#tatum riley / muse.
timeate · 1 year
misc tag dump.
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percentstardust · 1 year
tatum is the girlfriend who will steal your clothes and never give them back. that’s your hoodie or sweater? she thinks the fuck not. it’s hers now.
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vntagetee · 10 months
tatum riley / tags
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
Mixed bag starters: “ Hey, want to see a trick? ”
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Tatum looked at him while thinking that he was being for real. “We’re in the middle of a serial killer episode and you’re asking me if I want to see a magic trick?” Nothing seemed as a joke anymore - not since the mysterious killer has been striking twice in one day.
“Sorry, Zach, that did seem harsh but what would you like to show me? I’m curious to know now darlin’ ” Tatum rose her voice a bit due to the mentions of the murders because it made her best friend - Sidney uncomfortable
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vntagetee-archive · 1 year
╭ tag dump ⸻ tatum riley.
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womensgloat · 2 years
tag dump.
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cutcaspers · 2 years
tag drop! tatum riley
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fraxinusprose · 2 years
part two!
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atl0yalty · 2 years
         [     where are you? nobody's heard from you     ]     /     she can't breathe. abdomen crushed, ribs broken, her lungs burned as she pushed hard against the garage door. tears well within her eyes as blood starts to drip from her lips, choking in gasps of air as she struggled with what could be her last moments of life. tatum shuddered as the gap she'd crawled into closed in on her, arm twisting and neck breaking-     
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                      she opened her eyes with a strangled gasp, blinking rapidly as if to clear the red haze from her view. her arm lifts, pushed over her eyes to clear the wet tracks trailing down her cheeks as she fumbled for the phone by her side. it's new, a gift from her parents because they didn't know how to deal with trauma beyond spoiling her with shit she didn't ask for.          '     what?     '          she answered with a sniffle, swallowing thickly and exhaling slowly when @sourfilm starts to talk. she let him go on, acting like her needing space was a personal slight against him     (     and deep down, she understood-  after what they'd been through, her very near death, of course her brother would be wary of her disappearing     )     tate rolled her eyes, rising from where she'd found herself cross-legged on the ground, leaving the desecrated tombstone of her murderous ex in her wake as she picked up her shoes and walked away, barefoot.
    '     oh my god, will you get off my ass dewey? jesus, i'm fine.     '
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isdeathlystill · 2 years
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brckensocietyarch · 2 years
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greatlydelirious · 2 years
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡
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Billy Loomis x F!Reader
wordcount: 6k words
summary: Your boyfriend is another girl’s boyfriend. Safe to say you didn’t imagine your high school love story to go like this. Although it was all for the sake of revenge you couldn’t be more jealous.
warnings: smut, angst, mentions of violence, possessiveness, toxic dynamic, build-up
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Today sucked. Correction, every day for the last year seemed to chip away at you. Just like how you were currently picking at the salt on the tiringly bland cracker in your hand. At least this time it wasn’t your skin. Light scars jumped and skipped across your body from all the times you accidentally dug your nails a little too deep trying to put a lid on your emotions.
Although the emotions plaguing you weren’t anxiousness. No; each pick and scratch were futile distractions from the dread and anger that boiled higher and higher as the days passed.
For most of the students enrolled at Woodsboro High School today was just as predictable and mundane as the previous. They lived each day like their last wasn’t looming around the corner.
That wasn’t the case for three students. The trio didn’t only feel the chaos that was about to ensue but anticipated it. Each had a cynicalness that melded with the thrill of danger. Just as every predator did; and you would rather be damned to hell than be the prey to that kind of maelstrom of desire.
Bright light and warmth encompassed the town of Woodsboro as morning gave way to evening. Students from Woodsboro High were out and about with their friends as it was currently lunch and few wanted to stay inside when the weather felt near perfect. Like a calm before a storm; although this one would run red rather than clear.
Jumbled chatter and laughs flowed throughout not only the school grounds but the nearby plaza. Each group had a certain spot they frequented; whether that be a bench, a patch of grass, or under a tree as they conversed and messed around with each other. Six friends in particular were perched on the elevated fountain in the center of it all.
