#tattoos of sacred geometry shapes
geometrictattoosaus · 6 months
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talonabraxas · 24 days
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“Dreams are the wanderings of spirit through all nine Heavens and all the nine Earths.” -from Secret of the Golden Flower 太乙金華宗旨; Tàiyǐ Jīnhuá Zōngzhǐ
Sacred Geometry of Metatron’s Cube:
Sacred shapes, ratios, and patterns make up everything in the Universe, including tiny atoms in elements and large shapes of stars and galaxies. The Universe is intrinsically connected and united because geometric patterns form all life. When you look at sacred geometry and Metatron's Cube, they contain five platonic solids as they are the foundations of life, and each one represents an element in the Universe.
There is an equal amount of space between the faces of these solids. In a sphere, all sides of a solid touch the surface. Metatron's Cube comprises five solids formed by lines radiating from the circles. Let's go over each of these solids:
Dodecahedron - There are 12 faces on a dodecahedron created by pentagons. This sacred shape represents ether, a component of the Universe.
Hexahedron - Six solid square faces make up the Hexahedron, as it represents earth, which is all about security, foundation, and stability.
Icosahedron - This sacred shape is composed of equilateral triangles with 20 sides. The element the Icosahedron represents is water, which is all about flow and adaptability, as well as changes.
Tetrahedron - The Tetrahedron is composed of equilateral triangles with four sides, and it represents fire, which is passion, creativity, harmony, and balance.
Octahedron - This sacred shape is composed of equilateral triangles with four sides, and it represents the air element, which is all about movement, thoughts, and communication.
The Dodecahedron holds all of the elements together as it represents the ether of the Universe. The solids have been named after Plato, who investigated how the universe is composed of shapes.
Now that you have a good idea about the significance of Metatron's Cube let's delve further into the importance of the Archangel, after which the sacred geometrical shape is named.
Metatrons cube inside the flower of life in 3D
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wingedblooms · 11 months
Flower of life
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The flower of life is part of sacred geometry, which is the underlying form or geometry in nature (mindbodygreen). It symbolizes the balance of male and female energy in creation and contains the secrets of the universe.
The flower of life is another sacred geometric form. It is the symbol of creation. It is created by forming a circle then moving to the edge of that circle and forming another one. Each circle begins one radius away from the surrounding circles and is of equal size. (uoregon)
The striking visual is meant to represent creation, the sacred masculine and divine feminine, and cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Some believe the flower of life is also a key that can unlock hidden knowledge of time and space within its petal-like structures. (mindbodygreen)
“It is thought that the flower of life holds a secret within it—a circle, which in many cultures, is considered the 'zero point' or the 'origin' of us all," Dale says. "This is the Oneness that ties us together.”(mindbodygreen)
Sacred Geometry in the Maasverse
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In the Maasverse, Sarah also uses sacred geometry to create balance between opposing forces and characters use this balance to channel power. Sometimes it’s a symbol, like the six-pointed star @silverlinedeyes highlighted in this post. She connected the six-pointed star to the three brothers and three sisters in theory because they bring together opposing forces—light and dark and female and male energy—and create balance.
“Ithan angled his head. “A six-pointed star,” he said. Like the one Bryce had made between the Gates this spring, with the seventh candle at its center.
“It’s a symbol of balance,” she explained, moving away a foot, but keeping the dagger at her side. Her crown of cloudberries seemed to glow with an inner light. “Two intersecting triangles. Male and female, dark and light, above and below … and the power that lies in the place where they meet.” Her face became grave. “It is in that place of balance where I’ll focus my power.” She motioned to the circle. “No matter what you see or hear, stay on this side of the candles.” (hosab)
When they come together, as we saw with Feyre and Rhysand in the original series, they may be able to channel their combined energies to achieve powerful creation or healing (e.g., reforging the Cauldron, creating a baby who’s named for a deity and is probably going to be unique, etc.). As Rhys said in acowar, the sisters are in his court for a reason, and Mor might have hinted this long before as @lesolehabitantdelalune pointed out in relation to the six-pointed star:
Mor stayed overnight, even going so far as to paint some rudimentary stick figures on the wall beside the storeroom door. Three females with absurdly long, flowing hair that all resembled hers; and three winged males, who she somehow managed to make look puffed up on their own sense of importance. I laughed every time I saw it. (acomaf)
The three Made sisters and the three winged brothers are all blessed by fate and seem to be even more important together. Six is a perfect number and seven—the point where they all meet—symbolizes completion.
So, how does this relate to the flower of life? The flower of life contains circles that create a six-pointed star (see below) and there is a circle in the middle where they all intersect.
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Source: uoforegon
The flower of life also contains other symbols Sarah has used across worlds:
Throne of Glass Series
Aelin wore an amulet that warned and helped her when needed. It was called the Eye of Elena, which Manon corrects as the Eye of the Goddess. It is the symbol Blueblood prophets tattoo on their hearts to indicate that they are Goddess-blessed.
A large circle—and two overlapping circles, one atop the other, within its circumference. “That is the Three-Faced Goddess,” Manon said, her voice low. “We call this …” She drew a rough line in the centermost circle, in the eye-shaped space where they overlapped. “The Eye of the Goddess. Not Elena.” She circled the exterior again. “Crone,” she said of the outermost circumference. She circled the interior top circle: “Mother.” She circled the bottom: “Maiden.” She stabbed the eye inside: “And the heart of the Darkness within her.” (eos)
A Court of Thorns and Roses Series
The Bone Carver drew interlocking circles to represent the death-god siblings, two of whom were worshipped by the fae before they were trapped. Two out of three siblings helped Prythian in a bargain with Feyre and Rhys.
The Carver traced three overlapping, interlocked circles in the dirt. “You have met my sister—my twin. The Weaver, as you now call her. I knew her as Stryga. (acowar)
Crescent City Series
Bryce wears an Archesian amulet with entwined circles that keeps her hidden from those searching for the Horn.
