#tavylia also loves you
tavyliasin · 9 months
A gift, from Tavylia and the Dear Abdirak fans who made this happen, and of course the star of the show himself~
Hello darlings, dear ones, and sinners all~ This cameo is our gift, for all of us who know pain a little too intimately. Written and joint funded by Abdirak fans and Lia, to provide some measure of comfort. Please, enjoy, know you are heard, you are loved, and you are never alone when enduring the most intense of Loviatar's affections. (And all my gratitude to Declan for making this so very swiftly right before going offline for his holiday)
--- The script, including content there was no space for, and some more notes from Lia, will follow after the cut~ This one is clean, no NSFW content, so feel free to proceed at your leisure. For those new here, please be aware that the majority of my content is around NSFW writing with a few art shares and essays on fandom things. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay even if you're only here for this one video.
About The Script
Even with the additional payment, the maximum character limit in a request is 650. My original draft? 1117. We got out the knives, we cut it up, we boiled it down to the most pertinent line, and still had to defenestrate some of the punctuation. Far be it from me to ever know the meaning of brevity, loves, simply not in my extensive vocabulary. I also cannot thank Declan enough for the stunning performance, both in the game and in the cameo, and for giving us a character who we can relate to and adore in so many unexpected ways.
The Script We Sent
[greeting] Loviatar Maiden of Pain felt the echo of your pain singing through infinite realities. In her mercy, she has allowed us to speak. Agony is a cloak that you wear, armour you cannot remove, it is as bound to you as the guilt you feel for its very presence. I might envy you, but you did not choose this path. Your penitence is unnecessary. Let go, dear one, do not punish yourself further. The ebb and flow of exquisite torment, the rise & fall of the tides, you need not try so hard to swim. Breathe. Whether it is of the flesh or mind, your devotions have been heard. [reminder to share burdens/rely on each other/not alone/anything else]
The Original Draft Script
Greetings, Dear Ones, beloved of Loviatar - perhaps too beloved, in your case… Your pain sang through the fabric of the planes of infinite realities, catching and pulling at the Weave like a loose thread. My Goddess, the Maiden of Pain, she felt your echo through her web. Through her mercy, she has allowed me to speak with you. Agony is a cloak that you wear, an armour you cannot remove, it is as bound to you as the guilt you feel for its very presence. I might envy you…but you did not choose this path. Your penitence is not necessary. Let it go, dear one, do not punish yourself further. The ebb and flow of exquisite torment, the rise and fall of the tides, you need not try so hard to swim through them all. Breathe, keep your head above the water. Whether it is of the flesh or of the mind, your devotions have been heard by our most beloved Maiden of Pain. You endure it well, and you are not alone. There are other voices that sing her melody, listen for them, share your burdens and know you are all very dearly loved by the most gracious Loviatar. Even if her affections are a little excessive…
Lia's Notes And Thanks
First of all, a HUGE thank you to the dear ones who helped this happen, with encouragement, editing advice, and throwing some pennies in the pot to cover the cost I couldn't do alone. I shan't name names but you are already well aware of the endless affection I hold for you all. For everyone else, I really do hope this brings you some measure of comfort. It's important to recognise how much we tend to give of ourselves even when we suffer most, and how harsh we can be towards ourselves too.
You are not a burden, having needs is normal and natural, the people who matter most should be there to support you just as you would wish to be there to support them were your roles reversed.
We can rely on each other to a degree, even if it is just to listen, to say "I understand, it's alright to feel all of the things you are feeling. You do not have to be strong, you do not have to wear that mask of endurance with me." So do let go of that guilt, dear one, it does not serve you. If you would like to read more of a discussion on chronic pain, Abdirak, fandom, please see the main essay on the topic (click here) though be aware there is discussion of the more spicy topic of how pleasure and pain can be entwined, even for those of us who feel too much pain in our every day.
Tavylia's Offer
I'm going to round this one off with a simple offer to you all. Should you wish for words of comfort from a beloved character (probably BG3 but if I know the character well enough I can try others), send them to my ask box, or on Discord/Twitter/Anything on my Carrd. This is what I have worked on before, mostly SFW (only some light suggestive moments) as the focus is on comfort to the reader.
Abdirak - Migraine Comfort Yurgir - Migraine Comfort Tav - General Comfort, with Audio Multi-Character Comfort Drabbles (Including Abdirak)
If my little words can bring you any measure of comfort or relief, you need only ask.
Farewell for now, Dear Ones, darlings, loves, Pain Pals, - all of you. Please take care of yourselves - hydrate, nourish, and for the sake of the gods please allow yourself some rest and be kind to yourself for a change. And I do mean all of you. No exceptions, now. Love yourself with grace and forgiveness, care for yourself as if you were the most precious friend you have ever made. I hope to see you all very soon~
May Loviatar's blessings be more merciful. ~ Lia
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tavyliasin · 9 months
ATG 4 - Dream? Nightmare.
In which a devil dances through Tav's sleep.
----- Summary -----
Pairing: Raphael/Tav SPICE Rating: 1.5/5 (teasing, tension) Content Warnings: No sex, implied power play, some intimidation, implied manipulation (implied only, free will and consent are my priority), alcohol (mild)
Spoilers Set in the middle of Act 2, there is a hint of a character who doesn't appear until Act 3, however no name or details of them. Canon Compliance Canon Whomst? - There is a very slight mention of canon material, with Raphael and Mol in Last Light, as well as a little of the Dream Guardian, but this is largely filling a hole (not literally) that I feel we deserve. I tried to keep close to character attitudes, though, and how they might be reacting. Other Notes Self indulgent and slow burn - one does not simply lay with a demon. But it's laying some groundwork, and I love the back and forth sass. It was also fun to play with Tav in a "dream" where consequences don't matter to her. And of course: Free will, darlings, it is important, and in this House of Hoes we lean hard into that sexy consent.  Song/Mood Paralyzed by Aviators and Lectro Dub "Wicked traps are set around you, Not a lantern lit in sight to guide you home you've been looking for the danger and you sense my presence chilling in your bones Take your stance, I will give you one fair chance, So let's make this dance a bloody masquerade. Understand how this ends, and what I am, You're against the night itself so be afraid. That adrenaline rush when weapons fly, It's the fear that brings out that body high So you know that I'm stuck here paralyzed with you." ----- FULL CHAPTER BELOW THE CUT -----
Tavylia was exhausted, or perhaps something several levels past simply exhausted. The sheer effort of staying conscious was an insurmountable task after all the last few weeks had brought. At least they'd found the Inn, one small piece of safety in the cursed Shadowlands, a haven of light and well supplied with alcohol. Thank the gods for small blessings , she had thought as she casually swiped multiple dusty bottles from unattended shelves. 
Of course not everything in the Inn was peaceful. That smug bastard Raphael had made himself known once more, another tempting offer and another battle of wits between sharp tongues had followed. Tav hoped that young Mol was as smart as she claimed, she would need to be if she truly wanted to outsmart a literal devil and make a contract with him. Tav ruefully took another swig of wine. It had soured a little, but it was better than nothing. Raphael , she practically spat the word in her mind, what the fuck do you want with ME? 