Nothing around you was able to stop the thoughts plaguing your mind. Even though you were basking in the sun and the wind was giving you fleeting kisses across your skin; you were far from content.
Too much and too little were happening all at the same time. The intensity of everything was rushing through your blood like searing lava. Not quite an intense explosion, but a menacingly slow spread.
Adding insult to injury, you weren’t the type to play the long game. It only made you become a ticking timebomb personified by the constant bobbing of your leg.
Oddly enough, the root of your winded-up emotions didn’t lie in the sinister secret that you kept, but in the state of your love life.
Many girls swore that playing “hard to get” added to the appeal and many boys said “the chase” is what made finally getting someone in bed so thrilling. However, in those cases, the two people were only fleetingly entangled together. They never shared heated murmurings about what their life will be like in five years. At this point, those five years seemed long gone.
On multiple occasions, you tried to gaslight yourself into thinking it was all just pillow talk. As luck would have it though, your relationship was not that cut and dry. “Normal” boyfriends gave their girlfriends flowers when they wanted to express their love. Yours promised to drain the blood out of the woman who was coming between you both.
Something thudding against your arm finally pulls you from your musing. A half-bitten apple lamely bounces off and falls to the pavement below your feet. Looking up, you focus a pointed glare on the giggling culprit.
Randy Meeks sat at the end to your left and to your right sat Tatum Riley, Stu Macher, Sidney Prescott, then at the other end Billy Loomis.
“Welcome back to reality sweetheart! How was your trip?” You reach across Tatum to push Stu’s chest. “Real funny dickhead.” He puts a hand over his heart and fixes you with a pout; “You wound me so.”
Rolling your eyes at Stu’s usual dramatics, you try to focus on the conversation happening around you. You’re not surprised when you realize they’re debating over each other about horror movies.
Randy was currently on a rant about female slashers. Context clues you caught on to showed the gist of the discussion which consisted of who was the best one.
“Come on, Carrie and her telekinesis? Game over. One second, you’re joking about a girl’s wonky glasses, and the next you are a human shish kabob.”
“That’s why you have to watch out for what girls you mess with.” Sidney smiles while giving all the boys a pointed look. Randy purses his lips, “I’m a saint, it’s those two you have to worry about.”
The hidden truth didn’t drift past you. What was that phrase? “Hiding in plain sight?”
“How would I ever get a woman to hate me? I have nothing to worry about.” Stu feigns indifference while folding his arms behind his head.
If he gave you a couple of hours you could list the ways.
Tatum scoffs, “Um… Fatal Attraction, hello? You’re Mr. Playboy. Nothing is scarier than a scorned woman.”
“Or a cucked one,” Randy added with a quirk of his brow. While they chuckled, you had to suppress a cringe. That hit too close to home. At this point, the lines felt blurred on who truly was “the other woman”.
“Something about Alex Forrest does make her stand out from the others,” Stu says. Randy scratches his head in mock contemplation, “Let me guess… is it her tits?”
It was Tatum’s turn to throw food as she scoffed and pelted Randy with a grape. “That is so sexist.” Unphased, Randy catches the grape and tosses it in his mouth, “That is the industry baby.”
Satisfied with his heckling Randy nudges your shoulder with his own. “Thoughts and opinions?” Now all eyes were on you. Shrugging the answer came to you faster than accepted.
“I think Annie Wilkes from Misery could give anyone a run for their money.” Randy holds his chest with a gasp, “A girl after my own heart.” The rest of the group nods their head in agreement.
“If you want to talk about scorned woman, nothing is more dangerous than a woman who can’t have the man she loves.” At the end of your statement, your eyes drift to Billy. Of course, he said nothing while staring right back at you. Those unrelenting dark eyes that reminded you of a shark tried to convey something you weren’t in the mood to listen to.
“Hurts, doesn’t it? When the person you adore keeps dismissing you.” You ask him in your head. Not that he would admit that to you anyway. The reason you fell head over heels for Billy in the first place was because he opened up to you about his darkest secrets. Now he barely could get his feelings out without flying off the handle.