Bryce zipped a tiny golden pendant—a knot of three entwined circles—along the delicate chain around her neck. (hoeab)
In the space between, I discussed all of these interconnected trios, including the sacred trio which I believe this all stems from (Mother, Cauldron, Fate) and the rose amulet chosen for Elain. Although it is not described in circles, Elain’s amulet glows with three colors—red, pink, and white—in the Faelight, mimicking Azriel’s observation that she glows like the dawn in the Faelight earlier in that scene. We don’t know if it contains any protective properties or whether it will even make a reappearance. But out of all the symbols we’ve seen with the divine number three, it is the only one in the form of a flower…except, that is, for the Cauldron.
The Cauldron as the Flower of Life
In hosab, the Under King hinted that Urd, the goddess of fate, might be Mother, Cauldron, and the Forces That Be all in one.
A pyre smoked atop a black stone altar in the center of the temple. A stone throne on a dais loomed at the rear of the space. No statues ever adorned Urd’s Temple—no depiction of the goddess had ever been made. Fate took too many forms to capture in one figure.
The Under-King rose, black robes drifting on a phantom wind. “I thought the Fae bowed to Luna, but perhaps you remember the old beliefs? From a time when Urd was not a goddess but a force, winding between worlds? When she was a vat of life, a mother to all, a secret language of the universe? The Fae worshipped her then.” (hosab)
As I’ve explained with help from @silverlinedeyes in this post, mother to all = Mother, vat of life = Cauldron, and a force = Forces That Be (which seems to be used interchangeably with Fate in acotar). Mother, Cauldron, Fate. Three interconnected parts of a whole.
If we’re to believe the Under King, the goddess of fate isn’t actually a goddess. It is the Cauldron, which moves like a force, is a mother to all, and possesses the secrets of the universe. The Cauldron is Sarah’s flower of life.
The Cauldron shattered into three pieces, peeling apart like a blossoming flower—and then she came. (acowar)
And it can be controlled through spells in the Book of Breathings. Those spells must be uttered by someone who is Made because like calls to like.
“When the Cauldron was made,” the Carver interrupted, “its dark maker used the last of the molten ore to forge a book. The Book of Breathings. In it, written between the carved words, are the spells to negate the Cauldron’s power—or control it wholly. But after the War, it was split into two pieces. One went to the Fae, one to the six human queens. It was part of the Treaty, purely symbolic, as the Cauldron had been lost for millennia and considered mere myth. The Book was believed harmless, because like calls to like—and only that which was Made can speak those spells and summon its power. No creature born of the earth may wield it, so the High Lords and humans dismissed it as little more than a historical heirloom, but if the Book were in the hands of something reforged … You would have to test such a theory, of course—but … it might be possible.” (acomaf)
The pieces of the Book seem to contain void, or cold cunning, and chaos.
Life and death and rebirth
Sun and moon and dark
Rot and bloom and bones
Hello, sweet thing. Hello, lady of night, princess of decay. Hello, fanged beast and trembling fawn.
Love me, touch me, sing me.
Madness. Where the first half had been cold cunning, this box … this was chaos, and disorder, and lawlessness, joy and despair.
Light and dark and gray and light and dark and gray (acomaf)
And these seem to be the same beings (forces?) that Apollion mentions in his own creation.
“Do you not know where I come from? My father was the Void, the Being That Existed Before. Chaos was his bride and my dam. It is to them that we shall all one day return, and their mighty powers that run in my blood.” (hosab)
If the Cauldron contains both Void and Chaos, which I believe it does as a bowl of life and death, then the Book of Breathings allows the wielder to control those forces. In the tog series, higher beings are forces that are part of the same consciousness. They are interconnected parts of a sacred whole. And we’re told early on, and repeatedly thereafter, that the Cauldron is the origin of everything.
Inside the Cauldron was nothing but inky, swirling black.
Perhaps the entire universe had come from it.
Azriel and Cassian tensed as I laid a hand on the lip. Pain—pain and ecstasy and power and weakness flowed into me.
Everything that was and wasn’t, fire and ice, light and dark, deluge and drought.
The map for creation. (acomaf)
Feyre put together the two pieces of the Book and as Amren predicted, there was a great, noticeable blast.
“You put the pieces together,” she clarified when Rhys gave her a questioning look, “and the blast of power will be felt in every corner and hole in the earth. You won’t just attract the King of Hybern. You’ll draw enemies far older and more wretched. Things that have long been asleep—and should remain so.” (acomaf)
So, it’s also probable an old and powerful enemy might come calling (ahem, Koschei and/or the Asteri). Does that mean someone might need to wield the Cauldron again, but to help and protect Prythian instead this time?
If so, that someone would need to be Made. All three sisters are Made, so I personally dream about all three of them wielding it together like the witches they are. But I also think it would make sense for Elain to wield it on her own or with her love interest. When she emerged from the Cauldron, Sarah described her appearance in detail—pale, delicate, beautiful, glowing.
More water than seemed possible dumped out in a cascade. Black, smoke-coated water. And Elain, as if she’d been thrown by a wave, washed onto the stones facedown. Her legs were so pale—so delicate. […] Elain sucked in a breath, her fine-boned back rising, her wet nightgown nearly sheer. And as she rose from the ground onto her elbows, the gag in place, as she twisted to look at me— Nesta began roaring again. Pale skin started to glow. Her face had somehow become more beautiful—infinitely beautiful, and her ears … Elain’s ears were now pointed beneath her sodden hair. (acomaf)
She has been described as wise, gentle, and kind, but doesn’t hesitate to do what is necessary to protect life and restore order, like a gardener whose glowing hands won’t hesitate to get dirty for a pretty result.
