#tav dex template
fandomchokehold · 7 months
ok I finally made Samson's card for @bareee @tav-dex !!!!!
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These are his starting lvl 1 cantrips and spells
Class Action - Bardic Inspiration
Race Cantrip - Chill Touch
Bard Cantrips - Vicious Mockery & Blade Ward
Spells - Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Speak with Animals, & Dissonant Whispers
with each level up the cantrips, spells, and abilities he gains fall under healing and necromancy
Screenshots and summarized backstory & fun facts below the cut!
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and some cute screenshots from his and Gale's weave date 🥰
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Short Backstory:
Samson was born in Elmwood, south of the Moonsea, to a sun elf woman named Thalia and human man named Lonán. His father was a nature domain cleric of Lathander and his mother was a light domain cleric of Kelemvor, but by the time they settled and had Sam they were just simple village bakers. When Samson was 7 his father succumbed to his lifelong battle with a chronic illness (in modern terms it would be autoimmune vasculitis), and after 4 years of grieving him, Sam's mother decided to follow Lonán into the afterlife.
After his mother's death he was sent to Calimport to live under the care of his maternal Uncle and his wife; they weren't horribly abusive, never raising a hand at him, but they did not approve of his desire to study medicine and necromancy and instead tried to force him into the family business of heavily corrupt politics. Sam obviously was not thrilled with this life prospect and decided, after a year of living with them, to make a mad dash for Waterdeep.
At age 12 he stowed away on a ship in the harbor and was allowed to sail with them for 3 years, departing in the City of Splendors at 15 after making lifelong friends of the crew and gaining the necessary skills that enabled him to survive alone on the streets in Waterdeep. After being a transient for half a year he met Odette, the cranky duergar monk who let him crash on her couch as payment for healing up her infected amputated leg. It was always supposed to be a temporary living situation but, whether she wanted to admit it or not, the kid lit up her dreary life like nothing else and she basically just kept him as the younger brother she never had.
It was just the two of them for 15 years since meeting until one night when Samson happened upon a roughed up noble in the alley outside his and Odette's flat. Wren, a human sorcerer who couldn't have been older than 21, was more than happy to let Samson heal them and assured the half-elf and duergar that they would be paid handsomely if they allowed the noble to stay with them for just a week as there were some "unsavory types" looking for them... unsavory types who happened to bear their family's crest. Sam and Odette did not bother questioning it.
So a week came and went, then another, and another, and Wren just never really left. Samson was thrilled to have made a friend and roommate while Odette was just happy to have extra help with the expenses. They were an unwavering, unbreakable dynamic trio for five more years until they got snatched up in the street by the Nautiloid.
*so basically in my head Samson, Odette, and Wren were all out in Waterdeep when the Mindflayers attacked and all got snatched up at the same time, escaped together with Shadowheart & Lae'zel, and are running around the world as the wavering falling-apart-at-the-seams dynamic trio
**sorry if the inclusion of Wren and Odette in this was confusing it's just cuz they play an important role in Samson's life and I would be posting about them a lot like with Sam but I just haven't played as them or my dark urge Lior yet cuz I'm still rocking with my slow af first playthrough
***if anyone cares cuz they all exist together during the events of the game Samson is romancing Gale, Odette romances Karlach, Wren romances Halsin, and Lior the dark urge is aroace in game but in my mind him and Gortash get to have a Good Omens season 2 Gabriel and Beelzebub style romance ending where they just kinda fuck off to the Caribbean post Netherbrain
Fun Facts About Samson Silversten!
he's a really good baker but can't cook for shit
he's ambidextrous
his dad Lonán was Irish so Sam has an Irish accent; he sounds like Hozier both speaking and singing (lemme live in delulu land okay???)