The vibe seemed to of turned a little somber by the end of the conversation. Everyone nibbled at the rest of their food while watching the wind rustle nearby greenery.
Sidney quietly pipes in, “Can we talk about something a little less dreary.” As if she just rubbed a genie lamp, her wish is granted.
“All right!” Randy claps his hands while standing up to face the group.
“Let’s cut the shit and remember what matters. Tonight. My place. We are partying it up like brokers on Wall Street. Booze, chicks, costumes, whatever gets you going; we are having a fucking blast.”
Whoops and cheers erupt from the gang at Randy’s proclamation. God knew you could use a good time.
“I can’t believe your parents are trusting you with the house while they’re away,” Sidney states laughing. Randy bats his eyelashes, “What would make you say such a thing? I’m the walking definition of purity.”
Stu turns his attention towards you. “Are you going to bring anybody this time?” The question was normal for the average person, but the twinkle in Stu’s eye meant he knew exactly what he was doing. Pushing your buttons was his specialty.
“Why don’t you bring that boy from math class?” Sidney offers innocently; interrupting the death stare you had trained on the tall idiot to your right.
Tatum nods in agreement. “If you told him to jump, he would ask how high.” Her eyes become soft while still maintaining her smile, “It’s about time you put yourself out there.” You can’t help the small amount of guilt that creeps into your heart at their genuine efforts.
Unbeknownst to them, except for Stu of course, you were already spoken for. To the girl’s dismay, you have been “single” since you transferred to Woodsboro High two years ago. Not that you haven’t been approached or caught a few signals from Randy. Each time you say you’re either “not looking for anything serious” or “very picky about whom you date”.
Before you start drowning yourself in your thoughts again, Randy slings his arm around your shoulder, “Ladies, please. All she needs to be happy is The Meeks, all right.”
Stu puffs out a snort, “In that case, she’s better off alone.” The two boys immediately start to playfully argue back and forth while the two girls giggle, but it gets drowned in the background once again.
There was one person who had yet to add a comment to the conversation. Instead, he opted to stare in your direction while you purposely didn’t spare him even a glance. There was only one person you wanted to be glued to at the party, but that spot was already taken.
Feeling a sudden swell of emotion, you decide to get up. “As much as I appreciate your attempts; I’m perfectly content without a plus one.”
“I mean how long are you going to do that for?”  
“Stu-“ Tatum tries to stop him.
“No, it’s okay.” You cut her off quickly. “Some of us just prefer not to whore ourselves out.” A round of scathing “oohs” sounds off as you stare down Stu.
Now he wasn’t just pushing your buttons; he was ripping them off and throwing them in the fucking fountain itself.
“I’m more than content with waiting for the right person to decide they want to get their act together and be with me.” By the end of the sentence, your gaze made its way toward Billy again; which only made the impact of what you said more potent.
“I find that quite romantic actually.” Sidney backs you up. The irony almost made you fall into a fit of laughter. Thankfully, you were too angry to find the comedy in the situation. Your teeth clash together as you watch Sidney lean into Billy’s neck.
Lucky for you, Stu had to give you one final push, “Sure it is, but you can at least look happy about being a loner.” Letting out a deep sigh through your nose you offer Stu a wide mocking smile.
“Oh, I’m just the happiest fucking girl in Woodsboro.” Snatching your bookbag and the previously discarded apple you quickly get to your feet.
“C’mon sweetheart! I’m just joking around!” Turning around you chuck the apple with enough force to make Stu wheeze as you hit him square in the chest. Without wasting another second, you storm back towards the school.
Billy finally decides to pipe in while leaning towards Stu to flick him on the forehead, “Do you ever shut your mouth?”
Papers were strewn across your sheets as you sat on top of your bed trying to focus on something other than Billy Loomis. Of course, that was easier said than done. Not even the masterpiece that is Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” could keep you distracted for long enough.
Love was complicated. Even more so when the one you love is with another woman more than half of the time.
A pang of strange guilt ate away at your jealousy that seemed to sprout horns and a tail. It’s not like Billy wanted it to be this way, but it had to. If anything, you were making his life harder rather than the other way around. The second you came into his life you changed any plans he thought he had secured.