A Gardener’s Hands
It began with a cauldron. A mighty black cauldron held by glowing, slender female hands in a starry, endless night. Those hands tipped it over, golden sparkling liquid pouring out over the lip. No—not sparkling, but … effervescent with small symbols, perhaps of some ancient faerie language. Whatever was written there, whatever it was, the contents of the cauldron were dumped into the void below, pooling on the earth to form our world… (acotar)
Elain isn’t just connected to a flower amulet. She is a blooming flower in an army camp, a bloom of color and sunshine even in the middle of winter. She is Hope shining in the Void on the longest night of winter.
The River House had finally fallen quiet after the raucous Winter Solstice party, the Faelights dimming to cast little pools of gold amid the deep shadow of the longest night of the year. […] He knew he’d be swallowed by it if he went up to his bedroom, so he’d remained down here by the dying light of the fire. […] Soft steps padded from under the stair archway, and there she was. The Faelights gilded Elain’s unbound hair, making her glow like the sun at dawn. (Azriel’s bonus chapter)
Tell me, who is better positioned than the Cauldron-blessed gardener and seer to wield the flower of life? Sarah essentially set her up to defy Nesta’s command below, meaning she will not stay away from the Cauldron and might tend to a garden on a greater scale as a result.
“Why?” Elain demanded. “Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
“Then go off on adventures,” Nesta said. “Go drink and fuck strangers. But stay away from the Cauldron.” (acosf)
The issue, of course, is that the Book of Breathings is now in Midgard under the care of a sorceress whose past is a mystery and the name we know her under, Jesiba Roga, isn’t the only one she possesses. Now that the two worlds are connected, though, it seems like only a matter of time until the Book is (re)discovered. But will it find the right hands?
There are more immediate ways for Elain to defy Nesta’s order and engage the Cauldron even without the Book. In hosab, mystics combine energy from a male, female, and the space where they meet—both male and female—to achieve perfect balance. It is perhaps this balance of power that allows them to become the Eye of the Goddess, mapping the secrets of the universe and influencing others from afar. Mysticism involves achieving a higher level of consciousness and uniting with the divine. Similarly, the flower of life can be used as a tool for meditation and enlightenment.
Elain seems to have used mystic ability on her own when she located and appeared to the Suriel across the world, and it’s possible she could use Rhys’s orrery as to expand her map in future books. Since these are romance books, I think it’s important to mention that we’re told Azriel is fascinated by the orrery. And like a sacred vision as @offtorivendell, @merymoonbeam and @psychologynerd have pointed out, Feyre witnesses perfect balance between Azriel and Elain: her immaculate hand meets his scarred one in the space between where light and dark, life and death, and female and male combine.
Elain looked up at Azriel, their eyes meeting, his hand still lingering on the hilt of the blade. I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection…that knife. (acowar)
Elain may not need anyone to navigate the space between with the Cauldron. But I have a feeling she will need something or someone to help keep her grounded as she expands her Sight and maybe even peers into Hel. If she does need to form a sacred trio to move beyond their world, then she, Azriel, and the Cauldron (which is both male and female), would suffice. As Feyre’s vision of the lovely fawn and Death seems to foreshadow, they would create perfect balance together. And maybe, just maybe, their bargain tattoo will represent that balance in the form of a blossoming flower where the Eye of the Goddess, her heart of darkness, remains half-hidden in the shadows with the secrets of the universe.
Read more about Elain’s arc and powers here.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 2 years
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The beauty of Akali's base splash art (art by Jessica "OwleyCat" Oyhenart)
One of the reasons a triangle in composition is so common is that if you place a human figure above the horizon line in an image and look up at them, they will form that kind of shape. Hell, try it right now on your selfie camera. And it’s important not to buy into any of that “sacred geometry!” nonsense you sometimes hear thrown around about it, because, like, yeah, Raphael loved the triangle composition, but that’s not because it has any special renaissance magic to it, it’s just a convenient way to arrange an image, and plenty of people do it without even thinking. Now, when the triangle as a compositional element is used intentionally, it can be really strong tool for storytelling, and a great way to establish power hierarchy in a scene.
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And that’s very much the story of Akali’s splash art. It is a moment of quiet, after Akali has just smoke bombed and absolutely iced a group of Noxians, and now she’s looking over her shoulder menacingly, as though scanning for other targets, or daring anyone to take a shot at her. She forms a triangle shape dominating the middle of the image, and with her head placed on top we get the immediate visceral sense that “this character is powerful.”
The light is being used to play up that drama. The face is in shadow intensifying the expression, but that muscled powerful back and shoulder, and her arm holding the razor sharp kama, those are highlighted, as well as that deadly dragon tattoo, with its edges tinged in gold. And especially the reflections on that tattoo are just a gorgeous touch, it gives the tattoo volume and presence, as though it might leap off her back to snap at you, and it emphasizes the power of her body.
Shoutouts to the rendering on that smoke, too, it looks thick and almost liquid and as it passes over a serpent or dragon statue on the right side of the image it almost looks as though a living snake is hiding here.
And that’s visual storytelling, that’s Akali: the dragon hiding in the haze, on the boundary between light and shadow. That’s also why she’s bisected by that light, and why the light and shadow is cutting the image almost in half. That’s where she is as a person. Gorgeous.
If you liked this, I have a full video essay about beauty in League of Legends splash art HERE.
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trendingtattoo · 10 months
Dazzling Shoulder Mandala Tattoo Designs With Meaning
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The shoulder is a popular location for mandala tattoos, as it offers a large canvas for intricate designs and allows for easy visibility. Whether you're looking for a traditional mandala or a more modern interpretation, there are countless designs to choose from.
Here are 10 shoulder mandala tattoo designs to inspire you:
Blooming Beauty: A vibrant floral mandala bursts from the shoulder, its petals showcasing a rainbow of colors and intricate details. This design is perfect for those seeking a feminine touch and a sense of growth and transformation.
Black & White Elegance: A mesmerizing black and white mandala unfurls on the shoulder, showcasing intricate patterns and geometric shapes. This sophisticated design speaks of balance, strength, and timelessness.
Watercolor Wonder: Soft, fluid watercolors create a dreamy mandala on the shoulder. This design evokes a sense of tranquility and peace, perfect for those seeking a touch of whimsy.