he knows four languages: Common, Elvish, Gaelic, and Common Sign Language
can usually be found engrossed in a necromantic tome or copying medical illustrations into his personal journal
he's autistic (me when I project onto my OCs) in a resting bitch face, deadpan, lackluster reactions unless it's something he's really passionate about way
can get frustrated with tasks easily and go temporarily non-verbal; he never lockpicks, it's gotten to the point if they happen upon something locked Astarion will just rifle through Samson's bag and take his thieves tools without asking to avoid him getting upset
he's tall and thin and gangly as hell (think Julian Devorak physique)
he has heterochromia, his right eye (your left) is brown while his left eye (your right) is a golden hazel
he's demisexual homoromantic (i.e. can only feel sexually attracted to people he knows well and is romantically attracted to, only feels romantic attraction for men)
he loves going for early morning swims and can hold his breath for a concerning amount of time
the skills he picked up on The Daybreaker (the ship he stowed away on) were knot tying, star navigation, fishing, sailing, and basic sword fighting
he has several nicknames; everyone calls him Samson or Sam, Wren calls him Freckles (affectionately, they love him so much), when they're married Gale calls him Sunlight or Sunshine, Captain Aamiina of The Daybreaker calls him her guri dambeys, but the only person alive allowed to call him Sammy is Odette
he's not as hairy as Gale but he has body hair on his arms, legs, chest, and happy trail
he's absolutely covered in freckles, the ones in areas often exposed to the sun darker than the rest; has 100% said something cheesy along the lines of "you shouldn't kiss me, I don't need more freckles" to imply the person he's saying it to is an angel
wow that sure was a lot I am so sorry have these screenshots of Samson looking directly into the camera like he's on The Office as a departing gift!
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bareee · 7 months
Tav-Dex Template(or just Tav info card)
It is done! This took was too long to figure out… so after testing out a number of ways to do this with @0illipheist help, we found the best way to set it up was as a transparent pngs.
I’ve made one for each subclass(which is why this took so long) so no one would have to fight editin too much and just had to add text. I’ve categorized them in their classes, so ya aint gonna hunt for none neither, I’ve made a Google Drive with all the classes organized to hopefully make things easier to find then crammin em in multiple posts.
I left a blank one for those who wanna have more freedom or multi class, yal gonna have to work harder cause ain’t no way….i ain’t makin all those nuuuupe. I’ve also added the layout example for those who’d like to follow it
Hope Everyone Enjoys, Go wild, Go messy, and have fun with it~
Blank Layout Example
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Drive to All Classes:
*If there are any issues with anything, let me know*
EDIT: I wanted to add I’ll be makin a Tav-Dex blog(in process now) and would love to add anyone who wants their Tav added. I’m workin on some Tav entries at the moment to show what they can look like, but if anyone would like to be added DO NOT ADD IT BY REBLOGGIN IT ON THIS. I’d rather not have this sucker repeated on ever post. Instead use the tag #Tav-Dex so I know who’d like to be added. I’ll post an update on the blog here when I can. For now, I must nap…
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fliflaflux · 6 months
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Lux of Candlekeep
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I am almost a beginner when it comes to drawing. So my style changes all the time. I just didn't think it would take me less than a month to draw a new reference sheet for Lux.
The infobox is from the fantastic @bareee . Check them out and also have a look at their @tav-dex project. <3
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0ccuria · 4 months
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new bio-cards! used @tav-dex's template as a base to build off of.
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justgerlionstuff · 2 months
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I love this trend now so here I come with one of my all fav tavs I have had. The Noble Szarieth Xorlarrin✨🔮
Love her too much for words- (so does Kar’niss)
thank u so much to @tav-dex for this amazing template!!
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henriethsmile · 2 months
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Finally finished one of six upcoming reference sheets for my BG3 baby Zorn
1 of 6 ref sheet
@tav-dex thank you for providing the templates 🙏🏻 saved my ass with that
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camthecleric · 2 months
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I finally made a reference sheet for Girl Failure
I made this drawing a dress up doll, so be prepared to see more outfits
@tav-dex Thank you for doing god’s work making these templates
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erme-aeterna-arts · 2 months
time for me to introduce my durge properly! (thanks to @tav-dex for the template!)
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so, the name is mohre rezkh. mohre like the necrotic damage spell with an extra "h" in the spelling, rezkh is because they're a githyanki (well, as much as a bhaalspawn can be a githyanki), and i wanted to use some letter combitions more typical for them while the fact that githyanki don't really have surnames and that their language has a different grammar (like lae'zel, k'llir, tsk'va, hshar'lak and so on) would reveal it as an attempt at mimicry.
i'm keeping bhaalspawn as a race, because i headcanon a lot of extra traits and abilities for mohre that are due to their divine heritage, and since in-game we only see them permanently change such part of their physiology as blood type, we are keeping everything other than the urge, thank you very much. and i'm pretty sure that for their new blood (generated by withers/jergal) to be accepted by the body, it had to contain some divine aspect as well, so they are still some sort of half-deity.
as for the class, i think they used to be a full wild magic sorcerer before orin lobotomy, which reverted them to lvl1. they lost their ability to channel wild magic in the way sorcerers do it due to the brain damage (sometimes a headache is just a headache, and sometimes it causes a mephit to burst into existence at random, and sometimes it's the urge), so now they're using music as conduit and have become a bard.
the stats are copied from the withers' party and the final battle (otherwise they're just the base bard stats, and you've likely already seen those), but i believe post-game everyone in the party would make a formiddable opponent and they all get to lvl20 eventually, so the modded level curve makes sense. besides, durge is a half-deity anyway, gotta act accordingly.