You met Billy after you transferred to Woodsboro High. It started as any cliché teen romance does. You shared some of the same classes, but when you walked through the door, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. The second you made eye contact a fire started to burn between the two of you. One so fierce that it couldn’t just be shrugged off as newfound attraction.
For a year you were simply friends. A title that betrayed the growing tension between the two of you. It was hard to even be in the same room as Billy. Your whole being practically screamed at you to be as close to him as you possibly could. Thankfully any closeness was disguised easily as the whole group was close to one another.
However, like any roaring fire, it was bound to get out of control. Everything came to a head when Billy was over at your house for some late-night studying. Usually, Stu or someone else from the group came with him during these rare sessions, but for the first time, you were both alone together.
The night was going suspiciously normal. That was until out of nowhere Billy grabbed your face to pull you into a searing kiss. Patience was a virtue, and Billy had neither.
In an instant, greedy hands explored foreign skin while two mouths savored each other’s taste. It didn’t take long for things to escalate further. Clothes were torn, moans were swapped, and any control that was holding the two of you back vanished.
You spent the rest of the night arched on your bed as a hungry mouth delved into you and even hungrier eyes never left your own.
For days after Billy contemplated over and over again about what he should do with you. In the end, he came to one conclusion; you were his. “End game” as you now liked to joke while twirling your pinkies together.
Not long after, Billy and Stu decided to let you on what they were planning.
Billy practically tore out his heart for you to hold. When he told you everything about his mother’s abandonment because of what happened with his father and Sidney’s mother; you were aghast. Soon enough his rage became your own.
Was it logical in any sense of the word? No; but love will make you do crazy things. Especially when your mind has already traveled to the darkest places. That’s why you and Billy were drawn together in the first place. Darkness recognizes other darkness and creates an inseparable bond. Even in death.
The sound of a knock coming from your window doesn’t startle you: but adds more fuel to your anger. It must be fun for him to run around Woodsboro doing whatever he wanted. Was that a petty way to think? Yes; but it was still the truth.
Book still in hand you decide to acknowledge the object of your desire and frustration. When you pull back the curtains a dark-haired boy is sitting on your windowsill like a gimmicky magic trick. Instead of pulling up the glass you just stare at him.
“Your mood is macabre.” Billy gives you a smirk as he gestures at your book. If he was trying to break the tension, it didn’t work.
Letting yourself indulge in your foolish heart you flip to the page with a red sticky note and read the quote below it. “I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air.” Billy gives you a frown in silent understanding. Bram Stoker could voice your anguish far better than you ever could.
“And just like Dracula, you would make Judas proud with your jaded ruthlessness.” A character flaw that got his beloved killed. You might share that fate with the way things were going.
Billy is noticeably clenching his jaw as he stares at you through the glass. When you make no move to unlock the window he yells from the other side, “I’m not in the mood to play your games!” The irony of that statement makes you impulsively unlatch the window and slam it open. “My games? Do you know how much I’m sacrificing for you, Billy? I’m willing to risk my life for you because I love you! The least you can do is show that you care.”
Before you know it a hard body shoves into yours. In the process, your book falls to the ground and you lose your footing. Strong hands grab your hips before you can fall. With the aid of his grip on you, Billy makes you sit on the edge of your bed.
You tried to push at his chest but a hard squeeze of your hips made you look up. The way Billy stared down at you was almost intimidating as his legs brushed against your knees. He quite literally put you in your place.
“Trust me; I know.” The words come out in a growl. “Are you choosing to forget everything I’m doing for us? Do you think I like following around that fucking brat?”
The metaphorical horns sprout from your head when you answer the rhetorical question, “Well the two of you look real cozy together.” You hiss when his nails start to dig into your flesh.
“Don’t pretend like you’re not playing your part too. Randy? That pathetic fucker in your math class? We both know your innocence is all an act.” Each word is filled with more venom than the last. He was fed up, but you have been for much longer.
