kalcat-sketches · 5 days
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My brother and I finally made it to Baldur's Gate last night in our joined run, so I decided to draw our characters together to celebrate. My brother said it should be an emote in one of our servers so I made a monochrome version too.
The fun part is these are 2 characters that we first made as kids in another D&D video game, I'll probably post more about them later if I ever finish any other art of them.
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kalcat-sketches · 6 days
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I'm late to the game but new profile pic for Pride Month!
(knowing myself this is gonna be my profile for longer than a month)
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kalcat-sketches · 22 days
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Some in progress snapshots of the last drawing, I usually send wip screenshots to a discord server but I thought it'd be fun to share some of them here
Conversations I had with siblings while drawing below the cut
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kalcat-sketches · 1 month
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My best friend started a sci-fi space campaign for the summer, so I had to make a badass psi warrior githyanki
Ra'nalee is the muscle of an as-of-now unnamed group of mercenaries and definitely didn't go AWOL from the military organization she used to be a part of
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kalcat-sketches · 2 months
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Feel a little late to the party, but here's my submission for @tav-dex
This is my first bg3 character I made and finished the game with, Qistana. (More about her under the cut)
Qistana was born and raised in Menzoberranzan, but ran to the surface around 70 years ago. She doesn't like to talk about that time of her life
She's not a devout worshiper of Ellistraee, but does consider herself a member of her faith and will pray to her when feeling stressed or overwhelmed
Carries a huge chip on her shoulder and holds a heavy grudge against Lolth and any who follow her. This anger is part of the foundation of her Oath.
The markings on her face are symbol of her paladin order. It's been awhile since she's checked in with anyone, having split from them temporarily to pursue "personal goals".
Her Dream Guardian took the appearance of a once close friend from her paladin order. While it was a face she trusted subconsciously, seeing it in person took her completely off guard and left her wary about the guardians true intentions.
Best friends with Wyll, doesn't like his dad but respects Wyll enough to stay civil in interactions with the Grand Duke. Would have killed Mizora if it wouldn't have also killed Wyll, still took swings at the bitch when she stayed in camp uninvited.
Romanced Shadowheart, didn't think anything of Shar until they reached the Shadow Cursed Lands, and then became increasingly concerned about what becoming a Dark Justicier really meant. Incredibly relieved when Shadowheart made her choice to turn from Shar, and was more than happy to start a relationship and help find her parents.
Astarion and Qistana barely tolerated each other for Act 1 and part of Act 2, but the two gradually gained mutual respect and considered themselves friends by Act 3. Despite the animosity between them, Qistana immediately put Cazador on her list of "Assholes that need to be killed" when she heard about him.
Meta Stuff
Originally made for a co-op run with my best friend, remade for a solo game when I started coming up with backstory and she began living rent free in my brain (we still haven't finished Act 1 in that co-op game RIP)
Never broke her paladin oath in all 3 Acts, though looking into oathbreaking I think it should have happened after/during the seance with He Who Was in Act 2. I think I got very lucky with my dialogue choices.
I'd like to play another run with her again (prob at a higher difficulty) but I need to finish my Durge run first
(Thanks to @bareee for the template, it finally gave me the motivation to draw my girl!)
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kalcat-sketches · 2 months
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I forgot to share the finished commission for my brother
Not sure if he ever checks tumblr anymore but he does have a blog @eareth looks like its been awhile since he's done anything on his blog
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kalcat-sketches · 3 months
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My brother gave me $20 to draw his current D&D character
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kalcat-sketches · 3 months
I've spent 13 hours on my current drawing and I'm still not finished with it
We'll see how much energy I want to put into the background once I hit that part
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kalcat-sketches · 4 months
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My girl's done!
I'm swapping out characters in one of the D&D games I'm in, and this is the new character I'll be bringing in.
Her name is Galyna, she's a grave cleric of Thanatos and hopefully she'll be able to keep the party alive better than my current druid (there's nothing wrong with my druid, I just didn't build her to be a healer and ended up being the only character in the party with healing spells)
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kalcat-sketches · 4 months
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I think it's overdue time that I revive this blog, got caught up helping out a friend with some artwork for a project they were doing and burnt-out a bit during the holidays (and Baldur's Gate 3 but we're not gonna talk about that), but nothing like needing a new profile for a new D&D character to get the creative drive going again!
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kalcat-sketches · 6 months
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Finally finished drawing my lunar sorcerer, it took me way too long to nail down a pose for her
This is Canyon, a shifter that had to leave home after discovering her magic. I don't know how long I get to play her cause she's just for a (probably) short summer game but she's been fun so far!
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kalcat-sketches · 7 months
No sketch today- I was painting a mini
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I think it turned out pretty good
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kalcat-sketches · 7 months
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Turns out my brain has remembered how much I like drawing and it's all I've been doing these past weeks (between D&D and work of course)
So my two of my friends have started a joint D&D game where they're going to switch DMing each week and run a different party while keeping the same players and setting it in the same world. This is my second character I'm playing in that game (the first is Mir'alyn).
This is Sian and they're an 'Elven' Order of Scribes Wizard whose spellbook is actually a deck of cards.
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kalcat-sketches · 8 months
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I didn't get this finished in time for the first session I played this character, she's done now and ready for the rest of the campaign!
This is Mir'alyn of House Liadon and she's a conquest paladin that's trying to find a way home after getting pulled into another world
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kalcat-sketches · 8 months
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Finally finished drawing my girl Silence only just before the final session but we're not gonna talk about that
Silence is a Shadow Monk with a just enough levels of Rogue to keep things interesting. She's pretty socially awkward and has a habit of being knocked unconcious in combat (I keep rolling like shit for HP during level ups so she squishy)
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kalcat-sketches · 10 months
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So I think I've figured out fire, now I wanna mess with lighting and shading (but I might not idk) I also wanna figure out more details for the skirts
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kalcat-sketches · 10 months
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Not finished with it yet, but I missed last weeks wip post
This character's name is Mililani and there is a lot behind her concept/creation, which I might share with the finished art
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