It was truly baffling. Here was a cambion who could easily step in and out of Avernus just to…what? Annoy her somewhat? Get under her skin with false promises? He had already tried to strike a deal to remove the mindflayer tadpoles from her brain, and her companions' too of course, but she had held out hope that perhaps the druid Halsin might heal them or that Lae'zel's fellow Githyanki could solve it. Instead, they'd found the Githyanki solution was to sacrifice themselves to the Lich queen hoping to become a god to the gith, a fate which only the strange dream guardian had saved them from. Halsin also had no answer for them, but at least he stayed around to help regardless. His huge form was hardly an unwelcome site to several wandering eyes in camp, her own included…
So. The tadpole deal wasn't going to cut it, there felt like a catch… Besides, as long as they had the Guardian and the strange object that held them, they were safe from that. Some of the tadpole's powers were also proving useful, and Rule 1, of course, is to survive. Another riddle, there. Why was Raphael interested in their survival anyway? This new deal hardly seemed to be that beneficial to him, unless there was a loophole she hadn't spotted yet. A shiver ran down her spine. They had already accepted the terms: defeat the devil's old enemy sealed beneath a temple, and he would tell them the meaning of the scars on Astarion's back. The supposed "poem" carved by his vampire master Cazador. But surely if he wanted to, Raphael could defeat some old enemy, and Tav doubted that the campion bastard would send them to their deaths either. There had to be something else, some other reason…
Another swig of bitter wine and she let the empty bottle fall to the floor with a gentle thud. Her eyes weren't going to stay open any longer like this, and she was far too tired to simply meditate through her rest as elves often chose to do. No, tonight the wine would suffice as a potion of sleep, given that she was immune to the real thing. Darkness closed in as the last candle in the dim Inn room winked out. 
Tav knew she was dreaming. Probably. These were no longer the cursed Shadowlands around her, nor the battered coastline they had traipsed across, or the dank Underdark that stood as their path between the two. This was…home? As close to one as she could recall. The Lower City of Baldur's Gate, close to the docks where the sound of the sea echoed through the numerous cracks in the walls.
"Hardly a mansion, is it? Is this really how you lived?" The snide voice could only have come from one mouth, the corners already curling in a derisive smile beneath deceptively disarming raised brows. Raphael laughed. "No wonder you weren't complaining about that pitiful hovel you're actually sleeping in, Little Mouse."
Tav began to feel that his dream likeness was a little too unnerving for her taste, but this was her dream, so she had control. "If you don't like my house, the door is right there. I wouldn't expect a spoiled devil brat to understand, anyway. Home is what I make of it, it is wherever I decide it to be. And yes, for a time, this was my mansion. " 
"Well pardon my dreadful manners, though this is hardly the same hospitality I offered you when you visited my home." His voice kept treading the fine line between derision and allure, something which felt entirely too natural.
"Then you'll just have to excuse me for not enchanting a loaf of stale bread and some stagnant water to appear as a feast to trick you into some infernal deal - if you wanted luxury, you chose the wrong elf."
"Luxury, Little Mouse, I have plenty of at home. And as for the feast, well one can have an appetite for more than just food - I'm sure you've learned this well from your little fanged fling." His eyes travelled up and down her form, making Tav feel even more under-dressed in her own home…dream…whatever this was meant to be. Raphael's human form was, as always, immaculately well dressed and groomed, chestnut hair swept neatly back just barely grazing the edge of his ruffled collar. "So, perhaps you might reconsider what you might put on the table, hmm?"
Tav gave the thought more consideration than she otherwise might have, had she not partaken of quite so much overly-vintage red so close to bed. Curiosity, they said, killed the cat. But according to Raphael, he was the cat, and she was simply a Little Mouse . Which meant, perhaps, that curiosity was not the trap being set for her, but instead might ensnare the demon himself. Turning the tables could be an interesting dream, after all.
Raphael simply sat back in his chair, watching, waiting, while Tav cleared away the few chipped bits of crockery that were strewn across the table, wiping away the dust with the edge of her ragged sleeve. 
"Well, perhaps we could do a little better with your outfit, at least." With a snap of his fingers, Tav felt the fabrics change from the rough and ill-fitted cotton taken from some hapless fool's washing line and into something far more…fitted. Silk draped over her curves, enhancing her form and showing every line of her body in what she assumed by the low whistle from the uninvited guest was at least a little attractive. For a moment, she applauded her self confidence for imagining this, before cursing it for spiking her curiosity more.
First a vampire, now…a devil? Hah, in my dreams, I suppose. 
"A soul coin for your thoughts, Little Mouse?" Raphael had his boots on the table now, making himself quite at home. 
"If you must know, you bizarre figment of my imagination, I am wondering exactly why you have such an interest in some pitiful peasant elf who just happened to get stuck with a bloody tadpole in her brain." She sat on the table itself, pushing his all too fancy shoes back off her furniture and earning another derisive laugh.
"You're fascinating . Full of surprises and contradictions. I thought perhaps you were desperate to survive, ready to take my first deal. But that would have been too easy, now, wouldn't it... So now you get a taste, agreeing to a simple task to help your toy, and that's exactly what I'm doing. It is such fun to watch you scurry about, Little Mouse, stealing some cheese here, yet baring your little teeth at evil over there just to do the smallest amount of good, even if it won't last. In the one moment, you're selfish to the core, serving your needs first, but the next you're putting your very life on the line for some hapless fools once more! How could I not be intrigued by the possibilities? Like right now, there you sit speaking to me as if I am beneath you, and yet in the same breath vastly underestimating yourself." 
"I'm glad I'm proving to be so amusing to you, demon, but I was hoping for more pleasant dreams. So if you wouldn't mind-"
"Ah, were you expecting another chat with your so called Guardian, hmm?" He laughed, the smile not quite reaching his eyes. "A tiefling, aren't they? Is that more to your liking, then, the horns and the tail?"
"They're a useful tool, nothing more." She paused. "Though even a tool can be attractive, I suppose."
"So you do understand how I see you, then." He sat forwards now, face and body growing slightly and warping to his demonic red form, wings unfolding behind him. "I cannot wait to put you to use. "
His true form's eyes looked like lit fires burned within them, gaze piercing her soul, almost as if it were a real fire heating her body from within. Had the drafty old house by the sea always been this warm?...
Raphael's hands enveloped Tav's, pinning them to the table as he rose above her, glowing eyes looking down with an unexpected curiosity, as if he wasn't sure what he was planning himself. "For a dream, you seem…vivid. Normally by now this scene would've shifted to some nightmare dredged up by my memories, or perhaps of late to my Guardian's domain for one of their midnight chats…" 
"Little Mouse, I can be either a dream or a nightmare, that choice is yours to make. But rest assured, I shall let neither memories nor Guardian intrude on our little Soiree tonight." The pressure released from her hands as he stood fully and instead extended his fingers towards her, a gesture born of high society etiquette. A song she had never heard began to echo in Tav's ears, the haunting melody that prickled that sense of danger deep within her. A sense that had begun to feel more enticing than perilous, thanks in no small part to her time with Astarion. "Well, would you care to join me for a dance, Little Mouse?"