Pure anger takes over as you spit back, “You know? You’re right! What if I went around kissing and getting cozy with them then? Anything for the plan remember?” Billy grabs your jaws and pulls you inches away from his lips, “You don’t want to know what I would do.”
His grip was harsh enough to leave bruises. A part of you wanted him to. It was like a souvenir; a physical reminder that you were the only one that could expose Billy’s most carnal nature.
The line between violent obsession and love was so blurred it practically didn’t exist. Wasn’t that the appeal though; the exhilarating high of not knowing if you would be an unrelenting duo or tear each other into pieces? At this point either option was tantalizing.
As if he was thinking about the same prospects, Billy starts to graze your jaw with his teeth. Rapid breaths fan your skin making goosebumps erupt as the anticipation started to build. He trails down your neck till he nips the thin skin at the juncture of your collarbone and shoulder.
“When will you understand you drive me fucking crazy?” His voice edged with a grave vulnerability.
“More than you already are?” Dark eyes come back up to stare into yours, “So much more.”
Before you can heave out a proper response a shrill ringing starts coming from your desk. It takes a little pushing before Billy begrudgingly lets you go.
Rubbing your temples, you pick up the phone. “Hello?”
“Hey! Tatum’s at my place helping me pick a costume for tonight and we need to consult you.”
As Sidney starts talking excitedly about what they are going to wear, you turn your attention back to Billy and nod your head toward your open window. He hesitates until you make the gesture again. Luckily for you, you were too preoccupied for him to get into another spat.
Unbeknownst to Billy, your heart clutches as you watch him leave from whence, he came. Just like usual, nothing was resolved after his surprise visit. Billy got to come and go as he pleased, while you greedily took whatever scraps of attention, he spared you.
Fuck. You were getting angry all over again.
“Did you hear me?”
Shaking your head to clear your mind for the hundredth time today you force a smile against the receiver. “Sorry, Sid. What did you say?”
Sighing Sidney thankfully doesn’t pry and repeats herself, “I think you should wear something red. Put yourself out there.”
“Nothing screams ‘I’m game’ more than red! Oh; and something short! Don’t skimp on that!” Tatum yells from what you surmise is Sidney’s closet.
Maybe they were on to something. “Okay, Billy,” You thought. “Let the real games begin.”
By the time you make it to Randy’s place, the party was already in full swing. Despite how Billy and Stu made fun of him, Randy was good at wrangling people together.
The vibration of the music coming from the house tickled your fingers as you knocked on the door.
Randy opens the door revealing a Hugh Hefner-Esque silken pajama set paired with loafers and a pipe hanging from his upturned lips. How not fitting and fitting at the same time.
“Where’re your bunnies?”
His smile grows, “If I had a pair of ears, you could make it work.”
It was true. Your outfit merely consisted of a red dress that fell above your mid-thigh with a black corset cinching the middle and a pair of black heeled boots with fishnets. The ironic red devil horns adorning your head made your outfit an actual costume. Safe to say you followed Tatum’s advice perfectly.
Randy widens the door to let you in. As you walk in you scan your surroundings. You recognized a couple of people from school and some not so familiar before you found whom you were looking for.
Stu and Tatum were dressed as Fred and Daphne, although you thought Shaggy would fit Stu’s personality better. (hehe) To your petty delight, Sidney and Billy were not in a couple’s costume. Sidney was dressed as a cute witch and Billy was in casual attire.
Spotting you at the same time, your friends excitedly wave at you. Sidney bumps Billy with her shoulder, “Doesn’t she look drop-dead gorgeous?”
“Consider me in mourning,” Billy mumbles into his beer.
Ignoring his muted response, Sidney and Tatum run up to you.
They immediately bombard you with squeals and compliments. Moments like these almost made you second guess what you were participating in. Almost.
“Listen, about Stu-“ Tatum starts.
“Stu is Stu. Don’t apologize on his behalf. On the bright side, I have a free pass to kick his balls in.” Tatum and Sidney giggle as you effectively calm any worries. All Stu was doing was making you feel less and less guilty about that stab to the side coming his way.
Regardless, you had bigger plans for tonight. Plans that included the unsuspecting Randy Meeks lounging on the leather sofa in the living room.