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matsui-sinclair · 6 months
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From the moment Alarik hatched from his egg, he has had direct access to an uncontrollable, unstable part of the Weave. Raised in Crèche V'llor, Alarik wanted nothing more than to ascend to the highest honour of Vlaakith's knights, but his wild magic surges repeatedly hindered his and others' training. After thirteen years of unpredictable, dangerous magic surges, his sa'varsh ultimately decided he was more trouble than he was worth and ordered his death.
Protected by his wild magic, Alarik proved to be untouchable. The githyanki of Crèche V'llor simply decided to discard him somewhere in Faerûn to let istik deal with him instead.
Alarik found himself in Waterdeep. Homeless and alone, soon enough two human alchemists – a married pair of ex-artificers now settled down after years of adventuring – looked after Alarik as he stayed on the streets, extending an invitation for the gith child to stay with them. Frightened of this new world, weeks passed before Alarik eventually became comfortable enough to take them up on their offer. Soon he was officially adopted as their son.
The McAdams trained Alarik to control his wild magic as best as they could. Now, instead of his surges unleashing at random, they would only flare up when he cast spells and tapped into the Weave. They decided it was best to homeschool Alarik – despite his growing control over his magic, he still posed a threat to anyone unequipped to handling dangerous magic, and they didn't have the funds to send him to a prestigious magic academy that would teach him full and total control.
Now, fifteen years since he met his parents, Alarik works alongside them, selling potions, ingredients and homemade magical items to the people of Waterdeep. He keeps a handle on his wild magic surges, something he has found became especially easier once he kept a lid on any errant emotions or feelings. He lives a static, stagnant life – one he is more or less happy for.
The closest people Alarik can call friends are the regulars who visit his parents' shop. There was a nice wizard who came in once or twice who Alarik didn't catch the name of, but he would've liked to have struck up conversation with him at least once more – he hasn't visited in several months, but his tressym has come in all by herself a few times, haggling fairly persistently for a magical item or two. Alarik was glad to give them to her on the cheap, but couldn't help but hope he would cross paths with that wizard again one day soon.
playlist template by @arcandoria info card by @bareee / @tav-dex
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kalcat-sketches · 5 months
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Feel a little late to the party, but here's my submission for @tav-dex
This is my first bg3 character I made and finished the game with, Qistana. (More about her under the cut)
Qistana was born and raised in Menzoberranzan, but ran to the surface around 70 years ago. She doesn't like to talk about that time of her life
She's not a devout worshiper of Ellistraee, but does consider herself a member of her faith and will pray to her when feeling stressed or overwhelmed
Carries a huge chip on her shoulder and holds a heavy grudge against Lolth and any who follow her. This anger is part of the foundation of her Oath.
The markings on her face are symbol of her paladin order. It's been awhile since she's checked in with anyone, having split from them temporarily to pursue "personal goals".
Her Dream Guardian took the appearance of a once close friend from her paladin order. While it was a face she trusted subconsciously, seeing it in person took her completely off guard and left her wary about the guardians true intentions.
Best friends with Wyll, doesn't like his dad but respects Wyll enough to stay civil in interactions with the Grand Duke. Would have killed Mizora if it wouldn't have also killed Wyll, still took swings at the bitch when she stayed in camp uninvited.
Romanced Shadowheart, didn't think anything of Shar until they reached the Shadow Cursed Lands, and then became increasingly concerned about what becoming a Dark Justicier really meant. Incredibly relieved when Shadowheart made her choice to turn from Shar, and was more than happy to start a relationship and help find her parents.
Astarion and Qistana barely tolerated each other for Act 1 and part of Act 2, but the two gradually gained mutual respect and considered themselves friends by Act 3. Despite the animosity between them, Qistana immediately put Cazador on her list of "Assholes that need to be killed" when she heard about him.
Meta Stuff
Originally made for a co-op run with my best friend, remade for a solo game when I started coming up with backstory and she began living rent free in my brain (we still haven't finished Act 1 in that co-op game RIP)
Never broke her paladin oath in all 3 Acts, though looking into oathbreaking I think it should have happened after/during the seance with He Who Was in Act 2. I think I got very lucky with my dialogue choices.
I'd like to play another run with her again (prob at a higher difficulty) but I need to finish my Durge run first
(Thanks to @bareee for the template, it finally gave me the motivation to draw my girl!)