The room grew and shifted as she stood from the table, a shiver of anticipation running through her entire being as she took his hand, accepting the invitation. The surroundings became like nothing she had ever seen before, a vast ballroom with shadows waltzing around them, yet none getting close enough to make her feel crowded. The decorations felt as unreal and shifting as any dream, becoming more like feelings than clear details. An atmosphere just suited to dance with a devil. “You surprise me,” Tav said, as they began to move around the ballroom to the hauntingly beautiful music, “you’re surely more than powerful enough to take whatever you want, and yet you always ask. ” “Free will, Little Mouse, is far more interesting than a simple spell to compel you to follow my orders like a mindless beast.” His arm curled around her waist, pulling her closer, and she felt as if their feet barely touched the floor at all as they continued their dance. Both literally and metaphorically, she might’ve thought, if she wasn’t listening between every word and line seeking for his real meaning. “Free will?” she echoed, still unwilling to break eye contact.
“Free. Will. Where is the game, where is the challenge without it? How little you understand of the thrill of catching someone in your web and drawing them ever closer, knowing that every step they take has been on of their own choosing.” As if to emphasise his point, Raphael allowed her to spin lightly away, one hand still entwined with hers, but did not pull to draw her back in.
Tav felt herself dancing back into his embrace once more, his arm on her waist ensnaring her even tighter this time, a slight sound leaving her lips unbidden at the feel of their bodies pressed more closely together. The vibrations of his low chuckle resonated through her ribs.
“See, Little Mouse, here you are, entirely of your own accord. And why? Hoping to learn a few of my secrets, are you?” The smug look on his face was becoming almost unbearable now, but Tav drew on the deepest parts of her courage to respond.
“Everything is of my choosing, isn’t it.” She mused quietly, an idea forming quickly in her mind, not breaking eye contact for a second. “I could simply choose to leave, or ignore you, or let my dream take another shape. Or instead I could follow whatever whim I like.”
She unlaced their fingers and took her other hand from his waist, reaching up on the tips of her toes and taking a firm grip of his horns to pull his face down towards her. If she had been paying attention, she would’ve seen the smug look melt away to be replaced with something between utter confusion and unexpected anticipation, but she wasn’t wasting a single beat of the melody that still swirled around them. She caught his lips in a kiss, pressing her body against his, taking a tentative taste of his lips.
If fire had a flavour, that would’ve been how she described the taste, with a hint of the same cherry that lingered in the air around him wherever he went. Blissfully the sulphur was masked by this, though she assumed that her dream would give her everything she imagined in the way she wanted it most. And, Gods, was she now painfully aware of what she wanted.
Intoxicating. That was the only way to describe the feeling when Raphael began to return her kiss. Different to the heated passion and whispering words of love that Astarion pressed to her lips… No, this was greed. A far simpler riddle to solve than any of the devil’s other motivations. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her body perhaps a little too firmly against his own, wings encircling the pair now as their latest dance began.
The music shifted, swayed, the unseen orchestra swelling with new chords that should’ve alarmed Tav…but her own choir was already singing to the tune. A casual observer might begin to wonder if what they saw in that formless ballroom was a kiss or a battle, but both answers would be correct.
Rogue and Demon were stubborn to a fault, each seeking to out-do the other, each probing the other for answers even though their questions were vastly different. For Tav, it was “how far can this dream go before I wake?” , yet for Raphael he wondered instead “why can I not get this infuriating Little Mouse out of my head…what is it that’s keeping me here?”
Unfortunately, perhaps for both, only one would get their answer, as the music swiftly subsided just as they might have gone further.
“Pity.” Raphael hissed, as he broke away from Tav and allowed them both to drift back to the floor. “It seems we will have to put this little thought on hold, it seems you have another caller on the line.”
“What?” Tav couldn’t keep the confusion from her breathless reply, the taste of burning cherry still dancing across her tastebuds.
“Your supposed Guardian is requesting an audience, I don’t think they’re willing to indulge you in another moment’s peace.” He frowned, reverting back to the more human cambion form in which he had first appeared that night. “Perhaps some other time, Little Mouse, you might care to sample a finer meal.”
With one final snap of his fingers, the scenery melted away into smoke, as Tav felt her dream lurch unsettlingly into the Guardian’s domain.
The rocks Tav stood upon floated through space, the sounds of distant battle echoing across the stars around her. She silently cursed the timing of her secretive “saviour”, and wondered for a fleeting moment how much they might’ve seen. They appeared beside her, stepping from a shadow, their golden armour now sparkling in the light. Their voice was soft, warm, a strange kind of comfort in all kinds of times. It was now that Tav realised, much to her relief, that her appearance had reverted to her simple camp clothes that she slept in. A silk gown didn’t feel fitting for the serious look on the face before her.
“Sit, please. I do not know how long we will have, but I would like to talk.” Two-toned eyes peered at her face, filled with concern. “Your heart was racing, but your mind…was closed to me.” “Oh, that - I was just sleeping. Nothing but a dream, I’m fine. Really.” Sitting now beside them, Tav laid a hand on their shoulder. “There’s nothing for you to worry about.” “Are you certain that was all there was to it? A dream?” They shifted uncomfortably, running a hand through the long hair that flowed down to their shoulders, parted slightly around the horns that curved around from their forehead to their ears like those of a ram. “I…do not like to pry, we all deserve our secrets, after all, but usually if I so wished I could see your dreams.” “You do seem to have more secrets than most. But that’s strange… Why might that be closed to you? You’ve been able to see through my eyes plenty of times in the waking world without issue, and if dreams are the same…” A thought was beginning to occur to Tav, one that she was extremely willing to shut down before it could take root and expand into startling and terrifying realisations. “Only powerful magic could prevent the connection we share, our bond is one that cannot be easily overcome.” The Guardian tilted their head quizzically, seeming to assess Tav as her thoughts began to sprint down the forbidden path to the uncomfortable truth. “What is it? Are you sure there isn’t something wrong?” “Oh. Oh fuck.” Tav’s conscious mind had run directly into a large stone wall, and the writing upon it was crystal clear. She continued, mumbling more to herself than as any kind of response to the tiefling warrior by her side. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. How did I not realise that it was possible? What was in that wine? Is that what he did?...”
The Guardian remained silent, simply laying a quiet hand upon Tav’s as she processed the horrifying culmination of each of her actions, one after the other. 
“Spoiled devil brat, I called him, right before falling into his seductive little game as easily as if we were playing Lanceboard. Shit…SHIT!   Bizarre figment of my imagination, I called him that too, right before suggesting he was an attractive tool and-”
Her mind was reeling, turning over every word in detail, knowing they were not in fact spoken to an apparition but likely all too directly to the one devil she could not afford to cross. The Guardian stayed with her still, a strange comforting presence, even as she sank even deeper into her thoughts, speaking them in barely a whisper now. “Gods, I actually danced with a devil…I kissed him - what the fuck was I thinking?! The signs were there, how did I not notice? My mind can’t conjure images I’ve never seen, music I’ve never heard…” A look between amusement and confusion coloured the Guardian’s features, but they remained with Tav. They didn’t leave until the dawn woke her, staying right beside her, a few tentative gestures attempting to soothe her worries. Not that she noticed, of course. In fact, the one key thing in all her panic that Tav had completely failed to notice, was how Raphael had reacted. It wasn’t some dream of her own that had conjured his actions, and neither of them had a single clue yet of what that might lead to.