Animal Spirit: A majestic tiger or a fierce wolf forms the focal point of a shoulder mandala, representing strength, courage, and connection to nature. This design is for those who embrace their inner wildness.
Sacred Geometry: Precise lines and geometric shapes come together in a stunning shoulder mandala. This design symbolizes order, harmony, and the interconnectedness of the universe, perfect for those with a scientific or philosophical mind.
Minimalist Chic: A simple, yet impactful mandala adorns the shoulder, featuring delicate linework and a single, vibrant color. This design is perfect for those who appreciate subtle beauty and elegance.
Cosmic Connection: A celestial mandala graces the shoulder, depicting stars, planets, and galaxies. This design represents the vastness of the universe and our connection to something greater than ourselves.
Personal Journey: A shoulder mandala incorporates unique symbols and motifs that hold personal significance for the wearer. This design is a powerful reminder of individual experiences and cherished values.
Combined Creation: A breathtaking mandala intertwines with another design, such as a floral motif or a portrait. This unique approach allows for personalized expression and deeper meaning.
3D Illusion: A mesmerizing 3D mandala appears to pop out from the shoulder, creating depth and visual intrigue. This design is perfect for those who want to make a bold statement and embrace an illusionary aesthetic.
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floating-in-waves · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are well. May I ask of your ink?
I understand each needle is personal, so publicly, privately, or no is an option.
Have a great Sunday.
Hello there 😊 Hope you are having a relaxing Sunday. I think back to the first tattoo I ever got. 18 and as the black sheep of the family it was yet another act of a rebellion. A little back cat on my ankle. Just like with so many of my acts of rebellion a few years down the road insta regret. My lil black cat covered by an Aquarius urn with flowing water. The tramp stap butterfly on my low back became a huge piece that climbs my ribs that is for my mother. Below that is a piece for my father, and below that on my leg is a luna moth which was during a pretty big shift in my life.
On my back left shoulder I have hummingbirds and pomegranate blooms, for my nickname and the story behind it. I have a pineapple shaped sunset on my left arm because I just love pineapple and no it's not upside down 🤣 it's just a beautiful beach scene. To the right of that another beach scene in the shape of a sand dollar with an anchor in the middle. Both have personal meanings and its strange how those meanings shift as I grow. On my right shoulder yinyang with sacred geometry. And I have a squirrel on one wrist and an acorn on the other.
I have 3 more that I would like to get but need to find a new artist. The woman who did 75% of my ink got involved with not such a good group of people and bad decisions. It's heartbreaking because she was so damn talented. And if there is anything I have learned you get what you pay for. My wild days of just running into a random shop and getting it placed on my skin are over 😉
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btstattoos · 20 days
Exploring Sacred Geometry Tattoos and Black and Grey Tattoo Artistry in Las Vegas
Tattooing has long been a form of personal expression, with its origins steeped in cultural and historical significance. Among the myriad of styles available, Sacred Geometry Tattoos have emerged as a popular and profound choice for those looking to combine art with deeper meaning. This style of tattooing draws on ancient symbols and patterns that are believed to represent fundamental truths about the universe. Sacred geometry incorporates shapes and designs that are thought to embody the underlying order of the cosmos, such as the Flower of Life, the Sri Yantra, and the Golden Ratio. These designs are not only visually stunning but also resonate with individuals seeking to connect with something larger than themselves.
As the popularity of sacred geometry tattoos continues to rise, many individuals seek out talented tattoo artists who specialize in this intricate and symbolic style. In Las Vegas, renowned for its vibrant tattoo scene, numerous artists have made a name for themselves in the realm of Sacred Geometry Tattoos. These artists have honed their skills in translating complex geometric patterns into striking body art, often using black ink to enhance the clarity and depth of their designs.
Among the notable styles within the tattoo community, West Coast Black and Grey Tattoos stand out for their unique aesthetic. Originating from the West Coast tattoo scene, this style is characterized by its monochromatic palette, blending shades of black and grey to create detailed and realistic imagery. Unlike traditional color tattoos, black and grey tattoos rely on shading and contrast to bring depth and dimension to the artwork. This style is particularly well-suited for those who appreciate a classic and timeless look, often incorporating elements such as portraits, skulls, and religious symbols.
The art of black and grey tattooing requires a high level of skill and precision. Tattooists must master the technique of shading to create lifelike textures and gradients. Black and Grey Tattoo Artist are known for their ability to achieve a wide range of tones using only black ink. These artists often emphasize detail and contrast, resulting in tattoos that are both striking and sophisticated.
In Las Vegas, the city’s vibrant tattoo scene is home to some of the most accomplishedBlack and Grey Tattoo Artists. These professionals have gained recognition for their exceptional craftsmanship and innovative approach to the style. Whether you are interested in a detailed black and grey portrait or a minimalist geometric design, the city offers a wealth of talent ready to bring your vision to life.
When selecting a tattoo artist, it is crucial to consider their experience and portfolio. Famous Tattoo Artists in Las Vegas often have extensive portfolios showcasing their range and expertise. These artists are known for their ability to execute complex designs with precision, ensuring that each piece is both visually captivating and technically flawless. Their reputation is built not only on their artistic skill but also on their ability to work closely with clients to create custom designs that reflect personal meaning and style.
In summary, whether you are drawn to the spiritual significance of Sacred Geometry Tattoos or the classic elegance of West Coast Black and Grey Tattoos, Las Vegas offers a rich tapestry of tattoo artistry. The city’s renowned Black and Grey Tattoo Artists are celebrated for their exceptional work, contributing to the global reputation of Las Vegas as a hub for top-tier tattoo talent. With a wide range of styles and skilled artists available, finding the perfect tattoo to express your personal journey is an exciting and rewarding experience.