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sammie-scribbles · 5 months
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Tav-Dex template by @bareee !
My lovely BG3 character, Adeline! She romances Astarion, and I adore the way they bitch together <3
Adeline Silversong is a College of Swords bard that fled from her House in Menzoberranzan.
She was a noble destined to become a priestess of Lolth, until she befriended a young man that had been captured from the surface by members of her house. His name was Atlas, he was a drow half-elf. He told Adeline all about the surface and the freedom it brought, away from the cutthroat politics of the Underdark.
After a scouting party she was a part of was attacked, Atlas was killed, and she used the opportunity to flee to the surface, where she's travelled the Sword Coast ever since.
She is mostly focused on her own self-interests, though she will occasionally help people out of the kindness of her heart. She always has a snarky comeback at the ready, and is very good at reading people to find their insecurities and exploit them.
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iwoszareba · 8 months
Tav/Durge as companion
I wanted a template for my own needs so I just made one. Feel free to fill it for your own tav (or durge, you can just ignore the quest part). Inspired by @dragonologist-phd ‘s WotR template and @paarthursass ‘s tav as companion ask list. GENERAL
STR 10 // DEX 10 // CON 10 // INT 10 // WIS 10 // CHA 10
backstory and/or what they were doing before nautiloid happened:
approve of:
disapprove of:
what their camp tent looks like/what items do they keep?
what camp clothes do they wear?
do they have friends/rivals among other companions?
are they affiliated with any deities?
where can you recruit them?
their companion quest
act 1:
act 2:
act 3:
how do they feel about the Dream Visitor/tadpole powers?
how do they feel about and react to dark urge scenes/revelations?
are they a romance option? what is their romance path like?
are they polyamorous? are they okay with romanced PC getting together with Halsin? 
what's their reaction to PC breaking up with them/choosing another character over them?
what are they up to post-game? 
point & click bark examples:
stay in camp/join the party reactions:
examples of companion banters:
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bareee · 7 months
Tav-Dex is made and open to add pages.
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Tav-Dex Blog: https://www.tumblr.com/tav-dex
I will do my best to keep up with addin’ Tavs that would like to join the page, DO NOT REBLOG YOUR TAV ON THESE POSTS. Use the tag #Tav-Dex so I can find you and know for sure you want to be added( cause i know some may just wanna have fun with the template and not be added)
And have fun with em! I wanna see messy writtin like your tav filled it out, fun pictures whether drawn or screenshots added by the template( Like I mayhaps be doin with mine XD), ‘S like a page to a book all your own and I wanna see it go wild. I’m excited to see what yal got to throw at it, and this book better never be able to close straight again with how much shit we’re crammin into it.
I Hope ye enjoy, not just your own Tav but all the others that hopefully will smother this book with wildness, and maybe some blood from the Durges. (Yes Durges are welcome)
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togepies · 6 months
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Born from an affair between Lady Esme Hawklin and an unknown sun elf, Nimue had been hesitantly accepted into the Hawklin house (she was, after all, half Hawklin). Though, it was not without a healthy dose of drama and gossip. Lady Esme was said to have died during childbirth (untrue), her husband fled out of grief (partially true), and in fleeing, left behind his only biological daughter, Alda (true). Although she was raised as a Hawklin, Nimue felt out of place. Alda received the attention, the praise, and the marriage proposals (okay, maybe that wasn't so bad). So, when she turned 19, Nim set out on her own adventure away from the glitz and glamor of noble life in Cormyr to the dust and dirt of the road. At age 30, she landed in Baldur's Gate, accepting a quest from an eccentric wizard to find the "Nightsong", whatever that was. Of course, sometimes adventures do not always go as they are planned...
(neat little template is from @tav-dex!)
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bg3screenshotdump · 5 months
Don't know if you have done it on your blog but can you introduce us to your Tavs? Like a Character Profil Template. :)
This has been in my inbox for ages, and if i wait until I have everything perfectly set up like i wanted before answering i believe i'll never answer :'D
so perfection and fear of being cringe and seen be damned i'm doing it it now !