Meanwhile, in Avernus, a shimmering door made of pure magic managed to slam shut, despite having no corporeal form. Raphael didn’t enter with his usual confident swagger, but instead damn near stormed into his lavish bedchamber with a fury hotter than all the Nine Hells.
A familiar voice called out to him from where its owner reclined upon silken sheets, awaiting his return. “Did you enjoy your little trip?”
“Shut up, Harlot. ” Raphael spat back at his companion, earning a dark laugh from the latter.
“My my, name calling, is it now? She must have really got under your skin this time.” Another laugh echoed from the walls, an edge more of cruelty slipping into the tone now. “How about you stop your whining now, I’m sure we would both rather have you moaning instead. And with my proper name, if you please, Archduke. ”
----------- ----------- ENDING NOTES ----------- ----------- The end section there will be back, I left it as a nice little setup and introduction. It was also my first time writing any lines for Haarlep and that dynamic...I have since become addicted to it, obviously... Ever since I met Raphael in game, like so many others it was one eyebrow raise and his speech patterns and I was done for, down for the count, a bad case of Devil Fever and no wish for a cure~ We also get more insight into Tav's past here. I don't have a huge amount of detail into the specifics, but surviving alone from the age she did was never an easy thing. Desperation could've brought him to her door sooner, but she held her own better than even she expected. In terms of those details, honestly I am happy for you all to insert whatever headcanons feel right to you for Tav as a character. She's headstrong, wilful, and hedonistic, but all of that came at a cost. She had to learn to make and enforce her own choices, and to seize what pleasures in life she could before they slip away again. Everything is only ever temporary in Tav's world, she's truly going one day to the next, because the whims of Fate never give her a chance to do anything else.
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tavyliasin · 8 months
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This is your guide to my content and links to all of my most relevant posts and content! Please peruse at your leisure~
I'm going to keep updated links here to my posts, sorted by topic, which honestly it's 50% just for me so I stop forgetting what I've done! Please be aware that most of my content is unsuitable for minors, but I will be marking posts as SFW or NSFW as well as even those 18+ may prefer to filter content which is completely valid, so I'd like to give you that choice. Please use the titles to skim down to what you're looking for! The list in order of appearance: - Abdirak Cameo for Chronic Pain Pals - Essays and Fandom Discussions - Community Posts and Events - AO3 FanFic Directory and About Me - Character Comfort Shorts - Drabbles and Short Fics on Tumblr - Full Chapter FanFic on Tumblr - Ask Box Responses - Other Posts/Misc Side Blogs If you'd prefer reblogs of the works grouped into types: @atavsguide has all of the ongoing longfic ATG, A Tav's Guide. @tavyliaonlyfics is home to all other fanfic and one shots. @tavyliasinessays hosts the essays and thought pieces. @sins-of-the-dragon will house any Dragon Age posts I make (less common but I love DA too) @lostplotbunniesbg3 is a place to send all of your loose fic ideas to find new homes, or to find new ideas to write your own fics.
The Declan/Abdirak Cameo for Everyone Who Suffers Chronic Pain (SFW)
This one was crowd funded by a few Abdirak fans, who tend to have a deeper understanding of pain. Please feel free to share this post to anyone who might need to hear it.
Essays and Discussions Around Characters and Fandom
These are all deeper examinations on characters, story, fandom, and the ways we connect to those characters~
The Abdirak Essay - Fandom, Pain, and Loviatar's Love (Some Mild NSFW References)
A discussion around how Abdirak helps us to relate to pain, chronic pain, and each other, with a vague discussion around why pain can be pleasurable in kink.
Raphael - Archduke of Asexuals (Mostly SFW)
A look at how Raphael is actually a potential representative of Asexuality in the game, and how those under the Asexual umbrella relate to him - and each other - through this representation.
Villain-Fucker Angst Hours aka The Appeal of Raphael and Villains in General (Some NSFW References)
A general examination of the appeal of villains as romance options, with a focus on Raphael in particular.
The Highs and Lows of Being A Fandom Creative (SFW)
How our moods and confidence levels follow the same cycle, from starting a new work, to posting it, to feedback, and how to deal with those low points when a lack of feedback feels too painful to bear. Not BG3 exclusive, covers all kinds of creative things in any fandom.
Body Positivity and Representation in BG3 and Fandom (SFW)
A discussion - very much open to other experiences and backgrounds - around the importance of representation and the positivity that can be found in fan creations and in the game itself.
Tagging and Censoring FanWorks (NSFW)
A look at what kinds of content needs tagging and why we tag content in the first place. Also a brief discussion on censoring topics.
Curating Fandom Experience Online (Mostly SFW)
An overview of the online spaces we have access to for fandom, and how we can best look out for ourselves and each other when using them.
Beta Reading Guide for Readers and Writers (SFW)
A guide for new beta readers and writers to seek and give useful feedback in order to make fic writing the best it can be.
Community Posts and Events
This is where you'll find events that I am hosting, or have hosted in the past.
Discord Server I own and run the creative focused fandom server: The House of Hopeful Sinners - see link post for details
Advice on setting up a Discord Server for Fandom (Based on HOHS layout and tools)
Redbubble Shop - silly items for silly people, with only 2-5% markup to keep the prices lower for you~
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April Foolishness - Comedy Smut Event (NSFW) Baldur's Date Collection NSFW (NSFW) Baldur's Date Collection SFW (SFW) TaValentine's Day Collection (NSFW) GaleCord - Gale-ntines Collection (NSFW)
GaleCord Secret Santa Collection (NFSW)
Baldur's Date Open Creative Challenge! Artists, Writers, Creators of All Kinds! (18+ Only) (But there is an SFW side of the event)
AO3 FanFic Directory & About The Author
This has a whole lot about me, what I do, and what I aim to write, but if you'd just like the Works Directory then these are the links you need Each directory contains links to the individual works on AO3 as well as a brief summary of the piece and word count.
Carrd - Main Page and Contacts (General links and info) Carrd - Ongoing Series Directory (ATG and Scent of Cinnamon) Carrd - One Shot Directory (Standalone Stories)
Character Comfort Shorts
Short fanfiction pieces designed to feel comforting to a reader in some way or another. Some are specific to pains (eg, Migraine) but others are more general for any suffering (physical or psychological). They're generally written in 2nd person (you/your pronouns) and are gender neutral.
Abdirak - Migraine Comfort Yurgir - Migraine Comfort Tav - General Comfort, with Audio Multi-Character Comfort Drabbles (Astarion, Halsin, Abdirak, Raphael, Haarlep, bonus from Tavylia)
Please feel free to make requests for these in my ask box, and I will add more as I write more too.
Drabbles and Short Fics on Tumblr
A selection of short fanfic pieces, each of these is the full piece on Tumblr.