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acetattoos · 3 months
Geometrical Tattoo Designs - Ace Tattooz & Art Studio
Geometrical tattoo designs have been around since ancient times, and today many of these symbols live on. These designs, based on basic mathematical patterns, display the shapes concealed in nature-like the triangle in the face of a fox, or the rectangle in the trunk of a tree. Several of the oldest geometrical designs have links to religious or philosophical traditions, reflecting what was considered to be ‘sacred.’ Some include repeated lines displaying perfect harmony and symmetry.
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Not only do geometric tattoos look amazing but they can also illustrate sacred geometric symbols with deeper hidden meanings. Geometrical tattoo designs have been around since ancient times, and today many of these symbols live on. Usually, it has one design that is repeated throughout the tattoo, with a precise and detailed continuous pattern. Geometric shapes are usually formed with various sides and can be described by mathematics.
Geometrical tattoo designs are growing slowly and beginning to gain popularity among tattoo lovers. The abstract designs, zig-zag lines and symbols all come together to create a beautiful, uber-cool design. Those tattoos in any shape can be about something. Geometrical tattoo design is generally created with black ink to deliver the best results, but if that’s what you prefer, you can also choose colors. They look so beautiful that maybe you will never regret them. They ‘re slowly taking over the world of tattoo arts, and if you’re a fan as well, then you have to look at some of these cool tattoo designs, you’ll just find the right inspiration.
A geometrical tattoo design, besides being a cool design, also holds symbolic significance. A single geometric figure may symbolize life, the sky, etc. A person may use different, unrelated shapes or figures that may seem meaningless to others, but hold for him a sacred meaning. Getting a tattoo is also a personal symbol that can not be hidden.
In almost every part of nature, you’ll find geometry evident. When you look closely, you can see how much nature revolves around geometry and patterns, think about it when you look at a snowflake or a pine cone next time. If you are interested in getting a tattoo that has a deeper meaning than just looking good, we advise you to look into the symbolism behind some geometric tattoos. The geometrical tattoo designs may be one of the oldest known patterns to use and have deep origins and meaning in: faith, spirituality, and beliefs.
Sacred geometry tattoos are not just symbolic, they are also sacred and religious as we have already mentioned. Most geometric patterns are attached to differing meanings. Take, for example:
· A Tetrahedron Symbolizes Fire
· A Cube Stands for the Earth
· An Icosahedron Stands for Water
· An Octaedron Stands for Air
· A Dodecaedron Stands for Spirit
Many people think tattoos like that can bring you health and healing. People say these inked symbols on your body can help balance out and bring harmony to your wellbeing. These tattoo designs are commonly used as amulets from the body. Geometrical tattoo designs hold magical powers that are effective in promoting healing according to many cultural beliefs.
Popular Tattoo Designs with Sacred Geometry
Mandala: Mandala’s are one of the most alluring and popular among the many sacred geometrical tattoo designs. In the context of Buddhism, it’s a way to sharpen your focus. The Mandala ‘s floral or geometric architecture draws your attention into the middle and helps you practice your meditation. While originally used for meditation and religious art purposes, Mandala’s have become increasingly popular among tattoo enthusiasts.
La fleur de vie ( The flower of life): The flower of life are a jump-off point for artists to create complex patterns. This design was originally and commonly used throughout the world to create architecture and geometric and ornamental artwork.
Wolf Tattoo:The wolf is the most popular amongst all animal geometrical tattoo designs due to its rich symbolic meaning. A wolf pack is traditionally led by the alpha wolf, who is assumed to defend the pack when on the move from the back. That wolf’s characteristic makes it a symbol of leadership and protection. It also holds a profound significance for people who have lost someone in life. Wolves symbolize wildness along with resilience and a sense of survival. Free-minded people can also sport a wolf tattoo to demonstrate their freedom.
Many tattoo artists feel that tattoos of sacred geometry are designs and styles that should be studied thoroughly and in-depth. Although at the moment these designs are trendy, tattoo artists warn that people who want these designs should do their homework, and have a strong idea of what they want and why. These types of tattoos should really have a special meaning for the person who gets them. We are also one of the best semi permanent makeup training academy in Mumbai.
To read full blog visit  - Geometrical Tattoo Designs - Ace Tattooz & Art Studio
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exodustattoos · 6 months
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🌟 Ink Magic Unleashed: Explore My Artistry 🌟
🎨 As a passionate tattoo artist, I weave stories on skin, transforming blank canvases into living masterpieces. Each stroke is an ode to individuality, a fusion of art and identity. Allow me to introduce you to my gallery of inked wonders:
Celestial Constellations: 🌌 Imagine stardust etched into your skin—a cosmic map of your journey. My constellation tattoos blend elegance with cosmic mystery. Whether it’s Orion’s Belt or the elusive Pleiades, let the stars adorn you.
Botanical Whispers: 🌿 Blossoms unfurl, petals whispering secrets. From delicate cherry blossoms to fierce roses, my floral tattoos breathe life into your skin. Vibrant colors dance alongside intricate linework, celebrating nature’s resilience.
Geometric Enigma: 🔺🔷 Geometry meets soul. Sacred shapes—mandalas, dodecahedrons, and Metatron’s Cube—find refuge on arms, backs, and collarbones. These symbols resonate with hidden meanings, inviting contemplation.
Mythical Creatures: 🐉🦄 Dive into folklore! Dragons coil around biceps, phoenixes rise from ashes, and mermaids beckon from ankles. These mythical beings guard your essence, embodying courage, rebirth, and untamed spirit.
Minimalist Elegance: 🖤 Sometimes, less is more. Tiny moons, infinity symbols, and delicate feathers—minimalist tattoos speak volumes. They’re whispers of strength, etched discreetly where only you can see.
Watercolor Dreams: 🎨🌊 Imagine watercolor strokes merging seamlessly with skin. Dreamcatchers, landscapes, and abstract waves—these tattoos evoke emotion, blurring the lines between art and reality.