Booze was such a deliciously bad idea. Sure, it had the upside of making you become the life of the party, but the downside was that it made you a little too friendly. Only two beers in and you found yourself sitting on Randy’s lap with your arm secured around his neck as you both looked at the TV.
Everyone was dancing and chatting, but here you were watching a movie in the middle of a house party. The damsel in distress screams as the killer grabs her hair and makes her tumble down the stairs she just tried to run up. “This is exactly what I’ve been saying! Don’t run up the stairs if a psycho with a knife is chasing you!”
Randy’s movie buff passion mixed with the corny scene manages to make you genuinely laugh for the first time today. The sound caught the attention of whom you wanted hook, line, and sinker. Billy’s eyes were pure black as he watched you snuggle into Randy.
He knew exactly what you were trying to do based on your prior argument. To his increasing frustration, it was working.
As you glance toward Billy you try to figure out how to up the ante. After only a minute, a mischievous idea pops into your head, making you smile far too wide. The drunken haze you were in only increased your want to make Billy feel what you feel, consequences be damned.
Tracing your fingers along Randy’s jaw you look up at him through your lashes. “You’re always so passionate about this Randy. It’s so… adorable.” As you draw out your words you notice how his adam’s apple jumps.
Randy tries to laugh it off, “Dumb and Dumber would say that makes me a loser.” Sitting up you ghost your lips against his ear, “I’m not them though am I.” It takes everything in you not to burst into a fit of laughter when Randy’s eyes quickly flit to your cleavage pressed against his chest. “Certainly not.”
His empty beer bottle clunks to the ground in an almost comedic fashion. Swiftly you swipe up the bottle and stand. The second you do so Randy crosses his legs. It’s nice to know you still got it. “I’ll fetch us some more, don’t stray too far.”
You hear him mumble “I couldn’t even if I wanted to” under his breath which makes you snicker. Looking up you hope to feel the victory of seeing Billy’s rage, but the spot he was occupying next to Stu was empty. As you open your mouth to ask Stu where Billy is, he merely shakes his head with an expression you couldn’t read.
Sighing you make your way to the back of the house. Billy must have gone home. It wouldn’t be the first time he had to do that to avoid making a scene. Still, a win is a win.
Flipping the light switch you walk into the dim garage. The hum of the bulb melded with the muffled voices inside the house. You were thankful for the reprieve.
The small set of steps creaked under your boots. Even with the light on, the garage was still dark enough that you had to strain your eyes to find the fridge.
Opening the fridge, you sigh at the cold air that wisps across your hot skin. When you leaned forward to grab two beers a creak made you whip around.
No one was behind you. “Paranoid much?” You ask yourself letting out an exasperated chuckle. It didn’t help that you have been high-strung for the last couple of months. That’s only more reason why you need to get fucked up tonight.
Toasting the air, you chug down one of the beers. You place the empty bottle on the nearby workbench and grab a new one. Swaying slightly, you make it up the stairs again.
Blowing out a breath you scold yourself for your anxiety. How cliché was it to be scared of a dark room? Nothing would happen here of all places.
Unlike before, all the people near the door were gone. Just as you’re about to step out of the hallway a rough hand pulls your forearm. Before you can cry out another hand clamps around your mouth while you’re pulled into a room. The beers in your hand fall victim to the hard floor as they shatter.
The door slammed shut with a bang, but you’re positive no one was able to hear it over the bumping music and cacophony of voices. The breath is knocked out of you when the hard wall meets your back. A hand moves to squeeze your neck as harsh words are pressed into your ear, “I think it’s about time you learn a fucking lesson.”
The familiar voice makes your frantic heartbeat go even faster. When you try to talk back your attempt is muffled by the hand still secured over your mouth. Billy lets out a chuckle that is far from humorous. “You’re so beautiful when you’re quiet.”
The fingers around your neck move to tangle in your strands of hair. You groan at the sharp pain when he pulls your head back. Like the predator he was, he descended on his prey.
Sharp teeth tug and nip at your skin. Each burning sensation is followed by the coolness of his tongue as he sucks over each spot. The pain was synonymous with pleasure as Billy’s cruelty was synonymous with his love.