Raphael and/or Haarlep Brat Raphael and Haarlep (NSFW) Haarlep x Non-Gendered Reader/Writer (Mild NSFW) Haarlep x f!Tav x Brat Raphael (NSFW) "Raphael is Bad in Bed" Raphael x f!Tav (NSFW) Haarlep x Raphael x f!Tav (NSFW) Haarlep x Non-Gendered Writer 2 (2nd Person, mild NSFW) Haarlep Won't Let Lia Sleep (SFW, mostly.) Raphael is a Party Favour (NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep on Fiendmas Eve (NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Drabbles (NSFW) Haarlep x m!OC Soft Drabble (Mild NSFW) Dom and Sub Raphael (NSFW) Falling for You - Soft Raphael/Haarlep (Mild NSFW) Forbidden Papers - Raphael/Haarlep (Mild NSFW) Devil Gets His Due - DomBottom Raphael/m!Tav (NSFW) Haarlep Angst Short - The Price Of You (Mild NSFW) Raph/Haarl Angst Short - All That We Hide (NSFW) Haarlep x GN Tav - Speak of the Devil... (NSFW)
Gale Dom!Gale x f!Tav (NSFW) Dom Professor Gale x AFAB Reader (2nd Person, NSFW) Dom!Gale x Non-Gendered Reader (Mild NSFW) Dom!Gale x Non-Gendered Reader 2 (Mild NSFW) Switch!Professor Gale x Non-Gendered Assistant (NSFW) God!Gale Angst (Mostly SFW)
Halsin Halsin x Reader (2nd Person Short, Not Gendered, SFW) Dom!Halsin x f!Tav (NSFW) Halsin x GN Reader - Flu Comfort (SFW)
Others Volo x Tav (Cursed, NSFW, Non-Gendered Tav) Shadowheart x AFAB NonBinary Tav (NSFW) Daggers and Gods, Shadowheart x Lae'zel (mild NSFW) Drabble Selection Assorted Characters (NSFW) Durgetash Trans Gortash x NonBinary Durge (NSFW) Gortash x m!Tav (NSFW)
These pieces are often warmups, and sometimes from prompts. I use them as a fun exercise to get going before working on longer chapter pieces.
Full Chapter FanFiction on Tumblr
Complete FanFics available to read in their entirety on Tumblr, no need to go to any external links! Series titles are links to the AO3 collections for the series, individual works chapters link only to those works.
ATG Chapters are reposted on @atavsguide Nothing else is on that side blog just FULL chapters of ATG so I won't list them here too.
The Book Of Loviatar
This series centres on Abdirak and He Who Was. It started as a single one shot that got out of hand, and became so much more. This is the heavy BDSM series so please do not go in expecting only some cuffs and a light whipping. Every chapter has the CWs.
Pain and Penance (NSFW) Suffering and Serenity (NSFW) Agony and Adoration (NSFW)
The Scent of Cinnamon
A series focusing on the relationship between Raphael and Haarlep from the time they first met up to the events of the game.
The Scent of Cinnamon Tumblr Masterlist (NSFW)
Coming Soon
BG3 FicFeb Challenges (some SFW some NSFW)
Daily writing prompts, posted on AO3 and on my main Tumblr here. I will make a link summary compilation post later to go here~
One Shot Fics
A Feast Fit For A Fiend (NSFW) Raphael, Haarlep, and Tav
Iron Flowers Never Wilt (SFW) Barcus Wroot and Zevlor
Above Him, Down Below (NSFW) Yurgir and Gender Neutral Reader
All We Cannot Have (Mostly SFW) Halsin x f!Tav, Angst/Emotional
The Meaning of Pain (Mostly SFW) Wyll and Abdirak discuss pain's purposes.
Learning to Dance on Hot Coals (NSFW) Wyll x Haarlep
More Coming Soon
Current WIPS:
Yurgir x Halsin "The Bear Hunt" (working title)
Planned Fics and Upcoming
God!Gale x Raphael FanZine Works ATG 16 Scent of Cinnamon 7 Barcus Wroot Collab (on hold, release tbc)
Ask Box Responses
A collection of responses to things that have landed in my Ask inbox! Please feel free to send some in if you like~
NSFW Alphabet - Raphael and Haarlep (NSFW, Obviously) Raphael and Haarlep Works (Nov 2023, NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Turn On/Offs (NSFW) Raphael, Haarlep, and Jealousy (Headcanons, NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Modern AU (Headcanons, NSFW) Why isn't Raphael at The Druid Camp (Headcanons, SFW) Raphael Jealous of Tav and Yurgir? (NSFW) Raphael Jealous of Tav and Yurgir? Pt2 (NSFW)
I'll try to get to these relatively quickly if I can!
Other Posts
Headcanons and Misc that don't fit anywhere else~
A Little Art (Mostly SFW) Tavylia's Raphael/Haarlep Headcanons (NSFW) Fandom Positivity Discussion (SFW) Cerudinae's Art of The Halloween Special (NSFW) Prequel Sample and Haarlep's "True" Form (Mild NSFW) Festive Cards from the BG3 Characters (Mild NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Lia Fic Links Jan 2024 (NSFW) Tavylia's Top Ten Writing Tunes (SFW) Lia's New PFP by JuicieBox (SFW) Haarlep vs Harleep - A Silly Look At Spelling (SFW)
So there's a nice little mix of things, and more will be added! I didn't link every reblog or short post, just the more interesting ones.
This list will be pinned and updated with new posts to keep a good log because Lia has such bad memory she can't remember half of what she has written or where~
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tavyliasin · 10 months
Hello Darlings~ About time I dropped a little "about me" post to pin, right? Oh don't worry, I shan't bore you for long. My Carrd link there has a directory of all my fanfic works, giving you an overview of pairings, content, word count, and a little summary of each. I'm Tavylia Sin, or you may call me Tavylia, Lia, or Tavy, I'm not very fussy on that one, darlings~ My pronouns are she/her, and I'm a Cis Woman from the Nine Hells (or the UK, as it is otherwise known). If you'd like something a little more detailed about me, keep reading~
So, who in the nine hells am I, anyway?
Well, I'm a thirty-[vague coughing] year old creative writer. I've been writing other things, unpublished, for years now, but it was Baldur's Gate 3 that pulled me out of my shell and into the world of NSFW writing. So, I hadn't really written a single word of smut before late September 2023. In the month of October, I wrote over 80,000 words of it. I know, I am not sure how I did that either, but the passion took me and I didn't want to let go either, darlings, I was having too much fun. I still am!
What are your main works and pairings?
