distracting myself but…”
He trails off, seemingly disappointed in himself for appearing as such of a nuisance. HiMERU quickly recognized this and pressed a swift kiss to his partners cheek.
“No, no. It’s alright, Tatsumi. HiMERU still got his work done.. you hadn’t affected it in any way.. don’t start getting all sad now..”
HiMERU says as fingers gently begin wiggling against Tatsumi’s sides. A smile of mischief making its way to HiMERU’s features as light giggles began bubbling out of the priest once more.
“Aehehe i-i’m nahahat!”
He exclaims between giggles, bringing his arms down, and jabbing his fingers into HiMERU’s ribs. The taller idol immediately gasping and jerking his hands back to grab Tatsumi’s.
A playful whine..
“I think I deserve something for being so neglected you know.~ Ah, how sad I was… being ignored by my own boyfriend.. boo…”
“You have to be kidding—“
“Oh- but i’m not!~ Come on HiMERU-san I never get to see you smile and laugh.. plus you’re always tickling me!! Pretty please.~”
Tatsumi pleaded as HiMERU stared towards the other in slight shock. Seriously.. seriously?! Was he really going to do this?!
God dammit.
HiMERU sighed, but Tatsumi’s excited expression was truly a blessing in itself.
“But not for long.. HiMERU doesn’t enjoy it as much as you do, Tatsumi.”
The taller idol huffed as he flopped backwards. Blue hair only becoming all the more messy, as Tatsumi excitedly seated himself upon his partners waist. Eyes shining, he grinned and motioned with his hand.
“Arms up, HiMERU-san.~”
Tatsumi huffed as he grabbed at his boyfriends arms. The duo practically wrestling for a moment before HiMERU finally decided to give in. Appearing as annoyed as ever as he raised his arms and gripped at the bottom of the head board.
“HiMERU better be loved for doing this for you.. Kazehaya Tatsumi..”
The idol practically grumbled as Tatsumi giggled in response.
“I do love you, very much actually.~”
Pushing his boyfriends shirt up, he teasingly wiggled his fingers above HiMERU’s torso. Watching as golden eyes filled with slight anxiety. Though his expression remained neutral. HiMERU was incredible at hiding his emotions, but Tatsumi could tell he wanted to smile.
“Lets see… how about we start from the top, and work our way down.~”
Tatsumi hums as he reaches upward. Watching the way HiMERU tightened his grip on the headboard. Finally resting his hands and lightly tickling at his boyfriends clothed pits. Knowing how well HiMERU could keep himself composed, Tatsumi’s main goal was to find that weak point. Although he did earn a growing smile.
“Ah.. you’re so quiet HiMERU-san.. I know you aren’t as ticklish but I feel a little envious.”
Tatsumi jokingly pouted as fingers continued scratching around HiMERU’s underarms. The silence given only applying to Tatsumi’s theory. HiMERU was really trying to keep himself at bay..
“Hmm… how about here..”
The priest thought out-loud as his fingers trailed from HiMERU’s pits, to his ribs. Where he began curiously exploring. Wiggling his fingers up and down, and gently digging into the gaps. An exhale leaving HiMERU as he bit at his lip. How frustrating!!
“You’re really trying to keep yourself composed.. i’m impressed, HiMERU-san.~”
Tatsumi hummed as he gently skittered his fingers along the sides of HiMERU’s ribs. Watching that smile grow wider as he trailed his fingers down to his boyfriends tummy. Lightly clawing at the skin as giggles finally broke past HiMERU’s lips.
“Pfft— heheaha, Kazehehayahaha! D-Don’t gehehet tohohoo cohohocky!”
The blue haired idol giggled, hiding his face against his arm as Tatsumi practically resembled the sun. Beaming, and skittering his fingers all over HiMERU’s tummy.
“You’re giggling! HiMERU-san!! Hehe, you sound so cute talking to me like that!~”
Tatsumi hummed as his fingers continued to explore. HiMERU’s tummy and sides seemed fo earn sweet giggles.. though as Tatsumi trailed lower, HiMERU’s body jolted. The priest pausing after giving a light squeeze at his partners hips.
“Himeeeruu-saaan.~ Did I find a ticklish spot?~”
The idol teased as both hands began squeezing at his boyfriends hips. HiMERU’s reaction was like music to his ears. Rather quick was he to burst into laughter. With all the build up from earlier, he couldn’t help it..
“Hahahaehe! Sh-shuhut ihihit Tahahatsumi!”
HiMERU laughed as he kept a tight grip on the headboard. Unfortunately beginning to squirm beneath his partner, much to his embarrassment.
“Hehe, look at you all shy.~ HiMERU-san is so adorable!”