Desperate for more connection you try to grab at Billy’s shirt. Your attempt is quickly thwarted. Each wrist is caught in his much larger hand. Now that your mouth was free you sucked in much-needed air.
“Fuck you.” His grip turned into pure steel as you made futile efforts to get free. “Don’t worry baby; I plan to.” Rough lips slam onto yours. There was no finesse in the kiss, but you didn’t care. Unsatiated need made you both feral.
The lust mixed with alcohol drove you mad. In retaliation, you bite Billy’s lip. If he wasn’t going to play nice neither were you. You’re rewarded with a groan and a push of Billy’s hips. Now you were so flush together you could feel something hard press against you even through the layers of fabric.
Each grind made you slick to the point of discomfort. Looking down Billy notices the newfound wet spot on his jeans. In an instant, one of his fingers is stroking at your entrance. “This better all be for me.” Of course, it was, but you wanted a fight.
“Why do you care?” The sound of fabric tearing fills the room as your stockings and panties are destroyed. “What the fuck-“ Before you can get your anger out two thick fingers deftly fill you. Billy smiles when you clench around him. “Don’t think I didn’t see you staring at me the whole time. We both know the only man who can satisfy you is me.”
“Prove it then.” Those three words were all it took for everything to go into hyperdrive. Metal clanks as Billy made quick work of his jeans. You almost sigh in relief when his warm length falls against you. When Billy was inside you, you were an extra seven inches.
Instinctively you wrap your legs around Billy’s hips. He is deceptively sweet as he strokes your clit before proclaiming, “I’m going to treat you like the slut your acting like.” With that Billy sheaths himself in your depths. You cry out at the sudden fullness. It had been far too long since you’d been connected like this.
Without giving you time to adjust, he starts pummeling you. Your body feels overstimulated at the sudden flurry of sensation that was everywhere all at once. Billy was so close that every time he pushed into you his groin rubbed against your clit. Hands grabbed and glided over every inch of your body. It was like he was learning your body all over again.
Your moans quickly turned into uncoherent pleas that only made a sadistic smile pull at his lips. “This is what you fucking wanted, huh? For me to fuck you like the attention whore you are?” His words came out through clenched teeth. Each thrust of his hips was harder than the last. When you tried to respond all that came out were pathetic moans.
“Tell me!” Billy was always demanding, but your brain was too scrambled to make a snarky remark. You managed to stutter out a breathless, “Yes.” He buried his face in your neck. Hot breath further warmed hot skin. Your costume couldn’t have been more appropriate.
“I’m going to kill that fucker Randy just for the way he was looking at you.” And you did not doubt that. A part of you looked forward to it. By the way, a smile tickled your neck, Billy felt the way you clenched at his words. Was it love if you wouldn’t kill for each other?
As your bodies melded together you mewled out sweet words to atone for your past disputes. His thrust became deep and slow at your words. A tenderness that felt like whiplash compared to his previous roughness. The pressure deep in your core was building until you were certain it was going to explode any second.
You wanted to scream when Billy pulled out of you, but you were quickly silenced when he dropped to his knees. Your head falls against the wall when his mouth descends on your sex. His tongue lashes out to soothe the tender flash that was just subject to his sensual attack. While Billy’s mouth devoured you like you were his last supper, his fingers stroked your throbbing bud.
His actions sent a silent message, “See what you get when you obey me?”
In seconds you were gasping his name and pulling at his hair. By now the ongoing party outside melted away and all you could feel was Billy. With a cry of his name your orgasm hits like a crashing meteor; the resulting sparks make your vision spotty.
Amid your high Billy gets back up to push back inside you. He groans at the spasming of your inner walls while he chases his release. Grunts and growls spill from him like the animal he ways. All he craved was carnal desire and his blood lust.
After three deep thrusts that made you thud against the wall, Billy pulled you into a kiss unlike any you’d had before. Warmth floods your core as he gives you all the passion you yearned to feel for weeks. You moan out “I love you” like a prayer over his lips. Even the devil had those who worshipped him.