My first work was ATG, aka A Tav's Guide, or to give it the full and proper title: Of Living, Loving, and the Strangest of Bedfellows - A Tav's Guide to Fucking Across Faerun: Sordid Coast Edition A cautionary tale, loves, never let Volo name your work even if it is funny at the time! Anyway, ATG was meant to be a game-paralleling fun dive into how my Tav romanced Astarion but then still took every opportunity to indulge in lustful pleasures that was presented to her. There's some emotion in there, a reason to why she does who what she does, and although in many places I try to stick to canon there are plenty where I also deviate from it to find more fun~ I then started trying my hand at some non-ATG pairings and stories, indulging in a few One Shot stories as creative exercise and a few requests for people in the community. It has all kept growing from there! My favourites to write for are Haarlep and Raphael, as well as Astarion, Halsin, and Gale, though I'm honestly happy to give almost anything a try! I love trying to capture their authentic voices and find ways to stay true to their character motivations, or at least to twist them towards my sinful designs~ I'm also looking at writing more lesser-seen characters and pairings so watch this space.
What about Style? Tropes? Themes?
Darlings, most of my works will include some form of bondage, BDSM, powerplay, and kink. I find it all so very fun, and it can be gentle as well as intense, depending on the participants and the mood. I also write some occasional angst and fluff, when I'm not feeling the smut-fic flowing, and deeply enjoy exploring emotions. You'll find a lot of my writing runs long - even here, brevity is clearly not my strong suit! I enjoy longer dialogue, a build up to give context to the scene, and at least a little plot even to a One Shot scenario. When I really have fun with a piece, I just don't want it to end, really~ In terms of language, you may well find my works to be more verbose, and despite the topics I prefer to lean on softer terms and describe sensations and emotions more than the physical parts involved. I want you to be able to immerse into the scene, to let the feelings surround you and encompass you as the words flow from my page into your mind~ I adore reading other styles, but for some reason I struggle with writing certain words and phrases into my own pieces. So I find ways to be creative and still maintain the sex and the lust~ Whilst I might have some preferences in who I like to write for, or find some dynamics easier to write, I am also more than happy to write for suggested trans and nonbinary OCs, or if you asked me to write a canon character as trans or nonbinary I would love to try my very best to make your dreams come true~ It's a little disappointing we don't have trans/nonbinary main characters or NPCs in the canon, but of course fanfic can change that if you so wish. Incidentally, I always refer to Haarlep with they/them pronouns. This is what is used in the game from the Narrator, and also fits to how they are able to take on any physical form with little concern beyond what pleasure my be wrought from it. In my opinion, they have no interest in whatever "gender" is, unless it's some new sex move they haven't tried yet.
Have I seen you somewhere else?
Maybe darling~ I use this same name for Twitter, Tumblr, and Discord. Anything tied to my presence will use this same name, so that's how you'll find me. I'm most active in Galecord, where I adore playing with my fellow degenerates in the NSFW channels as we encourage each other with fic writing and art, enjoying each others work and gleefully sharing samples as we write too. My very dear darlings over there mean so very much to me, and have consistently been a voice of support that has fired me up to keep writing. Otherwise you might see me in a couple of others, like Tav1's performer's official server, but you'll rarely find me outside of NSFW zones. Indeed, the Tav'ern Babes discord is the only one I am in that is linked to any of the performers, because he doesn't seem to visit that area of the server. I would never wish to put my work where it isn't wanted nor personally push it towards any of the performers or game staff - if they find it themselves I'm more than happy for them to enjoy it (and will never want to know if they hate it, that might crush my soul), but it's here for us, the fans, to enjoy and play with as an extension to the game.
You're welcome to drop me an ask, darlings, or to contact me through any of the links on my Carrd. If it's about my personal life though, sorry loves~ Part of what gives me the confidence to write and share NSFW works is the little layer of anonymity. I assure you though that my personality and platonic affections are entirely genuine, and I do intend anything nefarious~ I have been asked about KoFi or commissions once or twice, but fan fiction works should remain free to protect our right to keep making it. If I were being cheeky then I might suggest that I wouldn't turn down a gift voucher, but honestly I just enjoy being able to socialise and create within such a wonderful community. Some day I'll try and publish an original smutwork, make just a few pennies from it perhaps, to keep myself supplied with hot drinks and snacks while I curl up in my SmutCave tapping away at some new WIP that has seized my soul~
In short, loves, I'm a little bit like a sexy Batman. I'm the hero nobody asked for that turns up in the dark of the night, few know my secret identity, I have some wonderful accomplices in the Smutstice League (we're making that a thing as of this moment, right?) and I hope to make the world a better place in my own little way. By writing too much. The main difference? I'm not a millionaire/billionaire, and my fashion sense is just slightly better~
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tavyliasin · 9 months
ATG 1 - Meat? Cute.
In which a beginning occurs, and a sample taste of what is to follow.
----- Summary ----- Pairing: Astarion/Tav SPICE Rating: 1/5 (no sexy bits) Content Warnings: Biting, blood, brief overstepping boundaries
Spoilers Setting is ACT1, and includes the early start of the game, along with one of the first encounters with Astarion in camp where we learn about his identity as a vampire spawn. Canon Compliance Canon Adjacent - Follows most of the atmosphere of the scene with a little additional flavour and some changes to make it a little more personal to both characters, and a bit more true to how I felt the scene would play out with this specific Tav. Other Notes This is the warm-up, the beginning of an idea and the way that I flexed some creative muscles to prepare for the rest. Song Suggestion/Mood Pairing Whoever Brings The Night by Nightwish "All you love is a lie You one-night butterfly Hurt me be the one Whoever brings the night The Dark, created to hide the innocent white, the lust of the night Eyes so bright, seductive lies Crimson masquerade where I merely played my part Poison dart of desire" ----- FULL CHAPTER BELOW THE CUT -----
Tavylia Rugala had not been having the best of days, and it was, of course, about to get worse. Blinking away the bright sunlight, she took a moment to check herself over. A quick pat down informed her that all of her limbs were where they were meant to be, with no extra tentacles, and surprisingly none of the searing agony she had expected after the Nautiloid had crashed. What a way to start a day, escaping a mindflayer's ship with a Githyanki as like to murder her as help her, and a slender human woman who was almost certainly hiding something. Probably several somethings, but then who wasn't hiding anything?
Tav sighed and tried to catch her reflection in the still-bloodied dagger she had been clutching like a lifeline. Her eyes looked fine, the usual deep green hue, despite the flashes of memory of something being inserted as here eyelid was prised open… No, no. Not going to think about that. Her skin also looked relatively normal - relatively, because by all standards for a wood elf she was unusually pale. A quirk of birth, perhaps the moon elf lineage on one side or another, not that she could ask her parents either way. All she knew was both had been adventurers, one leaving when she was young to chase down some old family foe, whilst the other succumbed to illness before her tenth year. The elven lifespan meant she had already lived more than one human lifetime on the streets which had taught her several important lessons - first being that dangerous times were better survived with allies.
"Right. Time to find where those two ended up…" ---
Several hours later, Tav had managed to scavenge food, armour, weapons, and even a bunch of junk to sell for more essentials should there come a chance later. She had found Shadowheart quickly too and was grateful to have a Cleric's skills close by, although they were able to confirm that they both had lost many of the skills and strengths they had before the Illithid ship had taken them. A problem for later, they decided, before heading up the coast.
