#tavrian of the azure glade
taveren-writing · 11 months
Summary: Galadvell i Morien have defeated the Netherbrain and saved Baldur's Gate, yet their story does not end with victory over the Absolute. Karlach and Wyll are trapped in Avernus, facing legions of devils and hordes of demons as the fiends wage the Blood War. Shadowheart is ready to depart for a new life with her rescued parents, while Gale and Astarion seem ready for whatever future may find them. Tavrian of the Azure Glade stands at a crossroads, hoping to live with his beloved, unable to leave his friends behind. Where will they go, now that their Quest has been finished?
Words: 9,726
Chapter one of my ending to BG3 is out now! This was a lot of fun to write, and even more fun to torture Tavrian :) Also first time hinting at a Bloodweave ship, hopefully I do them justice.
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taveren-writing · 8 months
Summary: The Emerald Grove is under attack from the goblinoid warband of the Absolute. The only ones who stand between the tiefling refugees and the marauders is the party of Galadvell i Morien, an adventuring party led by Tavrian of the Azure Glade.
Shadowheart knows that she must hurry to Baldur's Gate and deliver the Astral Prism to the Mother Superior. Yet, her heart says she cannot leave her friends behind. Nor could she accept losing them in the coming battle. None of this will earn her glory before Shar, so why does she remain? Part of my series about my Tav, Tavrian!
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taveren-writing · 1 year
A Paladin's Oath
A paladin’s oath is immutable. A charge laid upon the soul that binds the person to the tenets, passed through the ages. Ideals that all know, yet few can follow. It is a hard path to climb for the mountain of honor upon the shores of Celestia is a land that few arrive at. Only those of purest souls and honest hearts can arrive there after a lifetime of servitude and loyalty to the oath they swore so long ago.
One is recorded here. A knight of ancient fealty, sworne in the Azure Glade. It follows the standards scripture of the green knights, guardians of the Feywild and the wildlands:
Kindle the Light. Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.
Shelter the Light. Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.
Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can't preserve it in the world.
Be the Light. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.
Of course, many paladins swear their own oaths, personal to them or as part of a greater knighthood. These are as varied as the stars, though they often share characteristics of protection, healing, and strength.
From the four tenets of the Ancients, Tavrian swore his own oath before his parents, his community, and the gods Silvanus and Chauntea. 
I shall protect the innocent and harm only those that would seek to destroy or desecrate life, or those that would defile all that is lovely and fair in this world.
The weak shall stand behind me, for I shall be the shield that guards them. No matter what I shall bear their burdens so that they may grow stronger.
Forever shall I strive to make this world fairer, more beautiful, and more joyous. To my companions, and to those that I may encounter, forever shall I be kind so that they too may bask in the grace of Life.
It is with this oath that he found himself on the front lines of the battle for Baldur’s Gate, and so it shall be until the end of his days.
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