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Remember, each tattoo carries a story—a chapter of your life inked forever. Let’s create magic together. Book your session now! 📅✨
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Title: **Sacred Slices: The Geometry of Rebellion**
In the heart of Neo-Tokyo, where holographic billboards flickered with the promise of the future, Riku Nakamura stood before a simmering brick oven. His normally dark eyes now glowed with neon reflections, casting an otherworldly aura around him. He was a pizza-crafter, an artist who wielded a blade sharper than any katana, his canvas the gooey blend of cheese and tomato sauce atop a doughy crust.
In Riku's world, pizza wasn't just food, it was a signifier of identity, the foundation of factions that divided the youth of the city. It was all about the slice, how you carved your pizza into sacred geometries. It was a language, a silent challenge. Your slice marked you as part of a crew, a "gang" in the eyes of their terrified parents.
Riku was part of the Rhomboid Rebels, a group of kids who believed in the equal distribution of angles and the essence of quadrilateral perfection. His slices were diamond-shaped, a delicate balance between parallel lines and opposite angles.
Then, there were rivals like the Circle Sect, who believed in the purity of the circle, the one true shape, each slice a radial cut. And the Trigon Titans, masters of the triangle, their slices piecing together into a larger geometric panorama.
But it wasn't enough to just slice the pizza. To instill fear, or maybe just a sense of rebellion, each gang began incorporating esoteric and demonic symbols into their slice patterns. Each pizza became a canvas for pentagrams, sigils, and cryptic runes, a mesh of delicious rebellion and arcane aesthetics.
Riku was caught in this whirlwind of competitive cutting, his life consumed by the sacred geometries and forbidden symbols. He was respected, feared even. But then, something changed.
The pizza factions, once just a spirited game, began to take on a darker tone. Rivalries escalated into fights. Symbols once etched in cheese and sauce became tattoos, inked permanently into skin. The gangs were no longer a playful act of rebellion. They had become real, and so had the danger.
When his best friend, Hana, was caught in a crossfire between the Trigon Titans and the Circle Sect, Riku knew he couldn't ignore it anymore. He had to bring back the innocence, the fun in the pizza crafting. But how could he, when every slice now seemed to be cut with an edge of malice?
Riku started by changing his own slices, trading the harsh lines of the Rhomboid Rebels for softer, heart-shaped pieces. It was a small act of defiance, a statement. His pizzas were no longer about intimidation, but love.
Predictably, he was ridiculed, even threatened. But Riku didn't back down. Every pizza he made, every heart-shaped slice, was a silent message to the city's youth. It was a reminder of what they had once been - not gangs, but friends who simply loved crafting pizzas.
Slowly, others began to follow Riku. They saw the senseless violence that their 'game' had descended into and realized the need for change. The rebellion had become a revolution, a movement to reclaim their identities, not through the lines they cut, but the love they showed.
In the end, Riku managed to do more than just change the shape of pizza slices. He changed the shape of the city's youth, turning them from gangs back into groups of friends, reminding them that sometimes, a pizza is just a pizza, and a slice is just a piece of that delicious whole.
And though they still etched their pizzas with arcane symbols, they were no longer signs
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hontattoo · 1 year
Simple Tattoo Designs for 2023: Minimalism Meets Modernity
As we venture further into 2023, the tattoo industry continues to evolve and grow in popularity. More and more people are embracing body art as a form of self-expression, and simple tattoo designs have emerged as a leading trend, carrying on the glory of small minimalistic tattoos from 2022 to 2023. Express your minimalism meets modernity 2023 tattoo slogan with these six simple tattoo design categories that are sure to make a statement this year in the category of simple tattoo design for 2023.
Geometric Shapes
Geometric shapes have always been a popular choice for those seeking a clean, minimalist design. Circles, triangles, and squares can be easily combined or used individually to create meaningful and striking tattoos. In 2023, expect to see more intricate geometric patterns, incorporating sacred geometry and other symbolic elements, while maintaining a minimalist aesthetic.
Fine Line Tattoos
Fine line tattoos are a delicate and subtle way to express yourself through body art. These tattoos are created using a single needle, resulting in an incredibly detailed and precise design. This year, expect to see more intricate fine line tattoos, featuring minimalist florals, celestial patterns, and even small portraits.
Single-Word Tattoos
Sometimes, less is more, and single-word tattoos can be a powerful way to express a meaningful message. In 2023, look for more people opting for simple, yet poignant, words or phrases that hold significant meaning to them. This trend is perfect for those who want a discreet tattoo that still makes a statement.
Minimalist Animal Tattoos
Animal tattoos have long been a favorite among tattoo enthusiasts, and 2023 is no exception. This year, minimalist animal designs are gaining popularity, with a focus on simple, stylized representations of various creatures. From abstract line drawings of cats and dogs to more exotic animals like elephants and wolves, these tattoos are both elegant and expressive.
Symbolic Tattoos
Symbols have been used in tattoos for centuries, and their popularity continues to grow in 2023. Simple, yet meaningful, symbolic tattoos can be a beautiful way to represent personal beliefs, values, or interests. Common symbols include religious icons, astrological signs, and cultural symbols. This year, look for more people incorporating modern symbols and icons into their simple tattoo designs for 2023.
Abstract Art Tattoos
For those who prefer a more avant-garde approach to their body art, abstract tattoos are an excellent choice. These designs often feature a combination of lines, shapes, and colors that come together to create a visually stunning piece. In 2023, expect to see more minimalistic abstract tattoos, with a focus on simple, yet impactful designs that push the boundaries of traditional tattoo art.
As tattoo trends continue to evolve in 2023, simplicity and minimalism are taking center stage. With a wide variety of simple tattoo designs to choose from, there's something for everyone, whether you're looking for a subtle statement or a bold expression of your individuality. Keep an eye out for these six simple tattoo design for 2023 categories as you explore the world of body art this year.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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“Do not judge yourself and do not judge others at all. Do not be at a point of judgement, merely be in your discernment that your consciousness may transform and you will walk into your full power. From this place you may create anything.” ― Archangel Metatron,
The Eye of Metatron Talon Abraxas
Sacred Geometry of Metatron’s Cube:
Sacred shapes, ratios, and patterns make up everything in the Universe, including tiny atoms in elements and large shapes of stars and galaxies. The Universe is intrinsically connected and united because geometric patterns form all life. When you look at sacred geometry and Metatron's Cube, they contain five platonic solids as they are the foundations of life, and each one represents an element in the Universe.