so far the only things i have for my tavs on this blog is their respectives tags you can find in the sidebar of my blog :')
so i'll just list them here and i'll make them more detailed pages later, when i have time and feel confident enough to share more of the backstories i imagined :')
( warning, piss poor writing in coming i suck at writing in my native language and it's even worse in english )
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Delsys - My 1rst Full release Tav, half wood elf orphan, beastmaster ranger who ended up serving as a guardian of the druidic order that found and raised her. she's a big introvert and has piss poor social skills, litteraly her only friends are her owl companion, Verbena and Trilli ( even if she feels disconected from her two very extroverted and playful friends ) she's been following the orders and lead of the druids for most of her life so she's really not confident in her new role as the leader of the bg3 party, ( she's not confident about a lot of things actually, tbh the only thing she's not insecure about is her archery skills ) and unfortunately for everyone she tends to hide those insecurities behind a tough and apathetic mask
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Trilli Bumbleroot - archfey warlock/bard forest gnome - lover of music, dancing, nature and village festivals, she's just a little gal who loves traveling, i'm still not entierly sure of who i want her archfey patron to be, but she took a contract when she left her village in order to have enough power to protect herself on the road. During her travels she eventually came across Delsys ( who wasn't born yet ) and Verbena's druidic order and she's been bestie with Verbena ever since and unfortunately for the other druids when the both of them put their mind together tomfoolery ensues
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Verbena Ferngrass - Wood elf druid - high bimbo of the same druidic order that raised Delsys ( and she kind of sees her as a little sister ) she's a big extrovert, a big flirt, she values her personal freedom and fun above all else, she thinks with her vag and is always pulling Delsys into all kind of situations™ She considers Trilli to be her best friend ( and they kiss sometimes )
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Vetra - Githyanki war cleric of Vlaakith - soft and curious soul who's been battered and hardened by her training as both a warrior and a priestess, now that she's in faerun she starting to feel a bit more free to be explore and connect back to the parts of her personality she had to hide behind her now no-nonsense tough persona
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Kastyn Firebeard - warrior/maybe paladin ( haven't decided yet) - mercenary coming from a blacksmith family, don't have much of a backstory for her yet :') just that she was disatisfied about her life in the mercenary group she was a part of, mostly because she had no control over the missions they took, and those missions sometimes went agaisnt her moral code
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Healstra Ssiwin - lolth drow Sorceress - Bit on the fence about her story and personality :'x i'm not sure why exactly she chose to go to the surface,i initially made the Astromancer robes mod for her, so i had in mind that she wanted to see and study the stars but idk, i'll think i'll need to document myself on drow a bit more to get better ideas :'D
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Cyn Clarilieu - my EA tav, basic noble human turned paladin ( is now tall and buff thanks to the full release Bodytype 3 ❤️) good aligned, annoyingly too self-righteous at times
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Shani Cotton - Halfling rogue - Street urchin turned criminal in Baldur's gate lower city, magpie brainded if-it-shiny-i-want-it ,quite loose morals so she doesn't care if she has to kill or maim to obtain what she wants
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Oriann Aleviir - my co-op tav, half drow - cringefail 8 dex blew-her-own-face-off-with-fire-spell wild magic sorcerer, terrified for her life 24/7 and will make every bad choices out of fear and gullibleness ( highly manipulable, will probably end up a squid as a result )
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tav-marcio-leles · 7 months
Tav Marcio Chronicles Marcio Leles \ MASTERPOST
Prologue | Start (you're here!) | Page 1 (coming soon)
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template inspired by @/bara-izu
Due to storage complications on my laptop, Marcio's run had to be restarted. But through this loss, a new opportunity presents itself! A brand new run for Marcio Leles, and a whole comic to document the journey.
Welcome to the Tav Marcio Chronicles! Stay tuned~
Important Notes:
Comic will diverge from canon in for certain events!
The prologue is not the style the rest of the comic will be drawn or formatted in!
More info under the cut
Basic Information:
Name: Tav "Marcio" Leles Pronouns: he/him Age: 30 Race: Mephistopheles Tielfling Origin: Acolyte Alignment: Neutral Good Class: Life Cleric Worship: Ilmater Lover: Gale (maybe Astarion, but you'll have to wait and see) Besties: Karlach
❤️ Music Playlist ❤️
Current Stats: Level: 4 AC: 17 HP: 27 STR: 17 DEX: 10 CON: 13 INT: 8 WIS: 17 CHA: 12 Proficiencies: History, Religion, Insight, Medicine
Raised in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate, Marcio grew up with a fair share of scuffles. After a not-so-pretty encounter with the Flaming Fist, Marcio’s sentence was given mercy, and he was taken in by the Open Hand Temple.
After a decade of service turned to priest and cleric training, Marcio found himself sacrificing his freedom—to the Nautiloid—when escorting others to safety.  
Will contain content spoilers for the Tav Marcio Chronicles as the comic continues to update!
Most Updated Looks:
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