Billy moves so your eyes are inches apart. “You are mine got it? All fucking mine.” Instead of the words coming out harsh, they were nearly a whisper. Not a declaration, but a fact etched in stone. Although it wasn’t the coveted three-letter phrase, it meant just the same.
Billy’s dark eyes pierced straight into your soul in a way that turned you on while simultaneously scaring you. He didn’t just indulge in your body but consumed you. Billy was pure evil wrapped in sin and you were his fallen angel ripe for the taking.
Safe to say you stayed away from Randy for the rest of the night. Half because you more than learned your lesson and half because if you didn’t stay leaned against the wall your legs would collapse in on themselves.
Hanging out on the side, away from the majority of other students, you watch Billy chat with Sidney. He had that wide crooked grin plastered on his face and an arm slung around her. Jealousy should have burst back to the surface, but you knew who was the one that created that smile.
You were so distracted studying every last detail of your lover; you jumped when you felt a solo cup plop into your old one.
“You’re welcome.” You stare up dumbly at Stu as he sips his drink. “For what? Being a dickhead all day?”
“For being the wingman of the century. When the two of you haven’t shacked up in a while you both get all moody and agitating. I fastened the process.” You take a sip of your drink to take in what he just said. When the realization dawns, you dissolve into a fit of coughs.
“You busted my balls not to piss me off, but to help me… get off?”
Stu breaks out into a huge grin, “Bingo! As cute as the longing angst routine is, the stick it shoves up Billy’s ass isn’t so cute.” Stu was Billy’s honorary punching bag when he was in one of his infamous foul moods.
He winks and pushes himself off the wall to make his way toward Tatum. Before he makes it too far, he yells over his shoulder, “Love the new necklace by the way.”
Confused you look down. Your cheeks turn crimson red at the multiple dark bruises decorating your neck and collarbone. You curse and look at whose handiwork this was. Sensing your gaze, Billy scans you up and down. The further darkening of his eyes conveyed all you needed to know. There was more where that came from.
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Any and all interactions are greatly appreciated.
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badnote · 6 days
like this for me to spam you with memes from my scream muses, josie loomis / tatum riley / randy meeks, specify if there is a certain one that you want ! if not, i'll send one from each <3
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heartintact · 6 days
it's sunday morning so i guess it's a terrible time to post but who cares!! small blog updates!!
i've been updating my pinterest lately and some boards are pretty empty but they're cool and contribute to the vibes so i'm leaving the link here in case u wanna check the muses i'm writing for u or want to check if someone catches ur eye as a wanted opposite :)
i added some canon muses to my roster, so if anyone wants to plot & write a small au for them, lmk (there's a preference for writing against other canon characters btw)! list under the cut:
marie moreau (gen v, jaz sinclair fc).
chad meeks-martin (scream, mason gooding fc).
tara carpenter (scream, jenna ortega fc).
tatum riley (scream, sydney sweeney fc).
kate carter (twisters, daisy edgar jones fc).
tyler owens (twisters, glen powell fc).
chrissy cunningham (stranger things, grace van dien fc).
carmen 'carmy' berzatto (the bear, jeremy allen white fc).
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palaceofmuses · 1 month
Updated Muse List
DC Comics: Alfred Pennyworth (primary, mixed media)
The Mentalist: Patrick Jane (primary), Angela Ruskin-Jane, Lorelei Martins, Red John (secondary)
Criminal Minds: Jennifer Jareau, Tara Lewis (secondary)
Ghost Whisperer: Melinda Gordon (secondary)
Scream Franchise: Tatum Riley (secondary)
Team Starkid/Hatchetfield: Stephanie Lauter, Hannah Foster, Gerald Monroe (test, secondary)
Turn: Washington's Spies: Thomas "Sprout" Woodhull, Dinah Woodhull, Hannah Tallmadge (tertiary)
Liberty's Kids: Moses (tertiary)
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innocencel0st · 9 months
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You're starting to sound like some Wes Carpenter flick or something.
Independent horror-based & female-led multi-muse currently featuring Tatum Riley. Collected by Lila.
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