There is an equal amount of space between the faces of these solids. In a sphere, all sides of a solid touch the surface. Metatron's Cube comprises five solids formed by lines radiating from the circles. Let's go over each of these solids:
Dodecahedron - There are 12 faces on a dodecahedron created by pentagons. This sacred shape represents ether, a component of the Universe.
Hexahedron - Six solid square faces make up the Hexahedron, as it represents earth, which is all about security, foundation, and stability.
Icosahedron - This sacred shape is composed of equilateral triangles with 20 sides. The element the Icosahedron represents is water, which is all about flow and adaptability, as well as changes.
Tetrahedron - The Tetrahedron is composed of equilateral triangles with four sides, and it represents fire, which is passion, creativity, harmony, and balance.
Octahedron - This sacred shape is composed of equilateral triangles with four sides, and it represents the air element, which is all about movement, thoughts, and communication.
The Dodecahedron holds all of the elements together as it represents the ether of the Universe. The solids have been named after Plato, who investigated how the universe is composed of shapes.
Now that you have a good idea about the significance of Metatron's Cube let's delve further into the importance of the Archangel, after which the sacred geometrical shape is named.
Metatron’s Cube Meaning, Sacred Geometry and Frequency Explained:
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Different Types Of tattoos by Kyle Ghostkeeper tattoo artist Vancouver
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Deciding to get a tattoo is often a major life decision — one that comes with plenty of research and consideration. After all, you’re going to be wearing this piece of art on your body for the rest of your life! A key part of the process is determining what type of style best suits you, as each has its own unique characteristics and benefits. From traditional Japanese styles to neo-traditional, blackwork, and realism, there are so many types of tattoos that it can be overwhelming. This article will give you an overview of some of the most popular tattoo styles, outline their features, and assist you in finding the perfect design for you!
There are many different types of traditional tattoo styles, from American traditional to Japanese traditional. American traditional tattoos are characterized by bold lines and bright colors, while Japanese traditional tattoos are known for their intricate designs and delicate lines.
 Traditional tattoo styles have been around for centuries, and they continue to be popular today. If you're looking for a classic tattoo that will never go out of style, a traditional tattoo is the way to go.
There are a variety of tattoo styles that can be classified as tribal. Tribal tattoos are often characterized by their bold, black lines and geometric shapes. They can be simple or complex, small or large.
 Tribal tattoos have a long history and are deeply rooted in various cultures around the world. In many cases, they were used as a form of identification or as a mark of status within a tribe. Today, tribal tattoos express a personal statement, aesthetic appeal, and cultural pride.
 If you're considering getting a tribal tattoo, it's important to do your research and choose a design that has personal meaning for you. When done correctly, tribal tattoos can be stunning works of art that are truly unique to the wearer.
There are a few different types of realism tattoos, all of which strive to create the most lifelike image possible on the skin. Traditional realism is probably what you think of when you hear the word realism; these are your classic, old-school tattoos with strong black outlines and a limited color palette. New school realism is a more modern take on tattooing, with softer lines and brighter colors. Finally, watercolor realism is a fairly new style that combines traditional tattooing techniques with watercolor painting to create a unique and beautiful effect. Kyle, the Ghostkeeper tattoo artist, specializes in realism tattoos in Vancouver.
There are many different types of tattoo styles, but geometric tattoos are becoming increasingly popular. Geometric tattoos are usually simple, clean designs that use basic shapes to create intricate patterns. These tattoos can be very striking, and they often have a deep symbolic meaning.
 Geometric tattoos are inspired by sacred geometry, which is the study of the mathematical patterns that occur in nature. Sacred geometry is used in many different cultures to create beautiful works of art, and is believed to have healing properties. Geometric tattoos often incorporate elements from nature, such as flowers, animals, and stars.
 If you're looking for a tattoo that is both unique and meaningful, a geometric tattoo may be the perfect choice for you. 
Watercolor tattoos are a relatively new tattoo style that has become increasingly popular in recent years. As the name suggests, watercolor tattoos are done in water-based ink, which gives them a softer, more delicate look than traditional tattoos.
 While watercolor tattoos can be done in any color, they are often seen in lighter hues like pale pink, blue, and green. This tattoo style is perfect for those who want a beautiful and unique tattoo, but don’t want something too bold or aggressive.
Research a good tattoo artist and find one with a diverse and unique portfolio. It's important to choose a professional and experienced artist to ensure the tattoo turns out well. Kyle Ghostkeeper Tattoo artist in Vancouver is highly professional with years of experience in tattoo making. Being a versatile tattoo artist you won’t require extra effort to research the style of tattoo that will suit you. Kyle Harding tattoo has a great artistic sense for tattoos that will blend with any personality type. 
Tattoos are a great way to show off your unique style and creatively express yourself. With so many different types of tattoo styles to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. We hope this article has given you an understanding of the various kinds of tattoos out there, as well as what each type represents. Whether you end up going with traditional Japanese artwork or more abstract designs like watercolor tattoos, make sure that your design conveys something meaningful about who you are and what matters most to you.
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kyleghostkeeper · 2 years
Different Types Of tattoos by Kyle Ghostkeeper tattoo artist Vancouver
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Deciding to get a tattoo is often a major life decision — one that comes with plenty of research and consideration. After all, you’re going to be wearing this piece of art on your body for the rest of your life! A key part of the process is determining what type of style best suits you, as each has its own unique characteristics and benefits. From traditional Japanese styles to neo-traditional, blackwork, and realism, there are so many types of tattoos that it can be overwhelming. This article will give you an overview of some of the most popular tattoo styles, outline their features, and assist you in finding the perfect design for you!