It was here that they heard a new voice calling out for help, and so they found themselves along the cliffs in front of an aristocratic looking elf with skin somehow even paler than Tav's own. Approaching him, her instincts bristled - danger. But there was also something enticing…
Astarion, as he introduced himself,  was hardly the helpless one in need of rescue that he pretended to be, even if she did choose to play along at first. His little trick had failed to catch Tav off guard, one of her few remaining Rogue skills being her keen senses that saw his blade glint in the sunlight before it ever had a chance to come close to her. His deep red eyes didn't carry nearly the same edge as his blade, though, as his voice also wavered with uncertainty. It didn't take long to realise this "noble" (an act she failed to believe for an instant) also carried the same unwelcome guest in his head. For a moment she perhaps envied the worm for having such a fine vessel to carry it, though this was hardly the time for curiosity or libido to raise their heads.
By the time the sun set, she had also pulled an all too charming mage - Gale of Waterdeep, who did seem like every bit the noble that Astarion pretended to be - from a broken portal, and rescued a rather thankless Lae'zel. The darkness brought with it a restless curiosity, which Tav decided might be fun to indulge until rest became a more distinct possibility.
The ruffles on the white silk shirt Astarion wore seemed uniquely designed to draw more attention to the slight area of bare chest and collarbone, his neck also more exposed with a few unusual scars just visible under the moonlight. Although, Tavylia had plenty of her own beneath her scavenged and ill-fitting clothes.
"Well, hello. And to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" His voice carried a musical lilt, tinged with the same mix of danger and provocation as when they had first met earlier that day. He smiled, a well practiced expression that raised more alarms that Tav was silencing.
"So, you can't sleep either?" Her question was innocent enough, for now, though it was clear both rogues were sizing each other up. Both wary to trust from long decades of learning the hard way.
"I thought I might make myself useful and keep watch for a while, you know, keep an eye out for danger while the rest of you get some beauty sleep."
Tav frowned for a moment.
Astarion paused before continuing, eyes taking in the measure of her as she suddenly felt far less dressed. "Well not that you need any of that, of course. Clearly I don't either, though I wouldn't mind a hot bath."
"Clearly." She replied, deciding to play him at his own game. "Perhaps I could offer some company? Four eyes are better than two, right? As long as they aren't in the same head, that is."
"Do the tadpoles count?"
"Gods, I hope not."
"You're right, it is bad enough they're claiming a free ride in our brains. Anyway, I'm sure I can handle a few hours in the dark, why don't you go and get some rest?" Astarion pushed the point, gently perhaps but the barbs on his words were there. The pale elf was unlikely to let Tav talk his pointed ears off all night, it seemed.
"There could be murderers or thieves around, perhaps both of us should be on watch for a while." Her own message carried a sharp point, though the brief moment of disappointment in her companion's face turned to a swift regret for her choice.
A mirthless smirk crossed his features. "Perhaps I am a murderer, and you a thief? For all I know you're just waiting to steal my coin purse the moment I'm asleep-"
"And perhaps you are just waiting for an opportunity to pierce my heart with your blade."
"That would be a waste."
Tav blinked silently, words escaping her entirely at the unexpected response..
"Well, anyway, it looks like we're just going to have to agree to a truce for now. As delightful as it has been to cross sharp wits, the dawn waits for none of us, and you look more exhausted than I feel. How about you agree not to cut my purse, and I agree not to cut your throat, hmm?"
"I suppose I can't say much fairer than that. Although… Look, the lack of trust isn't personal. It's just self preservation. I haven't lived this long by throwing my lot in with every handsome man who tries to stab me on first meeting." A little more truth slipped out than she had expected, though there was as much chance to shove the words back into her mouth unspoken as removing the damned tadpole with a well timed slap to the back of the head. Though she did consider the latter as an option.
She was rewarded by a smirk, a hint of teeth sparkling between his lips. "Handsome now, is it? Good to know."
Tav could've sworn that the man in front of her was a bard had she not already known better. Every motion like a dance, even the tilt of his head as he observed her reaction seemed to be uniquely designed to seduce her away from her better senses. No , she thought firmly, not yet. Safety comes first. We secure our lives, and only then can we indulge in what it means to live.
Within a few days the party of assorted tadpoled strays had grown, and much to their relief had not begun to grow anything more from their own bodies. The tales of ceremorphosis were terrifying, and knowing it could begin at any moment was worse. The druid poison sat in Tav's pocket as a reminder, though she had little desire to use it. There was also the matter of the visitor in their dreams - although each companion spoke of a different appearance, it seemed the messengers delivered similar words to each. Warnings, half truths, and some encouragement and comfort that might help in the days to come.
However it wasn't the ethereal visitor that stirred Tav's dreams, nor was it the hard ground uncomfortable beneath her bedroll. With her eyes still closed she gripped her dagger tightly in her fist, listening to every sense that was screaming DANGER.
She rolled casually, keeping the pretence of sleep, using the moment to allow one eye just a glimpse of the threat she felt prickling at her skin. But the sight confused her more, and she quickly chose to drop the act and find out what was really going on.
"Astarion?" she whispered, one eyebrow raised at the pale elf standing over her in the moonlight. "You seem…unwell."
"Yes, well…oh this is awkward, can't you just go back to sleep? I won't be gone long." He shifted a little awkwardly, his usual airs and graces hidden beneath a level of exhaustion that Tav hadn't expected to see.
"I don't think I can. Besides, why were you walking towards me if you were leaving?" Her eyebrow was creeping ever closer to her hairline as she questioned him.
"At first I thought perhaps you might be willing to help, but on second thought I can manage just fine on my own. Do go back to whatever you were dreaming about, I'm sure it's far more interesting."
"And leave you here looking like that? Something is wrong, and it will be far easier for me to help you if you just tell me what it is." She looked him up and down, trying to figure out what could be peeling back the noble facade so deftly.
"The thing is…I'm hungry. Famished, actually."
"Then get some supplies from my pack, I have plenty and I'm not playing chef to some spoiled rich brat in the middle of the night." Her face softened as she noticed the pained look in his eyes.
"If only that would suffice… Listen, I… There's no easy way to say this, and - not that I blame you - you already clearly don't trust me-"
"I can trust you. I could. But only if you give me the truth." Tav beckoned to the edge of camp. Although the others were asleep, it wouldn't last if they kept up their conversation here.
Astarion followed, looking far less like the confident and swaggering rogue he usually portrayed, and much more like a lost and bedraggled cat, claws still readied but desperately seeking shelter from the storm. "If you're certain…"
The pair took a seat on a fallen tree, illuminated only by the moon. Tav marvelled for a moment at how there was someone even paler than her, though now they were so close in the still air her senses became more aware of the sweet scents drifting from his skin. How he found time to apply such perfumes on the road was beyond her, but the sweet notes of herbs and oils mingled with something a little more sweet and metallic as she drank in the aromas quietly, allowing him time to speak when he was ready.
"What I said a minute ago wasn't a deception. I am hungry. Terribly so. Usually I'd just sneak off and find some animal to satisfy my needs, but with this bloody tadpole and everything else… I'm too weak. I couldn't even catch that blasted boar I tried to send you after." Astarion sighed, hands curled into fists with his frustration. Tav recalled the other boar they had found on the road, and everything began falling into place.
"So you did know."