Tatsumi exclaimed as he continues squeezing and wiggling his fingers around HiMERU’s waist and hip bones. A hand experimentally trailing lower to squeeze at his partners thigh. The loud yelp escaping HiMERU had them both frozen. Staring at each other in shock, HiMERU quickly covered his mouth with a reddened face.
“A-Alright.. perhaps this is eEEHEHEAHAHAAHA?!”
HiMERU’s complaint was unfortunately cut off as Tatsumi began squeezing at his partners thigh. Swiftly turning himself around, he attacked at both legs now. Squeezing and wiggling his fingers. He couldn’t help but smirk from HiMERU’s hysteria.
“Wow.~ I’ve never heard you laugh so hard! How sweet.~ I’ll be sure to remember this, hehe.. tickle tickle, HiMERU!~”
Tatsumi exclaimed as his fingers slipped beneath his boyfriends legs. Gently scratching underneath HiMERU’s thighs as the idol laughed and kicked his legs against the bed. How embarrassing.. he was sure no one has ever seen HiMERU in such a state!! Though Tatsumi was different, and the other seemed so happy.. even if HiMERU was a mess of embarrassment. Though Tatsumi’s could only go on for so long before HiMERU pulled the plug.
“I feel that God truly has blessed me with such a scenario, honestly!~ Your laughter is so beautiful— AH?!”
Tatsumi yelped as he was snatched off his boyfriends waist. HiMERU panting heavily as he yanked Tatsumi off and tossed him down onto the mattress beside him. Meeting his boyfriend face to face, wide purple eyes were quick to soften.
“Your face is so red.. poor HiMERU.~”
Tatsumi teased as he gently brushed some hair from his boyfriends face. Leaning forward, and delivering a quick peck to HiMERU’s forehead.
“You handled it quite well until the end, if that makes you feel any better.~”
The priest smiled as HiMERU gave Tatsumi a playful glare. His panting soon coming to a stop as he regained his composure, slowly sitting up, he practically pounced on Tatsumi. The priest bursting into a loud squeal of surprise as fingers attacked his unsuspecting torso.
“HiMERU will not let such a thing go unpunished.~”
The taller idol teased as Tatsumi surprisingly scrambled away from his boyfriend. HiMERU too was shocked by this. To see how swiftly the priest had jerked away from him and hopped off the bed. So.. were the both of them feeling playful now? Basically the definition of zoomies actually..
“Ah.. trying to run now, Kazehaya? HiMERU sees what game we’re playing…”
He says with a smirk as Tatsumi’s anxious smile returned. Quickly rushing for the bedroom door.
“W-Wait, HiMERU-san!! I can’t run as well as I used to!!”
The priest exclaimed as they both commenced in chase. The duo practically running all over HiMERU’s apartment, followed up with playful threats and laughter. In the end, the day spent truly was worth the wait..
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umilily · 1 year
aalso lils idk if you know yet but i read a tatsuhime fic and it said in the notes it was inspired by you i think that's cool
kotokooo-! the way i literally just stumbled over it as well lol did a massive double take when i saw that (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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notbleached · 2 months
General Info and Thoughts
Keir | he/they | genderqueer lesbian
Do not repost my art! I only post it here!! Please ask if you would like to use my art for anything unless it’s a profile icon or something. A simple link back to me would be nice in that case but not required.
I am very much AGAINST GENERATIVE AI. If I reblog art that I didn't catch was from a generative ai "artist" let me know I don't want to be anywhere near that shit
Unfortunately for me I am invested in bleach now so buckle up there might be art coming in the future.
Some general info:
This is a side blog, so I can't follow from here sorry! I'll be liking and following from my main @krabbages
I publish all asks that I answer unless you state to keep private. If I don't feel comfortable answering something I'll delete it
My activity will probably be sporadic because I am a very busy person
I'm going to keep this blog mostly art (be it reblogs or my own) and maybe posting my thoughts on stuff. My rambles will be tagged under #rambles. Reblogs under #reblog.
Might make a fic req list later? I've got a lot of reading to do. Also I LOVE IT when people send me fic recs! Please do!!!
I've only read the manga! I want to read the light novels but my free time is very limited...
I love Aizen and he's very pretty...please forgive me.
Ichigo has been through it goddamn give this kid a break!
Eternally bitter that tatsuki never developed actual powers. Also bitter that Sado barely got any character development.
I wish I had the time to write because I have many ideas, but alas this is not possible.
Some things of note
+ I don't like underage stuff. If something is not an AU I prefer it to be post TYBW for that reason
+ I'm primarily into aiichi right now, but I am a multi-shipper!
+ My other ships are: grimmichi, tatsuhime, (more coming I just gotta figure out ship names since I'm new here lol)
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