There are many different types of traditional tattoo styles, from American traditional to Japanese traditional. American traditional tattoos are characterized by bold lines and bright colors, while Japanese traditional tattoos are known for their intricate designs and delicate lines.
 Traditional tattoo styles have been around for centuries, and they continue to be popular today. If you're looking for a classic tattoo that will never go out of style, a traditional tattoo is the way to go.
There are a variety of tattoo styles that can be classified as tribal. Tribal tattoos are often characterized by their bold, black lines and geometric shapes. They can be simple or complex, small or large.
 Tribal tattoos have a long history and are deeply rooted in various cultures around the world. In many cases, they were used as a form of identification or as a mark of status within a tribe. Today, tribal tattoos express a personal statement, aesthetic appeal, and cultural pride.
 If you're considering getting a tribal tattoo, it's important to do your research and choose a design that has personal meaning for you. When done correctly, tribal tattoos can be stunning works of art that are truly unique to the wearer.
There are a few different types of realism tattoos, all of which strive to create the most lifelike image possible on the skin. Traditional realism is probably what you think of when you hear the word realism; these are your classic, old-school tattoos with strong black outlines and a limited color palette. New school realism is a more modern take on tattooing, with softer lines and brighter colors. Finally, watercolor realism is a fairly new style that combines traditional tattooing techniques with watercolor painting to create a unique and beautiful effect. Kyle, the Ghostkeeper tattoo artist, specializes in realism tattoos in Vancouver.
There are many different types of tattoo styles, but geometric tattoos are becoming increasingly popular. Geometric tattoos are usually simple, clean designs that use basic shapes to create intricate patterns. These tattoos can be very striking, and they often have a deep symbolic meaning.
 Geometric tattoos are inspired by sacred geometry, which is the study of the mathematical patterns that occur in nature. Sacred geometry is used in many different cultures to create beautiful works of art, and is believed to have healing properties. Geometric tattoos often incorporate elements from nature, such as flowers, animals, and stars.
 If you're looking for a tattoo that is both unique and meaningful, a geometric tattoo may be the perfect choice for you. 
Watercolor tattoos are a relatively new tattoo style that has become increasingly popular in recent years. As the name suggests, watercolor tattoos are done in water-based ink, which gives them a softer, more delicate look than traditional tattoos.
 While watercolor tattoos can be done in any color, they are often seen in lighter hues like pale pink, blue, and green. This tattoo style is perfect for those who want a beautiful and unique tattoo, but don’t want something too bold or aggressive.
Research a good tattoo artist and find one with a diverse and unique portfolio. It's important to choose a professional and experienced artist to ensure the tattoo turns out well. Kyle Ghostkeeper Tattoo artist in Vancouver is highly professional with years of experience in tattoo making. Being a versatile tattoo artist you won’t require extra effort to research the style of tattoo that will suit you. Kyle Harding tattoo has a great artistic sense for tattoos that will blend with any personality type. 
Tattoos are a great way to show off your unique style and creatively express yourself. With so many different types of tattoo styles to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. We hope this article has given you an understanding of the various kinds of tattoos out there, as well as what each type represents. Whether you end up going with traditional Japanese artwork or more abstract designs like watercolor tattoos, make sure that your design conveys something meaningful about who you are and what matters most to you.
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trendingtattoo · 9 months
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Geometric tattoos have surged in popularity, captivating ink enthusiasts with their mesmerizing precision and modern aesthetic. These tattoos feature intricate shapes, lines, and patterns that come together to create visually stunning designs. If you're considering a geometric tattoo, here are 10 amazing ideas to spark your inspiration.
Mandala Masterpiece: Mandala designs, characterized by concentric circles and intricate patterns, make for captivating geometric tattoos. Whether placed on the arm, back, or as a sleeve, mandalas offer a harmonious and symbolic choice.
Sacred Geometry Symbols: Embrace the allure of sacred geometry with symbols like the Flower of Life, Metatron's Cube, or the Seed of Life. These timeless symbols not only look incredible but also carry deep spiritual and philosophical meanings.
Dotwork Delight: Dotwork is a technique that uses tiny dots to create intricate designs. Geometric tattoos featuring dotwork can range from minimalist to elaborate, offering a unique and eye-catching appearance.
Linear Animal Designs: Transform animals into geometric wonders with linear and angular shapes. From majestic wolves to delicate butterflies, geometric lines add a contemporary twist to traditional animal tattoos.
3D Illusions: Create optical illusions with 3D geometric designs that appear to leap off the skin. Cubes, hexagons, or stair-step patterns can be arranged to give the illusion of depth and movement.
Geometric Watercolor Fusion: Combine the precision of geometric lines with the fluidity of watercolor for a breathtaking fusion. This style allows for vibrant splashes of color within the structured framework of geometric shapes.
Minimalist Finger Tattoos: Geometric tattoos can be adapted for small spaces, making them perfect for minimalist finger tattoos. Simple shapes like triangles or lines can make a bold statement on fingers without overpowering.
Cosmic Connections: Explore the cosmos with geometric tattoos inspired by celestial bodies. Planets, stars, and orbits can be incorporated into geometric designs, creating a celestial masterpiece.
Architectural Elements: Draw inspiration from architecture by incorporating elements like arches, columns, or even blueprints into your tattoo. This style pays homage to precision and structure.
Geometric Floral Patterns: Combine the beauty of flowers with geometric precision for a stunning effect. Geometric floral patterns offer a modern take on traditional floral tattoos, adding a touch of sophistication.
When considering a geometric tattoo, collaborate closely with a skilled tattoo artist who specializes in this style. The precision and symmetry required for geometric designs demand expertise to ensure the final result meets your expectations. Whether you opt for a mandala, sacred geometry, or a cosmic design, a geometric tattoo is sure to make a striking and lasting impression.
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By Jure Werber, done in Maribor. http://ttoo.co/p/270326
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