"No, not entirely. The waking in daylight didn't seem to add up, to be honest. But that confirms it." The unspoken words, of course, were that it also explained most of the air of danger that had lingered around him since they had met, but the sheer exhaustion and for a moment helplessness in his eyes kept that thought from Tav's lips. "So, do you need me to go and hunt something for you, or…?"
"Would you consider that 'or', darling? I would hate to send you off into the woods at this hour." The musical tones were creeping back into his voice, his lips parting just enough for the moonlight to illuminate his fangs.
That prickle of danger in the back of Tav's mind began to be stifled by a far more powerful wave of curiosity. "I'm not going to just give you my entire life on a whim."
"I just need enough to get my strength back. I'll stop before you can come to any real harm, I promise." His eyes were regaining their fire now, still sunken with hunger and exhaustion, but coming alive with possibility and a spark of hope.
"If you don't, I will stop you. That's a promise too." Tav's words were firm, but she could already feel the allure of curiosity, her head tilting back slightly of its own accord to reveal more of her own slender neck.
"Then…if you're sure…" Astarion licked his lips as he took just one more moment in thought. "You should probably get comfortable, at least. Set a bed roll out over here, then you can rest easily afterwards."
"Such a gentleman!" She teased, as she loosened the collar of her outfit while he spread the rough blankets beneath the stars.
Tav wasn't sure what she expected, or even what she had wanted, but given the choice she might have preferred a little less haste. Although, given how clearly famished he was, she could hardly blame Astarion for wanting to quench his thirst.
At first he sat beside her, giving her a moment longer to move her hair aside, but he soon turned to face her, raising on his knees to grip her shoulders with cool and firm hands. With a swift but gentle motion, Astarion pressed her back to the ground, his upper body now above her and his lips swiftly finding the blood vessels on her neck. He didn't, or perhaps couldn't, wait for further words to pass between them. His fangs found their mark, a sharp pain giving way within seconds to a rising heat as they penetrated her soft flesh. His breath was warm and heavy, soft sounds tickling her ear with growing arousal as his tongue traced her skin, tasting and savouring the blood that flowed from the fresh bite. Astarion's grip tightened, a soft gasp escaping Tav's lips as she gripped the bedroll beneath her, mind fighting a confusing battle between lust and self preservation.
The latter, however, began to reassert control as she felt the edges of her consciousness begin to swim.
No response, save for a ravenous moan barely muffled against her throat.
"Astarion! Stop."
His weight still pressed her down as she realised his mind was lost to his hunger, greedy tongue not letting a single drop of her blood away from his lips. Had this not been likely to end her days, Tav would've perhaps preferred to enjoy those sensations, but enough was enough. She summoned the last of her strength to curl her fingers through his soft hair and physically pull him away from her neck. "ENOUGH."
Astarion gasped, a thin line of blood trickling down from his lips, the rush of the moment quickly fading to dark realisation. "Oh. Oh shit. I didn't mean to…I got carried away. I'm sorry, truly."
If it were anyone else, Tav would have thought those wide puppy dog eyes to be another trick, a part of the act to lure her into a false sense of security. But there was a genuine guilt, almost on the brink of tears, that brought a wave if deep sadness rising through her heart even as she rushed to press a handkerchief to the wound on her neck. Although, she was pleased to see that a little more colour and life had returned to the pallid elf above her, as she watched him pull a potion and fresh cloth from his pack.
"Please, allow me. It's the least I can do." The animal hunger in his eyes had entirely dissipated, replaced now by the concern as he gently cleansed her wound, cool hands soothing the heat where his mouth had just burned with desire at her throat. "Drink up, darling, then get some rest. You have given me more than enough strength to get by for now."
Tav let him hold the open potion to her lips, grateful for the slightly bitter medicine as the magic within it sealed her wounds and soothed her soul. Allowing herself a slight smile, she closed her eyes and let sleep take over her mind.
"Delicious…" Astarion muttered, his absent minded whisper barely reaching the edges of Tav's consciousness before the darkness closed in. ----------- ----------- ENDING NOTES ----------- -----------
This was my first ever even mildly spicy fanfic, originally written in late September 2023. That's when Tavylia was born, and the Sins began~ It was the help and encouragement of friends the gave me the courage to start sharing my works, then going a little deeper into fandom...and, well, it snowballed from there, didn't it darlings? Now, if you know my later works, this one will seem very tame. And that's how it goes, really. I built confidence gradually, getting more spicy with time and practice. Is this my best work? Absolutely not, it's rough, tame, and shows real ragged edges. But it set the scene, laid the groundwork for what was coming next. What is that? You'll see, the same time tomorrow, unless you wish to read it all on AO3~
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tavyliasin · 11 months
The very first chapter of my long fic, which I did not realise was going to become quite so extensive or unhinged. Of Living, Loving, and the Strangest of Bedfellows - A Tav's Guide to Fucking Across Faerun: Sordid Coast Edition (ATG) Chapter 1: Meat? Cute. In which a beginning occurs, and a sample taste of what is to follow. --- Sample ---
A mirthless smirk crossed his features. "Perhaps I am a murderer, and you a thief? For all I know you're just waiting to steal my coin purse the moment I'm asleep-"
"And perhaps you are just waiting for an opportunity to pierce my heart with your blade."
"That would be a waste."
Tav blinked silently, words escaping her entirely at the unexpected response..
"Well, anyway, it looks like we're just going to have to agree to a truce for now. As delightful as it has been to cross sharp wits, the dawn waits for none of us, and you look more exhausted than I feel. How about you agree not to cut my purse, and I agree not to cut your throat, hmm?"
"I suppose I can't say much fairer than that. Although… Look, the lack of trust isn't personal. It's just self preservation. I haven't lived this long by throwing my lot in with every handsome man who tries to stab me on first meeting." A little more truth slipped out than she had expected, though there was as much chance to shove the words back into her mouth unspoken as removing the damned tadpole with a well timed slap to the back of the head. Though she did consider the latter as an option.
She was rewarded by a smirk, a hint of teeth sparkling between his lips. "Handsome now, is it? Good to know."
Tav could've sworn that the man in front of her was a bard had she not already known better. Every motion like a dance, even the tilt of his head as he observed her reaction seemed to be uniquely designed to seduce her away from her better senses. No , she thought firmly, not yet. Safety comes first. We secure our lives, and only then can we indulge in what it means to live. --- This chapter starts slow, introducing this Tav (whose name I stole for my writing psuedonym) as well as the beginning of the story. Keeping close to the canon of the initial bite scene, I wanted to explore a little more in detail the feelings and what's going through the minds of both characters. I also know that I'm not writing Astarion's voice well here, too many contractions at the very least, I should go back and edit it at some point to fix that. But we're at least still establishing Tavylia, Rogue, Urchin, Wood Elf with very little left to lose but clinging on to everything she has. Her keen insight speaks volumes about the danger before her, but her curiosity drowns it out easily like a hundred foghorns sounding an unsated libido.
I hope you enjoy it, darlings, this was my toe in the water to get to something more spicy later. It's utterly wild to me how mild this is compared to later chapters~
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